Bacterial infection in adults: symptoms and treatment. How to determine a viral or bacterial infection, what are the similarities and differences

How often do doctors diagnose a viral infection, and then scare them: “Get treatment so that a bacterial infection doesn’t join in, you’ll have to change your prescription.”

We nod understandingly, and then, as a rule, after the doctor has left, we wonder how we will know that the time has come - when the insidious virus has also “brought” a bacterial infection with it.

Let's figure out the difference between a viral infection and a bacterial one. This will help us adequately evaluate the doctor’s prescription, promptly respond to changes in the child’s condition and, of course, get sick less.

So, let's get to know the enemy by sight.

Viral infection

There are several options for virus infection. They can be transmitted airborne, oral, hematogenous (through the blood), nutritional (through the gastrointestinal tract), contact and sexual routes.

In the human body, they actively multiply and spread throughout the body through our blood and lymph.

Bacterial infection

Bacteria can multiply even on artificial nutrient media. They are transmitted contact, nutritional or airborne, fecal-oral route. In addition, bacteria enter the human body after being bitten by insects (this route is called transmissible) or animals, through the mucous membrane.

Bacteria actively multiply, but the infection manifests itself in different ways, depending on the location of its outbreak.

The mainstay of treatment for viruses is antiviral drugs, and bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics

What is the difference between viral and bacterial infections

Both infections are unpleasant and quite insidious. Their main differences :

  1. The virus affects the entire body. It is difficult to say which organ is affected; general symptoms are observed. And bacterial more often acts in a localized manner. It manifests itself, etc.
  2. The incubation period for a viral infection lasts 1-5 days, and for a bacterial infection it lasts 2-12 days.
  3. A viral infection manifests itself quite sharply, the temperature can jump to 39 degrees or higher, the child is weakened, and intoxication of the body is observed. A bacterial infection begins with more severe symptoms and a temperature of up to 38 degrees.

Often the disease begins with a viral infection, and after a few days (usually after 3-4) a bacterial infection joins it. This is due to the fact that viruses suppress the immune system and the body is weakened. That is why, if a child does not fall on the fourth day, it is necessary call the doctor again - to correct treatment.

After all, a bacterial infection is treated differently: the basis for treating viruses is antiviral drugs, and a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics.

In addition to the overall picture, it wouldn’t hurt to take the test. With a bacterial infection, the number of white blood cells is increased (often due to neutrophils). That is, a change in the leukocyte formula occurs: the number of band neutrophils in the blood increases, young forms appear - metamyelocytes (young) and myelocytes. In addition, with a bacterial infection, a jump in ESR is observed.

Unfortunately, not many people know the differences between these concepts, which leads to improper treatment, and this can have serious and dangerous consequences. There is a huge difference between treatment and... We have previously published articles - and we also recommend reading them!

So what is the difference between a virus and an infection? Let’s look at it in detail below!

A virus is a very simple form of life that straddles the line between organic and inorganic nature. In fact, this is genetic material, i.e. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) in a protein shell that serves as protection. Without host cells, the virus cannot reproduce. In addition, they do not have their own metabolism, which means they cannot eat.

How does the virus become infected?

At the first stage, the protective shell of the virus is attached to the membrane of another cell.

Most viruses can only attach to a specific type of organism. Infection occurs when a virus transfers its RNA and DNA (genetic material) into a second cell (host cell). There it begins to rapidly develop using certain internal systems of the host cell. Creates protein particles.

After a sufficient number of particles have been created, new viruses are assembled from nucleic acids and produced proteins. And then, it destroys the host cell and is released. The released particle tends to infect a new cell. This process is repeated over and over again, each time destroying the host cells. This causes the progression of the disease and the release of viruses into the external environment, infecting new people or animals.

Unlike viruses, bacteria are full-fledged cells that have the necessary organelles for the synthesis of substances and energy production. These cells can multiply. The genetic material is contained in the cytoplasm, i.e. intracellular fluid. This is caused by the absence of a nucleus, where genetic material is stored, in most types of cells.

How do bacterial diseases develop?

As mentioned earlier, bacteria are full-fledged cells capable of reproducing without the help of the host organism, most often this occurs by division. They have their own metabolism, and therefore can feed themselves. It is as food that bacteria usually use the host. The organism into which bacteria have penetrated is perceived by them as a comfortable environment for reproduction. In the process of their life activity, they damage the host cells and poison them with waste products (toxins). This leads to the development of the disease.

The treatment of viral and bacterial diseases differs significantly precisely because of their different nature.

Antibacterial drugs are aimed at destroying bacteria, as well as blocking the ability to reproduce.

Drugs against viruses

Antiviral drugs have three directions of action:

  • Stimulation of the defense mechanisms of the host organism itself to counteract viruses that have entered the body;
  • Violation of the structure of viral particles. Typically these drugs are analogues of nitrogenous bases. This substance acts as a material for the synthesis of nucleic acids, from which RNA and DNA are built. The altered substances are incorporated into the genetic material of the virus, which leads to deformation of the created viruses. Due to their own defect, these particles cannot reproduce and generate new particles;
  • Preventing the virus from entering the host cell. Thus, the viral DNA and RNA cannot detach from the protective protein coat, and they cannot penetrate the cell membrane.

Encephalitis is caused by viruses, and borelliosis is caused by bacteria, which leads to different treatments for these diseases.

The drug Yodantipirin acts in the third direction. It prevents encephalitis from penetrating into the cell it protects.

If the virus has entered the body and infects it, the drug blocks the further development of the disease. It is recommended to use this Yodantipirin before visiting places where there is a risk of contracting encephalitis, i.e. places of residence of ticks (forests, parks, meadows, etc.).


Immunoglobulen is a rather specific drug that is aimed at neutralizing all types of bacteria and viruses. It produces the body’s own and individual types of immunoglobulins. This drug belongs to the category of immunobiological drugs. This remedy should not be used in emergency cases, as it can cause an acute allergic reaction and lead to very serious consequences. Before use, you need to consult with a specialist who will prescribe a specific regimen for taking the drug.

Immunoglobulen and Yodantipyrin are completely different drugs that have different protection mechanisms and tasks. In emergency cases, you should take Yodantipyrine, which blocks the disease at the initial stage, and Immunoglobulin stimulates the body to produce certain antibodies that can destroy encephalitis. The drugs have contraindications and you need to read the instructions, and in the case of Immunoglobulen, consult a doctor. More detailed information about the effect of the drug and the results of clinical trials can be found in specialized literature and in medical reference books.

Video: How to distinguish a viral disease from a bacterial one

The most basic stage of any diagnosis is identifying the focus or cause of the disease. This plays a big role in further eliminating the disease. Similarities are observed when a disease of viral or bacterial origin appears. But it should be taken into account that there are some differences that make it possible to determine the etiology. In order to carry out differential diagnosis, it is enough to take blood for laboratory testing. In almost any hospital you can conduct a blood test and determine a viral or bacterial disease in a person.

How to determine a viral or bacterial infection?

Differences between bacteria and viruses

You don’t have to be a doctor to understand the difference between an infection of bacterial and infectious origin. You just need to carefully study these varieties. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms. In a cell, the nucleus may not be present or may be unformed.

So, depending on the type, bacteria can be like this:

  • Coccal origin (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). These bacteria are round.
  • In the form of sticks (dysentery and the like). Long, elongated shapes.
  • Bacteria of other sizes, which are relatively rare.

You should always know that throughout your life a large number of these representatives are present in the human body or organs. If a person’s immune system does not suffer and functions sufficiently, then no bacteria poses a danger. But as soon as there is a decrease in the level of human immunity, any bacteria can threaten the body. A person begins to feel unwell and develop various ailments.

But the cell also does not sleep; as soon as the virus multiplies, the body acquires a protective state. Based on this, the human body begins to fight, due to the immune system. The defense mechanism is activated, which is a fundamental factor in providing resistance against foreign penetration.

Unlike bacteria, viruses do not last long until the body completely destroys them. But according to the classification of viruses, there are a small number of viruses that are never eliminated from the body. They can live throughout life, and become more active if the immune system is weakened. They are not controlled by any drugs, and most importantly, their immunity is not a threat. Such representatives are herpes simplex virus, human immunodeficiency virus and others.

Interpretation of a blood test for the virus

To determine, based on the research conducted, a disease of viral or bacterial origin does not require special medical professionals. Even an ordinary person can determine for himself based on analysis.

In order to determine the cause of the disease, it is enough to analyze each column with special attention.

For a detailed consideration of pathological changes due to viruses, you need to know certain indicators:

  1. A slight decrease in the level of leukocytes, or no fluctuations.
  2. Moderate increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. Increased level.
  4. A sharp decrease in neutrophils.
  5. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is slightly increased.

Analysis transcript

If the analysis shows that a person is sick, due to the penetration of the virus into the body, it is still necessary to study the clinical manifestations. To make a differential diagnosis based on symptoms, the virus has a fairly short incubation period. The duration is up to 5-6 days, which is not typical for bacteria.

As soon as a person becomes ill, it is necessary to determine whether the infection is viral or bacterial.

Interpretation of a blood test for bacteria

As for bacteria, there are some difficulties. Sometimes blood tests and clinical manifestations may be slightly off. But in most cases, laboratory testing gives us a positive answer. Key indicators:

  1. In 90% there is an increased level of leukocytes.
  2. Increased levels of neutrophils (neutrophilia).
  3. Moderate decrease in lymphocytes.
  4. A sharp jump in the ESR level.
  5. Identification of special cells - myelocytes.

As mentioned above, the incubation period of bacteria is relatively longer than that of viruses. Usually up to two weeks.

You should also always be aware that bacteria in the human body can be activated due to viruses. After all, when a virus appears in a person’s body, immunity decreases and the bacterial flora gradually begins to infect the body.

Using a blood test, it is quite easy to determine whether a viral or bacterial infection is present. Based on the results, we can say with confidence why the disease appeared. You must always remember that it is not always possible to cope with the disease yourself, so you need to see a doctor and be treated based on his recommendations.

Throughout life, the human body is faced with various diseases, and infectious diseases are often found among them. And such diseases can be hidden under a bacterial or viral infection. It is important to immediately identify which sources provoked the disease in order to correctly draw up a treatment plan. To do this, it is important to understand What is the difference between a virus and an infection?.

Viral and bacterial infections of the throat and bronchi have the same symptoms. Tests and laboratory tests are the most accurate method of determining the type of infection. There are minimal differences between viral and bacterial infections. Some types of infections last a long time and are characterized by discharge of different colors from the mucous membrane. If you suddenly get sick, you need to stay home and pay attention to your health. So, how to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one?

Signs of viral and bacterial infection

Plays one of the main roles duration of unwellness. Typically, a viral disease lasts longer than a bacterial one. The malaise lasts 1-3 days, then the condition stabilizes, but some signs still remain. If symptoms last 7 days or longer and do not go away within a specific time, you need to go to the doctor and consult about antibiotics. A viral illness can turn into sinusitis or increase the risk of otitis media.

Look at the color of the discharge from the mucous membrane when you blow your nose or cough up phlegm. Watery and transparent means the virus is in the body. Dark green discharge means bacteria in the body.

Then examine your throat. Pain occurs with viruses and bacteria. To understand whether you need to take antibiotics, the doctor pays close attention to your throat. Its specific color indicates the presence of bacteria. White spots provoke the appearance of microbes. If the pain is characterized by a runny nose and sneezing, then this also signals a bacteria.

Temperature also plays an important role. If there is a bacteria in the body, it is higher. If the temperature does not subside for 2-3 days, then if the virus is present, it will recover after a couple of days. Normal body temperature is 36.7-37.3 degrees. If specific symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor. Many viruses and bacteria can be eliminated at home. You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • Rare urination.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Feeling unwell for 3-5 days.
  • Deterioration of general condition.

Taking medications

It is important to take antibiotics in the presence of bacteria, when treating a virus - they do not have the desired effect. The only option for accurately determining the type of infection is to see a doctor. He will remove a particle of mucous membrane secretions or a throat swab and take it to the laboratory. If the doctor realizes that you need antibiotics, he will convince you that bacteria is present.

You can buy pain relief medications without a doctor's prescription.

If you have severe pain with both infections, talk to your pharmacist about the medications that are right for you.

If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, ask him if you can take painkillers at the same time. You should also get a flu vaccine. To prevent a recurrence of the flu, you need to get vaccinated. This way you will protect yourself from the influenza virus.

Diagnostic features

Biochemical blood test allows you to get ahead of the level of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes and hemoglobin. The analysis reveals the leukocyte molecule and the rate of red blood cell coagulation. The type of infection depends on this.

Antimicrobial therapy does not affect viruses, so taking antibiotics for flu and colds is pointless. Perhaps they will turn out to be harmful in this case, because they kill not only harmful, but also beneficial microparticles that half create the immune system. And if bacteria are present, it is very important to take antibiotics, otherwise the immune system will not cope and the disease will become chronic. Here differences between virus and infection. But despite this, sometimes the doctor recommends the same treatment regimen. Typically, this approach is effective in treating children: even with the slightest virus, you need to take antibiotics. After all, the baby’s body is very weak, and bacteria usually connect to the virus, so taking antibiotics is justified.

At our EL Clinic in Butovo, you can undergo a comprehensive examination to detect a viral or bacterial infection. After determining the results, qualified specialists will create an effective treatment plan.


If a bacterial infection has entered the body, the symptoms of the pathological process are similar to signs of intoxication and require treatment with or without antibiotics. The patient's general condition worsens, and the disturbed temperature regime leaves him bedridden. Bacterial diseases can be successfully treated with conservative treatment; the main thing is not to cause the spread of pathogenic flora.

What is a bacterial infection

Contagious or not

To get an answer to this question, you need to know all existing types of bacterial infections and undergo timely diagnostics to identify the pathogen. For the most part, such pathogenic microorganisms are dangerous to humans and are transmitted through household contact, airborne droplets, and nutrition. After infection enters the body, inflammation, acute intoxication, and tissue damage occur, while the body’s immune response decreases.

Symptoms of a bacterial infection

Symptoms are similar to signs of general intoxication of an organic resource, accompanied by high body temperature and severe chills. Pathogenic flora, as it were, poisons an organic resource, releasing waste products into once healthy tissues and blood. Common symptoms of bacterial infection are presented below:

  • fever;
  • increased sweating;
  • acute migraine attacks;
  • nausea, less often – vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • complete lack of appetite.

In children

Children in childhood are much more likely to be susceptible to bacterial infections, since the general state of the immune system leaves much to be desired. With the release of toxins, the symptoms only increase, confining the child to bed, forcing parents to go on sick leave. Here are the changes in children’s well-being that you need to pay special attention to:

  • constant moodiness;
  • tearfulness, lethargy;
  • temperature instability;
  • fever, chills;
  • pronounced signs of dyspepsia;
  • skin rashes of unknown etiology;
  • the appearance of white plaque on the tonsils with severe soreness in the throat.

Bacterial infections in women

With respiratory diseases of the airways, we are often talking about bacterial damage. Alternatively, sore throat, pharyngitis, and laryngitis progress, which are accompanied by recurrent sore throat, and less commonly, purulent discharge from the throat. Microbes cause the following changes in the female body:

  • temperature jump up to 40 degrees;
  • suffocating cough with progressive runny nose;
  • pronounced signs of intoxication;
  • violation of intestinal and vaginal microflora;
  • acute otitis depending on the location of the infection;
  • prolonged bouts of diarrhea;
  • signs of decreased immunity.

Signs of a bacterial infection

In order for the diagnosis of bacterial infections to be timely, it is necessary to pay attention to the first changes in the patient’s general well-being, and not to refer to the classic cold, which “will go away on its own.” You should be wary of:

  • frequent trips to the toilet, diarrhea;
  • feeling of nausea, complete lack of appetite;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • temperature rise above 39 degrees;
  • painful sensations of varying localization depending on the nature of the infection and its location.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one

It is impossible to do without bacteriological analysis, since this is the basis of diagnosis and the ability to correctly differentiate the final diagnosis. However, an adult patient is able to independently distinguish the nature and localization of the pathology focus. This is important for future treatment, since bacterial lesions are successfully treated with antibiotics, while pathogenic viruses cannot be destroyed by antibiotics.

The main difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one is the following: in the first case, the focus of pathology is local, in the second it is more systemic. Thus, pathogenic viruses infect the entire body, sharply reducing overall well-being. As for bacteria, they have a narrow specialization, for example, they rapidly develop laryngitis or tonsillitis. To determine the virus in such a clinical picture, a general blood test is required; to identify the bacterial flora, a sputum test is required (for infection of the lower respiratory tract).


After inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of other symptoms of bacterial damage, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pathogenic flora in a laboratory way. Diagnosis is carried out in a hospital; collecting anamnesis data is not enough to make a final diagnosis. In modern medicine, the following types of infections are declared, which have predominantly bacterial flora and cause such dangerous diseases of the body:

  1. Acute intestinal bacterial infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, food toxic infections, campylobacteriosis.
  2. Bacterial lesions of the skin: erysipelas, impetigo, phlegmon, furunculosis, hidradenitis.
  3. Bacterial respiratory tract infections: sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  4. Blood-borne bacterial infections: tularemia, typhus, plague, trench fever.


As pathogenic bacteria multiply in the absence of timely treatment, the infectious process becomes chronic. To avoid becoming carriers of dangerous infections, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination in a timely manner. This is a mandatory general blood test, which shows an increased number of leukocytes and a jump in ESR. Other changes in the body fluid of an infected person are presented below:

  • increase in neutrophil granulocytes;
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left;
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

To avoid the development and spread of a chronic disease, the following types of clinical examinations are recommended:

  1. Bacteriological (study of the habitat of microbes, creation of favorable conditions for the formation of viable colonies in laboratory conditions).
  2. Serological (detection of specific antibodies in the blood to certain types of pathogenic microbes - under a microscope they differ in color).
  3. Microscopic (after collection, the biological material is examined in detail under a microscope, at the cellular level).

How to treat a bacterial infection

The pathological process begins with an incubation period, the duration of which depends on the nature of the pathogenic flora, its location and activity. The main goal of implementing conservative methods is to prevent blood poisoning and restore the general well-being of the clinical patient. Treatment is symptomatic, here are valuable recommendations from competent specialists:

  1. The prescription of antibiotics and representatives of other pharmacological groups should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician, since certain microorganisms are immune to certain medications.
  2. In addition to conservative treatment, you need to reconsider your daily diet and usual lifestyle. For example, it is useful to completely avoid salty and fatty foods, bad habits and excessive passivity. Be sure to strengthen weak immunity.
  3. Symptomatic treatment is carried out depending on the location of the source of pathology and the affected body system. For example, for diseases of the respiratory system, mucolytics and expectorants are needed, and for tonsillitis, antibiotics cannot be avoided.


If bronchitis or pneumonia occurs, such dangerous diseases must be treated with antibiotics in order to avoid extremely unpleasant complications with the health of the adult patient and child. Side effects include allergic reactions, digestive disorders and more. Therefore, the prescription of antibiotics should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician after diagnosis. So:

  1. To slow down the growth of pathogenic flora, bacteriostatic agents such as Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol tablets are prescribed.
  2. To eradicate bacterial infections, bactericidal drugs such as Penicillin, Rifamycin, and Aminoglycosides are recommended.
  3. Among the representatives of penicillin antibiotics, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, and Amoxicillin are especially in demand.

How to cure a bacterial infection without antibiotics

Symptomatic therapy for adults and children is carried out according to medical indications. For example, in the fight against headaches you will have to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. If pain appears in another location, you can remove it with Diclofenac. To cure a bacterial infection without antibiotics, the following medications are recommended:

  1. Diclofenac. Painkillers that additionally relieve inflammation have bactericidal properties.
  2. Regidron. A saline solution that should be taken in case of acute intoxication of the body to remove the infection.

How to treat a bacterial infection in children

In childhood, for acute infections, drinking plenty of fluids and symptomatic treatment is recommended. Antibiotics should be abandoned if the disease is at an early stage and there are no secondary microbes. If you have an upper respiratory tract infection, you will need cough suppressants and mucolytics. For throat diseases, it is better to use local antiseptics - Lugol, Chlorophyllipt. Patients with meningitis should be urgently hospitalized.


The penetration of pathogenic flora into the body can be prevented. To do this, at any age, it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive recommendations from a knowledgeable specialist:

  • preventive vaccination;
  • avoiding prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • proper nutrition for adults and children, vitamins.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Bacterial infection in children and adults