How to restore sleep using folk remedies. Folk remedies to combat poor sleep

Adequate sleep is an important component of health and well-being. Night rest is necessary for recovery after physical exertion, processing and analysis of information accumulated during the day, and regulation of the functioning of internal organs. Reducing its duration or reducing its quality (for example, due to frequent awakenings) has a negative impact on well-being. Therefore, normalizing sleep is of great importance.

A person needs good, healthy sleep

The most common problem is insomnia. Every third person has experienced this condition at least once, and 10-15% of people experience chronic insomnia. At the same time, sleep is more often disturbed in the elderly. Dissatisfaction with nighttime rest is reported by 25% of older men and 50% of older women.

In children, common causes of insomnia are excessive stress on the nervous system (worries, excess impressions) and overwork. There are many more factors that disrupt sleep in adults. Insomnia can be caused by changes in the daily routine, leading to disruptions in the circadian rhythm, uncomfortable conditions for rest, and certain diseases. An important role in the occurrence of problems with night rest is given to psychological factors, primarily chronic stress.

Normal sleep creates the conditions for full activity during the day. At the same time, all events that occurred during the waking period are reflected in the quality of night rest. Interpersonal conflicts, significant changes that disrupt the usual daily routine, strong experiences, including positive ones - all these are variants of traumatic situations. In the life of an adult, they occur every day, contributing to the development of stress. The latter negatively affects the quality of night rest, which inevitably leads to a deterioration in well-being during the day.

Sleep after stress is restless and superficial. The person cannot sleep and often wakes up. Lack of rest leads to daytime sleepiness, decreased attention, deterioration in performance, and aggravates existing chronic diseases. For these reasons, sleep restoration should be given close attention.

Sleep disorders occur at any age and each age category has its own types of disorders.

Taking sleeping pills is not the way to start in the fight against insomnia. How to properly normalize sleep in adults without resorting to drug therapy:

  • Start adjusting your daily routine.
  • Pay attention to sleep hygiene issues.
  • Use psychotherapeutic techniques.

How to restore sleep if the above is not enough? You can take light sedatives: tincture of valerian or motherwort, novo-passit. Herbal remedies reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and promote sleep. A more effective remedy among over-the-counter sleeping pills is melaxen, an analogue of the human sleep hormone. The advantages of this drug over strong hypnotics are as follows:

  • No impact on sleep structure.
  • Daytime activity does not suffer: there is no drowsiness, feeling of exhaustion, decreased attention, etc.
  • Taking Melaxen does not cause addiction or dependence.
  • The drug is non-toxic.
  • It does not depress breathing, which means it is safe for snoring and obstructive apnea syndrome.

However, we should not forget that insomnia can be a symptom of a disease. In this case, correcting the daily routine, restoring psychological comfort, and sometimes even using mild sleeping pills is not enough to solve the problem. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. To overcome insomnia, you will need to treat the underlying disease.

Insomnia can also occur in healthy people due to fatigue and mental agitation.

Atmosphere in the bedroom

Creating comfortable conditions is a simple and effective way to improve sleep:

  • The bed should be comfortable.
  • Bedding is selected according to personal preferences. Some people like to sleep on a soft mattress, others like an orthopedic one. The same applies to the size and hardness of the pillow, the thickness of the blanket, and the fabric from which the bed linen is made. Basic requirements: bedding must be made of high-quality material, not cause discomfort, be cleaned periodically and replaced with new ones at the end of its service life.
  • There are no strict rules when choosing sleepwear. The main thing is that the person feels comfortable.
  • The atmosphere in the bedroom plays an important role. The room should not be stuffy; a temperature of 18-21°C is considered comfortable. Air humidity also matters. Its deficiency contributes to drying of the mucous membranes, which is manifested by nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing. One way to restore sleep patterns is to use a humidifier. You should also remove “dust collectors” from the bedroom: soft toys, books, indoor plants.

How to improve your sleep schedule? It is necessary to create optimal conditions for falling asleep:

  • Eliminate sources of loud sounds and strong odors.
  • Ensure the room is darkened.
  • Some people find quiet, soothing music or monotonous sounds (such as a fan) to help them fall asleep.

It is necessary to remember: the bed is intended for sleeping. You should not read a book, watch TV or eat while lying in bed. The bed should be perceived solely as a sleeping place; staying in it should contribute to a feeling of drowsiness and the desire to fall asleep.

Create comfortable sleeping conditions in your bedroom

What do you need to do to want to sleep?

Organizing a proper daily routine is another way to normalize sleep. Here are some points to pay attention to:

  • Daytime naps are not always beneficial. If a person has had enough sleep during the day, it is difficult for him to fall asleep in the evening.
  • Moderate physical activity helps induce feelings of fatigue and reduces the time it takes to fall asleep. However, it should be remembered: excessive loads lead to fatigue and increase the excitability of the central nervous system. You should not exercise immediately before falling asleep. 2 hours before bedtime, any physical activity should be stopped. The only exception is having sex. The climax promotes psychological and physical relaxation and speeds up falling asleep.
  • Pleasant, soothing rituals help to cope with insomnia: a warm bath, massage, aromatherapy, calm music.
  • Falling asleep and waking up should occur at a certain time.

Nutritional habits have a significant impact on the quality of night's rest. So, you should not sleep hungry or, on the contrary, have dinner too late (it is recommended to eat your last meal 2-3 hours before falling asleep). Some substances increase the excitability of the central nervous system. For this reason, caffeine-containing foods and drinks should be consumed at least 6-8 hours before bedtime. Nicotine also disrupts sleep, so it is better to quit smoking altogether. You should not abuse alcohol. In small doses it has a calming effect, but in large doses it significantly disrupts the structure of sleep.

Taking sleeping pills is not the only method to restore sleep. Strong hypnotics, when used for a long time, cause addiction and dependence; they can provoke drowsiness during the day, reduce concentration, and reduce reaction speed. Therefore, in the treatment of insomnia, preference is given to non-drug methods of influence.

Insomnia is a ticking time bomb in your body!

Behavior correction

Worrying about not being able to sleep only makes the problem worse. How to restore sleep patterns if insomnia is the result of fear of an upcoming sleepless night? Behavioral correction methods can help:

  • Making a plan for the next day or thinking about various issues should not be done in the evening. Increased mental activity, like physical activity, does not contribute to falling asleep quickly and proper rest. Before going to bed, you should let go of worries and worries.
  • Don't lie in bed if you don't want to sleep. A method that thus normalizes sleep is to limit the amount of time you spend in bed while awake. If you are unable to fall asleep within 15 minutes in the evening, you should get up. The next attempt to fall asleep is made after 40-50 minutes. You also have 15 minutes to fall asleep. If sleep does not occur, the described actions are repeated. In the morning you shouldn’t lie too long. After waking up, you can stay in bed for no more than 15 minutes. Getting up and going to sleep, preferably at the same time.
  • You can't force yourself to sleep. Failure provokes anxiety and fear of insomnia, which only makes the situation worse.
  • We must adequately perceive the existing problem. You should not focus on insomnia or be afraid of it. Worrying about poor sleep does not help you fall asleep.

It is important to understand: 2-3 hours before bedtime are not intended for vigorous activity. During this time, stimulating and irritating actions should be avoided. You should not get into arguments before going to bed, laugh a lot, listen to loud music, watch action-packed films, etc.


How to restore sleep patterns? Insomnia should be dealt with step by step. Taking a strong sleeping pill right away is not the best solution. It is necessary to start with non-drug treatment methods. Psychotherapeutic techniques, regulation of the daily routine and adherence to sleep hygiene recommendations have a good therapeutic effect.

Of medications, if the need for them still arises, preference should be given to mild sedatives. They are non-addictive, low-toxic and do not disrupt sleep patterns. Strong sleeping pills taken independently without medical supervision can be harmful. Only a specialist can prescribe such medications.

Difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep, anxiety and irritation that accompany night rest indicate that you have insomnia. This is a common disorder that is harmful to the body at any age.

The cause may be noise, bright light, overwork, time zone change, as well as mental, somatic, and neurological pathologies. In the first case, the source can be easily eliminated.

If the reason for poor sleep is another disease, then therapeutic measures will help your night's rest become high-quality. In case of overwork and stress, the best remedy is a daily routine and the use of healing herbal infusions.

Let's look at how to improve sleep using folk remedies for adults of different sexes and children.

Ways to improve your sleep quality

The good thing about traditional medicine recipes is that they are not addictive and have a lasting effect. They need to be used regularly and for a long time, but the body will reliably adjust to the desired rhythm, and after discontinuation of the drug it will not cause another failure.

Don't expect results too quickly. In the first days you will not feel any changes. Continue the course and be sure to see positive dynamics.

When choosing what to drink to improve your sleep, remember that some herbal remedies may contain allergens. Approach the issue individually.

There are many ways to improve your sleep quality.

This is a set of rules that must be followed to ensure healthy and quality sleep for an adult:

You need to go to bed feeling pleasantly tired. If you were unable to achieve this state in the evening, it is better to take a short walk in the fresh air.

Sleep hygiene for children requires a number of restrictions. You cannot listen to loud music, watch scary films, stimulating programs, or play too actively.

Don't give your child a lot of fluids before bed. During hygiene procedures, it is better to take a contrast shower.

Soothing baths

A pine bath will help calm your nerves in 5 minutes. Take warm water, dissolve pine extract and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

A pleasant and useful procedure stimulates metabolic processes, improves skin condition, and improves immunity. Excellent for fatigue and headaches.

Tea for improving sleep based on herbs will help you calm down and fall asleep quickly. You can use one plant or create a collection to suit your taste.

Tea should be drunk in warm, small sips. Instead of sugar, add a spoonful of natural honey. This will have an even more beneficial effect on the nervous system.

If there is no healing herb, honey can be mixed in a glass of warm water and drunk at any time in the evening or night.

Drinks with a high content of vitamins are considered useful for normalizing sleep: compotes of dried apricots, apples, prunes, and figs.

If you have insomnia, taking vitamins to improve your sleep will help. These could be pills, capsules, or foods rich in certain vitamins.

B vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of brain cells. They participate in adaptation processes during the transition from sleep to wakefulness and reduce anxiety. Contained in cereals, liver, nuts.

Vitamin A ensures growth and development, prevents cell aging. Contained in carrots, broccoli, hard cheese, potatoes, avocado, sea fish, liver.

Vitamin E improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents the development of irritability and apathy. Contained in cabbage, rowan, parsley, sea buckthorn, legumes, rose hips.

Heavy blanket

A heavy blanket will help reduce feelings of anxiety and increase the production of melatonin (a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms).

Just don't let your body overheat. It is better if the external temperature in the room is slightly lower than usual.

The benefits of herbs are based on their beneficial effects on the central nervous system and their relaxing effect on the body.

With the help of simple processing (regular brewing), beneficial substances are released from herbs to maintain human health.

To improve sleep in adults, herbs are used:

Plant materials collected in ecologically clean areas or purchased at a pharmacy are brewed in the form of teas and infusions. You can take different proportions or an equal amount of herb at one time, drink it in its natural form or flavor it with honey or homemade jam.

The course of treatment includes 3 doses a day. Drinking a small amount of herbal tea just before bed helps normalize the nervous system, help you fall asleep faster, and sleep without interruptions.

A baby's restful sleep depends on different criteria.. The cause of concern may be flatulence, teething, hunger, too high a room temperature, or lack of fresh air.

Eliminating the causes will help you calm down and fall into a deep sleep. Before going to bed at night, you can give a relaxing massage, sing a lullaby to your baby, and ventilate the room well. Tummy pain will be soothed by fennel tea and a light decoction of dill.

Older people sleep fewer hours.

To ensure quality sleep, an elderly person should follow these rules:

  • do not go to bed during the daytime;
  • take short walks 1-2 times a day;
  • exercise moderately;
  • eliminate the consumption of coffee and alcohol;
  • don't eat before bed.

Women try to do a lot of things in the evening, after they put the children to bed and are “freed” from the main loads. By going to bed after midnight, women risk their health and appearance.

In order to have quality rest and not have problems falling asleep, you should follow the recommendations:

Compliance with daytime and evening rituals, the right attitude towards food, and taking herbal remedies according to folk recipes will help you sleep soundly and wake up rested and full of energy.

Make sure your bedroom is dark. Light suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Therefore, the room where you sleep should be completely dark. This will increase melatonin production and help you fall asleep faster.

  • Draw curtains or close blinds to block light from street lights.
  • If you can't achieve complete darkness, you can use a sleep mask (or even throw a T-shirt over your eyes if you don't have a mask).

Make sure that the room temperature during sleep is between 15-19 C. Just like animals that hibernate, our body temperature drops during sleep. A cool room will be optimal for sleeping.

  • If you have a room thermostat, set the temperature so that the room you sleep in is cool and comfortable.
  • If you don't have air conditioning or are otherwise unable to control the temperature in your bedroom and the room is too hot, you can open a window or turn on a fan. If your bedroom is cold, you can use a hot water bottle, a heating pad, or an extra blanket to warm up.
  • Eliminate sources of noise. Traffic, noisy neighbors, your partner's snoring, and barking dogs can all interfere with your ability to get quality sleep. Unfortunately, in such circumstances there is little we can change. The most popular means of combating external noise are earplugs. You can also use a white noise machine or soothing music to help you fall asleep.

    • Turn on a fan, white noise machine, or tune your radio between stations so that you hear the distinctive white noise, a constant, monotonous sound that masks sleep-disrupting noises.
    • If you don't have a fan or white noise machine, you can download an app on your phone with sounds of a waterfall, thunderstorm, or ocean waves. Such sounds will lull you to sleep.
  • Practice deep breathing, which promotes relaxation. Deep breathing is a quick and easy way to calm yourself and relieve tension.

    • Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
  • Write down everything that's bothering you. If you have anxious or obsessive thoughts, write them down.

  • Have a snack, such as a piece of bread. The food we eat before bed affects the quality of our night's rest. Of course, eating before bed affects people differently. If you have trouble falling asleep when you're hungry, be sure to have a snack before bed.

    • Foods containing carbohydrates and tryptophan, such as whole grain bread, turkey and bananas, cause drowsiness.
    • Give preference to non-spicy foods. Spicy or sour foods can cause digestive problems. Also try not to eat fatty foods. Your body will have to work hard to digest fatty foods, which can make it difficult for you to sleep.
    • Before going to bed, avoid sweets and caffeine, which are stimulants and keep you awake.
  • Most often, insomnia develops according to the same tiresome scenario: it’s night outside, there is sand in the eyes, but, on the contrary, there is no sleep in either eye. Is it possible to fall asleep quickly without resorting to sleeping pills?

    You can if you have sex before. The effect is almost one hundred percent, nature itself knows what it is doing - sex is ideally relaxing both physically and mentally.

    It doesn’t work out with eroticism - make your body tired by doing either physical labor or physical education. Just do this not before bedtime, but at 6-7 pm.

    Many people find that a bath with a soothing aroma helps against insomnia. Another option is meditative music at the limit of audibility or an audiobook in headphones.
    A cup of warm milk with a dessert spoon of honey is considered a good remedy. Spices - cardamom, saffron, turmeric or nutmeg - will give milk an additional soporific effect.

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    In addition, we can try to “suspend” the brain so that it turns off for a while and allows us to fall asleep. Imagine, for example, a gray wall in front of your eyes, focus on this picture, trying not to allow any extraneous thoughts. And finally, the most effective option for insomnia is to start remembering someone’s long-forgotten names, addresses, and phone numbers. Gradually the brain will get confused and give out a “lights out”.

    Together with the roosters
    Another nasty trick of the sleepless brain is waking up too early. It's still a long way until dawn, and I can't sleep any longer.
    Maybe it will work out if you freeze well enough - go out onto the balcony or stand by the open window, and then warm up under the blanket. An alternative way is to go to bed hungry the night before, and when you wake up at the crack of dawn, eat and drink. Most likely, you will be drawn to sleep - these are the characteristics of our body.

    Don't be vigilant
    Too much light sleep prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. The solution is very simple: earplugs in the ears, a special soft bandage on the eyes. Insomnia will go away.

    Night "twitch"
    If you've had a hard, nervous day, it's good to drink chamomile tea before bed. Or take a warm bath with lavender essential oil. Next, it’s good to give yourself a light massage or ask someone close to you about it. A soothing face mask also works wonderfully.

    If you have insomnia, it is very important to sleep on a high-quality, elastic mattress and the right pillow.

    Hello again"!
    A typical sleep disorder is one in which, as soon as you close your eyes and switch off, the same unpleasant situation plays out over and over again. Sometimes in such a dream a person’s brain continues to work hard, looking for a solution to a problem that fails in reality. And - he wakes up tired and exhausted.
    Protracted neurosis usually leads to such dreams, when the intervention of a neurologist is necessary. But sometimes dreams can also be triggered by sudden stress. In this case, the relaxation measures described above will be suitable. Just in case, you should drink a vitamin complex or tea made from dried medicinal rose hips.

    You answer with your head
    One of the painful consequences of poor sleep is headaches. What's the matter? Options:

    I had to sleep in an unventilated, stuffy room, and the brain was starved of oxygen;
    - you use earplugs incorrectly or they simply don’t suit you;
    - you have changes in blood pressure, which often happens at night in hypertensive or hypotensive patients, in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    - you slept in an uncomfortable position in which the vessels of the head or vertebral artery were compressed, which led to poor circulation;
    - the day before you ate or drank something inappropriate for the body, intoxication occurred;
    - you have osteochondrosis and you sleep on the wrong, too soft or large pillow;
    - a pillow that is too flat or lacking it impedes the flow of blood from the head and increases intracranial pressure.

    Advice from Doctor Stoletnik

    *If you have insomnia, try changing your routine: get up at 5 a.m. and go to bed at 9-10 p.m. It won’t work right away, you’ll probably have a sleepless night, but the next evening you’ll fall asleep like a log.

    If you constantly wake up at night or can't fall asleep in the evening, there is a strong temptation to solve the problem with the help of sleeping pills. However, sleeping pills cannot restore your body's ability to sleep normally, and many people complain that they don't feel rested after taking sleeping pills. In addition, if you take sleeping pills too often or for a long time, you may become dependent on the drug. Moreover, sleeping pills only mask the problem, and we don’t even think that in reality, to normalize sleep, we need to change our diet, and our diet leads to serious health problems.

    So, you can't sleep without taking sleeping pills? This problem can be solved by changing your diet so that healthy foods and drinks help improve your sleep. Here you'll learn how to be smart about your diet so your stomach doesn't bother you when it's time to go to bed.


      Find out what foods and drinks may interfere with your sleep. Before you move on to choosing foods and drinks that can help you fall asleep, you need to eliminate foods and drinks from your diet that may prevent you from falling asleep and disrupting normal sleep. The main culprits for this are caffeine, alcohol and sugar. You should reconsider your intake of these three foods to ensure they don't interfere with healthy sleep:

      Avoid foods that upset your digestion. Foods that cause indigestion in one person may be completely safe for another person, so it is impossible to write a general list of foods here. Pay attention to which foods cause indigestion for you, and try to limit their consumption. Here are examples of some foods that are often the cause of indigestion:

      Choose foods that normalize your energy levels. There are foods that don't cause sudden energy spikes and crashes, but can keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. If you have a stable level of energy in your body, it reduces irritability, fatigue, stress and keeps your body strong. Your mood improves, which allows you to fall asleep faster because you feel calmer, less tired, and more balanced. Here are some foods that provide stable energy levels in the body:

      • Food rich in protein: Lean meat, cheese, natural yogurt, eggs, fish, whole grain bread, beans, legumes, nuts - this is not a complete list of foods that are a good source of energy.
      • Chromium-Rich Foods: Chromium helps your body overcome low blood sugar. It can be found in foods such as shellfish, beans and cheese.
      • Fresh fruits: Snack on sweet fruits. They are very beneficial for the body because they contain fiber, and in addition, the energy from fresh fruits is absorbed slowly. Try not to replace fresh fruit with fruit juices, dried fruits, and fruit-filled baked goods. Apples and pears are known as foods that normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
    1. Drink more water. Water is the source of life and it does not affect your body's energy levels. In addition, water promotes normal digestion. Try to drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water daily.

      Increase your intake of foods rich in tryptophan. As an amino acid and an essential body chemical, tryptophan promotes protein synthesis in your body. Tryptophan has been found in foods such as meat, fish, greens and eggs. Eating tryptophan-rich foods in the afternoon helps your body produce melatonin and serotonin, which help improve sleep. These substances help you fall asleep faster and wake up less often in the middle of the night, in addition, they increase the duration of the sleep phase, during which the body rests and gains strength.

      Choose foods that have a calming effect. Calcium and magnesium have a calming effect, so eating foods rich in these elements will help you fall asleep faster. Additionally, there are foods that are known to help improve sleep:

      Check the glycemic index of foods. The glycemic index is an indicator for foods that shows how quickly the product is absorbed in the body. Foods that are digested slowly allow us to feel full longer, and are generally healthier for the body and have a low glycemic index. Foods with a low glycemic index are better at maintaining stable blood sugar levels, helping us feel better, calmer and less tired throughout the day. If you eat such food during the day, then by the evening you will feel slightly tired and you can easily fall asleep. Here are the low glycemic index foods:

    2. Try drinking herbal tea before bed that has a sleep-inducing effect. There is a huge selection of plants that normalize sleep. If you prepare a decoction or tincture of such a plant and drink it instead of your evening tea, it will help you fall asleep faster:

      • Chamomile: Buy ready-made chamomile tea or grow chamomile in your own garden and dry it. If you add a little honey and ginger to your cup, your tea will taste much better.
      • Verbena: Also known as Lemon Verbena, this herb helps with sleep.
      • Melissa officinalis: Melissa is a relative of mint that is essential if you care about your sleep.
      • Passionflower: This plant has a sedative effect. It can be useful for increased anxiety and insomnia. Brew passionflower according to the instructions on the package. If you experience stomach problems when you're nervous, try drinking passionflower tea three times a day regularly.
      • Linden blossom: Buy dried linden flowers and brew tea from them.
    3. Increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet. If your diet is not balanced, then you may be lacking essential nutrients in your body. To get good, healthy sleep, your body needs many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and chromium.

      • If you need to wake up at night, pay attention to the concept of the "sleep cycle." One complete sleep cycle lasts four hours. If you slept for four hours, woke up, went back to sleep, and slept for another four hours, then you have slept a full two cycles and will feel rested in the morning. If you slept for two hours, woke up, and then slept for another 6 hours, then you actually slept for only one full cycle. If you need to take medicine every four hours and you wake up in pain, take the medicine and try to go back to sleep. Ask your doctor to find medications that are spaced out to allow you to sleep through the night without waking up, because waking up at night to take medications is very harmful to your natural sleep cycle.
      • There are no drinks that will keep you alert without sleep. Only healthy sleep will help you cope with fatigue and loss of strength.
      • Try not to eat whole grain cereals, foods containing sugar or caffeine at least 5 hours before going to bed.
      • Find out the foods to which you are sensitive or allergic. If foods that usually help people fall asleep cause indigestion and keep you awake, then you should consider that you have an individual intolerance to such foods. People with fibromyalgia need to be especially aware of food intolerances because lack of sleep can make them feel worse and increase their pain, which in turn can further impair their quality of sleep. Stress can make the disease worse, and lack of sleep will make you even more vulnerable to the disease.
      • Always talk to your doctor before making any major diet changes and about any concerns you have regarding sleep and sleep disorders.