How to write a self-presentation. Presenting yourself at an interview

Today, you can often hear information that self-presentation is very important: at an interview (for example, telling a story about yourself), in a resume, in a conversation. What is this? Useful information below!

Self-presentation: an example of a “correct” resume

One of the most common options for presenting yourself to your loved one is drawing up and sending out a resume. Whether you will be invited to a personal conversation will depend on how well it is written.

Let's start, as they say, from the stove. If the text of the vacancy states that information about yourself must be squeezed into 1000 characters, do so. This will show that you are at least attentive. It is clear that a resume that does not meet the requirements specified in the advertisement will not be considered (this is best case scenario, and in the worst case, the candidate will be marked as frivolous and unsmart).

By the way, sometimes applicants are asked to write a short self-presentation. This is a miniature self-presentation. An example of text that will look at least decent: “Hello! I am interested in the vacancy you have announced. Over the past 5 years, I have been working in the field of active sales. Went from to The key skills that helped me achieve this are outlined in the resume. If you are interested in productive and mutually beneficial cooperation, I will be glad to receive an invitation to a personal interview!”

Self-presentation: an example of how to do it in an interview

If you are invited for an interview, it means that you are interested in your candidacy. Try not to spoil the impression! Think about your outfit in advance and how it matches the company’s activities. Rehearse everything, even your facial expressions! It’s better to spend an hour in front of the mirror to understand which smile adorns you and which looks like a hypocritical grimace or a hungry grin.

Talk about what you are asked about. Avoid long lyrical digressions. Try to answer questions honestly. Don't try to be a genius by belittling other people.

When you are asked to briefly talk about yourself, remember that you should not start with your successes in kindergarten. Optimal time your “solo performance” is about 5 minutes.

Self-presentation: example in conversation

Sometimes it happens that just a couple of phrases in a conversation allow you to the best side. Try to speak confidently and positively. Avoid empty interjections, do not speak drawn out or too quietly. Give preference to energetic verbs (did, achieved, decided). For example, in a conversation with a friend who is opening a company in a field that interests you, you should say something like: “Yes, you say everything correctly. When I worked for Ivanov, I did the same thing as you. But I also solved a couple of problems with my “secret” methods. This allowed us to attract ten new clients!” Such a construction of a phrase may well encourage you to continue a fleeting and insignificant conversation in a way that is beneficial to you.

Self-presentation: an example of what not to do

Don't try. It will most likely be noticed. And it is not interpreted in your favor.

You should not memorize one template text and voice it everywhere. Adapt to the situation. Somewhere your work experience is interesting, somewhere your business connections are interesting, and somewhere else your ability to communicate is interesting. Ask leading questions to understand which qualities to focus on.

Don't act like a star. Even if you are an excellent specialist, arrogance and an excessive sense of self-importance can push a person away from you if he sees that you are not interested in anyone except yourself. But there is no need to fawn, looking ingratiatingly into the eyes of your interlocutor.

"Tell me about yourself."

A phrase that can drive even the most persistent interview candidates into a stupor. Naturally, everyone has their own opinion about themselves, because we come to an interview with our own life baggage and experience. How can you make sure that the story is not an incoherent stream of thought, but provides the employer with a complete picture of your personal and professional qualities?

When answering a sacramental question, adhere to principles that are sometimes not so easy to observe:

  • create a confident atmosphere: sit comfortably on a chair, look directly at the interlocutor and smile;
  • be brief;
  • talk only about relevant work experience;
  • emphasize your interest in the proposed position.

How to tell about yourself at an interview? Let's make a plan:

1. Introduce yourself

The recruiter knows your name because your resume is in front of him. Presentation is part of a ritual that helps to gather internally and tune in to self-presentation. If it is customary in a company to address you as “you”, then the first and last name is enough, in more cases official environment worth mentioning full name with patronymic.

2. Keep your background facts to a minimum.

Try to fit into one or two sentences all the events from your life that do not relate to obtaining an education and acquiring professional experience: “I am 34 years old, I was born in Nizhny Novgorod, now I live in Moscow. I'm married and have a son."

3. Briefly tell us about your education

Clearly indicate which educational institution you completed (or perhaps are continuing to study), what specialty you studied in, and what degree you received. For example: “In 2001 I graduated from Nizhny Novgorod state university, Faculty of Economics. I have a bachelor's degree."

4. Make it clear that you are truly interested in the profession.

Tell us about your motivation, why you like to do the particular job that is offered to you. What qualities and skills do you have to do it well and with pleasure? Remember the job description: what tasks does the employer set for the successful candidate? In this part, it will be important to note knowledge of specific programs (for example, 1C or Salesforce), foreign languages and/or programming languages, as well as skills that are relevant to this position.

5. Evaluate your successes in previous jobs

Since your resume has already been read, describe your work experience in chronological order no need. Highlight your key successes, what you do best, and what lessons you learned from your previous positions. Remember that the recruiter is only interested in the relevant skills and knowledge that he is looking for in an ideal candidate.

6. Talk about your personal qualities that help you develop professionally

For each profession there is a certain set of qualities that helps to complete tasks most effectively. For marketers and designers, creativity and unconventional thinking are important, for accountants and financiers - composure and responsibility, for service sector workers - resistance to stress. It is very helpful to back up evidence of how you have applied these qualities in a professional context. For example, we came to an agreement with a difficult client, prepared a report in a short time, developed a concept for an event or a marketing strategy.

7. Leave an “aftertaste” - tell an interesting fact about yourself

Interviewers often find it difficult to pick someone out from a crowd of candidates, so it pays to say something out of the ordinary to create an association. A win-win option for such a “hook” can be called a hobby. Do you play in a rock band? Or climbed Elbrus? Do you love organizing quests in nature for friends and family? Or maybe you are the best at baking pies in the city? Decorate the cake of your narrative with a bright cherry, but don’t go overboard, stay within reason. Membership in an occult club or breeding fighting dogs should be left behind the scenes. Or leave it altogether.

8. Indicate the end of the story

Avoid long pauses - otherwise it will be perceived as the end of the story. Make it clear that you are finished: “So, that’s all I can tell you about myself. Do you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.”

When talking about yourself, remember: an interview is not a game of poker, all cards are open. You know what the employer needs, and the recruiter invited you because your resume seemed suitable for this vacancy. The interviewer knows everything there is to know about you, all that remains is to convince him that you are exactly what your CV represents you to be. Or even better.

You've probably heard the concept of self-presentation. Self-presentation at an interview starts with your appearance. No wonder they say: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind”. It would seem that not a word has yet been said, but the first impression is already being formed. Your appearance should not reject, it should win over. It's better to dress neutrally for an interview than something weird. Any non-standard solutions in clothing evoke thoughts: “Some kind of weirdo?”

At the first meeting, the employer wants to see the main thing - what kind of person you are, your personality type, and evaluate your ability to speak and listen. When preparing a self-presentation for an interview, you must tell about yourself briefly and beautifully, tell it in such a way that the audience has no questions, and most importantly, doubts that you are suitable for the position being applied for.

If you send your resume to email, self-presentation in a job application form is a sign of the seriousness of your intentions, which will not go unnoticed by the employer.

How to make the right self-presentation?

Let's look at a template diagram:

This general structure self-presentation, according to which you can easily begin to compose it without racking your brains. The height of each block indicates the time fraction of the story in total duration– the narrower the block, the less story it should contain.

Duration of self-presentation

The optimal duration of self-presentation should be about 2 minutes, but sometimes you can safely aim for all 5-7 minutes, the question is, what will be the content of these 5-7 minutes? If your story is truly breathtaking and reveals your genius, why not? In other cases, be brief and do not stray from the essence of the structure given above. Briefly about yourself, beautiful and to the point! If the self-presentation is drawn up correctly, you will complete it in 2 minutes, and the employer will receive a complete picture about you.

Errors in self-presentation

The main mistake that all candidates make during interviews is the desire to appear better and more professional than they are. You can invent anything you want about yourself, you can describe your career and your irreplaceable unique qualities, but it will be impossible to confirm all this in practice, as a result! Moreover, the brighter and more impressive the self-presentation, the more questions it will raise from the audience, which you will not be able to answer competently, since you were not telling the truth. Only the truth and just a little color!

Another mistake is an overabundance of emotions. The desire to convey your value to the employer with the help of loud phrases, provocative gestures and glances is not best way. Self-presentation is done in a calm tone but in positive mood- this characterizes you as a balanced, stress-resistant person, which is important in, and in general for working with people.

Self-presentation of the seller. Example

Let's look at a few examples of self-presentations to better understand its meaning.

Good afternoon My name is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. I am 31 years old, I am married, I have two children. I have higher education with a specialization in "Enterprise Economics". I have additional education– graduated from the Institute of Business Technologies in 2018 with honors.

I started my career in the trade sector. Worked as a sales manager in an electronics store. A year later, in the same company, he held the position of senior sales manager, and a year later, the position of head of the consumer electronics department.

Most of my time was spent organizing sales and managing personnel. , participation in conferences and presentations, training young professionals, developing measures to improve the efficiency of the sales department - all this was part of my responsibilities. I consider my achievement: the development of a dealer network with one point of sale to 21st in city X. The right sales strategy and staff motivation helped me with this. Repeatedly received the “Employee of the Year” award.

Today I am a project manager at the IT company UNEX. This position helped me realize my potential even more. Interesting projects, selling innovations in the IT field, communicating with interesting people, expanded competencies - all this helped me develop new managerial skills and look at the next level of my professional development– position in your company “Head of Corporate Sales in the Eastern Region”

Your company is a stable structure in a crisis market, and stability is a sign of the right tactics, which means decisions are made by experienced and smart people. I would really like to gain experience working in your company. In the position of “Head of Corporate Sales in the Eastern Region”, I will be able to implement my knowledge acquired in other companies and possibly improve some established business processes. These measures will immediately lead to increased sales and development of the company.

This example of a sales manager’s self-presentation clearly shows how using a template you can prepare for an interview.

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The first impression of you usually has a big impact on how you will be perceived in the future, so it is extremely important to know how to present yourself. A self-introduction speech is sometimes called an "elevator speech" because it should be concise enough that you can introduce yourself and talk about your goals and interests in about the time of an elevator ride in a high-rise building. It can also be called “ice-breaking speech”, since it allows you to relieve tension between the speaker and the listeners by communicating to them useful information about myself. Choose your words carefully when preparing your own presentation speech. The quality of its preparation is the key to your success or the reason for failure.


Part 1

Preparation presentation speech

    Prepare a thesis outline for your speech. Start by making a list of the main points of your speech. Discard all unnecessary things and leave only the essence, and also determine the order in which you list facts about yourself. The compiled list will serve as the basis for preparing a presentation speech.

    Mention hobbies or outside interests. Depending on the specific plan, you can also mention your hobbies and any additional experience you have. By mentioning your hobbies and interests, you can establish your authority in a certain field, or you can do it just like that, in passing (it all depends on the original purpose of the presentation speech).

    Present yourself at your best. If you are trying to create good first impression in the professional field, it is very important to mention your skills and abilities in your speech. To avoid sounding complacent about listing skills and achievements, they can be linked to personal aspirations and goals for the future. This will let the public know that your expectations are based on solid past experience.

    Set yourself apart from the rest. Be honest about yourself, but make your story stand out from the rest. If you played important role in carrying out some major project, mention it. Go ahead and share what you learned from the experience and what ideas you have about how the project could be made more effective if it were to be repeated.

    Part 2

    Improving the text and practicing the speech
    1. Shorten your speech. Some representatives of recruitment agencies recommend making a presentation speech about yourself no longer than 2-3 sentences. Others suggest limiting your speech to 5-7 minutes. If the speech cannot be shortened to that extent, or if you have enough time to speak longer, the text of the speech should still be kept as short as possible, but at the same time quite informative.

      • If you are preparing a presentation speech as part of an assignment, make sure that it fits within the established framework.
      • If you have 3-5 minutes to speak, a 7 minute speech will be just as inappropriate as a two minute speech.
      • If you need to briefly introduce yourself in an interview, do not exceed the recommended time limits.
    2. Speak in short, simple sentences. Remember that when you speak out loud, your audience will not have the opportunity to go back and reread your words if they don't understand something. Present your speech in such a way that no one will doubt what you are trying to say.

      • Avoid long, cluttered grammatical structures. Use simple, short sentences as much as possible.
      • Carefully consider the grammatical structure of all your sentences. If you re-read the prepared text of the speech out loud, it will be easier for you to identify sentences that are too long and require changes.
    3. Practice your performance. Before giving a presentation, you should read your prepared speech out loud several times. Experiment with different intonation and speaking speed. It's a good idea to practice giving a speech to yourself at first, but then it can be helpful to give a speech in front of a friend, relative, or colleague to gain good advice and comments.

      Learn the speech by heart. You must know in advance what you are going to say and how. Although in some circumstances it is acceptable to read your speech from a piece of paper, try to memorize the text and minimize the number of times you refer to your notes. A speech without papers will have a greater impact on the audience. strong impression and will highlight your knowledge, confidence and composure. It will also help you capture the audience's attention.

    Part 3

    Planning your speech

      Define your audience. If you are preparing a presentation speech for a professional setting, you will likely choose different content and language for it than you would use in an informal setting among your peers. Before you start planning your speech, ask yourself the following questions.

      Decide what is most important in your speech. If the time at your disposal were not limited, you could think and talk about many interesting and relevant things about yourself. But the key to preparing a successful presentation speech is keeping it short and to the point. That is, you need to determine the most important information for their listeners, which they simply need to know. And this information should be conveyed to their ears in the most concise form.

      Consider the purpose of your speech and the tone you use. During the speech planning stage, you must be clear about your own goals and desired results. Ask yourself what message you want to convey to your listeners. Is the speech intended to develop connections professionally or personally (with new friends)?

Self-presentation is a mini-resume that is compiled to advantageously present your strengths. The main goal of self-presentation is to present yourself beautifully, sell your services, and present your person in the most favorable light. How to briefly and beautifully write about yourself, how to impress people and show yourself in the best light, read in this article.

Choosing the target of self-presentation - target audience

The main secret of successful self-presentation is a direct focus on target audience. When writing a presentation, there is always a goal - applying for a job, receiving a contract or an order.

The first step is to clearly define and formulate final goal compiling a self-presentation.

Then you should carefully study the target audience. If this is the company you want to work for, find out its corporate values, general work style, and company credo. In your self-presentation, focus on the fact that you, at a minimum, match the existing team or can be one. The same principle applies when receiving a contract.

Then you need to determine the main thing - how you will be useful to the recipient.

It is important in the presentation not to describe how good you are in yourself. It’s important what problems your opponent has that you can solve with your skills and what benefits you can bring to him. Writing an effective self-presentation about yourself for a company means briefly and beautifully writing what exactly you can solve all problems or accomplish necessary work qualitatively.

When writing, you should think about how to impress the listener. It is worth mentioning your uniqueness: for example, only you have such a body of knowledge and skills that it is unlikely that anyone can do the job better than you.

Self-presentation structure

Having decided on the purpose and direction of the work, you need to correctly compose the text itself. Self-presentation is a type of resume, but it has its own rules, its own structure. How to show yourself from the best side, “sell yourself dearly” by competently composing the text of the presentation, we will consider below.

  1. Initial information about yourself

    First, you should provide basic information about yourself. You can start with personal data. In this block you need to describe as much as possible the answer to the question who you are in at the moment. There should be no place for modesty here; it is better to slightly exaggerate the importance of your profession than to belittle your merits.

    You can list all your work experience in this block, but keep the information directly relevant to the recipient's needs. That is, if you once had experience working as a fitness instructor, and you are writing a presentation to apply for a top manager position, you should not mention such experience. Keep the goal and focus in mind, and mention all experiences relevant to the goal.

    Don't forget about uniqueness. If you are the best in any field of activity or have special merits, be sure to indicate this.

    How to make an impression? Mention all professional internships, advanced training courses, and trainings. If you interned with a well-known specialist in your field, indicate his name, if you collaborated with famous personalities or enterprises, also emphasize this. Remember the main rule of self-presentation - write briefly and beautifully about yourself and all your merits without false modesty.

  2. Clients, partners, employers

    In the next section you need to write about your clients, partners, employers, if this information is not secret.

    You can list all completed projects or describe the work performed. Indicate those moments of your labor activity that you are especially proud of. An additional advantage will be positive reviews previous partners, customers or employers.

  3. Your benefits

    What issues can you decide, where do you see yourself in a new company, if this is a job application. What qualities of yours will be beneficial for the company? Don't miss the details: something that goes without saying in your professional field may not be so obvious to the recipient.

  4. Personal qualities

    Don't forget about the description. This is important in addition to professional skills. Avoid platitudes, write clearly and honestly. Your punctuality will have a positive impact on responsibilities with clear deadlines, and scrupulousness and attention to detail will play an important role in working with finance or digital technologies.

  5. A little originality

    In conclusion, show your imagination. You can end your self-presentation with your credo. This should be an accurate and catchy phrase that reflects your mood and motto.

By following the above recommendations and setting clear goals and objectives, “selling” yourself or your services at a high price will not be difficult. A competent, clear and concise self-presentation will present you in the best light, whether applying for a vacancy,