How often are British kittens bathed? Bathing kittens: how and when is the best time to do it

How to properly wash a British cat? and got the best answer

Answer from CatYalaskovaya[guru]
My white British boy is 7 years old this year. During the entire period we bathed him 3-4 times. My daughter and I even had a joke:
- Mom, I need to give the cat a bath...
- Okay, here’s the weekend (holidays, warmth, hot water will be given), let’s take a bath....)
So we put it off...)

Reply from HyunA[active]
It's like stroking your back with water, they like it. My friend washes once a month!

Reply from Anton Vladimirovich[guru]
So this is British. It needs to be washed in a special way. It is necessary to learn English, and all the time while he is in the water, loudly sing him the anthem “God Save the Queen!” in his native language. But to be honest, we have two British dogs, a cat and a female cat, and they have not needed washing at all for several years, because they are absolutely clean. It is not difficult to check that they are absolutely snow-white. Well, there is such a branch of the British breed. So they lick themselves. so if we were showing off and wanted to take them to the exhibition, we could take them at any moment, without preparation. So think about whether you should torture your cat so often.

The British have an instinct for cleanliness at the genetic level. But in order to achieve lasting and positive results in the behavior of these pets, it is very important to raise them correctly. In this article we will tell you what is needed to keep a British cat in an apartment, how to train him to use a litter box, and also how to wash and comb British cats. By following the basic rules of caring for the mustachioed inhabitant of the house, you will raise a truly luxurious animal with the manners of an aristocrat.

Raising British cats

Pay attention! All the bad habits of a Briton are formed and reinforced in childhood. Therefore, it is very important to have time to raise an animal up to 2 years old.

Conventionally, the entire training process is divided into 2 stages:

Stage 1

Establishing a strict chain of command between you and the kitten. At this stage, the British cat must clearly understand who is in charge in the house and who should be obeyed. Outline all acceptable limits of pet behavior in relation to you and your home.

If the rules are followed well (for example, you saw that the animal is sharpening its claws on the scratching post that you showed it), reward the cat with a tasty treat. If a Briton stubbornly does not follow the rules, punish him with a severe reprimand, but without the use of force. The pet should respect you and recognize your leadership, and not be afraid.

Stage 2.

Cleanliness training. As a rule, British cats love a clean house and take good care of themselves. But caring owners should help them with this and raise them properly. First of all, you need to tame your pet. A small kitten should be able to easily endure all the daily manipulations of caring for its eyes, ears, fur, etc.

If your Briton breaks out, bites or scratches, grab him by the scruff of the neck and, looking into his eyes, make a hissing sound with a menacing look. Raising an animal in this way will not be difficult for artistic people with a sense of humor! If the British cat does not believe your “cat’s voice” and still struggles, continue to persistently hold your pet. It may be difficult to train a cat this way, but if you give up, the animal will remember it and it will happen again next time.

How to train a British dog to use the litter box

Caring for British women

Caring for cats of the British breed cannot be called special, and keeping these plush creatures is not at all difficult. However, you still have to take some nuances into account, especially if you want your pet to shine at exhibition events and participate in breeding.

Wool The coat is the main advantage of the British, so it should be looked after very carefully. Get ready to brush your pet 1-2 times a week with a special massage brush called a slicker brush. With its help, you can remove all the dead hair that is creeping in, and also give a great massage, even when cats sleep on their backs. The structure of the coat and its condition largely depend on the pet’s diet. It must contain all nutrients, calcium, vitamins and microelements. It is enough to wash a short-haired blue cat 1-2 times a year.
Claws Any domestic cat does not have the ability to sharpen its claws properly, even if it has a scratching post. Therefore, a Briton’s nails need to be trimmed 1-2 times a month. Cut them carefully, about half the entire length, no more.
Eyes A Briton's eyes should be looked after at least once a day, since dark secretions should not accumulate in them. Wipe your pet's eyes with a damp cotton swab, starting from the outer corner and ending with the nose.
The ears should be examined 2 times a month. Contaminants are removed with a regular cotton swab dipped in boiled water. The exposed ear surface can be wiped with a small amount of Vaseline or cosmetic cream.
Teeth Inspect your British woman's oral cavity daily. Due to the fact that at home the cat cannot chew twigs and grass to clean its teeth, over time it may develop tartar. To prevent this from happening, try to accustom your kitten to brushing its teeth using a special product from an early age. Ready-made dry food also helps dissolve plaque. It is worth noting that feeding in this case should occur regularly, and not just to remove dental plaque.

If British kittens have everything they need for full development, and the owner takes care of them on time, no problems will arise in keeping these animals.

What does a British cat need in an apartment?

Before bringing your Briton to a new place of residence, prepare all the necessary accessories for him:

  • Sleeping place. Decide in advance where your pet will sleep. Representatives of the British breed are quite independent and like to be alone, so it would be advisable to buy your pet its own bed or cat house.
  • Tray. For the toilet, it is better to use a closed plastic tray. When purchasing, you should take into account the large dimensions of the British - the tray should be high and as comfortable as possible. It is better to use silica gel or wood filler; they absorb moisture well and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors.
  • Bowl. A special drinking fountain or ceramic bowl is perfect for water. And for food, you should choose a tall metal bowl with a wide bottom.
  • Scratching post. British cats do not want to spoil your furniture at all, they just love freedom very much. However, we all know how dangerous the street is for purebred animals. In order for your pet to be able to independently care for its claws in the apartment, it needs to purchase a scratching post or a play set.
  • Comb. For the British plush fur coat, massage slicker brushes or oval rubber combs, which can remove static electricity, are best suited.
  • Cloth. An additional accessory for your pet can be cool clothes that will not only emphasize the important appearance of the British cat, but will also warm you up during a walk in the cold. After all, short-haired cat breeds have a hard time withstanding frosty winters. Clothing for a British person should be comfortable, high quality and easy to wash.

Create a cozy atmosphere for your pet in your home, and then he will be able to feel at ease.

British cat hair care

The famous plush fur of the British cat evokes a lot of positive emotions from simply touching it. But to achieve such a result, the owner has to properly care for his pet.

Important! The coat of a British Blue cat can be combed infrequently - 1-2 times a week.

The main principle of care is to remove guard hairs as thoroughly as possible with minimal trauma to the thick undercoat. To do this, the cat is combed according to the growth of the hairs, periodically changing direction. First of all, scratch the back, sides and chest of the animal, and then move on to the paws, tail and muzzle. The necks and chubby cheeks of the British Shorthair are always combed against the grain.

By the way, representatives of the British breed are one of the few who enjoy this procedure - they begin to purr loudly and prop up their back to continue the massage.

How to brush British cats

  1. An ordinary metal comb with medium-frequency rounded teeth. It is advisable for her to comb the British first, slowly and strictly in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Rubber massage brush or slicker brush. This is an excellent option for combing British cats without electrifying the hair. It is recommended to brush the animal vigorously with such a brush, massaging all areas of the body.

Shedding in British cats

A British cat sheds its first coat at 7-8 months.

During this period (usually about a week), it is necessary to more carefully and carefully care for your pet's coat. Perform massage movements using two brushes daily. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the vulnerable skin and undercoat of the British cat. Next, walk over the animal's body with a damp rubber glove and collect all the hair that falls out.

Each Briton's next molt begins individually. Its intensity and timing can be affected by factors such as age, health status, quality of nutrition, etc. In addition, sudden hair loss in a pet can be caused by an allergy to any medications, food, vitamins, shampoos, etc.

As a rule, most allergic reactions manifest themselves in the fact that the fur begins to come out very much. Moreover, a lot of hair comes out from the undercoat. In this case, try changing any animal care products. During shedding, also keep in mind that the nutrition of a short-haired cat should be as balanced as possible. This is also very important if you do not want your cat to be allergic.

How to wash Brits

To bathe a British cat, take water into a low bowl, dilute a small amount of shampoo in it, and massage the animal with massage movements. Please note that the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. After the procedure, thoroughly wipe the British cat's body with a dry towel, wrap it in a blanket and place it in its own corner. Make sure there are no drafts in the house.

British haircuts

Lovers of British breed cats are divided into 2 types:

  1. The first of them believe that pets need to be cut regularly. They explain this by the fact that a short-haired Briton leaves much less hair in the house, and also by the fact that it is difficult for animals with a thick undercoat to tolerate the heat. Some of them simply want their trimmed pet to stand out from others or have its own style.
  2. The second category of British lovers is categorically against cutting, since they consider the coat of this breed to be the main advantage, which in no case should be spoiled.

There are so many people, so many opinions, so it’s impossible to say for sure whether grooming can be done this way.

But if you still decide to cut your British cat’s hair, use a few tips:

  • The procedure should only be carried out by a professional technician who is well acquainted with the anatomy of cats. Do not try to trim the animal yourself - you may injure it or introduce a dangerous infectious disease!
  • Make sure that the haircut process takes place in a calm and friendly place, without the use of force. The pet should not suffer psychological trauma.
  • Pay attention to how other cats are being groomed in front of you - cats should not take any sedatives before the procedure.
  • A qualified master must be able to find an individual approach to any animal. Your Briton's behavior will tell you whether he liked the master. In good hands, a cat will never behave aggressively.

In fact, it is not so important whether your pet will have a haircut or not - the most important thing is that the cat has a neat or even smart look.

Take care of the health of your British cat, pay him as much attention as possible. Caring for a British dog is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. An animal that feels love and care will never remain in debt to its owner!

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When a kitten appears in the house, many questions arise. What to feed the baby? How to train to a tray? Where to arrange a sleeping place? At what age can kittens be bathed? It is so important to keep the animal's fur clean. Previously, the cat's mother watched over this, and he himself had not yet learned how to perform hygiene.

The kitten will remember the first contact with water for a long time, so you need to take the process seriously.

If your pet still has negative emotions, then next time he will fight back hard: scratching, biting and struggling with all his might. That's why you need to turn bathing not only useful, but also a pleasant pastime.

Some breeders claim that a kitten can be washed from the age of one month. This is explained by the fact that such a baby practically does not resist and does not scratch. But it’s not worth risking the baby’s psyche, because any unknown procedure is a great stress for him.

At what age can British dogs be bathed?

A cat of noble blood needs washing at an early age more for beauty than for cleansing. After all, before an exhibition you need your fur coat to look well-groomed and shiny. A kitten can be bathed from three months, if he has a long or thick coat and undercoat. Some veterinarians recommend starting no earlier than five months of age. This includes Persian, British, Scottish and other breeds.

Washing will bring many benefits:

  • firstly, it will teach the baby to discipline;
  • secondly, bathing allows you to remove static electricity from the hairs;
  • thirdly, it will remove dead epithelial scales and hairs, as a result, less of them will end up in the pet’s mouth and stomach.

What to do with a found kitten when the age is unknown?

There are always a lot of fleas living on the skin of outdoor cats. You should also not rule out lichen, helminthic infestations and other infectious diseases. It is important to take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Bathing with lichen at any age is not prohibited if the coat is very dirty or the use of special shampoos (Nizoral, Sebozol) is required. In other cases, the infection may spread to healthy areas of the skin.

For a newborn kitten under 2 weeks of age, early bathing can be harmful. It is better to wipe it with a soft sponge soaked in warm water without adding detergents.

Stages of successful hygiene

It is advisable for one person to hold the animal and the other to wash it. The first rule when bathing your baby is in warm, but not hot, water. Its temperature should not exceed 38⁰ C. It is better to close the bathroom door tightly. A long-haired kitten needs to be combed first to untangle the clumps. Items you should prepare in advance:

  • basin;
  • ladle;
  • warm water in a saucepan;
  • hypoallergenic shampoo for kittens;
  • 2–3 towels;
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • cotton pads;
  • reward treat.

Small cotton balls are used to plug the baby's ears to prevent water and detergent from getting into them. So much water is filled into the basin so that its level reaches the kitten’s neck. Calming the pet with quiet words, gently moisten the fur with a sponge or hand. For the first time, you should not immediately put the animal in the basin, otherwise it may frighten it.

After the coat is well moistened, shake a little shampoo in your palm and distribute evenly over the body, paws and tail, rubbing lightly. They don't soap their hair. Excess foam is removed with your hands, and the baby is slowly placed in the basin. To wash off the detergent, pour the body from a ladle, scooping clean water from a saucepan. You can do this with a shower if the kitten is not scared. Finally, wet cotton pads are used to wipe the eyes, nose and outer part of the ears.

Subsequent baths can begin by lowering a cat aged 5 months or more into a basin or sink filled with water. But this should be done correctly: slowly dip the hind and front legs, and then the body.

What to do next?

After bathing, the kitten is wrapped in a towel to absorb excess moisture. After a few minutes, the wet towel should be changed. There is no need to rub the little body, just blot it. Next, the wool is dried with a hairdryer, otherwise it will roll up and tangles will remain. In addition, a child who has not reached adulthood can catch a cold and get sick, because even in a warm room, the wool will dry completely only after 10–12 hours.

The scary buzzing device is kept at a distance of 30 cm from the cat. If it is possible to adjust the air supply, then it is better to choose a gentle mode.

At the end, the fur coat is combed out with a brush and the kitten is sure to be offered a favorite treat so that washing is associated with pleasant emotions.

Bathing cats needs to be taken seriously. To avoid problems with age, it is better to accustom the kitten to washing before the age of one year., since an adult animal will desperately resist. By the way, for such alarmists they came up with dry shampoo that does not require contact with water. If necessary, you can bathe the baby completely, but not earlier than 2 weeks after birth. Still, it is better to postpone the procedure until the cat reaches 2–3 months of age.

Sometimes bathing a cat is a difficult and traumatic task, because most cats do not like it and perceive it as something disgusting or even a threat to life. They are trying with all their might to get out of the bathroom. Therefore, it is better to wash the cat, protecting your hands with knitted gloves, and getting an assistant. Even if it’s a child (not very small), the main thing is that someone holds the cat.

About the choice of mittens. It would be logical to take disposable latex gloves, but they will cause pain to the pet, crawling through wet fur. Therefore, choose knitted ones according to the type of construction ones.

Although there are also individuals who are tolerant of bathing and sit quietly in the bathroom while you fuss over them. But this is rare.

Step #8. Select water temperature and pressure

Cats like warm, but not hot water. What is room temperature for us is cold for a cat. She needs about 38-39 degrees.

As for the water pressure, it should not be too strong, because this can create additional stress for the cat and contribute to water splashing. In addition, pay attention to what your pet is more afraid of - the shower or the tap, and use what gets on her nerves less.

Step #9. Washing the cat

Before you start bathing, read the instructions for use of your shampoo. It usually goes like this: squeeze out - lather - apply - massage - rinse. But there are also exceptions. This, for example, applies to medicated shampoos. However, we are not talking about them now, so, most likely, you will just squeeze - lather - apply - massage and rinse. You can do this twice.

And don’t forget that the instructions will say how many times you need to dilute the shampoo with water, because it is usually concentrated.

The most important thing is to finally wash off the foam very well, because any shampoo is a chemical and you need to prevent the cat from licking it. And she can do this after bathing, when she feels a foreign smell on the fur.

And one more thing. You can't wash your cat's hair. You need to try to prevent water from getting into your ears. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to cover your cat's ear canals with cotton wool while bathing. However, if you do it too tightly, your cat may stop hearing and become even more anxious.

If the pet is very fussy, you can use a special device for washing the cat - a bag or net.

Step #10. Drying

After bathing, the cat will be stressed and may get sick if it gets into a cold room or a draft. This absolutely cannot be allowed. Therefore, as soon as the cat is bathed, he must immediately be dried while he is standing in the bathroom. Then take another (dry) towel and wrap the cat. The towel should be large enough to cover the animal's entire body.

After wrapping the cat, go to a warm room without drafts (we emphasize again!) and continue drying there. If your cat is okay with a hairdryer, you can dry it like this. Or you can turn on a wind blower in the room and move the cat closer to it. After a while, the cat itself will understand that this is an excellent source of heat - and will sit next to it.

It is not recommended to remove the towel until the cat has dried at least a little. At the same time, you can speed up the process by changing the towel to a drier one and combing the animal. Just be careful, because wet wool can easily damage the skin.

Also watch a video from a veterinarian on how to wash a cat.

Some cats love to swim

Within each breed there are such individuals. And there are breeds that tend to splash around in the water with pleasure. These are mainly breeds that are closer to nature. For example, Bengals. They have a great time playing water games and are not averse to taking a full swim. But Scottish cats are not bath lovers.

In addition to stress and psychological trauma, improper bathing causes skin damage, colds, heart and gastrointestinal problems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to choose the right shampoo for your pet, taking into account its age and coat characteristics. It is necessary to start washing the kitten on time, observe a certain frequency of bathing and follow simple rules of hygiene procedures.

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    At what age can kittens be bathed?

    Experts are divided on the topic of the age at which they should start bathing. Some believe that the ideal age to begin accustoming to water procedures is about one month. The arguments in favor of this point of view boil down mainly to the fact that the sooner you start washing the animal, the faster and easier it will be for him to get used to bathing.

    Others argue that you should not start washing a cat younger than four months. And this is in case of urgent need, but it would be better to wait until the fifth. This point of view is due to the fact that the baby’s body is still very weak - it easily catches a cold after bathing, and it will be more difficult to cure it than an older animal. In addition, the first wash will be stressful for the kitten, and at a very young age it will be difficult to bear.

    A number of experts call the best age to start swimming two to three months. During this period, the kitten stopped feeding on mother's milk, became stronger and gained some immunity. At the same time, his psyche is still quite flexible in order to adapt to something new relatively easily.

    Most veterinarians agree that it is worth accustoming a cat to water procedures no earlier than a month after he appears in the house. The animal needs this period of time in order to get used to the new conditions - during this time it will become clear whether the animal is sick with any illness for which bathing is contraindicated.

    Why do you wash kittens?

    There are several reasons why you should bathe cats, including the smallest ones:

    Cats are very clean animals. Normally, they themselves maintain the cleanliness of their body at the required level. Therefore, when a pet is licked often and a lot, its fur looks neat and shiny. If he doesn't go for walks, you don't have to bathe him all the time. However, during the molting period, in case of heavy soiling (if the cat has rolled around in the mud) or to get rid of fleas, you will still have to wash the cat.

    How often can and should you bathe your pet?

    There is no consensus among veterinarians on how often an animal should be bathed. The stated periods of abstinence from water procedures vary from one month to six months. Most experts agree that it is permissible to wash a kitten no more than once every three months. This is due to the fact that when bathing, the skin's fat layer is washed off. And for some time the integumentary tissues are left without natural protection.

    You should not bathe your kitten for fourteen days after vaccination. And at least ten days must pass from the moment the cat is castrated.

    How to wash a kitten?

    Wash pets with specialized veterinary shampoos for cats. You cannot use human products or those designed for other types of animals (dogs or rodents). To choose the shampoo that is ideal for a particular cat, you need to follow a few simple rules.

    If your pet, despite following all the rules, still reacts too strongly to bathing, you can use specialized dry shampoos. They are a powder that is applied to the animal's fur, kept there for a while, and then removed by combing.

    Instructions for bathing a kitten

    Improper bathing can cause serious stress in your pet, cause skin diseases and even cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is important to do everything correctly so as not to injure either the cat or yourself. It is best to bathe an animal together: one person holds the kitten, and the second carries out all the necessary manipulations.

    Step-by-step instructions explaining how to properly bathe a kitten:

    1. 1. Before washing the cat, the owner is recommended to put on a terry bathrobe and gloves. This is necessary so as not to wet your clothes and to protect yourself in case a frightened animal begins to bite and scratch. Gloves should be made of fabric rather than rubber, as the latter can cause unpleasant and even painful sensations for your pet.
    2. 2. It is necessary to protect vulnerable places on the cat’s body - eyes and ears - from water. To do this, small pieces of cotton wool are inserted into the ears. But you don’t need to push them too deep, otherwise you can damage the animal’s ear canals. As for the eyes, you can apply a little Vaseline to their inner corners using a cotton swab. This will protect sensitive mucous membranes.
    3. 3. Place a rubber mat or piece of cloth (towel or rag) in the bathing container (basin or bathtub). This is necessary so that the cat does not slip, feels more confident and does not break off its claws on the hard surface of the bath.
    4. 4. Fill the bathing container with water. Its level should not exceed ten centimeters. Ideally, the water will lightly touch the cat's belly. The temperature of the liquid should be about forty degrees. This can be checked by placing your hand near the stream of water - it should feel slightly warm.
    5. 5. After all the preliminary procedures, you can proceed directly to bathing, slowly and carefully lowering the kitten into the water. At first he should touch the liquid only with his paws. You need to hold it in this state for a minute, letting it get used to it. Then lower it completely.
    6. 6. Wet the entire animal. You can use a shower for this, but it creates additional stress for the cat in the form of noise. Therefore, at first, it is best to simply water your pet from above with water from a ladle or mug. To wet the head, you need to gently press the ears with one hand, and with the other (moistened in water) moisten the fur, making stroking movements.
    7. 7. Thoroughly lather the cat using massaging movements. Most specialized cat shampoos are concentrated, so you only need to use a very small amount.
    8. 8. Rinse off the shampoo - it is very important here to take your time and thoroughly clean the cat’s coat of the used product. It is recommended to rinse the fur for at least seven minutes, otherwise shampoo residues may remain on the surface of the animal’s body, which subsequently leads to skin damage (including chemical burns) and poisoning as a result of licking.
    9. 9. Dry the kitten thoroughly. To do this, you first need to wipe it with a towel with gentle massaging movements. It is best to use a soft terry cloth that is quite large, then wrap the animal in the same towel and hold it there for about twenty minutes so that the moisture is absorbed into the fabric.
    10. 10. Remove cotton plugs from your ears and remove Vaseline from the corners of your eyes. To do this, you need to wet a piece of cotton wool or a makeup removing sponge (sponge), then wipe your eye with a light and smooth movement of your hand.

    At the very end, you can dry the kitten with a hairdryer if it is not too frightened by the sound. The air should be neither cold nor hot. The hairdryer must be kept at a distance of at least twenty centimeters from the animal’s skin. No matter how drying occurs, until the cat is completely dry, it is necessary to keep it in a warm room without drafts.

    If the animal reacts very negatively to bathing, you can simply wet the kitten for the first time: introduce it to water, show it what it is. And after two weeks, wash it completely, using shampoo. This should reduce the animal's anxiety.

    Some owners are interested in whether it is possible to give the cat sedatives before bathing so that it can more easily endure the procedure. This should not be done, since such products will do more harm to a healthy cat than good - they can cause serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

    Features of bathing sphinx kittens

    The recommendations given in this section apply to all three breeds of Sphynx - Don, Canadian and Peterbald. They will also be relevant for other hairless cats or animals with sparse fur. For example, for Cornish and Devon Rex.

    Cats without hair have a number of characteristics that affect the bathing procedure. The fat layer, which in ordinary animals serves as protection, in sphinxes only contaminates the surface of the animal’s body, so such kittens need to be bathed more often (in the cold season - two or three times a month, in the summer - every week).

    Sphynxes have very delicate and unprotected skin, so you should not wear gloves when bathing these cats. It is best to use shampoos that are designed specifically for this breed. If for some reason this is not possible, a product for short-haired cats is also suitable. But it will need to be diluted with water in advance.

    Sphinxes do not wash their heads, but rather wipe them after bathing. To do this, use a cotton pad moistened with water. Particular attention should be paid to the skin behind the ears, areas in the corners of the eyes and near the nose.

    You can dry sphinxes only with a towel, and never use a hairdryer. The fabric used to wipe such cats must be soft and fluffy. The movements when wiping must be smooth and light, without strong pressure.

    For this breed of cat, keeping the room warm after bathing is very important. Experts recommend keeping a washed Sphynx in a room with a temperature of at least 25 degrees. You can even put a special overall and a hat on the animal so that it does not catch a cold.