Treatment of excessive sweating of the armpits. Causes of increased sweating in a child

Sweat is odorless, but bacteria developing in a humid environment creates a characteristic unpleasant odor. How to get rid of armpit sweating and prevent germs from multiplying? Excessive sweating affects 1% of the world's inhabitants, and many ways have been invented to help solve the problem.

Sweating is the body’s natural defense against overheating during hot periods, during physical exertion and during emotional outbursts. Particles of sweat evaporate, removing heat from the surface of the skin, cooling the body. When a violation occurs, the natural secretion of sweat turns into hyperhidrosis, which greatly interferes with a person’s daily life.

Severe sweating is directly related to metabolic disorders and overexcitation. Rarely is it caused by the natural structure of the sweat glands. If hyperhidrosis has not occurred since childhood, its root cause should be identified.

These can be external and internal factors that disrupt the functioning of the body:

  • improper diet;
  • clothing made from low-quality fiber;
  • violation of personal hygiene;
  • hormonal changes - menopause, puberty;
  • stress, overwork.

The following diseases contribute to profuse sweating:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • AIDS;
  • oncology;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • obesity.

You need to start the fight against sweating small. Perhaps using cosmetics or traditional methods, sweating will not be a problem.

  1. You should use antiperspirant or deodorant every day after your shower. Since ancient times people have used aromatic oils, in order to get rid of armpit sweating and eliminate stench. Modern technologies allow you to choose any cosmetic product for both men and women. The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant is significant. Antiperspirant blocks the work of sweat glands thanks to chemical additives, and deodorant masks the smell. If sweating is not too bothersome, you can get by with deodorant. Antiperspirant is applied to clean, dry skin, preferably before bed. If it causes irritation and itching, it is better to change brands and be careful. Do not apply it to shaved or epilated skin, and also avoid getting the blocker on fresh wounds.
  2. Excessive sweating is often caused by improper clothing. You should wear things made from high-quality fabric that is breathable. Synthetic materials do not absorb moisture and do not allow the body to breathe. Clothing should be selected according to size and season.
  3. Excessive outbursts of emotions, excitement and stress cause sweat. Excitement and fear send a signal to nerve endings that affect sweating, causing the glands to produce more moisture. And the sweat that appears causes a new wave of experiences, intensifying nerve impulses. Deal with emotions modern world extremely difficult. Anxiety can be managed by taking sedatives by doing meditation and getting more positive emotions. You need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, swimming, running, dancing, yoga.
  4. Eat right. Fill the menu with vegetables and fruits, eliminate alcohol, caffeine, onions and garlic from your life. Hot, spicy, salty and fatty foods cause unpleasant body odor. Coffee in the morning stimulates increased moisture production. On a summer day, it is advisable to drink chilled drinks rather than hot ones.
  5. Grandparents knew how to get rid of armpit sweat with herbs, infusions and decoctions. These are effective, proven means, which will be very useful if used regularly.

If these methods do not help, you should consult a doctor. First, he will order testing, which will reveal whether there are diseases in the body or not. If nothing is found, the doctor will confidently diagnose “hyperhidrosis” and begin a course of treatment to combat stress. In severe cases, he may suggest injections or surgery to remove sweat glands, eliminating sweat permanently.

Pharmacy remedies for armpit sweat

If there is no trust in antiperspirants, an allergy or sensitivity to the components contained in them occurs, there are pharmaceutical products, helping to cope with armpit sweating. They can easily be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

  • " ". It has been used for quite a long time and successfully. It dries the skin, forming a film on it that prevents the release of sweat. But the drug can also cause itching due to the formaldehyde included in its composition. This substance has a negative effect on the nervous system. And when accumulated, it can cause cancer.
  • "Dry-dry." Liquid deodorant with a lasting effect. Apply it to washed, dry skin. The product, without a strong odor, tightens pores, preventing the release of moisture, and will relieve sweating for a whole week after the first use.
  • "Pasta Lassara" An antiseptic containing zinc, petroleum jelly and starch is applied to washed skin. It effectively fights odor. The drug is not recommended for children under 14 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.
  • "Galmanin". Powder based on zinc, talc, salicylic acid and starch. Has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, drying effect.
  • "Salicylic-zinc ointment." A paste-like product that has gained popularity since Soviet times. Acts as an antiseptic with an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the content of zinc oxide in the paste, which can penetrate into the blood, accumulate in the body and cause serious illnesses, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 14 years of age.
  • "Teymurov's Pasta" An old remedy for sweat. Compared to others modern means it is inferior in composition and quality - the lead, formaldehyde and zinc oxide included in it have a negative effect on the body. In addition, the paste is inconvenient to use in the morning - it leaves marks on clothes and does not wash well. It is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Natural remedies

Majority pharmaceutical drugs has contraindications and cannot be used constantly. How to eliminate armpit sweating without causing harm to your health? This issue is being resolved natural remedies, which are always at hand.

  • Soda. Ch.l. pour boiling water over the powder and add 1-2 drops of essential oil. Then wipe dry armpits three times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 5 ml. peroxides are dissolved in 200 ml of water. Moisten the cotton wool and wipe the armpits. The product kills bacteria, dries the skin, and reduces sweat production.
  • Apple cider vinegar. Dissolve 3 tbsp in a liter of water. l. vinegar. After a shower, wipe the surface of the armpits with the solution. You should wait until the body is dry and only then put on clothes or go to bed. , which can be eliminated by adding essential oil.
  • Lemon. Its acid destroys odor-producing bacteria. If on exotic fruit no allergies, you can wipe your armpits with a slice of lemon. And for greater effect, mix lemon juice with soda solution. Apply the product to washed, dry armpits until the odor disappears completely. After treatment, the skin will become lighter than the rest of the body, as lemon has a whitening effect. It is not recommended for use before going to the beach or solarium.

Folk remedies

To apply them you need a little patience, effort and self-discipline. Prepare fresh decoctions, infusions, repeat the rubbing procedure several times a day. But they are absolutely harmless and will naturally help eliminate odor and sweat.

  • Soothing decoction. Mint, sage, valerian, and motherwort are brewed in a thermos. The herbs can be brewed separately or together. Before taking, dilute the infusion 1:1 with boiled water and drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  • Oak bark. According to Art. l. Brew oak and sage bark in a liter of water. Use to wipe problem parts of the body. Can be used as baths.
  • Oatmeal broth. Brew oatmeal, spread the cooled gruel on a cloth and wipe the armpits. You can boil oats to jelly similar condition, after soaking the grains in water. Wipe it as needed.
  • Horsetail Ch.l. horsetail pour 150 ml of vodka. Leave for a week, tightly sealed. Wipe sweaty areas with the tincture, diluting the liquid 1:10.
  • Needles. Pour boiling water over tbsp. l. pine needles and let stand. Add the infusion to the bath. The bath should not be too hot, its maximum temperature is 40 C.

Medical and surgical methods

When available funds do not help, and the cause of hyperhidrosis is not a symptom of the disease, people often go to clinics where they will be helped for a long time or get rid of sweating for good. Doctors offer the following procedures:

  • Iontophoresis. Problem areas are exposed to electric current and medicinal substances. At the same time, the work of the sweat glands decreases for some time.
  • Infrared sauna. Not dangerous procedure, possessing medicinal properties. Infrared rays heat the body without increasing the air temperature. Waves stimulate functioning circulatory system, bringing back to normal metabolic processes and reducing sweating.
  • Botox injections. Valid for up to six months or more. Darling, but effective procedure, after which the armpits do not sweat.
  • Liposuction. More often used for people who are obese. Fat accumulated in the armpits increases sweating. When fat is removed, the nerve endings associated with the sweat glands are damaged. The operation has contraindications. For those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, hemophilia, nervous disorders they don't do it. The effect of liposuction lasts 3–5 years.
  • Curettage. Region armpits cleanse sweat glands and nerve fibers. After the operation, bruises and hematomas remain, which subsequently disappear. The effectiveness of the procedure is 5 years.
  • . A painless procedure that eliminates the problem forever. Not available due to cost a large number people, but is quite effective and has virtually no side effects.

This treatment helps get rid of sweating or long time, or forever, but at the same time they work hard in other places.

Prevention of sweating

  • accept contrast shower at least once a day;
  • eat cold foods and drink cool drinks;
  • reduce caffeine intake - drink coffee drinks with its reduced content;
  • fight excess weight;
  • remove armpit hair;
  • Visit a sauna or bathhouse, which helps get rid of toxins. The accumulation of waste is the cause of hyperhidrosis;
  • use cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and folk remedies;
  • wash with antibacterial soap;
  • lead healthy image life.

Axillary hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating of the armpits – unpleasant problem problem that many people face. It can be a natural reaction that accompanies growing up, changes in hormonal levels, as well as a symptom of a disease in the body. But even if sweating is not life-threatening, it causes discomfort to a person, which is facilitated by an unpleasant odor and unaesthetic stains on clothes. What is armpit hyperhidrosis, and what methods are used to treat it?

What is armpit hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis (“hyper” - increased, “hydro” - water) is a term used by doctors to define excessive sweating. Sweating usually occurs as a result of physical activity, severe stress, hot weather, but a pathological reaction not caused by these factors leads to malfunctions of the body.

The video below will help you better understand what hyperhidrosis is:

Causes and symptoms of manifestation

The causes of underarm hyperhidrosis can vary. Here are the main ones:

  • Extreme heat. Give preference to natural cotton fabrics that will not float like synthetics.
  • Nutrition. Spicy foods and alcohol in the summer cause inflammation sweat glands, which leads to an additional increase in sweating.
  • Changing hormonal background. This reason is relevant for adolescence, transitioning into adulthood, or menopause in women. Disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, nervous system also cause hyperhidrosis.
  • Kidney weakness. Patients with kidney problems need to pay attention to the manifestations of hyperhidrosis. Due to the fact that the organ cannot cope with its function, the body has to remove moisture through the skin.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of this disease - then the patient’s hands, armpits and legs are always wet.
  • Diabetes.
  • Tuberculosis. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis should be addressed special attention, because it may be a symptom of this disease.

If the moisture smells unpleasant when you sweat a lot, this indicates that bacteria, fungus or microbes are multiplying in this environment. This requires the help of a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Which doctor should I contact?

To determine the safety of armpit hyperhidrosis, you need to see a therapist who will check your health and listen to complaints. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of more serious illnesses. If hyperhidrosis is not caused by another serious condition, your GP will refer you to a dermatologist who can help you find the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of armpit sweating at home

Here are a few remedies that will help you fight armpit hyperhidrosis:

  • Antiperspirant (sweating in medicine is perspiration, hence the name) is a popular product used during increased sweating, however, it is recommended to use it rarely and not on an ongoing basis. Due to aluminum and zinc, which are part of the antiperspirant, they become clogged. sweat glands. The drug must be used after consultation with a doctor, applied to clean skin. The same applies to the use of deodorants.
  • Formagel. The ointment has antiseptic and disinfectant properties and helps suppress sweating. The drug must be used once, applied for twenty minutes once a week.
  • Teymurov's pasta. Has antiseptic and deodorizing properties. Before treating hyperhidrosis with Teimur, get medical advice.
  • Urotropine (ampoules). The liquid must be applied to a cotton swab, wiped under the armpits, and left overnight.

What do the listed ones look like? medicines, look at the photo below.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are widely used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Let's figure out how to take them:

  • Sage. You need to steam a tablespoon of the herb (you can buy it at the pharmacy) in a cup or glass and leave it for several hours until it steams. After preparation, the infusion should be divided into three doses and consumed throughout the day - after meals. This remedy will also be useful to use when making baths with it.
  • Lemon. If you need to quickly remove accumulated sweat, unpleasant odor, or “refresh” the armpit area, wipe the area with a slice of lemon. Lemon juice can be used as a natural deodorant.
  • Chamomile. An infusion, which is prepared by pouring six tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers into two liters of boiling water, will be an excellent aid in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Let the chamomile infuse for an hour, then add two tablespoons of soda to the infusion and rub the armpits.

How to cure hyperhidrosis - effective pills

The tablets can help treat hyperhidrosis. Their action is aimed at reducing the secretion of sweat glands. Often due to stress cause the appearance of hyperhidrosis, the doctor prescribes sedatives, antidepressants that calm the nervous system help the patient cope with emotional stress. If this is not the reason, hyperhidrosis in the armpit area is treated with preparations with herbal components - belladonna and belladonna have an effective effect on the problem.

Treatment of underarm hyperhidrosis

In the treatment of hyperhidrosis, various measures are carried out - rubbing with herbal decoctions, using ointments, antiperspirants, tablets, drugs containing hexahydrate, surgery. Here we will look at several popular methods that will help get rid of the problem - laser, Botox, Dysport.


This effective method treatment has gained popularity, but before surgery it is necessary to undergo an examination that will reveal allergies or other possible contraindications to carry it out. Laser treatment requires local anesthesia. Several advantages of such an intervention:

  • After it there are no scars, hematomas, or skin damage.
  • Laser radiation additionally sterilizes the armpit area.
  • Hair growth decreases or stops.
  • The duration of the event is short – up to half an hour.
  • The rehabilitation period is several hours.
  • Successful result is 80% percent.

Watch the video showing the laser treatment of hyperhidrosis:


This method of treating underarm hyperhidrosis is the most effective - only one percent of those treated do not receive desired result. Botox treatment has a minimum of contraindications:

  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension in the stage of decompensation;
  • diabetes mellitus

During treatment in this way, the doctor injects the drug into the armpits. As a result, nerve impulses sent to the sweat glands are blocked, and a person no longer experiences heavy sweating in moments of excitement or when high temperature bodies.

If you comply with the necessary preventive procedures, the result lasts from six months to a year. The only disadvantage of Botox is that it high cost. To obtain a lasting effect, the procedure will have to be repeated after some time.


Dysport injections, along with Botox, are gaining high popularity, despite the “youth” of the drug. Dysport, unlike Botox, eliminates not only the symptoms of hyperhidrosis, but also solves the problem from the inside. The effect after applying this procedure lasts about eight months.

Due to the painlessness and safety of the procedure, it is successfully used to solve problems in children. Dysport injections effectively eliminate not only local hyperhidrosis, but also general hyperhidrosis. To consolidate the result, you must avoid saunas, solariums and physical activity in the next week after injections, and do not use deodorants on the day of the procedure.

Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating associated with impaired functioning of the sweat glands. Hyperhidrosis of the armpits healthy people can be observed as a result of the body’s normal reaction to an increase in ambient temperature, during intense physical activity, sports, or anxiety.

Pathological hyperhidrosis is most often associated with diseases of organs and systems of the body and requires qualified treatment.


Causes and factors of increased sweating

Axillary hyperhidrosis– the most common type of disease in which excessive sweating is observed in the armpits. It often occurs with generalized hyperhidrosis, and can also be combined with an increase in local sweating of the palms and legs.

The reasons leading to the occurrence of an unpleasant phenomenon may be:

  • hormonal disorders and related diseases (diseases thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of a neurogenic nature, stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, brain damage;
  • acute period of infectious diseases, intoxication of the body;
  • pregnancy and lactation, menopause;
  • hormonal changes during adolescence;
  • incorrect selection of cosmetics, deodorants;
  • the body's reaction to taking certain medications;
  • excess salty foods in the diet;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.

Further increased sweating in the armpit may be associated with the development of a bacterial or fungal infection skin.

Symptoms and signs of hyperhidrosis

Often the phenomena of axillary hyperhidrosis begin to occur in adolescence. Over time, excess sweating may increase.

The slightest disturbance in nutrition, a state of nervousness, causes severe sweating. The progression of hyperhidrosis leads to the appearance unpleasant odor from the body and clothing, which occurs due to the active proliferation of bacterial and fungal microflora in a favorable environment.

Wet clothing, especially when worn for a long time, can irritate the skin in the armpit area, which often leads to symptoms of dermatitis.

It has been proven that with long-term hyperhidrosis, the number of sweat glands in a patient may increase and also change chemical composition secreted sweat.


According to the severity of symptoms, hyperhidrosis can be classified into:

  • The disease is mild. Phenomena increased sweating observed depending on provoking factors; Signs of hyperhidrosis may not be visible to others. The diameter of sweat stains on clothing is 10-15 cm.
  • Average degree hyperhidrosis leads to the inability to visit public places, especially in the summer; the person feels awkward, depressed; During the day there is a need for several changes of clothes. Sweat spots increase to 20-30 cm.
  • Severe degree diseases often lead to generalization of the process; Those around you may avoid contact with the patient due to the strong unpleasant odor, constantly wet clothes, on which huge stains appear. Sweat trickles down your body.


At initial appointment and examining the patient, the doctor excludes everything possible reasons hyperhidrosis; for this purpose, an examination is prescribed for concomitant diseases, including consultations with other specialists - gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist.

IN mandatory the absence of signs of axillary hidradenitis is confirmed. When the disease passes into a generalized form, necessary research blood, urine, radiography chest etc. In the event of a bacterial or fungal infection, a smear is performed to determine the pathogen.

The choice of treatment method is made by the doctor depending on the severity of symptoms and individual contraindications to the use of certain drugs. There are several directions in the treatment of local hyperhidrosis; the main ones:

  • General recommendations:
    • a diet with limited spicy and salty foods in the diet, excluding coffee and spices;
    • psychotherapeutic methods, hypnosis, psychological consultations.
  • Drug treatment hyperhidrosis of the armpits:
    • systemic anticholinergics (benzotropine, beta-blockers, oxybutin, propaneline, glycopyrrlate). Effectively reduce sweating, but have a lot side effects. Not recommended for long-term use;
    • blockers calcium channels(lacidipine, amlodipine);
    • sedative therapy, tranquilizers;
    • bactericidal preparations local action(glutaraldehyde, boric acid);
    • local remedies to reduce sweating (formagel, formidron, Teymurov’s paste);
    • creams, ointments, deodorants with aluminum salts (Drydry, Maxim, Odaban). Often used in the first line of treatment for underarm hyperhidrosis.
  • Introduction into the axillary region of drugs that block nerve impulses entering the sweat glands. Modern method treatment consists of subcutaneous injection of Botox or Dysport, after which the symptoms of hyperhidrosis noticeably decrease within 6-8 months.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods:

  • radiation therapy. After local irradiation of the armpit area, sweating decreases, remaining less intense for 2-3 months. In view of dangerous consequences the method is used quite rarely;
  • electrophoresis. Course treatment of hyperhidrosis using low-voltage current pulses effectively reduces the volume of sweat produced, but has many side effects (allergic reactions, dermatitis);
  • iontophoresis. Water-soaked gauze swabs are placed on the armpits, after which this area is exposed to weak current discharges generated by the device. The course of treatment is 5-10 procedures.

Surgical methods for treating hyperhidrosis:

  • open adenotomy– excision of sweat glands located in the problem area. A traumatic method that can cause scars and scars and require long-term rehabilitation;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy– crossing of the sympathetic nerve trunk with the help electric current, or limiting its functioning by applying a metal clip. Performed endoscopically through a small puncture in the chest;
  • laser therapy. Under the influence of a medical laser beam, the sweat glands in the axillary region are destroyed;
  • liposuction. Using an endoscope, part of the tissue in the armpit area is removed; in this case, the destruction of the sympathetic nerves occurs, therefore, the phenomena of hyperhidrosis are reduced;
  • curettage Through an incision in the skin, the sweat glands are “scraped out” from the axillary region, and along with them the small nerves adjacent to them are destroyed.

Before visiting a doctor or before using radical measures, it is recommended to use traditional recipes to reduce excessive sweating:

  • Fresh leaves walnut infuse with vodka (15 leaves per 500 ml of vodka) for 14 days. Wipe the armpit area with the infusion, first diluting it in half with water.
  • 6 spoons of flowers pharmaceutical chamomile pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Then filter, add 2 tablespoons of soda and use to wipe problem areas.
  • Take 2 bags of green tea, pour 100 ml. boiling water, combine with the juice of 1 lemon. Thoroughly wipe your armpits with the prepared lotion.
  • Mix 2 spoons of natural apple cider vinegar with 400 ml. water, wash your armpits daily with this product.
  • Consumption tomato juice, infusions of chamomile, currant leaves, mint helps reduce sweating.
  • It is recommended to wipe your armpits with a slice of fresh potato 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of witch hazel leaves - effective remedy from hyperhidrosis. Used as rubdowns or applications.


If you are prone to excessive sweating, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics and maintain careful body hygiene. When using antiperspirants, you must apply them to the armpits 1-2 hours after taking a shower.

After treatment or surgical intervention To prevent recurrence of hyperhidrosis, you need to take measures to: general strengthening body, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right (limiting salty, fried, sweet foods), as well as exercise and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

News that helps!

Sweat stains in the armpits can ruin the reputation of the successful person. They cause a lot of inconvenience from unsightly appearance and a pungent smell, until clothes are damaged by faded stains of fabric.

Caring housewives and hygiene experts have developed many ways to get rid of discharge sebaceous glands in the armpit area. Wide range means includes compositions industrial production: talc, anti-sweat aerosol or stick, tablets and injections, even special linings for clothes. Fans of folk remedies have collected recipes for special decoctions and infusions that reduce the level of sweating.


When faced with the problem of increased sweating, most people begin to pay close attention to body hygiene. At the same time, frequent use detergents dries out the skin and causes it early aging. If, according to external parameters and a person’s well-being, the release of sweat and the specific smell of this process really differ from the norm, then one should look for the reason for this reaction of the body and work to eliminate it.

The causes of increased sweating can be various factors:

  • Increasing testosterone levels: during certain periods of a person’s life (puberty, menopause), hormonal changes in his biological processes occur.
  • Experience stressful situations: a person’s excitement before important negotiations or acquaintances contributes to an increase in adrenaline in the blood and the release of perspiration.
  • Excess weight: obesity leads to disturbances in metabolic processes and thermoregulation, during which sweating becomes more intense.
  • Diseases internal organs: disturbances in the proper functioning of even one of the body systems leads to hyperhidrosis and changes in the smell of sweat (with liver problems, the secretion smells like acetone, with diphtheria it appears sweetish smell, when digestion is impaired, sweat acquires the smell of hydrogen sulfide).
  • Taking certain medications can cause hyperhidrosis.
  • Absence balanced nutrition: excessive consumption of spicy, fatty, fried foods, strong coffee, tea, fast food, alcoholic beverages provokes increased sweating and changes in the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Physical activity: increased motor activity causes an increase in body temperature, in response to which the body responds by secreting sweat for thermoregulation.
  • Non-compliance hygiene standards: the need to remove hair in the armpit, regularity of water procedures.
  • Violation of hygiene rules due to excessive use of detergents: frequent use of antibacterial soap causes leaching of the body’s own microflora, reducing protective functions biological environment, which leads to the development of pathogenic bacteria and an unpleasant odor.
  • Clothing made from synthetic materials: windproof artificial fabric interferes with ventilation and air access to the human skin, creating " greenhouse effect", thereby provoking the secretion of sweat.

Ways to get rid of sweat

A responsible attitude towards the factors listed above that cause increased sweating will help you get rid of the smell of sweat under your arms forever. If the cause is not found, then you should take the measures recommended by experts:

  • take a shower twice a day, morning without detergents, evening with moisturizing soap;
  • during upcoming stressful situations, engage in self-persuasion, drink tea with chamomile, lemon balm, mint, difficult situations take herbal sedatives;
  • carry out full diagnostics the body to identify diseases of internal organs;
  • go to proper nutrition or at least reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • include foods containing phosphorus, iron and calcium in your diet;
  • drinking tea, replacing coffee herbal infusions;
  • normalize physical activity on the body;
  • carefully study the instructions for medications that are currently used; they may have a side effect, causing increased secretion of the sweat glands;
  • remove clothes made from artificial synthetic materials from your wardrobe.

If the proposed measures do not help reduce sweating, the smell still remains pronounced, then it is recommended to periodically use special products in the armpit area. The compositions proposed by experts can be in different shapes: cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, folk recipes based on decoctions and tinctures.


A quick solution to the issue is to use cosmetics, which with their composition help get rid of the pungent odor of sweat.

Devices of this type can be of the following types:

  • deodorants - designed to stop the proliferation of bacteria, creating an unfavorable habitat for them, and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • antiperspirants - capable of blocking the activity of sweat glands due to the presence of metal salts in their composition;
  • antiperspirant deodorants - combines the advantages of the first two, intended for people with an active lifestyle.

For people with irritable skin and teenagers from the presented types, it is recommended to use deodorants. The composition of these devices contains minimum quantity aggressive components, flavoring agents, perfumes. Adults with obvious problems with increased sweating during intense training and physical activity are recommended to use an antiperspirant deodorant.

Pharmacy drugs

If the process of hyperhidrosis is pronounced and causes inconvenience, then medications should be used. The compositions of these products help to permanently eliminate increased sweat production on the palms, under the arms, and on the legs. Such drastic measures are taken only if the recommendations of the specialists outlined earlier have been previously followed.

Medicines to reduce sweating:

  • Lassara paste for daily use based on zinc, normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands. Used for at least a month.
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment with zinc oxide is similar to a paste, dries the skin, thereby blocking the activity of the sweat glands. Acetylsalicylic acid As part of the drug, it helps to destroy bacteria, the waste products of which create an unpleasant odor.
  • Galmanin in powder form contains zinc and salicylic acid to achieve an antibacterial effect.
  • Formidone - an inexpensive solution used in extreme cases in the absence of effect from other means of reducing sweating. Such caution in prescribing the drug is due to the presence of formaldehyde in its composition, which negatively affects the work reproductive organs and CNS.
  • Teymurov's paste contains high concentration zinc oxide. Valid for a short time - up to three days. For patients with problematic or sensitive skin the drug is contraindicated, as well as for people with poor health, aggravated chronic diseases, pregnant women.

In addition to the listed industrial products, clothing pads, the hypoallergenic composition of which can normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, are no less effective. They can be used for clothes made of any materials, which will ensure their safety and the absence of white sweat stains. For the convenience of users of such devices, manufacturers have thought out different sizes and shapes of gaskets.

Folk recipes

If no visible reasons for increased sweating were found during the first analysis, and there are no medical reasons for this either, then it is recommended to use pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies. The former have many limitations and side effects, are contraindicated for the body burdened with chronic diseases, for people with irritable, delicate skin.

Folk remedies have a more gentle effect and, despite the need for long-term use, are guaranteed to provide the desired result.

The latter include:

  • table salt, baking soda;
  • pharmaceutical herbs: oak bark, chamomile flowers;
  • natural lemon juice, potato juice.

Salt and soda

Some common household powders and cleaning products have a beneficial effect on the pores of the skin of the armpits. The advantages of the recommended method of combating excessive sweating are gentle and safe. The only drawback is the need long-term use to achieve the desired result.

Add two tablespoons of salt to a glass of warm water and stir thoroughly. Gauze or other cotton material is moistened in the resulting solution. Lubricate before intense physical activity, apply for some time before going to bed, at least a quarter of an hour.

When using baking soda, dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water. Wait for the solution to cool, add three drops of essential oil tea tree. The resulting composition is wiped over clean skin three times, evenly distributing the procedures throughout the day.

Herbal decoctions

The recommended herbs can be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription; their gentle action allows you to solve the problem of sweating even in a child. With regular use of the recommended decoctions, you can be guaranteed to eliminate profuse sweating in a month. To the most effective herbs include oak bark and chamomile flowers.

Five tablespoons of oak bark are poured into two glasses of water and heated. When the composition boils, remove the container from the heat and leave under a closed lid for some time, but not less than two hours. After the specified time, filter the liquid and wipe the problem areas with the resulting composition several times a day.

Three teaspoons of chamomile flowers are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Leave until the liquid cools to room temperature. The liquid is filtered and a teaspoon is added to the resulting broth. baking soda. The resulting composition is used to treat the armpits twice a day: morning and evening.

There are many sweat glands located in the armpits. The intensity of their work depends on various factors. Activation of sweating occurs as a result of physical activity, increased body temperature or psycho-emotional stress.

This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body.

There are people who sweat very large quantities regardless of the strength of the provoking factor.

Constant wet spots on clothes, an unpleasant smell - all this causes a lot of anxiety for both women and men, leading to nervousness, self-doubt and decreased self-esteem.

To get rid of armpit sweating, they are ready to try all possible remedies.

Wet armpits are a problem and discomfort

Excessive sweating of the armpits causes significant inconvenience to a person every day and is really very difficult for him. serious problem. Why?

  • The person is constantly nervous about how much he or she is sweating;
  • It is necessary to change clothes several times a day, take a shower or perform other refreshing activities;
  • Everywhere and always you need to have special means with you - napkins, powders, deodorants, a change of clothes, etc.;
  • A person tries to avoid communicating with people, shaking hands, speaking, etc.;
  • You have to wear exclusively dark, loose-fitting clothes so that sweat stains are less noticeable to others;
  • There is a tendency to irritation and maceration of the skin, as well as infection by bacteria and fungi.
  • Sweating can turn off a sexual partner.

Daily discomfort due to wet clothes and stale odors has a negative impact on emotional background person. He has to constantly think about how to get rid of excessive sweating.

This can lead to depressive symptoms and neurotic conditions. There are restrictions in professional choice. Sweating prevents you from fully exercising and attending recreational activities.

Why can armpits sweat so much?

Excessive sweating is not a consequence of abnormalities in the structure of the sweat glands. It's about exclusively about malfunctions, i.e. about their hyperactivity (hyperhidrosis).

To get rid of it forever excessive sweating armpits as quickly as possible, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can understand the causes of hyperhidrosis and prescribe adequate treatment!

What are the possible reasons for such a violation?

  • Genetically determined increased number of glands located in the armpits;
  • Hormonal changes observed in the body during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Taking certain pharmaceutical medications;
  • Various diseases and pathological conditions, in which excessive sweating acts as one of the symptoms.

What diseases cause similar symptoms?

Armpit hyperhidrosis is often observed in diseases of various organs and systems. In such cases, it is considered not as an independent pathology, but as one of the symptoms.

What diseases can constantly wet armpits signal?

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • infections;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • obesity;
  • oncology, etc.

To get rid of armpit sweating, you first need to eliminate the underlying disease!

In some cases, the nature of sweating helps the doctor quickly establish the main diagnosis. Therefore, it is very important to describe in detail the intensity, duration, as well as dependence on the time of day and other factors.

If there is no visible reason for sweating, what should you do?

The so-called primary hyperhidrosis occurs quite often, i.e. sweating that is not caused by diseases, age-related hormonal processes or other known factors.

This disorder occurs due to increased activity sympathetic division central nervous system. Armpits can sweat a lot even in winter when the ambient temperature is below 0°C.

This pathological phenomenon most often begins to manifest itself in childhood and adolescence.

Modern medicine on at the moment cannot clearly say what exactly is the triggering factor and cause of this dysfunction.

Often traced genetic predisposition to increased sweating.

Modern diagnosis of the disease

There are special tests that can be used to determine the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the sweating process.

The decisive criterion in the diagnostic process should be a qualitative assessment of hyperhidrosis, i.e. its level negative impact on personal life, social and physical activity patients!

There is a special scale where the degree of influence of increased armpit sweating is expressed in points.

  • Gravimetric analysis is a method for the clinical assessment of hyperhidrosis. Using it, you can set the amount of fluid secreted, as well as the rate of sweating. Filter paper is used and weighed before and one minute after application to the skin of the armpits. The unit of measurement is mg/min/cm². Using tables, the degree of pathological sweating is determined;
  • Chromatographic analysis is a non-invasive diagnostic method. It is based on changes in the degree of color of various chemicals when they are combined with sweat;
  • The Minor test (iodine-starch test) is used to determine the area of ​​hyperactivity of the sweat glands. The procedure is carried out before surgical procedures. Starch applied to the skin, under the influence of iodine, darkens upon contact with sweat. The degree of darkening allows you to see the intensity of sweating and limit the problem area.

Proper hygiene for sweating armpits

Sweat is biological fluid with a good nutrient medium for all kinds of microorganisms. For this reason, people who sweat a lot often experience skin irritation, diaper rash, fungal infections and pustules.

To get rid of armpit sweating, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take a warm shower at least once every day;
  • wipe the armpit area with herbal infusions (chamomile, oak bark, sage, lemon balm), lemon juice;
  • use deodorants;
  • wear underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics;
  • use special liners for clothing that absorb sweat.

During hygiene procedures It is better to use not shower gels, but baby soap or natural soap based on olive oil.

Antiperspirants – is there any point in using them?

The appearance of increased sweating in a person makes one first of all think about buying a “strong” deodorant - an antiperspirant.

There is a huge assortment of similar cosmetic products on store shelves. However, as practice has shown, most of them can only cope with a little sweating. In cases of hyperhidrosis, they are simply powerless.

Some pharmaceutical companies produce body care products, namely very powerful antiperspirants (Dry Dry, Maxim, Purax), which help eliminate severe armpit sweating. They are sold in pharmacies or online pharmaceutical stores.

The active component of deodorants is aluminum chloride, which narrows the sweat ducts. The armpits are treated in the evening before bed after taking a shower.

Drugs can cause local redness of the skin, rashes, itching and others. side effects. However, their effectiveness is quite strong and allows you to forget about the “wet” problem for a while.

Conservative treatment of sweating

How to get rid of excessive sweating armpits, if deodorants don’t help? Eat conservative methods which help quite well:

  • use of pastes (Teymurov, Lassara) or formagel;
  • iontophoresis;
  • Botox injections.

Formagel is a drug containing formaldehyde. It inhibits the secretion of sweat. The duration of the effect after three applications is about 10 days. The drug has toxic properties, therefore unsafe for the body with long-term use.

Iontophoresis is a procedure based on the use of electric current to slow down the activity of sweat formation.

Botox injections - effective and reliable!

Botox injections are considered the most rational method of treating armpit sweating. This is a painless procedure that takes a maximum of an hour.

Botulinum toxin blocks the nervous effect on the sweat glands, which allows for a period of 6 months to 1 year to get rid of heavy sweating armpits. When nerve conduction is restored, everything resumes.

Therefore, procedures must be carried out regularly.

Botox has minimal contraindications for use - individual intolerance (allergic reaction).

When using injections, the patient may experience the following side effects:

  • weakness;
  • stomach upsets;
  • dry skin at the injection site;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • cough;
  • runny nose.

Usually these phenomena are temporary and disappear within a few days.

Surgery for armpit sweating

Surgical treatments help get rid of armpit sweating in cases where conservative treatment does not give results.

The purpose of the operation is to destroy the sweat glands in problem area or blockade of their nervous regulation.

  • Curettage is a subcutaneous scraping performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia;
  • Laser treatment is a safe, highly effective and low-traumatic procedure. Impact laser beam causes irreversible death of glands;
  • Sympathectomy - clipping or cutting the nerve that is responsible for the intensity of sweat production.