The largest cat breeds, names and information about them. The largest domestic cats: size matters Rating of the largest cats

The domestic cats we all know and love have spread to every corner of the globe over the course of many millennia and have established themselves into distinctive breeds and categories. Consequently, different breeds and types of cats differ significantly from each other, and have their own unique appearance and personality traits. One of these signs is their size. Today there are breeds that are heavier than even some dogs. Let's take a closer look at the largest breeds of domestic cats.

10. Kurilian Bobtail

The Kurilian Bobtail began its history on the Kuril Islands. This is a cat with a strong build and a wide chest. Females of the breed weigh up to 5 kg, and males about 7 kg. The cat's head has a large wedge shape with ears that are tilted forward and fairly large eyes. The Kurilian Bobtail's short pom-pom tail is its most distinctive feature.

9. Chartreuse

Among the largest domestic cat breeds is the Chartreux, a shorthaired breed now mainly originating in France and very rare in the UK where it is not recognized as a breed there due to its similarity to the British Shorthair. However, many studies prove that these two breeds have different physical and temperamental characteristics, as well as pedigrees. Chartreuse is a rather massive cat with heavy bones and strong muscles; males can weigh up to 8 kg, females are slightly smaller.

8. Pixie bob

An artificially bred cat breed. Males can reach 10 kg. This is a fairly large, muscular cat with heavy bones and a double layer of fur. The color is always spotted, predominantly brown, often with a reddish tint. The tail is short, from 5 cm to 12 cm in length. The Pixie Bob is a quiet and calm cat and although he is completely devoted to his owner, he is also very affectionate towards other people. He does not like to share his home with other cats and pets.

7. Ragdoll

Ragdoll does not like loneliness and can understand human speech and carry out basic commands. This is a large, long-haired cat with a sweet, calm and kind character. He is perfect as a companion for people who have a lot of free time and are ready to devote it to this beautiful breed. Females weigh 4.5-6.8 kg, and the standard weight of males is 7-9 kg.

6. Norwegian Forest Cat

The size of males reaches 5-9.5 kg, females - from 3.5 to 7 kg. A close relative of the Siberian cat, the Norwegian forest cat shares many of its traits. She is friendly and playful, patient and tolerant towards children and other pets. The cat loves attention and spending time with its owner, but it can also be safely left alone for a certain period.

5. Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is a very energetic and athletic cat that is not at all afraid of water and loves to play for a long time. Its body is of medium length, its hind legs are slightly longer than its front legs, and its neck is short. The male weighs up to 7.3 kg, while the female weighs from 5.4 to 6.4 kg. It takes at least 3 years for Van to reach full maturity.

4. Siberian cat

The Siberian cat comes from Russia and is one of the cat breeds that is suitable for people with allergies. It has a strong body of medium length, rounded paws and a wide tail. And its rather long and thick coat helps the cat keep warm during bad weather. The weight of the female is 4-5.5 kg, and the male, on average, is 7 kg or more. The breed reaches a height of 33 cm. The Siberian cat is very agile, strong and resilient and can easily jump and climb to high places.

3. British cat

The largest breeds of domestic cats represent one of the oldest breeds, the British Shorthair (British). The breed was originally known as the British Blue, as this was the cat's original color, but there are now over 100 different color variations and patterns. The weight of an adult British cat ranges from 5 to 10 kg.

2. Maine Coon

There are many legends associated with the origin of this breed. One story claims that the Maine Coon is a cross between a bobcat and a raccoon. But in fact, this is a native breed that originated from cats living on farms in Maine (USA). The average weight of a cat is 8.5 kg, while a male cat weighs about 11.3 kg. These are wonderful family cats, very obedient and gentle. They can be true homebodies, sleeping during most of the day and waking up only for food and attention.

1. Savannah

It is considered not only the largest, but also the most expensive cat in the world. The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and a Serval (African wild cat). The size of this breed can vary significantly depending on how far it is from the serval in its ancestry, but the largest cats can weigh up to 20 kg and are the size of a small dog. Savannah also holds the record for the tallest domestic cat - 43.43 cm.

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Appearance and color, and from domestic cats - peacefulness and adaptation to home conditions.

Savannah is the largest breed of domestic cat in the world today. Males have a body weight of up to 15–20 kg, height - up to 60 cm. This breed has an elongated body with high limbs, an elongated neck, large ears, dark spots on the skin, and high intelligence. The skin is painted in brown, chocolate, gray, and golden tones. Animals reach their largest size at 3 years.
Restless savannas require space for an active life; they like to walk outside. They have no fear of water; on the contrary, they love to play and splash their paws in the water. They find excellent contact with other pets and are loyal to their owner. They can accompany a person as.

Since the Savannah is a hybrid, the first generation is listed as F1, since it has about 50% of the Serval genotype. Their descendants are already listed as F2 and include about 30% of the bush cat genotype. These first two generations are the most valuable. In the seventh generation, some of the serval genes in this breed are already quite small. Males of the first 4 generations, as a rule, cannot have offspring, so females are valued.
When breeding this breed, Serval × Savannah and Savannah × Savannah matings are commonly used to preserve the characteristics of the breed.

Exotic lovers will appreciate this breed, which is so similar to wild African cats.

Before the advent of the Savannah breed, they were considered the largest cats in the world. The body weight of males varies within 6–15 kg, females weigh 4–6 kg. The height to the withers reaches 41 cm, and the total length with the tail is up to 120 cm. This breed was bred naturally and has already been known for more than 150 years.
originated from the American state of Maine. Due to the intense winter cold in this US state, these cats have thick, long hair and a luxurious bushy tail. They have a strong, well-built body with strong, wide paws that have tufts of fur growing between the pads. Cats have small cute tufts on their ears, which makes them look like a lynx.
Due to their frequent striped coloring, they are also compared to, and the name “Maine Coon” can be translated as “Manx raccoon”. They can have different colors, excluding chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, fawn and their combinations. Maine Coons reach their maximum size at 3–5 years. Average - 12–16 years or more. In general, this is a healthy and strong cat breed, but they can occasionally develop diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, spinal muscular atrophy and hip dysplasia.
These are playful cats with well-developed hunting instincts. At the same time, they have a calm character and allow themselves to be walked on a leash. They do not immediately become attached to their owner; they get along well with other pets. They have the habit of standing on their hind legs, looking around, and paddling with their paws in the water before drinking.

This breed became famous not so long ago (in 1995), received recognition in 2003 and is a rather rare hybrid of wild and. Representatives of this breed are also among the largest domestic cats. The weight of a male is approximately 14.5 kg, and the height is 40 cm. Initially, representatives of this breed lived in Egypt, and local residents did not single them out until Europeans appreciated these cats. Having discovered that the ancestors of these cats were the wild jungle cat, they began breeding this breed.
In appearance, the cat is very similar to its wild ancestor: a small head with green or yellow eyes, high-set ears may have tufts, the outlines of the muzzle and powerful body have a predatory angularity. The short, dense coat comes in black, silver, ticked and ticked tabby colors. The combination of predatory grace and peacefulness has attracted lovers of exotic cat breeds. This active cat needs walks and lots of active movement. She loves to play with children and feels a sense of affection for her owner.
Most males of this breed, as usual among hybrids, are sterile. Representatives of this breed carry codes from F1 to F5. Breeders breed females with short-haired cats or with descendants of jungle cats. Some of the offspring are ordinary.

This one has been known for almost 100 years, and is the result of crossing domestic British cats with. Britons can reach weight 11–12 kg, although the usual average weight of this breed is 5–8 kg. Everyone pays attention to their soft, thick, plush-like fur. It can be of different colors, both solid and mixed, although it was initially believed that the British had a gray-blue color.

Eyes can also be of different colors, but most often orange. They have a strongly built, muscular build, a short neck with a noticeable fold around the round head, short thick paws, and small round, wide-set ears.
Intelligent British people are clean and very independent, they have their own opinions. They easily tolerate loneliness when the owner is at work, but when he is away for too long, they begin to worry. They are equally attached to all family members.
The British, who look like plush toys, do not like to be squeezed, but tolerate it. Too much attention can cause them to become aggressive. They play only when they want to, and at the same time manage not to break anything. Many note the intelligent look of these cats and a noticeable cat “smile”. They have excellent health, but they do not tolerate hypothermia well and can catch a cold.

The homeland is the Urals and Siberia. The breed was recognized in 1990, it was formed in the natural environment over several centuries, and has the blood of wild cats of the forest and steppe. In the harsh conditions of Siberia, these animals developed long, water-resistant fur with a thick undercoat and a fluffy tail, protecting the cat from frost. This wool has another undoubted advantage - it is almost hypoallergenic.
The color of these domestic predators can be completely different, the color of the eyes can also be different and is not related to the color of the coat. The Siberian cat has a medium build with powerful muscles, rounded flowing harmonious shapes. The ears are also rounded and slightly turned forward, with small tassels at the ends. Average weight of cats from 6 to 9 kg, but the mass of some giants of this breed can reach 12 kg, cats are smaller.
Reach their maximum at 5 years. There is a collar around the neck, and on the hind legs, which are more powerful than the front legs, there are fluffy pants. The pads on both pairs of paws are pubescent. The cute muzzle has the shape of a trapezoid, the eyes are slightly slanted. These animals are distinguished by excellent health, their life expectancy is 15–20 years. Excellent hunters, playful, intelligent, independent, attached to only one family member. They do not like it when other animals or strangers are present on their territory. Their fearlessness and self-esteem were noted.

Norwegian Forest Cat

This breed has been officially recognized since 1977 and is widespread in northern Europe, especially in Norway.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is not the largest cat in the world, but males of this breed can reach a weight of 10 kg, although their usual weight is 5–7 kg, and females are smaller. Presumably descended from those introduced several centuries ago. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to the Siberian one.
The Norwegian Forest Cat has a strong build, long paws, fluffy fur, a fluffy long tail, and tassels on large ears. Their coat repels water and has a triple structure: coat, undercoat, long hairs along the spine and on the tail. There are fur folds around the neck.

The color of fur and eyes may vary. They are friendly and playful, very attached to people. Their patience can be tested for a long time; they play well with children and are friendly to strangers. These purrs love to be petted and scratched.

Did you know? It has been scientifically proven that cats have a beneficial effect on the health of their owners. People who keep these animals in their home live on average 4-5 years more. These furry creatures have the ability to reduce stress, normalize blood pressure, improve mood, and help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These are great helpers for relieving depression. Purring, a cat emits ultrasound, which has a healing effect on the human body.

The Turkish Van is a rare domestic cat with semi-long hair, considered one of the oldest breeds of domesticated cats. This breed was bred on the basis of Van cats living in Turkey in the area of ​​​​Lake Van. Animals reach their maximum by 5 years. Males weigh within 6–9 kg, females - from 4–6 kg. Their height is 35–40 cm, length from nose to tip of tail is 90–120 cm.
They have a muscular, slightly elongated body, a massive neck and chest. The paws are of medium length, the hind legs are larger than the front ones, the pads are covered with hair. Fluffy ruff tail with transverse stripes. Wedge-shaped head, powerful chin, ears set high and straight, with inner feathering. Eyes can be the color of amber or copper, and can also be blue. Sometimes it happens that one eye is one color, and the other is another.
Silky coat of medium length and with a weak undercoat. Traditionally red and white (cream), but can be black and white (blue), tortoiseshell and white, or completely white. Moreover, the color must be at least 80% white.
Turkish Vans are very inquisitive and friendly, active and playful. They love water and water procedures and can even swim. They single out one family member as the owner and demonstrate their devotion in every way. They can be taught to walk on a leash and bring slippers. They get along great with other domestic cats and cats, but they always try to rule. Despite their willfulness, these are gentle and obedient cats. They love to play with children.

The name of the breed translates as “rag doll”. These cats received this nickname for their unique ability to completely relax their muscles. Males weigh 7–9 kg, and females - 5–6 kg.

Did you know? This breed was first discovered in the 60s in America by Anna Baker. Her Persian-Angora cat Josephine was bred with a Birman cat. Anna Baker noticed that the kittens, when they were born, had the ability to relax their bodies when they grew up. She began to work closely on developing a new breed and in 1965 was able to secure the so-called “rag” gene at the genetic level and register this breed in the prescribed manner.

Ragdoll cats have the following features: wide-set oval eyes only blue, wedge-shaped head, powerful neck, nose always slightly upturned, small triangular-shaped ears set wide apart. Medium paws with pubescent pads, fluffy long tail.
The wool is medium length, has a small undercoat, is quite soft and similar to rabbit fur. The hind legs of representatives of this breed are, as it were, dressed in pants, and there is a fur collar on the neck. The most popular color is color point: the color is light, and there is a darker color on the face, paws and tail. The most common colors are light coffee with milk, chocolate, as well as blue-gray or deep purple.

These are quite calm and indifferent creatures. They are very good-natured and friendly. They do not like to strain their muscles once again, and when a conflict situation arises, they try to hide in a quiet place.
Ragdolls show affection towards their owner. They love to be petted, cuddled and expressed their admiration. These cats are not hunters - they will not catch mice or chase pigeons in the yard. They feel great inside a house or apartment. Cats of this breed get along well with children, other cats and when living together.
Ragdolls do not tolerate loneliness well and become very bored if their owner is away for a long time. They may refuse food and water when upset. They simply need society.

Important! At the genetic level, Ragdoll cats are susceptible to a disease such as hip dysplasia. This disease can lead to paralysis of the hind limbs. The cat owner must clearly know the first signs of dysplasia:It’s hard for the cat to jump, when walking she starts to fall a little to one side, sometimes it’s even hard for her to put her paw.

These cats usually live 15–18 years.

Externally, the breed somewhat resembles a lynx. Translated from English, the name means “short-tailed elf.” They reach their maximum weight at 3 years. Males weigh from 6 to 9 kg, and females - on average 4–6 kg. The lifespan of a pixie bob is 12–15 years. This breed was created by crossing domestic cats with short-tailed wild cats in America by felinologist Carol Ann Brewer.

Important! Pixie-Bob cats are considered national treasures of the United States, and are officially exportedtheir is possible only with special permits from the club.

Representatives of this breed have a pear-shaped head, a fairly powerful chin, and pronounced sideburns. Wide ears of medium height are slightly inclined forward, have rounded ends, and usually have tassels at the ends. Eyes can be golden, brown or green. The brick-colored nose has a convex shape and also has a small hump on it.
The body is medium or large in size, has powerful muscles, a well-developed chest, protruding shoulder blades, and the skin on the stomach is noticeably sagging. The legs are elongated, muscular, the hind legs are not much larger than the front ones. Polydactyly of up to 7 toes is possible. A small tail of about 5 cm. They can have long or short hair, in the belly area it is longer than elsewhere.
The color comes in all shades of brown and gray, and the tips of the coat are often light rather than dark. The pads and tip of the tail of the paws are dark brown or black. Dark, usually black, arrows descend from the outer corner of the eyes to the cheeks. But the edging around the eyes is light in color. On the forehead there is a pattern in the form of the letter M. A spotted pattern throughout the body.
Pixie-Bob cats are incredibly loyal to their owner and can be jealous of everyone else. They can be taught some commands and can be walked on a leash and make great walking companions. Despite their somewhat predatory appearance, they are very affectionate and have a fairly balanced character. These cats express their emotions in sound form. Only they do not make the usual “meow”, but guttural sounds. Life expectancy is on average 13 years. This breed is characterized by fairly good health.

Outwardly, it is also similar to its wild relative - the lynx, especially due to its short upturned tail. His beautiful, expressive eyes attract special attention. This cat has many wonderful qualities: courage, observation, intelligence and a balanced character. This breed was not obtained artificially, but through the process of natural selection in the wild. Their natural habitat is the Kuril Islands.
Cats of this breed reach weight 6–7 kg and much larger than cats. A strong body has well-defined muscles. The back is slightly arched, the hind legs are longer than the front legs. The claws on the paws are straight, and do not retract, like most felines, and make a clicking sound when walking. The head is small, trapezoidal, with wide cheekbones and a strong jaw, the ears are rounded, slightly tilted forward and have a tuft at the ends.
The eyes are usually yellow-green, round and slightly slanted. The small tail, from 3 to 8 cm long (excluding fur), has kinks and bends, as well as several knots. It ends with a wool pompom. The number of vertebrae is from 2 to 10, they have different mobility.

The color of this breed is quite diverse. The coat can be long or medium, the undercoat is weakly defined. In longer-haired dogs, the hair is longer in the collar area, on the tail and hind legs. All domestic cats are not just wonderful companions, they are full-fledged members of the family. When purchasing a small kitten for an apartment or house, it is important to take into account all the characteristics of its character, temperament and care.

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Anyone who loves domestic cats cannot remain indifferent to their large wild counterparts. Perhaps many people, in their spare time, even imagine what it’s like when a graceful and powerful animal, like a lion or leopard, fawns over you.

Of course, these are just fantasies; wild cats belong in nature, not in our homes. However, there is still an opportunity to get closer to the dream; the breeders have taken care of this. And it must be said that the giants of the cat world immediately won the love of owners all over the world. Today we present to you the breeds of the largest cats with photographs “in the background” of the owners.


In order to get an animal weighing 25 kg and height at the withers up to 45 cm, of course, it was impossible to get by by crossing only domestic cats. Therefore, when breeding the savannah, the African serval was used. The breeders claim that they managed to soften the wild temperament of the latter and get a pet that is quite docile and suitable for keeping in the house, but it needs a lot of space.

Savannahs are reminiscent of dogs in character: they are very active, love to swim and walk on a leash, are easy to train and become attached to their owners.

Maine Coon

Among the photos of the largest cat breeds that owners proudly post on social networks, the Maine Coon stands out. And for good reason. This breed is the largest of the non-hybrid domestic cats, that is, those without wild blood. Males can reach 7 – 12 kg in weight, and cats - 5 – 9 kg, which makes them larger than many decorative dog breeds. At the same time, Maine Coons are rightly called gentle giants for their friendly and flexible nature.


The breed was bred in America and it was there that it gained the greatest popularity. The average weight of cats is 7 – 9 kg, females – 5 – 6 kg. Translated, ragdoll means “rag doll.” The breed received this name not only for the extreme good nature and easy-going nature of these cats, but also for their physiological characteristics.

When you take a ragdoll in your arms, you are amazed at the surprisingly soft gutta-perfectness of his body, which seems to spread over your hands. Because of this, ragdolls do not jump well, and falling from a height threatens them with serious consequences. Constant muscle relaxation does not allow animals to quickly group.


A very rare and expensive breed of cats, it is very difficult to buy it in our country, and there are only a few Chausie catteries abroad. It is believed that the ancestor of this cat was a wild jungle cat, so the breed was originally a hybrid. The weight of chausie reaches 10 kg, and they are distinguished by their wild, pristine beauty.

The character of these cats is quite friendly, but keeping such an animal at home is quite difficult; it requires a lot of space for movement, as well as regular walks.


Another creation of American breeders who wanted to get a greater variety of colors in ragdolls, but got a ragamuffin. Actually, this breed is no different from its progenitor, only the Ragdoll can only be of color-point color, and the Ragamuffin can be of absolutely any color.

Hence, apparently, the name of the breed, which translated means “ragamuffin.” Apparently, it contains a hint of the picturesque rags of the poor, who are forced to put on whatever they need.

Norwegian forest

One of the most beautiful breeds of long-haired cats, distinguished by their large size. Cats can weigh 5 – 6 kg, and males can reach 7 – 9 kg. Affectionate and attached to their owners, Norwegian Forest Dogs at the same time have a fairly strong character. The tufts on the ears and the intense “wild” gaze make these cats similar to the free inhabitants of the forests of their homeland.


This Russian breed, recognized and loved all over the world, is distinguished by its significant size: cats weigh from 4 kg, males from 6, but there are also much larger individuals up to 6 - 8 kg and 8 - 12 kg, respectively.

Siberians are perhaps one of the most intelligent and at the same time freedom-loving cat breeds. Breeders make sure that aggressiveness does not become entrenched in the breed, but nothing can defeat the free spirit of these rebellious children of the harsh north. Siberians are a breed for those who respect the cat in a cat.

British Shorthair

As you may have noticed, all non-hybrid “giants” turn out to be semi- or long-haired beauties, and the British are the only short-haired breed on our list.

Cats weigh from 3 to 5 kg, males - up to 6 kg, some - up to 8 kg. The wonderful cozy appearance of the British has made these cats the most popular breed in Russia and, perhaps, in the world, but they cannot be called plush. Proud, independent and intolerant of familiarity, the British are not distinguished by their tame and flexible character. So you often have to admire them from afar.

Turkish van

Another semi-long-haired breed of very representative size. Males weigh, on average, from 6 to 9 kg, cats - from 4.5 to 6 kg. This breed can rightfully be called a waterfowl, because Vans not only have a calm attitude towards water, but actually love to swim.

Some breeders claim that this makes Vans suitable for people with allergies to cat saliva - the main cause of so-called cat allergies. It is believed that if you wash the animal once every six weeks, the symptoms will either disappear or be very mild. But the Vanir, they say, should not be forced to wash at all!

How much do your pets weigh? Perhaps they will give a head start to the largest cat breeds - we are waiting for your photos and comments.

Larisa Solodovnikova

Almost every home has pets, and most often they are cats. They are always associated with miniature and lightness.

Cats love to climb everywhere, jump off cabinets, etc. How graceful and silent these jumps look!

But, just imagine what this jump will be like if a domestic kitty weighs more than six kilograms? Probably not everyone will like this.

There are many myths about what big domestic cats they really are. . Their breeds are also numerous.

Some argue that such a cat is difficult to feed and there will no longer be order in the house, others say that such a kitty can easily strangle you if it lies on you at night.

This is all nonsense. Big cats are incredibly graceful and elegant, sometimes even more so? than their smaller relatives.

So, what is the largest cat breed? So, we present to you the top 10 called “Big Cat Breed”.

10th place

The hit parade "Big Cat Breed" is opened from 10th place by the Kurilian Bobtail - the owner of a short tail

These cats will show their owner what true loyalty, friendliness, and intelligence are. They are even somewhat similar to dogs.

They love to go out to visiting guests, sniff them, run after toys, and bring them.

9th place

Chartreuse are incredibly loyal to those they love. They need constant company, care and tenderness.

8th place

Their outward strict appearance does not coincide with their meek and gentle disposition.

Anyone who becomes the happy owner of a pixie-bob will forever have to be faithful to this breed, otherwise there is no other way.

7th place

Ragdoll is a gorgeous animal with a beautiful appearance and a wonderful disposition.

The coat is medium length, very soft and pleasant to the touch, does not mat and does not require significant care.

It is a pity that the breed is quite rare and widespread only in its homeland.

All that remains is to dream and wait for interest in it to increase.

6th place

The Norwegian Forest Cat has a luxurious, long, thick coat that helps it survive in the harsh conditions of Norway. These animals are incredibly hardy, easily withstanding both snow and wind.

Excellent hunters. They love freedom, but this does not prevent them from easily living in harmony with a person to whom they are friendly.

The Norwegian Forest Cat can become a genuine friend.

5th place

The coat is medium length, there is no undercoat.

No special care is required other than periodic combing.

Surprisingly, Turkish Vans love to swim.

More detailed information on how to properly wash a cat can be found here: https://site/kak-pomyit-kota/

4th place

The breed originated in the Siberian taiga. But since it is indigenous, it is very difficult to fully determine its origin.

3rd place

Cats are prone to weight gain and oral problems.

Despite the short coat, the thick undercoat requires constant care.

In the spring-autumn period, the British begin to shed - a time of careful grooming and grooming. haircuts

2nd place

It was developed more than 150 years ago.

Legend has it that Maine Coons descended from a cat and a raccoon, from which they inherited such a rich striped tail and other habits.

The foundation of the breed was laid in North America.

Coons are peaceful, neat and graceful, despite their huge size. They quickly become attached to the owner.

Physical activity is an important element of the proper development of Maine Coon big cats.

Photos with coons always look shocking. They will suit the originals that a lynx dreams of having at home.

Cats are indifferent to ammunition. They love walks and do not want to run away somewhere.

1st place

It's time to take stock. So, the winner of the “Biggest Cat Breed” rating is the Savannah

This is not only the largest breed, but also the most expensive.

Bred by crossing an ordinary cat and a serval.

Big cat breed: giant pets

A breed of big cats. Would you like to know which cat is the largest in the world? We present the Top 10 of the largest pets, the most luxurious and exotic, the most beautiful and smartest animals.

People have always been interested in “the very best”, they have always wanted to have something out of the ordinary. That is why today we are familiar with cat breeds that are domestic and have very respectable dimensions. Some are even listed (and continue to be listed) in the Guinness Book of Records. We offer our readers a unique rating of the largest breeds of domestic and wild cats according to various criteria (weight, height, length, etc.).

Domestic cats

It is worth saying that today the largest cats in the world are considered to be: Savannah (or Asherah, which some experts consider a new species, while others consider it the same Savannah) and Maine Coon. The largest ones also include the domestic jungle cat, ragdoll, pixie-bob and Russian Siberian cat. Now about each breed and the largest representatives in more detail.

This cat is distinguished not only by its large weight, but also by its size - both length and height. The Maine Coon usually weighs as much as an animal of this breed weighs (i.e., from 12 to 15 kg), but especially large individuals weigh up to 20 kilograms or more.

Is it true, Savannah is a relatively domestic cat, because a wild African serval and an ordinary cat participated in the creation of the breed.

Interestingly, one representative of this breed was even placed in the Guinness Book of Records - she is the tallest individual, having a height at the withers of as much as 48 cm. By the way, the Savannah is also one of the most expensive breeds in the world: a kitten can be bought for $5,000-25,000!

Maine Coon

The average specimen of this breed weighs from 8 to 10 kg, but individual individuals have been recorded whose weight reaches up to 15 kilograms.

These cats are distinguished not only by their large size, but also by their unusual appearance, making them very cute: with fluffy tufts on their ears, with soft long hair of various colors, they are very popular among those who want to have the very best.

The record holder for this breed is the longest cat in the world.- 1 m and 23 cm the length of his entire body, including the tail.


Domestic jungle cat, or as this breed is also called - Hausie, Chausie, Chausie. In weight category, this is by far the largest breed among domestic cats, because it can weigh up to 18 kg!

The “parents” of this breed were the wild jungle cat and the Abyssinian cat. The breeders who created the new species had a single goal, wanting to protect wild cats from being kept in captivity.

The resulting “kitty” is very friendly, but at the same time has the power and strength of a wild animal.


This breed is distinguished by a fairly large weight of males - 8-9 kg is not uncommon for them. These are very calm (to the point of phlegmatic), imperturbable, absolutely non-conflict cats.

Pixie bob

Lynx in miniature - there is no other way to describe this breed. These cats took absolutely everything from their wild “big brother”: they have wool of the same color, and tassels on their ears, and a short tail (only 5 to 10 cm long).

The maximum weight that animals can reach is 8 kilograms for a cat and 5 kilograms for a cat. Quite a lot too.

Siberian cat

The breed of Siberian cats stands apart, which is more popular in our regions. Here we will also talk about weight: some “boys” can reach a weight of 12 kg with an average of 9 kilograms, while “girls” weigh 5-6 kilograms.

Siberians are distinguished by very long and fluffy hair, which is hypoallergenic, which is important for those with allergies, who love cats, and have an affectionate character. In addition, they are very beautiful, and their photos often decorate calendars and other printed materials.

Of course, one could write about the thickest specimens of various cat breeds that are not particularly large, but Nowadays such “records” are not recorded, because again, in pursuit of something unusual, people go too far and simply ruin their pets by overfeeding. Moreover, such cases are quite common. Still, just for fun: the officially registered weight of the fattest domestic cat (not a purebred) is 21 kilograms!

Wild cats


The first level of the ranking rightfully belongs to a hybrid of a lion and a tiger, called a liger(father is a lion, mother is a tigress). These are the largest cats in the world.

An animal named Hercules, raised by people (in the wild, the habitat of tigers and lions is different, and they are not found) is also a record holder: it is the largest among all known ligers (weight - 408 kilograms, length - 3 m 60 cm, and height at the withers - 1 m 80 cm).

It is worth noting that another hybrid of a lion and a tiger, the tiger lion (mother is a lioness, father is a tiger) is not as large as its brother.

Amur tiger

At the second stage - the Amur (Far Eastern, Siberian, Ussuri) tiger.

This “kitty” weighs 300 (and even a little more) kilos, and has a body length with a tail of 4 meters.

Bengal tigers are slightly smaller in size and weight.


Third place, of course, is the lion. This, by the way, the only cats living in pride families, all the rest are loners. Lions weigh about 250 kilograms, their height at the withers is about 1 m 23 cm, and their body length is up to 2 m 50 cm.


Leopard (spotted) or panther (black). Considered the most insidious and unpredictable of all cats, and panthers are more aggressive. Weight - 100 kg, height at withers - 80 cm, body length - up to 2 meters. This is where the really big cats are!


Lives in the rural areas of Central and South America, Animals gather in packs only during the mating season, hunt near bodies of water. They weigh about 90 kilograms, body length - 1 m 85 cm, height at the withers - about 65 cm.

Approximately the same size and weight are found in cats such as the puma (mountain lion, cougar, also lives in America), and the snow leopard (snow leopard, lives in Central and South Asia, distinguished by a long tail and short legs).


Separately, it is worth mentioning the unique animal cheetah - a cat with dog paws.

It can be called relatively large - it does not weigh too much (60 kg) and its body length is about 150 cm.

Cheetah is the fastest cat in the world.

Among prehistoric cats, the largest was Smilodon (saber-toothed tiger). He weighed about 500 kilograms, that is, not much more than a liger. But he had very large fangs and was stronger and more dexterous.