Secrets of using tar soap at home. Tar soap: no sweat, thrush, acne and hair loss, a penny product will help Tar soap against dandruff

If you think that to get rid of acne or fight dandruff and hair loss you need to spend a lot of money on various medicinal and cosmetic “gizmos,” then you are very mistaken. Editorial today “So Simple!” wants to remind you, dear reader, about a remedy that our great-grandmothers used, namely about tar soap.

This one is truly magical bar of completely natural soap(it contains no dyes, no preservatives, or even perfume) has long been known for its medicinal properties, so it is quite successfully used in cosmetology and is even “prescribed” by doctors as a means for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Tar is an excellent natural medicine, which our ancestors used. It is extracted from birch bark, which has long been popularly considered a green pharmacy.

Birch tar is a product of dry distillation of the outer part of birch bark (birch bark). It is a thick oily liquid that does not have adhesive characteristics.

Birch tar has a specific pungent odor, which also appears in soap. This is where the soap got its characteristic color - black, sometimes with a bluish-green or greenish-blue tint.

Properties of tar soap

However, tar soap has one very unpleasant, in my opinion, effect - its smell. The smell of tar soap disappears from the body and hands on its own and quite quickly. But, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely remove the smell from hair after using products containing tar.

However, you can soften the smell by rinsing your hair with water diluted with vinegar or adding lemon juice to the water for rinsing your hair. You can also use any hair conditioner.

It’s better to use soap or products containing tar at a time when you don’t have to worry about the remaining smell.

Of course, nowadays shampoos, conditioners and creams are more in demand. Nevertheless, many of us have already managed to personally verify effectiveness of natural remedies. Therefore, it is gaining popularity again due to its effectiveness, naturalness and accessibility. This tool used for cosmetic, hygienic and health purposes, try it too!

And in Europe, the name “Russian oil” has long been assigned to this oily, specifically smelling substance. Our ancestors revered the birch tree, and everything it produced - wood, birch bark, leaves - was considered healing. It was from birch bark that our ancestors learned, through dry distillation, to extract birch bark tar, which is used not only in medicine, but also in everyday life: for lubricating the rubbing parts of carts, carts, carriages, for adding color, protection and shine to leather products. In addition to birch, there are juniper, pine and beech wood tars.

From the story of a practitioner of birch tar as a medicine:

About three years ago I noticed that my neighbor was lubricating her cow’s hooves and horns with tar. “What else is this for?” - “Yes, she has a fungus.” Well, I also have fungus on my feet. I’ll take some treatment, I think, and I’ll get some tar.

And he began to smear his nails with it. It worked, I was cured. Then he treated his neighbors in the dacha. It helped too. I wrote about my experiences in the newspaper - readers bombarded me with letters: “Tell me in more detail, how and what... What else does tar cure? And I cured such and such with this tar.” And thanks to me for the recipe.

And you know, I became so interested in tar! I began to inquire about him wherever I could.

And it comes in birch and birch bark. The first is a product of dry distillation of part of birch bark. Birch bark is already a product of dry distillation of young birch bark, stripped from a birch tree. Its production is more labor-intensive, but the resulting tar is clean and has a pleasant smell. They try to use it only for internal treatment and for some skin diseases.

So, at the tar store I started ordering pure tar for myself so I could drink it. First I tried it on myself, and then on friends who wanted to undergo this course of healing. True, tar causes allergies in some people. So it’s not just he who causes allergies. And, as far as I know, it cures many.

Cleaner at work (62 years old) various ailments I was toiling. Blood pressure 190/110, increased level cholesterol and blood sugar, swollen veins in the legs, weakness. She began to drink tar 20 minutes before meals: starting from one drop to 10, then in the reverse order in descending order -

The man suffered chronic prostatitis. The urologist could not help him. And the tar helped. A man heated half a red brick, put it in an empty metal bucket, and dripped 2 drops of tar onto the brick. There was smoke! This is how prostatitis is treated. For 15-20 minutes before going to bed, a man sat with his bare bottom on a bucket (and he couldn’t sit there any longer - it got too hot). Three procedures - and there is already an improvement.

People used the same steam tar baths to cure hemorrhoids (after 6 procedures the cones resolved) and female inflammatory diseases.

And one woman cured mastopathy. She dropped a drop of tar onto a piece of instant sugar and sucked until the sugar dissolved. I washed it down with a sip or two of water. Each time, one at a time, she increased the number of drops until she brought them to 20. Then she began to decrease - one at a time again. When it came to one drop, the woman took a break of three months. Then I started all over again. The treatment was long-term, about two years.

The treatment experience was so great that I even compiled a detailed manual. Here she is.

Diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, stroke

Take orally from 1 to 10 drops, increasing the dose drop by drop daily, per st. l. milk, carrot juice. Then from 10 to 1 drop, reducing the dose drop by drop. Take 20 minutes before meals once a day.


Take 1/2 of a brick (red), heat it on a gas or electric stove. Place the heated brick in an empty iron bucket, drop 2 drops of tar on the brick, smoke will come out. Sit bare butt on a bucket for 15-20 minutes. Don't sit there any longer; the steam will heat you up too much. Do this procedure in the evening before going to bed. Go to bed. In the morning you will get up - pain there won't be. And after 6 days all your bumps will disappear.

Lubricate sore spots with purified tar mixed with ash from a burnt birch tree. Proportion: 3/4 tar and 1/4 ash.

2 tbsp. l. tar, art. l. combustible sulfur, 1/2 tbsp. l. beeswax, tbsp. l. honey, tbsp. l. crushed copper sulfate, tbsp. l. vinegar essence, 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Mix everything, then heat over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring the mixture constantly, and cool. Apply a thin layer of the resulting ointment to the areas affected by eczema.

Trophic ulcer

Take equal parts of tar and Kalanchoe juice. Mix everything. Wet the bandage and apply it as a compress to the ulcer. After 3 procedures there will be no ulcer, it will heal.

Throat and stomach cancer

Drink birch bark tar (if your kidneys are healthy) with warm boiled milk. On the first day, drop a drop of tar into the milk. On the second day - 2 drops, on the third - 3 and so on up to 20 drops. After this, reduce the intake of tar, also gradually bringing it to a drop.

Urinary tract infection

Drink birch tar according to the scheme as in point 1. In addition, prepare tar water from birch tar. Tar water has mainly proven itself for treating children and those people who cannot tolerate the smell of tar. Tar water is used to treat diseases such as constipation, asthma, water diseases, hair loss, skin pigmentation, smallpox, gangrene, erysipelas, scabies, and leprosy.

Preparation of tar water

Take 4 liters of cold spring water, 500 g of tar, mix with a wooden stick for 5 minutes. Close the vessel tightly for 2 days to allow the tar to settle. Carefully remove the tar foam, without shaking, drain clear liquid and store it in a tightly closed container (bottle). The remaining tar is already healing properties does not have one, it is used for household needs. Good tar water is clear.

Dosage of water intake: adults 100 g in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals; children 50 g in the morning 15-20 minutes before meals; infants from 2 to 4 tsp. 2 times a day, an hour after meals.

Hair loss

Rub tar water into your head, literally through short time Thick hair will grow.

Skin pigmentation

Drink tar water and rub it into the affected areas of the skin.

Squamous lichen

Athlete's foot

Mycosis of large folds, athlete's foot, nails.

These diseases are well treated with 5-10% sulfur-tar ointments.

Trophic ulcer

10 g birch bark tar, 30 g calendula oil, simmer for 40 minutes in a water bath (make oil from calendula flowers: 10 g flowers, 10 g sunflower oil). Place 5-6 drops on your tongue and suck for 2-3 minutes.



Place a drop of tar on a piece of instant sugar and suck until the sugar dissolves, then wash it down with a small amount of water. Constantly adding one at a time, bring the amount of tar to 20 drops and back to a drop, as stated in paragraph 6. Rest for 2-3 months and drink again. The treatment is long-term, 2 years.

Nail fungus

Wash and steam your feet in warm soapy water, trim your nails. Wipe your feet dry, especially between the toes. Wrap cotton wool around a match, moisten it with tar, smear all the nails, trying to push the tar under the nails. After 10-15 minutes, remove the tar with a cotton swab. During these 15 minutes, the tar has already managed to be absorbed into the skin and will fight the fungus there. All you have to do is wash your feet laundry soap, the tar is almost washed out from under the nails and from the skin.

Wash your feet as much as you want, whenever you want. But don’t forget to smear your nails with tar after washing. If there is itching and cracks between the fingers, then do not smear with tar, but do the following: tsp. tar, 3 tsp. Mix refined sunflower oil and lubricate between your fingers, remove after 20 minutes.

First, smear for one day, rest for 2 days. Then - smear for two days, rest for 3 days. Finally, smear for one day, rest for 3 days. And so smear until the end of the first month.

2nd month: 1 time every five days.

3rd month: 1 time every 10 days.

In addition, do not forget to disinfect old shoes: fungi can live in them for a long time. The infection is killed by putting a piece of cotton wool or gauze soaked in tar into the shoe.

Joint diseases

Pour a little tar into your palm and spread it on the sore joint. As soon as the joint begins to tingle or tingle, immediately remove the tar with a soft cloth. This will take approximately 15-20 minutes. After an hour, wash the joint with soap and a washcloth. The tar did its job, i.e. broke the salt. The next day, apply clay (any kind - white, blue, red) to the sore joint, just so that the clay is free of sand and sticky. Dilute it to the consistency of sour cream. And smear the sore joint. No need to cover. After some time, the clay will dry out and tighten the skin. Thereby drawing salts out of the joint. The salt will be visible on the joint and it will taste salty. Keep the clay on the joint for a period of time at the discretion of the patient, as there may be severe pain when drawing out salts.

Treatment regimen: 1st day - treatment with tar. Day 2 - clay treatment. Rest - 2 days. Day 5 - tar treatment. Day 6 - clay treatment. Rest - 3 days. Day 10 - tar treatment. Day 11 - clay treatment. That's all. There should be relief or even recovery. You can repeat the treatment according to the specified scheme.

Thrombophlebitis, stroke

Drink birch tar according to the scheme indicated in paragraph 6.


If, after removing the tar from the skin, the patient develops redness or the skin becomes wet, then 1-2 hours after removing the tar, apply zinc paste or zinc water mixture.

Useful properties of tar soap

Tar soap is again at the peak of popularity! Moreover, even leading cosmetologists recommend it as wonderful natural remedy to solve problems with the skin of the face, body and even solve many problems with hair. The fact is that tar soap copes well with the problem of acne and acne on the skin without drying it out. Moreover, using tar soap for hair care, you can get rid of problems such as hair loss, seborrhea and oily hair. What is the reason for this? therapeutic effect tar soap? Let's talk about this in more detail in our post today.

Useful properties of tar soap

It is important to note that tar soap is recommended for use not only for problems with the skin of the face and hair, but also for eczema, ringworm, scabies, furunculosis and pyoderma. Tar soap is also used to care for bedridden patients who have developed bedsores. The same soap is useful for burns, frostbite, cracked heels and other skin damage.

The only disadvantage of tar soap is strong smell tar. However, if you wash your face tar soap, then after ten minutes the smell will disappear. Hide the soap in a soap dish to prevent the pungent odor from spreading throughout the bathroom. Cosmetologists recommend washing your face twice a day to make skin problems a thing of the past. Naturally, you shouldn’t expect instant results; with regular use of soap for a month, you will achieve quite noticeable results. In this case, one bar will last you about a month.

Well, the last, weighty argument in favor of tar soap is that it is suitable for absolutely all skin types, which allows it to be used by the whole family. Next, I would like to talk in more detail about how and in what cases it is recommended to use tar soap.

Using tar soap

Many people know that tar soap helps to cope with many problems of the skin of the face and body, as well as problems of hair loss and oily hair. But not everyone knows the fact that tar soap is also used as a prevention and treatment for diseases such as dandruff, thrush, foot fungus, and dermatitis. Moreover, tar soap is an excellent antiseptic for delicate skin care. intimate places, so gynecologists recommend using it instead of the usual gel for intimate hygiene and even for the treatment of thrush.

Thus, we can conclude that tar soap is used not only in cosmetology, but also in dermatology and even gynecology. We want to talk about all this in more detail, so if you are ready, we will begin.

Tar soap for acne

We have already found out that tar soap is practically no different from the ordinary soap that we use for washing, so it should be used in the same way as ordinary soap: wash your face and hands once or twice a day. You can use soap instead of shower gel, but if you react sharply to the smell, then it is better to limit yourself to washing or use soap only evening time so that such a wonderful “aroma” of tar has time to disappear.

Tar soap as a remedy for acne is becoming popular day by day. Many girls and boys have already experienced healing effect tar soap, so we recommend that you also join them and confirm positive reviews regarding tar soap. You should not expect instant results, but after a month of regular use we guarantee you a positive result.

When washing with tar soap, you may experience a feeling of tight and dry skin, but you should not be alarmed by this - this is a normal reaction. To get rid of such consequences, simply moisturize your skin with your favorite nourishing cream.

In addition to washing with tar soap, you can use tar masks to fight acne. To do this, you need to grate about 1-2 tbsp on a fine grater. tar soap, add a small amount of water and whisk until foam forms. Apply the finished foam to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse copious amounts water at room temperature. If desired, after the mask you can wipe your skin with toner. It is recommended to do this mask at least once a week for three months.

Tar soap can also be used for spot application on a newly appeared pimple. Moreover, it is recommended to perform the procedure at night, since by the morning the pimple will have time to dry out and it will be easy to hide foundation or powder.

If acne bothers you not on the face, but on the body, then you will have to use tar soap instead of your favorite shower gel, and you need to wash it at least twice a day so that the skin regains its beautiful and healthy appearance.

Note that many girls use tar soap instead of shaving foam and claim that this method of hair removal completely eliminates possible manifestations skin irritation.

If, after prolonged use of tar soap, acne on the face and body does not go away, then you need to consult a dermatologist, since such a consequence can become a sign of a serious illness. At the same time, do not squeeze out pustules or pimples under any circumstances, and especially do not touch your face with your hands or scratch the wound. Such exposure to the skin can lead to infection and bacteria getting inside, which will only worsen the situation.

Tar soap for hair

Many people are interested in the question: how effective is it to use tar soap for hair? It is definitely very difficult to answer this, since some claim that it is good for hair, strengthens curls, promotes growth and thickness, and gets rid of dandruff. Others complain that their hair becomes stiff after using soap, and their dry scalp causes itching. Let's try to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

Let's start with the fact that birch tar, which is included in the soap, really helps to cope with dandruff, as it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, after the first use of soap, no effect is felt. On the contrary: hair may look dull, not washed enough, and even increased hair loss is observed. But this is only after the first use. After just a week of regularly washing your hair with tar soap, your hair will be significantly transformed: it will become softer, more manageable, and there will not be the slightest trace of dandruff. Moreover, if you follow a few simple recommendations, then using tar soap for hair will bring you benefits and pleasure:

  • You can use tar soap only when oily dandruff, that is, only if you have oily hair type. For dry dandruff, soap will not help, but will only harm dry hair;
  • To avoid dry hair, after using tar soap, use hair balm or conditioner. You can also simply rinse your hair with acidified water;
  • It is recommended to wash your hair with tar soap no more than once a week.

If you follow these rules, then tangible result you will notice within a month. At the same time, dandruff will disappear without a trace, the hair will become thicker and less greasy, it can be washed every three days, and not daily, as before.

If the smell of tar does not suit you, then you can use alternative way and buy at the pharmacy medicated shampoo, which contains tar. In terms of effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to tar soap, it dries the hair and scalp less, and it has a pleasant smell.

Tar soap for face

Since tar soap contains large number alkali, it has a drying property. Therefore, people with fatty, normal and combination skin This soap is suitable. But for those with dry and flaky skin, it is better not to use tar soap. IN as a last resort, use it purely for washing once a week and be sure to apply moisturizer to your face after washing. In this case, you do not need to rub the soap into the skin of your face, but simply foam the soap in your hands and apply the resulting foam to problem areas of the skin, massage in a circular motion and rinse.

For prevention, it is recommended to use tar soap for washing 1-2 times a week. But for owners of problematic and oily skin, you can wash your face with soap twice a day, massaging your face with foam for 20 seconds and rinse with cool water.

If you use tar soap to fight acne, then apply it to spots for 15 minutes. If the pimples on your face are located in clusters, then apply soap foam to the entire cluster, massage for a minute and rinse with water. It is not recommended to leave soap on for a long time, as this can lead to flaking and dry skin.

Against blackheads, tar soap is used as a mask, which is used once a week. Apply thick soap foam to your face, leave for 10 minutes and rinse first with warm water and then cold water. After the mask, be sure to apply moisturizer to your face.

Tar soap for intimate hygiene

Despite the fact that in modern cosmetology Many intimate hygiene products have been developed with all kinds of fillers and flavors; many women consider tar soap to be the most effective product for intimate hygiene. Moreover, tar soap has been used for these purposes from time immemorial, which is also important. The price of tar soap is affordable for everyone, and the benefits are colossal. Tar soap does not harm delicate skin, protects against infections and prevents many women's diseases. Soap heals skin microtraumas, which is especially good after shaving the bikini area. Moreover, tar soap for intimate hygiene can be prepared independently at home, enriching it with such useful ingredients as: calendula, chamomile, yarrow, celandine, oil tea tree etc. Some women add healing balms to soap designed to care for the skin of intimate places, relieving themselves of the problem of genital infections and thrush.

To prepare tar soap for intimate hygiene, you will need regular fatty, fragrance-free soap, which is grated, diluted with water and boiled in a water bath until completely dissolved. Next, add to the resulting adhesive mass small quantity tar, herbal decoctions and balm for intimate hygiene. The cooled soap is poured into molds and exposed to the open air for a week. After the time has passed, the soap is ready for use. Moreover, the whole family can use this soap, as it is very gentle and pleasant.

Tar soap for dandruff

Let's talk about dandruff. Many of us have encountered this phenomenon, and we have become convinced that this unpleasant phenomenon is like an extra burden on our shoulders, from an aesthetic point of view.

As a rule, the appearance of dandruff is accompanied by itching of the scalp. At the same time, it is very difficult to get rid of it. The process of getting rid of dandruff is quite long and requires a lot of effort, but if you have an oily scalp, then using tar soap will help you cope with this problem in just a matter of weeks.

Of course, the smell of tar attracts few people, but its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect will help you overcome dandruff once and for all. Moreover, even dermatologists recommend using tar soap.

Dandruff is caused by the fungus Malassezia Furfur, which is quite resistant to many medications. But tar soap copes with it with a bang. Don't be afraid of the smell; it will disappear literally 10 minutes after washing your hair. When using tar soap against dandruff, remember that you should wash your hair only with warm water, as it is too hot water may curdle soap. After washing your hair with tar soap, be sure to apply conditioner to your hair.

Very often, after using tar soap, hair becomes dull and tangled. To avoid this situation, we recommend that you immediately after washing your hair, rinse it with acidified water, because acidic environment, the alkali contained in the soap dissolves quickly.

Remember that it is simply impossible to achieve a visible effect after the first use of tar soap, so be patient and carry out a course of treatment with soap for at least a month.

For needlewomen who make soap, we recommend trying to make anti-dandruff tar soap for oily hair. To do this, melt a small piece of baby soap in a water bath, which should be grated on a coarse grater. Add half a glass of strong broth to the soap medicinal herbs, and after the soap has dissolved, pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. burdock oil and 1 tbsp. birch tar. Pour the finished mixture into molds and take it out onto the balcony to harden. After 5-6 days, you can safely use your own homemade anti-dandruff remedy.

Tar soap for fungus

Nail fungus - infectious disease, which is easily transmitted from person to person not only through shared shoes, but in places public use such as: shower, swimming pool, gym, bathhouse, sauna, etc. The most annoying thing is that you can notice a nail affected by the fungus only when this “infection” is progressing with might and main. The fungus manifests itself with the following symptoms: itching appears, the nail becomes yellow, curved and, in the end, simply falls off. However, remember that fungus can be cured if you take action right away. Moreover, it is not necessary to visit a doctor and buy expensive creams or ointments. We suggest you use a proven, folk remedy against fungus using tar soap.

We have already said more than once in today’s publication that tar soap, thanks to its antiseptic properties, is an assistant in the fight against many diseases, including nail fungus. Therefore, let's find out how to use it correctly to forget about this problem forever.

The recipe for treating nails affected by fungus is very simple: at night, the nails should be generously soaped with tar soap and rubbed with salt. Bandage your toes or hands until the morning. In the morning, remove the bandage, rinse off the soap and apply to the affected areas antiseptic. According to the “experienced” this method will get rid of nail fungus in just a week. However, even after recovery, for preventive purposes, use this recipe at least once a week.

Tar soap for thrush

Because modern women Since people are increasingly interested in natural and natural cosmetics, “grandmother’s methods” for treating such a problem as thrush are quite popular among many of us. Oddly enough, tar soap helps to cope not only with problems of the face and hair, but also to protect the delicate microflora of intimate places, including. Tar soap is recommended to be used for intimate hygiene even in maternity hospitals, as it effectively heals open wounds after childbirth and does not dry out the mucous membrane.

Tar soap for intimate hygiene is used not only as prophylactic, but also as a remedy, in particular, for the manifestation of thrush. To get rid of this unpleasant “sore”, which is familiar to many women, you need to use tar soap twice a day to wash your intimate places. By the way, tar soap helps get rid of even chronic type thrush diseases. Well, to prevent thrush, tar soap can be used 2-3 times a week.

Tar soap for dermatitis

Skin dermatitis is a disease that affects the skin and is accompanied by itching, redness, burning, allergic reaction, etc. This disease is especially familiar to young mothers with a growing baby. Most often, dermatitis occurs in babies, since their immature immunity often cannot resist various infections. Treatment of dermatitis is an unpleasant and lengthy procedure, especially if there is no remedy at hand to relieve itching or burning.

Tar soap can be used to treat and prevent skin dermatitis, as well as psoriasis and other skin diseases. Moreover, we recommend using liquid tar soap, which contains not only birch tar, but also extracts of medicinal herbs that reduce itching, redness and irritation. Moreover, liquid tar soap is actively used for the prevention and treatment of seborrhea and psoriasis.

Using tar soap to treat dermatitis is very simple: lather the affected areas of the face or body with this product and rinse with warm water. Use soap at least 2 times a day every day until the symptoms of dermatitis completely disappear. Moreover, to prevent dermatitis, try to use it at least once a week.

Tar soap mask

Based on tar soap, you can prepare many medicinal products, including masks for the face, body or hair. Let's look at what we need to prepare these medicinal masks and how to use them correctly.

Tar face masks

Recipe No. 1

The first mask recipe, which we are pleased to present to you, perfectly copes with sagging skin, and is especially indicated for those with “bulldog folds”. The mask tightens sagging skin well and gives it elasticity.

Preparation and use: to prepare the mask we need approximately 1/8 of the tar soap. Grate the soap on a fine grater, gradually pour in a small amount of warm water and beat the foam thoroughly. Apply the finished foam to clean face, (avoiding the area around the eyes), neck, décolleté. After a few minutes, the mask will dry, so we will need to apply another layer of foam. Wait for the feeling of strong tightening of the skin and rinse off the mask first with warm and then cool water. After using the mask, be sure to lubricate your face with moisturizer.

Important! If you have dry skin prone to rashes or irritation, you can add 1 tbsp to the finished tar soap foam. sour cream or cream.

Recipe No. 2

The following recipe for a tar face mask will allow you to get rid of inflammation and acne on the skin. To prepare the mask, we need to rub a small amount of tar soap, dilute it with water and beat it into a thick foam. If desired, water can be replaced with a decoction of herbs. It is especially recommended to add a decoction of calendula, chamomile or nettle, which have anti-inflammatory properties. So, back to the mask. After the foam is ready, apply it to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and wait 15 minutes. Feeling of tight skin normal phenomenon, so there is no need to be afraid. After the time has passed, carefully wash off the mask with water, wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic and apply a moisturizer to your face. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at least 2-3 times a week.

Recipe No. 3

To prepare the mask, we need tar soap foam and fine baking soda. So, rub tar soap, dilute it with water and whip up a thick foam. Next, take a small pinch baking soda and add to the foam. Apply the mask to the face very carefully, using massaging movements. However, under no circumstances apply the mask to the delicate skin around the eyes, so as not to damage it. After applying the mask to your face, massage it along the massage lines and wash off the mask first with warm and then cool water. After the mask, the face should be moisturized with cream.

Tar hair masks

Hair growth mask

Preparation and use: grate a small piece of tar soap on a fine grater, add a little water and lather. Add one tablespoon of olive and burdock oil to the foam and rub the finished mask into the hair roots. Massage your scalp and distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair using a comb. Leave the mask on your hair for about half an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo, apply a conditioner and allow your hair to dry naturally.

Note that after the first procedure, you will notice significant improvements - the curls acquire volume, shine and strength.

Treatment mask against psoriasis

Preparation and use: dilute 2 tbsp. tar or tar soap foam with 2 tbsp. dimexide, add 1.5 tbsp. cognac and 1 tsp. camphor alcohol. Apply the finished mask to damp hair, wrap it in a towel and leave for 30 minutes. After time, rinse your hair thoroughly with water and rinse with herbal decoction to get rid of the tar smell.

This mask will not only help enhance hair growth, but also relieve scalp psoriasis.

Treatments against seborrhea based on tar

Recipe one: mix tar and glycerin in equal quantities and lubricate the scalp with the resulting mixture 15 minutes before washing your hair.

Recipe two: with severe itching heads can be cooked medicinal tincture for hair. To do this, mix 10g of birch tar with 20g of castor oil and 100g of alcohol. Pour the finished mixture into a convenient container, soak a cotton swab in it and treat your scalp with it an hour before washing your hair.

Mask against hair loss

Preparation and use: mix 100 grams of sour cream with 1 tbsp. birch tar and add one capsule to the mixture liquid vitamin A. Apply the finished mask to your hair, wrap it with film and a towel and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with warm water and a mild shampoo.

Harm of tar soap

Many of us are interested in the question: is tar soap harmful to our health? According to experts, this soap has more positive aspects rather than negative ones, therefore tar soap cannot cause significant harm to our health. The only thing to consider is that soap has a specific smell and can cause allergic reaction in people who cannot stand the smell of tar. Also, tar soap is not recommended for use by those with dry skin, as tar has a tightening property. And, as mentioned earlier, tar soap is not suitable for combating dry dandruff.

Moreover, it is important to note that birch tar is a resinous, strongly odorous and water-insoluble black liquid, which is a product of distillation of resin from birch wood with an admixture of birch bark. Tar has bactericidal effect and is used to treat diseases of the skin, hair, face and body. However, for cosmetic purposes it is better to use tar water. You can prepare it by mixing half a liter of water with 2 tbsp. tar.

Thus, we have found that the harm from using tar soap for health is minimal, and only for people who suffer from allergies to strong odors. However, here too you can use an alternative method and use not soap, but tar water, which does not smell so strong, but is in no way inferior in medicinal properties tar soap.

In conclusion of our conversation today, I would like to remind you that using tar soap will allow you to get rid of many health problems, so it’s still worth trying it “in practice”. Moreover, tar soap is not only one of the most effective and cheapest ways to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin of the face and body, but also good universal remedy against many women's diseases.

Try it and see for yourself!

At a time when the beauty industry was not yet as developed as it is now, our grandmothers and mothers had to look for improvised methods and ways of caring for themselves. One of these methods was to use medicinal soap for face, body and hair. The most popular was considered to be tar, which is still known today.


Tar soap is a powerful antiseptic. It has very strong antibacterial properties. It is because of this that it is often used on problematic and oily skin, reduces inflammation, reduces oily shine and disinfects the skin, erasing old acne and post-acne like an eraser and preventing new ones from appearing. Treats eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, can relieve closed comedones and lighten blackheads, scars and blemishes. Treats wounds, boils, ulcers and scratches. Restores cell regeneration, regulates work sebaceous glands skin.

In the form of shampoo or liquid soap, it helps relieve flaking and itching of the scalp, cure oily and dry seborrhea, get rid of dandruff and even lice and head lice. It will help delay the wash day for oily hair types.

Soap is also suitable for intimate hygiene - to maintain sterility or treat candidiasis.


Depending on the method of use, purpose and form of release, medicinal tar soap can be divided into:

  1. Lumpy. It is a black or dark brown regular bar of soap. Suitable for washing hands, body and face. Classic version, the most common one. Ideal for facial skin - complete with a sponge or mesh for foaming - eliminates pimples and acne, facial wrinkles and excessive oily skin, blackheads.
  2. Liquid. It looks like toilet soap for washing hands and hair, but it’s not very suitable for the face, as it doesn’t foam very pleasantly. Also black. Suitable for getting rid of sweating under the arms, preventing acne on the skin of the back, chest, arms and legs, for some forms of lichen and other diseases of the skin of the body.
  3. Thick soap. It is quite rare and has a sticky, thick, black gel-like consistency. It is used for the body and hair, less often for the face, since the consistency is not particularly suitable for washing.


Main active ingredient– directly birch tar obtained from birch wood. Sometimes birch bark tar is used, obtained from the same birch tree, only from its birch bark (bark). But it is more suitable for internal use for cysts, oncology, fibroids, cleansing the blood and intestines, since it is softer - soap made from birch bark tar is suitable even for dry skin, but it is quite difficult to find one.

The tar itself is thick and viscous in consistency, non-stick, dark with a characteristic odor. It contains resins, phenol, toluene, xylene.

Natural soap should smell sharp—tarry, like Vishnevsky’s ointment. If it smells completely different, it means that fragrances have been added to the soap (in the composition they are designated as parfum, with an asterisk * - natural perfumes, from essential oils, without - chemical production). They are not allergic, do not actually affect the dermatological properties of the product, only slightly change its smell, muffle it and increase shelf life.

As a rule, soap contains foaming silicones (SLS)- and good soap they must be natural and gentle. Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laryl Sulfate are the most dangerous. They clog pores and prevent oxygen from reaching the skin, preventing it from breathing. Mineral oil works in a similar way - Mineral Oil, which is a product of petroleum refining. Parabens(paraben) are rarely included in soap products. Alcohols have a place if they are cosmetic - but ammonia or ethyl dry the skin and are designated as alcohol.

Remember that the higher the product is in the composition, the greater its concentration. However, tar is used in the production of soap in an amount of ten percent, so it is quite possible for it to be at the bottom of the list. Also, any product must have a GOST mark.

All kinds of additives are possible. For example, glycerin and vegetable oils act as a humectant, soda, coal and salt– additional cleaning additives, celandine and other herbal infusions mix the ingredients, guaranteeing better performance and affecting the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Best before date

If you are going to use the product in skin care, or even more so in intimate hygiene, then you cannot neglect its expiration date. This can result in new inflammation, dryness, itching and irritation.

On average, tar bar soap has a shelf life of twelve months. This applies to absolutely natural composition, without additives that extend shelf life. If they are present, then the shelf life increases to three years(36 months). As a rule, such additives are safe and do not affect the quality of the product.

Benefits and harms

The main significant disadvantage of tar soap is that it dries. Frequent washing with it contributes to the appearance of peeling and irritation, reducing the protective layer of the epidermis and increasing sensitivity.

When used during active sun, before tanning or solarium, skin sensitivity may increase and there is a possibility of getting a sunburn.

From the organoleptic properties it is impossible not to highlight the smell of soap– the aroma of tar is unpleasant for many; some categorically cannot tolerate it. However, it does not remain on the skin after washing, indoors or on clothes, so, in principle, it is quite tolerable. If we are not talking about individual allergic intolerance, of course.

See the following video for more information about the benefits of tar soap.


Tar soap is used as remedy at:

  1. Increased fat content skin face, body and head (including with seborrhea, lice and pediculosis);
  2. Skin diseases - dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne and post-acne, various types of inflammation, acne, lichen;
  3. Cracks and microtraumas of the skin, burns;
  4. Fat type hair;
  5. Excessive sweating.


  1. Your skin is dry, thin or sensitive;
  2. In the next 24 hours you want to go out into the active sun to sunbathe or go to a solarium;
  3. There is an allergy directly to tar or other components of the composition;
  4. Your hair is dry and brittle(if your scalp is oily, then you can only wash it, applying a thick layer of a moisturizing mask to the lengths and ends);
  5. Are you pregnant? are breastfeeding or have an infant;
  6. Do you have rash, irritation, itching.

Popular manufacturers

Soap from the company "Cleona" It is distinguished by its composition - it is completely natural without any claims to chemicals, namely olive, coconut, castor, almond seed oil, avocado oil and birch tar itself. The composition is gentle and does not dry out the skin, as the manufacturer claims.

Another more or less natural option is soap from the factory. "Spring". It is economical and very cheap. The packaging is translucent, which allows you to see the soap before purchasing. The composition is not completely natural, but not terrible either - you can apply it to your face. The package contains 140 grams versus the standard 75.

The most commonly found on the shelves of our stores and pharmacies is tar soap from the company "Nevskaya Cosmetics". It costs around thirty rubles, the bar is large, rectangular, and washes easily on your hands or a sponge. The same company produces liquid tar soap, which is convenient to use for hair or body. It costs 75-90 rubles.

A pleasant bonus can be analogues/substitutes for tar soap, suitable even for dry skin - sulfur, boron and zinc, which this company also produces.

U "Agafi" There is a soap in the medicine cabinet called "Detox soap 100 herbs of Agafya Bath tar." It has a bathing effect and contains birch tar and five Siberian soap herbs. Sold in a 300 ml jar. The same manufacturer also has several tar shampoos.

From funds from "Phytocosmetic" The compositions are completely natural - without SLS, GMOs and parabens. This company is ready to present "Thick soap for hair and body Restoring Tar". Its main difference, like all products from this company, is the absence of odor. There is only an unobtrusive aroma - and certainly not tar. And all this despite the fact that the composition contains birch tar - as well as juniper oil, lavender and herbal extracts The composition contains soft natural surfactants that do not dry or injure the skin.

In addition, the same company also has a therapeutic tar hair mask in a 155 ml bucket, a disposable tar mask with burdock oil and hops, and the same shampoo.

Soap from the company "Recipes for Cleanliness" from the Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant perfectly cleanses the skin and even clothes! IN summer time years it's easy an indispensable tool for cleanliness and comfort.

Moscow soap company "Spivak" widely known for its natural cosmetics. They produce products that contain natural plant and essential oils(masks, soaps, products for hair, lips and face), and also sell these same oils directly. It produces several types of soaps - from soap bars to tar. Its composition is as follows: sodium salts olive, coconut, palm, castor oils, water, birch tar.

All their soaps - self made, and you can order them through the online store or directly at the main office for about one hundred rubles.

Another representative of handmade soaps is soap "Crimean Tar" from the "House of Nature" manufactory. Get rid of acne quickly, reliably and cheaply. The composition is completely natural, does not contain animal fats, does not injure the skin and the water-lipid balance of the epidermis. Created on the basis of saponified olive, coconut and castor oils with the addition of birch tar and burdock oil. Additional ingredients include laurel extract and milk thistle oil.

It is cold brewed, which helps preserve the beneficial properties of oils, herbs and the tar itself. The smell is not very pronounced. Costs about 150 rubles.

How to make at home

In order to prepare this remedy with your own hands you will need: soap base (suitable baby soap without perfume and cosmetic additives - two pieces, birch/birch bark tar from a pharmacy, any base oil(calendula, jojoba, avocado, almond or grape/peach/apricot seeds), castor oil optional and a little essential (lemon, rosemary, tangerine, grapefruit, ylang-ylang or fir), herbal decoction nettle or St. John's wort, molds (suitable for baking).


  1. The soap should be grated on a coarse grater until it turns into shavings. Place in a saucepan and pour a glass of herbal infusion.
  2. Add two tablespoons of castor oil and any base oil, about twenty to fifteen drops of essential oil.
  3. We put on a small fire.
  4. Preparing forms– you can put herbs on the bottom, oatmeal(for scrub soap) or loofah (for washcloth soap; first you need to soak it in boiling water for half an hour and squeeze it out). This is an optional option.
  5. At the same time we monitor the mixture - when it boils, you need to pour in three tablespoons of tar. Mix carefully and remove from heat with oven mitts.
  6. Pour into molds. We take the finished liquid soap out into the cold - onto a closed balcony or loggia, and leave it for a day or until the next morning.

The use of tar soap in medicinal purposes. Health benefits of tar soap.
Tar soap treats psoriasis, dandruff, demodex, lichen, and many other diseases. Soap is also used for eczema, dermatomycosis, scabies, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, pyoderma, seborrhea, and itchy skin. Tar soap helps a lot if the patient has bedsores from a long illness - just wash them with soap several times and the bedsores will heal quickly. Soap with the addition of tar is useful for burns, or vice versa – frostbite. Tar soap is used to treat infections that have entered the open wound, treat cracked heels.

Use tar soap for facial skin beauty a, it is recommended twice a day - morning and evening. At problem skin You can see the effect by washing your face with tar soap within a few weeks - from 3-4 weeks. The downside is that it does dry out the skin. To soften the skin, you can wipe it with lotion or cream according to your skin type. The smell of the soap is specific and many may not like it, but this is a matter of habit. Beauty requires some sacrifices. Some people even like the smell afterwards - it’s natural and natural. Tar soap is suitable for any type of facial skin.
There is an opinion that tar soap should not be used on the face. In addition to tar, it also contains other components, long-term use which can lead to skin irritation and other unpleasant consequences. That tar soap, like any other soap, is best used for washing hands, but not for facial skin. However, there is always "for" and "against" any means. Here everyone tries and draws their own conclusions. Personally, I have been using it for almost a month on my face, body and even hair. I like it, and if it dries out my skin, I use lotion or cream. Now the heat is 35-37 degrees and on the body less inflammation, and the hair became a little stronger. You just need to wash your head with water and vinegar, otherwise it looks like tow on your head and of course it doesn’t shine as much as after balms, but the volume is greater. Who has long hair You can treat only the ends of your hair with balm to get a healing effect for the scalp from tar soap.

How to properly wash your face with tar soap for problem skin, as a remedy for acne. Every morning and every evening, wash your face with tar soap with warm water, and then rinse with cold water. It turns out both a therapeutic effect and a contrast rinse. Tar soap may not cope with acne if you have a habit of constantly touching your face and squeezing out pimples. Under our skin blood vessels and when we squeeze out one pimple, the skin is damaged, and the entire infection can spread throughout the face with the help of these vessels.
There's another one folk way Treatment of acne with tar soap - apply thick tar soap foam to a cleansed, damp face, in the form of a face mask, and hold for 10-15 minutes, do 1-2 times a week. There will be a feeling that it has tightened and everything has been absorbed. Rinse thoroughly and apply healing cream or tonic. Do not overuse this product as it may cause peeling of the skin in some cases. For this type of mask, VIP tar soap is perfect. And you can use it more often without harming the skin.

Despite its cheapness, tar soap is considered the least harmful to delicate skin. Experts in the intimate sphere note its numerous beneficial properties, and this cannot but please women. Tar soap is used for intimate hygiene, as effective remedy protection against infections. Soap also heals the skin well from microtraumas, for example, received after shaving the bikini area.