The procedure for implementing measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities. Adaptation of indoor space and common areas

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  • Tender for work to eliminate the emergency situation of the roof of the MBDOU building No. 204 located at the address: 660021, Krasnoyarsk, st. Lenina, 165, as part of a major overhaul
  • Tender for the repair of the memorial complex in the village of Valentin, Lazovsky municipal district, Primorsky Territory
  • Tender for improvement of courtyard area in the area of ​​the street. School. Equipment for a children's playground in Bolshoy Kamen
  • Tender: (499.1) Major repairs of the roof of the boiler house building in Yelizovo
. Tenders for construction and renovation

Last 5 tenders in this category:

  • Tender for the installation of fencing for a sports ground in the Primorsky Territory
  • Tender for installation of fencing (Joker) at the facilities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Amur Region in Blagoveshchensk
  • Tender for repair work: 1. Repair of ZAV-20 (ZAV-50) (inventory No. 99c) at the Ivanovskoye site of the Znamenskoye Production Association. Object address: Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. State farm "Russia" (current territory). Coordinates: 52.246356, 41.588464; 2. Repair of ZAV-20 (ZAV-50) (inventory No. 100s) on the Ivanovskoye site of the Znamenskoye Production Association. Facility address: Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. State farm "Russia" (current territory). Coordinates: 52.246290, 41.588416; 3. Repair of the mechanical workshop building (team No. 2) (inventory No. 000042з) on the Kalininsky site of the Znamensky Production Association, Agrotechnologies LLC. Object address: Tambov region, Znamensky district, r.p. Znamenka (MTS territory). Coordinates: 52.405812, 41.439140; 4. Repair of covered current (inventory No. 001291с) on the Ivanovskoye site of the Znamenskoye Production Association. Facility address: Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. State farm "Russia" (current territory). Coordinates: 52.246546, 41.589657 5. Repair of the mechanical workshop building (inventory No. 0114 (M)) on the Zveryaevsky site of the Znamenskoye Production Association Agrotechnologies LLC Object address: Tambov region, Tokarevsky district, village. M. Zveryaevka (MTS territory). Coordinates: 52.169973, 41.393904; 6. Repair of MTM (inventory No. 109с) at the Ivanovsky site of the Znamenskoye Production Association of Agrotechnologies LLC Object address: Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. State farm "Russia" (current territory). Coordinates: 52.244795, 41.595587 7. Repair of a warehouse building block with a garage (inventory No. 000029з) on the Kalininsky site of the Znamenskoye Production Association Agrotechnologies LLC Object address: Tambov region, Znamensky district, r.p. Znamenka (MTS territory). Coordinates: 52.405468, 41.439924; 8. Repair of a construction warehouse (SZR) (inv. No. 126с) on the Ivanovsky site of the Znamenskoye Production Association, Agrotechnologies LLC. Facility address: Tambov region, Sampursky district, village. State farm "Russia" (current territory). Coordinates: 52.247250, 41.588114. in accordance with the requirements of the Terms of Reference, technical report, estimate documentation.
  • Tender for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on major repairs of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the municipal formation "Soviet City District"
  • Tender for the provision of services for fire retardant treatment of wooden structures at the address: Moscow, st. Suzdalskaya, vl. 48, p. 2 for the needs of the State Budgetary Institution "Highways" among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations




City administration

dated 01.01.2001 No. P-126

The procedure for implementing adaptation measures for disabled people living

1. General provisions

1.1. The procedure for implementing measures to adapt the intra-apartment space, common areas in houses, where facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed with the aim of increasing the ability of people with disabilities to self-service, and also regulates the provision of measures for adaptation of the intra-apartment space to citizens and legal entities , common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities.

1.2. The organization of measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities is carried out by the Department of Social Protection of the Population (hereinafter referred to as the USPP) in accordance with this Procedure.

1.3. The implementation of measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities is carried out within the framework of the district long-term target program “Social support for people with disabilities for 2 years”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug -P (hereinafter referred to as the district program), and the municipal long-term target program “Targeted social support for disabled people for 2 years”, approved by Resolution of the Noyabrsk City Administration dated January 1, 2001 No. P-1233 (hereinafter referred to as the municipal program).

1.4. Within the framework of this Procedure, adaptation to the needs of a disabled person is understood as a set of measures aimed at organizing the life of a disabled person at home, solving architectural and planning problems of adapting living quarters and social facilities to the needs of a disabled person in compliance with those established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, municipal formation city ​​of Noyabrsk requirements and standards (including carrying out design and survey work, carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examination of defective statements and local estimates for objects of intra-apartment adaptation and common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, work on examining the technical condition of common areas, social objects for the possibility of their unhindered access and use by people with limited mobility (disabled people), as well as the acquisition of equipment (materials, tools) aimed at making the life of a disabled person easier in order to ensure accessibility of the social environment).

2. The procedure for applying for citizens and legal entities entitled

to carry out measures to adapt the interior space,

common areas in houses where disabled people live,

and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people

2.1. The procedure for applying for citizens entitled

to carry out measures to adapt the interior space,

common areas in houses where people with disabilities live

2.1.1. The right to carry out measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where disabled people live, belongs to disabled people who have recommendations in their individual rehabilitation program on carrying out measures for social rehabilitation (adaptation of the apartment space, common areas in houses where disabled people live), from among the citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the territory of the municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

2.1.2. Citizens specified in paragraph 2.1.1 of this Procedure, or their legal representatives, as well as persons acting on the basis of a power of attorney executed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, apply to the USZN with a written application to carry out measures to adapt the internal space, common places use in houses where disabled people live, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

2.1.3. The citizens specified in paragraph 2.1.1 of this Procedure shall attach the following documents to the application:

a) passport or other identification document (original and copy);

b) a document confirming registration at the citizen’s place of residence;

c) an individual rehabilitation program with a list of measures to carry out adaptation of the interior space, common areas in houses where disabled people live (original and copy);

d) pension certificate (original and copy);

e) certificate from the medical and social expert commission (original and copy);

f) consent of the owners of the premises of an apartment building, in the case of a citizen’s application for adaptation of common areas in houses where disabled people live (original and copy).

If it is impossible to provide the originals of these documents, citizens provide their copies, certified in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

If the documents specified in this paragraph are available in the USZN, their submission by the citizen is not required.

2.1.4. Copies of documents provided by citizens are certified by a USZN specialist indicating the date of their certification. The original documents are returned by the USZN specialist to the citizen immediately after checking the submitted copy of the document with the original.

2.1.5. The day a citizen applies for measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where people with disabilities live is considered the day the application is received with all the necessary documents.

2.1.6. The application specified in paragraph 2.1.2 of this Procedure is registered in the register of citizens' applications for carrying out measures to adapt the interior space in the form according to Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure on the day the citizen applies to the USZN with the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.1.3 of this Order.

2.1.7. The fact and date of receipt of the application and documents is confirmed by a notification receipt issued to the citizen.

2.1.8. The period for consideration by the USZN specialist of the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.1.3 of this Procedure is 5 calendar days.

2.1.9. Based on the results of consideration of the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.1.3 of this Procedure, the USZN specialist, within 5 calendar days, makes a decision on whether or not the citizen has the right to carry out measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where disabled people live.

2.2. The procedure for legal entities entitled to apply

for adaptation activities

social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people

2.2.1. Legal entities that have the right to use a municipally owned facility in the manner prescribed by law have the right to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities.

2.2.2. Legal entities specified in paragraph 2.2.1 of this Procedure apply to the USZN with a written application to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.

2.2.3. Legal entities must attach the following documents to the application:

a) documents confirming the right to use a social facility (original and copy);

c) passport of accessibility of a social infrastructure facility (original and copy).

If it is impossible to provide the originals of these documents, legal entities provide their copies, certified in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

2.2.4. Copies of documents provided by legal entities are certified by the USZN specialist responsible for receiving documents, indicating the date of their certification. The original documents are immediately returned by the USZN specialist to the legal entity after checking the submitted copy of the document with the original.

2.2.5. The day a legal entity submits an application to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people is considered the day the application is received with all the necessary documents.

2.2.6. The application is registered in the register of applications of legal entities to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Procedure on the day the legal entity applies to the USZN with the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.2.3 of this Procedure.

2.2.7. The fact and date of acceptance of the application and documents is confirmed by a notification receipt issued to the legal entity.

2.2.8. The period for consideration of the application and documents specified in clause 2.2.3 of this Procedure is 5 calendar days.

2.2.9. Based on the results of consideration of the application and documents specified in paragraph 2.2.3 of this Procedure, the USZN specialist, within 5 calendar days, makes a decision on whether or not a legal entity has the right to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities.

The legal entity is notified of the decision made by the USZN specialist within 5 calendar days from the date of the decision.

3. Grounds for refusal to carry out adaptation measures intra-apartment space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities

3.1. The grounds for refusing a citizen to carry out measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where disabled people live are:

Lack of the right to carry out measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where people with disabilities live;

Providing an incomplete package of documents specified in clause 2.1.3 of this Procedure;

The impossibility of adapting common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of people with disabilities, confirmed by the conclusion of the relevant organization (when citizens submit an application for measures to adapt common areas in houses where people with disabilities live);

Refusal of the Branch of the Federal Budgetary State Health Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the city of Noyabrsk” (hereinafter referred to as FFBGUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology”) in approving the implementation of adaptation measures declared by a citizen, in case of non-compliance of these measures with the requirements of current legislation .

3.2. The grounds for refusing legal entities to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people are:

Lack of the right to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people, provided for in paragraph 2.2.1 of this Procedure;

Providing an incomplete package of documents specified in clause 2.2.3 of this Procedure.

4. Implementation of measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities

4.1. Implementation of measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of people with disabilities

4.1.1. The USZN specialist, within 5 calendar days from the date of making a decision on whether a citizen has the right to carry out measures to adapt the interior space to the needs of people with disabilities, sends the application and documents submitted by the citizen to the municipal institution “Directorate of Municipal Order” (hereinafter referred to as MU “DMZ”) for carrying out work on drawing up a defect sheet and local estimate in order to determine the amount of money needed to carry out measures to adapt the interior space to the needs of people with disabilities.

4.1.2. Based on the decision that a citizen has the right to carry out measures to adapt common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of disabled people, within 10 calendar days, the USZN enters into an agreement with a specialized organization to examine the technical condition of common areas to determine the possibility of their unhindered access and use by people with limited mobility (disabled people).

In this case, sending the application and documents submitted by the citizen to the MU "DMZ" for work on drawing up a defective statement and local estimate in order to determine the amount of money needed to carry out measures to adapt common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of people with disabilities carried out by a specialist of the State Budgetary Inspectorate within 5 calendar days after receiving the corresponding conclusion from a specialized organization on the possibility of adapting common areas in houses where disabled people live to the needs of disabled people.

4.1.3. In case of receiving a conclusion from a specialized organization on the impossibility of adapting common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of disabled people, within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of this conclusion, a decision is made to refuse to carry out adaptation measures in the houses where people live. disabled people, to the needs of disabled people.

The citizen is notified of the decision made by the USZN specialist within 5 calendar days from the date of the decision.

4.1.4. The period for completion of the work specified in clause 4.1.1 of this Procedure by the specialists of the MU “DMZ” is 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of the documents.

4.1.5. The results of the work carried out by MU "DMZ" specified in clause 4.1.1, paragraph two of clause 4.1.2 of this Procedure, and all previously submitted documents are sent to the USZN in order to include the amount of funding necessary for carrying out measures to adapt the internal space and common areas in homes where people with disabilities live, to the needs of people with disabilities in district and municipal programs.

4.1.6. In order to timely plan the inclusion of funds necessary for carrying out measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, to the needs of people with disabilities in the district and municipal programs for the next calendar year, applications and documents are accepted by the USZN until March 1 of the current year.

4.1.7. Within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the defective statement and local estimate from the MU "DMZ", the USZN sends the specified documents to the FFBGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" for the purpose of their examination.

If the FFBGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" refuses to approve the implementation of measures to adapt the internal space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, the USZN makes a decision on the refusal within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of the refusal to approve in carrying out measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where disabled people live, to the needs of disabled people.

The citizen is notified of the decision made by the USZN specialist within 5 calendar days from the date of the decision.

4.1.8. Carrying out repair (construction, construction and repair) work to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where disabled people live, to the needs of disabled people, is carried out by the MU "DMZ" in the manner prescribed by the legislation in the field of placing orders, on the basis of agreements between MU " DMZ" and the executor (contractor) of municipal contracts (agreements).

4.1.9. Additionally, within the framework of the municipal contract, an agreement is concluded between the MU "DMZ", USZN and the citizen regulating the legal relations of the parties for the purpose of fulfilling the municipal contract.

4.1.10. Acceptance of completed work is carried out by a representative of the MU "DMZ" and a citizen, which is recorded by signing and endorsing the act of completed work.

4.1.11. Citizens have the right to refuse to take measures to adapt the interior space and common areas in houses where people with disabilities live to the needs of people with disabilities until the procedure for placing a municipal order or concluding an agreement. This refusal must be written and motivated.

4.1.12. In case of refusal provided for in paragraph 4.1.11 of this Procedure, as well as in the event of the death of a citizen, the right to carry out measures to adapt the internal space, common areas in houses where disabled people live, to the needs of disabled people, within the allocated financial resources, is granted to another citizen in order of priority in accordance with the registration of citizens in the register of events for adaptation of the interior space.

4.2. Implementation of measures to adapt social facilities to

needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people

4.2.1. If, when carrying out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out repair (construction, construction and repair), design and survey work, development of design and estimate documentation, then a USZN specialist within 20 calendar days from the date of the decision about the existence of the right to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, sends the application and documents submitted by the legal entity to the MU “DMZ” in order to determine the amount of funds required to carry out these activities.

4.2.2. The deadline for the performance of the work specified in paragraph 4.2.1 of this Procedure by the specialists of the MU “DMZ” is established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation regulating the procedure and performance of the corresponding type of work.

4.2.3. Information on the cost of the work specified in paragraph 4.2.1 of this Procedure, within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of the specified information in the MU "DMZ", is sent by the MU "DMZ" to the USZN in order to include the funds necessary for carrying out measures to adapt social objects to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, in the district and municipal programs for the next calendar year.

4.2.4. Carrying out repair (construction, construction and repair), design and survey work, development of design and estimate documentation is carried out by MU "DMZ" in the manner prescribed by legislation in the field of placing orders, on the basis of municipal contracts concluded between MU "DMZ" and the executor (contractor) (contracts).

4.2.5. Additionally, within the framework of the municipal contract, an agreement is concluded between the MU "DMZ", USZN and the legal entity regulating the legal relations of the parties for the purpose of fulfilling the municipal contract.

4.2.6. Acceptance of completed work is carried out by a representative of the MU "DMZ" and a legal entity, which is recorded by signing and endorsing the certificate of completion of work.

4.2.7. Legal entities have the right to refuse to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities until the procedure for placing a municipal order or concluding an agreement. This refusal must be written and motivated.

4.2.8. In case of refusal provided for in paragraph 4.2.7 of this Procedure, the right to carry out measures to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, within the allocated funds, is granted to another legal entity in the order of priority of legal entities in the register of applications of legal entities for carrying out activities on adapting social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people.

5. Final provisions

5.1. Reimbursement of expenses for work independently carried out by citizens to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, as well as expenses for work independently carried out by legal entities to adapt social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities, is not provided.

5.2. USZN exercises control over the timeliness and procedure for providing citizens and legal entities with measures to carry out measures to adapt the interior space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities.

5.3. Citizens and legal entities have the right to appeal the actions (inaction) of officials of the State Social Protection Service, as well as the decisions they make when providing measures to adapt the internal space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live, and social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of people with disabilities in extrajudicial and judicial ok.


to the Implementation Procedure

adaptation activities

indoor space,

common areas in houses where

disabled people live, and social

objects to needs

low-mobility groups of disabled people

Administration of the city of Noyabrsk

(last name, first name, patronymic)

1. Citizenship:

citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, stateless person

(underline as appropriate)

2. Residence address:


(indicate the registration address at the place of residence)

Home phone: _______________________


date of issue

Document number

Date of birth

Issued by


3. Information about the legal representative of the citizen



(last name, first name, patronymic)


(registration address at place of residence, telephone)

legal identity

date of issue

Document number

Date of birth

Issued by

Place of birth

powers of the legal

Document number

date of issue

Issued by

4. I ask you to provide me with services for adapting the interior space, common areas in houses where disabled people live (underline as necessary)

on adaptation of intra-apartment
spaces, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live

necessary for carrying out
adaptation activities
indoor space, common areas in houses where people with disabilities live

(date) (applicant’s signature)


Application acceptance date

Signature of a specialist


Application and documents gr. ____________________________________________________________

Application registration number

Application acceptance date

Signature of a specialist


to the Implementation Procedure

adaptation activities

indoor space,

common areas in houses where

disabled people live, and social

objects to needs

low-mobility groups of disabled people

To the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Administration of the city of Noyabrsk

Application for events


(name of legal entity)

1. Information about the social object:


2. Information about the legal representative of the legal entity



(last name, first name, patronymic)


(position, contact phone number)

legal identity
representative of a legal entity

date of issue

Document number

Date of birth

Issued by

Place of birth

powers of the legal

Document number

date of issue

Issued by

3. I ask you to provide services to adapt a social facility to the needs of people with disabilities

Name of service, type of work
on adapting a social facility to the needs of people with disabilities

List of works, services, goods,
necessary for carrying out
adaptation activities
social facility to the needs of people with disabilities

I am attaching the following documents to the application:

___________________ ___________________

(date) (applicant’s signature)


Application and documents gr. ____________________________________________________________

Application registration number

Application acceptance date

Signature of a specialist


Application and documents gr. ____________________________________________________________

Application registration number

Application acceptance date

Signature of a specialist


to the Implementation Procedure

adaptation activities

indoor space,

common areas in houses where

disabled people live, and social

objects to needs

low-mobility groups of disabled people


registration of citizens' applications for events

on adaptation of indoor space


Information about the applicant

medical -






to the Implementation Procedure

adaptation activities

indoor space,

common areas in houses where

disabled people live, and social

objects to needs

low-mobility groups of disabled people


registration of applications from legal entities to hold events

on adaptation of social facilities to the needs of low-mobility groups of disabled people


Information about the applicant


Name of legal entity

Legal address of the social facility

Full name representative