Pain in the jaw joint near the ear treatment. Why does the cheekbone and jaw hurt near the ear on the left and right, it hurts to chew: causes, treatment

Quite often, due to pain in the jaw when opening the mouth and when chewing, the patient is completely confused and does not understand what caused it and where he needs to turn for help. It turns out that the appearance of such pain can be associated with a number of diseases - dental, neurological or even surgical.

The most common causes of jaw pain

Pain in the jaw when opening the mouth and chewing can occur due to diseases of the teeth and gums, inflammation of the facial and trigeminal nerves, injuries or damage to the temporomandibular joint.

Most often, this pain occurs when:

1. Jaw injuries– A strong blow, bad fall, car accident or other incident can cause traumatic damage to the joints or bones of the jaw. In case of a bruise, only the soft tissues of the jaw are damaged, the patient experiences swelling, hemorrhage at the site of impact, and slight pain occurs when chewing and opening the mouth. All symptoms go away on their own after 3-5 days. With dislocation and subluxation, the lower jaw “comes out” of the joint, the patient cannot close his mouth normally or feels severe pain when chewing, the jaw seems to be shifted to one side and to put it in place, the help of a traumatologist is needed. A jaw fracture is the most dangerous and severe injury, characterized by very severe pain, the patient cannot open his mouth, the lower part of the face swells, bruises or the site of the fracture are clearly visible on it. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, a jaw fracture can be treated, but even in the most favorable case, long-term treatment and care will be required.

2. Dental diseases– pulpitis, periodontitis and inflammation of the dental nerves are often accompanied by severe pain in the jaw when opening the mouth and chewing. Such diseases are characterized by constant aching, throbbing pain, intensifying at night, when chewing or hypothermia, as well as headaches and numbness of the lower part of the face. Untreated caries or pulpitis can cause the development of odontogenic osteomyelitis, an infectious disease of bone tissue. Inflammation in the bones of the lower or upper jaw is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a general deterioration in the patient's condition, severe pain in the jaw and headache, as well as redness and increased body temperature over the affected area. The diagnosis of odontogenic osteomyelitis is made on the basis of a dental examination, an X-ray of the jaws and a general blood test. When you first suspect osteomyelitis, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, since with this disease the infection enters the blood and can penetrate the brain.

3. Neurological diseases– pain in the jaw when chewing and opening the mouth can occur due to inflammation of the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal or superior laryngeal nerve. The cause of neuritis is most often hypothermia, especially prolonged exposure to strong winds - “drastically”. When the trigeminal nerve is damaged, the pain spreads throughout the face, the upper and lower jaw hurt on one side, the pain is burning, boring, it intensifies at night, when opening the mouth and hypothermia. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve is accompanied by severe pain in the lower jaw and below, only on one side, which occurs when chewing, swallowing, yawning, and so on. Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve is rare, and the patient feels severe pain in and along the tongue.

4. Inflammation of the facial artery– arteritis is a rare disease in which the patient experiences pain along the artery, accompanied by a burning sensation, numbness in the upper lip, chin, and so on.

5. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction– the masticatory muscle, which allows us to open and close our mouth and chew food, connects the bones of the skull with the lower jaw. Sometimes, when chewing too intensely, trying to open the mouth too wide, hypothermia, or improper bite, dysfunction of the joint occurs. This is accompanied by severe pain in the lower jaw, cheeks and temples, the pain intensifies when trying to open the mouth or chew, and every movement of the lower jaw is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation or click.

Pain when opening the mouth is a symptom that can occur due to various diseases: diseases of the teeth, gums, ENT organs, nervous system, as well as as a result of injuries. In this material we will talk about the causes of pain when opening the mouth in the jaw near the ear on the left and right sides.

Mechanism of occurrence and nature of pain

Pain when opening a person's mouth may indicate a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Depending on the intensity and duration of pain, there are:

  • acute pain - appears suddenly and stops just as suddenly;
  • chronic pain – worries a person constantly, fades away for a short time and quickly returns again.

Acute pain when opening the mouth can occur due to prolonged fixation of the mandibular joint in one position, for example, in a dental chair. In this case, fluid or blood accumulates in the jaw joint and any movement of the jaw causes severe pain. As a rule, to eliminate this pain, it is enough to reduce the load on the mandibular joint - stop chewing gum, and carefully open your mouth when yawning.

Chronic pain when opening the mouth, which bothers a person constantly or occurs for no apparent reason, can signal ongoing pathological processes in the jaw joint, for example, arthrosis. As a rule, such a disease develops due to the absence of lateral supporting teeth due to the increasing load on the bone and muscles.

Pain when opening the mouth can also occur due to diseases of the middle ear, and in young children - during teething.

Causes of pain when opening the mouth

There are many reasons for the development of pain in the jaw and mandibular joint, the most common of which are:

  • injuries and bruises to the jaw;
  • jaw fracture;
  • dislocation of the lower jaw;
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the mandibular joint;
  • arthritis of the mandibular joint;
  • chronic dental diseases, pulpitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of the tongue - glossitis;
  • oral stomatitis;
  • carbuncle or boil in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • oncological processes in the lower jaw.


The accompanying symptoms of pain when opening the mouth largely depend on the cause of the development of the pathology; let’s consider them in more detail.

Jaw injuries

A jaw contusion is the most common injury that causes severe pain with the slightest movement of the mouth. It is important to understand that a bruise is a violation of the integrity of soft tissues, without affecting the bone and the joint of the lower jaw.

A jaw bruise usually occurs as a result of a strong blow to the face or after a person falls on their face. The most common symptoms of a contusion of the lower jaw are:

  • pain when opening the mouth and making chewing movements;
  • hematoma in the chin and face;
  • impaired functioning of the jaw (impossibility of pronouncing sounds, pain when chewing, yawning and any manipulation that requires opening the mouth).

Jaw dislocation

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by displacement of the articular platforms relative to each other. A distinction is made between unilateral dislocation (when 1 joint is dislocated) and bilateral (when 2 joints are dislocated at the same time).

The causes of jaw dislocation are:

  • blows received in the face;
  • falling on your face;
  • excessively wide opening of the mouth, for example, when yawning, trying to bite off a large piece of food, yawning.

Dislocation of the lower jaw most often occurs in older people, which is associated with the anatomical features of the joints and ligaments, and is much less common in children.

Clinical symptoms of temporomandibular joint dislocation are:

  • severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint or on both sides in case of bilateral dislocation;
  • the mouth is constantly open, and any attempt to close it causes sharp pain in the victim;
  • salivation;
  • inability to speak normally.

In rare cases, chronic dislocations of the lower jaw may occur. This occurs against the background of spraining the ligaments that fix the joint, so subluxations can occur with any predisposing factor.

Jaw fracture

A fracture of the lower jaw differs from a bruise in the violation of the integrity of the bone tissue; in traumatology, the following types of this pathology are distinguished:

  • complete fracture with displacement of bone fragments;
  • partial fracture, incomplete without displacement (as a rule, these are cracks in the bone area).

A complete fracture of the jaw can be open - when the integrity of the facial tissues is broken, or closed - without damaging the skin of the face.

Clinical symptoms of a jaw fracture are:

  • sharp pain in the jaw area;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling of tissues, noticeable to the naked eye.

In case of a fracture of the upper jaw, the victim develops bloody bruises under the eyes within 1-2 hours, which is a consequence of hemorrhage from the bone into the tissue.

Osteomyelitis as a cause of pain when opening the mouth

Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory disease occurring in the bone marrow and periosteal tissues. The main reason for the development of this disease is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bone tissue of the jaw. There are different ways of penetration of bacteria:

  • through diseased teeth that have not been treated for a long time;
  • with blood flow from foci of infection (for example, as a result of boils and carbuncles);
  • as a result of injury and infection of the wound surface.

Depending on the prevalence of the pathological process, osteomyelitis can be limited (one or several teeth are affected) or diffuse (several parts of the jaw are affected).

Clinical symptoms of osteomyelitis are:

  • sudden increase in body temperature to 38.0-39.5 degrees;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • throbbing acute pain in the area of ​​​​localization of the inflammatory process;
  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • general weakness;
  • change in speech, slurring;
  • inability to swallow and eat;
  • swelling and sharp redness of the gums at the site of the lesion;
  • there is a discharge of pus between the affected tooth and gum;
  • enlargement and pain of large lymph nodes.


A boil is a purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. When several adjacent hair follicles are involved in the inflammatory process, they speak of a carbuncle. Favorite places for carbuncles and boils to be localized are the face and neck, since these places are most often exposed to contamination and microscopic damage (especially typical for women who squeeze out pimples or blackheads on their own at home). There are several reasons for the formation of carbuncles and boils on the body:

  • damage to the integrity of the skin and penetration of pathogenic bacteria with dirt;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • excessive oily skin;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and middle ear;
  • weak immunity.

Clinical symptoms of boils and carbuncles are:

  • difficulty opening the mouth – the patient experiences severe pain;
  • increase in body temperature (until the abscess breaks through);
  • swelling and sharp pain of tissue in the affected area;
  • headache and signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • sharp redness of the inflamed area - within a few days, a purulent “head” appears at the top of the swelling, from which a small amount of pus, lymph and blood is released.

Dental diseases

Pain when opening the mouth often occurs with advanced dental diseases, namely:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal abscess;
  • dental cyst;
  • tooth trauma – tooth fracture, gum bruise, tooth dislocation.

With dental diseases, the pain is usually so severe that it radiates to the ear, upper or lower jaw, or temple. Sometimes the patient himself cannot explain to the doctor where it hurts. The pain in most cases is sudden, throbbing in nature and appears mainly at night.

Neuralgia as a cause of pain when opening the mouth

Neuralgia is a disease that is characterized by damage to peripheral nerves, as a result of which a person experiences severe pain along the innervation of this nerve.

Pain when opening the mouth can be caused by neuralgia of the following nerves:

1. Trigeminal neuralgia - this nerve innervates the oral cavity and face and is anatomically divided into 3 branches - the orbital nerve, the maxillary and mandibular. As a result of damage to the maxillary and mandibular nerves, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to open his mouth. In most cases, pain occurs and intensifies at night and is similar in nature to a severe burning sensation. A sudden attack of pain occurs when there is a draft, washing the face with cold water, eating hot food, or touching the face. A few seconds before the onset of a painful attack, the patient experiences a sensation of “goosebumps” crawling across the face or itching of the facial skin.

2. Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve - when this nerve is inflamed, the pain takes on an acute pulsating character. Pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the lower jaw and larynx with irradiation to the ear, temple, and eye. During an attack of pain, the patient may experience a cough and a sore throat.

3. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - this nerve innervates the muscle responsible for raising the pharynx and parotid gland and provides taste sensitivity. When the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged, in addition to pain when opening the mouth, a person experiences pain in the throat, ear and lower jaw.

4. Neuralgia of the ear ganglion (node) - this node is affected as a result of complicated purulent otitis, sinusitis, periodontitis. A person experiences acute pain of a pulsating nature, radiating to the lower jaw, neck, and back of the head.

Methods for diagnosing pain when opening the mouth

To establish the exact cause of pain when opening the mouth, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination to the patient, which includes:

  • a thorough history taking - what triggered the pain, were there any facial injuries, did the teeth hurt, did the patient stay in a draft for a long time, etc.;
  • consultation with the necessary specialists – traumatologist, dentist, neurologist;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • X-ray of the jaw - helps to accurately identify the location of the inflammatory process and determine whether there is a fracture;
  • computed tomography – this study allows you to accurately identify the localization of the inflammatory process, structural features of the teeth and the condition of the periodontium, the condition of the maxillary sinuses.

Treatment of pain when opening the mouth

Treatment of pain when opening the mouth directly depends on the causes of its occurrence; this is presented in more detail in the table.

Cause of pain

How to treat?

Trauma to the face and jaw (bruise, fracture)

A fixing bandage is applied, analgesics are prescribed to eliminate pain, and a cold heating pad or ice pack is applied to relieve tissue swelling.

Dental diseases

Carious cavities are sanitized, cysts and abscesses are surgically removed, after which a course of antibiotics is required.


Injectable B vitamins, NSAIDs, antispasmodics, and antiviral drugs are prescribed. After significant improvement, physiotherapeutic treatment is added

Sinusitis, glossitis

Antibiotics, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, and general restorative drugs are prescribed

Middle ear diseases

Antibiotics, ear drops, painkillers, antipyretics if necessary


The prognosis for pain when opening the mouth is favorable if a person immediately consults a doctor and does not self-medicate. In the absence of timely medical care, the disease can progress, complications arise, which in the future can lead to disability of the patient.

When a person experiences discomfort or the jaw hurts near the left ear and it hurts to chew, then it is worth paying attention to the nature of the discomfort. Because this symptom can be caused by existing pathologies or a resulting illness that requires urgent examination and treatment.

It is also necessary to determine whether other symptoms are present.

Reasons for the manifestation of the symptom

In the case when the jaw begins to hurt on one side and radiates into the ear, you should speak about the presence of a possible disease:

  • Pathologies of the gums, maxillodental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint.
  • Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses.
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as the throat.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system of peripheral nature.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Pathologies of the gums, maxillodental apparatus and mandibular temporal joint interfere with the full functioning of the lower jaw on the right and left sides, and also cause discomfort to the ear.

As a rule, jaw problems are solved dentists and surgeons maxillofacial specialization, performing surgical treatment, eliminating abscesses, osteomyelitis and phlegmon of the jaw. These complications extending into the ear are noted due to the negative impact of diseased teeth.

Diseases of the air-circulating sinuses arise due to one inflammatory and advanced purulent process, tumors of the cavity of the bone process located behind the ear.

An otolaryngologist deals with this disease.

The inflammatory process in the tonsils and adjacent tissues, as well as an infection in the throat, is treated by an ENT doctor.

Problems with the nervous system of a special peripheral nature are provoked by irritation or prolonged inflammation of the nerve ganglia that accumulate the bodies and roots of nerve cells.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the lower jaw occurs simultaneously with the collection of infected lymph from the soft facial tissues, throat, nose and eyes.

It happens that they find themselves cancer cells, when malignant formations are located in the mucous membranes, soft tissues of the occipital and facial region, as well as in the bones.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the absence of deviations from the norm, the lymph nodes are not palpable, do not hurt, and do not cause harm to the ear.

Pain in the jaw on the left and right side

Discomfort in the jaw, depending on its location, may indicate the presence of various types of illness.

So, under the influence of diseases, it begins to hurt with:

  1. Left side.
  2. Right side.

Pain in the jaw on the left indicates the presence conditions of angina or heart attack. Because as a result of this type of pathology, blood circulation in the heart vessels is disrupted, which can cause pain behind the sternum and in the center of the chest. And in some cases, the pain radiates to the jaw on the left side.

Usually the right side of the jaw and ear begins to hurt due to the influence of infections and inflammatory processes or neoplasms. An exception may be an injury characterized by pain, bruising and swelling, which makes it difficult to open the mouth freely.

When an increase in body temperature appears and the jaw on the right begins to ache, then we should talk about the presence of a purulent area, caused by polio as a complication of tonsillitis or an illness of the lymph nodes of the submandibular nodes.

When the jaw hurts constantly, and the sensations have pulling properties, we should talk about the manifestation of formations.

Oncological factor

Pain on the right side of the jaw may occur due to malignant bone formation or osteogenic sarcoma.

Before the main symptoms appear, the sensitivity of the nerve processes decreases, and significant numbness is noted. As this disease progresses, the jaw bones and joints begin to ache with numbness.

A person may be in pain due to the presence of a benign tumor - atheroma. It is caused by one lump near the ear, or rather, behind it. This fact occurs due to the growth of the lymph node and, at the time of palpation, resembles a moving ball with a dense structure.

In most cases, the formation does not pose a threat, but at the same time it can become inflamed, painful and fester.

This effect is demonstrated by intense long-term pain near the ear, deterioration of the patient’s general condition - fever and headache.

Basically, the skin near the lymph node becomes red and, in the absence of adequate treatment, the infection from the pus can spread throughout the body, causing blood poisoning.

When a patient experiences unpleasant sensations in a lump, otitis media is often diagnosed - a process of inflammation of the outer or inner ear. In this case, there is a need to see an otolaryngologist.

Pain while chewing

When your jaw begins to hurt when chewing or opening your mouth, you need to think about the likelihood of jaw dislocation or the presence of a disease such as osteomyelitis.

Other ailments with similar symptoms include:

  • Periodontitis.
  • Caries accompanied by inflammation of the nerve ending.
  • Pulp damage.

As a rule, a person begins to experience a throbbing jaw ache with an increase in sensations at night.

Methods for solving the problem

When the true cause of pain in the jaw near the ear on the right or left side is established, the doctor prescribes treatment appropriate to the specific case.

For example, with the identification of the following diseases and the action of certain factors:

  • Cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis.
  • Pain from wearing leveling braces.
  • Problematic wisdom tooth.
  • Pain resulting from wearing dentures.

When a cyst, periodontitis or pulpitis is diagnosed, the necessary surgical intervention is performed. Several days after the operation, during which source of pain eliminated, and the discomfort should completely disappear simultaneously with the healing of the surgical wound.

Pain in the jaw and ear that occurs from wearing leveling braces is considered normal until a certain time, because correcting the bite should be accompanied by pain in the jaw and near the ear. In this case, the dentist can only slightly loosen or tighten the locks and prescribe painkillers to relieve the symptom.

The patient has to wait until the alignment process is completely completed.

In a situation in which a wisdom tooth has moved to the side or inward as it grows, it is customary to remove it. And if this is not done, then in the future it will constrain the adjacent teeth and injure soft tissue, which will lead to increased pain.

The removal operation is performed under local anesthesia. After its implementation, as a rule, there are no complications if you follow the doctor’s recommendations.

In cases where the jaw and the area near the ear begins to hurt due to wearing dentures, the doctor makes the required adjustment. You should not endure the pain, because in any case it is important to visit the dentist from time to time for examination and appropriate therapy.

When pain in the jaw when chewing takes you by surprise, the need to take painkillers comes to the fore. In most cases, the pain syndrome is well relieved and therefore forgotten quite quickly. However, the real problem can lie low for a while and at an opportune moment make itself known.

Thus, soreness in the jaw area can be regarded as the result of awkward movements while eating. You should not find an excuse for a subsided illness; it is better to once again visit a qualified doctor and find out the cause of the discomfort. Only the attending physician will be able to recognize or exclude the disease, give recommendations or prescribe treatment.

It is important to understand that early diagnosis reduces the risk of possible complications and guarantees a favorable outcome of the pathological condition. Because the jaw bone can become ill for several reasons, it is worthwhile to dwell on each of them in more detail.

In the first place as possible causes of pain in the projection of the jaw bone is injury. As a rule, mechanical damage manifests itself quite quickly. A dislocation can cause sudden movement in the joint. A bruise is often the result of either accidental or intentional injury. As for cracks and fractures of the jaw, their implementation must be preceded by strong external influence. In all cases, the jaw hurts when opening the mouth, and clenching the teeth is much easier.

Dangerous inflammatory processes

Osteomyelitis is a serious disease of bone tissue, characterized by suppuration and decay of hard structures. Because the lesion spreads quickly, the surrounding soft tissues are also involved in the pathological process.

Cellulitis is an insidious pathological condition that can lead to serious consequences. Since inflammation spreads through blood vessels, it is almost impossible to stop without the intervention of a specialist.

An abscess is a closed cavity with purulent contents, which under certain conditions is ready to come out. You should not wait until the “bag” of pus opens and saturates nearby tissues with pathological exudate. Thus, the spread of infection can lead to serious complications.

Bite defect as a source of pain

An incorrect bite not only makes significant adjustments to the aesthetics of a smile, but also becomes a stumbling block when eating. Teeth that are unevenly positioned in relation to each other naturally lead to disruption of the digestion process already at the initial stage. Some foods are completely excluded from the diet because they are difficult to chew.

Therefore, often when clenching the jaws, pain occurs due to a clear discrepancy between the upper and lower dentition.

The unpleasant pain subsides immediately after the pressure on the curved tooth surfaces ceases.

Orthodontic structures and pain

As a rule, the process of getting used to braces or dentures proceeds completely differently in patients. In most cases, the adaptation period takes up to three weeks. But often, when wearing a “foreign body” inside the oral cavity, pain occurs, which may indicate correction of the bite if it is defective or the grinding of dentures to the patient’s gums.

This kind of unpleasant sensation can more likely be attributed to temporary discomfort rather than to painful adaptation. As is known, patients perceive even filling material for some time as a hindrance in the oral cavity.

Joint pain

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in most cases becomes a real problem. Patients make every effort to unclench their jaws, but their mouth does not want to open.

Arthritis signals itself by characteristic swelling (swelling) of the joint and pain of varying intensity. When opening the mouth, it is obvious that the patient cannot move the lower jaw in full.

Arthrosis is characterized by peculiar movements of the jaws, similar to a zigzag. It seems that when moving, both jaws live a separate life. At the same time, patients note that their ear hurts, and less often their cheekbone.

Ankylosis of the jaw joint develops gradually, so pain in the jaw and around the ear should not be ignored by specialists. And pronounced stiffness of movement or complete blocking of the TMJ requires immediate help from specialized specialists.

Often, advanced forms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with pain syndrome are the result of patients’ negligent attitude towards their health.

Jaw pain due to neuralgia

Pinched or inflamed nerve endings usually lead to shooting pains that can radiate to the cheekbone, temple, or even the back of the head. The patient complains of constant discomfort when opening his mouth, because any movement provokes “lumbago.”

If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth due to neuralgia, it is important to seek qualified medical help. Advanced forms of neuralgia are fraught with serious complications.

Pain during tumor process

Neoplasms that can remain silent for a long time can be benign or malignant. In most cases, tumors develop asymptomatically until they compress nerve endings and neighboring organs and tissues. If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth, the pathological formation has probably already penetrated into the depths of the nervous tissue.

Adamantioma is a neoplasm characterized by relatively rapid growth. The characteristic protrusion of the jaw bone develops gradually. This suggests that there is too little room for the tumor to grow further. If your jaw hurts when you open your mouth, bone destruction may progress and at the same time compression of soft tissues, nerve endings and blood vessels occurs.

Osteoblastoclastoma is distinguished by its insidious character. During the onset of the tumor, the patient does not make any complaints regarding the facial area. Over time, the aching pain turns into acute pain, which means that the process has already affected the nerves and surrounding tissues.

As for malignant neoplasms, they even prefer to lead a secret lifestyle. Cancer is often discovered quite late, because the patient did not seek qualified help at the first sensation of pain. Most patients associate pain with dental problems, so they relieve the pain syndrome on their own and prefer to forget about it. Meanwhile, cancer slowly but surely attacks healthy cells and covers large areas.

Important questions

If your jaw hurts near your ear, what should you do? It is important to consider that pain in the ear area or just below can be a manifestation of both a disease of the ENT organs (otitis) and pain dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

What should you do if your jaw hurts when you chew and when you open your mouth? Any pain in the jaw while eating should not be ignored. Constant pain against the background of painkillers can subside only for a while, and then return with a vengeance. And with a low pain threshold, you won’t be allowed to live in peace at all.

Why does my jaw hurt near my ear? It is important to note that pain in the jaw near the ear is most often associated with ear pathology. Thus, temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome can hide its face.

How to treat pain syndrome of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with folk remedies? It is important to know that if the jaw joint near the ear hurts, treatment should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Uncontrolled therapy can lead to irreversible functional impairment.

Bol in the jaw in the projection of the ear- a syndrome that can characterize the occurrence of various nosological units. Inflammatory and/or traumatic genesis, as a rule, is the cause of pain.

Pain itself is an adaptation mechanism that is designed to ensure the constancy of homeostasis and prevent the continued action of the inflammatory factor. A large number of inflammatory mediators are produced, which localize the process and prevent it from becoming systemic.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of pain in the jaw and ear has a number of causes associated with organic tissue pathology or a traumatic factor.

Conventionally, it can be divided into several reasons:

  • Acute inflammatory diseases.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Neuritis and neuropathies.

Acute inflammatory diseases

Occur when a foreign infectious agent is introduced. Once in the body, it initiates the onset of a local inflammatory reaction. The main targets are the salivary glands, tonsils and lymph nodes.

Immune cells- the host, determine the infection and promote the production of a large number of special proteins - mediators of inflammation.

Under their influence, blood migrates with the formation of areas of hyperemia. The fluid, rich in proteins and plasma enzymes, rushes to the site of inflammation. It performs the function of eliminating foreign cells. The functioning of the cellular apparatus is restructured to create a capsular barrier in the cytoplasmic membrane.

For inflammation of the tonsils– pain in the ear and upper corner of the lower jaw may indicate a complication of the process and the formation of a peritonsillar abscess.


  • General weakness.
  • Sweating.
  • Increasing temperature.
  • Congestion in the ears.
  • Pain when opening the mouth.
  • Sharp pain when swallowing.

Accompanied by severe pain, which is located in the parotid space.


  • Swelling of the skin near the ear.
  • Sharp pain when touched.
  • Pain when opening the mouth and chewing.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Chills.
  • General weakness.

Inflammation, is a concomitant disease with many other diseases and practically does not occur independently. Symptoms are determined by the underlying disease.

May be:

  • Pain when opening the mouth.
  • Soreness when touched.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Swelling of soft tissues.

If one of the symptoms occurs, you should consult your doctor.

Chronic inflammatory diseases

They are the result of incompletely treated acute diseases and are not fundamentally different from them.

The nature of the course of the chronic process is based on a number of features different from the acute course, such as:

  • Persistent symptoms.
  • The pain syndrome is poorly treatable.
  • The nature of the pain changed from acute to aching and dull.
  • As the pathological process progresses, organ failure increases in the organs involved in the work with atrophy of their functions.

In order to prevent chronicity of the acute process, it is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen and consult a doctor if the condition worsens. It is necessary to modify daily activities to alleviate the condition.


Exposure to mechanical, thermal or chemical factors can cause pain.

Mechanical factor

Mechanical injury is one of the most common causes of jaw pain.

Main cases:

  • Hit- short-term, forceful impact on soft tissues, with micro-ruptures of blood vessels.
  • Shake- a traumatic event that occurs during forceful inertial movement.
  • Stretching- excessive stretching of elastic structures, with their traumatization.
  • Severance of muscles and ligaments- separation of muscles and ligaments, against the background of increased mechanical action. The main site of avulsion, the place of attachment of the aponeurosis to the head of the bone.

Chemical and thermal factor

When exposed to low or high temperatures, acids and alkalis, a burn of the skin occurs with damage to the neurons of the skin, followed by disruption of the passage of the pain impulse or excessive irritation of the neuron

Neuritis and neuropathies

Inflammation of the nerves that innervate the muscles and ligaments of the maxillofacial area can cause pain.

The most common lesions:

  1. Neuritis of the facial nerve - generally begins with the capture of the arch of the lower jaw.
  2. Trigeminal neuritis - inflammation and disruption of nerve impulse transmission, with the subsequent appearance of pain, occurs in the 2nd and 3rd branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  3. Neuritis of the external nerve of the mandible - mainly manifests itself as numbness of the lower jaw, pain rarely occurs.

The cause of the pain syndrome must be determined by a doctor. Self-examination and further treatment are not recommended.

Pain in the jaw on the left and right side

As a rule, the causes of pain on the right or left are identical to each other. The anatomical structure is the same and it all depends on which side the inflammation will occur or a traumatic factor will be applied.

But still, differences do occur and relate to highly specific systems that are located outside the cervicofacial region.

Pain on the left

These include:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck and lower jaw
  • Inflammation of the salivary glands.
  • Injuries.
  • Neuritis.
  • Inflammatory process in the auditory canal.

Narrowly specific causes of pain on the left side of the jaw include:

  1. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and upper jaw.
  2. Heart disease (with myocardial infarction or an attack of angina, radiating pain occurs in the left arm, lower jaw on the left).
  3. Diseases of the pancreas (irradiation of pain to the neck, lower jaw).
  4. Obliterating atherosclerosis of the brachycephalic arteries.

Pain on the right

Main types of disorder:

  • Inflammatory process in the salivary glands.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Carious teeth.
  • Pulpitis.
  • Diseases of the auditory canal.
  • Neuritis and neuropathies of the cervicofacial nerves.

Narrowly specific reasons:

  1. Acute or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (irradiation of pain to the lower jaw on the right).
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus.

All these symptoms are equally valid for both sides and should be analyzed and differentially diagnosed by a doctor.

Oncological factor

If pain in the jaw and ear occurs, it is necessary to exclude a malignant neoplasm.

The main places of growth of sarcoma:

  • Lymph nodes.
  • Salivary glands and ducts.
  • Bones.

The main clinical symptom consists of alternating changes in its two important components:

  1. Numbness.
  2. Pain.
  • Numbness- decreased sensitivity of the skin at the site of the oncological process.
    At the very beginning, connective tissue grows, which compresses the receptors and nerves. As the tumor grows, the greatest disruption of the nerve impulse occurs.
  • Pain, occurs when the tumor grows excessively and invades the surrounding spaces. As a rule, at this stage it is detected visually.

It is necessary to establish the type of tumor growth cells; for this, the affected tissue is taken and examined by a morphologist.
Establishing the type of flow is one of the main tasks. Her decision will determine the patient’s management tactics and raise the issue of starting chemotherapy courses.

Pain while chewing

The occurrence of this symptom may indicate a pathological process in the lower jaw, chewing joint or in the structure of the teeth and gums.

The most common causes of pain when chewing:

  1. Tooth caries.
  2. Insufficiency of the jaw joint of the lower jaw.
  3. Injury.
  • Carious process, destroys the enamel surface of the tooth, exposing the nerve endings. When eating, they are irritated and a pain impulse passes through the lower branches of the trigeminal nerve, causing severe pain.
  • Insufficiency of the mandibular joint, manifests itself in its insufficient mechanical activity. Its functional work is disrupted.
  • Injuries, cause an acute pathological process and pain syndrome.

Pain in the jaw when opening the mouth

The most common causes of pain when opening the mouth include:

  • Injuries of the lower and upper jaw (fractures, dislocations, ruptures of muscles and ligaments).
  • Diseases of the teeth and gums (caries, periodontitis, pulpitis).
  • Disturbances in the metabolic and functional system of the upper jaw joint of the lower and upper jaw.
  • Oncological diseases (malignant and benign tumors).
  • Inflammation of the facial nerves (neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerves).
  • Diseases of the hearing aid (otitis media).

If you experience pain when opening your mouth, you should consult a doctor. For many diseases, the clinical picture is similar and the question of in-depth differential diagnosis arises.

Treatment methods

Treatment should be comprehensive and begin immediately after a preliminary diagnosis is made.

The following groups of drugs are mainly used:

  1. NSAIDs- are designed to alleviate the painful period and act on the process of inflammation, pathogenetically. Reduce the activity of inflammatory mediators and enhance cellular metabolism.
  2. Muscle relaxants- release pinched nerves, thereby improving the conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve trunk.
  3. Antiplatelet agents and metabolites- reduce platelet aggregation, improving blood flow in the vessels. They enhance metabolism, promoting the reparative function of the body.
  4. Antidepressants- increasing the release of serotonin and endorphin, reducing anxiety associated with pain.
  • In case of injuries and ruptures of muscles and ligaments, the question arises about the advisability of surgical intervention.
  • In case of fractures, skeletal traction and long-term fixation of bone fragments are performed.
  • Broken connective structures are stitched together.

How to relieve pain at home?

If acute pain in the jaw occurs and it is impossible to urgently get to a medical facility, it is necessary to perform the following manipulations:

  • Stop speech activity in order to prevent possible complications.
  • Use dry ice after wrapping it in a thin cloth. Apply to the area of ​​pain.
  • Take one tablet of the available painkillers and write down the name of the drug on paper (do not use analgin, only if there are no other painkillers for severe pain).
  • Seek help from the doctor on duty at the clinic or hospital emergency room.
  • In case of a fracture or dislocation, it is strictly forbidden to reset bone fragments or joints on your own.

If pain occurs in the jaw and ear, self-medication is strictly not recommended.