How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place: Useful recommendations. How to stop a cat from crapping in an apartment or house

If the cat consistently went to his litter box, and then suddenly his behavior changed, it is useless to scold and punish him. Until the owner finds the cause and eliminates it, the “dirty tricks” will continue, despite the fear of punishment.

If there is a smell of cat urine throughout the apartment, and yellow, foul-smelling splashes are found in the corners, on furniture, on door frames, and at the same time the cat regularly visits the litter box - he is not “shitting”, he is marking his territory.

This is completely normal, natural behavior for a cat. Hasn't this happened before? Perhaps your boy has simply matured...And is declaring his new status. And at the same time, it attracts potential brides. He doesn’t know how and where to look for them. And instinct says: “scare away your rivals and attract your friends!” So he tries, poor thing, and leaves marks. But for some reason the owners are unhappy...

An adult cat may also suddenly begin to mark. This is usually associated with some changes in the life of the family that make the cat doubt his position, status and thus try to “put things in order,” and at the same time make sure that everything is still under his control.

An adult cat may begin to mark the territory if the apartment has been renovated, because there are foreign smells everywhere, which means the situation needs to be corrected urgently.

Cats are also confused by changes in family composition - the appearance of a child, the arrival of relatives. The situation becomes especially difficult if, due to a change in marital status, the cat begins to feel a lack of attention to his person. Here not only marks are used, but also outright rudeness - fragrant “piles” on the master’s bed, described favorite shoes, etc.

Such demonstrative behavior is usually accompanied by other manifestations. The cat may become aggressive and refuse to be handled. There are such “smart guys” who are capable of breaking the owner’s favorite vase, knocking over indoor flowers, and not out of mischief and not at all by accident. This is a planned and carefully executed plan of revenge against the traitorous owner, who dared to bring his wife into the house and now spends time with her, ignoring his previously loved one and only cat.

The cat began to shit in the wrong place

A completely different situation if the cat began to shit not in the tray, but chose another secluded place as a toilet. This could be a corner behind a closet or under a bed, a narrow gap in a closet, or a corner in a hallway. The situation is aggravated by the fact that such places are not easy to detect and even more difficult to clean.

If your cat is caught shitting in in the wrong place, and this happens regularly, but the place remains the same or changes if the old one becomes inaccessible, the reason, most likely, is the discomfort that the cat experiences in its own tray:

  • The tray became small because the cat grew up. The solution is to change the tray to a larger one. Size - one and a half cats long.
  • The filler is not suitable. Some cats don’t like clumping litter, others absolutely can’t stand wood litter – it’s a matter of taste. Sometimes cats don't like litter particles getting stuck in their paw fur. And sometimes you don’t like the smell. Remember, perhaps the troubles coincided with the change of filler? Then go back to the old option. And if this is not possible, choose the most similar one of the same type. Fillers are often flavored. But a smell that is pleasant to the owner may not be pleasant to the cat at all.
  • The tray smells bad. The tray without filler is washed after each use, and at least once a week, thoroughly rinsed with toilet bowl detergent, which dissolves salt deposits. By the way, have you started using a new litter tray cleaner? The filler in the tray is completely changed 1-2 times a month, and the tray itself is also thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The place where the tray is located has become insufficiently private, so the cat is looking for a new “corner of thoughtfulness.” This can happen if there are a lot of guests in the house and the litter box is located in the walkway or in the toilet. Or, for example, the cat may be disturbed by a child who grabs him during “intimate matters.”
  • If the tray is in the toilet, one of the family members can close the door. And the cat simply cannot get into the place specially designated for the toilet.

What should the owner do if the cat begins to shit?

If a cat marks but does not shit, we are looking for a solution to reduce it sexual activity or nervousness. In the first case, you can use special drugs, for example, “ cat Baiyun" In the second, by the way, it won’t hurt either. However, the main thing is to calm the pet down and convince him that no one is encroaching on his territory.

If a cat marks furniture and corners, there is no point in using odorous substances– he will aim even more persistently in order to “interrupt” someone else’s, bad smell. When tags are associated with new furniture or repairs, you can generally just accept it and wait. After some time, everything will go back to normal. The new environment will acquire the smell of a cat - and the need for tags will disappear by itself. All that remains is to eliminate cat urine stains and Strong smell.

If the cat doesn’t poop in the litter box, but has chosen another place, we think what’s wrong with the litter box. If it is too small, replace it with a larger one. Dirty washing. We change the filler. We provide privacy and constant access. As an option, we place an additional tray in the place chosen by the cat.

If the cat is clearly “mischievous,” we establish relationships. We don’t scold, but we get demonstrably upset when we discover a “surprise”; women can cry, men just show how unpleasant it is for them. And then we call the cat, complain to him about the difficulties, pet him, talk, scratch him. And so on day after day. Until he begins to trust his owner again and stops doing things out of spite.

If “puddles and heaps” are found each time in different unpredictable places, things are bad. It is better to run to the veterinarian as soon as possible and have your pet thoroughly examined. After all, such behavior is completely uncharacteristic of cats, who are very neat and clean by nature. This means that health problems are very likely. And in this case, scolding the patient is not only pointless, but also cruel.


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A cat’s bad habit of going to the toilet in the wrong place can cause a lot of inconvenience. Cat urine contains specific smelling elements that help animals mark their territory. This smell is very pungent and quite difficult to get rid of. Those cat owners whose long attempts to cope with it have not been successful know how it ruins their mood and life in general. What to do? Now let’s look at the reasons for this behavior, find out how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place, and see if the means at hand can help us with this.


The first step to solving a problem is to find out its cause. Perhaps the cat is trying to tell you in this strange way that something is bothering her: you, a change in the house, or other animals. So, what could be hiding behind the puddle on your favorite carpet?

The reason is in the tray

The most common reason. Cats are very clean and unique animals; they will not tolerate inconvenience and adapt to someone. So a puddle on your expensive carpet could be a hint that something is wrong with your cat's litter box. So, what could a cat not like so much?

  • Location – perhaps the tray is in hard to reach place, next to food (which is generally unacceptable), or, conversely, in a too busy room in the apartment.
  • Number of trays - if you have more than one cat in the house, there should also be more trays.
  • The shape and size may also not be suitable for the pet. Sides that are too low, sides that are too high, a litter tray that is too small, or a litter tray that is too large – a picky cat will find a flaw in everything.
  • Filler. Finding the perfect one can only be done by trial and error. Experiment to see which of the variety of species your cat will like.
  • Cleanliness and smell. The tray needs to be cleaned daily! This is very important not only for basic hygiene purposes, but also for the comfort of the pet.
  • Negative associations. Perhaps you dragged the poor cat into the litter box and forced him to sit there, poking his nose and scolding him to teach him to go to the toilet where he needed to go. This is mistake. It is impossible to explain something to a cat through intimidation, screaming and spanking. Forget about these methods - not only will they not lead you to desired result, but will also have a negative impact on the animal’s psyche.

Cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits. Use this to trick your pet

Psychological reasons

Cat urine is a highly concentrated pet odor that allows it to remain calm in its territory. If everything around smells of it, the cat feels calm - he is in a familiar environment. If your pet suddenly starts urinating all over the apartment, and you have ruled out medical and other reasons, your pet is most likely stressed. What can cause it? Almost anything, because cats are quite tender and vulnerable creatures, and they do not like change at all. For example:

  • Renovating an apartment means a new unfamiliar environment.
  • New piece of furniture.
  • Moving.
  • New family member: your significant other, child, another cat, dog, parrot, hamster.
  • You went to work and began to spend little time with your cat.

These are quite compelling reasons that disrupt the measured quiet life your cat. Marks in the form of urine in various parts of the apartment are cat way say: “This is all mine.” This gives the pet a sense of security and marks its territory, helps it assert its dominance and makes it feel like the boss in the apartment.

Adding a second cat to your home can cause stress for your pet. This in turn will cause him to puddle outside the tray.

"Love" reasons

If your pet is not spayed or neutered, be prepared for his regular concerts and strange antics. With the help of urine, animals not only mark their territory, but also attract partners for procreation. And, by the way, both cats and cats do this. Naturally, a pet whose instincts call for freedom will show this in every possible way - by relieving itself and making notes for other cats. All this is accompanied by loud meowing (even in the middle of the night), all sorts of attempts to run away from home in search of “love,” aggression, or, conversely, excessive affection.

With the help of urine, animals not only mark their territory, but also attract partners for procreation.

Reflex reasons

The most harmless group of reasons is reflexive (associative). If any thing in your house resembles (in smell, color, shape and even sensation) your cat’s litter box, puddles there, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. For example, your houseplant's drainage may resemble cat litter, your flower pot may be rectangular shape, like the tray. In most cases, this happens spontaneously, not through the cat’s fault; he definitely doesn’t want to annoy you, he just mistakes other things for his toilet.

If any thing in your house resembles (in smell, color, shape and even sensation) your cat’s litter box, puddles there, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. For example, your pot on the windowsill with your favorite flower

Age reasons

Don't forget that small kittens need time to learn how to use the litter box. They are not born with this skill. Elderly cats in force age-related changes may suffer from incontinence (this may not necessarily be caused by any medical condition). With age, the body weakens, cats are no longer so active, so they especially need your support and regular visits to the doctor. And make sure that the litter box is in the most comfortable and easily accessible place possible - this will reduce the likelihood that your elderly cat will relieve herself in the wrong place.

Show understanding and patience with older cats. Incontinence is a common aging ailment

Medical reasons

Cats often suffer from various diseases, symptoms of which include frequent urination or incontinence. The most common are:

Because the infection causes inflammation of the bladder, the cat has a constant need to urinate. The call to which can be so strong and sudden that she relieves herself several times before she manages to get to the tray. Infection can be caused the following diseases: diabetes, tumors, bladder defects and urolithiasis disease. Cats suffering from bacterial cystitis may squat frequently to urinate, but only produce a small amount of urine, sometimes containing blood. Other symptoms of this disease are lack of appetite, depression, lethargy, drowsiness, and pain during urination. The diagnosis is made by testing your cat's urine to determine the presence of white blood cells and bacteria. After diagnosis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed; treatment can last several weeks.

  • Urinary incontinence

A cat suffering from urinary incontinence loses the ability to control urination and often urinates even while sleeping. Urinary incontinence can be caused by many things that affect the urethra or bladder in some way. It could be a wound or tumor, serious chronic illness. To identify the cause, the cat is given various tests and tests. Treatment depends on determining the underlying cause of the disease.

  • Polyuria (increased urine production)

Many diseases can stimulate an increase in urine production, which consequently leads to an increase in the frequency of urination. Most often, polyuria occurs against the background of diseases such as renal failure, kidney infection, diabetes, liver disease and thyroid gland. Unlike cats with cystitis, cats with polyuria do not feel any pain. Other signs of the disease may include increased water consumption, lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss.

  • Impaired bowel movements (diarrhea/constipation)

Problems with bowel movements associated with any serious illness are less common than problems with urination. However, if your cat defecates outside the litter box, there are some things you need to be aware of. possible reasons. With fecal incontinence, the cat loses the ability to control bowel movements and begins to defecate anywhere in your apartment. The same as in the case of urination, she may simply not have time to reach the tray. The causes may be gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning, trauma, tumor, infection. Without inspection veterinarian diagnosis is impossible.

Do not forget that the reason for going to the toilet in the wrong place may be an illness.

Ways to solve the problem

Obviously, the way to solve a problem depends on the cause of its occurrence. So when medical reasons– treatment of the disease and permanent medical control, reflex - elimination of an object that is associated with the tray, psychological - maximum reduction stressful situations, age - attentiveness, understanding and patience, “love” - castration and sterilization, in problems with the tray - experiments with trays and fillers.

Psychological techniques

But you can also resort to some psychological techniques. Sometimes they are also effective. One of these techniques is the creation of new associations for the place where the cat is accustomed to shitting. Why do this? In nature, felines do not go to the toilet in certain places: for example, where they sleep, eat or hunt. Can you use this in relation to domestic cat? Absolutely!

  • Play with your cat near the area where she has taken to pooping. The game is practically hunting, and the cat will not go to the toilet where it hunts. Use interactive toys and spend 15 minutes playing each day for at least a week.
  • Feed your cat near the area where she is in the habit of pooping. Cats will never go to the toilet where they eat.
  • Place a scratching post at the crime scene. It not only helps to grind down claws and satisfies natural instincts, but also serves as a so-called marker - it leaves an odor from the paws. The cat no longer needs to mark its territory in any other way.

A cat will never shit where it eats

Effective anti-odor techniques

Often cat owners are faced with a problem: the causes have been eliminated, psychological techniques have been applied, but the cat continues to go to the toilet past the litter box. Why is this happening? Because of the smell. Unfortunately, using regular household cleaners is not enough to get rid of the pungent odor of cat urine. Perhaps the smell will disappear for you and me, but for a cat whose nose is more sensitive, it will not. And this will become a kind of signal to continue to shit in the wrong place. So how do you get rid of the smell?

  • Special detergent. These are typically enzymatic cleaners that don't mask odor, but literally eliminate the molecules that cause it. They can be purchased at most pet stores. Most are easy to use and come in spray form. Clean the stain with this product, cover with foil or plastic, and restrict access for a few weeks to ensure the odor is completely neutralized. During this period of time, you can also use special sprays that scare cats away from places where they shouldn’t go. They are also sold in pet stores.
  • Citrus aroma. To consolidate the results, you can also resort to improvised folk remedies. As you know, cats do not like the scent of citrus fruits. They will not eliminate the smell of urine, but they will scare the cat away from a certain area. Here is a simple recipe for a homemade repellent spray: boil 3 cups of water in a saucepan, add orange/lemon/tangerine peel (about 1 cup), cook for 20 minutes, remove from heat and cool. Then pour the resulting broth into a spray bottle and add 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Shake. Use this spray on furniture, walls, carpets and various parts of the house or apartment.

How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place: video

The veterinarian shares his experience and stories from veterinary practice, and gives valuable advice. Take a look to consolidate your knowledge and be fully armed!

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Cats are the most popular pets. They were first tamed back in Ancient Egypt and since then these cute creatures have been living in our homes. But, despite their tameness, they are still trying to win territory for themselves because they are royal in nature.

As soon as your pet begins to shit anywhere, everything immediately changes, there is no longer the same attitude towards someone who simply betrayed him by taking a shit somewhere in the corner. The reasons for this behavior can be anything, from illness to attitude towards the owner; it often happens that when a pet doesn’t like how the owner behaves, he does some kind of dirty trick. This means that there may be different ways to solve such a problem. So, next we will understand the situation and tell you how to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place.

To find out, you will have to watch your pet for some time, since it is impossible to clearly indicate the reason, much less teach him to do such things without understanding the motives.


The first thing you should consider is the cat’s illnesses, because if he is really sick, then an urgent veterinary examination is necessary, which will make clear the final diagnosis. Often, with painful bowel movements, the cat has to shit anywhere; it may well be that his usual place no longer seems so safe and he thinks that this is the reason. There are many diseases that can cause indiscriminate bowel movements, the most common of which are: worms and constipation. However, there are still many diseases that the average person cannot identify.

The cat shits under the bed


There are often cases when a cat does not like the litter, since cat litter is made from various raw materials, you need to carefully select the right one for your cat. You may even have to try several, in addition, if the cat began to shit anywhere immediately after a new tray or filler appeared, then this is clearly the reason.

The cat needs to be placed in the litter box when it wants to go to the toilet in the wrong place

The reason why the cat stopped going to the litter box may be the most commonplace - another cat goes there. Cats are more possessive and when one of their things is used by others, they do not like it.


Don't forget that cats are wild creatures by nature, and wildlife It is customary to mark your territory. In addition, these animals communicate through smells. One of the reasons why a cat shits everywhere is the appearance of someone new in the house, especially if it is an animal. In this way, the cat marks its territory, letting the new tenant know that it has already taken over the place.

Basic rules for weaning

Having landed on this page, you obviously asked yourself the question “how to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place,” which means that further you will receive an answer to your question.

First of all, prevention is needed, so it is necessary to adhere to some rules that form the basis of a successful relationship with a pet.

  1. Place the tray only in quiet, secluded places.
  2. Change the filler regularly. When changing the brand of filler, you need to carry out the procedure gradually. That is, do not immediately pour in the new one, but gradually mix it with the old one.
  3. Water should be available to your pet at any time of the day, as should food.
  4. You can use dewormers for cats for preventive purposes, especially now when the market is filled with offers.
  5. The tray must be washed after each filler change.

Now let's look at the methods in more detail:

    1. This method involves monitoring the cat, that is, every time he wants to do his business, you will need to take him to the litter box. In this way, the cat will develop reflexes, and if after each successful trip to the toilet you feed him something tasty, then this will only be beneficial, but you should not spoil him too much.

You need to praise the cat after he goes to the litter box

  1. Experienced cat breeders recommend confining the cat with a litter box for a week. This way he will get used to it. But don’t forget that you need to walk him and also treat all the places where he shits. by special means. Therefore, it is better that there is nothing in the room except a cat and a litter box, otherwise there is a risk that it will take a long time to wash things.
  2. A cat will never shit where it eats. Therefore, it will not be difficult to wean your cat from shitting in the wrong place. It is necessary to make sure that in all places where this has already happened the smell of the pet’s sleeping place appears, then he will understand that this is his home and this cannot be done.

How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed

It will be easy to stop your cat from pooping on the bed.

In most cases, when little kitty As soon as he appears in the house, he needs to check in somehow. The place where this happens most often is the bed. Absolutely everyone who has encountered such a situation has wondered: why does a cat shit on its owners’ bed? The answer is quite simple - it is a protest. Most likely, your pet didn’t like something, and he decided to do a dirty trick in an inappropriate place.

Often, when a kitten is brought into the house, they forget that it is not yet independent and needs to be taught everything. Therefore, the bed may become wet simply because the owners forgot to remove it from the bed.

All the same, whatever the reason for such a reckless act, it must be eliminated, and not just throw the kitten out into the street, as many owners do. The method for eliminating such a cause is simple; it is enough to ensure unhindered access to the tray. There is no need to keep the kitten on the bed all the time, because when he wants to go to the toilet, he will most likely be afraid to jump off himself and go to the toilet on the bed.

On a note! For a kitten, your bed is a huge world, and he, of course, thinks that there is enough space for everything, which is why he does such dirty tricks.

There is another favorite place for all pets - flower pots. It is quite simple to stop a cat from pooping in a flower pot; to do this, you need to treat the areas next to the flowers with special products that repel the animal.

If you need to stop shitting on the carpet, then effective means is vinegar, which has a pungent odor. Such smells will definitely scare away the cat and he is unlikely to want to be in that place. Before treating the surface with anything, you need to thoroughly clean the carpet with cleaning products.

Means and preparations

There are tools that will help regulate your pet’s behavior in seemingly standard, but wild situations for humans. The most effective means is Antigadin for cats, which is able to ward off a cat once and for all.

But there is one feature of this product: it only works on young cats, so if you already have an old pet, you will have to look for something else.

How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place - folk remedy

Previously, there were no all kinds of drugs, and even the Internet, so people simply had nowhere to learn ways to wean cats from using the toilet in inappropriate places. Thus, most owners came up with their own empirically derived methods, and they turned out to work.

You can't poke a cat's face into its litter box.

The methods themselves:

  1. Praise will not be superfluous. For each visit to the toilet in right place The cat needs to be praised, you can even play with it.
  2. Any item should be soaked in your pet’s urine and left in the tray. This method will help the pet get its bearings and understand what it has already done.
  3. To avoid psychological trauma, you should spray the cat a little with water. This should only be done if he is doing his dark deed in the wrong place.
  4. Find out the most popular places where your pet poops. You need to put water there, thus letting the cat know that this is a place for eating, and where the animal eats, it does not shit.

When a small fluffy ball appears in the house, it brings joy to the whole family, who try to surround the pet with attention and care. But what to do if the cat starts shitting anywhere? For any owner, such an unpleasant “surprise” becomes a real problem, because the house is filled with an unpleasant smell.

No one is immune from such a misfortune, and often household members simply do not know what to do in this case. After all, your pet may have different motives for defecating their needs outside of the litter box. And to prevent this from becoming a habit, you should understand the reason and take the necessary measures.

Just like that, out of spite or laziness, cats will not shit in the wrong place. These are very clean animals, and if the owners begin to notice feces in the corners and in other places, it means that something is not happy with the pet. What could be the reasons?

  • Inconvenient tray. It is quite possible that this is where the problem lies. It often happens that the toilet container was purchased when the pet was still a kitten. And now he has doubled, or even tripled, and simply doesn’t fit in the tray. The cat's litter box should be one and a half times larger than the animal, so that it has room to move around freely.
  • Tray location. If you put a toilet container near a bowl of food, don’t be surprised why the cat started pooping in something other than the tray. Cats will never relieve themselves where they eat. Therefore, your pet's toilet should be located away from his food. For example, a bowl can be placed in the kitchen, and a tray in the hallway.

  • Unpleasant smell. Another reason is the smell coming from the litter box. Remember that the litter your pet uses should be changed after each time your pet uses the toilet. Otherwise, the second, and especially the third time, the animal will not go at him. Also, the “culprit” of the smell may be detergents, used cleaning for the tray.
  • Illness or stress. If all of the above points fully comply with the standards, take the animal to the veterinarian. Perhaps your pet is in pain or is experiencing stress, and this is not a rare occurrence. This condition can be caused by changes in the house: long renovations, arrival of guests, noisy celebrations, etc.

How to stop a cat from shitting anywhere?

We found out the reasons why the cat began to shit everywhere. Now let's try to figure out how to stop your pet from defecating in the wrong places. We often encounter such a nuisance when a pet begins to relieve itself in the corners, on the bed, in indoor flowers, or in the garden beds (if you have your own garden). What measures should be taken to ensure that the animal begins to visit its litter box again?

  • If your pet begins to mark the corners, try moving the cat litter box to one of them, and spray the rest with a special spray. Antigadin is very popular and can be purchased at any pet store. Just first wash all the corners with soapy water and vinegar or bleach - this will discourage the cat from going there.
  • What should you do if your pet likes the owner’s toilet as a toilet? sleeping area? Why did the cat start shitting on the bed? Because it’s soft and comfortable! And until it becomes a habit, you can’t hesitate. Give up the habit of sleeping with your pet, close the door, and spray your bed with lavender oil.

  • Lovers of indoor plants often encounter a problem when an animal begins to use flowers as a toilet. Why? The answer is simple: the instinct to defecate in the ground kicks in. This problem is solvable. Place flowers on the balcony or put lemon peels and garlic cloves in pots - this will scare away your pet.
  • For those who have their own garden and vegetable garden, cat feces in the garden beds can also become a real problem. But you can cope with it, and even in more than one way. For example, sprinkle the edges of the beds with red pepper or lay them along them fir branches. Try placing bowls of food - cats will not shit where they eat.

How to stop a castrated cat from crapping

It is believed that if a pet is castrated, it will immediately stop going to the toilet in the wrong places. Alas, this is not always the case. The fact is that with the help of urine, cats try to convey information about themselves and, having lost the most “valuable” thing, your furry friend on an intuitive level may begin to protest.

But there is another reason: anesthesia after surgery. When cats come to their senses, they are still under anesthesia and may not have time to reach the litter box. They just feel like they need to pee, so they leave the puddle somewhere else. And if after castration the cat begins to shit anywhere, know that he is not doing this on purpose. It’s just that his muscles are still weakened, and your pet doesn’t yet control his actions. As a rule, after the body recovers, this does not happen again.

What if a neutered cat continues to shit? Veterinarians assure that he takes revenge on his owner, especially if the animal is naturally vindictive. If you personally took your pet to surgery, held it by the paws and were nearby the whole time, rest assured, the cat remembered this. Pay more attention to him, play, talk - some time will pass and the pet will forget the insult.

How to punish a pet if it starts to shit

The most common method of punishment that most pet owners use is to poke their muzzle into a puddle, and some also hit them. Besides the fact that it is inhumane, it is also ineffective, this method desired result can't achieve it. Moreover, the pet can become embittered and continue to relieve its needs anywhere, to spite the owner. In this case, how to stop a cat from shitting?

The main thing is not to use it under any circumstances. physical strength! The maximum that can be done is a light spanking, for example, with a newspaper, and then a little scolding. Believe me, the animal will understand you. Even if not the first time, but if you apply a little patience, then after a while your favorite word will begin to go to the litter box. And don’t forget to use effective “repellents”: treat the apartment with special sprays, regularly change the cat litter and clean the container with vinegar and ammonia solutions.


Try to find out the reason
First of all, you need to show your cat to a veterinarian to rule out possible problems with health. It should be remembered that worms, constipation and various diseases genitourinary system can lead to the animal starting past its own. Thus, the animal is trying to draw attention to its problem. In addition, in this case, the cat may associate the litter box with painful sensations.
One of the most common reasons for an “unworthy” cat is resentment and revenge. Cats are very sensitive and touchy. It is often difficult for owners to guess what exactly caused such a reaction in their pet. Sometimes an animal simply lacks attention and affection. The cat may not like the tray itself or the place in which it is located. Cats are very picky and are quite capable of refusing to go to the litter box if it is not comfortable enough or smells bad. Also, your cat may not be happy with it.

Carefully, using household chemicals, wash the whole house. Use special ones that eliminate odor. Remove all carpeting for the time being. Place bowls with his food in the “marked” ones. Cats are very clean and will never shit where the food is. If there are too many such places, you can glue several granules onto cardboards and place these cardboards in the “marked” places.

Make sure the tray is the right size for your cat and is in an accessible and convenient place.

Experiment with fillers - try a different type of filler. Try to change the contents of the tray as often as possible. Each time, place a piece of paper soaked in animal urine in the tray.