Concepts characterizing individual mental states of a person are. Mental state of the individual

Various types of psychological states are closely related to each other. Moreover, this connection is so close that it is very difficult to separate out the different ones. Thus, the state of tension is very often closely related to states of fatigue, monotony of work, etc.

However, there are various systems for classifying psychological states. Most often isolated state of personality, state of consciousness, state of intellect. Other classifications are also used, considering crisis, hypnotic and other states. Various classification criteria are applied. Most often, types of conditions are identified based on the following six criteria.

Types of states by source of formation:

  • conditioned by the situation, for example, a reaction to abuse;
  • personality-related, for example, a sharp emotional reaction that often occurs in choleric people.

Types of states by degree of external expression:

  • superficial, weakly expressed, for example, a mood of mild sadness;
  • deep, strong, having the character of passionate hatred or love.

Types of states by emotional coloring:

  • positive, such as poetic inspiration;
  • negative, for example despondency, apathy;
  • neutral, for example indifference.

Types of states by duration:

  • short-term, such as an outburst of anger lasting a few seconds;
  • long-term, sometimes lasting for years, associated with feelings of revenge, boredom, depression;
  • of medium duration, for example associated with feelings of fear during air travel.

By degree of awareness:

  • unconscious, occurring, for example, during sleep;
  • conscious - states of mobilization of all forces, for example, among athletes setting a sports record.

Types of mental states according to level of manifestation:

  • physiological, such as hunger;
  • psychological, such as inspiration, enthusiasm;
  • psychophysiological.

Using these criteria, a comprehensive description of, in fact, any specific state from the entire variety of occurring mental states can be given. Thus, a state caused by a feeling of fear:

  • may be due to either an external situation or personal reasons;
  • can more or less deeply affect the human psyche;
  • characterized as a negative emotion;
  • usually has an average duration;
  • is sufficiently realized by the person;
  • is realized both at the physiological and psychological levels.

Based on these criteria, common conditions such as anxiety, love, fatigue, admiration, etc. can be described.

Along with the mental states of an individual person, there are also “mass-like” states, i.e. mental states of certain communities of people: small and large groups, nations, . In the sociological and socio-psychological literature, two types of such states are specifically considered: and public mood.

Characteristics of the basic mental states of the individual

The most typical conditions characteristic of most people, both in everyday life and in [[Professional activity/professional activity]], are the following.

Optimal working condition, ensuring the greatest efficiency of activity at an average pace and intensity of work (the state of an operator working on a conveyor line, a turner turning a part, a teacher conducting a regular lesson). It is characterized by the presence of a conscious goal of activity, high concentration of attention, sharpening of memory, and activation of thinking.

State of intense work activity, arising in the process of work in extreme conditions (the condition of an athlete at a competition, a test pilot while testing a new car, a circus performer when performing a complex trick, etc.). Mental stress is caused by the presence of an overly significant goal or increased demands on the employee. It can also be determined by a strong motivation to achieve a result or the high cost of a mistake. It is characterized by very high activity of the entire nervous system.

State of professional interest is of great importance for the efficiency of work. This state is characterized by: awareness of the significance of professional activity. the desire to learn more about it and actively act in its field; concentration of attention on objects associated with a given area. The creative nature of professional activity can give rise to mental states in an employee that are similar in nature to state of creative inspiration characteristic of scientists, writers, artists, actors, musicians. It is expressed in creative upsurge, sharpening of perception, increasing the ability to reproduce what was previously captured; increasing power of imagination.

The mental state of readiness for it in general and for its individual elements is important for effective professional activity.

Monotony- a condition that develops during long-term repeated loads of medium and low intensity (for example, the condition of a truck driver at the end of a long trip). It is caused by monotonous, repetitive information. The predominant emotions that accompany this condition. - boredom, indifference, decreased attention levels, deterioration in the perception of incoming information.

Fatigue- temporary decrease in performance under the influence of prolonged and high load. It is caused by the depletion of the body's resources through prolonged or excessive activity. It is characterized by decreased motivation to work, impaired attention and memory. At the physiological level, there is an excessive increase in the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.

- a state of prolonged and increased stress associated with the inability to adapt to the requirements of the environment. This condition is caused by prolonged exposure to environmental factors that exceed the body’s adaptation capabilities.

It is characterized by mental stress, a feeling of distress, anxiety, restlessness, and in the final stage - indifference and apathy. At the physiological level, there is a depletion of the adrenaline reserves necessary for the body.

State of relaxation - this state of calm, relaxation and restoration of strength occurs during autogenic training and during prayer. The cause of involuntary relaxation is the cessation of strenuous activity. The reason for voluntary relaxation is the exercise of psychological self-regulation, as well as prayer and other religious rituals, which are considered by believers as a way of communicating with higher powers.

The predominant sensations in this state are relaxation of the whole body, a feeling of peace, and pleasant warmth.

Sleep state- a special state of the human psyche, which is characterized by an almost complete disconnection of consciousness from the external environment.

During sleep, a biphasic mode of brain functioning is observed - alternating slow and fast sleep, which can also be considered as independent mental states. Sleep is associated with the need to organize information flows received during wakefulness and the need to restore the body's resources. A person’s mental reactions during sleep are involuntary, and from time to time he has emotionally charged dreams. At the physiological level, there is alternating activation of various parts of the nervous system.

The state of wakefulness - contrasted with the state of sleep. In its calmest form, wakefulness manifests itself in such forms of human activity as, for example, reading a book, watching an emotionally neutral TV show, etc. In this case, there is a lack of expressed emotions and moderate activity of the nervous system.

This or that relationship between these states and the dynamics of their development play an important role both in a person’s daily life and in his production activities. Therefore, psychological states are one of the main objects of study both in general psychology and in such a branch of psychological science as occupational psychology.

23. Mental states

According to Levitov’s definition, a mental state is a holistic characteristic of mental activity over a certain period of time, showing the uniqueness of the course of mental processes depending on the reflected objects and phenomena of reality, the previous state and mental properties of the individual.

Mental states, like other phenomena of mental life, have their own cause, which most often lies in the influence of the external environment. Essentially, any state is a product of the subject’s inclusion in some kind of activity, during which it is formed and actively transformed, while exerting a mutual influence on the success of this activity.

If we consider mental phenomena in the plane of such characteristics as “situational - long-term” and “variability - constancy,” we can say that mental states occupy an intermediate position between mental processes and mental properties of the individual. There is a close relationship between these three types of mental phenomena and mutual transition is possible. It has been established that mental processes (such as attention, emotions, etc.) under certain conditions can be considered as states, and frequently repeated states (for example, anxiety, curiosity, etc.) contribute to the development of corresponding stable personality traits.

Based on modern research, it can be argued that non-innate human properties are a static form of manifestation of certain mental states or their combinations. Mental properties are the long-term basis that determines the activity of the individual. However, the success and characteristics of an activity are greatly influenced by temporary, situational mental states of a person. Based on this, we can give the following definition of states: a mental state is a complex and diverse, relatively stable, but changing mental phenomenon that increases or decreases the activity and success of an individual’s life in a particular situation.

Based on the above definitions, we can distinguish the properties of mental states.

Integrity. This property is manifested in the fact that states express the relationship of all components of the psyche and characterize all mental activity as a whole over a given period of time.

Mobility. Mental states are changeable over time and have dynamics of development, manifested in a change in stages: beginning, development, completion.

Relative stability. The dynamics of mental states are expressed to a much lesser extent than the dynamics of mental processes (cognitive, volitional, emotional).

Polarity. Each state has its own antipode. For example, interest - indifference, cheerfulness - lethargy, frustration - tolerance, etc.

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14. Mental states

4.1 Concept of mental states

Mental conditions - one of the possible modes of human life, distinguished at the physiological level by certain energy characteristics, and at the psychological level - by a system of psychological filters that provide a specific perception of the surrounding world

Along with mental processes and personality traits, states are the main classes of mental phenomena that are studied by the science of psychology. Mental states influence the course of mental processes, and, repeating often, acquiring stability, they can be included in the structure of the personality as its specific property. Since each psychological state contains psychological, physiological and behavioral components, in the descriptions of the nature of states one can find concepts from different sciences (general psychology, physiology, medicine, occupational psychology, etc.), which creates additional difficulties for researchers working on this problem. At present, there is no single point of view on the problem of states, since personality states can be considered in two aspects. They are both cross-sections of personality dynamics and integral reactions of the personality, conditioned by its relationships, needs, goals of activity and adaptability in the environment and situation.

The structure of mental states includes many components at very different system levels: from physiological to cognitive (Table 14.1):

14.2 Classification of mental states

The difficulty in classifying mental states is that they often overlap or even coincide with each other so closely that it is quite difficult to “separate” them - for example, a state of some tension often appears against the background of states of fatigue, monotony, aggression and a number of other states. However, there are many options for their classifications. Most often they are divided into emotional, cognitive, motivational, and volitional. Summarizing the current characteristics of the functioning of the main integrators of the psyche (personality, intellect, consciousness), the terms state of personality, state of intellect, state of consciousness are used. Other classes of conditions have been described and continue to be studied: functional, psychophysiological, asthenic, borderline, crisis, hypnotic and other conditions. Based on the approaches to the diversity of mental states proposed by N.D. Levitov, we propose our own classification of mental states, consisting of seven constant and one situational component (Fig. 14.1). The principle of dividing states into certain categories is explained below in Table. 14.2.

Based on this classification, we can derive a mental state formula consisting of eight components. Such a formula will have two options - in general form and for each specific state of a given type. For example, the general formula for the state fear will be as follows:

0.1/ 1.2 / 2.3 / 3.2 / 4.2 / 5.1 / 6.? / 7.2

This means that fear, as a rule, is caused by a specific situation (0.1), affects the human psyche quite deeply (1.2), by sign it is a negative emotion (2.3) of average duration (3.2) and is fully recognized by the person (4.2). In this state, emotions prevail over reason (5.1), but the degree of activation of the body can be different: fear can have an activating value or deprive a person of strength (6.?). Thus, when describing a specific human condition, options 6.1 or 6.2 are possible. The last component of the formula - 7.2 means that this state is equally realized both at the psychological and physiological levels.

Within the framework of this concept, the formulas of some other mental states can be described as follows:

Fatigue: 0.1/ 1.? / 2.3 / 3.2 / 4.2 / 5.- / 6.1 / 7.2

Admiration: 0.1/ 1.2 / 2.1 / 3.2 / 4.2 / 5.2 / 6.2 / 7.3

The question mark (?) means that the condition can take on both characteristics depending on the situation. A dash (-) means that the condition does not contain any of the listed characteristics (for example, fatigue does not relate to either reason or emotion).

14.3 Characteristics of the basic mental states of a person according to the level of activation of the body

State of wakefulness at rest occurs during (passive rest, reading a book, watching a neutral TV show). In this case, there is an absence of expressed emotions, moderate activity of the reticular formation and the sympathetic nervous system, and in the brain there is an alternation of the beta rhythm (when a person is thinking about something) and the alpha rhythm (when the brain is resting).

State of relaxation - This is a state of calm, relaxation and recuperation. It occurs during autogenic training, trance, prayer. The reason for involuntary relaxation is the cessation of strenuous activity. The reason for voluntary relaxation is autogenic training, meditation, prayer, etc. The predominant sensations in this state are relaxation of the whole body, a feeling of peace, pleasant warmth, heaviness. There is increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and a predominance of the alpha rhythm in the electroencephalogram.

Sleep state - a special state of the human psyche, which is characterized by an almost complete disconnection of consciousness from the external environment. During sleep, a biphasic mode of brain functioning is observed - alternating slow and fast sleep (which, by and large, are independent mental states). Sleep is associated with the need to streamline information flows and restore the body's resources. A person’s mental reactions during sleep are involuntary, and from time to time emotionally charged dreams occur. At the physiological level, there is alternating activation of first the parasympathetic and then the sympathetic nervous system. Slow-wave sleep is characterized by theta and delta waves of brain biopotentials.

Optimal working condition - a state that ensures the greatest efficiency of activity at an average pace and intensity of work (the state of a turner turning a part, a teacher in a regular lesson). It is characterized by the presence of a conscious goal of activity, high concentration of attention, sharpening of memory, activation of thinking and increased activity of the reticular formation. Brain rhythms are mainly in the beta range.

State of intense activity - this is a condition that occurs during work in extreme conditions (the condition of an athlete at a competition, a test pilot while testing a new car, a circus performer when performing a complex exercise, etc.). Mental stress is caused by the presence of an overly significant goal or increased demands on the employee. It can also be determined by high motivation to achieve results or the high cost of making a mistake. It is characterized by very high activity of the sympathetic nervous system and high-frequency rhythms of the brain.

Monotony - a condition that develops under prolonged, repeated loads of medium and low intensity (for example, the condition of a truck driver at the end of a long trip). It is caused by monotonous, repetitive information. The predominant emotions are boredom, indifference, decreased attention levels. Part of the incoming information is blocked at the level of the thalamus

Fatigue - temporary decrease in performance under the influence of prolonged and high load. It is caused by the depletion of the body's resources through prolonged or excessive activity. It is characterized by decreased motivation to work, impaired attention and memory. At the physiological level, the appearance of extreme inhibition of the central nervous system is noted.

If you have an important and responsible task ahead (exam, public speaking, date, etc.), and you are afraid that you will worry and will not be able to show your best side, then the NLP “anchoring” technique will definitely help you. You can see a description of this technique -

If, on the contrary, you need to relax and not be nervous in vain, then you can use autogenic training techniques.

Reducing anxiety during sudden stress and restoring mental balance through deep breathing -

To pass the test, you need to look at a picture of people on a tree and choose the one that most resembles yourself. Remember the chosen person or circle him.

And now the most interesting thing is that by making your choice, you have already shown what your psychological state is now.

Each person symbolizes certain attitudes in communication that are relevant at the moment. The tree symbolizes the space in which each specific person occupies a certain place. The higher he stands, the higher you feel in the hierarchy.

If you chose figure No. 20 (it stands above all others), then we can assume that you have a mindset of leadership and high self-esteem.

The attitude towards friendly sociability is manifested when choosing figures 2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18. These little people create the feeling that they are comfortable in communication. If you chose one of them, it means you don't mind chatting with friends.

If you choose a person with the number 1, 3, 6 or 7, then this shows that you are internally ready to overcome obstacles of various kinds. If a person makes such a choice before or responsible events, this shows the right attitude. If the mindset to overcome obstacles arises before friendly communication, think about how you compete with your friends?

The most difficult thing is for the person who chose figure number 5, since it expresses a loss of strength, severe fatigue and shyness. If you have made this choice, it means you don’t want to be active yet and need to urgently restore your strength.

The desire to relax and have fun will be demonstrated by choosing figure No. 9. With this attitude, it is better to postpone serious work for a more favorable time.

The choice of people No. 13, 21 or 8 will indicate the presence of anxious states and a desire to withdraw into oneself.

The choice of figures 10, 15 or 4 will indicate a stable position. Moreover, position No. 15 is the most favorable. This little man is at the top, he is comfortable. No. 4 is also quite stable, but it clearly lacks achievements.

The choice of figure No. 14 will indicate a clearly crisis state. Help is probably needed here.

Figure No. 19 symbolizes contact with feelings of inability to help or loss.

So, with the choices you've made and a little interpretation, you've just determined your current psychological state. This state characterizes you at the moment and may change after some time.