Causes and methods of treatment of adhesive otitis media. How to overcome chronic adhesive otitis media: advice from an ENT specialist

Adhesive otitis media– a form of otitis media with the formation of adhesions in

tympanic cavity and scars eardrum.

Etiology. The disease is a consequence of errors in the diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media. There are a number of objective reasons leading to the development of adhesive otitis media. These include:

Violation of ventilation and drainage function auditory tube;

Formation of exudate containing a large amount of fibrin;

Allergic interstitial inflammation, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity;

Development of granulation tissue;

Changes in atmospheric pressure with hemorrhages in the mucous membrane

    irrational treatment with antibiotics, etc.

In children:

Remnants of myxoid tissue that serve as plastic material for the formation of adhesions;

Entry of food and stomach contents into the tympanic cavity during regurgitation;

Pathogenesis. With poor drainage function of the auditory tube, paracentesis not performed in a timely manner, with antibiotic treatment, having only a bacteriostatic effect, the exudate is sterilized, the symptoms of intoxication (fever, pain) disappear, and a visible recovery occurs.

If such a situation is not detected in a timely manner, the exudate subsequently begins to organize and fibrinous threads turn into adhesions. Their location is different: the windows of the bone labyrinth, the chain auditory ossicles or eardrum. As a result, persistent sound-conductive hearing loss occurs.

Clinical characteristics anddiagnostics. The general condition is usually not affected. Information about previous acute otitis media and diseases of the pharynx, nose and paranasal sinuses is important.

Otoscopy reveals retraction of the tympanic membrane, the light reflex is shortened, and the short process of the malleus is sharply protruded. Sometimes whitish inclusions - petrificates - are visible on the eardrum; areas of thickening alternate with floating scars, in some places fused to the labyrinthine wall.

It is necessary to study the mobility of the eardrum.

Eustachian tube function and hearing testing are of utmost importance. An audiological examination indicates damage to sound conduction. The most characteristic signs of the adhesive process in the chain of auditory ossicles are high threshold air conduction, parallelism of bone and air conduction curves, significant bone-air interval.

It should be borne in mind that obliteration of the windows of the bone labyrinth by scars results in decreased hearing due to a decrease in not only air but also bone conduction; high tones are especially poorly perceived.

Treatment Adhesive otitis media can be treated conservatively or surgically. In the initial stages of the disease positive effect can give systematic blowing of the ears according to Politzer, the introduction of medicinal substances into the tympanic cavity through a catheter, bougienage of the auditory tube, vibration and pneumatic massage of the eardrum, electrotherapy (galvanization, pulsed magnetic therapy etc.). These methods are combined with parenteral administration of aloe, hormonal drugs, and enzymes. A good effect is observed when lidase is introduced into the tympanic cavity using tympanopuncture.

Surgical treatment for adhesive otitis media is very complex. It

is carried out using an operating microscope and special instruments.In childhood, operations for adhesive otitis media are unpromising due to the increased tendency to develop granulations and re-scarring, which negates the results of the operation.

Adhesive otitis media is a serious inflammatory disease ears. It causes hearing loss in 30% of people. In some cases, to treat it it is necessary to perform surgery. What are the causes and symptoms of this disease? How to carry out treatment correctly?

Features of the disease

Ear disease

The middle ear is intermediate between outer ear, separated by the eardrum, and which is connected to the brain. It is a cavity in which the auditory ossicles (hammer, incus and stapes) are located, transmitting sound vibrations. Using the auditory tube, the middle ear is connected to the nasopharynx to allow air to enter it and create a certain pressure in the tympanic cavity. The mucous membrane of the organ produces a special fluid that acts as a lubricant. Any disruption of this system leads to hearing impairment.

When an infection gets into the middle ear, it begins inflammatory process, which is accompanied by swelling, the appearance of ulcers and the release of exudate. In patients with adhesive (or adhesive) otitis media, fibrin is released in the tympanic cavity. This substance is sticky and viscous, which is why the disease has such a name.

The fibrin layer accumulates over time and turns into scar tissue. Adhesions, thickenings and cords form on the auditory ossicles, eardrum and in the auditory tube. These formations impair the mobility of the auditory ossicles and block the air supply, resulting in decreased hearing. Changes can be small, medium or even severe.

Causes of adhesive otitis media

The occurrence of an adhesive disease is often a complication of protracted disease, when recovery does not occur for a long time (2-3 weeks). The reason for this is the remainder of the exudate, which is released due to the ongoing inflammatory processes. Normally, it should exit through a hole in the eardrum and through the auditory tube, and part of it should be absorbed by the mucous membrane itself. But it happens that the body cannot cope with this task, for example due to improper treatment, so the pus remains.

Also, the cause of adhesive otitis media is often caused by inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, during which the patency of the auditory tube is disrupted, for example:

  • rhinitis;
  • and nasopharyngeal tumors.

The infection usually travels to the middle ear through the auditory tube. This happens if it is damaged for some reason, or if a person blows his nose, coughs or sneezes hard, which creates pressure and mucus moves up the pipe.

Infection through a damaged eardrum is also possible. It can be damaged as a result various injuries(for example, during an operation, hit foreign bodies, burn of the nasopharynx, as well as careless cleaning of the ear canal).

The likelihood of developing otitis after other diseases increases if a person has a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of adhesive otitis media

If with purulent otitis the first signs are noticeable ( sharp pain, elevated temperature body), then the adhesive process is not so noticeable. Therefore people for a long time may delay going to the doctor, which leads to the spread of the disease.

The main symptoms of adhesive otitis media are hearing loss, clicking and noise in the affected ear, and a feeling of fullness. Rarely, patients complain of pain, ear discharge and general poor condition. The patient's medical history usually includes prolonged runny nose, previously transferred .

With bilateral adhesive otitis, both ears are inflamed, so symptoms are observed on both sides. This form of the disease has a more unfavorable prognosis.

If you have problems with your hearing, you should contact your doctor.

Diagnosis of adhesive otitis media


Diagnosis of adhesive otitis media is not particularly difficult. It is enough for a doctor to conduct an examination with an otoscope to see signs of the disease, and this is:

  • the presence of formations and lime deposits;
  • disappearance of the light cone or blurring of its boundaries;
  • cloudy or deformed eardrum.

To check the mobility of the eardrum and the patency of the auditory tube, the following is carried out: research:

  • tympanometry. It is carried out using a Siegle funnel, which is inserted into the ear and supplies air under pressure. When the membrane is healthy, its movements are observed. When there are violations, it remains motionless (or partially moves);
  • blowing eustachian tube according to Politzer. A balloon is inserted through the patient's nose into the Eustachian tube, through which air enters. At the same time, the ear is observed through an otoscope. If the patency is not impaired, then the air will flow normally and the doctor will hear a whistle. They can also catheterize the Eustachian tube when a special catheter is not inserted into it, which makes it possible to assess its patency;

The patient will also be referred to an audiologist who will test their hearing. After conducting a series of audiological tests, the doctor will be able to check air and bone patency and obtain information about damage to the auditory ossicles.

To establish the exact location and extent of adhesions and scars, radiography is performed and computed tomography. The resulting photographs and computer images are used for subsequent treatment.

Adhesive otitis media: treatment

The task that is set primarily in the treatment of adhesive otitis is to restore the patency of the auditory tube. To do this, the nasal cavity is sanitized and restored. normal breathing. It is also necessary to relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

For these purposes, a course of blowing or catheterization is carried out. Before performing them, the nose must be cleaned and instilled with vasoconstrictor drops. Both procedures are painful, so the nasal membrane is treated with analgesics. The course of blowing is 3-10 sessions, they are carried out after 1-2 days, which will completely get rid of the accumulated exudate and restore normal pressure in the tympanic cavity. Catheterization with an ear catheter followed by insertion medicines directly into the middle ear helps to resolve adhesions and relieve swelling.

Among the drugs used to wash the ears for adhesive otitis media:

  • . It is a glucocorticoid, that is hormonal drug. He slows down allergic reactions, relieves inflammation, suppresses development connective tissue;
  • . Active substance– hyaluronidase, breaks down hyaluronic acid and leads to softening of scars and resorption of hematomas. Has astringent properties;
  • . Actively breaks down fibrin adhesions that form during adhesive otitis, dilutes viscous exudate;
  • Dexamethasone. This is a stronger drug than hydrocortisone. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Vasoconstrictor drops are also prescribed as part of treatment.

Popular remedies that constrict blood vessels, stop fluid secretion, relieve swelling and restore normal breathing:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazol or Nazolin;
  • Sanorin.

They are instilled into each nasal passage, 1-3 drops 2-3 times a day. The active ingredient of these drugs is naphazoline nitrate. They are used for diseases such as rhinitis, eustachitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.

How to get rid of noise with adhesive otitis media? Among the medications used that help reduce tinnitus are 2% Novocaine solution, 75% alcohol, Hexonium, Tropacin, Amizil, Spherofizin. They are inserted through a puncture in the eardrum.

With the help of a Politzer balloon, which is used for blowing, pneumomassage is carried out by exposure to pressure changes. In this way, the eardrum is stimulated and its mobility is restored. Pneumatic massage is alternated with blowing, which improves the result.

Physiotherapeutic procedures such as:

  • UHF (tissue heating occurs under the influence of electrical or ultrasonic vibrations). UHF improves blood circulation and others metabolic processes V required area, promotes rapid regeneration and recovery, relieving swelling and inflammation;
  • microwave therapy (used electromagnetic vibrations, which also contribute to the acceleration of particle movement and heating). The effect is the same as with UHF;
  • intraaural electrophoresis. During electrophoresis, an electrode is used that emits a direct current, and a swab soaked in medicinal solution and applied to the ear. An electrode may also be placed in the nose. The current enhances and prolongs the effect of the drug, which is used as bactericidal, trophostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs (iodine, alcohol, distilled water, lidase, etc.). Electrophoresis is an excellent prevention of scars in the middle ear.

The doctor selects treatment methods and prepares a course of physical procedures individually.

Complex treatment of adhesive otitis media, including physiotherapeutic procedures, rinsing, blowing and massage, in some cases helps to achieve a positive result. Of course, for recovery it is necessary to cure everything accompanying illnesses, get rid of runny nose and cough, sanitize the mouth and nose. To restore breathing, you need to straighten the deviated nasal septum (if there are problems with this) and remove the adenoids. We also must not forget about strengthening the body’s defenses with the help of a complex of vitamins A and E and aloe injections.

Conservative treatment methods are used in the initial stages of adhesive otitis, when hearing damage is not so serious. If there are many adhesions and the mobility of the bones is severely limited, surgical treatment is required.

There are two options for operations for adhesive otitis media:

  • tympanotomy (opening of the eardrum), after which the tympanic cavity is sanitized. In this way, adhesions are removed and the mobility of the bones is restored. Then the integrity of the eardrum is restored. The disadvantage of the operation is that it does not always help restore hearing, and there is also Great chance relapses;
  • prosthetics. Replacement of the auditory ossicles (or individual parts thereof) is necessary if adhesions and scars are present in the large quantities and removing them doesn't help. Before prosthetics, a tympanotomy is also performed and all pathologies are removed from the middle ear. Such an operation for adhesive otitis media allows you to partially or completely get rid of hearing loss, but there is a possibility that it will not produce results and your hearing will continue to deteriorate.

Adhesive otitis media: treatment with folk remedies

Among the popular methods of treatment with folk remedies for adhesive otitis media:

  • decoction of bay leaf: Pour 5 leaves into a glass boiled water and put on the fire until it boils. Remove from heat and leave for a couple of hours for the broth to infuse. Instill the decoction into sore ear 3 drops 3 times a day. You can also take it orally, 1 tbsp. three times a day;
  • drops from onion juice and sodium chloride: mix the components in equal proportions. Place 2 drops into your ear and cover it with cotton wool, wait a quarter of an hour, then remove the cotton wool. Repeat the procedure twice a day;
  • herbal decoctions: yarrow, dandelion, celandine herb, mint, marshmallow root, nettle, immortelle root, St. John's wort, angelica, plantain, wild rosemary - all of them are useful in the treatment of adhesive otitis media. They can be used one at a time or several herbs can be combined together. For 2 spoons of the mixture you will need half a liter of boiling water. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave overnight. It is useful to consume it internally (drink 1 glass during the day). Insert turundas soaked in herbal decoctions into the ear canal for half an hour once a day;
  • Tampon with onions: wrap the grated onion in a bandage and make a tampon. Insert it into the sore ear and leave it overnight.

Consequences and methods of prevention of adhesive otitis media

Neglected adhesive can lead to irreversible hearing loss and deafness. There is also a possibility of returning after treatment and transition to chronic form. Complications of adhesive otitis media require more severe and lengthy treatment.

To prevent adhesive otitis media of the middle ear it is necessary:

  • promptly and adequately treat purulent otitis media, as well as viral and infectious diseases. Carry out their prevention;
  • Blow your nose carefully so that liquid does not get from your nose into your ear;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • be careful when cleaning your ears so as not to damage your eardrum;
  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia, dry ears thoroughly after bathing.

Informative video

What is Adhesive Otitis Media

Adhesive otitis media– a disease that is a fibrous adhesive process of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity of an inflammatory nature with the formation of adhesions, the formation of stiffness of the chain of auditory ossicles, impaired patency of the auditory tube, and a steady deterioration of hearing.

What causes Adhesive otitis media

Adhesive otitis media often develops with chronic catarrhal or exudative otitis media, which are accompanied by healing processes and organization of pathological contents with the development of fibrous-scar tissue between the walls of the tympanic cavity, the auditory ossicles and the eardrum. Binding (sticking together) of the sound-conducting elements of the tympanic cavity in this way impairs hearing.

Symptoms of Adhesive Otitis Media

Leading symptoms- hearing loss and tinnitus. There is an indication in the anamnesis of a single or repeated infection of the middle ear. The otoscopic picture of adhesive otitis media is characterized by the presence of cicatricial changes and retraction of the tympanic membrane. Overdevelopment Scar tissue can cause deformation of the eardrum. There is a violation of the tubular function of varying degrees of severity with some improvement after blowing the auditory tube. Sometimes scars with adhesive otitis media close the mouth of the auditory tube like a valve, completely disrupting its patency. Ankylosation of the joints between the auditory ossicles develops, and the base of the stapes in the window of the vestibule becomes stiff.

When the air in the external auditory canal thickens and becomes rarefied, a pneumatic funnel is used to detect limited mobility of the eardrum or its complete immobility, which is confirmed by tympanometry. When examining hearing, conductive hearing loss is revealed, but in the longer term, sound perception may also be impaired.

Diagnosis of Adhesive Otitis Media

Diagnosis of adhesive otitis media based on medical history, otoscopy results and functional research auditory tube and sound analyzer. Impedance measurement reveals low compliance of the tympanic membrane, a flat top of the tympanogram or its absence.

Treatment of Adhesive Otitis Media

Treatment for adhesive forms of otitis ineffective. It is recommended to begin treatment with sanitation of the upper respiratory tract; in children, if necessary, an adenotomy is performed to restore full nasal breathing. Repeated courses of blowing the auditory tube according to Politzer or through a catheter with simultaneous massage of the eardrum using a pneumatic funnel are useful. Transtube administration of various drugs is recommended: chymotrypsin, hydrocortisone, lidase, fluimucil. Shown parenteral administration biostimulants (aloe, vitreous, FiBS, actovegin), B vitamins, cocarboxylase, ATP, are prescribed antihistamines. Physiotherapeutic methods include microwaves, UHF therapy, electrophoresis and endaural phonophoresis of lidase, potassium iodide, mud therapy, ultrasonic massage of tubar rollers. Usually courses complex treatment repeat 2-3 times a year.

With a pronounced scarring process that is not amenable to conservative methods treatment, tympanotomy is performed with dissection of adhesions, mobilization of the ossicles or restoration of the chain of auditory ossicles. However, the operation often turns out to be ineffective, since cicatricial adhesions form again, and stable restoration of the patency of the auditory tube is difficult to achieve. In such cases, tympanoplasty with artificial auditory ossicles and ventilation through the ear canal is possible. With a bilateral adhesive process with pronounced violation hearing aid, as well as hearing aids are indicated for elderly people.

Prevention of Adhesive Otitis Media

Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear involves eliminating or weakening the influence of those factors that contribute to the occurrence of acute otitis media and its transition to chronic.

U infants the level of natural resistance is directly dependent on the feeding method. With breast milk, the baby receives substances that provide nonspecific humoral protection, for example lysozyme, immunoglobulins, which is very important for the child’s adaptation to the conditions external environment. Therefore, an important preventative measure colds and otitis media is feeding a child with breast milk.

Until recently, the incidence of acute otitis media in children was due to childhood infectious diseases. Thanks to the mass specific prevention Currently, it has been possible to reduce the incidence of children with infections such as measles and scarlet fever.

A number of other factors also influence the incidence of otitis media in children and adults.
- High prevalence of respiratory viral infections, reducing the mucociliary activity of the respiratory epithelium, including the epithelium of the auditory tube, suppressing local immune defense Widespread, often unsystematic and unjustified use of antibiotics, which leads to the emergence of resistant strains of pathogens and at the same time disrupts the natural defensive reactions body.
- Sensitization of the body and distortion of local and general mechanisms immune defense when eating foods containing preservatives, various synthetic additives, and in children - with artificial feeding.
- Decrease in general nonspecific resistance due to physical inactivity, limited exposure to the open air and sun, insufficient consumption of vitamin-rich foods.
- Adenoids always contribute to the occurrence and chronicity of acute otitis media, so timely adenotomy is advisable.

Elimination adverse influence These factors help reduce the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. In particular, methods have emerged for the specific prevention of influenza and acute respiratory diseases(Influvac, IRS-19, Imudon, etc.), active sanitation of the upper respiratory tract is carried out, methods of adequate treatment of acute respiratory diseases without systemic antibiotics are becoming widespread.

In the development of acute otitis media and its transition to chronic great importance have chronic lesions infections in the nose and throat. Timely sanitation of such foci of infection and restoration of normal nasal breathing are important components in the complex of measures to prevent otitis media. Prevention of chronic suppurative otitis media is correct treatment patient with acute otitis media. An important component of this treatment is timely paracentesis (according to indications), as well as adequate antibiotic therapy, taking into account the characteristics of the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The transition of acute otitis to chronic is often facilitated by early discontinuation of the antibiotic, its use in small doses and lengthening the intervals between antibiotic administrations.

Patients who have suffered acute otitis media, even with a favorable course of the convalescence period and with normalization of the otoscopic picture and hearing, should be under medical supervision for 6 months. By the end of this period, they must be re-examined, and if signs of trouble in the ear are detected (slight hearing loss, changes in the otoscopic picture, impaired tubular function), the course of treatment should be repeated - blowing the auditory tube, pneumomassage of the eardrum, biostimulators, etc., until operations (tympanotomy, tympanic cavity bypass).

Every patient with chronic purulent otitis media must undergo a course of intensive care and then decide the issue further tactics: either the patient is immediately sent for surgical sanitation, or after at least 6 months he undergoes a hearing-improving operation. If there are contraindications to one or another operation, the patient must be registered at a dispensary with periodic monitoring (at least 1-2 times a year) and, if necessary, repeated courses of treatment are carried out. It should be borne in mind that even long-term remissions that last for many years during chronic otitis often create the appearance of well-being for both the patient and the doctor. With a calm clinical picture of chronic purulent otitis media, the patient may develop cholesteatoma or extensive carious process in the cavities of the middle ear, which, in addition to increasing hearing loss, can lead to the development of severe, often life-threatening complications. At the same time, the earlier the ear is sanitized, the greater the chances of preserving and improving hearing.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Adhesive Otitis Media?


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Adhesive otitis media is a complex disease inflammatory in nature which can cause hearing loss.

A distinctive feature of the disease is the formation of adhesions and cords that impair the mobility of the auditory ossicles and the patency of the canal. All this leads to serious problems and complications.

Therefore, at the first manifestations of pathology, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

Adhesive otitis media ICD

According to ICD-10, this disease is coded under the code H74.1 “Adhesive disease of the middle ear.” This term refers to an inflammatory pathology that results from prolonged fluid retention in the middle ear.

With the development of pathology, the patency of the pipes that connect nasal cavity with the middle ear. As a result, adhesive changes, dense areas of connective tissue, and adhesions are formed. All this makes the auditory ossicles less mobile and reduces the conductivity of sounds.


In most cases adhesive form the disease develops as a result of or. Chronic tubo-otitis can also lead to the disease. Following these pathologies, adhesive otitis may develop if antibiotics are used incorrectly.

As inflammation progresses, exudate accumulates in the tympanic cavity, which leads to obstruction of patency. This process is accompanied by the appearance of scar cords, fibrin threads, and adhesions.

Sometimes this form of otitis develops as an independent pathology. In this case, the provoking factors are the following:

  • chronic form of tonsillitis;
  • adenoid growths;
  • acute pathologies of the respiratory system - for example, pharyngitis or tracheitis;
  • hypertrophy lower shells nose;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses - these include sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • tumor.

Scheme of human hearing aid in section

Symptoms, diagnosis

In order for the treatment of adhesive otitis to bring the desired results, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis in a timely manner. To do this, the doctor must analyze clinical picture and conduct special research.

In adults

Adhesive otitis is not clearly characterized by severe symptoms, therefore patients very rarely experience pain syndrome in the ear or discharge from ear canal. General state usually also remains unchanged.

The main symptom of this type of otitis is increasing hearing impairment, problems with sound perception, and tinnitus. These manifestations are constantly present. Moreover, sometimes the noise becomes so strong that a person has to go to the doctor.

To diagnose the pathology, the ENT must interview the patient and find out whether he has had acute or. The specialist then performs an otoscopy. During examination of the eardrum, it is necessary to evaluate its retraction, deformation, and scar processes.

Preservation of the mobility of the tympanic membrane can be assessed by tympanometry. Valsalva maneuvers and Siegle's funnels are also of great diagnostic value. If the process is started, the membrane loses its mobility.

Using tympanometry, the function of the joints located between the bones is assessed. With adhesive otitis media, ankylosis occurs, which manifests itself as a lack of mobility. These changes lead to hearing loss.

To assess the degree of hearing loss, special tests are performed - audiometry, tests with a tuning fork. To identify the adhesive process, you can perform blowing. In the absence of air in the tympanic cavity we're talking about about complete fusion of the pipe.

To determine the severity of the disease, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed temporal bone. With these studies, it is possible to view inaccessible structures of the ear.

Right-sided and left-sided adhesive otitis media

Signs in a child

The main manifestation of adhesive is the increasing deterioration of hearing, which can affect one or both ears at the same time. The baby also experiences tinnitus.

Initially, the child experiences symptoms of intoxication. The baby may become lethargic, moody and irritable. He experiences decreased attention, increased fatigue and loss of appetite. Quite often, children refuse meat dishes.

IN in some cases the temperature rises to 39 degrees. In this case, the child’s sleep is disturbed and increased sweating. In the morning the temperature can drop to 37 degrees.

Catarrhal symptoms manifest themselves in the form of nasal congestion, pain in the throat, and sneezing. Older children often complain of headaches and discomfort inside the ear.


The disease may have different course. Moreover, each phase of adhesive otitis is accompanied by characteristic manifestations.


When inflammation occurs in the tympanic cavity, which is accompanied by weakening of ventilation and fluid outflow. Over time, the exudate becomes thicker and forms dense threads. They entwine the auditory ossicles, disrupting their mobility.


If treatment is not started in time, the mucous membrane undergoes serious changes. In this case, scars and adhesions form on its surface. As a result, the mechanism of sound transmission is disrupted, which leads to hearing loss. This pathology is characterized by the appearance of low-frequency noise and increasing hearing impairment.

How to treat

For treatment to be most effective, it must begin at initial stage development of the disease.

To do this, perform the following activities:

  • rehabilitation of the nasopharynx and sinuses;
  • adenotomy – relevant in childhood;
  • restoration of nasal breathing - measures may be required to eliminate the curvature of the nasal septum.

Good results with this form of otitis can be achieved by blowing according to Politzer. To make them more effective, pneumomassage of the eardrum is also performed.

It's important to remember that scar changes are irreversible. On early stage the appearance of adhesive otitis media, it is necessary to eliminate factors that interfere with the patency of the auditory tube.


After performing first aid measures, the following medications are administered through a special catheter:

  • hydrocortisone;
  • fluimucil;
  • chymotrypsin.

To strengthen the immune system, patients are prescribed vitamin preparations, ATP, etc. There is often a need to use antihistamines. To improve efficiency drug therapy, carry out the following procedures:

  • microwave exposure;
  • massage using ultrasound;
  • mud therapy.

Sometimes conservative measures do not work. In such a situation, surgical intervention is indicated. By performing tympanometry, the mobility of the bones is restored and adhesions are cut.

But usually this procedure gives only temporary results. IN similar cases the affected bones are replaced with artificial ones. If the bilateral form of adhesive otitis is accompanied by rapid hearing loss, hearing aid is indicated.

Eardrum before and after bypass surgery

Folk remedies

It is impossible to cope with adhesive otitis media using folk remedies. Such measures can yield results in the treatment of acute otitis media. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of more severe pathology.

To do this, you can rinse your nose with decoctions medicinal plants or saline solution.


If treatment is not started on time, there is a risk negative consequences. The prognosis of the disease is influenced by the severity of fibrinous-scarring changes that occur in the middle ear.

Such processes are irreversible, and therefore doctors can only stop their progression. The sooner this is done, the more pronounced the hearing loss will be.

In complex cases, with a prolonged course of the disease or lack of treatment, adhesive otitis media leads to a complete loss of mobility of the auditory ossicles. This condition is the cause of deafness.


To prevent the development of abnormal processes in the tympanic cavity, it is necessary to treat otitis media in a timely manner. Preventive measures include the following components:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to prolong the catarrhal form of the disease until the stage of fluid accumulation.
  2. During development purulent otitis you must strictly adhere to all medical recommendations - take antibacterial drugs, undergo preventive examinations.
  3. In chronic cases, surgical sanitation of the affected area is mandatory.

Watch our video on how to do pneumomassage of the eardrum at home:

Specialized clinics

To cope with adhesive otitis media, you need to immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist. You can visit one of the specialized clinics in Moscow:

  1. Family clinic "Miracle Doctor".
  2. Network "Family Doctor".
  3. International center "MEDLUX".
  4. “Family Clinic” near Kashirskaya metro station.
  5. Multidisciplinary medical Center"In Maryino."

Bilateral adhesive otitis is a rather complex pathology that can lead to complete loss hearing To prevent this from happening, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. After a thorough diagnosis, the otolaryngologist will select adequate treatment that will help stop the abnormal process.

Adhesive otitis is an inflammatory disease of the ears, which results in the formation of adhesions from connective tissues. The ICD 10 code is H74.1. It is a consequence of chronic or acute otitis media. What kind of disease is this and how to get rid of it?

Causes of the disease

The disease can appear as a result of improper use of antibiotics, as well as as a complication of the following diseases:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • ARVI;
  • laryngitis or tonsillitis;
  • tracheitis, rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

That is, any disease of the upper respiratory tract can lead to the development of this form of otitis.

The main ailments that may occur when of this disease– hearing loss and tinnitus. As this type of otitis develops, the following symptoms occur:

  • deformation of the ear membrane;
  • changes in the size and color of the eardrum;
  • the auditory tube is blocked by the emerging formations;
  • sediments white near the eardrum;
  • difficult or distorted perception of sound.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other ear diseases. Therefore, at the first ailment, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist. After all, only a specialist can correctly diagnose otitis media.

Types of disease

Depending on the severity and duration, the disease is divided into the following types:

  1. Chronic adhesive otitis media. It develops gradually and has a sluggish character. May not bother a long period time.
  2. Bilateral adhesive otitis media. Appears when both ears are affected to the same degree gravity. This type of disease is very difficult to treat.

Adhesive otitis media of the middle ear – enough serious illness, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore it is necessary timely diagnosis and correct treatment.


To establish correct diagnosis First of all, you should undergo an examination by an otolaryngologist. After a specialist has carried out this ear examination procedure, you will need to go through a series of more detailed studies. They will help you examine the auditory ossicles and eardrums in detail, as well as assess their mobility.

Important! After a diagnosis of adhesive otitis media is made, the doctor prescribes treatment, which should be started immediately.

Drug treatment

At the initial stage of the disease, you should undergo a procedure for clearing the sinuses and nasopharynx of accumulated mucus using a special tube. And also restore the ability to breathe through the nose by straightening the deviated nasal septum.

After this, the patient must undergo venting of the eardrum, then insertion medications through the tube. Such medications may be: Fluimucil, Hydrocotisone, Chymotrypsin, as well as drugs with similar composition and action.

For more effective treatment The patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. These could be:

  • ultrasound massage;
  • mud therapy;
  • microwave exposure;

In some cases given impact the disease may not lead to positive result. In such situations, treatment is prescribed with surgical intervention. The operation consists of restoring the mobility of the auditory ossicles and cutting the formed adhesions.

It is important to know! Bilateral adhesive otitis media requires hearing prosthetics! With this form, significant hearing loss is observed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Because drug treatment adhesive otitis is often ineffective, many people suffering from this disease decide to use methods alternative medicine. Folk remedies for treatment are prepared on the basis of natural ingredients that are quite easy to find at home.

Black bread

You will need a small piece of black bread crust, which should be kept in a steam bath for several minutes. Carefully place the steamed crust into the ear and secure with polyethylene. Keep this compress for 1 hour. This procedure helps to ease painful sensations that accompany this disease.


To prepare the medicine, extract the juice from 1 small onion and add saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. Heat the resulting liquid a little and pour it into the ear, sealing it with a piece of cotton wool. Keep for about 20 minutes. This procedure repeat 2 times a day.


Take 1 head of garlic, grind in a blender, add the same amount of refined sunflower oil. Leave for 2 days in a cool place. After time, add 5 drops to the mixture eucalyptus oil. Drop the prepared solution into each ear, 3 drops 3 times a day.


For cooking of this medicine leaves needed walnut which should be finely chopped. Place them in a small jar and fill to the top with refined sunflower or olive oil. Place the jar in a cool, dark place and leave for about 40 days. Treat the ears with the resulting medicine using cotton swabs 4 times a day.


You should take 1 tsp. wormwood flowers, pour 70 ml of alcohol or vodka. Seal tightly in a jar and leave to infuse for 10 days, shaking occasionally. After time, use the finished tincture as an ear lotion. To do this, you need to dip a small piece of cotton wool and place it in your ears. Leave overnight.


You will need to extract the juice from a bunch of fresh basil. How fresh plant, the more effective this method. Drip 5 drops of this juice into each ear 3 times a day.


The starting ingredient should be infused in small quantity alcohol or vodka throughout the day. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and place it in your ears for a few minutes. Repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Hare fat

The hare fat should be melted in a water bath. Not too hot, drop 3 drops into both ears. Then apply bags of warm salt or sand until they cool completely.

Unfortunately, not all means traditional medicine suitable for getting rid of adhesive otitis media. Therefore, before using any specific recipe, you should consult a specialist. After all misuse Any medications can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to serious consequences.

Impact on this disease in all possible ways is very important aspect. After all, if the disease actively begins to develop, the patient’s hearing becomes weakened. This can lead to its complete loss. Therefore, it is very important to carry out preventive measures and promptly treat adhesive otitis media. Ignoring ear disease can lead to complete hearing loss.

Disease prevention

Prevention of the inflammatory process that leads to the development of adhesive otitis is the main thing preventive measure of this disease. It is also necessary to eliminate or suspend factors that contribute to complications during chronic otitis media. In order to avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the ear, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • timely and correct treatment of viral and colds;
  • regular increase in immunity;
  • impact on inflamed adenoids;
  • eating only natural products, limiting preservatives and synthetic additives;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx play an important role in the development of this type of otitis. Timely disposal of accumulated mucus localized in the nose will help prevent ear inflammation.

Patients who have undergone acute form otitis, you should be observed by an otolaryngologist for the next few months. He will be able to identify early stages newly formed inflammation.

As for infants, they are often susceptible to otitis media. In order to prevent inflammation in the ears of babies, the mother should breastfeed the baby for as long as possible. After all, only in breast milk contained useful material, can protect the child from various inflammations.

A healthy lifestyle and adherence to a daily routine prevent almost all diseases.