In what cases is acupuncture and moxibustion used? Reflexology in Chinese Medicine

The topic of moxibustion is considered, as a rule, on seven points: indications for the use of moxibustion, contraindications, cones for moxibustion, places where moxibustion is performed, moxibustion technique, rehabilitation, the effect of moxibustion or the benefits of moxibustion.

The essence of moxibustion, moxa or heat puncture is the effect of heat on an acupuncture point. This is an ancient oriental method of treatment aimed at treating diseases, preventing them to improve immunity and overall health promotion.

Indications and contraindications. Cauterization is recommended in the presence of “a decrease in the warmth of the stomach, the formation of edema [tumors, gout, turbulence of lymph in the bones and joints of the extremities, external edema, pain, dizziness due to wind diseases, confusion, insanity, pain leading to fainting, disorders of limb movements due to diseases of the canals , lymphatic vessels and veins. In the absence of such [diseases], it is very useful for diseases of the wind and cold classes, which very often occur after abscesses [ulcers], empty heat and other hot diseases, and in addition - for diseases of the lymph. However, it should not be used. perform cauterization for diseases of hot bile, heat of blood, for [diseases] of the inputs of the sense organs, the channel of being in the perineum in men."

Collection and processing of edelweiss, making cones. Cauterization is carried out using special cones of different sizes, made from edelweiss and a certain amount of nettle. For various diseases, the size of the cauterization cone varies from the size of the “upper phalanx of the thumb” to the “size of a dry pea.” To make cones, the inflorescence of Edelweiss depleted and Edelweiss Palibina is used.

Currently, they mainly use wormwood or smokeless charcoal cigars. Exposure to a wormwood cigar causes a local increase in skin temperature to 43-45°C without causing a burn.

Dried, crushed wormwood leaves are used to make wormwood cigars. Wormwood is an essential oil plant that, when burned, produces a certain spectrum of infrared wavelengths. Coal cigars, as a rule, contain several components and have a long burning time.

The places where cauterization is performed are called "sang dmigs" in Tibetan. They are of two types: “sanmig”, in which pain is felt, i.e. tied to the disease itself, and additionally known to the doctor as “sanmig”.

The first are places of arthritic turbulence of lymph in the joints of bones, external tumors, edema; places in which pain is felt when pressure is applied, and relief is felt when pressure is removed; around swelling, growths, malignant wounds.

The second are places associated with the circulation channels of wind, bile, mucus, blood, and lymph.

Let's give an example. “The first vertebra is the “sunshine of the wind.” When the neck is bent, round protrusions become visible; cauterization is performed on the first such round bone. [This is the VII cervical vertebra.] Main indications: due to the entry of wind into the channel of life, [observed] confusion, madness , severe cardiac arrhythmia, trembling in the body, wind-induced muteness, insomnia, deafness, inability to turn the neck; [cauterization of this vertebra] is also useful for other diseases of the wind group.”

Cauterization technique. First, the poison should be removed from the patient’s body. “Poisons is a term for substances that are harmful to the body and life that enter [the body] with food.” Then the edelweiss cone is placed on the “sanmig” place of the back chosen by the doctor, having previously prepared this place. Rules have been developed for cauterization with one cone, several cones, and rules determining the duration of cauterization. Moreover, “if, for example, cauterization is performed on a “sanmig”, the heat should be felt both in front and vice versa. The absence of pain at the cauterization site after the procedure is a sign that cauterization has brought great benefits.”

Rehabilitation. After cauterization, the remaining ash is not cleaned off, but is smeared on top with a mixture of butter and salt; it is not recommended to drink cold water and wine, etc. at night.

Benefits of cauterization.“If moxibustion is carried out in accordance with the method, it has a beneficial effect on the flow of wind and blood, “closing the mouth” of the channels, relieving pain, suppressing the wind, strengthening memory and mind, generating warmth in the stomach and body, digesting food, removing dead tissue from tumors, abscesses, old wounds, relieving swelling, drawing out lymph, drying it out, etc.”


Cauterization is contraindicated for all diseases of the heat of bile, blood diseases, as well as for disorders of the sensory organs and diseases of the vessels of the conductors of the white and red embryonic fluids of men and women, failure to comply with which threatens impotence and infertility.

Cauterization cannot be performed during windy weather, snowfall, rain, on days 1, 15, 18 and 22 of the lunar calendar. For three autumn months you cannot cauterize the points of the right ribs; three spring - left ribs; three summer ones are the navel points and three winter ones are the lumbar points.

There are 2 types of moxibustion points (san-mig).

1. Points where pain is felt, i.e. tied to the disease itself. These are the sites of arthritic swirls of lymph in the joints of the bones; places in which pain is felt when pressure is applied, and relief is felt when pressure is removed; around swelling, growths and malignant wounds.

2. Additional points known to the doctor. These are places associated with the circulation channels of wind, bile, mucus, blood and lymph.

Cauterization has a beneficial effect on the flow of wind and blood, closing the mouth of blood vessels, relieving pain, suppressing the wind, strengthening memory and mind, generating fiery warmth in the stomach, kidneys and body, removing dead cells and tissues from tumors, abscesses, old wounds, edema, stretching and desiccation of lymph, etc.

1 Tibetan vertebra(7 cervical according to the European scheme). Wind point. General point of shiatsu. Due to the entry of wind into the channel of life, confusion, poor memory, headache, rapid heartbeat, severe cardiac arrhythmia, insanity, hysteria, trembling in the body, stress, deafness, tinnitus, muteness, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, stiffness of the neck and other wind disorder diseases. Dry lips and loss of voice. Breathing problems. Loss of appetite. Heaviness and pain in the shoulders. Especially useful for older people.

2nd vertebra. Bile point. Cures cold bile. In particular, it is good for jaundice. Normalizes high blood pressure. Useful for the descent of heat into the body, the appearance of goiter and pathological increase in blood and bile.

3rd vertebra. Slime point. Treats cold mucus, lung and heart diseases associated with mucus disorder. Treats swelling. Mucus damage to the heart and lungs. Indigestion, nausea. Nasal congestion and dry tongue.

4 vertebra. Diseases of the anterior lobes of the lungs. Helps with asthma, difficulty breathing, cough with phlegm, excess phlegm, swelling of the face due to impaired lung function. Eliminates pain in the chest and upper body. Loss of the sense of taste in food. Eliminates old heat and periodic attacks of heat - hot flashes.

5 vertebra. Diseases of the posterior lobes of the lungs. Helps with bile in the lungs, cough with yellow sputum and smoker's bronchitis. Useful for congestion of the lungs, feverish conditions, insanity, vomiting, back pain and cramps of the limbs.

From 1 to 5 points They also use one side point, on the right and on the left, at a distance of two fingers from the central point. Starting from the 6th point, use two side points, which are 4 fingers apart from the central one.

6th vertebra. Vessel point of life. General point of shiatsu. Wind point. Good for depression, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, convulsions, delirium, insanity, memory loss and other mental disorders.

7th vertebra. Heart point. General point of shiatsu. Insomnia, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, tachycardia, memory loss, feelings of sadness, depression and stress. Helps those people who often lose consciousness and faint. Treats forgetfulness, heaviness in the head and smallpox rashes.

8 vertebra. Aperture point. Breathing, hiccups, vomiting. Blurred vision. Pain in the chest and short ribs, stiffness of the torso and lower back, i.e. problems caused by energetic dysfunction of the diaphragm, when it becomes immobile due to the penetration and stimulation of yellow lymph.

9 vertebra. Liver point. Liver tumors and liver enlargement, liver depletion. Diseases of the blood and bile. Nausea and vomiting of acidic liquid with a feeling of cold in the stomach and viscera, caused by liver disease. Poor vision, myopia and red eyes. Discharge of semen with blood in the evening. Working with this point is the prevention of obesity.

10 vertebra. Gallbladder point. Indigestion, jaundice, vomiting bile, loss of appetite, weakening of the fiery warmth of the stomach. Yellowness of the sclera of the eyes. Gallstones. Frequent yellow diarrhea. Bad breath and constipation. With a pathological increase in bile, a feeling of heaviness in the body, brain diseases and loss of vision.

11th vertebra. Point of the spleen and bile duct. Bloating and rumbling in the stomach and intestines, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and body. Indigestion, vomiting and constipation. Difficulty urinating. Poor vision and farsightedness. Helps with problems with the stomach, liver and pancreas. Drowsiness. Pale-faced.

12th vertebra. Stomach point. Decreased fiery warmth, mucus accumulation, indigestion, vomiting, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, stomach ulcers, tumors of the stomach and small intestine, dark red mucus and constipation.

13th vertebra. Point sam-seu (regenerative organs). The flow of semen with blood, involuntary ejaculation, soothes all diseases of the uterus, tumors of the uterus, tumors in the small and large intestines. Mental disorders when a person has disordered thoughts and is unable to control his mind. For problems with cold wind, when there is involuntary urination. For frostbite and hypothermia of the body in the cold. For a healthy person, cauterization of this point threatens weight loss.

14th vertebra. Kidney point. Kidney diseases associated with wind disorder. Back pain, sexual disorders - premature ejaculation, impotence, decreased libido and frigidity. Frequent urination in the cold. Swelling of the genital organs. Aversion to food. Tinnitus.

Cauterization of the triple point is not allowed at this point because this has a direct effect on the kidneys, which is unacceptable. Sometimes they work simultaneously with 6 points located around the central one, according to the principle of a mandala.

15th vertebra. Point of hollow and dense organs. Cold wind diseases and diseases localized below the navel.

16th vertebra. Tpoints of the large intestine. Indigestion, rumbling in the stomach, bloating and tumors of the large and small intestines. Constipation and diarrhea, rectal prolapse. Hemorrhoids and urinary retention.

17th vertebra. Point of the small intestine. Tumors in the small intestine and diarrhea with bubbly mucus. Indigestion. Chronic fever and shortness of breath.

18th vertebra. Bladder point. Diabetes, cystitis, urinary retention, etc. Bladder stones. Involuntary erection accompanied by swelling of the penis. Delayed menstruation and accumulation of menstrual blood under the navel.

19th vertebra. Sperm point. Leakage of semen, menstrual irregularities, painful and heavy menstruation, back pain, stiffening of the muscles of the back and lower body, stiffness in the joints of the legs. Bladder diseases. Constipation. Bloody diarrhea. General weakness.

20th vertebra. The point of the wind purifying downward. Old fever. Retention of urine, feces and menstruation. Prolonged and heavy menstrual and uterine bleeding. If there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, premature birth and miscarriage.

1 sacral vertebra. Prana point. Menstrual irregularities. Lower back diseases, pain in the hip joints, shortness of breath and loss of voice due to wind diseases.

2 sacral - treats hemorrhoids, chronic fever, diabetes. Treats heavy and prolonged menstruation and acute wind diseases.

3 sacral - corrects crooked posture for lower back diseases, diarrhea and disordered speech.

2-5 sacral vertebrae. Menstrual irregularities, premature ejaculation, impotence and frigidity.

Characteristic signs of massage points.

  • Wind points - the surface of the skin is rough, flabby with protruding hair, and does not immediately yield when pressed with a finger. On the surface they are observed in the form of tubercles.
  • Mucus spots - the surface of the skin is oily and cold, and when pressed, an indentation remains. On the skin these are depressions.
  • Bile points - redness is noticeable on the surface of the skin and heat is felt; when pressed, there is a feeling of stiffness.
  • If you have problems with wind disturbance, work with points in 4 directions.
  • Mucus disorders - we do massage, cauterization and apply heat.
  • Bile is pacified by the application of minerals and herbs that have cool properties.

  • . Davydov M.A.
  • . Belousov P.
  • . Thorsen L.V.

Thermopuncture (cauterization, moxotherapy)– this is one of the methods (cauterization or warming), which consists of a thermal effect on biologically active points of the body. This practice originated many years ago in Eastern medicine and is called “zhen-ju” treatment in Chinese (where “zhen” is acupuncture and “jiu” is thermopuncture).

This method involves the use of heat sources where the thermal effect may be limited in area. Thermopuncture is carried out in various ways: non-contact or remote, contact or distant, as well as stimulation with hot needles or by heating needles already installed at the acupuncture point.

When is thermopuntura used?

Along with other methods, thermopuncture can act as an independent method of treatment, or as an auxiliary one - in combination with other practices or in addition to drug therapy.

By influencing the meridians and biologically active points, this method is well suited for the treatment of various chronic ailments, as well as certain critical conditions. In addition, thermopuncture is a fairly effective preventive measure and is widely used in rehabilitation measures.

Thermopuncture helps in treating a wide range of allergic syndromes, various types of pain, many neuroendocrine skin diseases, and some psychosomatic and neurogenic disorders. This practice is also used to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation, to rejuvenate the body, calm the nervous system and for problems associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine, symptoms that arise due to lack of energy or cold (regular colds, inflammatory diseases of bones and joints) are perfectly amenable to the effects of thermopuncture.

The essence of the thermopuncture method

The method of thermal exposure is based on the principle of gradual, continuous heating of the skin at reflexogenic points and tissues adjacent to these points. Thermopuncture using low temperatures over a short period of time produces a weak stimulating effect.

By changing the temperature and duration of irritation, the therapeutic result occurs. Therapy is carried out through the activation of the functions of various systems and internal organs, which are interconnected with acupuncture points that act as objects of manipulation.

In ancient times, sulfur powder, a burning wick, and red-hot metal sticks were used to perform the thermopuncture procedure. In eastern countries, smoldering moxas have always been widely used. They were made from various dried herbs (juniper, wormwood, other medicinal plants), folded into a tube and wrapped in thin paper, forming something like a cigar. In this situation, it is not so much the healing properties of herbs that are of great importance, but their ability to create the required temperature (about sixty or seventy degrees) during the smoldering period.

Thermopuncture procedure

After a thorough diagnostic examination, and in accordance with each specific ailment, the specialist determines the method, number and duration of procedures. Doctors from China say: the longer the course of moxibustion therapy, the more effective it is.

The minimum duration of thermal treatment is about ten sessions, the frequency of which is from daily procedures to two sessions per week. The duration of each exposure is approximately twenty minutes or about half an hour.

When carrying out therapy using thermopuncture, it is necessary to strictly follow some rules:

  • do not expose the cauterized areas of the body to wetness for ten days;
  • do not drink alcohol for two months;
  • do not overcool;
  • don't overeat.

Types of distant cauterization:

  • Until the affected area turns red. During stable stimulation of an acupuncture point, the heat emitter is placed at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels a very noticeable warmth in this area of ​​the body. The duration of this procedure is from two to five minutes. In this case, irritation of biologically active points occurs gently.
  • Before a blister forms. The ironing action involves heating not just an acupuncture point, but also a fairly large area of ​​skin due to the non-stop movement of the heat emitter at a close distance from the skin, parallel to the area of ​​the body that is being heated.
  • Before the burn appears. Direct contact cauterization is used quite rarely due to the risk of burns. This type of thermopuncture consists of placing various substances on biologically active areas, which provide thermal stimulation during combustion.

The more significant the damage to the skin in the acupuncture area, the more noticeable and effective the result of therapy. Cauterization is performed using wormwood balls of different sizes, which are determined by a specialist. The impact on one point is carried out from five to ten times and is determined by the type and degree of the specific disease.

After the session, water bubbles begin to form around the acupuncture area within about half an hour, which disappear within three days. After ten days (rarely twenty, but no more than twenty-seven), redness forms around the biologically active point - this indicates that the place is inflamed and will soon ooze.

There is nothing wrong with this, and everything happens as it should. The discharge may be in the form of ichor or purulent in nature. This process is determined by the severity of the disease and lasts one or two months. From the moment inflammation appears, you should apply a bactericidal patch to the area one to two times a day and do this until the wound closes. In its place, a keloid scar may remain, which lasts for approximately ten years.

“Diseases that cannot be cured with herbs can be cured with needles, and in turn, those ailments that cannot be cured with needles can be cured with cauterization,” say Eastern experts in juju therapy.

Burning technique with wormwood cigarette

Nowadays, a convenient method of thermal influence on biologically active points is widely practiced using tiny wormwood cigarettes (about five millimeters in diameter, about ten millimeters in length), connected to heat-resistant pads, the thickness of which is about three millimeters.

The smoldering end of the cigar emits infrared radiation (wavelength from one to five and a half microns), which is directed to specific biologically active points. Such thermal irritation entails a local increase in skin temperature to 43-45 degrees Celsius, but a burn does not form.

There are three main ways to perform cauterization:

    1. Sedative (calming) – static warming. The end of the cigar, which is smoldering, is brought to the patient's skin until a feeling of warmth occurs. The duration of the procedure is from fifteen to twenty minutes.

    2. Exciting (tonic) – piercing effect. The smoldering end of the cigar is either brought to the surface of the skin or removed from the acupuncture point. The duration of the session is two or three minutes.

The history of one of the methods of reflexology - moxibustion - goes back centuries. Its meaning is to irritate certain areas of the skin with heat. In ancient times they said: “Irritation from without is an effect within.” Medical books of that time indicated that moxibustion was effective even when acupuncture and medications were powerless.

In eastern countries, where this method is widely used, smoldering moxa, a dry plant mass in the form of grains or cigars, is used as a cauterizing agent. Usually it is wormwood, sometimes with the addition of other medicinal herbs. It is not the beneficial properties of wormwood that are used, but its ability, after special processing, to give the optimal temperature at the moment of smoldering. We are talking about temperatures in the range of 60-70˚С. Burn cauterization, i.e. the use of cauterization with the formation of a bubble still persists in eastern countries. In European countries, only thermal cauterization, or heating, is currently used.

What is the benefit of cauterization? It has been proven that moxibustion has an antispasmodic, sedative effect on the body and can even stop physiological aging. This method is especially effective in the treatment of many chronic diseases, gynecological disorders, inflammatory processes, rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, genitourinary system, as well as colds and flu.

Cauterization will quickly relieve pain of various origins; will help a hot-tempered and irritable person calm down; eliminates cramps, “revitalizes” the nerves, and copes with insomnia. Moxibustion can and should be used for cerebral palsy and after strokes during the rehabilitation period. Pmowing significantly improves blood circulation and thus eliminates the various consequences of impaired blood flow. Moxibustion regulates the production of hormones and enzymes. Thus, in people with chronic stomach diseases, cauterization optimizes the production of gastric juice and normalizes acidity. The same thing happens with the salivary glands and the production of bile by the liver.Moxibustion improves the internal secretion of the adrenal glands, testes and ovaries, thyroid and pancreas, as a result, many women's problems are solved.

Cauterization increases the absorption and resorption capacity of tissues. For example, by improving the absorption capacity of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the nutrition of the entire body and, accordingly, the functions of all internal organs improves. Thanks tonormal disposalmetabolic products are quickly eliminated from the body of harmful substances and liquids. Resorption of bruises, subcutaneous bruises, and internal hemorrhages is accelerated.

Normalization of metabolism leads to tissue rejuvenation. For example, in a person with gray hair, when certain points are cauterized, hair of his natural color may appear. With a long course of cauterization, the pressure normalizes. After cauterization for more than 60 days, the number of red blood cells increases by 20%. The amount of hemoglobin also increases. Immunity is strengthened. The clotting properties of the blood are restored, which is especially important during bleeding. The result is noticeable within 30 minutes.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with moxa moxibustion according to the method of Japanese healers

In Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese medicine, treatment with the so-called moxa moxibustion of longevity points, which are located three fingers below the knees, is very popular (Fig. 1).

Moxa is wormwood (dry and crushed, rolled into a cigarette). It is lit, and the flame is either brought closer to the biological points, or removed, that is, a piercing cauterization is performed.

There is the following legend about this in Japan.

So, in 1845, the peasant Mampe, who at that time was 242 years old, was invited to the ruler of Japan, his wife was 221 years old, his son was 201, his son’s wife was 193, his grandson was 153, and his grandson’s wife was 138.

Mampe explained his secret of longevity by the fact that his family every month from the 1st to the 8th, throughout their adult life, do moxa-cauterization of the above-mentioned longevity points.

The moxa cauterization method has survived to this day and is used to treat various diseases, including prostate diseases. However, in any case, it is advisable to stimulate (do acupressure) or cauterize the longevity point, simultaneously with targeted treatment of a specific organ.

Moxa-cauterization of biologically active points for inflammation of the prostate gland

Recipe for making wormwood cigarettes: collect wormwood grass during the flowering period - leaves along with flowers (without stem). Dry everything in the shade, then chop.

Store in bags (such as tobacco pouches) made of natural fabrics. Make a tight roll-your-own cigarette as needed. Before treatment, light it or simply set it on fire to create a stable flame.

Never touch the wormwood cigarette to the skin, but only pour it and bring it very close to it.

Hold the cigarette over each point for several seconds (until you feel very strong warmth, heat) (Fig. 2, 3, 4, 5).

Treatment with a moxa cigarette can also be carried out in another way, which is called “iron cauterization”.

It consists of moving a moxa cigarette very slowly along the line of biologically active points, or on both sides of them.

Cauterize your asthma

Ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine left humanity with the most valuable heritage, which is gradually being mastered by the entire modern civilization - Zhenjiu therapy. Or, in other words, acupuncture and cauterization of biologically active points. It has not yet been possible to reveal the mechanism of this therapy, which, however, does not prevent it from being used successfully.
One of the places in Moscow where you can undergo treatment with needles and wormwood cigars is the Naran Tibetan medicine clinic. We talk with his chief physician, Svetlana Galsanovna Choyzhinimaeva, about jujube therapy - moxibustion. Zhen therapy, which is better known and popular, will remain outside the scope of our conversation, since hitting a biologically active point with a needle with an accuracy of a fraction of a millimeter is a high art, which is specially taught to doctors, and these skills, of course, cannot be conveyed through a newspaper. Cauterization does not require such precision: the heat from a burning cigar spreads over a fairly large area of ​​skin; a shift of a few millimeters to the side does not reduce the effect. Therefore, those who wish can independently master this ancient Eastern method of treatment.

First, about cigars. The standard wormwood cigar produced in China looks like a small firecracker, its length is 20 cm, diameter is 2 cm, one such cigar is enough for several sessions. Of course, you won’t find Chinese shops everywhere in Russia, but those who want to get involved in this method can make their own cigars for burning.

Before winter covers the ground with a blanket of snow, try to have time to pick wormwood or collect fallen poplar leaves (they successfully replace wormwood). At home, the collected “fuel” for cigars should be dried and then ground to obtain fine “tobacco” dust. You can also use wormwood that is sold in pharmacies. Having these raw materials, you can begin making a cigar. To do this, take a sheet of cigarette paper, or if you don’t have one, take a sheet of newspaper paper with a format of 20x6.5 cm (the first number can be varied - the cigar will be longer or shorter; the second number, which determines the diameter, it is advisable to keep exactly). It must be glued with raw egg white, rolled into a tube, sealing one end, and then filled with wormwood or poplar dust through the open hole, trying to compact it tightly. The binder for the “tobacco” will be the same egg white, which will keep the dust from spilling out when the cigar burns. To make the procedure easier, you can use a plastic case for a regular mercury thermometer (sold at the pharmacy). Having filled the tube to the edge, its second end must also be sealed.

A huge number of diseases are treated with the help of cauterization. Today, taking into account the approaching winter, the associated colds and chronic diseases that worsen during the season, I asked Svetlana Galsanovna to give an algorithm for ju-treatment of these particular diseases.

Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as a wide range of headaches are treated by cauterization of several biologically active points distributed over the surface of the body.

The first of them - he-gu - is located in the geometric center of the triangular skin membrane connecting the thumb and index fingers. It is necessary to cauterize both of these points on both hands one by one.

The next point is called bulan - “the gate of the lungs”; heating it promotes the separation of mucus and the removal of sputum. This point is located 1 cm below the middle of the collarbone - on the line of the nipple. Two symmetrical points of the “port of the lungs” should be cauterized.

Next, find the jugular notch - this is the triangle where the neck meets the chest. At the apex of the jugular notch there is another necessary point.

Finally, the last key link to victory over bronchitis and asthma is the seventh cervical vertebra.

How to carry out cauterization. The cigar is set on fire and the smoldering end is brought to the desired point at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. The criterion for the correctness of the chosen distance from the surface of the body will be the pleasant warmth spreading from the biologically active point throughout the body. There should be no burning sensation. If it is too hot, the cigar should be moved a little away from the surface of the body.

Each point is cauterized for 2-3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes. If the cigar is made correctly, one burning session (six points) will shorten the cigar by approximately one centimeter.

Prevention of colds requires 3-5 sessions (in Tibetan medicine the number of sessions is always odd), treatment of an existing cold requires 7-9 sessions (however, with a quickly achieved effect, you can limit yourself to three or five sessions). Preventive cauterizations can be done every other day; it is better to treat an acute illness with daily sessions.

Before starting cauterization of the next point, it is good to pre-lubricate the ju-therapy area with Vietnamese “Asterisk” or Chinese “Loan” balm, or any available essential oil, preferably with eucalyptus or pine needle extract, and do a light massage. In this case, the cauterization effect will increase.

Instead of holding the cigar motionless over the point, you can slowly make circles over the surrounding area. It is good to accompany cauterization of the seventh cervical vertebra by moving the cigar along the spine to the level of the shoulder blades.

Cauterization increases blood flow to vital points, and through them to the lungs and bronchi. In addition, inhaling the vapors of burning wormwood is healing for the respiratory tract and also promotes the removal of phlegm.

If you have cured bronchitis or achieved remission of asthma, after two to three weeks, repeat, but shorten, the course of treatment. After the end of the session, it is necessary to properly extinguish the cigar. There is no need to wet the smoldering end with water - then it will be difficult to set it on fire again. Pressing a cigar to an ashtray like a tobacco bull will not extinguish it. Therefore, the most effective way to extinguish is to lower the smoldering end of a cigar into a vessel with a narrow neck, for example, into a beer bottle. Deprived of oxygen, the cigar will quickly go out.

Cauterization also treats such a difficult chronic disease as sinusitis. In this case, you should cauterize not only the places of the maxillary sinuses (in the upper part of the cheeks, under the eyes) - cheng qi, but also several more points on the body: again both he gu points, two symmetrical ones, the so-called 11th points of the large intestine meridian . You can find these points on the body like this. Bend your arm at the elbow. Look at the elbow crease facing the face. Where this fold ends (near the elbow joint), the desired point is located.

The session should be completed by cauterizing the longevity points. This point - tzu san-li - is located on the front side of the leg, below the kneecap. Place three long fingers (second, third and fourth) under the knee - you will find the horizontal level of the longevity point. Now set the width of the big toe on the right foot to the right of the central meridian of the bone, on the left foot to the left. These will be the points of longevity.

Treatment of sinusitis requires 11-13 warming sessions with a daily treatment regimen.

Wormwood cigar, or moxa, has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. It is used to treat a variety of diseases. The moxibustion procedure is one of the most effective in China and is called ju therapy. This treatment method is based on the knowledge of oriental doctors about biologically active points and the unique properties of wormwood.

What are wormwood cigars?

The wormwood cigar is made from wormwood. This herb for ju-therapy was not chosen by chance, because the leaves of the plant, during the combustion process, create the temperature regime necessary to influence biologically active points of a person. It does not create a spark, which eliminates the possibility of burns. In addition to heat, moxa produces smoke, which has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. This procedure is carried out strictly according to indications, and it can be done by contacting any Chinese medicine center.

Read more about Ju therapy

In Eastern medicine, there are several types of thermal effects on acupuncture points, including distant thermopuncture, which is carried out with a wormwood cigar. Here, the heat emitted by moxa is aimed at stimulating the bioactive points of the body. With this effect, the skin area heats up to 43-45 ° C, without causing a burn. Today, any Chinese medicine center is able to offer several types of moxotherapy.

Cauterization with a cigar is divided into contact and non-contact. In the first case, the smoldering end of the cigar interacts with the patient's skin. The procedure here is carried out both with and without scar formation. In the scarless method, smoldering moxa is placed on the surface of the dermis. If there is a slight burning sensation, the burning cigar is replaced with a new one. If cauterization is performed with the formation of a scar, then the moxa on the body burns completely, and after it local hyperemia remains. Upon completion of the procedure, the remaining ash is removed from the body, and the epidermis is lubricated with butter mixed with salt.

With the non-contact cauterization method, a slice of garlic or ginger is placed on the patient’s skin (in some cases, salt is added), and a smoldering cigar is placed on it. The gasket material is selected depending on the disease.

Moxibustion with moxa can also be carried out at a certain distance (3-5 cm) from the human body. Here, the active points are affected not only by pleasant heat, but also by combustion products. This treatment has a positive effect on the skin and muscle tissue.

Using the above methods, not only the “longevity point”, which can be found under the kneecap of both legs, is cauterized, but also other biologically active areas of the body. Acupuncture points are determined by a doctor using palpation. They feel the most intense pulsation and pain. They are located on the surface of the entire body (on the head, limbs, torso) and are responsible for the functioning of one or another organ.

Ancient Chinese medicine assumes that every disease is caused by a series of events, therefore, with this method of treatment, the cause of the disease is affected. First of all, immunity increases and the full functioning of all organs is restored.

Indications for the procedure

Wormwood cigar is used for diseases of “cold” and “deficiency”. Moxa is used for colds and to relieve pain in the abdomen, stomach and joints. They also treat ailments in the back and lower back. Thermopuncture helps relieve pain during menstruation, and is also useful in cases of inadequate functioning of the “qi” of the spleen and blood.

Cauterization with moxa is indicated for skin diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Wormwood cigar is prescribed by Chinese doctors for the gag reflex, diarrhea and arthritis. Ju therapy helps with tuberculosis and the presence of pulmonary nodes. Sometimes cauterization is also performed after sunstroke, especially if it is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

There are many indications for performing this measure, and only a specialist can decide whether the procedure should be performed, based on the condition of the body, the degree of development of the disease and the presence of contraindications.

Burning with wormwood cigars: contraindications

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to resort to distant thermopuncture. Thus, the patient’s fever and fever are contraindications to the procedure. In this situation, the urine turns a deep yellow color and the stool becomes excessively dry. There is a rapid pulse, and the tongue becomes bright red with a yellow coating. The procedure is not performed in the presence of acute inflammation and poisoning.

Do not burn with wormwood cigarettes on the head, in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, in places where fresh wounds, scars and other injuries appear. Do not use moxa in the area of ​​lymph nodes and on sunmiga points. The procedure is prohibited for people with high blood pressure and pregnant women in the abdominal area. Cauterization is contraindicated for persons with blood and vascular diseases, or with hot bile. This technique cannot be used if the functioning of the sensory organs is impaired.

If the event is carried out using a wick, then it is positioned in such a way that it does not roll off and burn the patient. When using ginger or garlic, the wick should not burn for long to avoid causing a blister on the body.

When performing juju therapy, specialists look at the weather. Moxibustion with moxa is not done in wind, snow or rain. The ban on this event also applies to the 1st, 15th, 18th and 18th calendars. In addition, active points located on the right ribs are not cauterized in the fall, while on the left - in the spring. In summer, acupuncture points in the navel area should not be touched, and in winter, the lumbar region should not be treated.

If the cause of a person’s illness has not been established, then a trial session of juju therapy is performed. If your health worsens, no further procedures are performed.

Biologically active points

Moxibustion with wormwood cigars is carried out on two types of acupuncture points:

  • Areas that directly affect the disease. Painful sensations when pressed are observed in this area. They are located in the area of ​​arthritic lymph swirls on the bone tissue. This includes areas near wounds, malignant formations, swelling and various types of growths.
  • Biologically active points, the location of which only a doctor knows. As a rule, they are located in areas of circulation of the bile ducts, lymph, wind, blood and mucus.

A positive result directly depends on the point chosen for the procedure. A correctly chosen place has a beneficial effect on the movement of blood and wind, helps eliminate and relieve tension, pain, helps strengthen memory, and improves mental functioning. Saturates the stomach, kidneys and the entire body with warmth. A positive effect is also observed in dead tissue.

According to Eastern science, the first vertebra, if you look at the European scheme, it will be the seventh, is the point of the wind. If the wind is in the channel of life, then the patient may be bothered by headaches, rapid heartbeat, and arrhythmia. Confusion of thoughts, hysteria, trembling in the body, tinnitus, deafness, muteness and sleep disturbance are observed. The most beneficial effect is observed when this point is stimulated in old age.

The second vertebra, also called the bile point, is used in the treatment of jaundice. This area helps stabilize blood pressure, reduce the formation of bile and blood. Cauterizing this place is useful in the presence of a goiter.

The third vertebra is considered the mucus point. Its work is stimulated to treat diseases of the pulmonary system and heart. Cauterization of this area is indicated in case of poor mucus production, if nausea occurs and there is a malfunction of the stomach. Stimulate this point during nasal congestion and swelling.

Affects the functioning of the anterior lobes of the pulmonary apparatus. Activation of the point has a beneficial effect on “heavy” breathing, wet cough, and asthma. Stimulation of the point eliminates swelling that occurs due to unstable functioning of the pulmonary system.

The fifth vertebra affects the pathology of the posterior lobes of the pulmonary system, and the sixth is called the “vessel of life.” Stimulation of the seventh vertebra improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Next, in a certain sequence, are the points of the diaphragm, liver organ and spleen, as well as the active stomach, renal system, intestines, organs, both dense and hollow, bladder, menstruation and sperm.

Cauterization technique

Moxibustion therapy has been curing many diseases for many centuries. Wormwood cigars do not always consist of 100% wormwood; sometimes other medicinal plants are added to their composition. Wormwood cigar therapy is based on infrared rays emitted by the smoking end of moxa. Their wavelength ranges from 1-5.5 microns, and the burning temperature of wormwood cigars fluctuates around 825 °C.

The first step is to prepare the wick or wormwood cigars for moxotherapy. Wormwood leaves are thoroughly dried and dust is removed from them. The remaining parts of the plant are rolled into the shape of cigars with a diameter of 2 cm and a length of 20 cm. If the treatment is carried out with a wormwood wick, then the dry grass is rolled into a small ball. What to choose for treatment - a wick or a cigar - is decided by the doctor, based on the patient’s health condition.

The “zu san li” point and other active zones are usually cauterized with moxa at a distance of 3-5 cm. At this time, the patient feels warmth. If the procedure is performed with a wick, then it is placed directly on the skin and wait until the patient does not feel pain. One point is affected by only one wick or cigar. A layer of ginger (garlic or salt) is placed under them.

Cauterization with a wick has a greater healing effect than the procedure performed with cigars.

Methods of remote moxibustion with moxa

Wormwood cigars have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. This procedure is aimed at stimulating thermoreceptors, which are located in a particularly sensitive area of ​​the skin.

Moxibustion is carried out using three methods. These are heat, pecking and ironing.

In turn, thermal cauterization can be carried out in several ways, these are:

  1. The wormwood cigar is located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the skin, where it is aged for 5 to 30 minutes. In this way, neuralgia, diseases of the dermis and pathologies of the digestive system are treated.
  2. A small hole is made in a piece of ginger 0.5 cm thick, the diameter of which is 0.5 cm. This plate is placed on the active point. The cigar is set on fire and removed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the ginger slice. If a burning sensation occurs, the moxa is removed from the body for about thirty seconds, and then the therapy continues. The signal for the end of the session is red and moist skin. This therapy treats diarrhea, arthritis, and vomiting.
  3. Cut a plate from a clove of garlic and place the smoldering cigar at a distance of 1.5 cm from it. The session is carried out until the skin becomes slightly red. This is how tuberculosis is treated.
  4. Fill the navel with table salt to the surface of the abdomen. Place a slice of ginger root on top. Perform a cauterization ritual over it at a distance of 1.5 cm. It is recommended for coma, diarrhea, strong gag reflex, sunstroke.

Ironing cauterization with a wormwood cigar is carried out directly above the diseased area of ​​the skin, at a distance of one centimeter from it. Session duration is up to 15 minutes. This method is safe and does not injure the skin. Prescribed for paralysis and diseases of the dermis.

Before performing pecking ju therapy, the patient must give a sign if they feel a tingling or burning sensation. When such symptoms appear, lift the cigar upward with the burning end for a couple of seconds, and then continue the procedure. The pug moves up and down during the session. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes. With this method of cauterization, you can act on two points alternately, transferring the wormwood cigar from one active area to another.

About the benefits of using wormwood cigars

Moxibustion therapy has the most beneficial effects on the human body. During the session, the patient feels a slight pleasant warmth. As a result, blood circulation improves and lymph flow increases.

During the procedure, each bioactive point (including the longevity point) is purposefully stimulated, which has a positive effect on the vital channels. Energy and strength are activated. The functioning of internal organs is restored.

In addition, wormwood, when exposed to the body, emits not only heat, but also smoke, which has antiseptic properties, which is very useful for diseases of the skin and diseases of muscle tissue.

This procedure helps cure many diseases. These are pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders, tumors, epilepsy, various wounds, as well as spinal impingement. Moxa is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as in cases of reproductive dysfunction.


Moscow has become widespread. The cost of cauterization with a wormwood cigarette in clinics:

  • "TAO" - 1200 rubles.
  • “Yellow Emperor” - 1600 rubles.
  • "ABC-medicine" - 540 rubles.
  • “Stolichnaya” - 1200 rubles.
  • “Amrita” - 500 rubles.
  • "BISS" -1200 rubles.
  • "Euromedservice" -1150 rubles.

Chinese medicine in Moscow is the cheapest in the clinical hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; here one cauterization procedure will cost the patient 330 rubles.

Treatment with injections and cauterization of certain points of the body (in Chinese, zhen-tseyu-xue) is one of the most important sections of Chinese traditional medicine. Acupuncture (acupuncture) and moxibustion (moxa) have been used in China for several millennia. This method of treatment owes its origin to the exceptional observation and hard work of Chinese doctors. Already in ancient times, it was noticed that wounds, cuts or injections into certain points of the body significantly alleviate the course of a number of diseases or completely cure certain ailments. For example, injections into the Achilles tendon relieve a person of headaches, injections into the upper lip can bring the patient out of fainting, and inserting needles into the dorsum of the hand, at the base of the 1st and 2nd fingers, relieves insomnia.

The oldest Chinese medical treatises indicate that even in primitive society, along with some medicinal substances, treatment with injections (at that time they used stone needles) and cauterization was used. Only in the 4th-3rd centuries BC were stone needles replaced by metal ones, and for cauterization they began to use lumps, cones or candles (cigarettes) made from dried herbs (mainly wormwood).

1 "Chi-kun" is not the only effective method of Chinese therapeutic gymnastics. Gymnastics “Tai Chi”, based on a combination of slow plastic movements with rapid and intense ones, gymnastics “Hua Tuo” (“game of five animals”), gymnastics - self-massage, etc. are very widespread.

The methods of Zhen Ju therapy were described in detail in the already mentioned monument of ancient Chinese medicine, “Huang Di Nei Jing”. In the 3rd century AD, the famous puncture doctor Huang Fu-mn, based on the experience of his predecessors, wrote a treatise on acupuncture and moxibustion - “Dia-i-Ching”, consisting of 12 volumes, most of which was devoted to determining the localization of points for injections or thermal effects. This is the oldest monograph on Zhen Chiu that has survived to this day.

During the Jin Dynasty (265-588 AD), treatment with injections and cauterization became a special branch of traditional medicine. Due to the fact that the methods of acupuncture and moxa were continuously improved, especially during the Tang and Song dynasties (VI-XIII centuries), and at the same time their use in medical practice was steadily expanding, the largest number of special works published at that time were devoted to acupuncture and moxibustion . Thus, in 1026, during the Song Dynasty (960-1276), the book "Tong-ren-shu-xue-zhen-ju" ("Atlas of Bronze Man Points") appeared, which described in detail how to find body places for injections or cauterizations. The author Wang Wei-de applied to a bronze statue of a man specially cast for this purpose all the points known at that time (more than 600 points were already described in detail), described each of them in detail and noted what effect the use of acupuncture or moxibustion gives on those or other parts of the body. This statue and the atlas of points were widely used for practical training and when passing exams in acupuncture.

After that, a special profile of acupuncture and moxibustion was created in the teaching system of Chinese folk medicine. The acupuncture method, which had been improved over thousands of years and had a good therapeutic effect for many diseases, gained great popularity in China. Only during the years of the Kuomintang regime was this method of treatment rejected As unscientific, puncture doctors were boycotted and even persecuted.

In 1944, Mao Tse-tung called on doctors with modern specialized education to collaborate with representatives of traditional medicine and, in particular, to study and further improve the techniques of Zhen Ju therapy. Already at that time, injection treatment became widespread in the liberated areas of the country. After the proclamation of the People's Republic, the Institute of Zhen-Jiu Therapy was organized. In 1954, special departments or rooms were created at hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics and other medical institutions where they treat with injections and cauterization, and training courses for relevant specialists were also organized.

Currently, in order to master and put into practice some of the most effective techniques of Zhen Ju Therapy and promote their widespread dissemination, these treatment methods are already included in the curriculum of medical schools.

Zhen Ju therapy methods are used by doctors in many countries, and they have gained the greatest popularity in Japan and other Eastern countries, where they are subject to careful study.

Chinese, Japanese and other scientists are conducting research work to study the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion on various body functions. In experiments on animals, they achieved well-known results that prove the positive effect of these treatment methods. Acupuncture and moxibustion are also being studied in France, Hungary, the USSR and other countries. Recently, international scientific conferences on Zhen Ju therapy have begun to be convened, and special journals on acupuncture and moxibustion have been published.

In recent years, the methods of Zhen Ju therapy have begun to be studied in depth by Soviet doctors. Using the latest advances in the field of physiology, biochemistry, pathophysiology and other sciences, based on careful clinical observations and experimental studies, it is possible to obtain a reliable understanding of the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion on the peripheral and central nervous system, etc. in particular, on the cerebral cortex, metabolism, the activity of the endocrine glands, respiratory, circulatory and digestive organs, on the protective function of the body.

Through the joint efforts of Chinese and Soviet scientists and doctors, we hope to successfully resolve many of the theoretical problems of Zhen Jute Therapy in the near future.

A study of the effectiveness of Zhen Ju therapy in a clinical setting has shown that in some cases it gives encouraging results in the treatment of certain diseases of the internal and, in particular, digestive organs (acute and chronic inflammation of the stomach and intestines, peptic ulcers, functional disorders of the stomach and intestines), diseases respiratory organs (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.), cardiovascular system (hypertension), nervous diseases (trigeminal neuralgia, convulsions, paresis and paralysis of the facial and other nerves, sciatica), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (acute and chronic articular and muscular rheumatism). Acupuncture and moxibustion have proven to be an effective remedy in pediatrics, in particular in the treatment of dyspepsia and residual effects after polio, etc., in gynecology - in the treatment of menstrual disorders, in ophthalmology - in the treatment of inflammation of the optic nerve.

Zhen-juterapi" also has an effect in the treatment of tonsillitis and laryngitis, alleviates the course of infectious diseases such as malaria, encephalitis B, tuberculosis, etc.

However, it is impossible not to take into account that the techniques of acupuncture and moxa, passed on by folk doctors from generation to generation, are exceptionally diverse, and each technique has its own advantages. To clarify the effectiveness of certain techniques and the scope of their application in medical practice, further in-depth research is necessary.

Significant work has been done in this direction recently. The study of various techniques of Zhen-Jiu Therapy in a clinical setting is carried out in China in numerous medical and health institutions, and primarily at the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the Central Institute of Chinese Traditional Medicine. Only at the Institute of Zhen-Jiu Therapy, over the past few years, more than one person has undergone a course of treatment. 10 thousand people suffering from various diseases, most of which were chronic and could not be cured by other methods for a long time. After treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion, the vast majority of patients received relief, and over 40 percent of patients made a complete recovery.

Let us now dwell in some more detail on the technique of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Needles used for injections have different lengths, shapes, thicknesses, and elasticity; Most often, needles made of an alloy of silver or gold with other metals or soft stainless steel are used. The length of the needle ranges from 2 to 12 centimeters, and the choice of shape, thickness, greater or less elasticity depends on the location and nature of the injection, which in turn is determined by the characteristics of the disease being treated with this method.

In ancient China, nine types of needles were used: prismatic, double-edged, round, spear-shaped, needles with two or three blades, with a sharp or blunt end. They were used mainly in three cases: 1) to massage the skin or muscles - needles with a blunt end; 2) for cutting a vessel (bloodletting), skin or muscles (drainage of pus) - lanceolate and spear-shaped needles; 3) for acupuncture in the literal sense of the word - round needles of various lengths, thickness and flexibility.

Currently, only more or less thin round needles with a sharp or semi-sharp end, up to 10-12 centimeters long are used (these needles are used for injections in the gluteal region, for example, in the treatment of sciatica), needles up to 5 centimeters long for injections into points, located on the limbs, chest, abdomen, lower back and back, and, finally, short needles up to 2-4 centimeters long - to irritate nerve endings in the skin and superficial muscles and nerves in the head and face.

For superficial injections (mei-hua-zhen) a bunch of ordinary sewing needles is now also used. Sometimes acupuncture is combined with galvanic current passing through needles.

There are three ways to insert needles. The first is to insert the needle while rotating slowly. In this case, thin needles are used; the needle is held with three fingers - thumb, index and middle; it is introduced gradually, since otherwise the needle may bend and it will be difficult to insert it.

The second method is a quick superficial injection. In this case, short thin needles are used and held like a pen. This method is usually used when providing emergency care (for fainting, shock or convulsions in children, etc.); the needle is inserted decisively and quickly to a depth of 3-6 millimeters.

The third method of introducing needles comes down to injections followed by rotation. In this case, an elastic, thin and long needle is inserted with a sharp movement into the body by "/g-1 centimeter, and then it is advanced deeper with slow rotational movements until the patient feels a sensation. After this, the needle is continued to rotate in place.

After the needle is inserted, it is necessary to find the nerve; in this case, the doctor is guided by the degree of sensitivity and reaction of the patient. The search for the nerve trunk is carried out by further immersion, removal of the needle or puncture. Puncture enhances the force of insertion, withdrawal and rotation of the needle. Usually they puncture in the direction where a strong sensation appears.

If, when the needle is inserted to a certain depth, the patient does not feel anything, then this indicates that the needle has passed past the nerve trunk, and then it needs to be slightly pulled. As soon as the patient has a strong sensation when removing the needle, it continues to be rotated in place. The sensations experienced by the patient depend on the type of disease, the chosen point and method of insertion, rotation and removal of the needle. Thus, in particular, different methods of rotation cause different sensations in the patient. The faster you rotate the needle in place, the greater the irritation. When the needle is rotated differently, the patient experiences a feeling of aching, bloating, numbness, warmth, coldness, sparks jumping, etc.

Leaving the needles in the body is used in cases where the inserted needle reaches a certain depth and its rotation causes unbearable irritation, if, with prolonged rotation of the needle, the patient’s sensation has disappeared, if the needle penetrates the tissue without any resistance, without causing any sensation in the patient. In this case, the needle is left motionless for 2-3 minutes, and then rotational movements are made again. If the muscle is in a state of tension, the needle should be left motionless until the muscle relaxes. The main purpose of leaving a needle in the body (often for 20-30 minutes or longer) is to treat cramps or pain.

The term “cauterization” reflects the techniques that existed in ancient times, when lumps of smoldering substance in the form of cones made from dried wormwood fibers or other material were applied to certain places on the patient’s skin. As a result of cauterization, a bubble appeared on the skin, and then a scab formed.

Currently, this method of cauterization has been abandoned. Instead of cons, wormwood cigarettes are used. The lit end of such a cigarette is brought closer to the patient’s skin in certain places, thus influencing certain active points with heat. In addition, there are two more methods of thermal exposure: the pecking cauterization method, when a cigarette is periodically brought to a certain point of the skin at a very close distance, and the thermal cauterization method with constant movements (ironing).

Moxibustion is often combined with acupuncture. In this case, an injection affects deep-lying tissues, and cauterization causes superficial irritations.

Thermal cauterization gives a good effect for neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract and some other diseases. niyah. The pecking cauterization method is used to obtain an exciting effect. This method is indicated for atonic constipation, collapse, shock. The ironing method is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

Cauterization is practiced in cases where the patient is hypersensitive, suffers from eczema or other skin diseases, which complicates acupuncture.

As we have already noted, the essence of acupuncture is the introduction of special needles into special, so-called active points, which reflect on the surface the functional changes of a particular organ and are the centers of influence during acupuncture.

Chinese doctors have developed a whole doctrine about the location of these points on the skin, about for what diseases, at what points and how to prick (in the sense of the method and depth of needle insertion, the duration of its stay in the tissues, etc.). The points were connected by 14 lines, or meridians.

“Most of the points currently used for therapeutic purposes were described in ancient times. This testifies to the amazing powers of observation of Chinese scientists and the high level of skill of ancient doctors who, on the basis of numerous experiments and observations, were able to discover important patterns of vital activity of the human body.

In recent years, the staff of the Institute of Zhen-Jute-Rapia has done a lot of work to systematize points and lines. Based on the study and comparison of data given in ancient medical treatises, as well as facts obtained as a result of research into the effectiveness of acupuncture in the clinic, the total number of points is now G93; Of these, about 150 points are used most often.

Below is a diagrammatic location of some of these points on the head, chest and abdomen, back and arm (see pages 32, 34, 36, 38).

A course of acupuncture usually consists of 10-15 sessions, performed every other day or every day; then take a break for 10-15 days, after which, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

We have already said that acupuncture, as a rule, does not cause pain, but is accompanied by other sensations. Chinese doctors call these sensations intentional, since an experienced puncture doctor can know in advance what the patient will feel when injected by one method or another into a certain active point.

Table 2 provides a list of some active points on the head and hand, indicating for which diseases acupuncture at these points is recommended:

Acupuncture is especially effective for neurasthenia, neuralgia of the trigeminal and sciatic nerves, paralysis of the facial and other nerves, radiculitis, in the treatment of residual effects after polio, chronic rheumatism, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, menstrual irregularities, etc. Acupuncture often gives good results in the treatment of tuberculosis, malaria, and night blindness. In these cases, injections apparently increase the body's resistance and thereby contribute to a faster recovery. In the treatment of night blindness and other diseases due to impaired absorption of vitamins, acupuncture appears to have an effect by normalizing the process of vitamin absorption. Acupuncture is an effective remedy in some cases that require emergency care, such as fainting, shock, seizures, heat stroke, and attacks of angina pectoris.

Let us dwell in more detail on the treatment with acupuncture of residual effects in children after they have suffered polio. This issue is of particular interest, since a system of rational measures has not yet been developed to treat the consequences of polio.

Location diagram and Chinese names of points on the head, face, neck and mouth:

1 - Chui-gu. 2 - Ya-men. 3 - Fei-fu. 4-Nao-hu. 5 - Qian-jian. 6 - Hou-din. 7-Bai-hui. 8 - Qian-diy. 9 - Sii-hui. 10 - Shan-si. 11 - Shey-tin. 12 - Tsui-cha. 13 - U-chu. 14 - Chzn-guan. 15 - Tun-tyai. 16 - Luo Que. 17 - Yui-zhen. 18 - Nao-kun. 19 - Cheng-ling. 20 - Zhei-ying" 21-Mu-chuan. 22 - Tou-ling-qi. 23 - Ben-shei. 24 - Tian-chun. 25 - Fu, bai. 26 - Tou-qiao-yin. 27-Shuai- gu, 28 - Tai-yan. 30 - Xuan-li. 33 - Hai-yan. 35 - Tsoi-bin. 36 - He-liao. 37 - Ting-gong. 40 - Yi-fei. 42 - Tsi-mai. Xia-guai. 45 - Quan-liao. 47 - Jia-che. 49 - Yai-bai. 51 - Yui-yao. Tseai-zhu, 53-Yin-tai. 55-Cheng-qi. 57-Su-liao 59-Jiu-liao. 61-Ren-chung. 63-Di-tsang. 65-Lian-quan. 67-Shui-she. -Tai-tu. 70-Chue-len. 72-Fu. 74 -Sinr-she. 76-Tian-yu. gu. 78 - Fei-chi. 79 - Yin-jiao, 80 - Hai-quan 81 - Jii-jin-yu-e.

In 1953, Dr. Jin Shi-chung began using acupuncture for this purpose in one of the children's hospitals in Beijing.

From July 1953 to September 1955, this hospital treated about a hundred children with polio with acupuncture. Table 3 shows the preliminary results of treatment of children who suffered from paralysis after suffering from polio.

Those children in whom all symptoms of paralysis completely disappeared were considered cured. Those patients who showed a clear effect after acupuncture treatment (for example, they began to walk, but not very well) were classified in the group with clear improvement. If after treatment the paralysis became incomplete, then this was considered an improvement.

The data presented indicate that treatment of the effects of polio with acupuncture helps restore the functions of the affected organs. Acupuncture is especially effective when it is started in the first days after the temperature has dropped and the cellular elements in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) have normalized. The success of acupuncture treatment depends on the timing of treatment, the severity of the disease and the patient’s activity.

Typically, acupuncture sessions are performed every other day or two days. In severely ill patients, cure or clear improvement occurs within six months or a year from the start of treatment. In particularly severe patients, acupuncture treatment continues for up to two years. However, in some severe cases, patients recover much faster; cure often occurs within 3-5 months from the start of treatment.

Exceptionally good results were achieved in patients with a mild course, in whom Zhen Ju therapy was started from the first days after the temperature dropped and the cellular elements in the cerebrospinal fluid normalized. In such cases, rapid disappearance of paralysis was noted.

2. Tian-xi

3. Xiong-xiang

4. Zhou-rong

5. Zhongfu

6. Yun-men

7. Sinr-she

11. Ying-chuan

12. Tian-chi

13. Zhu-gen

20. Chung-men

21. Ji-mai

23. Gui-lai

24. Shui Dao

25. Da-ju

26. Wai-lin

27. Tien-shu

28. Hua-zhou-men

30. Guai-men

31. Liang-men

32. Cheng-mai

35. Zhu-zhong

36. Shen-feng

37. Ling-xu

38. Shen-tsang

39. Yui-jung

41. Xuan-chi

42. Hua-gai

43. Tzu-gong

45. Tai-chung

46. ​​Zhui-tii

47. Tszyu-wei

49. Ju-qu

50. Fu-tui-gu

51. Shan-wan

53. Zhong-wan

54. Shi-guan

55. Jian-li

56. Shang-qu

57. Xia-wan

58. Shui-fei

59. Huang-yu

60. Shen Que

61. Zhui-zhu

62. Yin-jiao

64. Sy-man

65. Shi-mei

67. Guan-yuan

69. Zhongzi

Paralysis that lasts more than a year usually causes severe deformation and muscle atrophy. Therefore, treating such patients with acupuncture gives less pronounced results. However, even in these cases, acupuncture sometimes has a dramatic effect.

In the process of treating residual effects, the most effective points were identified on the upper and lower extremities, injections into which gave the most pronounced therapeutic results.

The Zhen Ju therapy method for treating residual effects of polio is as follows: the needle is inserted with a rotational motion, left for a short time in the tissues to cause moderate irritation of the nerve endings, and then quickly removed with a rotational motion. It is advisable to combine acupuncture with moxibustion. Each cauterization, lasting 2-3 minutes, is performed by slowly rotating the lit end of a wormwood cigarette at a distance of one and a half centimeters above the skin.

Cauterization and acupuncture cause irritation of sensory endings and nerve trunks, which, apparently, determines the restoration of metabolic processes and nervous regulation of paralyzed organs.

It is known that in polio, the pathological process is mainly localized in the anterior horns of the spinal cord. The motor nerve cells located in the anterior horns are severely affected and often die as a result of the virus entering them. It is impossible to restore the vital activity, and therefore the function, of dead cells. This is why acupuncture and moxibustion cannot give a satisfactory effect in advanced cases. However, we must not forget that some of the nerve cells in the anterior horns are only subjected to more or less severe damage. Therefore, timely administration of acupuncture, which causes short-term and mild irritation of the peripheral nerves, or cauterization, which causes irritation of the nerve endings in the skin, often helps restore the function of the motor nerve cells of the spinal cord, which were previously more or less severely affected by the polio virus or were even on the verge of death . Hence it is clear why timely started zhen-ju therapy provides a cure or clear improvement even in severe cases

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Acupuncture and moxibustion are justified as means of treating the residual effects of polio, helping to restore the function of the affected limbs.

1. Chang-qiang

2. Zhi-bian

3. Zhong-liao

5. Shang-liao

6. Da-chan-yui

7. Ming-man

11. Chan-yu

12. Hsin-yui

13. Gao-huang

15. Shen-zhu

18. Jian-ching

19. Jianyui

The success of treatment depends on the timing of treatment, the severity of the disease and the patient’s activity. Acupuncture and moxibustion in some cases bring cure or clear improvement in patients suffering from paralysis for more than a year, however, as a rule, the effectiveness of treatment for such patients is undoubtedly less than for those whose treatment was started earlier. Treatment started in the first days of the disease is especially effective.

So, the therapeutic effect of acupuncture for a number of diseases is beyond doubt. However, the mechanism of the beneficial effects of Zhen Ju therapy is still not fully understood.

According to I.P. Pavlov, the disease occurs as a result of a violation of the normal relationship between the body and the environment. The disease is a complex reaction of the body to harmful influences, accompanied by more or less serious disruption of the nervous regulation of certain physiological processes. Since the body is a single whole primarily thanks to the nervous system, almost any disruption of its activity immediately affects the functioning of the entire organism. Consequently, each reaction carried out with the participation of the nervous system is not limited to the affected area, but often covers the entire body.

Research by a number of Soviet scientists, in particular M.K. Petrova, K.M. Bykov and others, showed what a decisive role in normal activity and the occurrence of a variety of diseases is played by disorders of higher nervous activity, i.e. disturbances in the normal functioning of the cerebral cortex . Based on these works, we can come to the conclusion that by returning the functions of the central nervous system to normal, a number of diseases can be cured.

The effectiveness of Zhen Ju therapy is apparently explained by the fact that moderate irritation of sensitive endings (receptors) concentrated in the skin, muscles and other tissues, as well as nerve trunks, restores nervous regulation in the body, normalizing strength, mobility and (stability of excitation processes and braking.

Precisely because the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion is carried out, apparently, in a reflex way through the central nervous system, which controls the activity of all organs and systems, it is not limited to the area of ​​one or another point or nerve, but often has a beneficial effect on the condition and activity of organs, distant from the injection site.

Hand from palm side:

I - Chung-chun

II - Shaoshan

III - Lao Kung

IV - Taiyuan

VI - Shen-men

VII - Nei-guan

VIII- Tian Shi IX - Le Que

X - Qu-tse

XI -Shao-hai

XII - Chi-tse

Back of hand:

III -Wai-guan

IV - Zhi-gou

V - Shou-san-li

VII - Xiao-hai Diagram of the location of acupuncture points on the arm.

Scientists from China, the Soviet Union and other countries have a lot of work to do in order to further scientifically and theoretically understand the techniques and methods of Zhen Ju therapy.

The successful solution of this task, like many others, will be facilitated day by day by the expanding community of Chinese and Soviet scientists - one of the expressions of the continuously strengthening Soviet-Chinese friendship. Zhen-ju therapy is an important part of Chinese traditional medicine, symbolizing the wisdom, hard work and observation of the Chinese people, gaining citizenship rights in various countries of the world. Further theoretical understanding and practical improvement of this ancient method of treatment will make it possible to replenish the arsenal of modern medicine with another effective way of influencing the body of a sick person.

However, one should not overestimate the healing capabilities of Zhen Ju therapy. Excessively widespread use of acupuncture for the treatment of all diseases can lead to discrediting both this method and other means of Chinese traditional medicine.