Azopyram alcohol solution. Azopyram - instructions, use, storage

In medical institutions, careful processing of instruments is a prerequisite, for which there is a certain technology and standards. In addition, there are methods that are designed to check the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments. For example, the azopyram test, which is carried out to check for the presence of dirt on surfaces of residual blood contamination, namely the presence of hemoglobin. In addition, this testing method allows you to find residues of oxidizing agents, chlorine-containing agents, washing powder and rust.

What is Azopyram?

This is a reagent that is used to detect hidden traces of blood not only on the surface of medical instruments, but also on any products that have undergone pre-sterilization cleaning. If the preparation was carried out poorly, then these residues are detected.

Almost every person knows that any product that has had contact with a wound surface or blood, mucous membrane, or injection drugs must undergo a sterilization procedure. It is Azopyram that can determine the quality of preparation for sterilization.

In addition, this reagent is used in medical laboratories to diagnose hidden bleeding during urine and stool tests.

The composition of "Azopyram" includes:

  • amidopyrine;
  • aniline hydrochloride.

These substances are presented in isopropyl alcohol.

Preparation of the solution

Before performing an azopyram test, you must first prepare a solution with this reagent. To do this, you need to mix all the components of the reagent in the following proportions:

  • amidopyrine – 100 g;
  • analine hydrochloride – 1-1.5 g;

Add ethyl alcohol 95% concentration to the required volume (about 1 l).

Combine the resulting liquid with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. This liquid is called the working solution. It is they who carry out the azopyram test, the technique of which is described below.

This product must be prepared immediately before the test. It must be used within two hours after mixing the components. If you ignore this rule and use a solution that has been stored for a long time, the reagent will change its color and its effectiveness will be negligible. Moreover, when the temperature in the room where the reagent is stored is above 25 degrees, it turns pink much faster.

It is worth remembering that moderate yellowing of this product during storage is allowed, but only if there is no sediment.

How to check the suitability of a solution?

When storing the drug for a long time, there is a need to check its suitability before direct use. Before making an azopyram test on the surface, 2-3 drops of the solution are applied to the visible blood stain. If within 60 seconds it turns purple, which gradually turns blue, we can safely say that the reagent is completely suitable for use. If no purple coloration occurs within 1 minute, then this solution cannot be used, since it will not show the correct result.

Azopyram test: technique of execution

To carry out the test, the surface to be tested (must be smooth) must be wiped with a napkin, which has previously been moistened in the Azopyram working solution. If the product being examined has any indentations or roughness, the product is used in the form of a drop (about 2-3 drops of the working solution). This is necessary to ensure that the product passes through all channels and joints of the parts of the product under study.

After applying the product to the surface, you must wait about 1 minute. During this time, the solution is allowed to drain onto a clean white napkin (this condition is one of the most important), based on the stains on which the conclusion is made. The result, which is obtained after 1 minute, has no diagnostic value, and therefore is not taken into account.

Azoperam test for checking needles, catheters, syringes is carried out as follows:

  • The working solution (with hydrogen peroxide) is drawn into the syringe;
  • It is necessary to move the piston several times, which will completely wet the surface inside the syringe;
  • leave the reagent for 30-50 seconds;
  • After this time, displace the solution onto cotton wool or a white napkin.

Based on stains on a napkin or cotton wool, conclusions are drawn about the presence of contamination.

Azopyram test: evaluation of the result

If there are traces of blood on the surface of the test product, after 1 minute a purple color will appear, which after a few seconds turns into pinkish-blue.

If the coloring has a brownish tint, then we can conclude that there is rust and chlorine-containing oxidizers on the surface. Pink color indicates the presence of detergents.

Basic rules for conducting a test

The azopyram test, the algorithm for which is described above, may give a false result. To prevent this from happening, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Coloring that occurred later than 1 minute after treatment is not taken into account when analyzing the results.
  2. The temperature of the products being tested must be at room temperature. Samples of hot objects are not allowed.
  3. Do not keep the working solution (with hydrogen peroxide) in bright light or in a room with high temperature.
  4. The Azopyram working solution must be used within two hours, the preparatory solution can be stored at room temperature for 1 month, and when kept in a refrigerator - for 2 months. The container with the solution should be hermetically sealed, and the glass should be dark.
  5. After testing, the remaining solution must be removed, regardless of the result. To do this, objects must be washed with water or wiped with a swab, which has been previously moistened with water or alcohol. After this, it is necessary to repeat the pre-sterilization treatment.

The results of all tests performed are recorded in a special PSO quality log. If the examination shows the presence of contamination, the entire batch of instruments must be reprocessed.

Instructions for using a set of reagents for quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices (cat. no. b-50101)


The kit is designed to detect blood residues, traces of rust, washing powder with bleaches, oxidizing agents (chloramine, bleach, chrome mixture, etc.), peroxidases of plant origin (plant residues) and acids on medical products when monitoring the quality of their pre-sterilization cleaning in medical - preventive institutions, sanitary-epidemiological and disinfection stations.

The kit is designed to prepare 200 ml of working reagent.


Amidopyrine, 1ph…………………………………….10g

2. Aniline hydrochloride, stabilizer, 1f……………10ml

Additional reagents

3% (pharmacy) hydrogen peroxide, ethyl alcohol (not included in the kit).


Sensitivity - a positive reaction is observed when blood is diluted by at least 100,000 times.


The reagents included in azopyram and its solutions should be stored in tightly closed containers, separate from food products, medications, disinfectants, strong acids and alkalis. Solutions of aniline and azopyram are flammable because They contain alcohol, so they should not be allowed to come into contact with open flames or hot surfaces of heating devices. If reagents come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, wash them off under running water. When working with perhydrol, you should use rubber gloves.


1. Preparation of an alcohol solution of azopyram

Dissolve the contents of the bottle with aniline hydrochloride and stabilizer in 60-70 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol, increase the volume with ethyl alcohol to 100 ml. Azopyram solution can be stored in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place at 2-8*C for no more than 2 months, at room temperature for no more than 1 month. Moderate yellowing of the solution during storage without precipitation does not impair its working quality.

2. Preparation of the working reagent Immediately before work, mix equal volumes of solutions of azopyram and 3% hydrogen peroxide. The working reagent can be used for 2 hours after preparation.


Treat the test products with the working reagent: wipe with swabs soaked in the reagent, or apply a few drops of the reagent to the test products using a pipette.

Take 3-4 drops of the reagent into the syringes and move the piston several times in order to moisten the inner surface of the syringe with the reagent, especially the junction of glass and metal, where blood most often remains. Leave the reagent in the syringe for 1 minute, then squeeze it onto a gauze pad.

When checking the quality of needle cleaning, draw the reagent into a clean, corrosion-free syringe and, successively changing the needles, pass the reagent through them, squeezing 2 drops onto a gauze pad.

The quality of cleaning boats or other hollow products can be assessed by introducing the reagent into the products or a pipette. Leave the reagent inside the product for 1 minute and then pour it onto a gauze pad. The amount of reagent introduced into the product depends on the size of the product.

1% of simultaneously processed products of the same name, but not less than 3-5 products, are subject to control.

In the presence of traces of blood or other contaminants, no later than 1 minute after the reagent contacts the contaminated area, a purple color appears, turning into pink. o - lilac or brownish color.

Coloring that occurs later than 1 minute after processing the test items is not taken into account.

After testing, regardless of its results, you should remove the remaining reagents from the test products by washing them abundantly with water or wiping them with a swab, and then repeat the pre-sterilization cleaning of these products.


1. A brownish color is observed when there is rust or chlorine-containing oxidizers on the objects under study; in other cases, the color is pink-lilac.

2. To protect azopyram from nonspecific oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, it contains a stabilizer, in the presence of which a slight yellowish color may appear in the azopyram working reagent, which does not interfere with the determination of contaminants.

3. Aniline hydrochloride with a stabilizer during long-term storage may acquire a yellow or brown tint, which does not impair the performance of the kit.

4. The suitability of the azopyram working reagent can be checked in the following way: apply 2-3 drops of the solution to the bloody spot. If, later than after 1 minute, a violet color appears, which then turns into a lilac color, the reagent is suitable for use; if color does not appear within 1 minute, the reagent cannot be used (most likely, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is less than 3%)

Friends, we have made another useful video for you about the azopyram test. It is without sound, so it is equally important to watch the video and read the text below.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask in the comments.

What is an azopyram test?

This is a way to check the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning (PSC) of instruments. Simply put, we check whether traces of blood and biological fluids remain on the instruments even after PSO.

If the instrument is not cleaned properly, the azopyram working solution will turn purple. If PSO is carried out well, the solution will not change color.

Who needs to know this?

Cosmetologists, manicurists and pedicurists and, of course, workers in medical institutions. Anyone who, when working with tools, can damage the client’s skin.

How to conduct a test correctly?

Step 1.Preparation of working solution.

There are two options.

The first is the preparation of an azopyram sample from dry reagents.

To do this, you need to mix all the components of the reagent in the following proportions:

  • amidopyrine – 100 g;
  • analine hydrochloride – 1-1.5 g,
  • Add ethyl alcohol 95% concentration to the required volume (about 1 l).
  • Combine the resulting liquid with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.

The finished liquid is called the working solution.

The solution is prepared immediately before testing and used within two hours after mixing the components. Otherwise, the sample efficiency will be zero.

If the reagent is stored in a room where the air temperature is above 25 degrees, it will turn pink faster.

The finished solution may turn yellow, this is acceptable if there is no sediment.

This solution preparation option is suitable for institutions that have a medical license and carry out medical activities.

According to SanPiN 2631-10, the use of alcohol is prohibited at public service enterprises, so you should use the second option.

The second option is to use a ready-made “Azopyram-Kit”.

This kit will greatly facilitate the preparation of an azopyram sample. The set contains only two bottles of reagents. The reagent from the small bottle must be poured into a large bottle. The result is a ready-made solution of azopyram.

Step 2. Adding hydrogen peroxide.

To perform an azopyram test, you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Using a pipette, apply three drops of the prepared working solution of azopyram test and three drops of hydrogen peroxide onto a clean napkin.

Step3. Conducting a test.

We wipe the cutting elements of the instrument or those parts of it that come into contact with biological fluids or blood with a napkin. In the video, we took tweezers as an example.

If the tool has grooves or roughness (for example, cutters, and in our case it is a Uno spoon), the product is used in the form of drops. To do this, we will mix Azopyram with 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal parts and apply 2-3 drops to the instrument with a pipette. This is necessary so that the solution passes through all channels and joints of the tool parts.

After applying the product you need to wait 1 minute. During this time, the solution is allowed to drain onto a clean white napkin (this condition is one of the most important).

We will see the test results on a napkin in a minute. The result obtained after a longer time has no diagnostic value.

If the PSO was carried out poorly, and there are traces of blood or biological fluid on the instruments, after a minute a purple spot will appear on the napkin, and after a few seconds it will turn pinkish-blue.

If the stain on the napkin has a brown tint, it means there is rust or chlorine-containing oxidizers on the instruments. Pink color indicates the presence of detergents.

In our case, the reagent did not give positive results, so we believe that the instrument passed the PSA and there is no need to carry it out again.

To assess the quality of PSO, at least 1% of the instrument that has undergone a simultaneous cleaning procedure is taken. In the beauty industry, for a simpler count, at least three tools are taken from one batch.

How to check the suitability of a solution?

If the drug is stored for a long time, its suitability should be checked before use. Before making an azopyram test on the surface, 2-3 drops of the solution are applied to the blood stain. If within 60 seconds it turns purple, then the reagent is suitable for use. If coloring does not occur, then this solution cannot be used.

Several important rules for conducting an azopyram test:

  • Coloring that occurs later than one minute after treatment is not taken into account when analyzing the results;
  • The temperature of the instruments being examined must be at room temperature. Samples of hot objects are not allowed;
  • Do not keep the working solution (with hydrogen peroxide) in bright light or in a room with high temperature;
  • The Azopyram working solution must be used within two hours, the preparatory solution can be stored at room temperature for one month, in the refrigerator for two months.
  • The container with the solution must be hermetically sealed and the glass must be dark.
  • After testing, the remaining solution must be removed from the instrument, regardless of the result. To do this, items should be rinsed with water or wiped with a swab moistened with water or alcohol. After this, if necessary, repeat the pre-sterilization treatment or carry out sterilization.
  • The results of all tests performed are recorded in a special PSO quality log. If the examination shows the presence of contamination, the entire batch of instruments must be reprocessed.

You can purchase Azopyram-Komplekt, as well as PSO quality control logs

Production: Russia

Indications for use: According to the instructions, Azopyram is intended to detect traces of blood, acids, rust, chlorine oxidizers, washing powder, plant residues on medical products in order to control the quality of their pre-sterilization cleaning in medical institutions, sanitary-epidemiological and disinfection stations. Medical instruments using Azopyram should be checked once a week.

The contents of the bottle with aniline and stabilizer are dissolved in 60 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol, after which the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 ml with ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. The Azopyram working solution, intended for direct testing of the quality of cleaning of medical equipment, is prepared as follows: equal parts of the drug and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution are mixed.

When using Azopyram Kit, no additional alcohol is needed. Simply pour the aniline solution into a container with amidopyrine solution - and the drug will be ready for use.

Before using Azopyram working solution, a test for its suitability must be carried out. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of the solution to the bloody stain. If a pink-violet color of the spot appears within a minute, the reagent is considered suitable for use. If there are traces of rust and chlorine-containing oxidizers on the surfaces and objects being examined, a brownish rather than lilac color is observed. The instructions for Azopyram indicate that if coloring does not appear during a test test or appears after 1 minute, the solution cannot be used.

The test products are wiped with swabs soaked in Azopyram working solution, or a few drops of the reagent are applied directly to the product with a pipette.

When checking reusable syringes, take 3-4 drops of solution into them and move the piston several times to moisten the inner surface of the product with the reagent, especially the places where the glass comes into contact with the metal. The solution is left in the syringe for one minute, after which it is squeezed onto a napkin.

When checking the quality of needle cleaning, the drug is drawn into a clean, corrosion-free syringe. Consistently changing the needles, the reagent is passed through each of them, squeezing 2-3 drops onto a gauze pad.

The quality of cleaning of catheters and other hollow products is assessed by injecting Azopyram solution into the products. The reagent is left for 1 minute, after which it is poured onto a gauze pad. The amount of drug introduced into the product depends on its size.

As a rule, 1% of simultaneously processed instruments of the same type are subject to control (at least 3-5 products). After the procedure, regardless of its results, the remaining solution should be removed from the products by wiping them with a swab or rinsing them abundantly with water, and then repeat the pre-sterilization cleaning.

Special instructions: Moderate yellowing of the kit reagents (without precipitation) does not in any way reduce its quality. When checking medical instruments, they must be at room temperature. Do not test hot products, and do not use the solution near heating devices. The working solution (Azopyram-Kit reagents + 3% hydrogen peroxide) should not be kept in bright light and can only be used for 2 hours. The drug is able to retain its properties after freezing and subsequent thawing.

Azopyram is a drug designed to detect hidden traces of blood and other substances on medical instruments. It is used to control the thoroughness of pre-sterilization cleaning of all medical instruments that come into contact with the surface of wounds that come into contact with blood or injectable drugs. It can also detect traces of rust, acids and bleaches.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced by the manufacturer in two dosage forms: in the form of a powder concentrate (Azopyram SK) and in the form of ready-made alcohol solutions of reagents (Azopyram Kit).

The composition of the drug Azopyram SK includes a bottle with amidopyrine weighing 10 g and a bottle with aniline hydrochloric acid with a volume of 10 ml.

Azopyram The kit includes ready-made alcohol solutions of aniline (10 ml) and amidopyrine (90 ml).

One set is enough for an average of 2000 reactions (with a working solution consumption of 2 drops per reaction).


Used to detect traces of blood, rust, acids, oxidizing agents (bleach, chloramine, chrome mixture, etc.), plant residues and washing powder with bleaches on medical products as part of quality control of their pre-sterilization cleaning in medical institutions, disinfection and sanitary and epidemiological stations.

Monitoring of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments using Azopyram solution should be carried out in medical institutions at least once a week.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

The contents of the bottle with aniline and stabilizer are dissolved in 60 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol, after which the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 ml with ethyl alcohol. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. The Azopyram working solution, intended for direct testing of the quality of cleaning of medical equipment, is prepared as follows: equal parts of the drug and a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution are mixed.

When using Azopyram Kit, no additional alcohol is needed. Simply pour the aniline solution into a container with amidopyrine solution - and the drug will be ready for use.

Before using the working solution, be sure to test its suitability. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of the solution to the bloody stain. If a pink-violet color of the spot appears within a minute, the reagent is considered suitable for use. If there are traces of rust and chlorine-containing oxidizers on the surfaces and objects being examined, a brownish rather than lilac color is observed. If coloring does not appear during a test test or appears after 1 minute, the solution cannot be used.

The test products are wiped with swabs soaked in the working solution, or a few drops of the reagent are applied directly to the product with a pipette.

When checking reusable syringes, take 3-4 drops of solution into them and move the piston several times to moisten the inner surface of the product with the reagent, especially the places where the glass comes into contact with the metal. The solution is left in the syringe for one minute, after which it is squeezed onto a napkin.

When checking the quality of needle cleaning, the drug is drawn into a clean, corrosion-free syringe. Consistently changing the needles, the reagent is passed through each of them, squeezing 2-3 drops onto a gauze pad.

The quality of cleaning of catheters and other hollow products is assessed by injecting Azopyram solution into the products. The reagent is left for 1 minute, after which it is poured onto a gauze pad. The amount of drug introduced into the product depends on its size.

As a rule, 1% of simultaneously processed instruments of the same type are subject to control (at least 3-5 products). After the procedure, regardless of its results, the remaining solution should be removed from the products by wiping them with a swab or rinsing them abundantly with water, and then repeat the pre-sterilization cleaning.

special instructions

The solution can only be used for processing medical instruments and items for professional use. The drug is not intended for use for medicinal purposes. All products undergoing the inspection procedure must be at room temperature.

Solutions of azopyram and aniline are flammable, since they contain ethyl alcohol, so they should not come into contact with hot surfaces of heating devices or open fire. The working solution must be used within two hours, after which it becomes unusable.

If reagents come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, the affected area is thoroughly washed with running water.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Azopyram SK can be stored in its original packaging at a temperature of 18-25°C for two years.

Azopyram Kit is stored in a tightly closed bottle in a cool, dark place for no more than two months, and at room temperature for no more than a month. A slight yellowing of the solution without precipitation does not affect its working quality.

The reagents included in Azopyram SK and Azopyram Kit should be stored in tightly closed containers, separately from other medications, food, disinfectants, strong alkalis and acids.