Why do blood vessels burst in the eye? What to do if a vessel in the eye bursts: effective remedies and recipes

A burst vessel in the eye is a common occurrence, and it is impossible not to notice this fact. When even the smallest capillary ruptures, the white of the eye inevitably turns reddish, and sometimes the hemorrhage is more intense, local, and point-like.

This problem can occur in both an adult and a child - you need to know what to do in this case. This is exactly what we will talk about in the article: we will find out the reasons why blood vessels burst in the eyes, we will find out what treatment and prevention measures can be taken.

Let's consider the most likely reasons why we can observe burst blood vessels in the eyes.

Capillaries burst if pressure surges

schematic drawing of the structure of the eye

People suffering from hypertension most often experience burst blood vessels in the eyes for this very reason. Under the influence of increased pressure, small blood vessels cannot stand it and burst, which leads to the fact that they constantly turn red.

This reason is very serious, since in some cases it may indicate the onset of a hypertensive crisis - a very dangerous condition leading to serious consequences.

Injuries and mechanical damage

Various types of bruises, blows to the head and eyes of sufficient force in most cases lead to the appearance of burst blood vessels. In addition, sometimes a similar phenomenon occurs as a result of trauma to blood vessels during surgery. You can find out what types of glaucoma there are.


If a person, for example, engages in heavy sports or strength training, then he may well observe burst blood vessels in the eyes resulting from overexertion. The same applies to lifting heavy objects in everyday life, but women experience similar stress during childbirth.


This endocrine disease is a common cause of burst blood vessels. The fact is that diabetes leads to fragility and thinning of the vascular walls.

Often burst and turn red due to working at the computer and reading

As a result of long and intense work at the computer, reading, and long-term watching of television, the eyes become very tired. As a result of this, several small capillaries in the eyes may rupture.


An unpleasant phenomenon in the form of burst blood vessels in the eye can also be observed by people suffering from weather dependence. With an increase in atmospheric pressure, a sharp change in temperature, or other weather conditions, the capillaries may not be able to withstand and burst. You can find out what eye blepharitis is.


signs of keratitis

This disease is often accompanied by an unpleasant symptom in the form of burst blood vessels in the eyes.


If a neoplasm appears in the organs of vision, it will put pressure on nearby tissues and compress blood vessels. The result is burst capillaries. Note that for this reason it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible, since the consequences can be serious.

Taking medications

Some medications can cause a temporary change in the composition of the blood, which leads, among other things, to the appearance of burst blood vessels. These medications most often include antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants.


If the body experiences a lack of ascorbic acid and rutin, this leads to thinning and fragility of the vascular walls, and loss of elasticity. As a result, blood vessels in the eye burst.

In addition to those listed, there are other possible reasons for this phenomenon, less common. To cope with the problem, you need to find out exactly what caused the unpleasant symptom in your case. Information on how to treat demodicosis of the eyelids can be found on our website.


redness of the eyes due to conjunctivitis

Quite a common cause of the problem. Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory eye disease caused by both viruses and bacteria and fungi. help relieve redness of the conjunctiva.


The main sign of a ruptured vessel in the eye is the coloring of the protein in a reddish color. Sometimes the protein is not stained evenly, but in a dotted spot. If only one vessel has burst, the area of ​​redness will be slight. But if several capillaries burst at once, the entire white of the eye may turn red. You can find out what binasal hemianopia is.

In rare cases, when quite a lot of blood vessels have burst, a person may feel a slight heaviness in the area of ​​the eyes and head. However, this symptom, if it happens, almost always goes unnoticed.

In children

Vessels can burst not only in adults; children are also susceptible to this problem. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the symptom in time and, if it recurs repeatedly, be sure to consult a doctor for help.

The following factors can cause burst blood vessels in a child’s eye:

  • prolonged severe cough;
  • hysterical crying (the reason is especially relevant for infants);
  • physical overstrain;
  • rubbing the eyes with hands, especially dirty ones;
  • eye diseases with inflammatory manifestations;
  • diabetes;
  • foreign body getting into the eyes;
  • injury.

In addition to the above, the following can lead to the appearance of burst blood vessels in a child’s eyes:

  • dust ingress;
  • prolonged exposure to bright sun;
  • “sticking” on TV, computer, tablet.

Having discovered this symptom in a child, the first step is to find out the cause of the phenomenon. There is no need to panic - most likely, this is a one-time phenomenon and is caused either by the baby’s crying or coughing. However, if the symptom recurs regularly, this is a serious reason to visit a doctor and comprehensively examine the baby. In this case, diseases that affect the condition of blood vessels and blood pressure are possible. You can find out what to do if your eyes fester.


Let's find out how you can cope with this unpleasant problem with the help of drug treatment and traditional methods.

Traditional medicine

If burst vessels appear as a consequence of an underlying serious disease, it is necessary to treat it. So, for glaucoma, special drops are prescribed that are injected into the eyes every 15 minutes (for example, Pilocarpine). If burst capillaries appear due to a surge in pressure, it is necessary to take medications that lower blood pressure. accompanied by headaches, itching, burning in the eye area.

If redness is accompanied by painful sensations, drops with an analgesic effect will help.

What drops can help?


The drug can have both a vasoconstrictor and an anti-edematous effect. The drops have a pronounced local effect, and quite quickly. In addition, the effect of their use lasts 8 hours. Visine can also be used if redness of the eyes is caused by conjunctivitis or allergies, which is quite common. The drug is also suitable for people who use contact lenses.


This remedy is effective in relieving broken capillaries due to conjunctivitis, cataracts, damage and trauma to the cornea.


The effect of the product is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, due to which the risk of redness in the eyes can be significantly reduced. must contain antibacterial substances.

If the problem is caused by overwork, you need to put aside work, reading and other activities and rest. The redness in the eyes will go away on its own after rest.


You can use folk and home methods of treatment only as an additional remedy, but in no case as the main one. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to inform your doctor about the use of a particular non-traditional treatment method - before using this method. Below we give examples of several quite effective folk methods for eliminating the problem of burst blood vessels in the eye. Today they use laser.

Cold compresses

If you apply gauze or a bandage soaked in cold water or ice to the eye in which the blood vessel has burst, this will help relieve the condition. Cold acts as a vasoconstrictor, which stops bleeding from burst capillaries.

Both the bandage and the water for such compresses must be clean. It is important not to get an infection in your eyes.


To quickly restore the health of the affected eye, you can make lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile and linden are especially suitable in this case: these herbs are sold in dry form in every pharmacy. In addition, you can use lotions with strong tea leaves. This widely known remedy is quite effective and helps, among other things, cope with inflammatory processes in the eye. accompanied by pressing pain.

Applying vegetables

To quickly clear redness from the whites of your eyes, and at the same time strengthen blood vessels, you can apply circles of fresh cucumber or potatoes to your eyelids. Do not forget to wash the vegetables properly before the procedure. Keep the circles on your eyes for about 20 minutes.

Video: treatment for red eyes

Why blood vessels burst and how to avoid red eyes is presented in our video.


To prevent the appearance of burst blood vessels in the eyes, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations that are quite easy to follow. They do not guarantee 100% protection, but they will help to significantly reduce the risk of this symptom.

You should improve your health by taking special vitamin and mineral complexes. You can use both universal formulations and those designed specifically for the visual organs. In addition, it is recommended to include more fortified foods, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

It is important to give up or minimize bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative impact on the entire body, including the condition of the eyes and blood vessels.

It is also better to minimize the consumption of strong tea and coffee, since in large quantities these drinks have a destructive effect on blood vessels.

It is important to get enough sleep, normalize your daily routine, and rest properly. During intense long-term work or reading, take breaks, exercise for your eyes, and massage.

It is better to minimize physical activity associated with excessive overexertion.

If you have dry eye syndrome, you should regularly use moisturizers such as artificial tears.

Visit an ophthalmologist regularly: at least once a year, it is necessary to undergo an examination by this specialist for preventive purposes. Eye diseases recognized in time are faster and easier to eliminate when they have not yet caused harm to health and reduce the level of vision.

We found out why blood vessels burst in the eyes, and also found out what to do about this problem. As you can see, there can be many reasons for this phenomenon - in order to stop the problem at the root, you need to determine exactly why the vessels burst in your case. Only an accurate diagnosis will help eliminate the problem completely and avoid its subsequent repetitions and relapses.

You can discover trouble in the form of a burst vessel in the eye either after waking up in the morning, or during a normal, measured day. This phenomenon is often so imperceptible that you can accidentally learn about external changes from your interlocutor. This metamorphosis happens quickly, unexpectedly and in some cases painlessly. The causes and treatment of a burst vessel in the eye are interconnected, since treatment of the disease without identifying the root cause is not possible.

Hemorrhage on a previously white surface is not a sight for the faint of heart, but when such a change occurs to a person, it is quite natural that he is overcome by fear of the unknown cause and consequences.

Reasons if a vessel bursts. Why do hemorrhages occur in the eye?

The correct, full functioning of the retina is carried out with the help of the choroid, which is represented by the capillary-venous network. The walls of the bloodstream are fragile, apparently this is a common reason that they burst at the slightest increase in pressure.

In fact, there are many reasons why a vessel in the eye has burst, and they are not always harmless, as it sometimes seems:

Diseases that damage the vascular wall. Systemic vasculitis (Wenger's granulomatosis, Behçet's syndrome, Takayasu's disease).

There are many reasons why a vessel in the eye has burst, and most of them deserve emergency medical attention. A sharp jump in blood pressure can make drastic changes in life, and can even result in death, and glaucoma can cause a person to lose his sight.

Symptoms of a burst vessel

The main symptom, noticeable to the naked eye, is redness unusual for the eye. This becomes a reason to contact a specialist. Redness can be in the form of a small fragment as a result of a violation of the integrity of one capillary and cover the entire eyeball - with a large bruise or hematoma.

The way the result of rupture of blood flow looks has a direct connection with the cause of the pathology. Visually, you can see disturbances in the capillaries of the anterior part of the eye.

Symptoms of hemorrhages depending on the location:

1. Into the retina. This is the nervous tissue lining the inside that provides vision. Bleeding into it temporarily makes it impossible for a person to see. With constant ruptures of capillaries in the retina, visual acuity is impaired, and blindness may be a further prognosis. Often this symptom appears in diabetics, hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the retinal blood flow, and ripples in the eyes are added to it. Only an examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist can make an accurate diagnosis.


2. In the eye socket. When capillaries are broken as a result of injury, blood fills the retrobulbar fatty tissue. This leads to bulging eyes (exophthalmos). Symptoms associated with the disease are swelling and bruising typical of the consequences of injury. The victim has a double image, and there is pain that does not allow him to move the eye.


  • ripples in the eyes;
  • dark spot in the field of view;
  • visual absence of a red spot.

3. Into the vitreous body. The main part of the eye, represented by a transparent formation, allowing the passage of light rays. Focuses them on the retina of the eye. If there is blood, the tissue becomes translucent and vision is lost. This is usually the result of serious injuries and cannot be avoided without the qualified help of an ophthalmologist.


  • a veil before the eyes, a sudden loss of the ability to see;
  • perception of light in red shades;
  • Most often one eye is affected.

4. Into the anterior chamber. Hyphema can be caused by various reasons, but most often it occurs with glaucoma and trauma. The accumulation of blood occurs in the lower part of the anterior surface and is clearly visible to the naked eye. In severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated; in others, the blood resolves within a week without special treatment.

It is the eyes that all people first pay attention to when communicating. Therefore, if there is something wrong with the “mirror of the soul”, it will be immediately noticeable. Reddened eyes with burst blood vessels especially attract attention. A burst vessel is not only very unsightly, but also unpleasant. But in most cases there is nothing to worry about, since the problem itself disappears without a trace after a few days. But, since this has already happened, the reason for this phenomenon should still be established.

Indeed, sometimes vascular weakness indicates the onset of the development of a disease.

Why do blood vessels burst in the eyes - what are the reasons?

There are several reasons why a vessel can burst. The most common among them is a sudden “jump” in blood pressure. In this case, the patient will immediately feel weak, he may feel dizzy, nausea and some other unpleasant symptoms. At this moment, a vessel in the eye can also burst. By the way, very high temperatures and sudden changes in weather often lead to the same result.

Sometimes the eye becomes red after a blow or other penetration. You need to carefully protect your eyes, otherwise the consequences of injury can be much more serious than a burst blood vessel.

And, of course, in some cases the cause of this change is various diseases. If you also have this, then you can read a separate article about this.

What diseases can cause these symptoms?

The cause of a burst vessel can be a serious disease such as diabetes mellitus or some other dangerous pathology that leads to vitamin C deficiency in the human body.

Sometimes a vessel bursts due to keratitis or conjunctivitis. If, in addition to redness of the eye, there are other symptoms of the listed diseases, then you need to seek help from an experienced specialist as soon as possible.

A blood vessel burst and the eye became red - what should I do?

For the first 7-10 days, you should simply observe the condition of your eyes. If there is no pain and the redness gradually subsides, then there is no need to seek help from a doctor. Recommendations from a specialist and treatment will be needed only if, in addition to the burst vessel, there are other symptoms of the disease or the redness lasts longer than two weeks.

For example, with conjunctivitis, in addition to redness, there is also profuse lacrimation, a feeling of sand in the eye and photophobia. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor who will select the appropriate therapy for the patient.

Burst of blood vessels in the whites of the child’s eyes

As for the youngest patients, the causes of a burst vessel in the eye will be exactly the same as in adults. Sometimes this even happens because the baby cries too loudly. To exclude the possibility that the redness appeared due to some disease or infection, you should immediately show the baby to an ophthalmologist, without waiting the specified 7-10 days. After all, the child will not always be able to feel additional symptoms himself and point them out to his parents.


First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon. If this is a disease, then you will need to follow all the doctor’s instructions for its treatment. As a rule, in this case, a specialist prescribes eye drops or, in the most difficult cases, injections.

If the reasons are less serious, then it will be enough to give your eyes a rest. To prevent this phenomenon, you should pay attention to special exercises for the eyes, and also wipe them with warm black tea from time to time.

Medicines to strengthen eye blood vessels, drops and vitamins

To prevent various eye diseases in the future, you should strengthen them in advance. In addition to exercises and special massage, it is recommended to use special medications - drops and vitamins.

For example, vitamin complexes that contain blueberry extract and beta-carotene have an excellent strengthening effect. Of course, you can simply eat blueberries and carrots in large quantities, but it is much easier to buy ready-made products at the pharmacy. Moreover, a person may need such prevention even in winter, when it is quite difficult to get these berries.

Vitamins of group B, as well as A and C, are essential. Having examined the packaging with the selected vitamin complex, you can clarify whether they contain these important ingredients.

Strengthening drops are also useful. These are, for example, “Katachrome” and “Quinax”, which are effective prevention of many eye diseases. But the well-known “Vizin” will help to avoid bursting blood vessels if you instill such drops on time, for example, after a hard day at work.

For those who constantly wear lenses, Natural Tear drops are perfect. They are especially useful in cases where a person’s eyes lack natural moisture.

Video: Eye hemorrhage

People are unaware of the pathological changes occurring inside the body until their health deteriorates.

But the changes that occur on the outer membranes of the eye or around it become noticeable as soon as you approach the mirror. You can also pay attention to such a phenomenon as a burst vessel on the sclera.

A hyperemic stripe or bruise is immediately noticeable against the background of a light conjunctiva; this condition not only leads to aesthetic discomfort, but can also be the cause of certain diseases.

Naturally, a person is looking for ways to eliminate such a nuisance, but before starting treatment, it is necessary to know the specific cause leading to conjunctival hemorrhage.

Causes leading to hemorrhage of the blood vessels of the eye

The small blood vessels located in the sclera of the eye are distinguished by thin walls, so any unfavorable provoking factor very quickly leads to disruption of their structure, due to which the wall becomes thinner or tense, and blood pours out under the conjunctiva.

There are a huge number of reasons for this condition, the most basic include:

  1. A sharp increase in blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension for a number of years often notice hemorrhages on the sclera, this happens because the increase in pressure leads to excessive blood supply and small arteries, unable to withstand the pressure, burst. Sometimes burst blood vessels can be the first sign of hypertension, because some people do not feel any signs of the disease.
  2. Physical overexertion - lifting weights, intense training of athletes. In a woman, numerous capillaries on the sclera burst at the time of childbirth - during pushing.
  3. Endocrine disorders, especially diabetes mellitus. With this disease, all blood vessels become thinner, which also affects the eyes.
  4. Ophthalmological diseases - conjunctivitis and eye keratitis. With such diseases, hemorrhage on the sclera is accompanied by other symptoms - lacrimation, itching, discomfort.
  5. Injuries can range from blows to the eye or bruises to the head.
  6. Prolonged overexertion - you can notice redness of the eyes after working for a long time with documents, with a computer, or reading.
  7. High weather sensitivity - in some weather-dependent people, reddened sclera is noticeable after changes in pressure or temperature.
  8. You can also notice burst blood vessels after a hot bath or taking large doses of alcohol.
  9. Vitamin deficiencies are a deficiency of ascorbic acid and rutin in the body.
  10. Flu.
  11. Intraocular formations - benign or malignant tumors lead to overstrain and stretching of all parts of the eye, along with small arteries and capillaries.
  12. In some cases, hemorrhage occurs with long-term use of blood thinning drugs.

In babies under one year old, blood vessels often burst after crying heavily or with constipation, when the baby cannot go to the toilet and push hard.

A single occurrence of hemorrhages caused by stress should not worry parents, but if the pathological process occurs repeatedly in the eyes, you should contact not only the eye clinic, but also a pediatrician. Promotes frequent hemorrhage and myopia.


The main symptom is hemorrhage, noticeable immediately. The bruising may be at the bottom or at the top of the eye, and if several arteries are simultaneously destroyed, the sclera may turn completely red. Some people notice only visual signs, others note discomfort in the lower or upper eyelid, a feeling of dryness, and a slight burning sensation.

If the cause of the disturbance in the structure of the vessel is a jump in blood pressure, then the sick person may complain of a headache, poor health, and black spots before the eyes.

Hemorrhage often occurs in only one eye; both eyes are affected much less frequently; according to localization, several forms are distinguished:

  1. Retinal hemorrhage– blurring of visible objects occurs, vision decreases, and spots may appear before the eyes. The frequent occurrence of such symptoms leads to the appearance of spots on the retina and a sharp deterioration in vision. If the symptoms are minor, the condition of the eye returns to normal after rest and taking hemostatic drugs.
  2. Hemorrhage into the orbit occur with injuries to the eye and skull, less often with blood diseases. The appearance of bulging eyes is noticeable - a sharp displacement of the eyeball forward; the sick person complains of a decrease in eye mobility. Split objects, pain, loss of vision. Hemorrhagic spots can be seen on the apples of the eyelids and on the conjunctiva.
  3. Vitreous hemorrhage is considered a serious pathology and requires emergency assistance. In addition to the dark tubercle on the sclera, flashes of light occur in front of the eyes, moving spots are detected, and vision deteriorates sharply. Lack of treatment leads to retinal detachment.
  4. Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye are designated by the medical term hyphema. The formation on the eye is red, homogeneous, with a vertical position of the body it descends into the lower parts of the eye, and with a horizontal position it can occupy a significant part of the sclera. Hyphemas usually resolve within a few days. If their resorption is not observed for more than 10 days, then it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist - a similar eye condition occurs with intraocular pressure.

How to quickly restore transparency to your eyes

The main thing that worries a person with a hemorrhage in the eye is the aesthetic side, so everyone is looking for ways to quickly get rid of the disease.

Eye care should be withheld depending on the influence of the provoking factor.

You can take the following steps on your own, before visiting an ophthalmologist:

  1. Giving your eyes a rest is best if it is a long sleep. Compliance with this condition is necessary in case of overwork, stressful situations, or working at the computer for a long time.
  2. If you have hypertension, you must take an antihypertensive drug prescribed by your doctor.
  3. A contrasting eye bath will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You need to pour cold water into one container and warm water into another. It is necessary to immerse the inflamed eye in one cup or another of water for several minutes.

If hemorrhage in the eyes appears frequently, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps such a pathology is caused by ophthalmological diseases, somatic diseases or a lack of vitamins.


The regular appearance of red spots on the eyes requires the most careful attitude to your health. After the examination, the therapist or ophthalmologist will prescribe a course of therapy aimed at treating the identified cause.

In addition, a person suffering from hemorrhages on the sclera can take some steps to prevent the recurrence of the problem.

  1. It is necessary to enrich your usual diet with food containing the maximum amount of vitamin C and rutin. They are found in citrus fruits, bell peppers, vegetables and fruits of a rich dark green color - spinach, broccoli, lettuce.
  2. It is necessary to reduce physical work and heavy lifting.
  3. When reading books or working with office equipment, you need to rest your eyes for a few minutes every hour.
  4. Heat and high humidity can provoke hemorrhage, so visits to steam rooms should be kept to a minimum.
  5. For colds and flu, you need to take antiviral drugs and vitamin C, this will prevent the destruction of small capillaries.
  6. On windy days and when the air is extremely dry, you need to wear glasses and wash your eyes after going outside.
  7. Endocrine diseases and hypertension require regular use of medications prescribed by a doctor. Compliance with this condition will not allow secondary symptoms of diseases to develop, including preventing hemorrhages.
  8. When using air conditioning at home, you need to install air humidifiers, since excessive dryness also worsens the condition of the eyes.
  9. You should always get enough sleep.

In case of eye injuries, you must immediately consult a doctor; some conditions require assistance within the first hours; compliance with this condition will allow you to completely preserve your vision.

Hemorrhages that occur with bacterial conjunctivitis require specific treatment - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops. Hemorrhage, which occurs with swelling and discharge of pus, also requires emergency assistance.


Intended for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages. Instill 1-2 drops up to three times a day, the course of treatment can last up to a month.

For ophthalmological diseases or neoplasms, eye drops should be prescribed by a doctor. A properly designed treatment plan will prevent serious vision problems in the future.

A burst vessel on the sclera of the eye can be the result of quickly passing fatigue or a symptom of dangerous pathologies, so you should not put off visiting a doctor.

  1. If possible, find out the cause - measure blood pressure and temperature. If your blood pressure is high, you need to take medication. If you are using herbs, you should definitely see a doctor.
  2. Eye fatigue requires a long rest for two to three days. If this cannot be done, then you need to get a good rest at night.
  3. Regularly recurring hemorrhages require a comprehensive examination of the body.

Without a normally functioning organ of vision - the eye, a person's life does not change for the better. In many cases, it is possible to prevent serious visual impairment by regularly visiting a doctor, this is especially necessary for people over 40 years of age.

When a vessel in the eye bursts, this condition is called “subconjunctival hemorrhage.” Through medical research, it has been confirmed that they are relatively harmless because they do not cause discomfort or visual impairment, despite the external symptoms.
When a blood vessel in the conjunctival layer bursts, blood appears and the eye may turn red.

The main source of blood supply to the eyeball is the choroid or choroid. This is the uveal part of the eye. Thanks to it, the photosensitive cells of the retina are nourished. The eyes have a high blood flow rate, and the choroid also regulates it, influencing the temperature of the retina. This choroid contains veins and capillaries, which can become damaged, causing hemorrhages.

In addition to the choroid, the conjunctiva, which covers the sclera - this is the white membrane of the eyes - is injured. The conjunctiva consists of a large number of thin vessels that are easily damaged. Visually, in case of injury, you can see a red spot in the projection of the sclera under the conjunctiva.

Based on the location of the burst vessel, all hemorrhages that can occur are classified into several types:

  • hyphema - blood enters the anterior eye chamber;
  • subconjunctival hemorrhage - blood entering under the conjunctiva;
  • vitreous rupture;
  • retinal tear.

The first two types of disorders can be seen independently, but the latter can only be detected by an ophthalmologist.

Causes of hemorrhages

All the reasons that a vessel in the eye bursts are divided into two large groups: external and pathological.


So, the reasons why a blood vessel burst in the eye of an adult are the following influences:

  • physical overexertion - rupture can occur when lifting weights or too intense strength training;
  • childbirth - when pushing during the process of maximum effort during the birth of a child, blood vessels often begin to burst, this feature is inherent in most women in labor;
  • overexertion - after sitting at a computer for a long time, watching TV, reading in insufficiently strong lighting;
  • high sensitivity to weather changes - then the main reason is a sharp change in atmospheric pressure and air temperature.

Pathological factors

Serious diseases are also caused by a condition where blood vessels burst. This should alert you; most often the disease is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. The pathological factors of hemorrhages include:

  • Hypertension, an unexpected surge in pressure, a hypertensive crisis, is especially dangerous for the eye capillaries.
  • Diabetes mellitus – pathology causes microangiopathy with damage to capillaries. As the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream increases, the vascular walls become thinner and then burst.
  • Keratitis is a disease caused by pathogenic viruses, bacteria, allergies, and even the usual ingestion of specks. This disorder is accompanied by redness of the eye shell, its cloudiness and fear of light.
  • Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the eye, the conjunctiva. It is diagnosed when pathogenic microbes penetrate, vitamin deficiency or allergies.
  • A tumor - a neoplasm provokes the destruction of small capillaries - this leads to ruptures.
  • Vitamin deficiency - with a lack of vitamin C, P, vascular walls become too brittle and can burst without an obvious reason.
  • Fragility of blood vessels - a problem that accompanies some eye diseases, for example, glaucoma, and can also occur after taking certain medications.

Capillaries often burst due to head injuries.

Symptoms of a burst vessel

The main symptom is redness in the place where the vessel burst. It is this visual sign that often forces a person to go to the hospital. The eyes may turn red in spots, or the entire eye may become red when there are many damaged capillaries or the bruise is too extensive.

Other symptoms depend on the cause that provoked the problem and on where in the eye the vessel burst, where the blood then entered.

Only tears localized in the anterior sections are visible to the naked eye. But the larger side of the eye is hidden in the skull, so there are also vessels there that can burst, but this will not be visible outwardly.

Vessels burst in different sections:

  1. Retina. This type of hemorrhage is considered the most dangerous. The retina is a nervous tissue that lines the inside of the eye and provides vision to a person. If, after a capillary bursts, the hemorrhage affects the retina, then blurred vision or even blindness occurs.
    The cause of bruising is mainly diabetes mellitus, hypertension or vascular pathologies of the retina itself. If a vessel has burst, only a doctor can diagnose it, because there are no external signs; the patient may complain about “spots” or the formation of blind spots.
  2. Eye socket. This hemorrhage constantly accompanies injuries. Blood enters the fatty retrobulbar tissue, causing bulging eyes. At the same time, periorbital swelling with bruising occurs, the eye may hurt, there are difficulties in moving it, and double vision.
  3. Vitreous body. The main part of the eye, filled with a transparent formation, is the vitreous humor. It is responsible for the penetration of light rays and their focusing on the retina. When the vitreous body loses its transparency due to hemorrhage, vision deteriorates. Such hemorrhages usually accompany injuries. The pathology requires ophthalmological correction.
  4. Anterior chamber of the eye. In another way, this part is called hyphema. Hemorrhage develops under the influence of injury or glaucoma. Blood accumulates in front at the bottom of the eye - this is also a visual disturbance. Usually, no special correction is needed for the condition, since the blood resolves itself within 7 to 10 days. In severe cases, medical attention may be required.
  5. Sclera and conjunctiva. These are the types of bruises that people often find in themselves. They are visible immediately. The condition can be provoked by pressure drop, dryness, and inflammation.

What to do with a burst vessel

When it is clear that a capillary in the eye has burst, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist. He will identify the real cause of the problem and explain how dangerous it is or if there is nothing to worry about. Suitable treatment is given as needed. You should not try to use medications yourself, so as not to complicate the situation and, in the worst case, completely lose your vision.

The doctor does not always carry out therapy, because the hemorrhage may not be dangerous, not a consequence of the disease, and will resolve on its own after a few days.

A disorder can be cured only by knowing its cause. The doctor diagnoses the provoking factor and, if necessary, eliminates it. After this, the vessels will stop bursting, the bruise will begin to go away on its own after a while.

If the vessel is damaged under the influence of overwork, then it is important to give your eyes a rest, do relaxing exercises, follow the rules of hygiene, and reduce the time spent at the computer and reading.

For hypertension, a course of antihypertensive medications will be required. For inflammation, antibiotic drops are required; for dry eye syndrome, artificial tears are required. The doctor chooses the right medicine in accordance with tests that help determine the pathogen. Tetracyclines, cephalosporins, sulfonamides or chloramphenicol are commonly used.

There are also emergency conditions that require immediate assistance. For allergies, the use of antihistamine drops is required - Phenylephrine, Ketotifen, etc. When glaucoma worsens, it is important to know what to do if a vessel in the eye bursts. The patient needs urgent help, which consists of the following:

  • drip after 15 minutes 2 drops of Pilocarpine concentration 1%;
  • take an analgesic or get an injection;
  • take diuretic tablets - usually Furosemide.

When a vessel bursts under the influence of an eye disease or the presence of a neoplasm, only a doctor prescribes treatment.

If the capillaries are fragile, a course of Ascorutin may be prescribed - the drug strengthens blood vessels, and also works well for vitamin deficiency caused by insufficient intake of rutin and ascorbic acid into the body. Ascorutin is a good prevention of injuries to weakened capillaries.

Drug therapy

If a vessel bursts when exposed to external factors, and the condition is not accompanied by discomfort and pain, there is no need for drug therapy. But to speed up healing, you need to know what drops to drip if a vessel in the eye bursts:

  • Visine - helps get rid of dryness and remove discomfort. It is permissible to instill up to 3 – 5 times a day.
  • Hyphenosis - has a positive effect on the sclera of the eye, combats dryness and irritation.
  • Taufon – accelerates the natural restoration of damaged capillaries.
  • Emoxipin - designed specifically to eliminate the consequences after hemorrhages. Drops are used in a course, the duration of which depends on the severity of the damage and can last up to 30 days.

The use of any of the listed drugs is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. You should not use the drops yourself to avoid causing side effects.

When hemorrhage occurs due to the development of the disease, the symptom can only be dealt with by treating the underlying pathology. This requires the help of a doctor.


If blood vessels burst frequently, you need to visit a doctor, identify the cause and select appropriate correction methods. Treatment prognosis is almost always favorable. But in addition to organizing drug treatment, additional lifestyle changes are required:

  • give the body full rest; immediately after a hemorrhage, you can suspend any physical activity for a while or at least reduce its intensity;
  • after 30 minutes at the computer, take a break, at this time do light eye exercises, walk around a little;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • try to protect your eyes from gusts of wind, sun rays, dust particles, and periodically ventilate the room;
  • buy a humidifier and turn it on regularly;
  • wash your face with cool water several times a day - this stimulates blood microcirculation.

What not to do

After hemorrhage has occurred, the following actions are not recommended:

  • instillation of vasoconstrictors - this will not help, it will only worsen the condition;
  • making eyelid lotions with tea leaves is a fairly popular traditional medicine recipe, used by many at home, but in reality it does not stop the inflammation process, but only aggravates fundus disorders;
  • touch, rub eyes;
  • be treated with medications without being prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Prevention measures

With frequent ruptures, it is important to pay attention to the diet; it must be complete and include enough vitamins. You should give up bad habits, including coffee. It is very important to organize a rest and work schedule. Sleep should be at least 8–9 hours per day.

If possible, you should reduce the time you watch TV, work at the computer, or use special glasses.

In most cases, the bursting of a vessel does not threaten human health; the injury will go away within 1–2 days. But when a similar situation occurs too often, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis, possibly of other organs that affect their health.

So, special treatment is not always required for ruptured capillaries in the eye. As a rule, the problem resolves on its own after the influence of the irritating factor is relieved. The basic rule is to diagnose the cause of the disorder. If she is overtired, reconsider the ratio of work and rest. If you have regular hemorrhages, you cannot avoid consulting a doctor. There is no need to put off visiting him. If you neglect your health and treatment, you can achieve disastrous consequences.