The puppy loves to bite hands. What to do if a dog bites? How to stop a puppy from biting its legs and arms: training methods and preventive measures

Dogs are loyal and reliable friends of humans, but there are situations when they bite their owner or other family members. In most cases, animals do not do this on purpose. Especially hot this problem stands in front of the owner when there is a small child in the house. Correcting your dog's behavior requires patience, attention and self-discipline. Before we begin re-educating an aggressive animal, let's try to understand the reasons for its behavior.

Why do dogs bite

Any dog ​​knows how to bite, it is inherent in nature. It’s another matter when a dog attacks people, especially children. Let's highlight several reasons aggressive behavior:

Young age

Since childhood, puppies have been playing with each other, biting each other, and grabbing toys and other objects with their teeth. Once in a house where there are no dogs, the puppy begins to play with the person, as he considers him a member of his pack. Therefore, it is not surprising that he also tries to bite his owners. It's a kind of communication. Start training your dog as soon as it arrives in your home. Do not let your pet play with his arms and legs, be strict, this will avoid problems in the future.

Lack of education

The main cause of aggression in an adult dog is mistakes made by the owner during training and training. Often the dog is not taken care of and the training process is left to take its course. It is important to remember that when you take an animal into your home, you are responsible. The puppy is not soft toy, he has teeth, and when he grows up, he will be able to inflict serious injury to a person.

Breed predisposition

Some dog breeds are more prone to aggressive behavior than others. Fighting breed dogs require a more thorough approach to training and education. The owners of such animals often require the help of a professional dog handler. Puppies of hunting and service breeds (huskies, huskies, Rottweilers, Dobermans), highly excitable breeds (Scotches, dachshunds, Cairn terriers, Russells), as well as puppies born in an enclosure with whom they have had little contact, can be biters.

A four-legged friend will never bite you just like that. Typically, a dog shows aggression in response to some stimulus. This is how she expresses her emotions. The right approach to the pet is important part re-education procedures. It is necessary first of all to teach the dog to trust the person. We will look at the problem in two ways: a puppy biting or an adult dog biting.

How to stop a puppy from biting

It is easier to train a puppy than an adult dog. Activity and excitability are characteristic of puppies, but it is important for the owner that uncontrolled behavior does not become the norm for an adult dog.

The following tips will help you deal with your child's aggressiveness:

Distraction by playing

A puppy is like a child, so he should have many different toys. Explain to your child that he can only chew and bite toys. If he bites your hand, unclench your jaw and slip him a ball. The dog must learn that the owner’s hand is only stroking it. Don't let your baby play with his things, hands and feet. If he understands this from childhood, then there will be no need to re-educate him in the future.


You should not punish your child before three months. Do not spank the puppy with your hand; for this it is better to take a newspaper. Teach your child the “fu” or “no” command. If the puppy bites you, say a command and, if necessary, reinforce it with punishment. After some time, the dog will understand why you are unhappy.


If the puppy bites constantly during play, then you should leave him alone for a while. After the bite, stop playing and go into another room, ignore the dog, and go about your business. The puppy must understand that his actions cause you pain, and that after the bite the play always stops. When your little pet realizes this, he will begin to treat you more carefully.

Education and training

The puppy should have the opportunity to express its instincts in a form convenient for humans. In the process of education and training, take into account the characteristics of the breed. Teach your puppy to behave calmly during exercise.

The puppy must know its place. Prepare a bedding, bed or house for him. If a dog bites you, use a firm tone to send him back to his place. Encourage your pet while training. After correct execution commands pet him or give him a treat.

Teach the puppy to be fixed and submissive, try to become an authority for the dog from the first days of the dog’s stay in the house. If the pet does not obey and continues to bite you, it is recommended to take the dog by the scruff of the neck and press it to the floor. In a pack of dogs, this is how the leader demonstrates strength.

Train and train your puppy regularly, and your four-legged pet will grow into an obedient and friendly dog.

What to do if an adult dog bites

Not all owners are involved in raising a growing pet. Therefore, when he grows up, owners are concerned with the question of how to wean an already adult dog from biting.

When a dog becomes aggressive during play, serious problem. In this case, try to avoid situations in which your pet might bite. The dog usually treats its owner and other family members with respect and love. Therefore, after a bite, scream and show that your pet was hurt. Often this is enough for dogs, and after a while they will stop biting you.

Restoring the Hierarchy

Sometimes the dog does not consider the owner to be a leader, so he continues to bite. The problem of dominance needs to be addressed urgently; the help of a dog handler may be needed to restore hierarchy in the family. Always remember that a dog should not be equal to a person, it should be below. This will not stop you from loving her at all.

  • Golden Retriever. One of the kindest breeds in the world. They are affectionate, smart and kind dogs who also rarely bark.
  • Border collie. Very smart breed dogs, is distinguished by mobility and activity, and is strongly attached to people.
  • Beagle. They have a wonderful character, are loving and loyal.
  • Bobtail. Smart, kind, calm, a little lazy and reasonable dogs, they love children very much.

Each dog breed has its own characteristics. Before purchasing a puppy, learn more about the breed. Regularly raise and train your little pet, become an authority and leader for him. Make every effort to train your puppy until he is one year old. Remember: it is much more difficult to retrain an adult dog.

Both future formidable guards, puppies of medium-sized hunting breeds, and young representatives of miniature pocket dogs love to play. Hereditary memory becomes the reason that it is in the game that they develop dexterity, strength, cunning and the ability to use their teeth in certain situations. However, when such a training game takes place in the nest, littermates and the mother know very well how to stop the puppy from biting.

They clearly demonstrate their discontent: sisters and brothers squeal loudly and do not want to play with the offender, and the mother simply gets up and leaves, ignoring him for some time. But what should a person do?

Why does he bite?

A puppy taken from the “family” too early or born alone, as a rule, is distinguished by its inability to stop in time in aggressive games and can hurt, first of all, its owner and the people around him. Of course, the pain is not too severe, since the teeth have not yet changed into fangs.

But a biting and disobedient pet needs behavior correction, otherwise, having turned into an adult dog, it can cause a lot of trouble to both strangers and people close to it. It is especially important to find an answer to the question of what to do if a puppy bites when there are small children in the house.

The reasons for excessive aggressiveness in a young dog can also be:

  • teething. During this period, puppies feel severe itching V oral cavity and are forced to gnaw and bite everything they can reach;
  • improper upbringing or lack thereof. If a young dog constantly shows aggression towards its owner and the people with whom it lives, this means that it either considers itself the leader of the “pack”, or is trying to determine its position in it.

What to do with a naughty and biting puppy?

Almost all dog breeders agree that it is okay to allow your puppy to bite his arms or legs while playing. But you need to carefully monitor the strength of the bites and the mood of your pet during such a game.

If a dog bites heavily, causes pain, does not obey, and this happens regularly, it means that it needs the following educational measures:

  • Game ban. Immediately after the bite, you must stop the game, say “no” or “fu” in a stern voice, turn around and leave, leaving the little aggressor alone;
  • Insulation. Effective method Correction for biting puppies is to temporarily move them (after a bite) to a fence or enclosure;
  • Immobility. If your pet likes to grab clothes with its teeth, then the owner, as a rule, just needs to freeze and not move. Stopping the game (for a young dog, any movement looks like a game) leads to the fact that interest in biting wardrobe items disappears;
  • Switching attention. Offer the puppy a replacement - replace the sleeve or hand with an interesting toy. It is advisable that toys be in all rooms, so the replacement will look more natural;
  • Differentiation of objects. It is necessary to teach your child the basic rules of behavior in the house and on the street. He must understand that there are objects that should not be bitten under any circumstances. But the owner must introduce the dog to things that can and even need to be chewed. To do this, scratch the puppy’s belly and back several times a day, while simultaneously offering a toy, a special bone or ball, which he is allowed to chew. Dogs, especially at the age of 2 months, respond excellently to encouragement and after a while can even meet the owner with a toy in their teeth, showing their exemplary behavior;
  • Education and training. If you can’t train your pet on your own, you can entrust the upbringing and training of your baby to an experienced specialist. But in this case, you will have to wait until your pet is at least six months old.

Teaching your puppy to use his teeth carefully

If you can determine exactly why your puppy started biting, it is very important to teach him to use his teeth carefully. You can avoid punishment (of any kind) if you use a specific technique called a “clicker” to train your child. It is not only simple, but also very effective.

Therefore, you can try it on your pet both simultaneously with humane methods of behavior correction, and instead of them. The essence of the clicker is that good behavior is rewarded with something tasty at the same time as an audible click.

According to the instructions, training is carried out in several stages:

  • We clench our hand into a fist and present it to the dog. If she doesn’t bite for at least a second or two, we immediately move our fist to the side, click and feed her a treat. We repeat several times. If the baby just pokes his fist soft nose- perfect! We click, encourage and move on to the next stage;
  • We very slowly move our hand, clenched into a fist, in front of the pet. If he doesn’t try to bite his fist, we click and give him a well-deserved reward. Repeat several times;
  • We complicate the task: we increase the length of time during which the baby should not bite the hand, increase the speed of the fist and move a little further from the puppy. We click and encourage. Repeat several times;
  • Now we replace the fist with a chewing bone or toy. We reward and click only for calmly waiting for permission, confirmed by the “can” command. When the puppy bites and does not obey, tries to take away an object, or gets angry, we immediately hide the toy or bone behind the back and start the exercise again, moving a little further from the baby. If you managed to reward your pet several times in a row for correct behavior, let him play with an “educational” object. As a result, the puppy will understand that playing with the item he likes will only be possible if he waits patiently. We repeat the exercise several times at different distances from the puppy’s nose;
  • Duplicate the previous exercise using open hand, index finger, clothing and shoes.

You need to train your baby every day. Only in this case will the puppy learn not to bite or take anything that is in its immediate vicinity without the appropriate command.

Pets have long been an integral part of our lives, especially cats and dogs. If there are practically no problems with cats, then with dogs the situation is different. Many owners are concerned with the question: “How to stop a dog from biting arms and legs, and gnawing everything?”

In order to deal with the existing problem, you need to eliminate its cause. A dog needs its teeth for protection, which means that by biting the owner’s hands, it protects itself from him. Many puppies bite only because they don't trust their owner.

Attention! Distrust passes over time, because the pet gets used to environment and place of residence.

Another reason for aggressive behavior is the dog’s completely harmless playfulness. While flirting, she goes on the offensive and uses all sorts of defensive methods.

Also, pets gnaw not only human limbs, but also his household items. This is especially true for dogs at an early age, because they are teething and, like small children, they want to chew on everything. If the owner has not weaned the animal from eating everything that comes in its way, then mature age she will do it.

Of course, the desire to taste everything also depends on the breed. The breed influences the character of the animal, which means that most often a bite can be expected from very excitable and energetic puppies of breeds such as dachshunds.

And dogs of “wild breeds” that were tamed by humans are huskies and shepherd dogs. We must not forget about the growing up of the puppy, if during the period of growth he was constantly in the enclosure, he was not picked up and did not give him due attention, then he will bite, making up for the lack of affection.

How to stop a puppy from biting and grabbing legs?

Dogs were not previously domesticated, which means they still have the beginnings of aggressiveness. That is why they attack human legs and bite hands and objects. How to stop a puppy from biting and grabbing legs?

Use rubber gloves or long sleeves when playing, this way you will protect yourself from pain. Do not think that this technique will have to be used during all subsequent games with the puppy, no. This is only necessary for the first time, so as not to scream from the dog’s bites, not to frighten it, and to calmly wean it off the bad habit.

The puppy perfectly understands the state of its owner, which means it will play, and therefore bite, until it feels that the owner has calmed down. How to stop a dog from biting your hands? Most effective way stop the dog - put it on the floor, holding the collar with your hands or one hand, grabbing the fur a little, but be careful not to hurt the dog.

Important! Release the puppy only when it stops breaking out of your hands and biting. It will be very good to reward the puppy for obedience.

It's no secret that the pet begins to behave more excitedly when it sees its owner. Pushing the puppy away is perceived as a game. It is necessary to create a barrier between you and the dog. A badminton or tennis racket or a small piece of cardboard can be a good barrier. These items will allow the dog to maintain distance from the person. After this, you tell the dog “Stop” or “Sit” and wait until he calms down.

This technique is also effective if an animal jumps on people and animals on the street; if you accustom it to such a barrier, it will feel it on the street, starting to behave more decently.

Attention! Reward your puppy for good behavior and following commands.

Acceptable rewards and punishments

A treat can be a good reward: cut meat, carrots, bread, etc. into small pieces. (or just use dry food in small quantities if your dog eats it) and reward your dog with small amounts for obedience.

Weasel is another remedy that any pet will enjoy. Pet your pet, scratch its tummy or ear, and show it your love.

Verbal praise is also well received by dogs. Over time, your words: “Well done,” “Clever girl,” will be perceived positively.

The opportunity to play with your favorite toys is also a good reward.

As for punishment, then many are accustomed to hitting pets in the face and body various items(leash, slipper, rag).

Attention! This is an unacceptable method because it causes aggression in dogs or, on the contrary, they become very intimidated.

Most best method punishment: at the moment of committing an offense, loudly and strictly give the command “Fu” and hit the dog on the butt. Your blow should not be too strong, because you can harm the dog, but a spank that is too light will not be perceived as punishment.

Important! You can only hit your pet with your palm; you do not need to do this with any other objects.

Don't be afraid to punish your dog and don't expect him to be angry for the rest of his life because of it. After all, only by applying punishment can we wean her from mischief.

How to stop a dog and puppy from chewing everything

It will not be possible to wean a pet from gnawing something at all, since this is its instinct. How to stop a puppy from chewing everything? Effective solution problems - transferring his attention to another object, namely to special toys.

As soon as you see that the puppy intends to ruin the furniture or other thing in the house, say “Ugh” and turn his attention to the toy. At first you need to do this constantly, but soon the dog itself will only chew what belongs to it.

Attention! If you allow a puppy to chew everything and do not teach him to do this in childhood, then in adulthood it will be very difficult to re-educate him.

Unacceptable methods of punishment

Let us pay special attention to what you shouldn’t do, even if your pet has done something very wrong.

  1. No way don't hit your pet.
  2. Some owners punish their dog by not giving it food or water. Under no circumstances should you do this!
  3. It is also impossible to lock puppies in dark rooms; they will develop a fear of the dark and closed spaces.
  4. It is unacceptable to shout loudly at an animal; it increases fear and aggression.

Additionally, check out the video on how to stop a puppy from biting:

In this article I will look at methods of training a puppy to wean you from biting and from grabbing arms and legs. I will explain the reasons why the puppy jumps and constantly grabs, and how to teach him the behavior. I will share an algorithm of actions on how to prevent jumping on the owner. I’ll tell you how to create new habits instead of incorrect ones depending on the age of your pet. I’ll give you tips on how to retrain an older dog.

In order to wean your puppy from biting and grabbing, you need to create new habits.

It doesn't depend on the breed: even a puppy German Shepherd, and Labrador, etc. If you train a dog to chew toys or bones, the pet will switch its attention from humans to inanimate objects.

Age What to shift your puppy's attention to
1-2 months At this age, pets are attracted to toys that make sound. Squeakers and rattles are what you need to have on hand. When choosing, you should pay attention to the size, material and rigidity of the item. A puppy’s teeth are not yet capable of chewing hard objects, but the baby will quickly figure it out with soft silicone. Therefore, it is better to choose a moderately hard and elastic toy. Your furry friend will not bother with large balls or rubber animals, as it will be difficult for him to drag the object. Items that are too small will only harm the puppy, as he may swallow such items. Therefore, the most suitable option would be medium-sized balls and rattles.
3-4 months At this age, the teeth begin to change, so the pet will be interested in harder objects. To distract attention, small and medium-sized bones, pressed sticks or other hard treats are suitable. It is better to exclude rubber toys altogether, since the baby will either not be interested in them or will chew them up. short terms. The second option is much more dangerous, since the shaggy friend can swallow a piece of the torn squeaker.
5-6 months The replacement of teeth continues. In order for a growing pet to get used to large objects, they begin to give him massive bones, without excluding access to medium-sized treats. It is still better to avoid rubber beepers.
More than 6 months Already at 7-8 months, pets finish changing their teeth. To attract interest, you can alternate large bones and hard rubber squeakers.

Choosing the most suitable for pet toys, you need to put them in different places in the house.

Puppies communicate their own positive emotions through their bites.

When the baby starts biting, all you have to do is free your arm or leg, lightly spank the puppy, confidently repeating “no”, and give your shaggy friend a squeaker or bone lying nearby.

Shoes should never be used for punishment.

Otherwise, the puppy will develop a hatred for slippers.

How to stop a dog from jumping on its owner

First, you need to pay attention to how the dog behaves before jumping. You should remember what position she takes, which side she stands on, and so on. The next time you notice your dog wanting to jump, turn your back to him. Then sit down, turn to face your pet and pet him. You should not get angry, since such behavior in most cases indicates joy in meeting the owner or respect for him. Aggression will only put the animal into a stupor.

If the dog does jump, you should not hit him. When angry, the dog will begin to bite or try to knock over the person.

Reasons why a baby may bite his legs

The appearance of teeth, their replacement and growth are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and mild itching.

This is the main reason why puppies of different ages bite their owners' legs. For the most part, the sole of the slippers is made of durable rubber, on which the pet can scratch its gums, getting rid of the discomfort.

If you don't train your puppy, he will never stop biting and gnawing everything around him.

Reasons for jumping on the owner

Among the reasons for jumping on the owner are:

  • The joy of meeting after a long separation.
  • The desire to play or go for a walk.
  • Respect for a person, perception of the owner as an equal.
  • Lack of timely mating in unsterilized pets.

If before this the dog’s jumping on the owner was encouraged, then this behavior has become a habit. In this case, the reason will be the pet’s desire to receive praise.

What to do if your pet is not rehabilitated

If your baby continues to bite his legs and arms, you need to purchase a spray bottle.

When a pet tries to grab a person with its teeth, you need to spray it in the face 2-3 times plain water. With regular repetition, the animal will understand that this cannot be done.

It is much easier to train a puppy than an adult dog.

Jumping on the owner is more difficult to deal with. If the reason for such behavior is a manifestation of joy or respect, you need to lightly tug on the leash or collar. Jumping in the absence of sexual intercourse for a long time can be prevented by sterilization or mating.

A puppy who comes into the home at the age of 2-4 months is much easier to teach the necessary habits.

Over time, incorrect behavior is reinforced, so you will have to spend more effort on raising your pets. However, with the right approach, you can influence even an adult dog.

Dogs remain popular pets. Cats create competition, but statistically, people choose dogs more often. Cute animals are extremely loyal and reliable, which cannot be said about most freedom-loving cats. Pros and cons will be found in the content of both participants in the comparison. People who get a dog try to teach the animal not to bite. The difficulty is close to thousands of families, but not all dog breeders are able to solve it. Most dogs are prone to uncontrolled anger and aggression, often caused by complex character or genetic predisposition. Dogs of fighting breeds have a hard time restraining aggression. Dogs require thoughtful and regular training; you have to turn to a professional dog handler.

It happens that good-natured pets bite their owner and family members during play, doing it unconsciously. Even if the bites do not carry an aggressive connotation, the owner should think about strict upbringing. The dog is capable of causing pain to an adult and small child, accidentally biting. Many people experience bites while playing.

Puppies, who are unable to hook even “thick-skinned” people, try to bite those around them; the dogs can’t wait to test the strength of their own fangs. This main reason why a dog is raised with early age. Don't expect instant success. All breeds exhibit characteristics. A dog with developed intelligence is able to understand the owner’s requirements and fulfill them in two or three attempts, but not all breeds are smart. Will go to education more time.

Preventive measures

When trying to stop your dog from biting, follow these rules. A simple list will become a preventive measure for a growing puppy.

  • The pet should not be allowed to play with the owner’s items: parts of clothing or simply personal belongings. If the puppy grabs your arm, sleeve, or pant leg while playing, stop playing and get out of the dog’s field of vision. For intellectually developed breeds, a demonstrative gesture is enough to stop biting. It's enough to just freeze. The dog will become bored, it will calm down and loosen its grip.
  • The pet must clearly understand where its place is, even if it is arranged in the form of an ordinary bedding lying in the corridor of the apartment or the corner of the room. It is advisable to provide a place for the dog in the hallway or hallway of the house. For a large animal kept in a private home, purchase an enclosure or kennel. A biting dog should be sent back to its place in a harsh tone, interrupting the game.
  • A puppy is like a child. He needs toys that can relieve bites from the owner and the surrounding furniture. If your dog starts biting, slowly open your jaw and point to the toy. The owner's gesture indicates that the dog should only chew on the toy.

Specified preventive measures- not a panacea. Change them to suit the requirements of individual breeds that require a tough approach. This applies to those mentioned fighting breeds. Without proper upbringing, lovely creatures become dangerous to the owner’s family and society. If the dog has never bitten before, but starts doing it for no reason, then the root lies deeper. Possible reason– answer to physical strength, which the owner showed to the dog.

Methods of influencing a dog

It is more difficult to train an adult dog to stop biting. Not all dog breeders raise a growing puppy correctly. Adult dog bites during play, and this is already a serious obstacle. Let's note the rules that you need to follow:

  1. Avoid games that might cause your dog to bite.
  2. If the dog grabs a person in a fit of playfulness, gently open his jaws. No physical punishment towards the animal!
  3. The pet, as a rule, treats the owner’s family with respect and sincere love. Indicate that it hurts. Yelp when the dog bites you and pretend to cry. Next, stand up and move away from the animal. The method is effective for re-educating a dog. The animal understands that it has hurt its authoritative and beloved owner.
  4. Sometimes an animal does not perceive its owner as a leader. This gap in education is extremely common. It will take serious training; the dog will understand that the person is in charge. Otherwise, the pet will get used to regularly biting both in play and for no reason. It is important to resolve the issue of dominance upon detection, and if necessary, contact a dog handler.
  5. They say, barking dog does not bite; in practice, this aspect depends on the age, breed and gender of the dog. If the growing puppy begins to bark and show his teeth, press the culprit with his muzzle to the floor, calming the dog’s ardor. You should look the puppy closely and menacingly in the eyes, confirming that the person is dominant.

An adult dog can be changed, but only partially. An adult animal, like a person in adulthood, is difficult to re-educate. A dog’s psychological foundations take up to a year to be formed. You must make every effort to gain authority in the eyes of your little pet. The theme of dominance is the main one in education. If a dog does not respect and does not consider its owner to be an authority, its behavior will become simply unpredictable.

Flexible breeds

To the question why dogs bite, there is a clear answer: lack of training. Fixing the gap can be difficult because low level intelligence of a particular breed or age. Let us note the breeds of dogs, the maintenance of which extremely rarely causes these difficulties.

  • Border collie. The most smart dog in the world, distinguished by a good disposition and extreme understanding.
  • Beagle. The puppies are active and restless, their endless kindness delights many. Smart, reserved and proud dogs who understand who is in charge.
  • Bobtail. A huge ball of fur can bring a lot of pleasure from playing to adults and small children. Patiently ready to ride babies on their backs without reacting to restless movements. A kind, lazy and flexible animal.
  • The Golden Retriever is one of the kindest dogs in the world. The animal is capable of acting as a nanny without prior training.

These breeds are the most sensitive to dominance. They are restrained in their actions and analyze carefully. To make the four dogs listed above bark, you will have to seriously try. Dogs will not make noise idle, much less bite.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to find out which dogs do not bite. Particular caution applies to families with children; it is necessary to protect children in advance from attacks from an aggressive pet.

If you are puzzled by what to do with a biting dog, you can turn to dog handlers, who will indicate the main training methods recommended for use.