Severe muscle pain after training: how to get rid of it, how to relieve it, reduce it with medications and folk remedies? Why does muscle pain occur after exercise and how long does it last? How to relieve muscle pain after training: list of tablets, ointments, creams.

A balanced diet and exercise allow a person to make their body athletic and fit. However, you don’t always feel a surge of strength and lightness after class. Every athlete knows such an unpleasant phenomenon as muscle pain after training. How to get rid of similar discomfort? What are its reasons?

Main sources of the problem

Known following reasons reasons why severe muscle pain may occur after exercise:

  1. Accumulation of lactic acid. This is the most common reason. During exercise, lactic acid gradually accumulates in the muscles. She calls enough unpleasant burning sensation. However, during physical activity, lactic acid spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream. But after exercise, it accumulates in muscle tissue and provokes unpleasant discomfort.
  2. Microtrauma of muscle fibers. This pain does not disappear after 2-3 hours. On the contrary, it is intensifying. The pain can be especially noticeable the day after training. Microtraumas are based on strong physical exertion, which led to the slightest ruptures. Over time, they will heal and the discomfort will subside. Beginning athletes experience exactly this type of muscle pain after the first workout.
  3. Serious injuries. It's about about sprains, In such cases, the pain occurs extremely sharply. It is quite strong and appears at the moment of injury.
  4. Muscle pathologies that are accompanied by myalgia. This is severe tension and pain in muscle tissue. Such ailments are myopathy and myositis. Feature Such manifestations are the occurrence of pain under any load. Sometimes discomfort may appear even in a state of calm.

Elimination of discomfort

Every athlete should know (since anyone can experience muscle pain after training) how to get rid of this unpleasant condition.

  1. If the pain is caused by the accumulation of lactic acid, then effective treatment lies in small physical exercise. Such a load will be an excellent stimulator for the muscles and will significantly improve blood circulation. As a result, lactic acid will be washed out of tissues faster. For example, if you feel pain after a workout, then a regular walk or bike ride is perfect.
  2. In case of serious injury, it is extremely dangerous to self-medicate. With such pathologies, the athlete needs immediate medical attention.
  3. Water procedures. Relaxing will significantly ease suffering hot bath. It will ensure vasodilation. As a result, blood flow will improve. Also useful contrast shower.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. This measure improves kidney function. As a result, breakdown products, which include lactic acid, are removed from the body much faster.
  5. Proper nutrition. increase discomfort. How to reduce muscle pain after exercise? It is recommended to provide the body with antioxidants that fight radicals. To do this, you should enrich your diet with herbs, citrus fruits, fruits, and vegetables.
  6. Massage. The procedure will increase blood flow in muscle tissue and thereby help get rid of any discomfort. Rub the disturbing areas and pat them. You can use a special massager.
  7. Sauna, bathhouse. Heat will greatly improve blood flow and help you relax.

Folk remedies

When faced with unpleasant discomfort, every athlete always thinks about how to relieve muscle pain after training? Folk remedies can help.

  1. Badger fat. This component should be used to lubricate the areas of concern.
  2. Cabbage leaf. Initially, it is recommended to wrinkle it a little. Then the leaf is applied to the painful area.
  3. Pepper tincture. This component is intended for local use. It is recommended to lubricate painful areas with it.

Use of NSAIDs

Any athlete can experience muscle pain after exercise. How to get rid of it? Especially if the discomfort is quite strong?

You can use a drug that is part of the NSAID group. It will reduce pain and reduce inflammation in the damaged area.

The most commonly used medications are:

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Aspirin".

However, you should not use these tools often. After all, they can have quite a negative effect on the stomach and liver. In addition, such medications will only temporarily reduce sensations, but will not provide healing. You should know that frequent use of NSAIDs can slow down the body's recovery processes.

Vitamin preparations

A variety of medications effectively help restore human body. They are often used in sports practice. They allow you to replenish expended energy and support the body during intense physical activity.

A special place among medicines allocated to vitamin complexes. After all, a lack of essential substances leads not only to loss of performance, but also to increased pain. Therefore, it is recommended not only to properly balance your diet, but also to take multivitamins. So, how can you reduce muscle pain after exercise?

  • "Aerovit";
  • "Dekamevit";
  • Vitamin E;
  • "Undevit";
  • Vitamin C;
  • "Glutamevit";
  • "Tetravit";
  • Vitamin B.

Plastic preparations

This group of medications has a fairly beneficial effect on the athlete’s body. Sometimes a very obvious question arises: “If muscle pain appears after training, what should you do about it?” The doctor may recommend special medications that can significantly improve a person’s condition.

Plastic action medications provide the following effects:

  • accelerate protein synthesis;
  • stimulate the flow of biochemical processes;
  • restore cell structure.

Thanks to these properties, the drugs help maintain high performance and prevent physical overexertion. In other words, such medications are often prescribed to athletes who are interested in the question: “If muscle pain occurs after training, how to get rid of it?”

List of plastic drugs:

  • "Potassium orotate";
  • "Riboxin";
  • "Cocarboxylase";
  • "Cobamamide";
  • "Carnitine";
  • "Lipocerebrin";
  • "Lecithin-cerebro".

Energy drugs

Medicines belonging to this group accelerate the restoration of expended resources. They provide the body's resistance to conditions such as hypoxia. Medicines support the functioning of the myocardium, brain, and liver.

These drugs include:

  • "Panangin";
  • "Asparkam";
  • "Calcium glycerophosphate";
  • "Glutamic acid";
  • "Calcium gluconate";
  • "Methionine."

Adaptogen group

How to relieve muscle pain after exercise? Adaptogens provide a tonic effect on the body and increase resistance to intense physical activity. They are especially effective in conditions of sudden climate changes and hypoxia. However, such drugs have contraindications, so you should definitely consult a doctor about their use. In addition, these medications can be addictive.

Effective adaptogens are the following drugs:

  • "Ginseng";
  • "Eleutherococcus extract";
  • "Chinese lemongrass";
  • "Pantocrine";
  • "Aralia Manchurian";
  • "Sterculia platanofolia";
  • "Radiola pink";
  • “The high enticement”;
  • "Leuzea sofloroides."

Sports creams, ointments, gels

Local medications are often used to restore the body after physical activity.

Post-workout muscle pain ointment provides:

  • improvement of lymph and blood circulation;
  • relaxing tissues and increasing their elasticity;
  • restoration of the metabolic process;
  • removal of metabolic products;
  • relief from discomfort in ligaments, muscles, joints.

However, these drugs affect the body differently. Some cause tissue heating, others provide a cooling effect. For example, for acute injuries, warming medications are completely unsuitable. To eliminate swelling and inflammation, it is recommended to use a cooling ointment for muscle pain after exercise. The best drugs are Troxevasin and Venoruton.

Before using such medications, be sure to consult your doctor. It is important to remember that these remedies affect each person differently.

When explaining how to relieve muscle pain after exercise, most often the doctor prescribes the following topical medications:

  • "Apisatron";
  • "Virapip";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Viprosal";
  • "Vipratox";
  • "Gevkamen";
  • Balm "Sanitas";
  • Tiger ointment;
  • "Richtofit-sport";
  • "Gymnastogal";
  • Heparin ointment;
  • "Heparoid";
  • "Efkamon";
  • "Nicoflex";
  • "Gevkamen";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Venoruton";
  • Turpentine ointment;
  • "Menovazin".

Application of compresses

Pain that occurs after training can be eliminated in a simple way. Compresses are quite effective and easy to use.

However, you should first familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Compresses can only be used in consultation with a doctor.
  2. After injury, when acute pain, such treatment is not used for 2 days.
  3. Apply compresses as follows. Take a gauze pad. It should completely cover painful area. Wet it as directed. Apply ointment to the damaged area. Cover the top with a moistened napkin. Apply a layer of cotton wool. It is strictly contraindicated to use plastic film. Secure with a bandage (preferably not elastic). The bandage should not cause swelling or compress the tissue.

The following compresses are considered the most effective:

  1. Bandage with Vaseline oil. Lightly moisten the cloth and apply it to the damaged area.
  2. Compress with semi-alcoholic vaseline oil. The area is lubricated with oil, and the top is covered with a napkin soaked in vodka (be sure to be wrung out).
  3. Compress with Vishnevsky ointment and alcohol. This is done by analogy with the method described above.

Remember that regular exercise, carefully planned by a trainer, will help you avoid severe pain.

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Do your muscles hurt after training? So, as they say, you didn’t try hard! But seriously, muscle pain that appears on the 1-2 day after exercise is quite normal. The muscles worked, which means they must hurt. True, in cases where the pain causes significant discomfort, you should look for a more precise cause. How to relieve pain and protect yourself from it in the future?

Causes of muscle pain after exercise

Theories of emergence muscle pain many. We will highlight the main ones:

  • The action of lactic acid. Accumulating quite quickly in muscle cells, it is a certain by-product physiological processes. When it leaves the body, discomfort, and with repeated training, this acid becomes more and more. This substance is washed out by the blood within 24 hours, and its accumulation in the muscles during exercise is absolutely safe.
  • Delayed pain. It happens that muscle pain “covers” only on the 2-3rd day of classes. The reason is microtrauma of muscle fibers. There is nothing to be afraid of here: muscle injury provokes the body to activate its defenses and increase the secretion of hormones to quickly rid the muscles of toxins and restore damage. After 3-4 workouts, the pain begins to subside. A constant change of loads and intensity of exercise is recommended.
  • Increased muscle reactivity. This case is caused by an exacerbation of the sensitivity of nerve endings due to heavy muscle loads due to a change in the biological balance of fluid and salt. That is, imbalance. In addition to pain, this cause can also lead to cramps in the calf muscles. For prevention, stretching “before and after” is recommended, as well as replacing fluid deficiency directly during exercise.
  • Overtraining. With a constant feeling of weakness in the muscles, severe pain and loss of strength, you can safely conclude that your body is exhausted - you have overtrained. From a biochemical point of view, this is explained by a nitrogen imbalance or the loss of more protein in comparison with the gain. Unabated symptoms lead to decreased immunity, hormonal imbalances and menstrual cycle, and even to infertility.
  • Injury. In this case, the pain is aching and constraining in nature, intensifying with sudden movements and with loads of any force. Often accompanied by swelling at the site of injury, as well as a deterioration in general condition. The onset of pain is immediate, less often the next day.
  • Full range of motion training (horizontal bench press with a barbell, deadlift with absolutely straight legs and deep squats, etc.). In addition to muscle stretching, the fact of receiving a load in those areas of amplitude where it is in ordinary life doesn't happen. Pain reduction can be achieved through partial range of motion training.

6 best quick ways to get rid of muscle pain after sports activities

What can you do to relieve pain quickly? The best express methods for your attention!

  • Water procedures

Contrary to stereotypes, it is cold water that reduces muscle pain, but alternating cold and warm water will be most effective. This can be a contrast shower for 10 minutes or a warm bath (for 20 minutes, with sea ​​salt), which is immediately followed by dousing cold water or a cold shower.

  • Russian bath

One of the best ways eliminate pain with a combination of low/high temperatures and heavy drinking.

  • Swimming in cold water

Regardless of the muscle group being trained and the intensity of the activity, swimming (especially regular swimming) for 15-20 minutes relieves pain more effectively than other methods. Many athletes suffering from post-workout soreness become big fans of swimming. Pain reduction occurs due to improved blood circulation and dilation of blood vessels.

  • Massage

If there is no professional massage therapist nearby, then you can do it yourself. The most important thing is to warm up the muscles and knead the painful areas to allow blood to flow to them. Can be used to warm up muscles olive oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of essential oil ( clary sage, lavender, marjoram). Also popular today are massage rollers (note: Pilates machines), which improve blood flow in the muscles and help reduce pain. The procedure with this video lasts about 15 minutes.

  • Ointments and creams

An option for the laziest. Ointments from the pharmacy with herbs, with essential oils and bile, balms or anti-inflammatory creams. Typically, such products contain active ingredients or special substances to influence pain receptors (Voltaren, capsicum, etc.).

  • Movement

Yes, that's right. Immediately after training - warm up. Muscles must work, especially antagonist muscles. Does your back hurt? So, you need to “download” pectoral muscles. Sore biceps? Pump up your triceps. Stretching before and after exercise reduces the risk of pain by 50%. In addition, warmed muscles reduce the risk of injury.

How to avoid muscle pain after sports in your next workouts?

To prevent muscle pain from tormenting you after training, remember the main rules for their prevention:

  • Proper nutrition

The amount of protein absorbed should match the amount consumed. It is also worth remembering that to restore the body you need 2-4 g per 1 kg of weight - carbohydrates (per day), about 2 g / per 1 kg of weight - protein, as well as about 20% of total number calories as healthy fats.

  • Water

Its amount per day depends on weight. Calculation of the formula: person’s weight x 0.04 = amount of water/day. Due to the lack of water intake, the body's ability to eliminate toxins is impaired, and the muscle recovery process takes much longer and more difficult. Drink water!

  • Cardio exercises

3-4 cardio workouts per week help speed up recovery. Additional oxygen and increased blood circulation help quickly get rid of lactic acid and directly toxins.

  • After training - water procedures!

We alternate between cold and hot water in 3-5 cycles.

  • Don't forget about massage

After training - on your own (or ask someone to “stretch” your muscles), and once a month - professionally.

  • Supplements

Some of the most important - fatty acids(300 mg per 1 kg of weight), reducing inflammation in the muscles and stimulating the immune system. We look for them in flaxseed oil and fish oil.

  • Cycle your workouts

Classes with a large number repetitions (from 10 to 15) and heavy weight, alternate with exercises with a small number of repetitions of exercises (from 6 to 8) and light weight.

  • Avoid workouts that last more than 1 hour

Maximum lesson time is 45 minutes. After an hour of training, testosterone levels decrease and cortisol levels increase.

  • Dream

When it is deficient, cortisol levels begin to go off scale, resulting in a disruption of the recovery process and an increased risk of injury. Optimal time for normal sleep - 8 hours.

  • Additional antioxidant intake

It is necessary to neutralize decay products in the body. We are looking for antioxidants in retinol, carotenes, ascorbic acid and tocopherol, in selenium, in succinic acid, as well as in flavonoids (blue cabbage and cherries, raisins, dark grape varieties).

  • Eating watermelon

One of the methods to quickly recover after exercise. Watermelon juice (only natural!) relieves muscle pain, thanks to the amino acid in its composition (L-citrulline), which helps remove lactic acid from the body. You should drink this juice an hour before classes and an hour after.

  • Foods that can relieve pain

In addition to watermelon juice, there are also blackcurrants, blackberries and blueberries, cranberry and grape juices. The anthocyanins contained in these foods help reduce inflammation and pain levels. Peeled potatoes, cucumbers and figs with pomegranate, walnuts and parsley, and ginger will also be useful for these purposes. Do not forget about decoctions of licorice (the most effective), chamomile and linden, rose hips or currant leaves, white willow bark, bearberry or St. John's wort.

When should you contact a specialist?

Joint and muscle pain should not be confused. Joint pain, unlike muscle pain, is very serious problem which could result in critical injury. Remember also that severe muscle damage can result from chronic overexertion. Therefore, the reason to see a doctor is pain that lasts more than 72 hours.

Muscle pain (myalgia) is a pulling, sometimes painful or spastic muscle pain: The term myalgia is composed of the Greek words Myos muscle and Algos pain. Muscle pain can be localized in a specific area of ​​the body, or radiate or be diffuse. In principle, pain can occur in any of the more than 600 muscles in the body.

Muscle pain (myalgia) occurs most often in the area of ​​the shoulders and neck in the back. About 75 percent of adults in Europe suffer from back pain that is of some muscular origin. Muscles are divided into skeletal and smooth. Skeletal muscles include muscles that provide human movement and connect bone structures. Quite often, pain is caused not by skeletal muscle, but by smooth muscle (for example, problems in the smooth muscle of the heart can be the source of chest pain). Smooth muscle located in the walls of hollow organs of the body, such as the stomach, bladder and blood vessels and play a big role in normal function organs. The cardiac muscle, which forms the heart, is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

Muscles respond to commands from the brain and nervous system or other stimuli, for example, reflexively when a neurological examination is performed using a hammer. Muscles contract when stimulated and relax after contraction. Muscles can become a source of pain due to various diseases and conditions, including infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases, neurological and muscular diseases, malignant tumors(cancer) and even after taking certain medications. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, which are soft tissues, which connect muscles, bones and organs.

A person may feel muscle pain in specific muscles of the body, such as the back muscles or leg muscles, or the pain may be diffuse throughout the muscles, such as with the flu. In a patient with chest pain during an angina attack, the pain is due to problems in the myocardium. Menstrual pain is pain caused by the smooth muscle of the uterus. Temporary skeletal muscle pain often occurs due to muscle tension due to awkward movement or excessive strain. This type of pain often affects one or more muscles and is usually sharp and intense. Abstaining from the activity that caused the pain, rest, topical cold, and anti-inflammatory medications usually help reduce the pain associated with excessive load on the muscles. Muscle pain can be caused by serious medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, infections, or dermatomyositis.

Muscle pain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition, such as a muscle tear or infection. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help if muscle pain is persistent or worsens.

Not only muscle pain, but any pain is an important signal for the body. Various stimuli can cause pain, such as heat or cold, pressure or shock, as well as electrical stimulation and chemicals. The so-called pain receptors are responsible for transmitting these stimulating sensations. Pain receptors are free nerve endings that are located both on the surface in the skin and deep in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as in various organs. When stimulated pain receptors the signal from them goes to the central nervous system, where the signal is analyzed and a response occurs defensive reaction, which aims to prevent further damage.


Muscle pain may occur along with other symptoms, which vary depending on the underlying disease. For example, muscle pain that is caused by an injury may be accompanied by bruising and swelling in the area of ​​the injury. Additional symptoms that may accompany muscle pain include:

  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Symptoms of acute respiratory illness (fever, chills, sore throat, fatigue, headache, cough)
  • Impaired concentration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle cramps
  • Numbness, tingling or burning (called paresthesia)
  • Problems walking
  • Sleep disorders
  • Swelling at the site of injury
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Vomit

Serious symptoms that may indicate a life-threatening condition

In some cases, muscle pain may occur in association with other symptoms that may indicate serious or life-threatening conditions, such as heart attack(heart attack) or meningitis. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Changes in consciousness or attention, such as loss of consciousness or sudden violation memory
  • Changes in mental state, for example, impaired perception of the environment
  • Chest pain radiating to the arm, shoulder, neck, or jaw
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
  • Inability to move any part of the body
  • Impairment (loss) of vision
  • Lack of urine
  • Progressive weakness and numbness
  • Seizure
  • Rigidity occipital muscles with high temperature

Cause of pain

Skeletal muscle pain is most often caused by direct trauma or injury from a muscle strain or tear. Muscle tension occurs when damage occurs to several muscle fibers, while when a muscle ruptures, a tear occurs large quantity muscle fibers. A rupture (tear) of a tendon can also lead to muscle pain. Muscles and tendons have the ability to regenerate, but if a muscle or tendon is severely ruptured, surgical restoration of the integrity of the damaged structures is required. Muscle pain can be caused by cramps resulting from overuse or abnormal nerve impulses that lead to excessive muscle contraction. In some cases, muscle pain can be a symptom of serious or life-threatening conditions such as a heart attack, meningitis, or cancer.

Traumatic causes of muscle pain

Muscle pain can be associated with any injury, including:

  • Impact with a blunt object
  • Muscle strain or tear
  • Excessive or repetitive movements
  • Nerve compression (due to disc herniation, spinal stenosis)

Neuromuscular diseases and conditions

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Charcot's disease) is a severe neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and leads to disability
  • Brain or spinal cord injury
  • Dermatomyositis (a condition characterized by muscle inflammation and skin rash)
  • Lyme disease (an inflammatory bacterial disease transmitted by ticks)
  • Multiple sclerosis (a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord and causing weakness, loss of coordination, balance and other problems)
  • Muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis)
  • Muscle infections such as an abscess
  • Parkinson's disease (a brain disease that causes poor movement and coordination)
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica (a condition characterized by muscle pain and stiffness)
  • Polymyositis (muscle inflammation and weakness)
  • Stroke

Other possible causes of muscle pain

Muscle pain can be caused by many other diseases and conditions, including:

  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Angina or myocardial infarction
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Flu or other respiratory illnesses
  • Kidney failure
  • Electrolytic disturbances (abnormalities in potassium or calcium levels in the blood).
  • Pregnancy
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiency

Medicines and substances that may cause muscle pain include:

  • ACE inhibitors (used to lower blood pressure)
  • Cocaine
  • Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs)

Questions that help determine the cause of muscle pain include:

  • Are there other symptoms such as sore throat or fever?
  • Do you feel pain in one specific area or throughout your body?
  • How long does this condition last?
  • In what parts of the body is pain localized?
  • What reduces pain or increases pain?
  • What medications are you currently taking or have recently taken?

Potential complications of muscle pain

Complications associated with muscle pain depend on the underlying disease or condition. For example, muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia or a degenerative disease can lead to decreased motor activity and related complications. Many skeletal muscle pains, however, respond well to treatment. However, if muscle pain long-term and associated with systemic disease, then this may lead to the following complications, including the following:

  • Chronic pain
  • Immobility and associated complications (such as bedsores and blood clots)
  • Persistent pain resistant to treatment
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Muscle contracture
  • Permanent muscle or nerve damage (most often due to nerve compression), including paralysis.
  • Decreased quality of life


Diagnosis of muscle pain (myalgia) is primarily based on the history of the disease and symptoms. Most muscle pain is related to muscle strain (for example, due to poor posture or sedentary lifestyle) or injury (for example, sprains, bruises, or muscle soreness from sports). Instrumental methods studies such as ultrasound or x-ray, CT, MRI help confirm or differentiate cause of muscle pain.

Medical history (anamnesis).

The doctor will be interested in the type of pain, the location of the pain, and the intensity of the muscle pain. This information may be key to identifying the causes of leg pain. Information about the presence of muscle injuries, the presence of bruises, factors that lead to an increase or decrease in muscle pain or whether the pain is persistent, for example with a herniated disc, and the time the pain appears (day or night) is very important.

Inspection. An examination by a doctor can determine the presence of painful areas, the presence of areas of discoloration of the skin, range of motion in muscles or joints, muscle strength, the presence of local soreness in the tendon area or determination trigger points(for example, with fibromyalgia). Besides, important has reflex activity, sensitivity and others neurological tests, which makes it possible to detect the presence of neurological disorders. The time of onset of muscle pain is also relevant, as, for example, with osteoporosis or ankylosing spondylitis. Alcohol or drug abuse can be a possible cause of muscle pain and information about this is important in determining the causes of muscle pain. Some medications may also have side effect muscle pain.

Laboratory research methods.

Blood tests can determine the presence of inflammation or infections, autoimmune processes; biochemical tests allow you to identify dysfunctions internal organs(for example, liver or kidneys).

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This research method allows you to visualize the presence of muscle inflammation (myositis) and ruptures of muscles and tendons.

Research methods such as CT or MRI are necessary to visualize problems in deep muscles, where ultrasound examination is not very informative, or when visualization is necessary neurological conditions or traumatic injuries. Electrophysiological research methods (EMG or ENMG) can determine the presence of inflammatory or degenerative muscle diseases or impaired nerve conduction due to compression of nerve roots or other neurological diseases.

A muscle biopsy is usually used as a last step in diagnosing muscle diseases, and only if there are clear signs of such diseases.


Treatment for muscle pain depends on the cause of the symptom. Therefore, the most important factor determining treatment tactics is staging accurate diagnosis. For example, if muscle pain is caused by taking certain medications, then in such cases it may be enough to stop taking these medications or replace them with other medications. Drug treatment for muscle pain may include: NSAID drugs or analgesics, or even opiates.

Acute muscle pain

For acute muscle pain that occurs after an injury, it is necessary to provide rest and unloading, and in some cases, immobilization. In addition, local cooling with ice wrapped in a towel has a good effect in such cases, which helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. In addition, it is necessary to stop the exercise that led to muscle pain. It takes quite a long time to treat muscle injuries, since early restoration of normal loads can lead to chronicity pain syndrome and will lead to excess scarring muscle tissue, and in severe cases to the development of myositis ossificans.

Chronic muscle pain

Treatment for chronic pain may include heat treatments as well as other treatments such as:

  • Acupuncture and acupressure
  • Electrotherapy (therapy through electricity)
  • Electromyostimulation
  • Physiotherapy
  • Manual therapy

Systematic exercises (physical therapy) are especially relevant when the cause of chronic pain is degenerative diseases spine, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, disc herniation.

Surgical treatment methods are used for severe traumatic muscle injuries or when there is compression of the nerve roots.

Prevention of muscle pain consists of the following rules: management healthy image life, sufficient physical activity, balanced diet, correct ergonomics of the workplace, exclusion of alcohol abuse and smoking.

Muscle pain or myalgia is familiar to almost everyone. Muscles can hurt both during tension and at rest. Myalgia is not life-threatening, however, it makes life much more difficult.
According to statistics, about 2% of residents of economically prosperous countries constantly suffer from muscle pain.

Causes of pain

Scientific work on the causes of muscle pain suggests that most cases of pain are associated with the formation of persistent muscle spasms. The factors that provoke the development of spasms are varied.

Injuries and overexertion
When injured, muscle tension is the body's response.

Incorrect posture
Prolonged unphysiological position of the body leads to muscle fatigue and spasms. Sitting at an uncomfortable desk, carrying a bag over one shoulder, or working in a fixed position can cause spasms. The muscles of the body “adjust” to this provision, which entails metabolic disorders.

Emotional stress can also lead to muscle pain and spasms. This kind of pain is observed not only in adults of both sexes, but also in children.

The origin of muscle pain can vary. Thus, the most common form of myalgia is fibromyalgia– pain arising in ligaments, tendons, fibrous muscles. This disorder often causes insomnia. In almost two thirds of patients who come to see a neurologist, muscle pain is combined with stiffness in the morning and asthenic syndrome.
Fibromyalgia most often affects the neck, back of the head, shoulders, and muscles near knee joints and chest. Representatives of the fairer sex are more prone to myalgia. Pain is intensified or provoked by emotional or physical overload, as well as prolonged lack of sleep, hypothermia, and chronic diseases.

Young and strong women and girls of puberty, but prone to nervousness, depression, and anxiety, are especially susceptible to muscle pain syndrome. In men, muscle pain is more often associated with severe physical work or training.

Primary myalgia is a disorder of the soft tissues in which the pain affects large areas of the muscles, but when pressing on certain points it is concentrated.

Another very common cause of muscle pain is inflammation of the muscle fibers - myositis. Myositis is often a complication after severe infections, overexertion and injuries.
Myositis is characterized dull ache in the muscles, which becomes more intense during work.

Muscle pain may be the first sign of serious illnesses such as polymyositis or polymyalgia rheumatica.

Pain after workout

There are two categories of muscle pain after exercise: good and bad. The first appears when the muscle is loaded. It collects lactic acid, a product of metabolic processes in intensively working muscles. The more repetitions of the movement, the higher the concentration of lactic acid. And after training, there is so much acid that it affects the nerve endings and causes a sensation similar to a burning sensation. This process is completely harmless to the body. After finishing the session, all lactic acid leaves the muscles through the bloodstream. And the presence of acid in the blood has a very beneficial effect on the body, accelerating regeneration processes and binding free radicals.

In order to reduce pain, you can drink 200 ml of water with a pinch of baking soda dissolved in it. This reduces blood acidity and increases pain threshold muscles.

Delayed muscle pain is pain that develops when the load is too heavy and uncharacteristic. It certainly appears in those who have recently trained, as well as in those who introduce new exercises into training, increase the length of classes or their frequency.

This pain is a consequence of microscopic ruptures of muscle bundles. That is, in essence, these are microscopic wounds with hemorrhages. That's why it hurts. Such injuries force the body to work more actively, secrete hormones and other biological active substances, accelerating tissue regeneration. The metabolism of protein cells accelerates, as happens when soft tissue is injured. As a result, the muscles become larger.
At the same time, processes are accelerated not only in damaged muscles, but throughout the body, since active substances enter all tissues and organs through the bloodstream. Hair and nails grow faster and skin cells regenerate.

Pain caused by injury differs in its nature. It is sharp and aching, and can “shoot” while the affected limb is working. There is often a bruise or swelling at the site of the injury. You should immediately stop exercising if you hear a crunching or clicking sound in any joint. This indicates the likelihood of imminent injury.

Another type of pain can develop with overtraining. This condition occurs if there are too many heavy workouts with microtraumas and they are frequent. In this case, the body does not have time to repair the damage, and it accumulates. The muscle is depleted, immunity decreases, and hormone production decreases. In this state, a person is very susceptible to injury.

Leg pain

1. Flat feet. With flat feet, the arches of the feet become flat, the process of walking is more difficult, and the legs become “heavier.” The pain may affect the entire lower part of the legs,

2. Standing or sitting for long periods of time. If a person spends a lot of time in a fixed position, blood circulation worsens. The muscles do not receive enough oxygen, metabolic products accumulate in them, and pain appears. Such pains are dull and aching, and can sometimes turn into cramps,
3. Vascular diseases. Very often, the legs hurt when the condition of the blood vessels is disturbed. Blood flows poorly and flows to tissues, nerve receptors are irritated, and pain develops,
4. Thrombophlebitis. When this happens, the leg muscles hurt very much. The pain is jerky, there is a burning sensation along the affected vein. Usually pain accompanies the patient all the time and is felt more strongly in the calves,
5. Atherosclerosis. Feeling as if legs were being squeezed in a vice
6. Spinal diseases,
7. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system ( neuralgia). The attacks last from several seconds to several minutes, in between no pain is felt,
8. Myositis. This is a very painful condition that appears against the background of serious illnesses,
9. Osteomyelitis,
10. Obesity. At large mass body increased load on lower limbs, so the muscles hurt. Those who suffer the most are those who heavy weight fits with small foot size,
11. Cramps.
12. Myoenthesitis and paratenonitis. These diseases affect the tissue around the tendons and the tendons themselves. Appears under intense loads,
13. Fibromyalgia. This is a disease of a rheumatic nature, developing more often in representatives of the fairer sex who have a genetic predisposition.

Pain in hands

The arm muscles consist of the muscles of the hand, shoulder girdle and shoulder. Pain in the arm muscles can be pathogenetic when there is a change in the permeability of the cell membranes of the cells that make up the muscle fibers, with tissue swelling, as well as with inflammatory processes in the muscles. But it can also develop in healthy individuals after uncharacteristic physical activity or heavy sports training.

If the pain in the arm muscles does not go away for some time or is very severe, you need to make an appointment with a rheumatologist, traumatologist and neurologist.

Back pain

Staying in an unphysiological position for a long time necessarily causes muscle tension and pain in the back muscles. They also affect people who perform hard work or playing sports.
Pain develops when muscles are tense and tired, blood circulation in them worsens, and tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen.

1. Osteochondrosis. Ranks first on the list
2. Scoliosis ( curvature of the spine),
3. Disc hernias,
4. Short leg syndrome. In this disorder, one leg is approximately half a centimeter shorter than the other. Parents of babies should pay attention to the length of the legs. Even a 3 millimeter difference can lead to serious violations formation of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, treatment should be started on time,
5. Reducing the volume of half the pelvis. This pathology is often combined with leg shortening,
6. Elongated second metatarsal bone. Among specialists, such a foot is called “Greek”. With this structure, the shock-absorbing function of the foot changes, so the calf muscles work with double load. This leads to pain
7. Short shoulders. This disorder of the skeletal structure is observed infrequently and causes excessive tension in the shoulder muscles,
8. Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine in the chest area, which can, to some extent, be called stooping. With kyphosis, the muscles of the shoulders and neck are constantly tense,
9. Joint blocking. This is the most common reason back pain. Moreover, nearby vertebrae are blocked,
10. Long-term muscle compression. A bag strap or underwear strap can put pressure on the muscle.
11. Gynecological disease. Sometimes, with gynecological diseases, nearby muscle fibers are involved in the process. And in such cases, pain can radiate to the lower back,
12. Diseases digestive organs. Sometimes with a stomach ulcer the patient suffers from pain.

Pain in joints and muscles

1. violation metabolic processes in bones and cartilage ( osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout). With these ailments, bones and joints are destroyed because new collagen structures are not formed. The surface of the cartilage becomes thin and it can no longer protect the bones. Following the change in the shape of the joints, muscle stretching occurs,
2. systemic autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, scleroderma). Any of the above diseases occurs with damage to the joints. Diseases develop slowly. At first, patients only feel stiffness of movement after a night's sleep, and the joints swell. Further worsens general condition,

3. injuries ( ruptures joint capsules, sprains, bruises, fractures),
4. infections. With flu and sore throat, patients often complain of muscle pain and aches. The patient suffers from high body temperature, fever,
5. excessive physical stress. A lot of lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which interacts with nerve fibers and causes pain,
6. pinched or injured nerve. At neurological diseases shooting pain is very common.

If you have muscle and joint pain, you should definitely visit a doctor, since without identifying the source of the pain, no treatment will be effective.

Pain during pregnancy

All changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman necessarily affect the muscles. And more involved in the process smooth muscle, which makes up the walls of the uterus, intestines, blood vessels, hair follicles.
If some muscles are in a state of relaxation throughout the entire gestation period, for example, blood vessels, intestines, then others, on the contrary, bear a greater load. And if the expectant mother did not exercise before conception, this new load causes muscle pain.

First of all, this concerns the abdominal muscles. Those muscles that used to make the stomach flat ( abdominal muscles or rectus abdominis muscles), is now held in correct position uterus The skeletal muscles also bear a heavy load, because a woman’s weight is constantly increasing. To help your muscles cope with the load, you should do exercises for pregnant women, including stretching exercises.
The muscles undergo a very serious test pelvic floor. She holds the uterus with the fetus from below, and also helps to reproduce the baby. During pregnancy, it is very important to strengthen these muscles, since if they are weak and insufficiently elastic, they can be injured or cut by a doctor during childbirth. Such assistance during childbirth may lead to urinary incontinence in the future.

It’s also harder on the back muscles. After all, the center of gravity is female body shifts, the back has to adapt to it. What can we say about the leg muscles, which have to carry an enlarged and changed body! And they respond with muscle cramps and pain in the evenings.
To prevent and alleviate all these unpleasant phenomena, you should take vitamins with microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins E, D, C. And you should definitely do exercises. It’s better to prepare your body for pregnancy in advance and start playing sports in advance.

Pain and fever are symptoms of toxic shock

Signs toxic shock:
1. excruciating muscle pain,
2. headache ,
3. temperature increase of 39 degrees in a short period of time,
4. sore throat,
5. diarrhea,
6. swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose,
7. vomit ,
8. disturbance of consciousness,
9. rashes on the feet and palms,
10. lack of coordination
11. accelerated pulse,
12. limbs become bluish.

If there is a possibility of toxic shock, you should call an ambulance immediately. The victim should be placed in a warm place, take her pulse, and check if she is breathing.
Toxic shock syndrome develops in some cases with the constant use of vaginal tampons. Treatment consists of taking antibiotics and sometimes using an oxygen mask.

In the future, there is a thirty percent chance of shock recurrence. Therefore, you should resort to preventive measures:
1. stop using tampons or do it as little as possible,
2. use pads and tampons alternately,
3. use tampons that absorb less,
4. insert tampons as carefully as possible so as not to damage the vaginal mucosa,
5. tampons should be changed once every eight hours or more often,
6. After suffering toxic shock, you should not use tampons for at least 3 to 4 months.

Pain in a child

If a child experiences muscle pain from time to time, it is most often associated with temporary increases in physical activity, but sometimes it should force the parents to take the child to the doctor.

Muscle pain can be observed in both calm and very active baby. Most often, muscles hurt after exercise, if the muscles have not been thoroughly warmed up with a massage or warm-up exercises. This pain can vary in intensity, but after a few days it will go away on its own if you reduce physical activity.

If the baby constantly has pain in the muscles of one or both limbs, if there is swelling and an increase in temperature, the help of a doctor is necessary, since the cause of the ailment may be injury or disease.

Muscle spasms also occur in children, and their occurrence has nothing to do with the child’s diet, physique, or even the age of the child.
Sometimes after training in hot weather when there is no drinking water Heat cramps may occur. Sometimes spasms occur at night, they are very painful and most often affect the lower parts of the legs.

Night muscle pain is often associated with a lack of magnesium, calcium and B vitamins in the child’s body. The pain intensifies with lack of sleep and overexcitement of the child.

A baby suffering from muscle spasms should be taken to therapeutic massage, prohibit the consumption of energy drinks. Enrich his diet with a vitamin-mineral complex with increased content calcium, magnesium and potassium. Sources of potassium include citrus fruits, potatoes, carrots, bananas, apples, strawberries and plums. Magnesium is present in nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables. Dairy products are a source of calcium. Physical therapy has a very good effect.

Vaginal muscle pain

Vaginal muscle pain occurs with vaginismus. With this disease, when a finger, gynecological instrument or tampon is inserted into the vagina, the muscles painfully contract. This disease is associated with a disorder conditioned reflexes. One of the types of vaginismus is dyspareunia, when the muscles of the vagina and vulva hurt before, during and after intercourse.

Most often, vaginal muscle pain causes significant damage personal life women. The cause of such pain may be psychological trauma or a disease of the reproductive organs. More often than not, no matter what causes the pain, it leads to loneliness and aversion to sex.

Pain that occurs during intercourse is most often acute nature. It can be of three types:
1. superficial,
2. deep,
3. postpartum

Sometimes the superficial pain is so intense that the doctor cannot even perform gynecological examination. Painful attacks can even be caused by riding a bicycle or sitting on something hard.

Deep pain is associated with copulation. It spreads throughout the lower abdomen and shoots into the sacrum area. This pain is characterized as dull.

Postpartum pain appears during lactation in women who have given birth to a baby for the first time. They can last 3–12 months, usually about six months.

Vaginal muscles may ache after injury, childbirth, or surgery. During childbirth, the vaginal muscles are subject to heavy load, they create the birth canal through which the fetus is expelled. Often during childbirth, the cervix, perineum, and vagina are injured.

Sometimes the perineum is cut or torn. Not in all cases it is possible to completely restore the original state of the tissues. Sometimes inflammation develops at the suture sites.

Pain at night

Muscle pain at night is most often associated with cramps. Convulsions occur especially often in calf muscles. As soon as you stretch your leg, it immediately cramps with pain. Many sufferers do not get enough sleep at night due to pain in the calf muscles.

  • muscle strain during the day,
  • lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium in the diet,
  • primary phase of diabetes.
You should visit a doctor if:
  • pain appeared after training and does not go away after rest,
  • if the pain is jerking or aching in nature,
  • if the pain does not go away for more than 3 nights in a row.
Before visiting the doctor, you can try to diversify your diet with herbs, radishes, carrots along with tops, dill, and salad. You should take one tablet twice a day calcium pantothenate. The course of treatment can be one and a half weeks.
Exercises for the legs, which can be done right in bed, are very useful. Before going to bed, you can warm the sore spot with a heating pad, but not very hot.

Fasting and pain

Muscle pain is one of the complications of fasting. They do not appear in everyone, but only if fasting is long enough or if during fasting a person experiences serious muscle overload. The pain is explained by the fact that during fasting, all metabolic processes in the muscles are inhibited. To relieve pain, you should use warming, massage, and reduce the intensity of training.

During fasting, cramps are also possible. They also appear during prolonged fasting and are explained by a lack of phosphorus, calcium and sodium salts in the body. Most often, cramping pain begins in the fingers upper limbs, move to the calves and even to the chewing muscles. It is effective to use a one percent solution of table salt orally, 20 milliliters. Sometimes one dose is enough for relief. Sometimes you have to drink twice. The solution should be drunk warm.
Pain during fasting is not dangerous and you should not be afraid of it.

Ointments for pain

1. Anesthetic fluid . Among its components are novocaine, menthol, alcohol and anesthesin. Used for myositis, radiculitis, muscle and ligament injuries.
2. Apizartron . Ingredients: bee venom, methyl salicylate, mustard oil. Effective for neuralgia, injuries, radiculitis, myositis. First, the surface of the body is treated with ointment, left for a minute, after which a massage is performed.
3. Sanitas . Ingredients: eucalyptus and lemon balm oil, methyl salicylate, petroleum jelly, turpentine, camphor.
4. Bom-benge . Ingredients: menthol, methyl salicylate, petroleum jelly.
5. Vipratox . Ingredients: camphor, methyl salicylate, snake venom. Effective for muscle pain.
6. Gymnastogal . Very quickly relieves muscle pain, indicated both for myositis and for injuries, arthritis, radiculitis, lumbago. After handling the patient, wash your hands thoroughly.
7. Camphocin . Ingredients: red pepper tincture, turpentine, salicylic acid, castor oil. Very effective for arthritis, injuries and myositis.
8. Mellivenon . Ingredients: bee venom, chloroform and others active ingredients. Effective for muscle pain, osteochondrosis, bursitis. Used for ultrasound treatment sessions.
9. Myoton . The basis of the drug is extracts from medicinal herbs that eliminate pain and improve blood flow. The drug is available in several varieties.
10. Naftalgin . Ingredients: sperm whale oil, methyl salicylate, analgin, naftalan oil. Very effective in relieving pain muscle injuries, radiculitis.


1. Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs . They not only dull the pain, but also relieve inflammation, if any. You can significantly alleviate your condition for a while. But they cannot be used too often, since these drugs have a lot of side effects, in particular, they negatively affect the liver and organs gastrointestinal tract. They can be taken only after meals.
2. Cold and warm . Ice is a very good first aid for muscle pain caused by injury. It should be immediately applied to the affected area, it will relieve pain, slow down metabolic processes in tissues and thereby stop the inflammatory reaction. You should not apply ice directly to the skin; it is better to use a terry towel. Otherwise, you may get frostbite. Warm compresses can only be done 72 hours after injury ( if the pain is caused by an injury). Heat speeds up blood movement and improves metabolic processes. Thus, the condition of the tissues improves. Warm baths can be very effective; instead, you can simply apply a heating pad or rub aching muscles warming ointment.
3. Massage . This method is good in cases where muscle pain is idiopathic or caused by heavy loads.
4. Tight bandage . It can be used for muscle pain in the arms or legs. For dressing should be used elastic bandages. Do not bandage too tightly. After applying the bandage, take a horizontal position and the sore leg ( hand) place it on a blanket bolster to elevate it.
5. Therapeutic exercise . It should be prescribed by a doctor according to the cause of the pain.
6. First choice medications : finalgon, fastum, nurofen, ketonal, ketorol, voltaren.

If the pain is caused physical activity, but there is no injury, you should not completely give up training. But they should be very soft, more attention should be paid to stretching exercises and walks.

Folk remedies

1. Mountain arnica extract effective remedy for compresses and rubbing. It can be poured into baths. Take 2-3 tbsp per liter of water. l.,
2. Pour 2 teaspoons of naked hernia herb into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, pass through a sieve and consume 100 ml orally. 3 times a day,
3. If your muscles hurt from a cold, an infusion of sweet clover will help. Brew 4 tablespoons of sweet clover flowers with half a glass of boiling water, hold for 30 minutes, pass through a sieve. Drink 2 tbsp. 5 – 6 times a day,
4. 1 tsp thyme, brew 200 ml of boiling water, hold for a quarter of an hour, pass through a sieve and consume 200 ml. 2 – 3 times a day,
5. For external treatments, you can make an ointment from laurel and juniper. For 6 parts of dried bay leaves, take 1 part of juniper branches, grind everything into flour, add 12 parts of vegetable fat or Vaseline. Treat by massaging the affected area 2 or 3 times a day,
6. Boil potatoes in their skins, mash them together with the peel and bandage them through several layers of gauze to the sore spot. Wrap a warm cloth on top. Hold the night
7. take 2 large cabbage leaves, spread with soap and sprinkle with soda. Make a compress with them on the affected area,
8. combine yolk, 1 tsp. turpentine, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Treat sore areas before going to bed, then put a warm bandage on the rubbed area,
9. rub the sore spot with menovazine,
10. 40 gr. lard or oil mixed with 10 gr. dry horsetail flour. Relieves pain well
11. Brew a dessert spoon of dried Adonis herb with 200 ml of boiling water, hold for 60 minutes. Take a tablespoon orally 3 times a day. Drink for a month, rest for 10 days and drink again,
12. 10 gr. Brew 200 ml of boiling water with cucumber grass. Keep under cover overnight. Take a tablespoon every 4 hours,
13. take 200 ml of seventy percent alcohol and 25 g. barberry bark. Keep in the pantry for 7 days. Take 30 drops 3 times a day,
14. finely chop the willow sprigs ( do in spring), make compresses with them on the sore spot,
15. Brew 20 fresh physalis berries in 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and keep on the lowest heat for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the heat and let cool. Drink a quarter glass on an empty stomach 5 times a day,
16. 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over willow leaves or buds and leave for an hour. Take 2 tbsp orally. every 4 hours,

Muscle pain (myalgia) is nagging pain in muscles, which can occur either in a specific area of ​​the body or in any of the more than 600 muscles in the body.

Most often, muscle pain occurs in the shoulders and neck in the back.

Causes of muscle pain:

- intense and great physical activity.

- circulatory disorders.

- injuries. When injured, muscle tension is the body's response. The pain caused by the injury is sharp and aching, and can “shoot” while the affected limb is working. There is often a bruise or swelling at the site of the injury. You should stop exercising if you hear a crunching or clicking sound in any joint. This indicates the likelihood of imminent injury.

- caused by diseases, including fibromyalgia (affects the neck, back of the head, shoulders, muscles near the knee joints and chest), radiculitis, thyroid gland, discogenic radiculitis, bruises, sprains, as well as diseases caused by viral infections; inflammation of muscle fibers (myositis), polymyositis or polymyalgia rheumatica.

- with a lack of minerals in the body.

- with a sedentary lifestyle.

- incorrect posture.

emotional stress, stress. , depression

long-term lack of sleep, hypothermia, chronic diseases

Muscle pain in the legs.

Causes of muscle pain in the legs:

- flat feet. Pain occurs in the lower legs.

- from long, prolonged standing on your feet or sitting in one position. Blood circulation is disrupted, as a result of which the muscles do not receive enough oxygen, and metabolic products accumulate in them. The result is pain. The pain is dull and aching, and can sometimes turn into cramps.

- for diseases of the nervous system (neuralgia), spine, blood vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, myositis, osteomyelitis, myoenthesitis, paratenonitis, fibromyalgia.

- with an unhealthy diet leading to obesity, which leads to increased stress on the legs.

Muscle pain in the arms.

The arm muscles consist of the muscles of the hand, forearm and shoulder.

Causes of muscle pain in the arms:

- after uncharacteristic heavy physical activity.

- at infectious diseases; polymyositis; osteomyelitis, fibromyalgia; muscular rheumatism; diseases of the peripheral nervous system, inflammation of muscle fibers.

- in case of poisoning, including alcohol intoxication.

- in case of metabolic disorders in the body.

- as a result of an injury.

- in case of disruption of the production of certain enzymes.

Muscle pain in the back.

Causes of muscle pain in the back:

- performing work that involves constant heavy lifting.

- for diseases: osteochondrosis, scoliosis; disc hernias; kyphosis (curvature of the spine in the chest area); gynecological; diseases of the digestive organs.

- if you have short shoulders.

- with prolonged compression of the muscle.

Muscle pain treatment.

Depending on the nature of the occurrence of muscle pain, treatment is prescribed and applied.

For viral infections, take an antipyretic.

For other pain, massage in the area of ​​sore muscles and taking anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable.

If painful sensations occur locally, then peace will help.

For bruises, apply ice; for swelling, apply a warm bandage. Raise the affected limb upward (place it on a pillow).

Ointments for muscle pain: anesthetic liquid; apizartron, sanitas, bom-benge, vipratox, gymnastogal, camphocin, mellivenone, myoton, naphthalgin.

Acute muscle pain

For acute muscle pain that occurs after an injury, it is necessary to provide rest and unloading, and in some cases, immobilization.


— in such cases, local cooling with ice wrapped in a towel has a good effect, which helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.

- It is necessary to stop the exercise that led to muscle pain.

Folk remedies for muscle pain :

- compress from white cabbage: Wash the cabbage leaves, dry them on a paper towel, then mash them a little, soap them and sprinkle a little baking soda. Apply the leaf to the sore spot, tie it with a warm scarf and leave the compress for 2 hours.

- infusion of barberry bark: pour 25 g of barberry bark with 200 ml of 70% alcohol, leave for a week. Strain. Take 25 drops 3 times a day.

- willow infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of willow leaves and buds with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 2 tbsp. spoons every 4 times a day.

- infusion of Adonis herb: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of Adonis herb with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 1 month. Then take a break for 10 days and continue the course of treatment.

Compress to relieve muscle pain: 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of turpentine, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar - stir. Apply as a compress to the sore spot.

- Rub the sore spot with bee venom ointment.

- thyme infusion: brew 1 teaspoon of thyme with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 200 ml 2 times a day.

- ointment for muscle pain: juniper herb, bay laurel - proportions 1:6 - grind. Add vegetable fat (12 parts) - mix. Lubricate (massage) the sore spot 2 times a day.

- arnica tincture compress: 3 tbsp. spoons of arnica pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 4-5 hours. Moisten a napkin in the tincture and apply it to the sore spot as a compress.

- drink herbal teas, vegetable and fruit juices, diluted mineral water with reduced salt content.

- take a bath with pine or spruce pine extract or healing mud(sold at the pharmacy.

— hernia infusion: 2 teaspoons of hernia herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

- infusion of sweet clover (for muscle pain due to colds): 4 tbsp. Brew spoons of sweet clover flowers with 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.