British lilac cats and cats: description and list of nicknames. Color palette of a British cat Lilac color of a British cat

Color is not just the color of a cat's fur, but the most important component of the standard of a purebred animal. The British cat breed is distinguished by an enviable variety of acceptable colors, but only specialists can thoroughly understand them.

About British cats

In the world of purebred cats, the British occupy a leading position in popularity, while remaining mysterious and incomprehensible. Like the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's famous book, this amazing character is of obvious British origin.

The Cheshire Cat is a clear representative of the British breed

History of the breed

The official date of birth of the British breed is considered to be July 13, 1871, and the place of birth is the Crystal Palace in London. On this day, the first British exhibition took place here, which created a real sensation and became the start of the victorious march of the new breed around the world.

However, to call the British breed new at that time would be completely wrong - the formation of the British began long before the end of the nineteenth century, when these feline aristocrats received their official recognition. According to one version, the historical roots of the majestic breed should be sought not just anywhere, but in Ancient Rome.

The British breed began with a blue color

In ancient English engravings and paintings, cats are often found that are practically indistinguishable from modern British cats. They enjoyed truly popular love: they lived at the royal court and in the castles of the nobility, but at the same time they also lived in the farmsteads of commoners. British sailors and fishermen respected these cats for their strong and loyal character, endurance and courage - several centuries ago, the ancestors of our beloved Britons honestly served as cats on merchant and fishing ships, warships...

The British are the royal dynasty of the cat world

Purely British characteristics

The British are quite large cats, stocky, with a strong texture, and it is no coincidence that the owners love to call their pets teddy bears. By the way, only “plush” dogs are available; however, long-haired representatives of this breed are still less popular.

A massive strong body, strong low paws, a thick tail, a round head, huge, fantastically expressive eyes - this is how the breed standard paints a vivid image of this cat, worthy in all respects.

This look will not leave anyone indifferent

As for character, the British are by no means teddy bears. They are distinguished by a very high sense of self-esteem, self-sufficiency, intelligence, calmness and patience - the best traits of a true English lord. No plebeianism, like jumping on your head or tearing wallpaper to shreds! The Briton is interested in human society, but he will never allow excessive familiarity towards himself.

Video: everything about the British breed

British breed colors

In addition to all its numerous and undeniable advantages, the British cat breed is famous for its bright and generous palette of colors - almost their entire line is presented in the breed standard. Only the most popular and well-known colors among the British have up to six dozen! And if you count new, rare colors and variations, the total number will be up to two hundred.

Different colors may be present in one litter

But even this seemingly democratic approach to the variegated ribbon of colors is clearly regulated by the breed standard in each specific case. In the exhibition evaluation of an animal, there is a very large quota of expert evaluation specifically for color - according to the standards of various international felinological organizations, this ranges from 15 to 25 points.

British cats of all stripes - photo gallery

Blue (gray)

The blue color can be called classic for the British cat breed. Against the background of plush gray fur, huge eyes of all shades of amber look especially impressive.

Blue British cat is a classic of the breed

The color spectrum is quite wide - from very light gray to a deep and dark shade of graphite. But the development of the breed is still moving towards lightening - breeders are trying to move away from darkened versions of the blue color in breeding.

Gray fur is soft, dense and matte; it cannot shine or shimmer with silver. Each hair must be dyed evenly along its entire length; the slightest inclusions and shades of other colors are considered defective and are categorically not welcome. Uniformly gray - and no other! - there may be both the nose and the pads on the paws of a blue British cat. For this color, the standard allows three eye colors:

  • rich golden;
  • copper;
  • orange.

Some nuances of color in the form of unexpressed patterns and darkening can only be observed in small kittens - provided that with age all these unevennesses disappear without a trace. Children's fur can also change color, even significantly change its shade, mainly in the lighter direction.

Video: blue Briton named Harry


The white British cat looks stunning, but this color remains rare in the breed - breeders do not strive to “put it on stream”, since they are well aware of the difficulties associated with this.

White British cat is a very beautiful but problematic animal

The main requirement for the color of white British dogs is brightness and purity of color. Even the slightest inclusions of other colors and shades are considered faults - the most common problem in this sense is untidy yellowish spots, which are most often localized on the face or at the root of the tail. white kittens are sometimes born with dark markings, but the spots in almost all cases disappear by the age of one year.

The nose and paw pads are unpigmented and pink; but for the eyes the standard allows a very expressive palette of options:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • odd-eyed (blue and yellow).

Breeders know how difficult it is to get an animal of the standard white color - this is a rarity in the breed. Another problem for breeding is that it is impossible to breed two white animals - this creates a high risk of having offspring with hearing atrophy.

Video: lazy handsome white guy


A British cat of the correct black color is extremely rare and valuable; Usually it is in this color that certain problems appear, which are assessed by experts as shortcomings or even as a defect.

Black British cat is a rarity in the breed

The structure of the British breed's black coat stands apart from many other colors - it is more rigid and shiny. It is very important that the tone of the undercoat completely matches the tone of the guard hair. Various kinds of color stretches and spots are not allowed - a black Briton should not have even a hint of smokiness or pattern. But so far only a few representatives of the breed have the ideal, deep black color - often with age it is somewhat washed out and becomes unexpressed.

With this color, both the nose and paw pads should be black, without any options. But for the eyes the usual breed colors are acceptable:

  • golden-bright;
  • orange;
  • copper.

Experienced breeders try to carefully select breeding sires with deep black, shiny wool for mating - otherwise the offspring have a high risk of overcoloring and the appearance of “untidy” shades of black color - grayish and brown.

Video: perfect black cat


The delicate and charming cream color of British cats is also called peach or beige - these British cats look very elegant and are now at the peak of popularity.

Cream British are one of the most popular today.

The beige color of varying degrees of saturation should be evenly distributed over the animal’s body, and traces of the pattern on the fur should be practically invisible. It is important that each hair is dyed along its entire length without color transitions; inclusions of white hairs are not allowed.

In peachy Britons, both the nose and pads are soft pink, and the following options are acceptable for the eyes:

  • rich golden;
  • copper;
  • orange.

Beige babies can only be born from a pair of cream British dogs, or if the parents are carriers of the genes for this color.

Video: cream cat, cheerful and beautiful


It is no coincidence that the Briton's color of all shades of chocolate - from milk to almost black - is at the peak of cat fashion: he looks spectacular at exhibitions and is rapidly winning the sympathy of ordinary owners.

Chocolate British cat is a relatively new, but already popular color

This color, which is quite new for the breed, immediately turned out to be in demand, but there are still some difficulties in its formation - in an animal it is fully manifested only by one and a half years, and it is definitely impossible to predict from a small kitten what color its coat will acquire. A minimum of pattern on the coat, no white spots or even hairs - the standard requirements for this color are strict.

The nose and paw pads of a chocolate-colored animal should be evenly colored chestnut, and the eyes can have the following colors:

  • bright yellow;
  • dark orange;
  • copper.

To secure the color, it is very important that the chocolate gene is present in both parents of the breeding pair - otherwise there may not be any kittens with this color in the litter at all.

Video: playful chocolate kitten


On the coat of the British, the lilac color looks sophisticated and unusual - such kittens are always in demand, which stimulates breeders to search for new, more expressive shades of color.

The lilac color of the British cat is characterized by unusual nuances of color

Today's standard lilac color allows for three main shades:

  • light;
  • average;
  • dark.

The coat of such cats is short and truly “plush”; a subtle smokiness, manifested in a slightly lightened undercoat, is acceptable. Depending on the saturation of the main tone, the nuances of the beige color in which the nose and pads on the paws are painted can also change significantly. The eyes of a lilac Briton should be of the following colors:

  • dark gold;
  • copper;
  • orange

Light shades of color are considered the most popular and promising - based on them, breeders achieve amazing color compositions, including pastel shades of pink and purple.

The red British cat is a bright representative of its breed

The breed standard is relatively loyal to the red color of the British, but still makes certain, quite clear requirements for it. Ideally, uniform coloring of the coat is desirable; only minimal darkening and some hint of pattern are acceptable. The brighter, deeper and more saturated the red color is, the higher the value of a particular individual.

The “mirror” of the nose and the pads on the paws of a ginger British cat should have the color of terracotta. As for eye color, the standard provides the following options:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • copper.

Unfortunately, the ideal red color in the British breed is still extremely rare, although breeders are actively working in this direction.

Video: red British furry

Each British tortoiseshell is unique and inimitable

“Torti” - as this color is also called - has up to eighty different variations, which can be divided into several main subgroups:

  • classic turtles;
  • smoky turtles;
  • tortoiseshell tabby (torby);
  • tortoiseshell color-point (tortie);
  • tortoiseshell bicolor (calico);
  • tortoiseshell tabby with white (mixed color).

British tortillas are always elegant and charismatic. The breed standard is highly creative in relation to the tortoiseshell color - the most incredible and imaginative combinations of elements of various patterns, small spotting and patchiness are allowed. The main thing is that the cat looks harmonious and beautiful as a result. The fur of British breed “turtles” is short, tightly packed, plush and soft. The eyes can be copper or dark gold, and there are different options for the nose and paw pads:

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Fans of British cats know that this breed comes in a wide variety of colors. Today we will talk about lilac cats. Kittens of this breed are in demand among buyers, because a kitten with a spectacular pinkish-smoky coat cannot leave anyone indifferent. What are the features of purple pets? Find out from our article, and also enjoy photographs of these cute animals.


Features of the color of the breed

British Shorthair cats have an ancient pedigree descending from English cats. Animal lovers often associate them with English aristocracy and severity. Therefore, lilac and pinkish colors for this breed look very exotic. This feature of the coat, like the chocolate color, is usually attributed to oriental breeds: Siamese and oriental cats. So where did the purple brothers come from among the British?

These amazing Britons appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders. Contrary to popular belief, there is no separate gene responsible for purple coloration. This feature is the result of bleaching chocolate-colored cats and cats, just as blue is obtained by bleaching black, and cream is obtained by bleaching red. The history of the origin of lilac color in British cats is very short and is associated with the development of the color point breed. Interestingly, the new breed has become even more popular than the Color Point.

It is worth noting that breeders have made a lot of effort to ensure that British parents have a lilac-colored kitten. By the way, another name for this color is lilac. In person, it resembles blooming lavender, but even in the photo, kittens and cats in the shade of “lilac” look mesmerizing.

How do you get such beauties?

Breeders of mustachioed beauties have been working on obtaining the “lilac” shade for a long time. To get a baby with the desired shade of fur, genes of a certain type must be present in the genotype of the parents. In our case, these are the chocolate shade gene and the lightening gene. Initially, purple babies were obtained by crossing two individuals with such genes, that is, the parents were of different colors. Now that the work of breeders has been crowned with success, breeding Lilac pets has become much easier.

The shade of the coat depends on what type of coloring substance - melanin - is present in a particular individual. There are two types of melanin: one is called eumelanin and is responsible for the black pigment, pheomelanin is aimed at the formation of red-yellow pigments. Eumelanin is involved in producing purple shades. With a certain synthesis of melanin, an oxidized form of black is formed - brown. If a diluting genome is present in the animal’s body, then the color becomes less saturated.

According to the standard, a lavender cat can have three shades: light, medium and dark lilac. In the first case, cats have light purple fur with a pink pigment. Medium purple animals are distinguished by a subtle purple tint. Cats have an intense dark lavender coat color that resembles the color of coffee with milk. In photographs, these subtleties are almost invisible, so experts should evaluate pets directly in person, and not in photos.

Even the pads on the paws of such cats have a slight pinkish or lilac tint. Breed standards also take into account eye color. Lavender-colored animals should have copper or bright amber eyes.

Lilac Britons have a friendly and gentle character. They are as playful as kittens, even as adults. This cat is very attached to its owners. Therefore, those who have small children at home can safely get such pets: the British cat will become an affectionate friend for them.

Lilac cats have a good appetite, and sometimes they are very picky about food. But in general, there are no special nuances in care. Of course, if you are going to participate in cat shows, you will need to pay a lot of attention to the condition of the coat, since this criterion is very important when assessing the breed.

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Color of kittens

Lilac colored kittens are born with a pigment characteristic of this species. However, the uniformity of color inherent in adult cats is not characteristic of small kittens. So if you come across a kitten with a purple or pink tint, but with spots on its body, do not rush to be annoyed by the deception on the part of the seller. The photo shows a small, barely born kitten.

White or darker spots that are noticeable on kittens are called residual patterns. While the kitten is small, these inclusions are more noticeable, but over time they disappear. In six months, a Lilac British kitten will look the same as an adult cat.

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Video “Funny British cat babies”

The video shows newborn kittens of lilac and chocolate color.

British cats have long won the hearts of animal lovers around the world. These charming animals are distinguished by their independent and proud character, bright and memorable appearance, fur that feels like plush and a huge variety of completely unusual colors. There are more than two hundred of them.

And in our country, many families live with blue and peach, gray, brown and brindle dogs, as well as representatives of this wonderful breed with other colors of silky fur coats. The color we will talk about today was one of the last to appear, but has already gained many fans.

Features of lilac color

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most interesting colors of the breed. It was developed quite recently during a long period of work by breeders and breeders from England. Lilac (the so-called color) is a rather complex color, the shades of which can vary in accordance with the intensity of the color. Only specialists in this field can discern its subtleties.

Lilac color can have such shades as:

  • light purple, close to pink;
  • medium saturated lilac;
  • dark purple.

It should be noted that today there is a tendency in the work of breeders to breed kittens of lighter colors. The new shade of lilac Briton looks amazing. It was obtained by crossing cats with the chocolate gene with blue cats with a weakening gene. Breeders worked on this for more than ten years and, it must be admitted, that their work was crowned with great success.

Lilac color is a cool gray color with a slight pinkish tint. According to the standard, it must be uniform: the hairs are evenly colored along the entire length. True, kittens may have spots or stripes on their bodies, which disappear by the age of six months.

The lilac Briton, whose photo we posted in this article, does not have a single light spot on his fur. The soft undercoat may be somewhat paler, but this should not affect the overall appearance of the coat.

Contrasting undercoat or uneven coloring of the entire “coat” is a disqualifying factor.

In the animal passport, this unusual color is indicated by the letter “c”. Its international official name is Lilac or Lavender.

Marbled Lilac British

So far, this variety is quite rare. On the fur of such animals, darker stripes are clearly visible, which form an unusual pattern on the shoulders and back, reminiscent of a butterfly. Let us clarify once again that today this is a very rare color, but it looks very impressive.

Description of the purple British

The edging of the mucous membranes, paw pads, and nose should match the color scheme of the coat, but have a more bluish tint. At birth, a lilac British kitten has gray-blue eyes, which over time acquire a yellow color: from rich copper to golden orange.

Features of character and care

Experts, as well as experienced cat owners, argue that the character of animals depends not only on the individual characteristics of the animal and breed, but also on color. Most owners speak very warmly of their lilac beauties. These are charming, very playful, despite the English stiffness, and affectionate cats. They are able to play for hours even at a very advanced age.

Lilac Britons love to climb onto the upper tiers of furniture and from there watch what is happening in the house. They, like their brothers of other colors, are very attached to their owner, but at the same time retain a proud and independent disposition. These cats very keenly sense the mood of their owner, and when it is not at its best, they try not to impose their company.

Families with small children can have such a pet, but on one condition: the baby will not squeeze his four-legged friend often or forcefully, since the animal may react aggressively to such behavior.

Caring for the Lilac Briton is no different from animals of other varieties of this breed. These cats have thick, plush fur. It should be brushed at least twice a week. In addition, it is necessary to conduct regular examinations of teeth, eyes, ears, and visit a veterinary clinic for vaccinations and preventive examinations.


These cats are quite picky when it comes to food. If you decide to feed them natural products, then do not forget that the food must be balanced. It should include meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and dairy products. In addition, your pet should receive minerals and vitamins regularly. But the basis of the diet should be meat (80%).

Feeding with ready-made food involves using the highest quality ingredients from well-known manufacturers that are appropriate for the age and health of your pet.

In this article I will talk about the colors of British cats. I will describe the most popular coat colors, including the lilac British coat, and indicate their designations. I will give a brief description of each. I’ll tell you how kittens are selected based on color designation.

Popular colors of British cats

Color occupies a special place in the standard of British cats. At the exhibition, experts evaluate the fold-eared cat on a par with its exterior.

Colors are divided into several groups, and each of them includes several color variations:

  1. Plain. The fur is uniformly colored, there should be no foreign color or shade on it, and the presence of spots or stripes is unacceptable. This group includes 7 colors (white, black, blue, chocolate, cream, red, purple).
  2. Tortoiseshell. Found only in British females. This type has several harmoniously mixed shades (usually a mixture of black and red, blue and cream, etc.).
  3. Silver. The undercoat and lower part of the hairs have a light silver tint, the tips of the hairs are colored in different colors (depending on the name). This group is divided into chinchilla, shaded and smoky colors.
  4. Tabby. Included here are the following pattern names: marbled, tiger or mackerel (often called "whiskas") and spotted. The main color can be any of the solid colors. The design itself is black or dark brown.
  5. Color point. This means the presence of dark markings on the face, ears, tail and limbs. The body is covered with light hair (white, cream, lilac). The name is given according to the color of the spots: black - seal point, blue - blue point, purple - lilac point, cream - cream point, red - red point. If there is a pattern on the marks, this color is called links point.
  6. Bicolor. The main coat color is white, with tabby, tortoiseshell or solid spots on the body. This group is divided into categories: van (a couple of spots on the head and a colored tail), bicolor (half of the entire body area is colored) and harlequin (only a fifth of the body is colored).

Each color has its own marking of letters or numbers. When selecting pairs, experts rely on these designations in order to get kittens of the desired colors.

This color is most often found among the British. It belongs to the monochromatic group. The fur is evenly colored, the undercoat may be slightly lighter than the main color.

Silver tint to the coat is not allowed. The eyes of such cats are usually amber.

Chocolate and cinnamon

These kittens are monochromatic. Chocolate Britons have a rich coat color, the color of milk or dark chocolate.

Spots or inclusions of other shades are not allowed.

The nose is the same color as the coat, or maybe a little darker.

Cinnamon is similar in color to chocolate, but the hairs are a lighter shade. These cats have a pink nose.


White Britons can have blue or orange eyes, and there are also odd-eyed animals.

Kittens may have small markings (blue or black), but these disappear in adults.


The black British is not that common. A special feature is the fact that kittens up to six months are colored dark brown, so it cannot be said that such babies will be completely black as adults.

Animals with this color are not as “plush” as British cats of other colors.

Marble and whiskey

These colors are classics of the entire tabby group.

Marbled British women have wide stripes on their bodies in the form of a butterfly (on the shoulder blades) and curls (on the sides).

There are several ring-necklaces on the neck of the marble.

Whiskas or brindle cats have transverse stripes on their bodies. The spotted tabby has bright spots on its body, usually black.

Both colors are based on solid colors (usually silver, blue or red).

This group includes the following colors: smoky, chinchilla, shaded. Animals with a smoky color have a silver undercoat, and the tips of the hairs can have the following colors: chocolate, blue, cream, red, lilac, black.

The fur of animals of shaded and chinchilla species is light (silver), with a light coating at the tips (from 1/6 to 1/8). In the first case, darkening is present on the tail, head, sides, back and ears. Chinchilla cats can have emerald (bright green) eyes. Shaded Brits have orange irises.

The golden species is extremely rare and golden kittens are very expensive. The lower part of the body is covered with apricot-colored hair, the remaining hairs at the tips have a darker coating.

The nasal planum has a brick tint, the iris of the eyes is green.

What are the coat colors of a British dog?

Each color of a British cat has its own designation, which includes letters and numbers. Each code must be preceded by the prefix “BRI”. Eye color is marked with numbers (blue or sky blue - 61, amber (orange) - 62, different - 63).

Here is a detailed plate with all color codes:

Color group Color name in English Transcript in Russian Designation
Plain (solid) Blue Gray or blue a
Black Black n
White White w
Lilac Lilac c
Chocolate Chocolate b
Cream Cream e
Red Red d
Tortoiseshells Lilac-cream-cake Lilac with cream j
Blue-cream-cake Blue with cream g
Black cake Black f
Chocolate-cream-cake Chocolate with cream h
Smoky Cream-smoke Cream smoke es
Black smoke Black smoke ns
Red-smoke Red smoke ds
Blue-smoke Blue smoke (gray smoke) as
Lilac-smoke purple smoke cs
Chocolate-smoke Chocolate smoke bs
Chinchilla Shel Chinchilla 12
Shaded Shaded Shaded 11
Tabby Tabby Striping 21
Marble Marble 22
Mackerel Mackerel or tiger 23
Spotted Spotted 24
Color point Himalayan Himalayan (Siamese) 33
Seal-point Black marks n33
Lilac-point Purple markings c33
Blue-point Blue or gray markings a33
Cream-point Cream markings e33
Van The coloring on the tail and a couple of spots on the head are “Van” 01
Harlequin The fifth part of the body is painted - “Harlequin” 02
Bi-color Half of the body is painted - “Bicolor” 03

The colors are deciphered as follows. The first three capital letters (for example "BRI" or "SIB") indicate the name of the breed. Next, a small letter is written, which is assigned to a specific shade. The second lowercase letter s in the name indicates that it belongs to the Silver group. The letter y stands for golden color.

The following are auxiliary figures. They indicate the presence of white coloring (bicolor), stripes (tabby) or marks (color point). The code may also include the numbers 61, 62 or 63, which indicate the color of the iris.

For example, a British solid blue or gray would have a BRI code of a. Cats with more complex colors, such as lilac-point tabby, have a BRI code of 21 33. An animal with a chocolate marbled color will receive a BRI code of b 22.

The coat colors of British cats are very important for breeders.

Breeders carefully select pairs in order to obtain kittens with desirable and rare colors.

Most often, the British have solid colors (blue, lilac, etc.), but recently breeders have been trying to get animals of unique and rare colors, for example golden or chocolate.

Many cat lovers prefer to have British cats: graceful and beautiful animals that can boast of wonderful ones: chocolate, marbled, black, white, tortoiseshell, cream... There are many unusually beautiful British cats, but among all of them they occupy a special place British lilac.

We got the British lilac color, or simply lilac, as it is also called, quite recently. And all for the reason that it is very difficult to breed kittens with purple coat color. It's all about the uniqueness of the lilac color of the British. Look at the cat's fur: it seems bluish-pinkish color, which is very reminiscent of lavender shade. And you can get such an unusual color only with the help of chocolate and blue cats.

Breeders had to work very hard to get this unique color. The whole point is that The lilac gene in the British is recessive. The same can be said about the genes for chocolate and blue colors. This means that in order to obtain similar colors, recessive genes must be paired with other recessive genes. In the case of a recessive + dominant gene pair, the recessive gene simply does not show itself. What do recessive genes for chocolate and blue colors have to do with British lilac? The most immediate: to obtain lilac fur, you need a recessive gene for chocolate color and a weakening gene (dilute), which is inherent in blue cats. Thus, in order for a British Lilac to boast of its unusual coat color, its parents must have both of the above genes, otherwise nothing will work out.

The lilac British cat is different uniformity of coat color: There is not a single place on the body where there are light spots, which is often found on the belly of animals. The hair of the coat is evenly colored along its entire length. However, the British Lilac has an undercoat of a lighter tone. But even this in no way affects the color of the coat. Please note that in the British Lilac the nose, edging of mucous membranes and paw pads are also very similar to the color of the coat, although they have a more bluish tint.

There cannot be any spots in the British Lilac color.. But don’t be alarmed if you see spots on your kitten’s coat. Kittens are allowed to have residual marks on their fur. Over time, the markings will fade and the adult British Lilac will show its beauty. If the marks have not disappeared, then their presence in an adult cat is considered a fault. Of course, a cat with this color will not be able to take part in exhibitions, but this will not make you love your animal less.

And now about eye color. British lilac cats have yellow eyes. Most prevails copper color, but there are also cats with orange and gold eye colors.

Even though the British Lilac has its own specific color, the intensity of the color can vary from animal to animal. Therefore, within the color there are three colors: lilac, lavender and isabella(it is lighter than purple). The Isabella color has its own origin story. This color is named after the French Queen Isabella of Bavaria, who vowed not to take off her shirt until her husband returned from a campaign. When the king returned, the queen's shirt was a grayish-light tone, which the colorists called Isabella.

The British Lilac cat is a very beautiful animal that enjoys particular success at exhibitions. And keeping such an animal at home is a real pleasure. This is an active, smart cat that loves to run and climb tall trees. In general, British lilacs are quite independent. British Lilac kittens are very mobile and active, constantly playing. The British Lilac is also distinguished by its affection and affection for its owners. In general, these are undemanding animals, although the same cannot be said about food. In this matter, British Lilacs are very scrupulous and demand only the best food.