Determine the sex of cats. How to determine the sex of an adult cat

To identify a cat or cat, just look at the animal’s genitals. A cat's genitals are external, but a cat's are the opposite.

Everything here seems simple and clear, but try to determine your gender little kitten. Just here, not everything is as simple as it seems. In a small cat and a female cat, the genital parts of the body are little distinguishable. But, still, there are several ways to determine the gender of even a newly born kitten.

Was the kitten born a boy or a girl?
The sex of a newly born kitten is easier to determine than an already teenage animal - for example, a week old. After all, a newborn kitten’s genitals are not yet overgrown with hair, and after a week of life a kitten, especially a breed with fluffy fur, the genitals are already poorly visible.

Method 1. Determining the sex of a kitten by the shape of the genital organ

First you need to wash your hands well and wipe dry. It is unacceptable for your hands to be cold and smell strongly of foreign odors.

The sex of a kitten can be determined by the shape of the urinary opening and the distance from the opening to the animal’s anus.

Now step by step:

  • - reassure the kitten’s mother, do not give the cat a reason to worry;
  • - take the kitten in your arms so that its belly lies on the warm palm of your hand;
  • - lift the kitten’s tail, look at the anus and urinary opening.
In small cats, the anus and urinary opening look like two vertical points of the same size, with a distance between them of about 1 cm. In small cats, the urinary opening looks like a small slit, and it is located next to the anus.

Look at the diagram for determining the sex of a kitten

To determine the sex of a small animal, you should not do the following:

  • - pick up the kitten while feeding;
  • - lift the kitten by the scruff of the neck, paws or tail;
  • - disturb the kitten’s mother and the animal itself if, for example, it is sleeping;
  • - press on the kitten’s genital area;
  • - carry or hold a newborn kitten in your arms for more than two minutes.
Newborn kittens should always be close to their mother cat.

Method 2. Determining the sex of a kitten by coat color

If you still cannot determine the sex of a small kitten, you should not despair, because the sex can be determined by the color of the animal. Many experienced cat breeders can easily determine the sex of a two- to three-week-old kitten. The turtle-shaped color of the animal means that the kitten is a female cat.

The secret here is hidden in the chromosomes, that is, in the genes. The genes for black and red colors are found only on the X chromosomes. Females always have two X chromosomes. It is rare for cats to be tri-colored, but there are some, but unfortunately they are infertile, since their genes have one extra X chromosome.

Method 3. Determining the sex of a kitten by careful palpation

After the kitten has crossed the threshold of its life at two or three months, its gender can be easily determined by careful palpation.

Now step by step:
- place the kitten tummy up, that is, on its back;
- swipe with two or one finger groin area animal in the direction from the stomach to the anus.

If the kitten is a cat, then it will be easy to feel the testicles with your fingers.
When palpating, never press on groin area kitten, so as not to cause accidental injury.

Method 4. Determining the gender of a kitten by its external body shape

By about six months, all kittens, in appearance, begin to look more like adult cats. Cats grow up with more graceful bodies and neater faces. Males, on the contrary, acquire a larger head shape, and the male’s body itself is larger and more powerful than that of the female. But there are, of course, exceptions, but these are rare.

Method 5. Determining the sex of a kitten by habits

Any male among cats always tries to mark his territory - these are genes. Therefore, if a kitten is constantly trying or has already begun to mark its territory, it is definitely a cat. Typically, cats begin to mark their territory at 7 months of age. In female cats, by the age of 7 months, estrus begins, that is, the cat begins to “walk” - arching her back, constantly caressing her, sticking her butt up.

Even adult cats and female cats differ greatly in their behavior. Males sleep most of the time compared to male cats. Cats constantly show how independent they are, and can even be aggressive towards people. Almost all cats love cleanliness, constantly wash themselves and always go to the accustomed toilet, which cannot be said about the representatives of the stronger sex.

And one last piece of advice...

When you decide to check the sex of a kitten, do not be rude or persistent towards the kitten. First, make friends with the kitten, gain his trust, and most importantly the trust of the mother cat. Love animals.

Video: How to determine the sex of a kitten. How to distinguish a cat from a cat

🐱 Instructions for determining the sex of a kitten. Now it will be easier for you to find out what gender the kitten is. Photos and descriptions of methods for determining gender.


Are you expecting a new addition to your home in the form of a small feline? This is wonderful! Who would you like to see in the house more - a kitty or a cat? In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you will need to know how determine the gender of the kitten. When these young animals are more than one and a half months old, you can already easily distinguish a female from a male by external signs: will appear characteristic features muzzles, difference in genitals. The difference is noticeable both in the character traits and in the certain behavior of the furry beauties.

If the owner definitely wants a cat and has a lovely one at the ready female name, then you need to quickly determine the gender of the newborn kitten. And why wait weeks if you can use a proven method and look under the kitten’s tail?

Newborn kitten: male or female?

Among all the possible criteria when choosing a young furry pet, the main one for many is whether the animal belongs to the fair half of the feline family, or vice versa, to the strong half. The character of a cat differs in many ways from the character traits that are characteristic of cats. Depending on whether a cat or a cat has settled in the house, the relationship between the owner and the pet is built. For some, the behavior of an animal during such a tiring period of “demands of love” also has important. Cats can bring numerous offspring and associated troubles. Not everyone wants to foster cat children. Well, cats can become good breeding producers without introducing the chaos and confusion associated with the appearance of kittens in the house. That is why the gender of the future pet becomes important for many owners.

A few must-read tips before you start determine the sex of a cat. Find out what not to do:

  • try to perform the procedure at the time of feeding;
  • use brute force: pull the tail up, grab the babies by the scruff of the neck or paws;
  • make animals nervous in every possible way;
  • apply forceful pressure to the genitals or abdomen.
Most important: the need to calm or distract the mother cat. You can successfully choose the time when she goes off to feed, or if you trust the owner, it is enough to offer the mother of the entire brood a favorite treat or the owner’s affection.

So, access to cat babies is open:

  • Carefully take one baby and place it with its tummy on a warm diaper, which is located in your palm;
  • Lift the tail and inspect the area of ​​the anus and genitourinary opening. If possible, have your assistant take a photo of the area. This will simplify the task and return the baby to his mother sooner.

Keep kittens for no longer than one minute, as newborns freeze very quickly without their mother's fur.

Cat or cat, how to determine gender?

If you're wondering how determine the sex of a newborn kitten, be prepared for the fact that in the absence of experience, you may make mistakes. We propose to consider some ways that will shed light on this issue.

Helps determine gender visual inspection animal genitals. You can also distinguish a boy from a girl using tactile sensations - through palpation. Often, experienced owners can distinguish representatives of the stronger sex of cats by color.

Visual differences in the sex of kittens

So, we determine the sex of the kitten by examining its genitals:

If you look at the genitals of several kittens, then during the comparison process it is much easier to distinguish the sex of the kitten.

Tactile detection

To find out the gender, take your baby and, with your free hand, gently feel the area between the urethra and the anus. A smooth spot is typical for a girl. If your fingers feel small formations that resemble a tumor, then there is a chance that in two months such a “tumor” will turn into testicles.

The accuracy of this method is not 100% certain, since in small cats the testicles may be in the neonatal period. abdominal cavity, and young cats have swelling in that area and other hormonal phenomena. This way is more reliable you can determine the gender of a kitten 1 month old.

Find out the gender of a kitten by color

If you see several kittens in front of you, try to look at their furry outfit. Nature has arranged everything so that the floor domestic cat associated with color.

So, here is a baby with a weave of three colors on his fur. There is a high probability that you are looking at a cat, because they have the so-called tortoiseshell coloration.

Have you picked up the red baby? Most likely it will be a boy.

There is also a genetic method: if the litter has parents of a certain color, then the gender of the kitten can be easily distinguished by color. If the female is black, blue, chocolate or lilac flowers paired with a red or cream-colored male brings non-tortoiseshell kittens, then these babies are boys. This rule works vice versa.

Surely, you have often wondered how to find out what sex kittens are. If your cat has given birth and you decide to keep the babies so that you can sell them and give them away, you need to figure out how many boys and how many girls you have. But while the kittens are small, it is very difficult to understand. Unfortunately, the cats do not come with instructions that tell you how to determine the gender of the kitten.

When buying an animal at the market, you will also want to find out who you are taking. After all, when you bring a cat home, you will need not only to feed it and shower it with love, but also to give it a name. How many cases have there been in the history of human-cat friendship when Murok had to be urgently renamed to Murzikov, and Lucy to Lyusikov.

If with dogs, even at a young age, everything is simpler, then not every cat breeder knows how to determine the sex of a kitten for 1 month.

How to determine the sex of a kitten - basic techniques

Of course, from a scientific point of view, there is nothing complicated. Nowadays, even the sex of an embryo in the mother’s womb can be easily determined. Of course there is similar means and for animals. After all, cats, like people, have innate sex differences determined at the chromosomal level. That is, if a scientist does not know how to distinguish a cat from a cat, he will simply conduct a DNA test and get the desired result.

But we all understand that a family that bought/picked up an animal on the street hardly has the funds to conduct complex tests.

You can also try to determine gender by look. In cats it is more wary. They are constantly looking for something, studying. The cat almost always looks with a confident look. But in the case of children, this technique does not work. Their look, other than bewilderment and confusion, expresses nothing. So we reject this option.

How can you find out the sex of a kitten based on the simplest criterion - anatomical differences? It is known that until the age of three months, kittens are almost the same. The fact is that before this age their genitals develop and are very similar in appearance.

But it is still possible to determine the sex of a kitten if you know what its excretory and reproductive organs should look like and where they should be located.

Prepare - wash your hands with soap and carefully pick up the animal. You need to do this carefully so as not to scare him or force him to break free. We take the kitten in one hand, a gadget with a good camera in the other, and take a photo. It will be easier and more convenient to see everything on it than on a ball of fur that wants to get free as quickly as possible.

How to find out the gender of a kitten: follow the cat with a ruler

Experts know well how to distinguish a cat from a cat, based on simple parameters. Take a look at the photo we received. On it you see two areas, these are anal hole and the area where the genital organs form. In the female there is no distance between them for an obvious reason, while in the male it is “reserved” for the testicles. Usually this area takes up one and a half or two centimeters.

So, if you want to figure out how to determine the gender of a kitten, a photo will help you do this the easiest way.

Shape of genital organs

While there is no penis or testicles, the shape of the hole through which the kittens relieve themselves will be different. In a cat it is round (anus and urethra form a colon), and in a cat it is rectangular (similar to the letter i, or an exclamation mark).

Check by touch

If you are not sure of the accuracy of the previous option, then check the floor with your hands. Between the anus and the area where the genital organ is formed, the cat will have two swellings that can be felt. Testicles are formed from these over time. But how can you determine whether it’s a cat in front of you if it’s just a baby and nothing has yet begun to form? Often this option is not suitable, because... The characteristics of growth and formation of secondary sexual characteristics are different for each individual kitten.

During the first pregnancy of a domestic cat, its owners are impatiently expecting offspring, and often wonder what gender the kittens will be? Experienced breeders can easily resolve this issue. But ordinary owners, even after the birth of kittens, do not know by what signs they can distinguish a boy from a girl.

Determining the sex of a newborn kitten

Of course, in adults, sex can be determined by clearly expressed sexual characteristics, but what about babies? How to determine the sex of a kitten when it has just been born? Experienced owners and just amateurs identify several main signs that will help accurately determine the sex of a newborn.

The kitten should be carefully picked up, stroked and lifted up. After this, carefully look under his tail, where there are two pinholes: anal and genital. If the kitten is a future cat, then the distance between the holes will be long (about 1 cm). If the kitten is a future female, then this distance will be much shorter.

This method is the most reliable, since the kittens’ fur has not yet grown during this period, and the holes are clearly visible. There is another way to determine the sex of a newborn kitten: tactile. To carry it out, you need to place the kitten on a soft diaper and slowly feel the tummy. In a cat, in the area where the testicles are formed, you can feel two small peas, which the future female will not have.

Determining the sex of a kitten at one month of age

When the baby is one month old, the shape of the genitals will tell you how to determine the sex of the kitten. In a cat, the genital opening has the shape of an elongated vertical slit, and in a cat, a small swelling can be found in this place - the future scrotum with testicles.

Many breeders advise determining the sex of kittens by the structure of the skull, sternum, ribs, and also coloring. It is believed that red babies are necessarily cats, and babies with tortoiseshell-colored fur are future females. However, there are no rules without exceptions, and this method is not one hundred percent reliable. However, calico cats are almost always female, with exceptions being extremely rare. Therefore, the black, white and red kitten is a girl. But this does not work with other colors, and a one-color or two-color baby can be either a female or a male.

Some breeders advise paying attention to the shape of the kitten's face. In males it is more masculine and pointed, while in females it is more rounded and feminine. It is also advised to pay attention to the gaze of growing individuals. The male's look is more self-confident and arrogant, while the female's looks fearful and wary. But these signs can hardly be called decisive.

If you still have problems determining the gender of the kitten, it is better to show the baby to a veterinarian or an experienced breeder. This is the simplest and most reliable way.

Usually the question of how a cat differs from a cat causes bewilderment and a smile in many people. And only those who are planning to get a kitten seriously think about it.

At first glance, it seems that nothing is easier than determining the sex of an animal, because it is the same mammal, and its primary sexual characteristics should be clearly expressed. However, this is not the only way to determine the sex of a kitten. In our article we will tell you in more detail how this can be determined by the external qualities of a pet?

How to distinguish a cat from a cat based on primary sexual characteristics?

Whatever one may say, first of all you need to examine the animal’s genitals. If you lift the tail of a boy’s kitten, you will see that the anus with the genital organ form something like a colon, two identical points at a distance of more than a centimeter from each other. When the kitten reaches the age of 3 months, this distance is occupied by the testicles. As for cats, the anus and urinary canal form an exclamation mark.

How to identify a cat from a cat by external signs?

Most cat lovers believe that in order to choose a boy or a girl from two kittens, it is enough to be able to distinguish them by the expression of their eyes and muzzle. But what to do if you have too little experience with animals? Let's figure this out. Cats have a much wider muzzle and nose, and they also have a powerful body and thick paws.

Kitties, on the contrary, are more miniature and graceful. The muzzle is more elongated, and the color is quite specific. This is explained by the fact that the X chromosomes are responsible for the black and red color of the coat; if there are two of them, and this only happens in cats, or cats with genetic abnormalities, then both red and black colors will be present in the color. Therefore, we can conclude that only cats can be tri-colored.

How to distinguish a cat from a female cat by character and behavior?

If the animal has reached the age of 7-9 months, then the gender of this pet can be determined by its character. As a rule, up to this point it was a little difficult to draw conclusions, because the little naughty boy was constantly playing, running or sleeping. But here it should be borne in mind that the character of the animal often depends on the characteristics of the cat breed. For example, some breeds are more susceptible to aggression and obstinacy, while others, on the contrary, are friendly and. Consequently, not everyone knows how to recognize a cat from a cat. According to statistics, the most common cat is calmer and lazier, unlike a cat. He has a positive attitude towards being picked up, stroked or caressed, because he is lazier by nature.

Most cats believe that they are the rightful owners of the house, therefore, in order to show and protect supposedly their territory, they begin to mark it. Therefore, in the house where a cat lives, there is always a persistent specific smell. We figured out how to distinguish a cat from a cat. Now let's talk about the behavioral characteristics of cats. Their distinguishing feature- this is independence, you've probably heard the phrase: “The cat walks on its own,” this is the case. Many owners often complain about the restlessness and demonstration of independence of their beautiful furry ladies. They do not like excessive caresses and tenderness, so they do not often ask to be held, but sit on them, rather out of politeness. Despite their character, cats are more clean. They can spend hours licking themselves to be as clean as possible, easily, and choose an appropriate place to sleep.

As you can see, you can distinguish a cat from a cat not only by primary sexual characteristics, but also by character, behavior and even coat color.