Inexpensive ear drops for children. Chronic and acute otitis media

Drugs local action, which are used for ear diseases in children, are widespread. Many of them are dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Dangerous and serious illnesses Hearing problems in children must be treated with medications for internal and parenteral (injection) use. These include mainly antibacterial agents.

Use of ear drops for otitis media:

The most common ear diseases in children are otitis media, which come in three types:




The most justified use ear drops with otitis, or rather with its external form. For other forms of the disease, such drugs are not the main ones and are used only on the recommendation of a doctor as part of complex therapy for the underlying disease.

What groups of drugs are used for ear diseases?:

The composition of external remedies for the treatment of ear diseases in children includes a variety of active ingredients. They can be divided into three groups:

Antimicrobial, antibacterial;



Often such drugs are prescribed in various combinations, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and speed up the baby’s recovery process.

The most popular ear drops:

Main dosage form drugs that are used for introduction into the ear canal and are indicated for treatment various diseases ear is ear drops. Much less often, another, no less, is prescribed effective form medications - ear ointments. They are used mainly for the treatment of external otitis in children.

What are the benefits of ear drops? They have a number of advantages:

Convenience of dosing;
eliminating the risk of overdose. Modern ear drops are placed in convenient bottles with a built-in dispenser;
the active components of the drug are in dissolved form, which significantly speeds up the time for the onset of the effect;
ease of use;
minimum quantity adverse reactions.

How to choose ear drops for a child:

To correctly select the most suitable medicine in the form of ear drops for children, you must consider the following:

1. What is the nature of the inflammatory process in the ear? This could be an injury, an allergic reaction, a virus or bacterial infection, fungal infection of the ear cavity.

2. Where is the inflammatory process localized? It is important to find out what form of otitis media the baby has.

3. Condition of the child's eardrum. There are medications in the form of ear drops that should not be administered into the ear cavity as they may cause dangerous side effects. Some products only have an effect when they penetrate the ear cavity.

Most often, it is difficult to choose ear drops without consulting an otolaryngologist. Only an experienced doctor after examination ear canal and the eardrum will be able to install correct diagnosis, prescribe effective and safe treatment.

How to properly place drops in a child’s ear?:

Clean only visible part ear canal. Here keyword"visible". Never use long or thin objects for cleaning purposes that can easily injure eardrum, ear canal, and also push earwax even deeper. Correct and safe cleaning ears next: pull back auricle back and up. Make a thick cotton swab of small diameter or take a special ear stick for children with a restrictor, moisten it with sodium chloride solution. Slowly enter into ear canal, lightly pressing it alternately against different walls.

Pre-warming the ear drops to the child’s body temperature. Hold the bottle with its contents between your palms for a few minutes. Parents should be aware that cold ear drops may cause severe dizziness in a child, as well as worsening inflammatory process.

Correct position of the child's body when administering drops. Lay the baby on his side or back, turning his head in the appropriate direction. Straighten the ear canal. To do this, a child under one year old needs to pull the auricle down, and older children need to pull it back and up.

Rest after administering ear drops. After instillation of one ear, the baby must lie quietly for at least 10 minutes. After this, you need to move on to the second ear. If you cannot keep your baby calm for a long time, be sure to try to wait at least 15 seconds for each ear. But in this case, the efficiency decreases.

After instilling drops into the ear, it is necessary to close the ear canal with a cotton swab. This will prevent liquid from leaking out.

After administering ear drops, which are used when the eardrum is ruptured and act in the ear cavity, it is necessary to press the tragus several times with the finger of an adult.

Particular caution when introducing turundas. When introducing turundas impregnated with a drug into the baby’s ear canal, it is necessary to make them of such length that a sufficient portion protrudes beyond the ear and it is possible to easily remove them.

Antibacterial ear drops for children:

Antibacterial agents in the form of ear drops are prescribed for purulent otitis media. It is important to understand that such drugs show their activity only after penetration into the middle ear cavity, provided that the eardrum is ruptured. If the eardrum is not damaged, the antibiotic will not penetrate into the right place. Accordingly, its effectiveness will be absent. Thus, the use of antibacterial ear drops is justified in the presence of the following conditions:

rupture of the eardrum;

The presence of a confirmed inflammatory process due to bacterial infection.

Parents should remember that a common side effect of using ear drops containing antibacterial components is fungal infections ear canal. This is accompanied by the formation of a large number of crusts and the appearance of peeling. There is no prevention for this complication. Therefore, it is necessary to use such drugs only as needed and as prescribed by a doctor. If such a complication develops, the doctor will prescribe antifungal agents for external use after a course of treatment with antibacterial agents.

Antibiotic ear drops should never be used to prevent bacterial infection of the ear cavity. Such use will only lead to the development of complications and deterioration of the patient’s condition.

Combined ear drops for children:

Many manufacturers produce medicines containing a complex of an antibacterial or antifungal component and an anti-inflammatory - topical steroid. This composition makes ear drops universal and highly effective. They help eliminate the cause of the disease - bacteria and quickly remove foci of inflammation that form against the background of infection. These medications are approved for use both for instillation into the ears and eyes.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ear drops for children:

For inflammatory ear diseases, ear drops containing only an anti-inflammatory component are often used. Currently, ear drops based on the following active substances are most widely used in pediatric practice:


Choline salicylate. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Dissolves earwax well;



Some medications are combined and contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. They are indicated for use in cases of external and otitis media, accompanied by severe pain. Most often they are used as first aid for a child who has ear pain. These ear drops are quickly removed painful sensations, eliminate inflammation and improve the baby’s condition. After examination by an otolaryngologist, a decision may be made to prescribe stronger drops containing an antibiotic or hormonal substance.

The main pain-relieving components of ear drops:




Age restrictions for the use of ear drops in children:

An important criterion for choosing ear drops for the treatment of ENT diseases in children is the age of the child. So, if you need to choose ear drops for a child under 1 year old, pay attention to the drugs Otipax, Otizol, Otinum.

Among the ear drops for children from 1 to 7 years old you will also find a lot effective drugs:

The pharmaceutical industry offers a selection of ear drops for children 7 years of age and older in the following options:

For use in children over 12 years of age, the doctor will prescribe one of the following medications:

Ear drops for dissolving earwax in children:

Common problem in childhood- accumulation of excess earwax. Currently in production Not large number medications in the form of ear drops that soften sulfur plugs, prevent their formation in the future. The most popular drops from sulfur plugs are:

Vaxol. Contains olive oil;
Klin-IRS. Contains mixture olive oil and chemical components that dissolve earwax.

In order for wax drops to be effective, they must be used correctly. To do this, the child must be placed on his back, with his head turned to the shoulder opposite the ear being treated. Then pull the auricle back by the lobe. With a precise movement of your hands, insert the required number of drops into the ear canal, but not less than 10. The solution should fill the ear canal almost to the top. Leave the product in this state for 25-60 minutes. After this, allow the drops to flow out of the ear for one minute. To do this, turn the baby over onto the opposite side. After the procedure, rinse the ear canal clean water room temperature until the water flowing from the ear becomes clear.

Ear drops for wax plugs should be used at least once a month. If you experience pain during the procedure, you should consult a doctor.

The correct tactic for choosing ear drops for a child is a preliminary consultation with an otolaryngologist. Only a specialist will be able to promptly recognize the beginning serious pathologies organ of hearing. Parents should always remember that young children have inflammatory and infectious process in the ear it proceeds much faster than in adults. Losing time can be extremely negative consequences for the baby's health.

Be healthy!

Unpleasant and dangerous disease- inflammation of the ears. Symptoms are accompanied by the appearance of severe pain, acute or dull in nature. The course of the disease is especially difficult for children. Parents should know how to provide help and what can be used to alleviate the child's condition. Below we will look at what ear drops are available for children and how to use them correctly.

What is treated with drops

A common method of therapy for the treatment of hearing diseases is the use of drops. They relieve pain, as well as other symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process. However, the treatment of children must be treated with extreme caution, since not all drugs are suitable for use.

Children's ear drops are divided into several types, it all depends on the degree of development of the disease. Most often, children suffer from the development of otitis media. Inflammation develops due to infection or viruses entering the ear.

In addition, pain may occur due to the following factors:

  1. A wax plug has formed in the ears.
  2. The child's immunity is weakened.
  3. The ear was injured.
  4. The baby was exposed to the sun for a long time.
  5. Discharge from the ear mixed with pus or blood.
  6. Failure to comply with the rules of personal ear hygiene.
  7. Lack of vitamins in the body.

Due to their age, not all children can tell their parents about pain. Therefore, mothers and fathers must independently monitor the health of their child. As the inflammatory process develops, the following symptoms may be present:

  1. Body temperature may rise.
  2. Due to congestion in the ears, the baby may have difficulty hearing.
  3. There is vomiting and nausea.
  4. Sleep is disturbed and there is no appetite.

It is especially difficult to identify the disease in infants, in this case you can only rely on your attentiveness. Such children become whiny and may cry when they try to touch their ear.

In the absence timely treatment the disease may develop into purulent otitis media or some other pathology, in which case children's ear drops may not be effective.

How to choose

Before you put drops in your ear, you need to buy them, but you need to do this correctly. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Visit an otolaryngologist. The doctor must find out why the child’s ear hurts, assess his condition, and only then will a diagnosis be made. For example, if the eardrum is perforated, drops containing lidocaine should not be used, as they can damage it.
  2. Another rule when choosing is the reason for the development of the disease. Antibiotic drops are suitable for diseases caused by otitis media. If the nature of the origin is fungal, it is necessary to use antifungal agents.
  3. Expected effect. If a child has ear pain, drops with an analgesic effect are used; they should contain: local anesthetics. For swelling, medications with antihistamines are recommended. To remove wax plugs, special substances are required.
  4. Please note how old the drops can be used; there are many restrictions, especially up to one year. Research possible side effects in advance.

You can apply drops at home, there is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to buy exactly the right products.

Types of drops

Medicines can only be used after a doctor has examined you.

These children's ear drops are considered the most popular. They provide pain relief and antiseptic effect. Drop into the ear when otitis develops. If there is damage to the eardrum, they cannot be used. Suitable for use at home from two years of age. The course of treatment is no more than ten days.

Drops for ear pain are especially effective. The main active ingredient is dexamethasone, which helps relieve the inflammatory process. Before instillation, you must study the instructions. Make sure there is no damage to the ear.

You need to instill up to four times a day, at any time of the day, no more than two drops each time. The course of treatment lasts ten days. If necessary, you can repeat it again, but after consulting a doctor.

Such drops for pain and inflammation are not suitable for everyone, as there are contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to the main substance – neomycin.
  2. Children up to two years old, and also later if the child eats breast milk.

In some cases, an allergy may appear; in the case of children, you need to be especially careful; if suspicious symptoms occur, treatment should be stopped and then visit a doctor.


Of the many types of drops, Anuran is the most effective. The drug contains antibiotics and anesthetics. The medicine helps with ear pain and is recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. The development of a disease such as otitis media.
  2. A surgical intervention was performed after which complications arose.

Drops should be placed carefully into the ear canal, no more than twice a day. The course of treatment lasts up to seven days, sometimes less, depending on how the patient feels. Children under one year old should not use it.

When used, side effects may occur - itching, flaking. In this case, therapy should be stopped and the child should be shown to a doctor.


For the treatment of children, this drug turns out to be quite effective, but at the same time it is safe. Helps with ear pain caused by otitis media. Besides this good remedy, helping to eliminate sulfur plugs. The main active ingredient is choline salicylate.

Drops are instilled into the ear canal up to three times a day, the course of treatment is no more than ten days. Warm the bottle in your hands first; the drops should be at room temperature. Suitable for treating infants, no side effects occur.


The drug contains substances that have a wide range of actions. It can be used for pain from otitis media, or the development of infectious diseases. Before instillation, the ears should be dried and the contents of the bottle should be slightly warmed.

Cannot be used to treat children under one year of age. Contraindications include patients with individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. Side effects include itching and burning.

You can cope with pain with the help of Otofa drops. Effective for external or chronic otitis media. Helps relieve pain after surgical intervention. Place in the ears no more than three times a day, the course of treatment is no more than seven days. There are no side effects.


Despite the fact that eye drops, in lately they began to be used to treat hearing diseases. The components of the drug help relieve pain. Recommended for use in the development of otitis media.

The medicine is instilled into the ears four times. The course of treatment lasts several weeks. If a child has an intolerance to the main substance, norfloxacin, drops cannot be used. Treatment can begin no earlier than 12 years of age.

Parents must understand that some diseases simply cannot be cured on their own. Perhaps some bacteria and microbes will be suppressed, but the pathology will be “frozen” for a while. If the drops don't get where they need to go, their use will be pointless.

Instructions for use:

  1. The child should be placed on his side.
  2. Gently pull back your earlobe with your fingers.
  3. Drop one or two drops from the pipette.
  4. The child should lie in this position for several minutes.
  5. Turn it over to the other side and do the same procedure.

Any disease must be treated early stage its development, otherwise complications will arise, and therapy will take much more time.

If a child experiences ear pain, parents should know in advance what to do and how to react correctly to it. After all, the structural features of hearing in children (physiological immaturity eustachian tube) lead to the fact that 62% of children under the age of one year suffer from ear inflammation and 75% - under the age of 3 years.

The symptoms of ear pain are pronounced, specific, and appear in a complex manner. Therefore, attentive parents can themselves determine the cause of pain in a child, including infants.

You should pay attention to following signs:

  • temperature rise to 39-40 0;
  • restless behavior: whims, crying growing to the point of screaming, turning the head;
  • restless sleep, often interrupted by crying;
  • refusal to feed (sucking and chewing movements aggravate pain);
  • nasal congestion, rapid breathing mouth;
  • pressing on the tragus (cartilaginous tubercle at the entrance to the auditory canal) is painful and leads to crying;
  • vomiting in the absence of food poisoning.

If you do not recognize and treat otitis in time, then within 8-9 hours it turns into a purulent form. Then bloody discharge from the ear will appear.

Older children may complain of ear pain, but they can clearly localize the pain only after 3 years, so it is necessary to pay attention to the listed symptoms.

What to do when a child has an earache. First aid

The child complained of ear pain. What parents need to do:

  1. Do not panic yourself, calm and distract the child as much as possible.
  2. Carefully inspect the auricle to exclude foreign body. Young children may push a small object into the ear, causing discomfort. If the item is shallow, remove it yourself - but be very careful not to push it even deeper.
  3. Acute pain can be caused by an insect entering the ear opening. Needs a drop camphor oil to neutralize the insect and carefully remove it.
  4. It is necessary to press on the tragus of the diseased ear. If this causes pain, then it is the ear that hurts, and qualified help from an otolaryngologist is needed. If the child reacted calmly, then the cause of the painful sensations is something else.
  5. Measure the temperature. A high temperature confirms the presence of an inflammatory process. It is necessary to seek qualified medical help. Before consulting a doctor, you can give your child an age-appropriate antipyretic (paracetamol, ibuprofen).
  6. Do not self-medicate! Ear drops are contraindicated if the eardrum is perforated. Warming procedures will accelerate the formation of pus. You can give a mild pain reliever and insert a turunda soaked in boric acid into the sore ear.
  7. Take your child to an otolaryngologist as soon as possible and strictly follow his instructions.

Ear drops for children when the ear hurts in a child up to one year old, 2.3 years old, 4,5,6 years old:

Sudden sharp pain in the child’s ear raises the question: what to do to make the treatment as effective as possible. When treating ears, drops are the most convenient and rational view drug effects. They provide effective application medicinal substance, because fall directly on the site of inflammation and immediately begin to have a therapeutic effect.

Drops are especially convenient for treating children for two reasons. The first is that young children react negatively to injections and pills; second, the drops have a local effect, without additional effects on the entire body, unlike tablets and injections.

Popular ear drops for children

Otofa, ear drops for children

The active substance is the antibiotic Rifamycin. Clear liquid with a red tint. Bottle volume 10 ml. Indications: external or otitis media, damage to the eardrum. Children's dosage: 3 drops twice a day for 7 days. Manufacturer: France. Dispensed by prescription. The average price in Russia is 190-210 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otipax

Active ingredients: phenazone (anti-inflammatory), lidocaine (pain reliever). Transparent liquid, smell of alcohol. Bottle volume 15 ml. Indications: external, middle, barotraumatic types of otitis. Do not use if the eardrum is damaged.

Suitable for babies. Children's dosage: 2-3 times/day for 7-10 days; up to a year, 1 drop, from one to two years, 2 drops, from 3 years, 3-4 drops. Manufacturer: France. Average price 210-250 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otinum

The active substance is choline salicylate (alcohol solution). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, ethyl alcohol is antiseptic, dissolves earwax.

Transparent liquid of a yellowish tint, specific odor. Bottle volume 10 ml. Indications: external, otitis media.

Not prescribed for damaged eardrum. It is forbidden to use for up to a year.

The manufacturer does not provide data on prescribing the drug for children, but it is permissible to use it on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly following the instructions. Dosage: 3-4 times/day, no more than 3 drops, 7-10 days. Manufacturer: Poland. Average price 190-220 rubles.

Ear drops for children Sofradex

Drops combined action.

Active substances – gramicidin (antibiotic, bactericidal effect), framycetin sulfate (antibacterial), dexamethasone (glucocorticosteroid drug, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effect). Relieves itching well.

Transparent colorless liquid, smell ethyl alcohol. Bottle volume 5 ml. Indications: bacterial infection of the ears, otitis media. Do not use if the eardrum is damaged.

Prohibited for the treatment of children under 3 years of age. Dosage: for children under 7 years of age, the dose is determined by the attending physician, but not more than 3 times a day, 2 drops, the course duration is no more than 7 days. You can use turundas moistened with drops. Manufacturer: India. Average price 280-350 rub.

Ear drops for children Anauran

Combined action drops. Active substances – polymyxin B (antibiotic, acts on pathogenic bacteria), neomycin sulfate (antibiotic, broad spectrum of action), lidocaine (pain reliever).

Liquid is colorless and odorless. Bottle volume 25 ml. Indications: otitis media, postoperative period.

Do not use if the eardrum is damaged. Prohibited for children under one year old. Long-term use of the drug disrupts kidney function.

Children's dosage: 2-3 times/day for 3-7 days; from one to two years, 1-2 drops, from 2 and older, 2-3 drops. Manufacturer: Italy. Average price 270-340 rubles.

Ear drops for children Otizol

Combined action drops. Active substances – phenazone (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic), benzocaine (anesthetic), phenylephrine (vasoconstrictor, reduces swelling). Transparent viscous liquid without color. Bottle volume 15 ml.

Indications: post-traumatic otitis, as a result of barotrauma, moderate acute. Do not use if the eardrum is perforated. Not recommended for children under 6 months. Children's dosage: 3 times/day for no more than 10 days; from 6 months to a year, 1-2 drops, from a year and older, 2-3 drops. Manufacturer: Germany. Average price: 350-400 rub.

Ear drops for children under one year old

Ear diseases accompanied by ear pain in a child under one year old force parents to decide what to do and what means are best to use. Indeed, at this age, the choice of medications should be approached especially carefully. Experts insist on mandatory consultation with an otolaryngologist. Recommended for infants:

  • “Otofa” (price 190-210 rubles);
  • "Otizol" - use for up to 6 months only under the supervision of a doctor (price 350-400 rubles)

Antibiotic ear drops for children

These include:

  • "Otofa"- contains rifamycin. Usually prescribed for purulent otitis media. Prescribed for membrane perforation. Doesn't relieve pain. Average price 190-210 rubles.
  • "Sofradex"— contains gramicidin (antibiotic, bactericidal effect), framycetin sulfate (antibacterial), dexamethasone (glucocorticosteroid drug, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory). At long-term use gives a large amount side effects. Not applicable under 3 years. Prescribed for acute and chronic otitis. Average price 280-350 rub.
  • "Anauran"— contains polymyxin B (antibiotic, acts on pathogenic bacteria), neomycin sulfate (broad-spectrum antibiotic), lidocaine (analgesic effect). Treats acute and chronic otitis. Average price 270-340 rubles.
  • "Candibiotic"— contains clotrimazole, chloramphenicol, beclomethasone dipropionate, lignocaine. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, antiallergic, antifungal agent. Used for external infectious or allergic otitis, moderate acute otitis. Used from 6 years of age. Average price 250-350 rubles.
  • "Polydex"-contains the antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin in combination with dexamethasone (provides a strong anti-inflammatory effect). For children over 2.5 years old. 1-2 drops for several days. Treats infection of the outer and middle ear. Average price 180-220 rub.
  • "Tsipromed"– contains ciprofloxacin, a strong antibiotic that can negatively affect a child’s hearing. Therefore, it is prescribed only if treatment with other antibiotics has failed. Used for the treatment of otitis media, post-operative infectious complications. Banned for up to a year. For children under 15 years of age, it is prescribed only according to strict medical indications. Average price – 140-160 rubles.

Ear drops for children with otitis media

Ear drops that treat different types of otitis media can be divided into three groups:

  1. Combined. These are drops that contain antibiotics and glucocorticoids: “Sofradex” (price 280-350 rubles), “Anauran” (price 270-340 rubles), “Polydexa” (price 180-220 rubles), “Candibiotic” (price 250-350 rub.).
  2. Single drugs, containing one anti-inflammatory substance: “Otipax” (price 210-250 rubles), “Otinum” (price 190-220 rubles).
  3. Antibacterial drops:“Otofa” (price 190-210 rubles), “Tsipromed” (price 140-160 rubles).

Anti-inflammatory ear drops for children

For successful treatment inflammatory diseases ear must be applied complex therapy, including anti-inflammatory drugs.

Single-drug drops relieve pain and reduce swelling, but are ineffective against infection. Combined drops additionally contain antibiotics that successfully destroy infectious agents.

Single-drug anti-inflammatory drops:

  • “Otinum” (price 190-220 rubles);
  • "Otipax" (price 210-250 rubles);
  • "Otirelax" is an analogue of "Otipax" (100-250 rubles).

Anti-inflammatory combined drops (used for purulent processes):

  • "Sofradex" (price 280-350 rubles);
  • “Candibiotic” (price 250-350 rubles);
  • “Anauran” (price 270-340 rubles);
  • "Polydex" (price 180-220 rubles).

Ear drops for children to remove wax

A wax plug occurs when wax accumulates in the ears, which mixes with particles of the epidermis and the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

In a healthy body, sulfur is excreted itself in the process of life. But with certain pathologies, the plug increases and blocks the passage.

This causes hearing loss, noise, and ear pain in the child. What to do in this case - experts recommend using drops. The function of the drops is to loosen the wax plug, which will clear the ear canal of it. You can use drops: “Remo-vax” (290-330 rub.), “Vaxol” (350-450 rub.), “A-Cerumen” (270-320 rub.), “Aqua Maris Oto” (230-320 rub.).

If there is an inflammatory process in the ears, wax plugs can be removed only under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

How to properly bury a child’s ear in pictures

How to properly bury a child's ear

  • Wash your hands before the procedure;
  • Prepare the baby: calm him down, distract him with a toy. You can “put drops in the bunny’s ears”, drop them on the hand so that the child can be convinced that it does not hurt.
  • if necessary, clean the ears with a turunda;
  • warm the drops - in your hand or hot water– up to body temperature;
  • lay the child on his side with the affected ear up;
  • Gently pull the auricle to the side and down with your left hand;
  • holding a pipette right hand, carefully drip the recommended amount of the drug along the wall of the ear canal;
  • cover the ear with cotton wool and hold the baby in this position for 10-15 minutes.

How to put boric acid in a child's ear

Boric acid in alcohol solution (boric alcohol) is used to treat otitis externa. It has a disinfectant and local warming effect. Boric alcohol loosens the membrane, which leads to the outflow of fluid from it. Blood supply improves, the ear warms up. This relieves inflammation and reduces pain.

It must be remembered that boric acid toxic and capable of accumulating in the body due to slow release. Therefore, it is used only externally and only for external otitis.

It will help relieve ear pain in a child. What to do:

  • use a ready-made 3% solution;
  • drip 2 drops of a solution heated to room temperature 2 times a day or:
  • put turunda moistened in the sore ear boric alcohol, 2 times/day.

Furacilin - use if a child’s ear hurts

Furacilin is a synthetic agent that has antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. For the treatment of ear diseases, an alcohol solution of the drug - furatsilin alcohol - is used. Experts characterize it as an effective, gentle and safe remedy.

Furacilin begins to have therapeutic effect three minutes after application, destroying bacteria, relieving inflammation and reducing painful sensations. This medication is used to treat all types of otitis at the first symptoms (in case of advanced diseases, treatment with furatsilin is not enough). Can be used to prevent ear diseases.

Furacilin alcohol is permitted for the treatment of ear diseases in children, provided correct application. Its use is strictly prohibited in case of damage to the eardrum, as well as mechanical damage(abrasions) of the outer ear.

To treat infants, only wiping with the drug is used. Instillation dosage: from one year to 5 years – 2-3 drops, over 5 years – up to 6 drops. You can use the introduction of turundas moistened with the drug for 30 minutes 3 times a day.

Good when pus is discharged healing effect Gives rinsing of the ears with a preparation heated to body temperature. It is convenient to do this using a syringe without a needle - the drug is carefully inserted into the ear facing down.

A child’s ear hurts: what to put in drops to relieve the pain urgently

"Otipax"— the anesthetic effect of this drug is felt within a few minutes after instillation. The pain subsides within 1.5-2 hours.

"Otinum"- has a local anesthetic effect. The active substance choline salicylate relieves acute ear pain.

"Anauran"— effectively relieves pain thanks to lidocaine included in the composition. The very first instillation brings relief, complete elimination of pain occurs the next day.

"Otizol"- thanks to the phenazone and benzocaine included in the composition, it relieves pain in 15-20 minutes for an average of 5 hours, pain decreases in 2-3 days, complete relief of pain occurs in 4-6 days.

A child has an earache without fever

  1. If a child's ear pain is not accompanied by fever and visible damage, the first thing to do is measure the pressure. If necessary, you should consult a doctor.
  2. You should carefully examine the ear to see if there are any foreign objects.
  3. You need to press on the tragus - if there is no painful reaction, then the source of pain is not in the ear.
  4. Itching in the ear may indicate a fungal infection.
  5. Swelling of the ear can be the result of a bruise or an insect bite.

The child has ear pain and fever

An increase in temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the child’s body. If it coincides with the appearance of a sharp ear pain, then there is a high probability of developing otitis media or another inflammatory process in the ear canal. Experts insist on the inadmissibility of self-medication and the need for qualified medical care.

It is necessary to take the child to the doctor (with acute pain the doctor will see you out of turn), call a doctor at home or call " Ambulance“if the baby’s condition is alarming (temperature above 38 0, purulent discharge from the ear, vomiting). You should not self-medicate, apply compresses, or drip any medications until an accurate diagnosis is made, so as not to harm the child.

You can give an age-appropriate mild antipyretic and pain reliever. Turunda soaked in boric acid will help relieve pain.

How to relieve severe pain inside, is it possible to use heat?

Until the exact cause of a child’s ear pain is determined by an otolaryngologist, under no circumstances should he resort to warming up the ears. In case of purulent process heat exposure will accelerate the formation of pus.

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to limit yourself to mild painkillers based on paracetamol. If the doctor confirms the integrity of the eardrum and the absence of a purulent process, then thermal procedures will help relieve pain and speed up recovery.

The first thing you can do for a child if his ear hurts is to warm him up with a blue lamp.

At home, you can warm your ears with a blue lamp or salt heating pad several times/day for 10-15 minutes.

My child's ear hurts at night. What to do?

Try to calm the child down. Medications you can give include a mild pain reliever based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.. You can drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, this will alleviate the child’s condition. But when sharp increase temperature, you need to call an ambulance - a purulent form of otitis develops in a few hours, you need a doctor.

The child's ear hurts on the outside when you touch it

If a child's ear is swollen, becomes sensitive, and changes color (blue), then the cause may be an insect bite or bruise. Make sure there is no serious damage, treat the ear with an alcohol solution.

If a child complains of pain in the ear and reacts painfully to pressing on the tragus, then consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary, because this may be a sign of otitis media or another disease hearing aid child.

Child's ear hurts when he has a runny nose

Colds often cause ear pain. The nasopharynx is closely connected to the ear canals, and the cause of otitis media is often an infection of the nasopharynx.

To avoid ear pain, a child should know what to do when he has a runny nose, how to properly get rid of mucus: blow his nose, alternately closing his nostrils. Also, you should not allow your child to develop a lingering runny nose - this is serious risk development of otitis.

Child's ear hurts after rinsing nose

Connection between the nasopharynx and ear canals can cause discomfort when rinsing the nose, when the liquid does not flow completely through the free nostril, but partially enters the ear through the Eustachian tube.

The cause may be incorrect position of the head when rinsing, nasal congestion, or too much water pressure. To get rid of water in the ear canal and remove unpleasant symptoms, you need to ask the child to jump with his head tilted forward.

Swallowing movements may help. If these simple steps do not help, you need to remove the liquid with an aspirator (for example, a medical bulb) by inserting the tip into the blocked nostril, holding the other nostril closed. Help relieve discomfort vasoconstrictors. If discomfort have not disappeared, you need to show the child to the doctor.

The child has ear and head pain

Ear pain, simply due to its location, inevitably results in a headache. Pain from otitis media can be so intense that it is difficult to localize. Acute otitis media can lead to a complication - mastoiditis, an inflammatory process behind the ear, which causes both head and ear pain.

It is necessary to complete the course of treatment for an ear disease in a child to eliminate the possibility of relapses and return of pain. Pain in the head and ears can be caused by a ruptured eardrum (tinnitus, hearing loss and orientation problems).

If pain occurs in the absence of ear inflammation, you should consult a doctor. The reason for this pain syndrome may become, for example, a disease of the spine.

The child has a sore throat and ears

Pain in the throat and ears can be caused by otitis media. Pain when swallowing, radiating into the ear, can be caused by pharyngitis - inflammation of the larynx. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor; rinsing can alleviate the condition.

Child's ear and neck hurt

Severe pain with otitis media can radiate to the neck. The cause of simultaneous pain can also be lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ears, which requires the help of an otolaryngologist. In the absence of inflammatory processes similar condition caused by vascular circulatory disorders, but accurate diagnosis Only a neurologist can diagnose it.

The child has ear and stomach pain

The initial stage of acute otitis may be accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting. The cause of such pain may be problems with blood pressure, severe poisoning, initial stage serious illnesses(for example, meningitis). If ear pain is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting for no apparent reason, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

A child's ear hurts after a cold

The connection between the nasopharynx and ear canals in a child is closer than in adults. Accordingly, inflammatory processes in one ENT organ more easily spread to others. The cause of ear complications can be rhinitis, sinusitis, sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Parents must teach their child how to properly clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus: alternately blowing one nostril while pressing the other. Simultaneous cleansing of both nostrils leads to infection in the ear canal and the development of an inflammatory process.

It is necessary to treat promptly and correctly colds in a child to prevent complications.

A child’s ear hurts after swimming in the sea, river, or pool

Sometimes a child develops ear pain after bathing. The best thing you can do to avoid this is to remove excess moisture from your ear canal. You should dry your ears immediately after bathing. To do this, you can use a cotton swab or a flagellum, or direct a stream of warm air from a hairdryer to your ear.

You can relieve pain with a heat compress - use a heating pad, a heated towel, a bag of heated salt, etc. If a child has suffered from otitis media, it is better to refrain from swimming (especially diving) until full recovery. Natural protection from moisture penetration is earwax, so you shouldn't clean your baby's ears too often.

Child's ear hurts after plane

Ear pain during takeoff and landing of an airplane is caused by pressure changes. To stabilize it, you need to open your mouth wide or make swallowing movements. Young children should be allowed to drink from a bottle; older children can drink juice through a straw or suck on candy. It is necessary to take drops with an anesthetic effect with you.

What to do if your child's ears often hurt

Reason frequent illnesses ears can be caused by reduced immunity, family predisposition, improper child care, or untreated colds. What to do if ear pain in a child has become a frequent occurrence:

  • For babies:
    • breastfeeding improves immunity;
    • the raised position of the head during feeding prevents milk from entering the ear canal;
    • After feeding, hold your baby in vertical position before regurgitation, so that the regurgitated mass does not get into the ears;
    • neat and gentle ear cleaning;
    • protection of ears from drafts.
  • For children from one year old:
    • hardening - walking fresh air, exercise, clothing for the weather;
    • protection of ears from drafts;
    • When swimming in open water, protect your ears from getting water and dry them immediately after swimming;
    • carefully treat colds, clear the nose of mucus;
    • if necessary, perform surgical removal of the adenoids.

An adult with children needs to know in advance what to do and how to provide quality assistance to a child in case of ear pain. IN home medicine cabinet Be sure to have ear drops appropriate for the child’s age, a thermometer, and boric acid. And most importantly, only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of ear pain in a child and competently determine what to do. Health to you and your children!

Videos: ear pain in a child and what to do about it

Ear pain in a child. Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what to do:

What to do at home if your child has ear pain:

One of the prescribed medications for ear diseases are drops. They are used if the usual drug treatment doesn't give desired result. Compared to antibiotics, they are more practical and have a number of positive characteristics:

  • maximum therapeutic properties;
  • versatility;
  • convenient format and ease of use;
  • high efficiency.

To the question: “Which ear drops are best?” - it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Selection suitable remedy carried out only in consultation with a doctor. He, in turn, selects a medicine in accordance with the cause of the disease and the characteristics of its course. For example, antifungal drops will be effective for problems of fungal origin, and antibacterial drops for bacterial ones. It is very important to use the drug correctly. Before purchasing a medicine, you must visit an otolaryngologist; it is unacceptable to treat yourself.

Modern pharmacies offer huge list ear drops with similar composition and properties. A specialist can advise several options quality medicines. But only the consumer can say how effective a particular drug is. In this regard, the rating of the best was based on the recommendations of specialists and the opinions of real patients.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best ear drops for adults

4 Tsipromed

Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 139 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Experts consider Tsipromed drops with an antibiotic to be one of the best budget funds. At the base is Ciprofloxacin. This is a strong substance that kills both active and dormant bacteria. For use by adults only. Allergies, expressed by redness and itching, are extremely rare. The drug is used to treat most common ear and eye diseases.

Most patients experienced positive opinion about drops. Tsipromed easily copes with external otitis. For many this is an indispensable tool on vacation when water gets into your ears. People willingly take it with them during summer trips to the sea. It provides an excellent bactericidal effect and has low systemic absorption.

3 Normax

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: India
Average price: 170 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Combined action drug. Aimed at destroying many pathogenic microbes. Recommended for use only for adults. Fights infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ears and eyes. Thanks to the antibiotic in its structure, it quickly treats keratitis, eustachitis, otitis, blephoritis, conjunctivitis. Can be used for prophylactic purposes (after injury, surgery).

In reviews, patients write that Normax combines such components as: good tolerability, fast action, affordable price. However, in some people the drug provokes allergic reactions. For such people it is better to choose weaker drops. The product does not have an analgesic effect. Despite these shortcomings, Normax is in high demand among patients.

2 Otinum

Fast action
Country: Poland
Average price: 226 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Relatively inexpensive medicinal drug with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. As active ingredient Choline salicylate acts. Prescribed to adults for the treatment of otitis media, as well as the external ear, including those of fungal origin. Otinum has strong analgesic properties. Within the first minutes after use, a decrease in painful spasms is noticed.

The drug is not suitable for people with a damaged eardrum because the contents salicylic acid may damage your hearing. There is one more important note: children cannot be treated with drops. Otherwise, the product has virtually no contraindications. The drug causes allergies in in rare cases. On average positive result from the use of Otinum is achieved after 7 days. According to reviews, ear diseases can be dealt with quickly with the help of drops.

1 Sofradex

Powerful action
Country: India
Average price: 325 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A powerful medicine of combined action, which is used in otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology against eye diseases. Includes 2 antibacterial elements: framycetin and gramicidin. It has a targeted bactericidal effect on the causes of the disease - pathogenic bacteria. Suitable for the treatment of adults against otitis media and diseases of allergic origin. Reduces pain syndromes, relieves swelling, eliminates inflammation.

Patients are confident that after long-term regular therapy with ear drops, they can achieve a sustainable effect (restore the natural microflora of the ear). They are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. Sofradex refers to strong drugs having wide range actions that meet all necessary medical requirements in terms of quality.

The best ear drops for children

5 Anauran

The best drops for ear congestion
Country: Italy
Average price: 296 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Potent ear drops. Recommended for use in acute and chronic forms otitis, as well as its purulent manifestations. The structure contains 2 antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B) and lidocaine, which has antiseptic properties. The drug perfectly soothes pain and eliminates congestion in the ears, destroys most harmful bacteria.

In general, the product has no contraindications, with the exception of children under one year old and pregnant women. Its components are well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, irritation is observed. The course of treatment with Anauran is only 7 days. During this time, as written in the reviews, you can completely get rid of many ear diseases.

4 Otofa

Contains a strong antibiotic
Country: France
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Otofa ear drops belong to the category of inexpensive but potent medicines. Despite the low price, the drug meets all the necessary requirements European standards quality. Recommended as antibacterial agent for chronic as well as acute ear diseases. Allowed for use by children. However, it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Otofa kills most germs thanks to the powerful antibiotic rifampicin. The substance works where similar components fail. Some patients wash their eardrums with the product. The only drawback, according to patients, is the lack of analgesic effect. That is, to relieve pain, you will need to take additional medicine. Otofa drops are a high-quality drug, the advantages and effectiveness of which are confirmed by loyal reviews from otolaryngologists and their patients.

3 Otipax

Strong antiseptic effect
Country: France
Average price: 253 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Otipax has established itself as one of the best means to combat ear diseases. Main active ingredients are lidocaine, which has a strong antiseptic effect, and phenazone, known for its good anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its high safety, the drug can be administered to pregnant women and children from birth.

According to patients, the product copes well with the treatment of all forms of otitis and various viral infections. Relief occurs 2 minutes after using the drops. The course of application usually does not exceed 10 days. The main advantage is that it can be used by people of all ages. For many consumers, Otipax has become indispensable in the home medicine cabinet.

2 Garazon

High efficiency
Country: USA
Average price: 128 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Garazon antibiotic drops could not be ignored. With the help of two powerful substances (gentamicin and betamethasone), it provides much greater effectiveness compared to similar drugs. It acts at the site of ongoing infection and fights the symptoms of inflammation locally. Reduces swelling seasonal allergies, tissue hyperemia and optimizes capillary permeability.

Recommended for children from 8 years old. Show good results in the treatment of eye and ear infections, even with purulent lesions. Acts quickly, within 20 minutes. Symptoms of the disease disappear within 2-3 days, however, treatment must be continued until full recovery to avoid them reappearance. Thanks to high efficiency combined with the low price, Garazon managed to win the trust of many patients.

1 Polydex

The most popular drops in pediatrics
Country: France
Average price: 270 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Great medicinal product combined action (with antibiotic). In addition to antibacterial substances, it includes the hormone dexamethasone. Thanks to him, Polydexa relieves swelling and severe inflammation. Along with antimicrobial, it has a weak antifungal effect. Ear drops are widely used by pediatricians. They are recommended to be instilled in children from 2.5 years old.

Doctors are confident that the product effectively fights inflammation in the shortest possible time without affecting the body’s defense system. This is especially important for early childhood. The drug is widely in demand by patients. In the reviews, they note that Polydexa quickly relieves the symptoms of otitis media and easily copes with the disease itself. There are practically no age restrictions. This is one of the best ear medicines.

Children's ears hurt quite often. There is probably not a single child who has not suffered from ear pain at least once. More often than others, children under three years of age are susceptible to inflammation of the hearing organs.

Because of age characteristics Due to the structure of the Eustachian tube, microbes more easily penetrate from the nasopharynx into the auditory canals.

Ear pain is always an unpleasant, painful condition, which can also be dangerous if the baby is not given the necessary help in time.

The ears are close to the brain; untreated or aggravated otitis is quite capable of causing meningitis or encephalitis.

It is easy to notice an earache in a child, even if the baby does not yet know how to speak and is not able to tell about his feelings. The baby becomes capricious, his body temperature may rise, when pressing on the tragus near the auditory opening, the pain intensifies, and fluid may be discharged from the ear, sometimes mixed with pus.

Why does my child's ears hurt?

There can be several reasons for ear pain:

  • Formation of sulfur plug.
  • Entry of a foreign body into the auditory canal.
  • Inflammation caused by fungi.
  • Residual inflammation after infectious diseases (influenza, measles, scarlet fever)
  • Bacterial inflammation (otitis media external, medial and internal).


Only an ENT specialist can determine what exactly caused the inflammation in the ears through a personal examination. The fact is that before prescribing medications, the doctor will need to make sure that the eardrum is not damaged. After all, most drops in the ears will not have any effect if the membrane is broken.

After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will most likely raise the issue of prescribing antibiotics. For a number of forms and degrees of severity of otitis, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets, suspensions, and often in injections. Antibiotics are especially often prescribed for purulent otitis media.

Local antibiotics the doctor may prescribe or as independent means, or in combination with other treatment. Antimicrobial drugs in this form have long proven themselves in the fight against otitis media only with the best side. They immediately enter the source of inflammation, bypassing the stomach and intestines. This means that the risk of developing dysbacteriosis or other side effects associated with taking antibiotics.

Quick entry into the area of ​​inflammation, rapid action lead to the fact that pain goes away faster, and inflammation noticeably decreases after the first day of taking the drops.

They try to prescribe antibiotic drops very carefully, only as needed. They will have no effect against ear inflammation caused by viruses (influenza or ARVI). There's also no point in dripping antimicrobials in the event that pain in the ear is caused by sulfur plugs or a foreign object entering the ear canal.

Ear medications with antibiotics

"Polydex Drops". Two pretty powerful antibiotic in these complex drops - excellent remedy to get rid of otitis externa. And if the nasal version of the drug - a spray - is allowed only for children after 2.5 years, then ear drops can be used at any age. Contraindications, however, are the same: kidney disease and arterial hypertension.

"Candibiotic". Antimicrobial and hormonal drops with antifungal action, which can be used for otitis in children from 6 years of age. These drops are popular among parents and children because they have an excellent combination of effectiveness and price.

"Anauran". Drops with antibiotic and painkiller lidocaine. They relieve the baby from pain and destroy a wide range of microbes. You cannot drip the medicine continuously for more than seven days.

"Otofa". Antimicrobial drops with rifamycin are prescribed for various forms of otitis. The medicine can be given even to newborns, however, strictly observing the dosage and frequency of administration prescribed by the doctor.

"Levomycetin". Alcohol solution a well-known antibiotic perfectly helps a child cope with purulent otitis media. However, you should not instill the medicine without a doctor’s prescription, he has side effects Moreover, such drops are contraindicated for children with kidney and liver diseases.

"Sofradex". The antimicrobial solution of framycetin is used with great caution in the treatment of ear inflammation in children under 4 years of age.

When instilled into the ears, you must first clean the auricle of wax, accumulated pus, and liquid discharge.

"Normax". These drops are available in 5 ml bottles. and are effective means treatment for all types of otitis, whether external or internal otitis. In addition, these drops are suitable for treating the ear canals after removal from them. foreign objects. If the canal turns out to be injured, the doctor will prescribe a course of instillation with Normax. The downside of the drug is that it has minimal analgesic effect.

"Tsipromed". Drops with antimicrobial effect, which are “targeted” not only at the causative agent of ear inflammation, but also at healing the eardrum, which has already suffered from the inflammatory process. The medicine is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age.

  • Before instillation, thoroughly clean the auricle and the visible part of the ear canal from wax and purulent discharge. Hydrogen peroxide can help with this. If you drop it into the ear canal, it will quickly dissolve “deposits” of sulfur that are otherwise impossible to reach. Boric alcohol perfectly cleans the ear and has a slight warming effect.
  • It is better not to use it to clean the ear of small children. cotton swabs. The fact is that the baby can twitch sharply and damage the eardrum with the stick. It is better to use cotton pads.
  • When instilling antibiotic drops, strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If after several doses the child becomes significantly better, you cannot interrupt the course or reduce the dose at your discretion. Complete the treatment.
  • Drops should be slightly above room temperature when administered. To achieve this, it is enough to hold the bottle in your hand for 15-20 minutes, warm it, and only then introduce the drops using a pipette into the sore ear.
  • Drops can also be injected into the sore ear using a turunda. A small cotton ball rolled between your fingers is soaked in the medicine and inserted into the ear canal.
  • Drops should be instilled into the child's ear while lying on his side, with the affected ear facing up. If the baby is active and restless, close the entrance to the ear canal with cotton wool, but do not push it too deep.
  • It is better to store an opened bottle of medicine in the refrigerator.

Dr. Komarovsky spoke about how to properly treat otitis media in his program: