Putrid odor from the mouth. Sweetish breath - do not miss the first symptom of a serious illness

Bad breath is called halitosis. In most cases, this is one of the manifestations of dental or other diseases, so refreshing products can only mask it for a while.

May enhance odor poor hygiene oral cavity. Often similar symptom is a harbinger of life-threatening conditions. Read on to learn more about the causes of bad breath in adults and the treatment of halitosis.

Causes of bad breath in adults

Bad breath caused by pathological reasons, always has specificity, that is, the same for a particular disease.

Caries and other oral diseases cause the appearance of one type of odor, and stomach and intestinal problems cause another. Doctors distinguish the following types of halitosis:

  1. Pathological - it is caused by diseases internal organs(extraoral halitosis) or dental problems (oral).
  2. Physiological, which is not associated with diseases and is caused by errors in nutrition or lack of proper oral care. This smell occurs when fasting, smoking, drinking alcohol or medicines.

There are also terms such as halitophobia and pseudohalitosis. These conditions are caused psychological reasons. In the first case, there is a fear of the appearance of a smell after past illness, suspicious people are prone to this.

Pseudogalithosis refers to obsessive states When a person feels that his breath constantly smells bad, this requires the help of a psychotherapist.

One reason or another unpleasant odor from the mouth of an adult determines the nature, or shade, of halitosis. It, in turn, helps to understand where in the body the problem may be localized.

Pathological factors cause seven types of oral odor:

Putrid odor from the mouth

More often indicates dental diseases and pathologies respiratory organs. It may appear due to the accumulation of food debris in a tooth affected by caries or under a denture, due to the inflammatory process. The nature of the odor is due to the decomposition of amino acids under the influence of bacteria.

As a result, volatile, unpleasant-smelling substances are formed. Listed below are common reasons putrid smell.

  1. Diseases respiratory tract- sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, tonsillitis, allergic runny nose or bronchitis.
  2. Oral diseases - dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, periodontitis, caries, diseases salivary glands or periodontal disease.

Putrid odor can also be caused by:

  • plaque on teeth or tartar due to poor hygiene;
  • smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • impaired digestion - in this case the smell can be especially pronounced.

Its cause is often localized in the intestines and is caused by dysbiosis, obstruction, decreased peristalsis and food absorption.

The smell of feces from the mouth occurs in people suffering from anorexia or, which is also associated with a violation of the digestion process - food is not absorbed, it begins to rot and ferment.

A fecal odor sometimes occurs with an infectious lesion of the respiratory system.

Ammonia smell from breath

It occurs in kidney diseases and renal failure, when the level of urea, a molecule containing an amino group, is elevated in the blood. Due to a malfunction of the filtering system, the body begins to look for other ways to eliminate this toxic substance - through the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, your breath smells like ammonia.

Smell of acid

Sour breath in an adult is caused by increased stomach acidity, which can be caused by various diseases- gastritis, duodenal or gastric ulcer, pancreatitis.

The sour smell may be accompanied by heartburn and nausea.

Rotten egg smell

It also appears with stomach problems, but in the case of low acidity, as well as gastritis, this may be accompanied by belching and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Another cause of rotten egg breath is food poisoning.

It indicates diseases - diabetes, pancreatitis, as well as some other pathologies, which are described below.

There are several pathogenic causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult. The most harmless of these may be indigestion, but there are serious diseases that cause this symptom.


In advanced forms of diabetes, blood sugar levels are very high. At the same time, it is also released into the blood a large number of ketone bodies which are called in colloquial speech acetone (in fact, these are compounds of the same class with a similar structure).

In this state, the kidneys begin to actively excrete acetone, so a urine test will show its presence. In addition to the kidneys, ketone bodies are excreted through the lungs, which causes the appearance of a specific odor from the mouth.

This symptom requires immediate investigation and medical care, since it is a harbinger of diabetic coma.

Liver diseases

Acetone in the blood and urine can appear in some liver diseases. This organ produces enzymes that break down substances that are toxic to the body, including those that neutralize ketone bodies.

If liver function is impaired, acetone may appear and, as a result, bad breath may appear.

Thyroid problems

A hyperthyroid crisis, a dangerous, sudden condition, can provoke the smell of acetone from the mouth. This is an extreme form of development, in which the production of iodine-containing hormones by the thyroid gland is increased. The characteristic acetone smell also comes from urine.

Other signs of crisis - excited state, hallucinations, delirium, hand tremors, falling blood pressure, muscle weakness, tachycardia, vomiting and fever.

Kidney diseases

The smell of acetone can occur with kidney pathologies:

  • nephrosis;
  • renal failure;
  • kidney dystrophy.

Disturbances in the filtering system negatively affect protein metabolism in the body; its breakdown products are not completely eliminated and accumulate in the blood. The smell of acetone on breath also occurs with uric acid diathesis.

What to do if you have bad breath - treatment and medications

Since most often halitosis is only a symptom, the disease that caused it requires treatment. To do this, you need to undergo an examination by passing tests prescribed by your doctor. Depending on the cause, medication or surgery, For example:

  • use of antibiotics or NSAIDs for inflammatory disease;
  • removal of tonsils for tonsillitis;
  • puncture of the sinuses due to the accumulation of purulent contents in them;
  • treatment of carious lesions;
  • removal of a diseased tooth or inflamed pulp;
  • hyperthyroidism therapy;
  • treatment of high stomach acidity or other pathologies digestive system.

Thorough oral hygiene helps reduce the intensity of the unpleasant odor - using a high-quality brush, dental floss, rinses and toothpastes with triclosan, carbamide peroxide, chlorhexidine, cetylpyridine.

You should not use rinses containing alcohol - they dry out the mucous membrane, reducing the volume of saliva produced.

Folk remedies for bad breath

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water essential oils- mint, sage, clove - at the rate of 2 drops per full glass of water. Swallowing the solution is strictly prohibited, and the oils must be of high quality.
  • You can chew 10 minutes before meals dried berries juniper, anise or fennel seeds.
  • Tea with rose hips - 1 tbsp. l. 200-250 ml of boiling water, leave for 25-30 minutes.
  • You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of sorrel and St. John's wort.
  • For indigestion, sea buckthorn syrup, oil or juice are useful.
  • For indigestion, tea with ginger and honey, a decoction of chamomile, wormwood or dill seeds, and flax seeds help.
  • For low acidity, red and black currants, apples, viburnum berry juice, honey are useful, and for high acidity, carrot or potato juice, a mixture of aloe and honey, a decoction of mint and yarrow.

Any folk remedies cannot be used uncontrollably, and before using them it would not hurt to consult a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

You can get rid of bad breath much faster if you do not self-medicate and seek help from a specialist. First, assess your condition and determine if there are other symptoms.

Toothache, bleeding or inflammation of the gums and other problems in the oral cavity are a reason to visit the dentist. Go to him if, apart from bad breath, there are no signs - perhaps you need to remove tartar or plaque accumulated on your teeth.

Sore throat, nasal congestion, wheezing, cough - with such symptoms, go to the otolaryngologist. If there is discomfort in the intestines, constipation or diarrhea, heartburn, stomach pain, visit a gastroenterologist.

If the dentist finds no problems with the teeth and gums, and there are no other complaints except bad breath, then you should go to the therapist - it is quite possible that the existing disease is asymptomatic.

It is quite delicate, so they are embarrassed to discuss it openly. But it is precisely such sensitive topics that are so close to every second person on earth. All prejudices aside, let's talk about why your mouth smells musty and how to deal with the stench.

There are several in dentistry professional terms to indicate bad breath: ozostomia, halitosis, etc. But the name does not change the essence and the problem does not go away on its own.

The stench is not without reason

The main reason for the spread of foul odors is diseases of the oral cavity, provided that they are not taken into account bad habits and characteristics of the food consumed. Precipitating diseases include, and. For example, with gangrenous pulpitis the smell is quite specific, but we will discuss this further.

ENT diseases are also the cause of bad breath, especially if the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge.

The source of diseases is the inflammatory process. Problems with the nasopharynx occur with sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and sore throat. When nasal breathing is difficult, a person breathes through the mouth, which causes dryness of the mucous membrane. Drying is the third cause of unpleasant odor.

Waking up one day, a person realizes that he is far from fresh. Why is this happening? When people sleep, saliva is poorly produced, and the oral cavity dries out. The same situation occurs during a long conversation. Sometimes dryness becomes chronic, then we are talking about a disease called. Saliva helps flush out the body and mouth harmful bacteria, and reducing its quantity leads to the proliferation of microbes that cause stench.

Diseases of the internal organs can cause a foul odor from the mouth (gastritis, cirrhosis, constipation). It is better to visit the appropriate doctor after consulting a dentist, who will rule out diseases of the teeth and gums.

Often, the breath smells rotten due to a poor-quality (or poorly installed) filling. In this case, a repeat is required. Halitosis also develops under, in which case you will also need to consult a dentist.

It is qualified, timely assistance that will reduce the risk of unpleasant diseases.

And it’s better not to know at all what bad breath is

Preventative measures are important even when your breath is fresh and your teeth and gums are healthy. The following rules should be followed:

Bad breath is a problem that is painfully familiar to almost every person and it is quite difficult to cope with it on your own. But there is still a solution, it is only important to follow certain recommendations and monitor own health. There is no way to let the situation take its course.

You can try to solve the problem on your own, or you can trust a specialist. You can’t be discouraged and lose heart, because any difficult situation can be resolved.

And remember that even neat appearance will not save your position in society if you have enough . Any conversation will be ruined, and it is difficult to cover up this delicate circumstance. Therefore, pay attention to such details as breathing in a timely manner.

Bad breath is a very common phenomenon among us. The reason for this is various diseases digestive system.

Bad breath is also a problem when communicating with other people. Modern medicine calls this condition when a person's breath smells extremely unpleasant - halitosis. In Latin - Halitoz.

In fact, halitosis cannot be called independent disease, rather, it is a sign of pathological processes occurring in the body. Lack of proper oral care bad smell intensifies, causing discomfort not only to the patient, but also to others.

In this article we will look at why bad breath occurs in adults, what are the main causes of this symptom, and how to get rid of it at home.

How to check if your breath smells?

Many people who have unpleasant, repulsive breath are not even aware of the problem. It's good if close person or a friend will point it out. But this is not always possible, relatives are afraid of offending their loved one, and colleagues prefer to reduce communication with him to a minimum. But the problem remains.

There are several ways to test yourself:

  1. Wrist test. Here it will be enough to lick your wrist and let the saliva dry. The smell you will smell after a few seconds is the smell of the front of your tongue. As a rule, it is much weaker than what it really is, because the front part of the tongue is cleaned by our saliva, which contains antibacterial components, whereas rear end The tongue, in turn, is the same breeding ground for unpleasant odors.
  2. You can also try breathe into your palm and instantly smell what you exhale. Or try to stick it out lower lip, pushing your jaw forward a little, roll your upper jaw inward and exhale sharply through your mouth, then smell what you exhaled.
  3. Spoon test. Take a teaspoon, turn it over and run it over the surface of your tongue several times. There will be some white residue or saliva on the spoon. The smell coming from them is the smell of your breath.

TO additional features may include the formation of plaque on the tongue, inflammation of the mucous membrane, sensation bad taste in the mouth. These symptoms do not directly indicate halitosis and may vary depending on the cause of the disease and the presence of complicating factors.

Causes of bad breath

The causes of halitosis can vary significantly, but before you look for them, you need to make sure that this smell really exists. Modern doctors There are several types of halitosis:

  1. True halitosis, in which unpleasant breathing is objectively noticed by people around. The reasons for its occurrence may be related to physiological characteristics, insufficient oral hygiene, metabolic processes in the body or be symptoms of certain diseases.
  2. Pseudohalitosis is a subtle unpleasant breath that can be felt upon close contact with a person. Usually in such a situation the patient exaggerates the problem and it can be solved quite simply by increasing oral hygiene.
  3. Halitophobia is a person’s belief that his breath smells, however, this is not confirmed by either the dentist or the people around him.

Also according to statistics:

  • 80% of the causes of bad breath are related to problems in the oral cavity.
  • 10% with ENT diseases.
  • only 5-10% with serious diseases of internal organs and systems - liver, kidneys, organs gastrointestinal tract, organs respiratory system, hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, autoimmune and cancer diseases.

The most basic thing to understand is that main reason the unpleasant odor coming from a person’s mouth is a vital activity anaerobic bacteria(that is, bacteria that grow and reproduce without oxygen). Their waste products - volatile sulfur compounds - are those very smelly gases that smell very unpleasant and lead to bad breath in humans.

Why does bad breath occur?

But there are many reasons that lead to the proliferation of these bacteria. We will analyze them in detail:

  1. Poor oral hygiene. More often putrid smell from the mouth is associated with poor oral hygiene, for example, when a person does not use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces from food debris. Surely many of you have felt the stinky breath of co-workers who had a snack at work but did not brush their teeth.
  2. Gum diseases(and periodontitis). The cause of these ailments is poor oral hygiene, soft microbial plaque and hard tartar. When the amount of toxins secreted by plaque and tartar microorganisms exceeds the capabilities of the local immunity of the oral cavity, inflammation develops in the gums.
  3. . Carious tooth defects are filled a huge amount pathogenic microflora and there are always food residues left in them. This food and tooth tissue quickly begin to rot and as a result, your breath smells bad. If you want to eliminate bad breath, the first thing you need to do is treat your bad teeth.
  4. Tartar development– dental plaque, which seeps in mineral salts (calcium salts) with its hardening and development chronic infection in him. More often, tartar is the result of gum pathology (gum pockets), which do not tightly cover the necks of the teeth and the spaces between their lateral edges.
  5. Digestive system diseases( , ). IN in this case this problem is caused by the pathology of non-closure of the esophageal sphincter, when odors from the stomach penetrate directly through the esophagus into the oral cavity.
  6. . Those who suffer from chronic inflammation of the tonsils also have bad breath. If you have weak immunity or there is a lot of infection in the oral cavity, then in this case periodic inflammation of the tonsils can develop into a sluggish chronic form inflammation. People who suffer from this form of inflammation of the tonsils often complain of terrible breath.
  7. - inflammatory disease, which is accompanied by the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa. Ulcers and tight white coating are a source of halitosis.
  8. - an inflammatory process in the membrane of the tongue, which can occur together with gingivitis or stomatitis.
  9. Intestinal pathology(enteritis and). As a result inflammatory processes penetrate into the blood in the intestines toxic substances, which the body removes, including through the lungs, as a result of which bad breath appears.
  10. Another common cause of halitosis is dry mouth: saliva does not moisturize or clean the mouth by washing away plaque and dead cells. Thus, the cells located on the gums inner surface cheeks and tongue, decompose, causing halitosis. Dry mouth can be caused by drinking alcohol, certain medications, pathologies of the salivary glands, etc.
  11. Medications: Many medications, including antihistamines and diuretics, can cause dry mouth, which can cause bad breath. Such odor and treatment are often interrelated - a number of medications can lead to bad odor (insulin, triamterene, paraldehyde and many others).
  12. Quite often the reason bad smell from the mouth are some products. Of course, onions and garlic are rightfully considered record holders here. However, after noisy feasts with big amount meat and fatty foods Bad breath may also appear. True, it goes away pretty quickly.
  13. Tobacco products: quit smoking and chewing tobacco chemical substances that linger in the mouth. Smoking can also accelerate other causes of bad breath, such as gum disease or oral cancer.

Whatever the various causes of bad breath, the source of all problems is bacteria. They are always in our oral cavity, creating a certain microflora there. Any living organism, and bacteria are no exception, when feeding, produces waste products, which are volatile sulfur compounds. It is these foul-smelling sulfurous volatile compounds that we smell from our mouths.

Experts believe that one of the most obvious reasons The cause of its appearance is the white substance that accumulates on the back of the tongue. It occurs when a person brushes their teeth incorrectly, leaving their tongue unattended.

How to treat bad breath

In case of bad breath, treatment is a separate topic for discussion, but what can be done to prevent it from appearing is important to know even for those who do not suffer from such a problem. After all, bad breath, if it appears, cannot be masked with mint candy.

As noted above, food particles remaining after eating are soil for the growth of bacteria. That is why a lot depends on oral hygiene. It is recommended to take care that after eating food there are no pieces of food left in the mouth, which, among other things, contribute to the formation of plaque and tartar. This requires:

  • Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush three times a day to remove food particles remaining in the mouth and stuck in the teeth;
  • clean the interdental spaces with dental floss;
  • clean the back of the tongue daily with a soft-bristled brush;
  • to stimulate salivation, regularly eat fresh fruits and vegetables and adhere to a diet;
  • to eliminate xerostomia (dry mouth), rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • visit the dentist regularly.

At home, rinsing can help get rid of bad breath. vegetable oil. To do this, dial small portion put the oil in your mouth and hold it there for 10-15 minutes. The oil has good property dissolve all rotting products. Then spit and rinse your mouth thoroughly. You can't swallow this oil! If the procedure is carried out correctly, the oil should become cloudy.

Infusions of herbs such as peppermint, string, caraway, and wormwood have the ability to remove unpleasant odors. To clean the pockets in the gums, it is good to rinse after meals with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, diluted 1:1 with water. Peroxide will clean even the deepest pockets well and eliminate the problem.

In addition to this, there are a large number modern means quick disposal from bad breath: aerosol fresheners, chewing gum, lollipops, etc. They are characterized by both rapid efficiency and low stability due to their short duration of action.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience bad breath, you should contact your dentist and go through professional cleaning teeth, cure diseases of teeth, gums, get rid of tartar.

If there is no effect, you should consult a gastroenterologist, as well as more in rare cases- see an ENT doctor (for sinusitis or chronic rhinitis), pulmonologist (for bronchiectasis), endocrinologist (for diabetes).

Determining whether you have bad breath is very problematic. At first, one can only guess about its presence, since the receptors responsible for the sense of smell quickly get used to new odors. But the people around you can hint at the existing problem.

An unpleasant odor entails not only social problems(for example, it can lower self-esteem, cause discomfort when communicating with other people), and can also indicate the presence of some kind of disease inside the body. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the problem of ammonia odor from the mouth.

The factors that influence the appearance of this odor can be completely different. Here are the main ones that are most often encountered.

Kidney disease

The smell of ammonia from the mouth may appear if the kidneys, a unique “filter,” are not functioning properly. human body, removing metabolic products. Impaired kidney function causes a failure in the elimination of metabolic products. The latter are carried throughout the body, enter the blood, lungs and become integral part exhaled air.

At the same time, symptoms such as changes in blood pressure, swelling, painful sensations in the lower back. Common diagnoses include renal dystrophy, tubular disease, renal failure.

- fasting?

A person who excessively restricts himself in food and drinks exposes the body to starvation. And this, in turn, negatively affects the functioning of all organs, including the kidneys. The latter lose the ability to process waste products and remove urine from the body. Impaired kidney function is one of the reasons for the appearance of ammonia odor from the mouth. To get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to reconsider your diet and just start eating.

Why else might your breath smell like ammonia? The reasons are listed below.


People who have diabetes should pay great attention to the unpleasant odor, which is caused by the accumulation of glucose, leading to the formation of ketone bodies - the cause of the described problem. Associated symptoms diabetes mellitus are dry mouth, weakness, appearance of pigmentation on the body, itchy skin. Observed frequent urination, I’m constantly thirsty. The body feels a lack of fluid.

Refusal of carbohydrates

A protein diet may be a factor in the development of odor. Diets that are based on eliminating carbohydrates are accompanied by bad breath.

The body's lack of fats and carbohydrates leads to the fact that all its systems begin to use their own reserves of glycogen and fats as an energy source. During their processing, ketone bodies are formed, which enter first the blood and then the lungs. When exhaling, an unpleasant odor from the mouth appears.

Taking medications

The smell of ammonia from the mouth can be caused by taking medications. Even the most common vitamins can cause some discomfort. Therefore, you should abandon the unpleasant odor provocateur. If the drugs used are vital, you should consult your doctor to eliminate the disease.

Risk factors

A person does not always know that he has bad breath. And those around him may not tell him about it. Scientists have created some statistics:

10% - diseases that are associated with ENT;

80% - oral diseases;

10% are the most serious diseases.

The unpleasant smell of ammonia from the mouth can be inconsistent, that is, it appears only at certain hours. For example, many patients noted the occurrence of odor in morning hours, before eating. If you feel it constantly, to avoid negative consequences You should consult a doctor immediately.


How to check if an adult has an ammonia odor from the breath? It is best to ask your loved ones to determine if you have an unpleasant odor. However, many are embarrassed to ask for help, considering it unhygienic. Therefore, there are ways to independently check yourself for the presence of ammonia odor from the mouth:

  • moisten a small area of ​​skin on your wrist with saliva and immediately smell it;
  • put a cotton wool under the tongue, hold it inside for a few seconds until it gets wet, and then smell it;
  • flossing your teeth can also help, you can smell it:
  • most effective method- this is to consult a doctor, who will confirm or deny the presence of the smell with complete confidence.

Having found out that there is an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth, how can you determine that it is ammonia? To do this, we will describe what it most often looks like. Causes associations with the smell of urine, ammonia or spoiled (rotten) products.

Note that the ammonia smell differs from many others in that it is very pungent and specific. Therefore, it is very problematic to confuse it with some other unpleasant odor.

Unpleasant odor of ammonia from a child's mouth

In a baby, the appearance of bad breath may indicate problems with the liver. These may include cirrhosis, liver failure, chronic hepatitis. In this case, the appearance of an unpleasant odor is accompanied by a general malaise.

An unpleasant odor accompanied by nausea may indicate the presence of diabetes. Parents should immediately consult a doctor for full examination, productions accurate diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

This is why the smell of ammonia from a child’s mouth is dangerous. There may be other reasons.

A chronic condition in which a person develops a persistent unpleasant odor is called halitosis. The smell is unpleasant even after brushing and flossing. In 80% of cases this problem The dentist will help you decide, since the most probable reasons Halitosis is considered to be gum disease, caries, cracks in fillings.

How can you remove the smell of ammonia from a child’s mouth?

If the smell is caused by some kind of disease, then it needs to be treated. Odors often occur without concomitant diseases, so it is necessary to monitor children’s hygiene and adhere to certain rules:

1. The surface of a child’s tongue must be cleaned every day with a bandage. For older children, cleaning is carried out with a special brush.

2. The child’s nutrition must be correct and include all the necessary vitamins.

3. Brush your teeth every day. Children under two years old clean them with a special silicone brush, and after that the procedure can be carried out with a regular children's brush.

4. You must visit the dentist at least once every six months.

5. It is forbidden for children under the age of seven to eat lollipops and spray the oral cavity with special sprays to freshen their breath.

This will help remove the ammonia smell from your child's mouth. Komarovsky advises parents to measure their child’s temperature if they notice bad breath. If the temperature rises, you should immediately go to the hospital, as this indicates the presence of an infection in the baby’s body.

Unpleasant odor in an adult

Why might an adult smell of ammonia on their breath? The reasons are as follows.

The patient's odor is accompanied by various concomitant diseases. Therefore, in order to get rid of the smell, it is necessary to eliminate the disease itself by going through complex treatment under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth noting that alcohol can also cause an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it must be abandoned at the entire stage of therapy. If after full course treatment, the unpleasant odor begins to bother you again, you need to get tested again and, together with your doctor, determine how to solve the problem.

Ammonia smell from the mouth: treatment

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. But there are still cases when the smell is inconsistent. Then it can be eliminated in the following ways:

  • When brushing your teeth, pay attention to your tongue;
  • chew natural coffee beans.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid the appearance of odor, you need to follow standard measures to prevent odor in the mouth:

1. Stick to proper nutrition.

2. Visit a dentist every six months.

3. Monitor your health and treat various diseases in a timely manner.

4. Refrain from bad habits.

5. Brush your teeth and take care of your oral cavity every day.

6. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

It is important to remember that such a small illness may hide serious problem with health. Do not delay visits to the doctor - it is easier to treat the disease at an early stage.

If the odor problem is related to dental disease, you need to go to the clinic. The doctor will provide full assistance, and will also tell you in detail how to care for your oral cavity and how to properly brush your teeth.

If the unpleasant odor is associated with kidney disease or diabetes, you should consult an endocrinologist. He will hold comprehensive diagnostics state of the body and will formulate a course of treatment.

You can’t do this without the help of specialists, since you can set it yourself correct diagnosis impossible. You should not self-medicate, especially self-medicate a child. Incorrect therapy can harm the baby. Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to a quick recovery.

No adult or child is immune from such an unpleasant phenomenon as bad breath. He was assigned medical term– halitosis. Your breath may smell in the morning, most often the reason lies in poor brushing of your teeth, but sometimes the smell occurs without visible reasons- this is a reason to think seriously.

If your breath stinks in the morning, and the smell takes on a hint of acetone, ammonia, rot, then this may indicate the development of serious illnesses. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

How to check for bad breath?

Often teenagers and adults want to know how bad their breath is. The problem is so delicate that many are reluctant to seek outside help. In fact, it is possible to determine the shade of the aroma yourself at home.

You can do the following:

  • take a medical mask, breathe into it for a while, and then smell it;
  • rub a cotton swab along the back of the tongue, then evaluate its aroma;
  • lick your wrist after 10 seconds. its smell will indicate the shade of aroma emanating from the oral cavity;
  • By simply breathing into your palm and smelling it, you can understand how comfortable your interlocutor will feel during a conversation.

Some people do not need all of the above methods at all, because their bad breath in the morning is difficult not to recognize. So unpleasant symptom causes a lot of problems for a person, preventing them from feeling comfortable in society. If you cannot get rid of the smell, then this is a reason to visit the dentist. If halitosis is permanent and all measures taken are ineffective, then the problem lies deeper. Experienced doctors may associate morning amber with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are best treated in the early stages.

Types and causes of bad breath

If you look at the problem of bad breath in general, its main cause is anaerobic microorganisms. Bacteria, accumulating in the oral cavity, during their life processes emit foul-smelling gases (methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, etc.).

There are several types of halitosis:

  • physiological - develops due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, smoking, poor nutrition, taking medications and alcohol abuse;
  • pathological oral or extraoral;
  • pseudohalitosis - provoke high psycho-emotional stress;
  • halitophobia - often unjustified due to the suspiciousness of the carrier himself.

Of all the above types of unpleasant odor great danger for human health is pathological halitosis. It indicates the development of a pathological process in the body.


When morning amber resembles the sweetish aroma of rotten meat or eggs, and a person is unable to understand why this happens, then it is necessary to reverse close attention to the liver. Perhaps it is overloaded, and decay products enter the lungs through the bloodstream, thereby giving the air released from them a specific smell. A yellowish color of the skin and sclera, as well as dark urine And light stool. A sweetish smell is not always a sign of illness; sometimes it appears due to taking medications that affect the liver.


Stinky breath is more often due to the presence of dental problems and inflammation in the nasopharynx, but if a putrid odor emanates even after eliminating all of the above reasons, then most likely we're talking about about diverticulitis. A tumor in the esophagus prevents the proper passage of food. Stagnant food particles release unpleasant odors as they rot. This symptom is a reason to consult a gastroenterologist.

Often, patients with pneumonia, tuberculosis and purulent bronchitis notice that their breath becomes stale. A pulmonologist treats such diseases.


The pungent, nasty odor of ammonia occurs in diseases of the kidneys and liver. The level of urea in the blood increases in order to remove toxic substances when the filtering systems are broken, the body has to look for other ways of elimination. Thus, the ammonia aroma can come from the skin and mucous membranes. The patient develops bad breath.

Smell of acetone

The smell of acetone from the mouth may appear in a number of cases (see also:). The last thing such a aroma should frighten is indigestion. However, if a person feels notes of acetone in the exhaled air, then one should be wary, because this may be a symptom of diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid gland. Sometimes this amber occurs against the background of stressful situations.

How to get rid of bad breath?

To avoid bad breath after sleep, you should clarify the cause of bad breath. In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and lungs, metabolic disorders, inflammation of the ENT organs, as well as patients with renal and liver failure you need to contact medical institution to prescribe treatment. In case of dental problems, it is necessary to sanitize the cavity and remove foci of infection.


Antiseptics - triclosan and chlorhexidine - will help effectively deal with colonies of anaerobic bacteria; they can reduce the number of microorganisms by 80%, and the effect of the drugs lasts 3-12 hours.

Rinse aids, gels and toothpastes that contain carbamide peroxide, as well as triclosan and cetylpyridinium will help get rid of the smell, albeit for a short time. Rinsing with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or soda will help reduce the number of bacteria.

Treatment with folk remedies

Get rid of the problem of bad breath with folk remedies It’s unlikely to succeed, they only mask the smell:

  • Fragrant spices (parsley, Bay leaf, cloves) are able to overpower any smell with their aroma.
  • It’s a good idea to chew an apple before an important meeting, as some of the microorganisms will be washed away with saliva, your teeth will be cleaned, and your intestinal motility will improve.
  • You can mask the unpleasant aroma using herbal decoctions: sage, chamomile, thyme.

Why does my child's breath smell?

Food that is not sufficiently digested contributes to increased excretion stomach enzymes, which are responsible for the appearance of oral odor in children (we recommend reading:). Foods intolerable to the child disrupt the balance of microflora digestive tract, my mouth starts to smell bad.

Chronic inflammation of the tonsils and the formation of lacunae with purulent discharge, purulent sore throat, chronic inflammation adenoids, accompanied by the accumulation of mucous secretions in paranasal sinuses nose is pathological processes, contributing to the development of halitosis in a child. A not very fresh aroma appears when anxious state baby, elevated nervous excitement, suffered stress. Do not forget about products that have a strong natural odor, affecting the freshness of breath not only of adults, but also of children.

A child who is not accustomed to oral hygiene may suffer from halitosis. Decayed teeth, bleeding gums, injuries to the oral mucosa, as well as chronic or allergic runny nose contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Bad breath can appear due to the formation of pigmented plaque on the teeth or back of the tongue, or the development of fungal diseases of various etiologies. The task of parents is to explain to the child the cause of bad breath, talk about the basic rules for caring for teeth, gums and the surface of the tongue. If you lack your own knowledge, seek help from a dentist.

Measures to prevent bad breath

It is necessary to brush your teeth both in the morning and in the evening, trying to remove all food residues. The cause of the unpleasant odor is bacteria that produce gas during their life processes. Every effort must be made to create the most unfavourable conditions For pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria reproduce well in acidic environment, and in alkaline their number is reduced. If you adhere to two basic rules (contain oral cavity clean and create an alkaline environment in it), then your breath will always remain fresh.