Camphor alcohol. Application in medicine and cosmetology

Camphor alcohol- inexpensive and very effective remedy for the treatment of joint pain, skin rashes and acne, as well as some ear diseases. It is believed that this drug has been tested over generations and time, and therefore is reliable. However, not everything that is good for an adult is also suitable for a child. Is it possible to use camphor alcohol to treat childhood illnesses and how to do it correctly, let’s try to figure it out together.

What is it?

Camphor is a highly volatile crystal without color, but with a noticeable, memorable odor, which is found in nature in most essential oils. Camphor is obtained in three ways - from the leaves of camphor laurel, semi-synthetically - from fir oil, and synthetically - from processed turpentine products.

Camphor alcohol is alcohol solution camphor crystals. In pharmacies it is sold in glass bottles of 25 and 40 ml.

Instructions for use

The drug has anti-inflammatory antimicrobial properties, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and relieves itching. It can only be used externally. Adults use it as a rub, compresses for muscle and joint pain, drop it into the ears for otitis media, and make mini-compresses on the temples for headaches.

Is it possible for children?

Camphor alcohol can be used for children, but with great caution and quite limitedly. The fact is that camphor is toxic substance, it can cause severe allergies in a child whose immunity is weaker than that of an adult. That is why an alcohol solution of this drug is completely prohibited for use under the age of 2 years.

For ears childhood otitis Instillation of alcohol is contraindicated in all cases. This cannot be done, no matter what the all-knowing supporters of alternative medicine advise on the Internet.

When there is an inflammatory process in the ear, children are sometimes given a compress with this drug. But before use, you should definitely consult your doctor.

If eardrum damaged, The drug should absolutely not be used, otherwise camphor alcohol may get deep into the inner ear and cause severe complications, including complete deafness.

It is impossible to determine the integrity of the membrane on your own; you need an examination by an otolaryngologist who has special equipment for diagnosing such conditions.

When treating otitis media, it is forbidden to use pure, undiluted alcohol. Pharmaceutical product It must be diluted with water or saline in a ratio of 1:2, and if the child is small (from 2 to 4 years old), then 1:3.

In some cases, children are allowed to place cotton wool soaked in diluted camphor alcohol into the sore ear. We will tell you how this is done below.

Sometimes the drug is used as a cough rub. In this case, we must remember that the child should under no circumstances inhale toxic camphor fumes. A cough can be treated in this way only for children aged 6 years and older, I repeat, with great caution! Remember who infant When coughing, you should not rub camphor under any circumstances, even if it is diluted with water. Similar procedures It cannot be carried out even if the young patient has a fever. Camphor has a warming effect and this, at a temperature of 37.0 or 38.0, can greatly complicate the child’s condition.

Camphor alcohol is allowed (subject to safety precautions) to treat acne in adolescents, and also make compresses with this remedy on the sore spot for sprains and severe bruises.

How to treat?

Compress on the ear

Pharmaceutical drug dilute half and half with water and warm to room temperature. The solution should not be cold or hot. Gauze, folded several times, is moistened in this composition, after making a hole in it for the ear. A wet compress is applied to the parotid area, the auricle should pass through the cut hole in the gauze. The structure is covered with a sheet of compress paper (sold in pharmacies), and a hole is also made in it. The third layer is dry and sterile cotton wool, after which the multi-layer ear bandage is secured with a plaster or bandage wrapped over the head.

The compress should not be applied overnight. It should not be used at all if the child has purulent inflammation ear, so as not to provoke the rapid spread of infection.

Turundas in the ear

You need to twist turundas from sterile cotton wool and dip them in camphor alcohol diluted with water and preheated. You should insert it into the ear only after you are sure that the medicine does not flow or drip from the turunda. It should be moist, but not wet. Turunda is injected shallowly and for no more than 15 minutes.

This method also has a warming effect, and therefore the contraindications are the same as in the case of a compress.


For rubbing chest and back, camphor alcohol must be diluted with water. The procedure should be carried out carefully, covering the child’s nose and mouth with a wet towel (to prevent the penetration of volatile essential camphor vapors into the respiratory tract). Pre-lubricate the skin with baby cream so as not to provoke allergic dermatitis, rub the heated solution with light circular and arched movements from the center of the chest (or spine) to the ribs.

Otitis is considered dangerous disease, which can turn into a purulent form. It needs to be treated directly early stage, and it is at this stage that camphor alcohol comes in handy - an inexpensive, effective medicine.

Camphor alcohol and its properties

Camphor- a substance of plant origin, widely used in medicine. It is also produced synthetically, but the properties of the product are much inferior to those of the natural one. Camphor is available in different forms- in the form of oil, alcohol, solution and aerosols. This substance is suitable for treatment as a rub or lotion for:

  • joint pain;
  • bedsores;
  • acne on the skin of the face and body;
  • muscle pain;
  • rheumatism, etc.

The use of camphor alcohol is most justified for inflammatory diseases of the ears. This drug is a 2%-20% camphor solution, where the percentage reflects the proportion active substance in the composition. The rest of the medicine comes from ethanol. Price of the drug in the pharmacy - about 45 rubles for 40 ml.

General medicinal properties are:

  • decongestant;
  • venotonic;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • warming;
  • expectorant;
  • cardiotonic;
  • analeptic.

Some of these properties are used in otolaryngology - for the treatment of various forms of otitis, especially in the early stages.

How does the drug help against ear diseases?

IN folk medicine Camphor alcohol, along with boric alcohol, is most often recommended for ear diseases. Traditional medicine also recommends a remedy for ear diseases. According to the instructions, the drug eliminates pain syndrome and cleanses the source of pathology from pathogenic microbes.

Alcohol must be used correctly, strictly observing contraindications - it can only be poured into the ear if the integrity of the eardrum is preserved.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the drug can be used against external otitis and non-suppurative otitis media. Camphor alcohol is also often recommended for removing sulfur plugs, which cannot be removed without soaking. Alcohol dissolves them and gently, painlessly removes them from the ear canal.

How else does the medicine work for otitis:

  • local irritant property;
  • extension blood vessels;
  • improvement of tissue trophism;
  • drying, reducing the secretion of inflammatory fluid;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues.

Often, camphor alcohol alone is not enough to treat otitis media - in this case, it can continue to be dripped only as an adjuvant.

Camphor alcohol for the ear - instructions for use

The procedure for using camphor alcohol for the ears is simple, but preliminary conducting an allergy test is mandatory. This will help identify individual intolerance to the drug, as well as determine hypersensitivity. IN further treatment only possible with negative result test. It is produced this way:

Typically hypersensitivity reactions to local remedies are immediate, but for some people they are delayed in time. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, it is better to carry out treatment only on the second day, although this is not always possible.

The skin should remain clean during the test, without rashes, redness, hives or other reactions.

The greater the concentration of camphor, the more pronounced the analgesic effect of its use will be. Eat different recipes for the treatment of otitis with this drug, but therapy must be carried out with caution so as not to cause a burn.

Instillation of alcohol into the ear and turunda with it

Use pure alcohol strictly prohibited! It is important to dilute it correctly before starting therapy. To do this you should take clean water(boiled and cooled), combine with the drug (2-10%) 1:1. This will help reduce the irritation that often occurs from instilling camphor alcohol.

Typically, instillation is practiced only for otitis externa, which has been diagnosed by a doctor. With this pathology there is no risk of membrane perforation, and with otitis media with pus this happens most often.

If camphor gets into the inner ear, it can cause burns and deafness!

The order of instillation is as follows:

The next treatment option is cotton wool turundas. Usually they are resorted to if the pain in the ear is very severe. You should take a piece of cotton wool and twist it into 2 thin turundas. Moisten them in diluted alcohol (1:1 with water) and place them in both ears. There is no need to insert it too deeply. Leave the turundas for 20 minutes. Repeat therapy twice a day until recovery.

Compresses for the ear

The compress will be most useful at the very early stages of external and otitis media, when the ear just begins to twitch and hurt. If the infection has begun to actively multiply, the compress will only cause harm, because heating will increase the number of bacteria.

The rules for the procedure are as follows:

  1. For a compress, only 2% camphor alcohol is suitable. It should be diluted with water in half.
  2. Warm the liquid to body temperature by placing it in warm water.
  3. Take gauze and fold it into a multilayer square slightly larger than the size of your ear. The gauze may not be sterile, but it is medical.
  4. Wet the prepared square in the solution.
  5. Place the gauze on your ear and pull it out through the cutout. auricle out.
  6. Place a piece of paper (for example, parchment) on top of the gauze. It should have the same cutout.
  7. Apply a piece of cotton wool directly to the ear, grasping the compress. At the end of the procedure, tie the compress with a bandage or seal it with a band-aid.

The compress warms up the ear well; you need to leave it for 2-3 hours. It is forbidden to make a compress before going to bed - camphor alcohol will cause severe irritation over such a long period of time.

R No. 002842/01

Trade name drug: Camphor alcohol

International nonproprietary name:


Chemical name: 1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo-gental-2-one

Dosage form:

solution for external use [alcohol]


camphor - 10 g, ethyl alcohol 70% - up to 100 ml

Description: transparent colorless liquid with a specific smell of camphor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:



Pharmacological action: It has a local irritant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Stimulates sensitive nerve endings, reflexively improves trophism of organs and tissues.

Pharmacokinetics: When absorbed from the surface of the skin, it is partially oxidized. The products of its oxidation combine with glucuronic acid and are excreted by the kidneys. Part of the camphor is excreted unchanged respiratory tract and with bile.

Indications for use:

Myositis, myalgia, sciatica, prevention of bedsores.


Hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, eczema, dermatitis; tendency to convulsive reactions. With caution: pregnancy, lactation, childhood.

Directions for use and dosage:

Externally, for rubbing and preventing bedsores 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Side effect:

Hives, skin irritation, headache, dizziness.


Excitement, tachycardia, convulsions.

Release form:

10% solution for external use. 40 ml in orange glass bottles with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Best before date:

5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Storage conditions:

in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature from +5 to +25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

over the counter.


JSC "Yaroslavskaya pharmaceutical factory» Russia 150030 Yaroslavl, st. 1st Putevaya, 5

Bedsores quite often form in people who are forced to remain in one position due to illness or injury. long time. Essentially, bedsores are the death of body tissue caused by lack of blood circulation due to pressure on blood vessels in areas adjacent to hard surfaces or on protruding parts of the body. This disrupts the supply of nutrition and oxygen to the cells, causing their death and the formation of a deep or superficial wound.

Bedsores can also occur under too-tight casts or poorly fitting dentures.

Causes of bedsores formation

Bedsores in patients can also form when good care. The main reasons for their appearance are considered to be prolonged exposure to continuous pressure, especially in combination with tissue displacement and friction. All these factors are present in bedridden patients. Pressure is caused by staying in one position for a long time, displacement and friction occur when turning over or repositioning patients, changing linen or a bedpan.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons that contribute to the occurrence of bedsores:

  1. Overweight or underweight. At overweight It is the excess mass that puts pressure on the tissue that has the effect. If you are underweight, there is no layer between the bones and the skin, so the pressure on the skin increases.
  2. Poor nutrition. Bedridden patients often refuse to eat and drink, so metabolic processes in the body slow down, cells do not get enough nutrients, besides, the waste products of cells are less well excreted from the body.
  3. Excessive sweating leads to the appearance of salts on the skin, which irritate its surface.
  4. Availability cardiovascular diseases, inevitably leading to deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
  6. Old age.
  7. Urinary and fecal incontinence.
  8. The presence of folds, crumbs, and small objects on the bed.
  9. Allergies to skin care products.

Even before the appearance of bedsores, a conscious patient can feel the first signs of its occurrence and talk about them. Certain parts of his body go numb, he feels tingling, his skin peels and changes color. If the patient is unconscious, he should be examined daily for changes in the skin.

In total, there are 4 stages of bedsores and you need to try to prevent transition from initial stage to the next one.

What do bedsores look like in the initial stages?

In the initial stage, a red or purple color of the skin is observed at the site of the bedsore. The patient complains of pain in this place or increased sensitivity skin. The skin itself is not damaged, but blisters may form on it, which then burst.

Stage 2 bedsores

Shallow disturbance begins skin, sometimes affected subcutaneous tissue. A bubble or red-pink wound forms in this place.

Bedsores 3rd degree

At this stage, tissue necrosis extends deeper into the muscle layer. A bedsore looks like a crater-shaped wound, and there may be fluid discharge from it.

Bedsores 4 degrees

At stage 4, the bedsore spreads even deeper and affects the muscles and tendons, and may even expose bone, which also becomes infected.

Care for bedsores at home

When caring for bedridden patients, you should try to prevent bedsores and use special means for care: mattresses, pillows, rubber circles.

Anti-bedsore mattress

An orthopedic anti-bedsore mattress is in many ways a means of preventing the occurrence of bedsores. It creates a massage effect and promotes muscle relaxation, which leads to the restoration of normal blood circulation in them. The mattress makes life much easier for both the patient and the person caring for him, because... There is no need to constantly turn the patient over.

Mattresses against bedsores are created using innovative technologies made of hypoallergenic materials, quite durable, able to withstand long-term use and easy to care for. They can be processed detergents, and the presence of micropores prevents excessive sweating.

When choosing a mattress, you need to take into account the patient’s weight; the larger it is, the more rigid the mattress should be.

Bedsore pillow

With the help of bedsore pillows, you can regulate the load on certain parts of the body, or support the patient in a comfortable position. There are pillows for specific parts of the body, for example, the lower back or shoulder blades, feet or elbows, but there are also combinations. Pillows are also available for wheelchairs, of which contour pillows are popular, repeating the configuration of the buttocks.

When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to its size; you need to select it in accordance with the height and weight of the patient.

Pillows have different fillings, the most common is foam rubber, which provides enough comfort for the patient. More expensive latex pillows perfectly adapt to the shape of the body, in addition, they are ventilated and thus prevent diaper rash. Gel pillows are great for sedentary patients; they don't slip, but they are heavy. There are also air cushions, in which it is important to correctly adjust the degree of inflation.

IN lately began to produce combined pillows, for example, a polyurethane pillow with gel inserts in areas of greatest pressure.

Rubber circle for bedsores

Rubber circles are available in three sizes. The smallest ones are used to prevent bedsores on the elbows, heels, legs and head. Circles larger size used for other parts of the body: shoulders, hips, sacrum. The largest circles are used for large patients.

A rubber band can help relieve pressure on certain parts of the body, but it is best used in cases where the patient is not expected to be in bed too much. for a long time. In severe cases, a mattress and pillows are still more effective.

How to treat bedsores at home using medical means

If a bedsore occurs, treatment should be started immediately; it will not heal on its own, and delay can lead to further growth of the wound and sepsis.

Treatment consists of restoring blood circulation to the muscles, sloughing off dead tissue and treating the cleansed wound.

Blood circulation is restored using the means described above.

Treatment at the first stage of a bedsore involves treating the skin with saline or camphor alcohol, using Solcoserine or Actovegin to improve blood circulation, and sprinkling with Xeroform.

At the second stage of bedsore development, minimal surgery To remove dead tissue, in case of inflammation, antibacterial treatment is carried out and an antiseptic bandage is applied.

Bedsores: home treatment, open wound

In the third and fourth stages of pressure ulcers, wounds appear and it is important to treat them correctly. Here you do not need to wait for the wound to open, but promptly perform surgical intervention to remove necrotic tissue. After this, antibiotics and antiseptics are used to treat the wound. It is important to constantly remove discharge from the wound and not allow the skin to dry out.

At stage 4, physiotherapeutic procedures are additionally prescribed to stimulate tissue repair: laser therapy, electroacupuncture, mud applications, and additionally massage healthy areas. To combat microbes, UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis with antibiotics, and phonoresis with antiseptics are used.

How to treat bedsores on the buttocks at home

Treatment of pressure sores on the buttocks will be useless if the pressure on them is not reduced. To do this, use pillows and circles. Often such bedsores occur in patients suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence. It is better for them to use diapers, and before putting on a diaper, treat the skin with an ointment or cream containing silver. For wiping, it is good to use a solution obtained by pouring 2 tbsp. vodka or cologne in 0.5 l. water. It is better not to use camphor alcohol, because... it dries out the skin a lot.

How to treat bedsores at home

To treat bedsores, complex treatment should be used and drugs with necrolytic action, stimulators of tissue restoration function, drugs to improve blood circulation, and anti-inflammatory drugs should be used. Nowadays, quite a lot of similar drugs are produced in different forms, but a doctor must select them.

Let's look at what tools are usually used:

  1. Ointments. They have the following advantages: they speed up the healing process well, are low cost, help relieve pain and discomfort, provide bactericidal effect. These include Iruksol, Solcoseryl, Algofin, Metronidazole, Levosin, etc. Ointments with silver - Dermazin, Sulfargyl, Argol sulfate (also contains an antibiotic). Good effect such old and reliable means as zinc or sulfur ointment and Vishnevsky ointment.
  2. Sprays. They are easy to use, form a thin protective film on the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain, have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Cavilon spray (otherwise called liquid patch), Menalind, Panthenol, Acerbin, Vitargol are widely used. There are special sprays used in stages 3 and 4 that can clear pus from wounds and reduce the amount of discharge. These include Levovinisol, Olazol.
  3. Other means. These include polyurethane film dressings; they help protect the skin at stage 1. At stage 2, hydrocolloid or hydrogel dressings or dressings with a hydropolymer are used to protect the skin from the penetration of liquids and bacteria. These funds are quite expensive. At all stages, you can use disposable self-adhesive antiseptic dressings.

Folk remedies for bedsores

Folk remedies for bedsores are often not inferior to pharmaceutical ones, and their cost is much less.

Camphor oil for bedsores

This product is of plant origin, it improves blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes and promotes tissue regeneration. Camphor oil is best used in the form aqueous solution or ointments. This prophylactic, during processing open wounds you can get burned. Camphor oil can be applied to the entire skin, but before doing this, you should cleanse it well.

Camphor alcohol for bedsores

Alcohol in combination with camphor irritates nerve receptors on the skin and thereby improves blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes. It is used for rubbing or compresses. Long-term use not recommended, because overexcitation occurs nervous system, skin irritation, possible allergies.

Vodka with shampoo for bedsores

This remedy is used at any stage of bedsores to treat sore spots. To prepare, take baby shampoo without additives and mix it with an equal amount of vodka. The resulting mixture is used to carefully treat bedsores using a soft sponge. The procedure is performed in the evening, and in the morning the skin is wiped with a sponge moistened with water, then carefully dried with a napkin. The product does not act quickly, but it is reliable.

Bedsore talker

The anti-decubitus sore agent acts more gently than the previous remedy, without causing irritation, and it cleans well. Prepared from camphor alcohol and baby shampoo taken in equal volumes. The procedure is similar.

Other methods and means of traditional medicine

For the prevention and treatment of bedsores, products prepared on the basis of essential oils are effective: palmarosa, St. John's wort, wheat germ, geranium, myrrh, lavender, tea tree. Can be used individually or in a mixture for cooking warm compress. It is applied at night and washed off with water in the morning.

An effective remedy is sea ​​buckthorn oil, it is recommended to alternate it with rosehip oil, they both have antimicrobial effect. Used to prevent bedsores.

An ointment prepared with beeswax, oil and sugar helps to treat ulcers. The mixture is heated on the stove in an enamel bowl, transferred to a dark jar and stored in the refrigerator.

Another ointment is prepared from spruce resin (1 part), vegetable and butter (2 parts each), beeswax (1 part). The mixture is heated in a water bath for 2.5-3 hours. The ointment can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

In addition to ointments, they use the application of Kalanchoe leaves, sprinkling with starch, compresses from sterilized fish oil etc.

Preventing bedsores at home

To prevent bedsores from occurring, it is important to properly care for the skin of a bedridden patient. The main thing is to avoid excessive dryness or moisturizing of the skin and keep it clean. Use hygiene products without allergic additives; do not use antibacterial soap, it destroys harmful bacteria and useful. Alcohol-containing products should be used for oily skin.

Treat the skin with a soft sponge and do not rub under any circumstances. Then blot with a soft cloth or towel.

Need to change more often bed sheets, it is better to use it washed many times, it is softer. You cannot pull the sheets out from under the patient, as this will cause skin displacement. If there is no opportunity or strength to temporarily shift the patient, then you need to carefully turn him over during these procedures. Change underwear, diapers, and nappies as often as possible.

To reduce sweating, monitor the temperature and humidity in the room, prevent the patient’s body from overheating, and give him air baths more often.

Of course, if possible, buy an anti-decubitus mattress and pillows. Saving on these funds can lead to the fact that later a lot of work and money will have to be spent on treating a bedsore.

This colorless liquid with a specific odor has vegetable origin. It is based on organic matter, extracted from camphor laurel wood, distilled water and various types alcohol From camphor ( Latin name Camphora) also produce oil, which successfully used to treat colds. For example, a warm compress is prepared from heated oil for a sore throat.

Like any medicine, it has its own instructions for use and contraindications.

Application and instructions

IN medical institutions it is used both externally and for subcutaneous administration. With its help, they stimulate the brain centers, improve blood circulation and constrict veins.

The drug is excreted through the kidneys, lungs, and also with bile. For external use used for diseases such as:

  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • bedsores.

It is administered subcutaneously in the following cases.

  1. With depressed breathing due to a developed infection.
  2. During collapse.
  3. In case of poisoning with sleeping pills and painkillers.

It cannot be used when epilepsy and skin diseases.

Medicinal properties

This medicine has the following beneficial properties:

  • has an active effect on blood vessels and the respiratory system;
  • suppresses putrefactive bacteria due to its active antiseptic properties;
  • acts as an anesthetic;
  • for wound healing and cupping inflammatory processes often used with acid;
  • normalizes the metabolic process in the myocardium;
  • in cosmetology it is used to treat acne in adolescents and adults.

This drug interacts well with others medicines from a cold. Overdoses are rare and are usually accompanied by nervous excitement and tachycardia. You should not abuse camphor alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it quickly penetrates into mother's milk, as well as into the placenta with the fetus.

It is most often used in the treatment bedsores and otitis media.

Preventing bedsores

Bedsores (decubitus in Latin) are ulcerative skin lesions resulting from impaired blood supply. With progressive bedsores, tissue necrosis begins. They usually occur on the buttocks, back and back of the head.

This drug is considered an excellent remedy to prevent bedsores. To do this, carefully wash the patient’s skin with soap and dry it with a towel. Then apply the product and rub it with stroking movements. This should be done daily.

It is completely unsuitable for treating already formed ulcers. It does not have the necessary regenerative properties that can heal deep skin wounds. Three times a day, the ulcers are treated with hydrogen peroxide, after which they are smeared camphor oil. Make sure your hands are sterile, as the wounds on the patient’s body are open, which means it is very easy to get infected.

A bedridden patient must undergo massages and rubbing. During the procedure, he is turned over on his side and must remain in this position for at least half an hour. Make sure that his skin is always dry and the room temperature is not too hot. If you follow these recommendations, bedsores will not appear.

For such people, special mattresses are produced that change the fulcrum. They stimulate muscle function, which is very important for a lying patient. And also these mattresses are noticeably improve sleep. Their price is high, but their health loved one worth it.

Treatment of otitis media

Very often, a 10 percent drug is used in the treatment of otitis media. This inflammatory disease always accompanied acute pain, which he does very well.

Instructions for using camphor alcohol in the ear:

A warming compress made from a wide bandage placed in several layers is applied to the area of ​​the sore ear. You should first make a hole in the compress for the ear and moisten it in the heated mixture. Be sure to cover the top with a cloth and secure.

It is stored at temperatures from five to twenty-five degrees for six years.

Good day, friends! Do you remember what camphor smells like, or rather alcohol, because we can easily buy it at any pharmacy for a small amount, which is not much more than twenty rubles.

The smell, of course, is specific, but quite tolerable, it’s easy to get used to it, but how much positive effects he can give.

Let's start with the simplest thing - rubbing the area of ​​sprains, rheumatic pains, bruises and other troubles. This drug has an analgesic effect and relieves inflammation. Further, the anti-inflammatory effect can be felt when lubricating pimples and bite wounds blood-sucking insects. The itching goes away quickly, by the way, try it sometime.

Whoever, God forbid, has bedridden patients in the house, then lubricating the skin of the patient’s body will prevent the appearance of bedsores, but the medicine is cheap.

I've heard that some pet owners also use it as a way to discourage furry babies from going to the toilet in places that are inappropriate for this. The smell of camphor will scare kittens and puppies away from doing their business in the wrong place.

I think that good old alcohol will not hurt in any home medicine cabinet, and let's not forget about its existence. And be healthy, friends.

Angela, Russia

I always have it in my medicine cabinet. For several years in a row, he has been the first assistant for colds and coughs in my children, and even adults.

I rub my daughter’s back and throat when she coughs, preferably at night, after rubbing, I put a warm T-shirt with sleeves on her, and wrap her in a blanket. Preferably also tea with raspberries. So for a couple of evenings there is no trace left of the cold and cough.

The only thing that bothers me is the smell, but by morning it disappears from the surface of the body and remains on clothes. I recommend it, the product is very good, better than swallowing pills.

Selena Nagibova, Russia, Nalchik

I will not repeat what cures, I want to describe the rubbing, which includes camphor alcohol. So, take 300 g medical alcohol, 10 grams of camphor alcohol, 10 grams of iodine, and 10 analgin tablets. We insist on glass jar 21 days. This is an anesthetic for pain in the spine due to osteochondrosis. My wife applies it for hip pain. Apply at night and wrap in a woolen scarf. The course is 10 days, rest for 5 days, repeat if necessary. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. And also used for otitis media. Used as a warming compress. Apply around the ear and tie with a woolen scarf. Good health to everyone!

Isakovsky N.I., Russia, Nevinnomyssk

When my father was in the hospital after surgery, he also managed to develop bronchitis. The phlegm came out very poorly and the doctor advised me to rub his back. I had never heard of this property of camphor alcohol and, of course, bought it, especially since the price is more than affordable.

I have known this alcohol since childhood, my mother used to use it. sore ear. The feeling, of course, is not pleasant, but it helps a lot.

Every day, once a day, I rubbed my father’s back with this camphor alcohol (if not high temperature body). And literally within three or four times he began to cough well, apparently, this alcohol warmed everything up inside him.

By the way, you can also lubricate pimples, it burns them perfectly!

Romashova S.

Russia, Nizhny Tagil