Sodium salicylate fecl3. Salicylic acid, sodium salicylate

Name: Sodium salicylate (Natriisalicylas)

Pharmacological effects:
Analgesic (pain reliever), antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Sodium salicylate - indications for use:

Prescribed for acute rheumatism, exudative pleurisy(inflammation of the membranes of the lung, accompanied by the accumulation of protein-rich fluid between them, coming out of small vessels), non-rheumatic arthritis (inflammation of the joint), gout, neuralgia (pain spreading along the nerve), myalgia (muscle pain).

Sodium salicylate - method of application:

0.5-1.0 g 3-6 times a day after meals, up to 6-10 g per day, then after improvement of the condition, the dose is reduced to 4.0 g per day. 3-10 ml of a 10% solution is administered intravenously.

Sodium salicylate - side effects:

Allergic reactions ( skin rash) And anaphylactic reactions(swelling of the veins, lips, tongue, larynx, face), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia (lack of appetite), tinnitus, decreased hearing and vision, diplopia (double vision), general weakness, excessive sweating, restlessness, incoherent speech. Rarely - hallucinations (delusions, visions that acquire the character of reality), convulsions. Ulcerogenic (ulcer-causing) effects. (See also Acetylsalicylic acid).

Sodium salicylate - contraindications:

Hypersensitivity to the drug, hemophilia (increased bleeding), bleeding (pulmonary, gastric, uterine), exacerbations peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, bronchial asthma. (See also Acetylsalicylic acid).

Sodium salicylate - release form:

Tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g; sodium salicylate solution 10% in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml for injection.

Sodium salicylate - storage conditions:

In a properly sealed container, protected from light, in a dry place.

Sodium salicylate - synonyms:

Sodium salicylate, Sodium salicylic acid, Enterosal, Enterosalil, Glutosalil, Nadizal, Salicin, Salitin, Saliglutin.

You should consult your doctor before using the medicine. This instruction is intended for informational purposes only.

Sodium salicylate (Natrii salicylas)

Pharmacological action

Analgesic (pain reliever), antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Indications for use

Prescribed for acute rheumatism, exudative pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes of the lung, accompanied by the accumulation of protein-rich fluid between them, emerging from small vessels), non-rheumatic arthritis (inflammation of the joint), gout, neuralgia (pain spreading along the nerve), myalgia (muscle pain ).

Directions for use

0.5-1.0 g 3-6 times a day after meals, up to 6-10 g per day, then after improvement of the condition, the dose is reduced to 4.0 g per day. 3-10 ml of a 10% solution is administered intravenously.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (skin rash) and anaphylactic reactions (swelling of the veins, lips, tongue, larynx, face), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia (lack of appetite), tinnitus, decreased hearing and vision, diplopia (double vision) in the eyes), general weakness, increased sweating, anxiety, incoherent speech. Rarely - hallucinations (delusions, visions that acquire the character of reality), convulsions. Ulcerogenic (ulcer-causing) effect. (See also Acetylsalicylic acid).


Hypersensitivity to the drug, hemophilia (increased bleeding), bleeding (pulmonary, gastric, uterine), exacerbation of gastric ulcer, gastritis, bronchial asthma. (See also Acetylsalicylic acid).

Release form

Tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g; sodium salicylate solution 10% in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml for injection.

Storage conditions

In a well-closed container, protected from light, in a dry place.


Sodium salicylate, Sodium salicylic acid, Enterosal, Enterosalil, Glutosalil, Nadizal, Salicin, Salitin, Saliglutin.

Active ingredient:

sodium salicylate



  • Official instructions for the drug Sodium salicylate.
  • Modern medicines: a complete practical guide. Moscow, 2000. S. A. Kryzhanovsky, M. B. Vititnova.
Description of the drug " Sodium salicylate"on this page is a simplified and expanded version official instructions by application. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Sodium salicylate

Receipt Sodium salicylate is prepared by neutralizing salicylic acid with soda (see above).

Description. White crystalline powder with a sweetish-salty taste. Easily soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether.

Authenticity reactions.

1.1. For phenolic hydroxyl. With FeCl3 solution - violet coloring

1.2.With Mark's reagent - red coloring.

1.3. Sodium cation. A grain of the drug introduced into the colorless flame of the burner turns it yellow. After burning the drug, the residue, when dissolved in water, gives an alkaline reaction to litmus.

1.4. When the preparation is exposed to a mineral acid, for example, nitric or hydrochloric acid, a precipitate of salicylic acid precipitates, which is filtered off and dried. The melting point of the resulting residue should correspond to salicylic acid (158-161 0 C).

1.5. A characteristic reaction to sodium salicylate is the reaction with a CuSO 4 solution. If to aqueous solution sodium salicylate is added dropwise to a 5% CuSO 4 solution, an intense green color appears.

Purity test. Within the limits of the standard, admixtures of chlorides, sulfates, and salts of heavy metals are allowed.


1.Acidimetry method. The drug is dissolved in water and titrated with a standard HCI solution using a mixed indicator (a mixture of methyl orange and methylene blue). Titration is carried out in the presence of ether, which extracts the released salicylic acid and thus prevents titration errors.

2. Bromatometry method. In the acidic environment of a bromate-bromide mixture, sodium salicylate transforms into salicylic acid, which is determined bromatometrically. (see salicylic acid)

Application. Orally in powders and tablets as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism.

Storage. In a well-closed container.

Security questions to secure:

1. What reagent can distinguish benzoic acid from salicylic acid?

2. What happens to salicylic acid when heated to 160 0 C?

3. Why quantification sodium benzoate and salicylate, lead in the presence of ether?


1. Glushchenko N.N., Pletneva T.V., Popkov V.A. Pharmaceutical chemistry. M.: Academy, 2004.- 384 p. With. 221-228

2. State pharmacopoeia Russian Federation/ Publishing house " Science Center examination of funds medical use", 2008.-704 p.: ill.


1. State Pharmacopoeia 11th edition, issue. 1-M: Medicine, 1987. - 336 p.

2. State Pharmacopoeia 11th edition, issue. 2-M: Medicine, 1989. - 400 p.

3. Belikov V. G. Pharmaceutical chemistry. – 3rd ed., M., MEDpress-inform-2009. 616 pp.: ill.

Electronic resources:

1. Pharmaceutical library [Electronic resource].


2. Pharmaceutical abstracts - Pharmaceutical educational portal[Electronic resource]. URL:

3. Computer support of the lecture. Disk 1CD-RW.

(Sodium salicylas; syn.: Natrium salicylicum, Enterosal, Nadisal, Salicine, Sodium Salicylate etc.; GPC) is a non-narcotic analgesic. Sodium salt orthohydroxybenzoic acid; C7H5NaO3:

White crystalline powder or small flakes, odorless, sweetish-salty taste. Easily soluble in water, glycerin, soluble in alcohol, practically insoluble in ether. Solutions (pH 6.0-7.0) are sterilized at t° 100° for 30 minutes.

According to chemistry structure and pharmacol, properties of N. s. close to acetylsalicylic acid (see) and other salicylates. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. More effective than acetylsalicylic acid, but less well tolerated. According to the mechanism of action of N. s. also identical to acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates. Thus, the analgesic effect of N. s. is obviously due to Ch. arr. the ability of the drug to reduce the sensitivity of receptors to the action of bradykinin and, to a lesser extent, the effect on the centers of pain sensitivity. Antipyretic effect of N. s. associated with an effect on the hypothalamic thermoregulation centers (see Antipyretics). Anti-inflammatory effect of N. s. and other salicylates is due to their influence on the processes occurring in the focus of inflammation (reduced capillary permeability, impaired leukocyte migration, decreased hyaluronidase activity, limited energy supply inflammatory process by inhibiting ATP production).

Significant importance in the mechanism of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action of salicylates is also their inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase and the associated decrease in the formation of prostaglandins (see), which take part in the development of inflammation and fever.

According to its pharmacokinetic properties (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) N. s. practically no different from acetylsalicylic acid. N. s. used for arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia, headaches.

As an analgesic and antipyretic agent N. s. prescribed orally for adults 0.5 - 1 g per dose, children under 1 year - 0.1-0.15 g, up to 2 years - 0.2 g, 3-4 years - 0.25 g, 5 -6 years - 0.3 g, 7-9 years - 0.4 g, 10-14 years - 0.5 g 2-3 times a day after meals.

For rheumatism and infectious-allergic arthritis N. s. prescribed orally in the first days in a daily dose of up to 6 - 10 g, when the condition improves daily dose reduce to 4 g. Sometimes the drug is injected into a vein (slowly!) 5-10 ml of 10% solution 1-2 times a day.

N. s. may cause the same side effects, as well as acetylsalicylic acid (tinnitus, hearing impairment, dyspeptic disorders, stomach ulcer formation or duodenum, allergic reactions). Contraindicated in the same cases as other salicylates (peptic ulcer, portal hypertension, venous stasis and decreased blood clotting).

Release forms: powder, tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g; ampoules of 5 and 10 ml of 10% solution. The powder is stored in a well-closed container, protected from light, in a dry place, tablets and ampoules - in a place protected from light.

Bibliography: Vasilenko V. X. and Tsodikov G. V. On the pluripotency of the action of salicylates, Klin, med., v. 57, no. 4, p. 14, 1979, bibliogr.; Mashkovsky M. D. Medicines, part 1, p. 176, M., 1977; Nasonova V.A. and others. Pharmacotherapy in rheumatology, p. 37, M., 1976; Yasinovsky M. Ya. Salicylates, M., 1975; The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, ed. by L. S. Goodman a. A. Gilman, p. 326 N. Y. a. o., 1975.

V.K. Muratov.

C 6 H 4 (OH)COONa

Sodium salicylate (Natrii salicylas). Sodium salt of ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid.

White crystalline powder or small flakes, odorless, sweetish-salty taste. Very easily soluble in water (1:1), soluble in alcohol (1:6). Solutions (pH 6.0 - 7.0) are sterilized at + 100 C for 30 minutes.


Dissolves 40g. sodium hydroxide (or baking soda 84g) in 160ml. water, heat the resulting solution to 70-80 ° C and add 140 g in small portions. salicylic acid. We heat for another 10-15 minutes. after adding all the acid, and evaporate at a temperature of 70-80 ° C until a crystalline film appears. Cool and suck out the precipitated crystals using a Buchner funnel, rinse 3 times with 15 ml each. ice water. Dry at a temperature of 100-110°C. Until a loose mass is obtained. Yield 130-120g.

    Qualitative analysis.

    1. Analytical reactions for sodium cation.

1. Reaction with zinc dioxourane(VI) acetate Zn(UO 2 ) 3 (CH 3 COO) 8 with the formation of a yellow crystalline precipitate (pharmacopoeial reaction - GF) or yellow crystals of tetrahedral and octahedral shape, insoluble in acetic acid (MCA). To increase the sensitivity of the reaction, the test mixture should be heated on a glass slide.

NaCl + Zn(UO 2) 3 (CH 3 COO) 8 + CH 3 COOH + 9 H 2 O

NaZn(UO 2) 3 (CH 3 COO) 9 9 H 2 O + HCl

Interfering ions: excess K + ions, heavy metal cations (Hg 2 2+, Hg 2+, Sn 2+, Sb 3+, Bi 3+, Fe 3+, etc.). The reaction is used as a fractional reaction after removing interfering cations.

2. Coloring the colorless burner flame in yellow(GF).

3. Reaction with picric acid to form yellow, needle-shaped sodium picrate crystals emanating from one point (ISS).

Error: Reference source not found

The reaction is used as a fractional reaction only in the absence of interfering ions (K +, NH 4 +, Ag +).

4. Reaction with potassium hexahydroxostibate(V) K with the formation of a white crystalline precipitate, soluble in alkalis.

NaCl + K
Na + KCl

Conditions for the reaction: a) sufficient concentration of Na +; b) neutral reaction of the solution; c) carrying out the reaction in the cold; d) rubbing a glass rod against the wall of the test tube. Interfering ions: NH 4 +, Mg 2+, etc.

In an acidic environment, the reagent is destroyed with the formation of a white amorphous precipitate of metaantimony acid HSbO 3.

KCl + H 3 SbO 4 + 2 H 2 O

HSbO 3  + H 2 O

      Analytical reactions for salicylate ion.

    With iron(III) chloride (GF, MF) to form a colored complex compound.

Methodology: A solution of iron(III) chloride is added to a neutral solution containing salicylate ions, an intense blue-violet or red-violet color appears. The color is retained when dilute acetic acid is added, but disappears when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to form a white crystalline precipitate of salicylic acid.

    With copper(II) sulfate to form a green, water-soluble copper salt.

Methodology: to 2 cm 3 of a neutral salicylate solution add 0.2 cm 3 of a solution of copper(II) sulfate.

    Quantitative analysis.

    1. Definition mass fraction sodium benzoate (salicylate) in solution using the acidimetric method (direct titration option).

Determination is based on neutralization of benzoate (salicylate) sodium (a salt of a strong base and a weak acid) with a strong mineral acid.

C 6 H 5 COONa + HCl = C 6 H 5 COOH + NaCl

C 6 H 4 (OH)COONa + HCl = C 6 H 4 (OH)COOH + NaCl

M(C 6 H 5 COONa) = 144.12 g/mol

M(C 6 H 4 (OH)COONa) = 161.01 g/mol

Methodology: A certain volume of sodium benzoate solution is placed in a titration flask, 2 drops of methyl orange solution, 1 cm 3 of ether are added and titrated with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution until the aqueous layer turns pink.

Methodology: A certain volume of sodium salicylate solution is placed in a titration flask, 2 drops of methyl orange solution, 1 drop of methylene blue are added and titrated with 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution until the solution turns lilac-violet.


Active ingredient (INN) Sodium salicylate (Sodium salicylate)

Application: Acute rheumatism, exudative pleurisy, non-rheumatic arthritis, gout, neuralgia, myalgia, rheumatic endocarditis, myocarditis.


    Lurie Yu.Yu. Handbook of Analytical Chemistry. Moscow, 1972;

    Methodical instructions " Instrumental methods analysis", Perm, 2004;

    Methodological instructions “Qualitative chemical analysis”, Perm, 2003;

    Methodological instructions “Quantitative chemical analysis”, Perm, 2004;

    Rabinovich V.A., Khavin Z.Ya. Brief chemical reference book, Leningrad, 1991;;

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