Unpleasant burning in the eyes - causes and treatment. The eye hurts and burns, what should I do?

Burning eyes are a sensation of burning and dryness in the eyes. Very often a burning sensation is a symptom serious problems in the eyes.

Symptoms of burning eyes

Burning sensation in the eyes may be accompanied by other eye symptoms, including:

  • discharge from the eyes
  • feeling of dry eyes
  • itching and burning in the eyes
  • redness and pain in the eyes
  • pain, lacrimation and photophobia
  • blurred vision

Causes of burning eyes

Distinguish following reasons appearance of this symptom:

1. Environmental reasons. Most often, the symptom of burning in the eyes is caused by an aggressive effect environment:

  • strong wind
  • dust or smoke
  • intense sun exposure
  • chemical irritants (soap, makeup removers, cosmetics, etc.)

Causes related to allergies

  • pollen
  • mold
  • fungus, fungal spores
  • animal dander

2. Ocular causes

  • dry eye syndrome
  • inflammation of the eye mucosa (conjunctivitis)
  • inflammation of the skin of the eyelids (blepharitis)
  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis)
  • chronic meibomitis
  • Sjögren's syndrome
  • wearing contact lenses

3. Other reasons

  • old age
  • taking certain medications

When should you see a doctor urgently?

  • If the burning sensation of the eyes is accompanied by pain or hypersensitivity to the light and lacrimation
  • if you have any discharge from your eyes
  • if, along with a burning sensation, there is deterioration or blurred vision

Even if you do not have any of the listed symptoms, but have a burning sensation in your eyes, you should consult a specialist.

How to treat burning eyes

Treatment for burning eyes mainly depends on the cause that led to this symptom.

In case of exposure negative factors environment must be primarily avoided similar situations. Cold compresses with chamomile decoction will help quickly relieve the symptoms of burning around the eyes, in case of environmental causes.

In case of allergies, the doctor prescribes antiallergic medications that minimize the occurrence of burning sensation in the eyes.

Burning eyes with dry eye syndrome go away with the use of moisturizing drops. It is often necessary to use artificial tears that do not contain preservatives.

What should you absolutely not do?

If you experience a burning sensation in your eyes, you should not:

  • rubbing your eyes may worsen the burning sensation
  • bury eye drops without a doctor's prescription
  • wear contact lenses

What happens if the symptom is not treated?

A burning sensation in the eyes caused by environmental reasons can go away on its own without consequences for your vision and health.

In other cases, treatment of the underlying disease that leads to the development of this symptom is necessary.


Here are some tips to help you avoid burning eyes:

  • Visit your eye doctor regularly to ensure early diagnosis of conditions that may be causing the burning sensation.
  • If you wear contact lenses, tell your eye doctor about burning symptoms.
  • Use eye protection (dark glasses, masks, safety glasses) when exposed to adverse environmental factors.
  • If you suffer from a condition that causes burning (such as dry eye syndrome), use moisturizing drops to reduce symptoms.
  • Never ignore new symptoms or sensations that appear in your eyes.

Burning eyes are not the most pleasant thing you can experience in your life. And unfortunately you will definitely encounter it. An isolated manifestation of this sensation is difficult to find in nature; most often it is a component of a symptom complex, which includes sensations of burning, stinging, pain, redness, lacrimation and photophobia.


Burning eyes are a manifestation of other diseases, and you can get rid of the symptom forever only by curing the underlying disease. Do not self-medicate; such an approach to the matter can only harm your eyes and lead to the development of complications.

If ocular discomfort such as burning in the eyes, dryness, lacrimation occurs, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Having understood the causes of burning in the eyes, etiotropic treatment is prescribed.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is treated by prescribing medications (Parlazin, Suprastin, Cetrin). You need to get rid of the allergen. You can take a cat to whose fur you react negatively to your grandmother’s dacha or give it to good hands. Remove flowering plants from the house, exclude them from diet foods that cause a pathological reaction in you.

If you have an allergy to medications, be sure to notify any doctor you consult about this. If for several years at a certain time of the year an allergy to the flowering of street plants occurs, you can use drugs based on a membrane-stabilizing effect (Ketotifen) as a preventive measure.

Eye injuries

Eye injuries require consultation with a doctor to rule out a periorbital hematoma or other complication that could lead to vision loss. Availability foreign body This is also a good reason to visit an ophthalmologist.

Of course, you can get rid of a speck of dust that gets into your eye by blinking frequently. But it is better to leave the removal of large fragments of iron or wood chips to specialists. The doctor will not only remove the foreign object, but will also provide recommendations for treating existing eye injuries.

Eye burn

First aid for an eye burn consists of copious rinsing. clean water or saline solution. The victim must be taken to the hospital immediately.


  • Ointments and drops with anesthetic;
  • Eye drops with Atropine or Scopolamine (reduce pain and prevent adhesions from developing in the eyes);
  • Antibiotic ointments to prevent the development of inflammation;
  • Dialysate-based eye gels accelerate the regeneration of the cornea;
  • Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed when there is an increase in intraocular pressure(Betaxolol, Dorzolamide);
  • Burns severe require the prescription of corticoid drugs (Dexamethasone, Betamethasone).

Drink plenty of fluids for any type of burn. You need to drink regular still water.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome and overexertion are treated with rest. It is necessary to take breaks during long work behind the monitors, 5 minutes per hour is enough to exercise your eyes.

Drivers are advised not to overexert themselves and at the first signs of fatigue it is better to stop and rest for a quarter of an hour. Welders must use special safety glasses. And children are recommended to take more walks without phones and tablets.

From pharmacies quick ways To remove the burning symptom, you can use artificial tear preparations, which will quickly moisturize the mucous membrane and you can safely continue working (Vidisik, Lotadrin).

Endocrine system

Treatment of organs endocrine system ophthalmologist does not deal with it, but refer to to the right specialist Maybe. Do not forget about your chronic diseases and periodically visit your doctor to correct the treatment of the underlying disease.

Chronic diseases without treatment can lead to serious complications, in ophthalmology this is blindness.

Burning eyes from illness

Exists huge amount eye diseases that are accompanied by a burning sensation. Each disease has its own principles of treatment.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, infectious in nature. It's important to remember high level contagiousness of the disease, use an individual towel so as not to infect your family. For treatment, drops with antimicrobial substances and compresses of chamomile infusions are prescribed. If the disease does not go away, oral antibiotics may be prescribed.


More often age-related disease, characterized by clouding of the lens. The only one effective method treatment - micro-surgery to replace the lens.


Eye disease accompanied by increased eye pressure. Method of treatment: remove high blood pressure Inside the eye, Proxofelin and Betaxolol are used for this. On early stages You can use the Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty method. The procedure helps remove excess fluid from the eye, thereby reducing intraocular pressure.


Inflammation of the eyelid, has a character chronic course. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, exclusion of decorative cosmetics and increased immunization of the body are the basis of treatment. Therapy does not include surgical intervention. To select medications, you need to identify the causative agent of the disease: bacteria - antibiotics are prescribed, virus - antiviral drugs, allergic form blepharitis - antihistamines and allergen elimination.


Growth of an additional row of eyelashes. Surgical treatment is aimed at removing the area where excess eyelashes grow. Electrolysis or cryotherapy are ineffective, since the risk of abnormal eyelash growth returning is high.


Not closing the eyelids. As drug treatment use instillations (introduction of drugs into the conjunctival sac) moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobials. Surgical treatment is used to correct eyelid defects.


Inflammation of the fibrous membrane of the eye. Therapy involves the prescription of general and local anti-inflammatory drugs. It must be accompanied by etiotropic therapy aimed at the very cause of inflammation.


Benign formation on the edge of the eyelid, formed as a result of blockage of the duct sebaceous gland in the century. Conservative therapy consists of injection steroid drugs in the center of the tumor and the use of hot compresses with eye massage (helps eliminate blockage of the gland). If conservative treatment is ineffective or frequent relapses decide to remove the formation surgically.


Inflammation of the blood vessels of the eye, requires systemic treatment. Mydriatics (Atropine, Phenylephrine), steroids (Prednisolone, Betamethasone), hypotonic drugs (Bletaxolol) and physiotherapy (enzyme electrophoresis and phonophoresis) are used as therapy. In advanced forms of the disease, a necessary measure is evisceration (removal) of the eyeball.


Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. Conservative treatment is aimed at preventing complications and eliminating the cause of the disease; for this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used: mydriatics, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antihistamines, antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Physiotherapy - magnetic therapy, electrophoresis. Surgical treatment carried out to separate adhesions in the eye.

Traditional methods for treating burning eyes

Traditional methods of treatment are acceptable only for relieving symptoms, but not for the full treatment of eye diseases. We offer you the TOP 3 effective folk remedies for temporary relief of burning eyes:

  • Chamomile compresses. Chamomile tea bags, you just need to brew them for 3 minutes and apply them to your eyes. Or brew a teaspoon of dry chamomile in a glass of boiling water and soak 2 cotton pads in the infusion and apply it to your eyes. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  • Tea compresses. Regular black tea without additives or flavorings. The recipe is simple and very effectively relieves burning sensation for 1.5 - 2 hours. Brew tea bags in the usual way and apply to your eyes for no more than 15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated every 2 hours.
  • Cold compress from pharmacy tincture calendula. To 1 teaspoon of calendula tincture add 10 teaspoons boiled water. Wait until the resulting mixture reaches room temperature (3-5 minutes). Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to eyes. The procedure takes 25-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure no more than 6 times a day.

If you are intolerant to chamomile or calendula, do not use these methods. Otherwise you will only make your condition worse.

Preventing burning sensation

  1. Observe personal hygiene rules, do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed.
  2. Avoid contact with allergens.
  3. Treat eye diseases promptly and fully.
  4. If you have the slightest suspicion of eye disease, consult a doctor.
  5. Exercise your eyes daily to avoid overstrain.
  6. Take care of your nerves - try to protect yourself from stress.
  7. Use safety glasses when working on construction sites or other industries.
  8. Don't neglect your vacation! This is an excellent reason to go to an area with clean air, where your eyes will rest from the unfavorable environmental situation.
  9. Choose glasses and lenses only after consulting a specialist.
  10. Follow the rules for caring for contact lenses.
  11. Use Artificial Tear as needed.

Don’t be afraid to contact ophthalmologists; if there is a burning sensation in the eyes, then it needs to be cured. Remember that the funds traditional medicine are not full treatment, but only temporarily eliminate symptoms.

Stinging and burning in the eyes can be a symptom of an ophthalmological disease, allergies, infections and some systemic conditions. Others common reasons Such painful manifestations are caused by exposure to external stimuli. Identifying the causes of what is happening is necessary to prescribe adequate treatment.

External causes of burning in the eyes

Exposure to external irritants can cause burning in the eyes and watery eyes. Such factors irritate the mucous membrane or skin of the eyelids, causing symptoms. These include:

  • Impact natural phenomena(strong wind or bright sun).
  • Irritation occurs under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors (smoke, smog, abundance of dust, etc.).
  • After being hit cosmetics(soap, shampoo) or using cosmetics (eye shadow, mascara) of poor quality, the whites of the eyes may turn red, and irritation may appear on the skin of the eyelids.
  • The eyelids may itch or burn when exposed to welding rays, computer radiation, or other harmful influences related to professional activity.
  • If you wear contact lenses or glasses for a long time or choose the wrong one, your eyelids will begin to burn and burn, and itching and redness of the mucous membranes may occur.

Burning sensation due to eye diseases

Dryness and burning in the eyes can be caused by a number of pathological conditions of the body, among which the most common are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious eye inflammation;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • some system pathological processes;
  • eye injuries.

Infectious diseases

  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • burning and stinging;
  • purulent or serous discharge;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body;
  • pain.

Common eye infections are the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal ducts;
  • dacryoadenitis.


If you are prone to allergic reactions, the cause of unpleasant symptom may become contact with an allergen (food, household, medicinal, dust, etc.). Symptoms allergic conjunctivitis when reacting to dust, animal hair or plant pollen, the following manifestations occur:

  • burning and stinging;
  • swelling and redness of the eyelids;
  • photophobia;
  • tearfulness.

Diseases of allergic etiology, for clinical picture which are characterized by the appearance of symptoms:

  • allergic, large capillary or pollinous conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis (seasonal, atopic);
  • eyelid skin dermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema.

Systemic diseases

In a number of systemic diseases, dysfunction of the structures of the visual organs occurs, which becomes the cause of discomfort. The symptom appears when: pathological conditions:

  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, etc.);
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • certain blood diseases (such as lymphoma);
  • hormonal imbalances (during menopause, pregnancy, or caused drug therapy);
  • vasculitis localized in blood vessels eyeballs;
  • skin diseases;
  • systemic infections (eg influenza).

Associated symptoms depend on the diagnosis and the severity of the patient’s condition. With inflammation, lacrimation occurs, with dry eye syndrome (a non-infectious ophthalmological pathology that occurs due to overexertion, regular wearing of contact lenses, and working at a computer) - redness of the mucous membrane, sensation of a foreign body.

Burning and feeling of sand in the eyes, as a rule, this is a sign of quite a few diseases visual system. Burning sensation in the eyes occurs as a result of lacrimation. U healthy person tear fluid is secreted by the lacrimal glands to regularly moisturize the eyeball. Tear fluid protects the organs of vision and prevents the penetration of pathogenic microflora and drying out of the upper layers of the eye.

The main reason for this phenomenon is prolonged work in front of the computer and prolonged eye strain. The eyes get very tired due to heavy load, as a result, the functioning of the lacrimal glands is disrupted, due to which the cornea does not receive the full amount of moisture.

What triggers the symptom

Burning sensations in the eyes are a rather unpleasant sign of many diseases. It appears completely unexpectedly and can just as quickly disappear. But only in the case when the burning sensation is caused by external development factors. The impact of the environment on human health today is greater negative character. Among the reasons for environmental influences are:

TO internal reasons include:

  1. Infectious diseases (conjunctivitis, ARVI, influenza, barley, etc.).
  2. Violation of the integrity of the microflora of the cornea.
  3. Development of an allergic reaction.
  4. Increased intraocular pressure.
  5. Ophthalmological diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, farsightedness).
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland.
  7. Pathologies of the nervous system.
  8. Dry eye syndrome.

Such large lists Factors in the development of burning in the eyes indicate that the visual system of each of us is regularly in danger. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly listen and observe your vision.

Diseases accompanied by burning eyes

Burning in the eyes often occurs in various pathological conditions of the visual organs or their appendages. With the pathological development of any disease, the patient may complain of itching, regular pain, heaviness in the eyes and fatigue. It is not uncommon to experience double vision of objects when looking, pain when looking at bright light, or spasm of the ciliary muscle. Large quantity various unpleasant sensations cause a person unbearable discomfort, thereby forcing him to visit an ophthalmologist. If there are a number of diseases that can cause burning in the eyes:

  • Infectious lesion. Inflammatory processes conjunctivae are the most common ophthalmological disease infectious etiology. According to official statistics, inflammation of the conjunctiva accounts for 65% of all eye diseases that are caused by inflammation. Also, an unpleasant burning sensation in the eyes appears with keratitis - this is inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes or corneal syndrome. The pathology is characterized by photophobia, pain in the eyelids, lacrimation, redness and sensation foreign object in the eyes. The disease is dangerous because it can lead to darkening of the outer layer of the cornea and a further decrease in total percentage vision. In addition, burning in the eyes is a clear sign inflammation of the lacrimal glands, barley, blepharitis.

  • Allergic diseases. Allergic and toxic-allergic diseases of the conjunctiva of the eyes or skin eyelids can also cause burning. Allergic reaction may be caused negative action plant pollen, animal hair, dust, food and much more. TO allergic diseases eyes can be classified as: pollinous conjunctivitis, atypical dermatitis, large-capillary conjunctivitis.
  • Dry eye syndrome. This disease is manifested by dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eyes, which can lead to burning and itching of the eyes. Pathology is formed due to permanent job at the computer, as a result of not following the rules for using contact lenses, low air humidity in the room is less than 50%. As a rule, the burning sensation during the development of dry eye syndrome occurs in the late afternoon and begins to intensify in the morning. If this pathology is not treated, filamentous keratitis and a number of other equally serious diseases develop. To prevent the formation serious consequences a person needs to constantly use artificial tear fluid substitutes.

  • Mechanical injuries, burns, foreign objects. Different types damage to the eyeball in almost all cases is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, burning and lacrimation. In case of eye injury, it is necessary to obtain qualified medical assistance as soon as possible.
  • Systemic diseases. Burning sensations in the organs of vision can appear as a result of the development of systemic pathologies of the body.

Burning sensation in the eye can occur with the following pathologies:

  • diseases circulatory system(malignant lymphoma);
  • hyperthyroidism leading to damage visual organ and exophthalmos;
  • disturbances in the functioning of hormones, pregnancy or menopause;
  • ARVI and influenza, regardless of the pathogen;
  • vasculitis, affecting vessels eyeball;
  • some skin diseases(for example, pemphigus).

When to go to the doctor

If you experience short-term itching, for example, which appears when there is a strong wind or shampoo gets into your eyes, you do not need to contact an ophthalmologist, since the burning sensation caused by these factors is temporary and will not cause harm to health. But when an unpleasant feeling visits you regularly and lasts for a long time, then it would be best to consult a specialist.

Do not self-diagnose and do not prescribe medications for yourself - this will not make you better.

Drug therapy

Most people believe that burning and itching in the eyes is a trifle and should not be paid any attention, but in some situations, burning can tell us about the development of quite serious illness visual system, which may well lead to complete blindness over time. If there is discomfort in the eyes, you need to consult a doctor; only a professional will help, prescribe correct course treatment, and deliver accurate diagnosis.

A burning sensation in the eyes must be treated depending on the causes of this phenomenon:

For infectious diseases

IN in this case It is appropriate to use Oftalmoferon.
It's antiviral medicine, which is quite often used for local therapy in ophthalmology.
The drug is available in the form eye drops. Has a solution yellow tint. 1 ml of product contains:

  • 1 mg diphenhydramine;
  • 10 thousand IU of interferon alpha-2a.

In addition, the drops also contain auxiliary substances:

  • povidone 8000;
  • macrogol 4000;
  • hypromellose;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium acetate;
  • disodium edetate;
  • purified water;
  • boric acid.

Indications for use:

  1. Dry eye syndrome.
  2. Keratouveitis.
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis.
  4. Herpetic conjunctivitis.
  5. Adenoviral or herpetic keratoconjunctivitis.
  6. Vesicular, punctate, map-shaped.

The main contraindications are:

At acute form diseases drip 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac 6 to 8 times a day. As the disease is eliminated, the number of instillations per day is reduced to 2-3 times, and the treatment regimen is continued until complete recovery.

Allergic reactions

The most popular and effective remedy is Tavegil.
This is an antihistamine medicine to treat allergies. Renders quite quick effect, has no sedative effect. It has a strong antihistamine property, preventing the production of histamine and bradykinin, which contribute to the development of allergies.

  • different forms of skin rashes;
  • allergic urticaria;
  • Symptoms of seasonal allergies;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis;
  • atopic and contact dermatitis;
  • signs of food allergy.

The main contraindications include:

  • age up to twelve months;
  • presence of bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • in men, prostate pathology is considered a contraindication;
  • regular increase in blood pressure;
  • closed-type glaucoma;
  • stomach ulcer.

For dry eye syndrome

For treatment, you can use Natural Tear drops.
They are used to restore the deficiency of tear fluid production. The medicine promotes additional hydration of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eyes.

The active component of the product is a water-soluble solution called Duasorb. In the role excipients contains:

  1. Hydrochloric acid.
  2. Potassium chloride.
  3. Hypromellose.
  4. Sodium chloride.
  5. Purified water.
  6. Besankoly Chloride.

The main indications for the use of the drug are:

  1. Dry eyes.
  2. Irritation, redness and pain.
  3. To protect the cornea from negative impact environment.


  1. Allergic reaction to the composition of the drug.
  2. Childhood.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.

Installation should be done 1-2 drops into each conjunctival sac, drip the product, carefully without touching the outer layer of the eyeball. The drug should be used as needed, for example, when irritation or burning occurs.

Drops should not be used to treat women during pregnancy and lactation.

For corneal injuries

For such cases, Korneregel is indicated.
This drug, which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps restore the cornea after mechanical damage. The product has regenerating and protective properties.

Main components of the composition:

  1. Carbomer.
  2. Dexpanthenol.

Auxiliary means are:

  1. Disodium edetate.
  2. Cetrimide.
  3. Sodium hydroxide.
  4. Water for injections.

The product is produced in the form of a 5% eye gel in an aluminum tube of 7 and 10 grams.

Indications for use

  1. Keratitis.
  2. Corneal erosion.
  3. Mechanical damage to the eyes.
  4. Protecting the cornea from wearing lenses.
  5. Dystrophic damage to the visual system.


  1. Hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Acute and chronic renal failure.

Korneregel is dripped 1 drop 3 times a day daily. When instilling, it is necessary to pull the lower eyelid down and, holding the tube of gel vertically above the eye, drop the gel onto the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid without touching the conjunctiva.

At systemic pathologies, there are no specific treatment frameworks, since for each disease it is necessary to select the necessary remedy. You can only accept vitamin complexes for the prevention of eye diseases.


This video will tell you about possible reasons burning and feeling of sand in the eyes.


  1. Burning eyes can be caused by both internal and external causes.
  2. To eliminate the symptom, topical medications are used.
  3. The selection of medications is made depending on the root cause and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Human eyes are very important organ, responsible for vision. With their help we learn the world around us. But very often they are exposed to danger, both from the outside and from the inside.

The structure of the eye is a very fragile organ, so the effect on them various factors they call immediately various symptoms, most often we encounter a problem when our eyes burn. This is a very painful sign that causes severe discomfort. In this state, the level of vision quality drops significantly. In addition, our “mirror of the soul” looks unattractive, with swelling, tears and redness.

When your eyes are burning, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist, he will help restore normal functioning of the eyes. Why does burning in the eyes occur and how to get rid of it?

What causes the burning sensation?

A burning sensation in the eyes is the first symptom of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or cornea. In addition, other symptoms that are inextricably linked with burning may be observed:

  • varying intensity;
  • Swelling of the lower eyelid area;
  • Redness of the eye and area around the eye;
  • Itching and the appearance of scales on the eyelids;
  • The appearance of purulent formations that are constantly released;
  • Cutting pain in eyes.

If your eyes burn on exposure external factor, then excluding it leads to the disappearance of all symptoms. But there are cases when burning in the eyes appears very often and the duration of such attacks is significant. This speaks of internal violations and requires a more serious approach.

What causes your eyes to burn?

All causes of burning in the eyes can be divided into two groups: external and internal, depending on the provoking factors.

External reasons include the following phenomena:

  • Various injuries that caused mechanical damage eyes: blows, bruises, contact with foreign sharp objects in the eye;
  • Burn, damage due to thermal or chemical burn, this can happen if steam or hairspray suddenly gets into your eyes;
  • Overstrain occurs in two cases: the first is when a person works for a long time with a computer, texts, small details and he has to constantly strain his eyesight, another case of overstrain occurs when he refuses lenses or glasses, or selects these items incorrectly;
  • Violation of hygiene rules during installation;
  • Chapping of the eyeballs - this can occur as a result of prolonged exposure to the wind or when the air conditioner is running;
  • Hit tobacco smoke, very often causes irritation and burning.

Internal causes have a more serious etymology and are represented by the following factors:

  • Infectious diseases caused by fungal or viral diseases;
  • Disturbance of the pathogenic microflora of the eye;
  • Allergy, and the allergen can affect not only the eyes;
  • Increased pressure inside the organ;
  • Ophthalmological diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • Disruption of the endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
  • Diseases that are neurological in nature;
  • “Effect” is a specific phenomenon in which the tear glands produce too little fluid and the eye is not sufficiently hydrated.

Such wide range factors may indicate that the eyes are very often in danger. Therefore, they need to be carefully protected and in case of any violations, consult a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of burning eyes

It is very easy to lose vision, so if you notice the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. There are cases when there is no need for specialized treatment; the solution to the problem is to eliminate the factor itself. But in case of serious damage or development of the disease, it is necessary to prescribe therapy.

Diagnosis is carried out by an ophthalmologist using special methods. A general inspection includes the following check:

  • Determination of reaction to light;
  • Do your eyes hurt when you move your pupils?
  • Quality check, whether sharpness decreases;
  • What other symptoms, besides burning, are observed.

If there is a suspicion of an infectious lesion, then special laboratory tests are prescribed.

Only after everyone diagnostic procedures, an ophthalmologist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Therapy depends on the specific disease that causes the burning sensation:

The main thing is not to expect that the symptom will go away Of course, any such eye irritation negatively affects vision.


To keep your eyes healthy and beautiful, you need to take very delicate care of them. It is important to understand that this is a very delicate organ that can be easily damaged. Preventive measures include the following activities:

  • Protect your eyes from injury; if other objects get into them, you must remove it;
  • If your eyes are burned, rinse them a large number water, this is first aid, then consult a doctor;
  • Do not scratch your eyes with dirty hands to avoid infection;
  • Wash off makeup before going to bed;
  • Do it once a year preventive examination, and for people who have problems - once every six months.

Following these rules will help keep your eyes healthy for a long time.