Tsipromed for perforation of the eardrum. Drops for otitis media for perforation of the eardrum

Drops in the ear "Normax".

For the treatment of cough - "Erespal"

Lozenges for sore throat.

What else can I add? Now about the medicine itself. The price is affordable. Sold everywhere. The spout is made like a pipette, so a separate pipette is not needed. One bottle is enough for one course of treatment. Once opened, it is not stored for long, so after 20 days you can throw it away. Antibacterial, also suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Due to its versatility, the product can be kept at home just in case or taken with you on a trip if your ears suddenly hurt or your eyes become watery. The bottle is small, convenient to carry. I took it to work and buried it in my ear, which is why my bubble has such a shabby fighting look. Due to the fact that the bottle is plastic, it is lightweight and is not afraid of breaking due to carelessness.

General impression: Prescribed for salpingootitis. Used for damaged eardrum.

It tickled and my hearing returned immediately during the procedure! (removal of wax plug from daughter)

Only 4 months passed and again the hearing decreased in one ear. Is the problem really in traffic jams again? I don’t want to think that there’s something serious there(((reply

And my ears often hurt, I take Otipax. But the ENT says that it is my blood pressure that is pressing on my ears. answer

What ear drops help with perforated eardrum?

Some ear drops for a damaged eardrum can cause severe pain and do not help improve the condition at all. This is why self-medication is so dangerous. Moreover, perforation usually occurs when otitis has already started or the eardrum is damaged as a result of careless actions (trauma). Therefore, you need to choose medications in this situation very carefully, and better yet, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Causes and Effects

Treatment of the ear largely depends on the reasons that caused the perforation of the eardrum. When it is damaged, several problems arise simultaneously: hearing sharply deteriorates, the gates to infection open, and liquid discharge appears.

Effective drops in the ear for perforation of the eardrum should act simultaneously in several directions: relieve inflammation, heal wounds and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The most common causes of rupture are the following:

  • Barotrauma or a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, during which the membrane instantly ruptures and fluid leaks out of the inner ear.
  • Acoustic trauma - the same thing happens due to exposure to a strong sound wave.
  • Mechanical injury - can occur even when carelessly cleaning the ears with sharp objects, but more often the eardrum is pierced when the temporal bone is fractured.
  • Advanced otitis media, in which pus has accumulated in the ear, creating pressure on the eardrum, causing severe pain and leading to perforation.

Only a doctor can diagnose a ruptured eardrum after a thorough examination using an otoscope. He also prescribes treatment, which usually includes not only drops and oral administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

Ear drops

Ear drops for perforated eardrums are the best way to quickly relieve pain, as they act directly on the source of inflammation. The most effective drugs are:

  1. "Otipax" is a steroid drug with lidocaine, which quickly relieves even severe ear pain, but is not able to cope with advanced inflammation and purulent otitis media. Its advantage is that it can be used even during pregnancy. The downside is that it quite often provokes allergic reactions, so it is better to do a test before the first use.
  2. “Otofa” is just the opposite: it quickly eliminates the inflammatory process, but does not contain painkillers. Most effective as part of a complex treatment of purulent otitis media. Plus - hypoallergenic. Minus - not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, small children.
  3. "Sofradex" - contains a potent antibiotic and very quickly stops inflammatory processes. However, it has an ototoxic effect when it enters the tissue cells of the inner ear. Therefore, in case of a ruptured eardrum, it can only be prescribed by a doctor, if there are certain indications.
  4. “Candibiotic” is a complex drug that combines antibacterial and antifungal agents. It often helps even in cases where other drugs fail. But it is strictly not recommended for pregnant women and small children. Plus - a wide spectrum of action. Disadvantage: it often causes allergic reactions.
  5. "Amoxicillin" and drops based on it. The most inexpensive and common broad-spectrum antibiotic, quickly relieves inflammation, heals wounds, and prevents further spread of infection. Plus – minimal contraindications, hypoallergenic. The downside is the long course of treatment – ​​at least 7 days.

It is very important that drops for perforation of the eardrum are used until it is completely restored. And only a doctor can determine this moment.

Unfortunately, many patients stop taking the prescribed drug on their own as soon as the pain and unpleasant symptoms disappear. But if the eardrum has not healed completely, then there is a high risk that the disease will flare up with renewed vigor soon after stopping the drug, and possibly lead to such serious complications as sepsis and hearing loss.

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Signs of eardrum perforation

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Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

The ears are an important human sensory organ. The slightest failure leads to many problems, ranging from difficulties communicating with other people to the development of chronic diseases. Such failures often occur when the eardrum is damaged.

The eardrum is located at the junction of the inner and outer ear, which is why it is often damaged mechanically. A rupture, which in medical language sounds like perforation, can occur not only as a result of the development of a pathological process, but also due to improper hygienic procedures of the hearing organs, as well as various injuries.

Treatment of eardrum perforation

Ear perforation is in most cases removable and treated with therapeutic methods. Often, the doctor prescribes ear drops used for perforation of the eardrum, but strictly according to the prescribed course and in prescribed dosages.

A ruptured eardrum requires immediate medical attention. The phenomenon is very painful, accompanied by mechanical damage, bleeding from the ear. If the cause of the pathology is an inflammatory process, purulent blood discharge from the auricle is observed. Additionally, tinnitus and hearing loss may occur.

Most often, such tears heal on their own within a couple of weeks.

The patient is only required not to strain the hearing organs and not to expose the ear canal to strong irritants.

If the element of the auditory canal does not heal spontaneously, the doctor prescribes drug treatment and at the same time places a turunda soaked in special preparations with a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect in the ear.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required - stitching.

Drops that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects are prescribed as medications. Often these are antibiotics.

Ear drops for perforated eardrum

In fact, there are many medications available in the form of drops designed specifically for the treatment of ear diseases. What to prescribe in each specific case is decided only by the attending physician.

The specialist first of all substantiates the course of treatment by the degree of rupture of the eardrum, takes into account provoking factors and what additional drug treatment can be prescribed in the case of chronic diseases of the hearing organs.


The drug Tsipromed is widely used. When treating ear diseases, a 0.3% solution is used. The main active ingredient is Ciprofloxacin. It is recommended to instill such drops into the ear three times daily if the membrane is perforated. The dosage is selected individually and usually does not exceed 5 drops for each procedure.

The drug is first kept for some time at room temperature and then instilled using a pipette, directing the substance strictly to the walls of the ear canal.

This product is also used to soak a cotton swab, which must be placed in the sore ear, changing to a fresh one up to 4 times a day. This treatment relieves painful symptoms within 48 hours.


To relieve pain, doctors often prescribe Uniflox ear drops. The product is based on an antibiotic called Ofloxacin and is highly effective. Treatment lasts about 10 days, taking into account the fact that the drug is promptly instilled into the sore ear, 10 drops every twelve hours.


Doctors often prescribe drugs based on the antibiotic Norfloxacin, for example, the drug Normax. The course of treatment is selected individually, but 2-3 drops of the drug are instilled daily up to 6 times a day.

Each of these drugs has a lot of contraindications, the possibility of which can only be taken into account and understood by an experienced specialist.

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • people who have individual intolerance to antibiotics.

The use of ear drops for a ruptured eardrum is indicated only for those who have no contraindications to this type of medication.

At the slightest suspicion of eardrum injury, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can determine which ear drops can be used for perforation of the eardrum specifically in your case.

The specialist will need time to study your problem in depth. It is necessary to take into account the state of the tear and the causes of the pathology. Assess the patient’s general condition and observed symptoms. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary medication.

In some cases, a test for tolerability of one or another active component of the selected product may be necessary to exclude possible side effects.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Drops in the ears for otitis media: which ones to choose?

What types of drops are there?

What drops can be used for otitis media? Here are their main varieties:

  • Antibacterial. They are prescribed if the cause of otitis media is a bacterial infection. In other cases (with viral etiology, for example), they will be ineffective.
  • Painkillers are used if you need to relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. Such products, as a rule, contain anesthetic components, that is, local anesthetics (lidocaine and others).
  • Antifungals contain substances that help eliminate fungal infections.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve inflammation. They may contain corticosteroids.
  • Antiseptic local agents disinfect the ear cavity and help avoid infection in case of otitis media.
  • Combined ones have an impact in several directions at once.

How to make a choice?

How to choose ear drops for otitis media? When choosing, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  • Form of otitis. So, in case of acute external or otitis media, pain relief will be required. But with purulent otitis accompanied by perforation of the eardrum, the use of alcohol-based products or local anesthetics can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as burns of the mucous membranes of the tympanic cavity.

In case of acute external otitis, pain relief will be required.

Review of some tools

So, what remedies are the most effective and can be used for otitis media?

  1. "Otipax". The composition includes active substances such as lidocaine and phenazone. The first has an anti-inflammatory effect, the second has an anesthetic effect. The drug can be used during pregnancy and even in infancy, but it is contraindicated if the eardrum has ruptured. In addition, the drops do not have an antibacterial effect. Drip three times a day, 3 or 4 drops.
  2. "Normax" is an antibacterial agent with a broad-spectrum active component - norfloxacin. This drug is effective against bacterial infections and associated purulent otitis, is inexpensive, but it is contraindicated in childhood and even adolescence, during lactation and pregnancy, as well as in epilepsy and renal failure. You should drip four to five drops three times a day.

Antibacterial drops Normax

And remember that visiting an ophthalmologist is mandatory!

Here's to an OPHTHALMOLOGIST, of course! Yeah. without fail. Who checks the articles? People then believe it

The information is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Ear drops – which ones are better? Otipax and others, from the point of view of an ENT doctor

With today’s publication I want to begin a series of articles – reviews of medications. These will mainly be drugs that I, as an ENT doctor, use in my own practice to treat all kinds of ENT diseases. I would like to note that the articles will not be of an advertising nature, and all opinions about certain drugs will be based solely on my own observations.

Which ear drops are right for you?

When treating patients, many medications are prescribed. Depending on the results (efficacy, safety, tolerability, price), as well as a number of other factors, it will be possible to make a comparative analysis of them. These results will undoubtedly be of interest both to the patients themselves who buy them, and to practicing family and ENT doctors, especially novice specialists, in order to develop an effective treatment regimen.

Today's article is about ear drops. I will analyze the four main drugs that I most often use in personal practice; they can also be freely purchased in the Kiev pharmacy chain. DON'T MISS At the end of the article, I will share with you important information that is often forgotten to be included in the instructions for medications!

Otipax - advantages and disadvantages

Otipax - ear drops contain phenazone and lidocaine. Phenazone is a substance with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. Lidocaine has a local anesthetic effect. It should also be noted that the interaction of these two components in this drug enhances the local anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect, which then has a positive effect on the result.

  1. Excellent analgesic effect;
  2. Good anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. Lack of systemic action (the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, lymph, or cerebrospinal fluid), which makes it possible to use it in children from infancy;
  4. Possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation according to indications;
  1. Lack of local antibacterial component;
  2. The presence of lidocaine makes the drug vulnerable in terms of tolerability, since many people have a reaction to lidocaine quite often. This fact must be taken into account in order to avoid unpleasant allergic reactions.

The drug, in general, has proven itself well for relieving pain in the ear, as well as for treating acute otitis media in the initial stages! The average price of the drug in pharmacies in the city of Kiev UAH. (rub.) Overall score in points from 1 to 10 – 7 points.

Otofa - pros and cons

The drug is based on rifamycin. This is an antibacterial drug. Otofa drops have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that cause inflammation and otitis media. Rifamycin is a fairly strong antibiotic. It is effective even where penicillins and cephalosporins are already powerless. This explains the good effectiveness of treatment for acute and chronic diseases of the middle ear.

  • Wide spectrum of action against various microorganisms, due to which the desired result is quickly achieved during the treatment of otitis media;
  • Possibility of use for chronic otitis media;
  • Lack of anti-inflammatory and analgesic components in the drug;
  • The presence of a sufficiently strong antibiotic in the composition does not provide grounds for using the drug in pregnant women, as well as in women breastfeeding;
  • The price of the drug is quite high: from 60 to 80 UAH. rub.)

The drug Otofa has established itself as an effective drug for the treatment of otitis media of various etiologies. Of course, it is encouraging that the drug can be used even in the presence of perforation of the eardrum, as well as chronic otitis media. The only thing I don’t like about the drug is that it has a red-orange color, and this complicates the diagnosis and correct interpretation of the results during treatment. Overall score in points from 1 to 10 – 8 points.

Normax - drops with a strong antibiotic!

Drops, both eye and ear, contain the antibiotic norfloxacin. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. Drops, like otofa, have a bactericidal effect.

  1. Excellent antimicrobial effectiveness of norfloxacin, resulting in rapid treatment results;
  2. Good tolerance;
  3. Affordable price (the drug costs about hryvnia, or 40 Russian rubles in pharmacies);
  1. Impossibility of use during pregnancy, lactation, in childhood and adolescence (up to 18 years), in case of cerebrovascular accident, epilepsy, renal/liver failure;
  2. Lack of anti-inflammatory and analgesic components in the drug;

Despite all the contraindications and disadvantages, Normax is one of my favorite drugs. It has earned trust primarily for its effectiveness and good price. The drug is transparent and does not stain the walls of the external auditory canal and the eardrum red like Otofa! Overall score in points from 1 to 10 – 9 points.

Candibiotic - all in one bottle!

Combined drug for the treatment of acute otitis media and externa. The composition of the candibiotic includes:

  • Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • Beclomethasone dipropionate is a glucocorticosteroid. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects;
  • Clotrimazole is also a broad-spectrum antifungal agent for topical use;
  • Lidocaine hydrochloride is a local anesthetic;
  1. The drops contain all the necessary components for the effective treatment of otitis media;
  2. The presence of an antifungal component in the composition is also, of course, a plus. (As you may have noticed, none of the above drugs contain an antifungal component);
  1. Due to the presence of many components in the composition (including lidocaine), allergic reactions cannot be ruled out;
  2. The instructions list contraindications as pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 6 years of age;

From personal experience, the drug, for some reason, is not always quite effective. Unfortunately, I don’t know the reasons for this. A patient had an unpleasant experience with an allergic reaction to a drug. The average price of the drug is UAH, or RUB. Overall rating in points from 1 to 10 – 7 points.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you what you MUST know! when using drops in the ear! Very often, in the instructions for medications and the doctors themselves forget about this point!

The fact is that for different forms of otitis, it is IMPORTANT to use different drops! For example, for acute otitis media with perforation of the eardrum, not all drops are suitable! Suitable (Normax, Otofa, Uniflox, Tsipromed), not suitable! (Candibiotic, Otipax, Otinum, Garazon, Sofradex, Anauran, Polydexa), they can damage the auditory nerve!

Suitable for acute otitis media without perforation (otinum, otipax, anauran, otofa, candibiotic)

Suitable for external otitis (candibiotic, garazon, sofradex, anauran, tsipromed, otofa, polydexa)

The winner of this review is not so obvious. All drops, of course, have their pros and cons. I want you to remember that it is best for your ear drops to be selected by an ENT doctor individually. Then there is a high probability that all factors will be taken into account, and the treatment will only benefit you. If you are interested in which drops are the safest and can be used in young children and during pregnancy, then read my article: Otitis in children, features of the disease in childhood

You can make an appointment for a consultation and appointment with me personally. Just leave a comment on the article, or email me. The email address is on the about the author page.

P.S. Watch the video about drops in the ears, how to properly instill drops, treatment of acute otitis media!

Then share it with your friends on forums on social networks and Twitter, I will be grateful to you. Subscribe to new blog articles so as not to miss a new, interesting article! Also, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer! As always, I wish you good health and see you on the next pages of ENT Online!

In general, of course, I like to write some kind of obscene criticism, but there’s nothing to complain about here! 🙂

if there is a lot of sulfur and other dirt already in the ear (soot from candles) or the mucous membrane is already burnt (it is necessary to anoint it with linimensints. 10%) incorrect use of warming drops (it is necessary to make turundas with glycerin = -O *CRAZY* ohm it turns out it is desirable) - then none of these remedies will save you from pain, because you will be torn at night, lidocoin will not penetrate... it is important to rinse your ear with warm peroxide and only then apply everything... But here’s why (on Turkish sites it is) - no one advises yawning , make faces and CHEW GUM... the pain goes away during such manipulations..

a child 2.10 woke up today and complained of pain in the ear, after a while he began to cry. This has happened before, we immediately went to the doctor, they diagnosed otitis. They prescribed Otipax and Otofa drops. Now it’s the weekend and it’s impossible to see a doctor, maybe you can advise what to use on the weekend in the ear or some other methods?

=) when I got sick, the doctor wrote me a candibiotic that helped me a lot.

Since Normax was prescribed to me, I have not had any problems with my ears! (Ugh ugh ugh) I just drop them as soon as the itching starts and everything goes away. They are always in the home medicine cabinet. Harmless, inexpensive and effective =)!


Last year I tried Droplex on myself for the first time, and now it’s the only one I always have in my first aid kit in case someone gets an earache. I never thought that my ear could hurt so much that I had to climb the wall. I, an adult aunt, cried... But how can the poor children endure it. Here you need to act immediately. Fortunately, a smart pharmacist came to my husband at the pharmacy and gave him Droplex. Literally minutes and that’s it, no pain. I drank it for a couple of days and everything went away

Thank you very much! health and success to you.

Thank you very much! very useful information. We wish you all the best.

How can I determine what kind of otitis media I have? One thing and then another flowed immediately. They flow very strongly. +Three months ago the left one started to hurt. What drops do I need? Help me please.

Good afternoon, dear Vladimir. I have this problem. I recently went on a long trip in my car, and my left ear blew out with the window open. Upon arrival, at first I felt stuffiness in my ear, and after a while pain appeared. Well, my wife and I started self-medicating: compresses with vodka, boric alcohol. Everything seemed to go quickly (3-4 days). But then, after being out in nature, swimming in the river, my ear started to get blocked again and hurt with renewed vigor. I didn’t sleep for 2 nights due to severe pain. Painkillers (ketorol) helped only for 2-3 hours, and then again unbearable pain, which began to be transmitted along the entire left side of the head from the jaw to the crown. After the second sleepless night, I went to the local clinic to see an ENT doctor, but... I don’t have a policy, she accepted me “quickly”, not for free, of course. She looked in the ear, said that everything had festered there, she didn’t say the diagnosis, she just prescribed treatment: soak a cotton swab with boric alcohol, coat it with levomekol and stick it in the ear for 2 hours 3 times a day. In addition - flemaksinraza per day, and ibuclin - 2 times a day. She said that it would go away in 2-3 days. It was yesterday. I immediately started the entire course of treatment, today I could hardly stand the night on painkillers. But today I can no longer stick cotton wool into my ear. The ear canal has narrowed so that even a cotton swab cannot fit. I continue to take pills and stick cotton wool in as best I can. It's not getting any better yet. I don’t know what will happen next, but I don’t want to go to her anymore. I want to hear your opinion, doctor, and, if possible, some advice. Thank you in advance!

He did not treat the ears, everything festered, and the doctor is to blame - then you should see a psychiatrist, he will definitely explain everything

Hello. Help my daughter. She is 17 years old. D-z 2-sided. Sensorineural hearing loss of 3-4 degrees. 2-sided prosthetics. The right ear is currently without a device, because I've had chronic otitis media for 3 years now. We want to get an implant. What do you recommend?

What ear drops can be used for a perforated eardrum?

Most ear diseases are treated topically with special drops, but not all drugs can be used if the patient has a ruptured eardrum.

What reasons can cause perforation? What ear drops can be used to treat pathologies of the hearing organ in case of a ruptured eardrum?

Common causes of membrane rupture

The selection of ear drops for ear treatment due to a ruptured eardrum should only be made by an otolaryngologist. The specialist will assess the condition of the cavity behind the perforated membrane, determine the true cause of your ailment and select medications that will cope with the existing inflammatory process without harming the functionality of the hearing organ.

The causes of rupture of the membrane separating the outer ear from the tympanic cavity may be:

  • Barotrauma;
  • acoustic trauma;
  • mechanical injury, for example, when cleaning ears;
  • temporal bone fracture;
  • thermal damage at home and at work;
  • purulent otitis.

For ordinary citizens, the most common cause of membrane rupture is purulent otitis media.

In this case, the gradual accumulation of exudate in the tympanic cavity leads to strong and painful tension of the film. In the end, the eardrum cannot withstand the pathogenic influence and pressure of the purulent masses and bursts.

Signs of membrane rupture

A ruptured eardrum can be identified by specific signs.

If the membrane was perforated as a result of injury (mechanical, baro- or acoustic), then patients experience severe pain when its integrity is violated. If the eardrum ruptures due to the accumulation of pus in the middle ear cavity, the symptoms will be slightly different. The painful sensations of pressure, pain and shooting in the ear end abruptly as soon as a hole appears in the membrane through which exudate flows into the ear canal.

After perforation, patients experience the following symptoms:

  • Tinnitus may occur;
  • due to loss of mobility of the eardrum, the quality of hearing decreases;
  • purulent masses emanate from the auditory canal (with otitis media) or bloody and bloody discharge (with a traumatic nature of the membrane rupture).

Any painful sensations in the organ of hearing, as well as the appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the ear canal, require examination by a specialist and the appointment of the therapy necessary for each case.

The presence of perforation in the membrane not only negatively affects the quality of sound perception by patients, but a rupture of the membrane seems to open an entrance for infection in the middle part of the ear. During the period of scarring of the connective tissue, you should take care to protect the hearing organ from pathogenic bacteria and fungi - this is the purpose of the ear drops that the otolaryngologist will prescribe to you.

Types of ear drops

Local medications will be selected by a specialist based on what exactly caused the rupture of the eardrum.

Ear drops are:

  1. Antibacterial. These drops in the ear for perforation are prescribed if bacteria are the cause of the development of a purulent form of otitis. Also, this type of drug is used for preventive purposes in order to prevent pathogenic flora that has penetrated through the perforation from developing an inflammatory process in the tympanic cavity.
  2. Painkillers. These drops eliminate painful symptoms that accompany injuries and inflammatory processes.
  3. Antifungal. Drops that fight fungus are prescribed for mycoses and as a preventive measure against the background of antibacterial therapy.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. This type of drug is used to relieve extensive inflammation due to injury and purulent processes.
  5. Antiseptic. Disinfecting drops are included in complex therapy if it is necessary to sanitize the tympanic cavity.

What medications are allowed for perforation?

Not all ear drops presented on pharmacy shelves are approved for use against the background of a perforated eardrum. The composition of many of them is quite aggressive and can harm the fragile and thin structure of the middle cavity and inner part of the ear.

To choose the right ear drops for a perforated eardrum, you should consult an ENT specialist. The doctor will prescribe you suitable medications that will successfully cope with all the problems in your hearing organ without harming the functionality of the damaged ear.

At the moment, pharmacists do not have a universal remedy for treating ears due to membrane rupture. You may need to use several medications, each of which will treat a specific problem.

Your doctor may prescribe the following ear drops that are approved for use in cases of membrane perforation:

  1. Otipax. These are anti-inflammatory steroid drops with lidocaine. They not only extinguish the activity of pathogenic flora and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, but also have a good analgesic effect. But this drug does not have a mild effect, and is not always able to cope with severe inflammation. Also, its use will be useless in the fight against bacterial infection.
  2. Otofa. These ear drops are also approved for the treatment of the hearing organ due to perforation. They are effective in combating severe inflammatory processes, but do not have an analgesic effect.
  3. Sofradex. These drops will be effective for bacterial purulent otitis media, but their composition is quite aggressive. If the substance gets into the inner ear, it can cause hearing problems, so otolaryngologists try to be careful when prescribing this drug against the background of perforation.
  4. Candibiotic. These are complex drops that combine antifungal and antibacterial effects.
  5. Amoxicillin. The most popular ENT antibiotic is also available in the form of ear drops. It has a broad spectrum of action and copes with most bacteria that cause inflammation in the ears.

Features of use

Ear drops prescribed by an otolaryngologist should be used strictly according to the regimen prescribed by your attending physician. These recommendations especially relate to the use of antibacterial drugs.

  • Instillation of funds into the ears should be strictly timed, observing the dosage and intervals indicated by the doctor;
  • If you experience discomfort or side effects, inform your treating otolaryngologist, and if necessary, he will prescribe you a different drug;
  • do not stop treatment immediately after symptom relief - antibacterial agents should be continued to the end in accordance with the recommendations of the otolaryngologist;
  • At the end of the course of treatment, even if there are no complaints, be sure to see a specialist - he will evaluate the results of therapy and the rate of scarring of the eardrum.

If the eardrum is damaged, a rupture forms in it, as a result of which sound vibrations are disrupted, and the person may experience hearing problems.
The danger of perforation is that it allows infections into the middle ear, which causes otitis media.
Therefore, it is important to detect the problem in time and begin its treatment.

Causes of ear damage

Prerequisites for perforation of the eardrum may be:

Signs of eardrum perforation

Immediately after the injury, a sudden sharp pain appears. After some time it subsides, and the patient may complain of:

If the injury is deep and affects the inner ear, dizziness will occur. When a complete rupture of the membrane occurs, air from the injured organ of hearing may be released at the moment of sneezing or blowing the nose.

The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of damage. With minor injuries, the pain goes away quickly and hearing acuity only slightly deteriorates.

With severe damage, the inflammatory process can spread to the entire area of ​​the inner ear.

Due to the violation of the integrity of the membrane, the penetration of infections provokes complications, such as:

  • labyrinthitis,
  • acoustic neuritis,
  • otitis.

When microorganisms penetrate into deeper tissues, meningitis and encephalitis can develop. With extensive rupture of the membrane, hearing loss may occur.

Treatment methods

Basically (more than 50%) membrane perforation heals on its own without complications a few weeks after the injury and does not require special treatment procedures. Breaks that cover less than 25% of the total membrane area heal faster.

The patient must remain calm and limit any procedures in the ear canal.

Drug therapy

If the perforation is small, the specialist will use a paper patch to close it. Before this, the doctor treats the edges of the hole with a growth-stimulating agent and applies a patch. 3-4 such procedures are necessary.

If an otoscopy reveals an accumulation of blood clots or dirt, the doctor removes them with a cotton swab and lubricates the walls of the passage with alcohol, after which he places a dry cotton swab in the ear.

For small tears, cauterizing agents (silver nitrate, chromic acid, etc.) are used to close the perforation. These drugs are used to treat the edges of the injury.

To prevent a middle ear infection from spreading, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. When acute otitis is diagnosed, a full comprehensive course of treatment is carried out.

Surgical intervention

If the medical method does not work or the area of ​​the rupture is too extensive, then surgical treatment (myringoplasty) may be necessary.

The patient is given general anesthesia.

The doctor makes a small incision above the ear, takes a piece of skin from there and uses it to sew a hole in the membrane.

The operation is performed using a flexible endoscope, which is inserted into the ear canal. A flap of skin is sewn to the membrane using self-absorbable threads.

Sutures help hold the patch in place until the injury heals. Resorption time is several weeks. A tampon treated with an antibacterial agent is placed in the ear canal.

After the operation, the patient may experience pain and discomfort. It is advisable not to make sharp nose sniffs at first to avoid putting pressure on the healing eardrum.

Otherwise, the flap may move, which will disrupt its healing.

Folk remedies

Often, for treatment, patients resort to folk remedies. This approach cannot fully replace classical medicine, and it can only be used after consulting a specialist.

Do you know how to treat with folk remedies and medications? If you are not sure, then follow the link and expand your knowledge.

On how to cure acute purulent otitis in children, follow the link and read a useful article.

On the page: it is written how and with what to treat fungus in the ears.

To speed up the healing of perforation, you need to consume more foods containing vitamin C:

  • rosehip decoction,
  • hawthorn,
  • citrus.

You can eat sweet grapes as a source of energy.

Turunda for the ear can be moistened with plantain juice, pine needles, tincture of nightshade leaves (2 tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 cups of alcohol).

The hole in the membrane remains long after the symptoms have disappeared. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the healing process in order to prevent deterioration of hearing and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.


Ear medications are designed to:

  • relieve inflammation and accelerate the healing of the eardrum.

For perforation, drops containing antibiotics and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed.

Otipax - lidocaine drops. They are used mainly for pain relief. The steroid included in their composition gives a slight anti-inflammatory effect on the membrane. If you have otitis media, then using Otipax drops alone is not enough.

Otofa is an effective remedy for perforation of the eardrum. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is not a pain reliever and is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Sofradex can only be prescribed after a medical examination. Through the hole in the membrane, neomycin, which is part of the product, enters the inner ear and can provoke a toxic effect on cells.

Candibiotic is a complex drug from several antibiotics. In addition, it has an antifungal effect. May cause allergies in some. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test.

Amoxicillin is a drug with bactericidal and antibacterial effect. Treatment with this antibiotic should continue for at least 7 days.

Preventive measures

To avoid membrane rupture, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Approximate cost of medicines

The price range for medicines may vary depending on the region of sale and the specific pharmacy chain. Here is the average cost of the most common drugs:

  • Otipax -177 rubles;
  • Otinum -156 rubles;
  • Otofa -190 rubles;
  • Candibiotic -245 rubles;
  • Sofradex - 205 rubles;
  • Normax -101 rubles.

As can be seen from the material, a damaged eardrum in most cases can heal on its own and does not entail serious consequences. The main thing is to diagnose the problem in time and prevent the development of a secondary infection. In any case, a doctor must prescribe treatment and examine the patient.

We invite you to watch a video tutorial on how to restore an eardrum.

The ears are an important human sensory organ. The slightest failure leads to many problems, ranging from difficulties communicating with other people to the development of chronic diseases. Such failures often occur when the eardrum is damaged.

The eardrum is located at the junction of the inner and outer ear, which is why it is often damaged mechanically. A rupture, which in medical language sounds like perforation, can occur not only as a result of the development of a pathological process, but also due to abnormal hearing organs, as well as various injuries.

The specialist first of all substantiates the course of treatment by the degree of rupture of the eardrum, takes into account provoking factors and what additional drug treatment can be prescribed in the case of chronic diseases of the hearing organs.


The drug is widely used. When treating ear diseases, a 0.3% solution is used. The main active component is. Three times daily It is recommended to instill such drops into the ear if the membrane is perforated. The dosage is selected individually and usually does not exceed 5 drops for each procedure.

The drug is first kept for some time at room temperature and then instilled using a pipette, directing the substance strictly to the walls of the ear canal.

This product is also used to soak a cotton swab, which must be placed in the sore ear, replacing it with a fresh one. up to 4 times a day. This treatment is already 48 hours relieves painful symptoms.


Doctors often prescribe ear drops to relieve pain. Uniflox. The product is based on an antibiotic called Ofloxacin and is highly effective. Treatment lasts about 10 days taking into account the fact that the drug is instilled into the sore ear in a timely manner 10 drops every twelve hours.


Doctors often prescribe drugs based on the antibiotic Norfloxacin, for example, a medication. The course of treatment is selected individually, but 2-3 drops of the drug are instilled daily up to 6 times a day.

Ear drops used for perforated eardrum

Each of these drugs has a lot of contraindications, the possibility of which can only be taken into account and understood by an experienced specialist.

  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • people who have individual intolerance to antibiotics.

The use of ear drops for a ruptured eardrum is indicated only for those who have no contraindications to this type of medication.

At the slightest suspicion of an eardrum injury, you should immediately contact. Determine which ear drops can be used for perforation of the eardrum specifically in your case, only a doctor can.

The specialist will need time to study your problem in depth. It is necessary to take into account the state of the tear and the causes of the pathology. Assess the patient’s general condition and observed symptoms. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary medication.

In some cases, a test for tolerability of one or another active component of the selected product may be necessary to exclude possible side effects.

Some ear drops for a damaged eardrum can cause severe pain and do not help improve the condition at all. This is why self-medication is so dangerous. Moreover, perforation usually occurs when otitis has already started or the eardrum is damaged as a result of careless actions (trauma). Therefore, you need to choose medications in this situation very carefully, and better yet, only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Causes and Effects

Treatment of the ear largely depends on the reasons that caused the perforation of the eardrum. When it is damaged, several problems arise simultaneously: hearing sharply deteriorates, the gates to infection open, and liquid discharge appears.

Effective drops in the ear for perforation of the eardrum should act simultaneously in several directions: relieve inflammation, heal wounds and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The most common causes of rupture are the following:

  • Barotrauma or a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, during which the membrane instantly ruptures and fluid leaks out of the inner ear.
  • Acoustic trauma - the same thing happens due to exposure to a strong sound wave.
  • Mechanical injury - can occur even when carelessly cleaning the ears with sharp objects, but more often the eardrum is pierced when the temporal bone is fractured.
  • Advanced otitis media, in which pus has accumulated in the ear, creating pressure on the eardrum, causing severe pain and leading to perforation.

Only a doctor can diagnose a ruptured eardrum after a thorough examination using an otoscope. He also prescribes treatment, which usually includes not only drops and oral administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, but also physiotherapeutic procedures.

Ear drops

Ear drops for perforated eardrums are the best way to quickly relieve pain, as they act directly on the source of inflammation. The most effective drugs are:

It is very important that drops for perforation of the eardrum are used until it is completely restored. And only a doctor can determine this moment.

Unfortunately, many patients stop taking the prescribed drug on their own as soon as the pain and unpleasant symptoms disappear. But if the eardrum has not healed completely, then there is a high risk that the disease will flare up with renewed vigor soon after stopping the drug, and possibly lead to such serious complications as sepsis and hearing loss.

Some ear diseases can lead to complications in the form of damage to the integrity of the eardrum. At the same time, independent selection of medications can be extremely dangerous, since some drugs worsen the condition and lead to pain. Damage can also occur as a result of trauma. Therefore, choosing ear drops for a perforated eardrum is not an easy task.

Causes of damage

When examining a patient, the doctor first determines the reasons that led to ear damage. Most often this is:

  • head injury;
  • injury from sharp objects entering the ear;
  • injury after exposure to a very loud sound;
  • injury after exposure to high atmospheric pressure;
  • complications after otitis.

In the acute form of otitis and untimely treatment, purulent discharge accumulates in the ear. They affect the eardrum and can lead to its rupture. This condition is accompanied by acute pain.

Symptoms of damage

When the membrane ruptures, the patient first feels severe pain. In some cases, bleeding from the ear is observed. The patient experiences tinnitus and short-term hearing loss.

If purulent discharge appears from the ear, this indicates an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, in particular otitis media.

It is believed that minor injuries will heal on their own if you do not listen to loud music and limit physical activity. However, experts strongly recommend seeking medical help, as advanced disease can lead to serious complications.


Damage can lead to deterioration and complete loss of hearing. In addition, severe pain and discharge from the ear may occur.

If a ruptured eardrum is suspected, a specialist will examine the inside of the ear using an otoscope. If damage is detected, the doctor prescribes special ear drops that reduce inflammation and have an antiseptic effect. Some drugs act directly on the site of the rupture and promote rapid regeneration of damaged tissue. Anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed as additional therapy.

At the beginning of treatment, the doctor places a piece of gauze soaked in a special anti-inflammatory solution into the ear canal. The medicine has a bactericidal effect and kills harmful bacteria.

In case of serious injury, surgery is prescribed, which ends with suturing the eardrum.

During treatment of perforation, it is necessary to refrain from listening to loud music and to minimize the entry of water into the ear canal. Doctors recommend covering the ear with a dry cotton swab to prevent dust and infection from getting into the inflammation.

Choosing ear drops

Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor taking into account the patient’s condition, his medical history and possible contraindications. Let's take a closer look at the most common ear drops.


This drug belongs to the steroid group of drugs. It contains lidocaine, which has a strong analgesic effect. Otipax is rarely prescribed for perforation of the eardrum, although it quickly alleviates the patient’s condition. This medicine is not used in the treatment of otitis media, since it does not contain antibacterial components; it is an anesthetic drug.

If necessary, it is prescribed even to pregnant women. At the same time, taking Otipax can cause an allergic reaction, so people with intolerance to certain medications should avoid using these ear drops. But it is not recommended to use it for perforation.


Otofa for perforation of the eardrum can cope with even the most severe form of inflammation. Active ingredients effectively fight pathogens.

The disadvantage of Otofa is the lack of painkillers in its composition, so additional medications are usually prescribed to relieve pain.

Contraindications to the use of these ear drops are age under 14 years, pregnancy and lactation.


In case of acute inflammatory process, Sofradex can be used. The main active component of the medicine is a powerful antibiotic that kills pathogenic bacteria. As a result, inflammation is reduced.

A significant disadvantage of Sofradex is its toxic effect on the body. The dosage is carefully selected by a specialist after examining the patient. If the substance gets into the inner ear, it can cause hearing problems, so otolaryngologists try to be careful when prescribing this drug against the background of perforation.


This drug is recommended for use in acute otitis media. Candibiotic contains an effective antibacterial substance that fights inflammation. In addition to the antibiotic, Candibiotic contains an antifungal substance that kills harmful fungus in the ear cavity.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are pregnancy, breastfeeding and age under 12 years. If the integrity of the eardrum is damaged, it should be used carefully and only after the recommendation of a doctor.


This drug is the cheapest among similar ones, but is not inferior to them in effectiveness.. Amoxicillin fights pathogens and reduces inflammation after the first use. This remedy promotes rapid healing of damaged tissue and prevents the infection from moving deeper into the ear. Used in tablet form as an adjuvant.

Among the contraindications are individual intolerance to the components of the composition and pregnancy.

Amoxicillin has the best effect with long-term treatment lasting at least a week.


This drug has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to instill a 0.3% solution of Tsipromed into the ear at intervals of 4-5 hours. The maximum dosage is 5 drops per instillation. Treatment continues until complete healing. For purulent otitis media aggravated by perforation, the dosage is 5 drops 3 r. in a day.

The main active ingredient of Tsipromed is ciprofloxacin. This component is most effective at room temperature.

A clean pipette is usually used to introduce the drug into the ear cavity. The drops are directed to the wall of the ear, then roll down to the eardrum.

An alternative use of the drug is a piece of gauze or a cotton swab soaked in a medicinal solution. The tampon is kept in the ear cavity for about 5 hours.


This remedy is prescribed to reduce pain. The main active ingredient of the drug is ofloxacin, which reduces inflammation. As a rule, the duration of treatment with Uniflox is 1.5 weeks. The drug must be dripped into the ear twice a day in the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.


Normax has an antimicrobial effect. Norfloxacin contained in the drug effectively fights the resulting inflammation. The dosage of the product is 2-3 drops every 2 hours. In any case, before use, you should consult your doctor.

Important Notes

The main symptom is thought to be pain. Therefore, some patients believe that treatment ends when pain disappears. Actually this is not true. Only a specialist can assess the condition of the ear and its components after using certain equipment.

It is very important to complete the treatment so that the disease does not develop into an acute form.. It is necessary to completely eliminate the inflammation and wait until the damaged tissue is completely healed.