Non-drug treatment of endometriosis. Endometriosis of the uterus: symptoms and treatment



Endometriosis - a hormone-dependent benign disease in which endometrial tissue (the mucous membrane lining the uterine cavity) “comes out” of its usual habitat and begins to grow in other organs/tissues where they should not be.

According to statistics, the disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age (25-45 years) in 10-15% of the total cases.

Types and forms of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a difficult disease to classify because there are many ways it can be classified.

Traditionally, two main clinical forms can be named, depending on the location of the endometrial lesions:

Genital endometriosis. The most common form of the disease (in 90% of cases)

Genital endometriosis, in turn, is divided into external (involves the external genitalia, vagina, perineum, uterine body) and internal (endometrium grows inside the uterus (into the myometrium) and fallopian tubes).

Forms of external genital endometriosis:

  • Cervical endometriosis;
  • Vaginal endometriosis;
  • Ovarian endometriosis;
  • Tubal endometriosis;
  • Retrocervical endometriosis.

Extragenital endometriosis

The germination of endometrial cells occurs outside the organs of the reproductive system (bladder, kidneys, intestines and lungs).

Endometriosis of the ovary, cervix, uterine body

The most common types of disease are endometriosis of the ovaries, cervix, and uterine body.

Ovarian endometriosis

In the context of the disease, it is clear that in this case, endometrial tissues invade the ovaries. Normally, endometrial particles should be destroyed on approach to the ovaries, but due to various negative factors (for example, hormonal imbalance), the cells penetrate into the ovarian cortex and foci of endometrioid tissue appear in them. From which, in turn, endometrioid cysts can form.

There are two forms of ovarian endometriosis:

  • Small. Focal form - inclusions of endometrium on the ovary (one or both). Cause regular “menstruation” with an inflammatory reaction, which gives painful sensations;
  • Endometrioid cysts. The lining wall of the cyst consists of endometrial tissue, and the internal contents are blood fluid. When a cyst is opened, the contents may spill into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with complications.

Stages of ovarian endometriosis:

  • Stage 1. Small endometriotic superficial formations;
  • Stage 2. Small unilateral endometrioid cyst;
  • Stage 3. Cysts are located on both ovaries, pronounced adhesions, deep foci of inflammation, endometriosis of the uterus;
  • Stage 4. The cysts are large and adjacent organs are affected.

Treatment of ovarian endometriosis depends on the stage of development of the pathological process and can be either conservative (course of hormonal, nonspecific anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy) or surgical (removal of the cyst).

Cervical endometriosis

The endometrium grows along the cervical canal in the form of round or polygonal shapes. If endometriotic lesions protrude into the cervical canal, they often look like polyps. In this case, a biopsy and histological examination are required to confirm the presence of endometrial cells.

In the progesterone phase of the menstrual cycle (second), pathological lesions acquire a blue-purple color, which makes them easy to identify.

The main symptom is menstrual irregularity in the form of bleeding before and after menstruation. But, often, cervical endometriosis is asymptomatic, and the disease is diagnosed when visiting a doctor for another reason.

Endometriosis of the uterine body

Endometriosis of the uterine body (adenomyosis) is a very common form of the disease in which the endometrium extends beyond the mucous membrane (into the muscle layer).

Types of development (morphological forms) of endometriosis of the uterine body:

  • Diffuse. Uniform growth of the endometrium throughout the uterine cavity with the formation of “pockets” in the myometrium;
  • Nodal. In the affected areas, nodes appear in the form of neoplasms of a dense structure filled with blood;
  • Focal. Scattered lesions of the uterine wall in the form of endometrioid foci.

Stages of adenomyosis

  • Stage 1 – shallow germination depth;
  • Stage 2 is characterized by growth of the endometrium to the middle of the myometrium;
  • At stage 3, the endometrium reaches the serous layer (the entire muscle wall);
  • At stage 4, in addition to the uterus, the peritoneum and neighboring organs are affected.

The main symptoms characteristic of endometriosis of the uterine body are bright painful sensations during menstruation, spotting before and after it, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse.

Degeneration into a malignant tumor

The lack of timely and competent treatment can lead to the development of complications - menstrual irregularities, chronic anemia (due to frequent and heavy bleeding), neurological disorders, and the occurrence of adhesions in the pelvis and abdominal cavity.

One of the common problems of women diagnosed with endometriosis is infertility, which may be caused by disruption of the ovulation process, the presence of adhesions, unpreparedness (inferiority) of the endometrium, etc.

The fact that endometriosis can degenerate into a malignant tumor is also not excluded. Statistically, this is a very small percentage (about 1%), but in many cases it has not yet been possible to determine the primary nature of the disease, so we can say that the risk of malignancy is present.

Endometriosis and pregnancy

Endometriosis- the cause of infertility in every fifth woman. What is this connected with and why does the growth of the endometrium have such an impact on the impossibility of conception?

The main reasons can be divided into three groups:

  • Hormonal changes. A hormonal imbalance, in principle, can become an obstacle to conception, since the disturbances affect the entire reproductive system of a woman (for example, lack of ovulation);
  • Physiological changes. Endometriosis is the cause of inflammatory processes, the development of cysts, the appearance of adhesions, and pathological changes in the uterine mucosa. All of this taken together or individually seriously reduces the possibility of getting pregnant, since even a fertilized egg may not “get” to the uterus through the fallopian tubes filled with endometrium, and may not be able to attach to the overgrown epithelium of the uterus;
  • Immunological changes. With endometriosis, there is a risk of the appearance of antisperm bodies that prevent conception.

Of course, there are precedents when pregnancy occurred with endometriosis, but in this case there is a threat of miscarriage (especially in the first trimesters), since a woman’s body with this disease has a lack of progesterone, which is necessary to prevent uterine contractions. In the situation of pregnancy with endometriosis, constant medical supervision and, if necessary, medicinal (hormonal, preservative, metabolic) correction of the condition are necessary.

Therefore, before planning a pregnancy - to prevent conception against the background of existing problems (including endometriosis), it is necessary to undergo a full examination. If the disease is detected, the necessary treatment is carried out, after which you can become pregnant.

It is important not to forget that endometriosis can recur, therefore, even after a successful pregnancy, constant medical supervision is necessary to timely prevent re-growth of the endometrium.

Causes of endometriosis development

There is no single reason for the development of endometriosis - there is a whole range of factors that can affect the occurrence of the disease. As a rule, in most cases it is impossible to determine the true cause of endometriosis.

The main, most common reasons influencing the development of the disease:

  • Implantation theory. It is believed that endometrial particles rejected during menstruation, under certain conditions, can enter the abdominal cavity (ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc.), where they begin their “subversive” activity;
  • Injury to the uterine mucosa. There is a possibility of endometrial cells entering the thickness of the uterine wall during gynecological operations (cesarean section, curettage, abortion, etc.);
  • Hormonal disorders. Hormonal imbalance is observed in almost all patients with endometriosis - decreased progesterone levels, increased estrogen and prolactin levels;
  • Genetic predisposition. Specific genetic markers have been identified, the presence of which makes women predisposed to the development of endometriosis;
  • Immunity impairment. Against the background of reduced immunity, the process of endometrial growth outside the uterus occurs - normally, the body’s defenses simply will not allow them to exist in another place.

Symptoms of endometriosis development

The clinical picture of endometriosis is very diverse, which does not allow one to immediately suspect the disease - but there are no specific symptoms. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all, and in this case, endometriosis is discovered by chance (most often, when visiting for infertility or menstrual irregularities). But, of course, there are signs the presence of which should alert a woman:

  • Pain syndrome. As a rule, with endometriosis, the pain is very intense and can reach an unbearable character. As a rule, the most severe pain is observed on the first days of menstruation (it can also radiate to the groin and lumbar region). In addition, pain symptoms may occur during sexual intercourse;
  • Menstrual dysfunction. The appearance of spotting discharge is noted several days before and after menstruation. It is also possible to lengthen menstruation, increase the amount of blood, and the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Infertility. This is more a consequence than a sign of endometriosis, but reproductive dysfunction is a common reason for visiting a doctor;
  • Nonspecific symptoms. Increased blood loss causes anemia, increased pallor of the skin, and weakness.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

Diagnosis requires a comprehensive examination. The main diagnostic methods are:

  • Ultrasound. Makes it possible to assess the size of the organ, see the presence of lesions, identify endometriosis of the ovaries (the presence of cysts), the body of the uterus;
  • Hysterosalpingography. Allows you to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes in case of diagnosed infertility and identify the presence of adhesions;
  • Hysteroscopy. One of the most informative non-surgical methods for diagnosing endometriosis - using a special sensor inserted through the vagina, you can see the surface of the uterus, the mouth of the fallopian tubes, and identify endometrioid “passages”;
  • Laparoscopy. Using this diagnostic and treatment method, you can not only make an accurate diagnosis, but also carry out the necessary treatment;
  • Laboratory diagnostics. A blood test is performed for CA-125 (a marker of endometriosis), the level of which is often elevated in the presence of the disease.

In each case, its own program of diagnostic measures is selected - depending on the form of the disease and its degree, only an ultrasound examination may be required, or laparoscopic surgery may be necessary.

Treatment of endometriosis

The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the disease, its form, as well as the general status of the patient. Treatment can be conservative, surgical or combined.

Conservative treatment methods

The main conservative treatment is hormonal therapy, and since endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease, the goal of treatment is to reduce estrogen levels (ovulation suppression) and, due to this, endometrial atrophy.

Main groups of hormonal drugs:

  • Single-phase combined oral contraceptives (at least 6-9 months);
  • Norsteroid derivatives;
  • Androgen derivatives;
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists;
  • Prolonged MPA (gestagens).

In addition, symptomatic treatment is required to reduce pain (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics), correct anemia (iron supplements), as well as vitamin therapy. If there is an adhesive process, physiotherapy is prescribed.

Surgical methods of treatment

If there is no response to treatment with conservative methods (and in some forms of endometriosis), surgical treatment is indicated. The purpose of the operation is to remove lesions (including cysts).

Organ-preserving operations

The method of choice for endometriosis is laparoscopy, which is an organ-preserving operation (does not require extensive incisions), which allows you to get rid of the lesions as correctly as possible while preserving the organ.

In some cases (only for specific medical indications), minimally invasive surgical techniques are used, the use of which reduces tissue trauma:

  • Electrocoagulation (using high-frequency current);
  • Cryocoagulation (exposure to low temperatures);
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Ultrasonic coagulation.

After laparoscopic surgery, the risk of complications is reduced and there is no need to stay in the hospital for a long time (the recovery period is very short).

Performing organ-conserving surgery requires extensive experience and high skill of the surgeon, since in order to prevent relapse, it is necessary to completely remove the foci of growth, and this is much more difficult than, for example, removing a tumor. That is why surgical treatment of endometriosis should be carried out in clinics where there is a full-fledged gynecological department, staffed by highly qualified specialists and equipped with the necessary equipment.

Most often, laparoscopy is indicated for patients with an average stage of disease development.

Radical operations

In advanced cases, when the volume of endometrial growth is very large (as well as in case of relapse), and minimally invasive operations cannot get rid of them, it is recommended to perform a hysterectomy with bilateral removal of the uterine appendages, as well as hysterectomy. As a rule, such radical operations are performed on mature women with children. In this case, hormone replacement therapy must be prescribed after surgery.

How to avoid getting sick

One of the most important postulates for the prevention of endometriosis is an annual visit to a gynecologist, especially in cases of:

  • Presence of cases of endometriosis in the family;
  • History of gynecological operations;
  • Changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Only a doctor will be able to identify the signs of the disease at the earliest stages of development - in this case, treatment will be most effective.

Every woman needs to be more attentive to herself - promptly treat inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area, monitor her health, and not neglect a healthy lifestyle. A healthy immune system and normal hormonal levels are your main allies in preventing endometriosis.

This pathology is observed quite often and accounts for about 10% of all diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Endometriosis can cause complications in women such as infertility and endometrioid cysts. Let's talk about what kind of disease this is and why it occurs. We will definitely discuss the symptoms and treatment of endometriosis in women.

What it is

During reproductive age, the endometrium of the uterus undergoes periodic changes under the influence of hormones. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium proliferates, grows, and prepares it for pregnancy. If fertilization of the egg and implantation of the embryo occurs, pregnancy occurs. In the case when there was no conception and the egg died, the endometrium is rejected and removed from the uterine cavity in the form of menstruation.

Normally, the endometrium grows only in the uterine cavity, but for various reasons, for example, during menstruation, endometrial cells retrograde through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity, penetrate the muscle layer (myometrium), take root there and continue to grow in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

This causes pain, menstrual irregularities, intoxication of the body and is a common cause of infertility. How to cure endometriosis? First you need to figure out why it occurs.

Causes of endometriosis

How endometrial cells penetrate into surrounding tissues has not yet been precisely clarified; there are several theories that explain the appearance of endometriosis. It is believed that the endometrium can spread throughout the body due to retrograde reflux of blood during menstruation and during surgical interventions on the reproductive organs. Hematogenous and lymphogenous routes of spread are also not excluded.

But in order for them to take root in a place unusual for them, special conditions are required that arise when:

  • Disruption of blood outflow during menstruation, due to which endometrial cells enter the abdominal cavity.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Examinations show that with endometriosis there is an increase in LH and FSH, prolactin and a decrease in progesterone levels.
  • Unfavorable heredity. It has been proven that the incidence of endometriosis is observed in women whose close relatives also had this pathology.
  • Immunity disorders. The body's immune system normally destroys all cells that develop incorrectly or are pathologically altered. A decrease or pathology of the immune system leads to various malfunctions, for example, hyperplasia, the development of oncology, as well as endometriosis.

The most common cause of endometriosis is surgical interventions, including minimally invasive ones, such as abortion, cesarean section, cauterization of erosions, operations on the abdominal organs during menstruation, installation and wearing of an intrauterine device.

You can also note reasons such as endocrine diseases (obesity) and a decrease in general immunity. Therefore, if a woman is diagnosed with endometriosis, treatment should be comprehensive and include restoration of the body’s immune status and hormonal levels.

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As endometrial cells continue to grow, develop, and be shed according to the menstrual cycle, bleeding occurs in the tubes, ovaries, and abdomen. The released blood causes aseptic inflammation and the formation of adhesions. In some cases, the symptoms of endometriosis are not expressed, but sometimes they not only bother a woman on the eve of her period, but also lead to infertility.

Pain syndrome occurs immediately before menstruation, menstruation itself is also painful. Pain occurs in the lumbar region or lower abdomen, in some cases it appears during sexual intercourse, urination or defecation, in the perineum or anus.

Menstruation becomes not only painful, but also profuse and prolonged. Brown spotting appears before it. Sometimes, due to aseptic inflammation, chills, weakness and fever may occur due to intoxication. Irritation of peritoneal receptors can cause nausea and vomiting.

The most common complaint of women with endometriosis is the inability to conceive a child, and in some cases, endometriosis occurs in women who have already given birth by cesarean section or have a history of abortions.


A characteristic symptom complex allows one to suspect endometriosis, but to confirm the diagnosis, a number of instrumental studies are required. Moreover, given the possibility of endometriosis developing outside the organs of the female reproductive system, for example, in the pleural cavity, an expanded range of examinations may be required

Basically, to clarify the diagnosis, it is enough to carry out:

    Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

    Unlike transabdominal ultrasound, ultrasound with a vaginal probe makes it possible to examine the smallest changes in the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries.

  • . Allows you to see small lesions in the uterus.
  • Hysterosalpingography. Detects endometrial growth in the lumen of the oviduct, which can cause obstruction of the fallopian tube.
  • . Helps identify lesions in the ovaries, uterine ligaments and in the pelvis.

Determination of a marker of endometriosis in the blood is also used. Its appearance in the blood suggests the presence of hidden lesions and monitors the effectiveness of the treatment.

Treatment methods for endometriosis

Treatment of endometriosis in women is carried out conservatively and surgically. In addition, folk remedies are used to treat endometriosis. The basis of drug treatment is hormonal therapy, but in addition to it, the woman is prescribed anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs, recommended to change lifestyle and increase overall immunity.

Hormonal medications include oral contraceptives, IUDs with hormones, progestin medications with progesterone derivatives (Depo-Provera), androgens (Danazol). The treatment is long-term and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor for 3-9 months or longer.

If therapy is ineffective for treating endometriosis in women, surgery is sometimes required. It is necessary if endometriosis has caused the formation of adhesions, polyps and cystic formations. Young patients undergo organ-preserving operations, during which the lesions are removed.

Treatment of endometriosis must be comprehensive, therefore, after surgery, hormonal, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory therapy, possibly folk remedies, are additionally prescribed.

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Traditional treatment of endometriosis

The first thing I would like to emphasize is that the treatment of endometriosis with folk remedies does not have an evidence base. A doctor can recommend therapy based on his own experience or the experience of colleagues, but it is strongly not recommended to use folk remedies for the treatment of endometriosis on your own.

One of the effective folk remedies for the treatment of endometriosis is clay.


It is best to use blue or gray - these types have a very strong healing effect. It is important that the clay is clean and free of foreign impurities. It is advisable to get a remedy that lies as deep in the ground as possible - it is purer and more healing than surface rocks. Pour the clay into a large bowl and fill with warm water. If there are lumps, knead with your hand. Leave the bowl at room temperature overnight. During this time, the clay will soften and begin to show its properties better. In the morning, you need to drain the excess water and stir the clay with your hand until smooth. The consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

The next stage is heating. The kneaded mass is heated over low heat, or better yet, in a water bath, to a temperature of 38 - 40°C. The heated clay is placed on cling film and rolled into a flat cake, which is applied to the stomach between the pubis and navel. They cover themselves with a woolen scarf, and then lie down under a blanket for two hours. After the specified time, the cake should be thrown away and the stomach should be washed. For the next procedure, new clay is prepared.

Treatment sessions for endometriosis with such a folk remedy as clay are carried out every day until complete recovery.

One of the popular folk remedies, which is used to treat not only endometriosis, but also other diseases of the reproductive sphere, is a gynecological collection of boron uterus, round-leaved wintergreen, and umbrella wintergreen.

Hog queen

The hog queen, or ortilia lopsided, belongs to the heather family. The unique composition of the plant explains its healing properties.

The main substances that make up the boron uterus and exhibit a therapeutic effect are phytohormones - analogues of female sex hormones of plant origin.

Normalization of hormonal levels eliminates problems with conception, relieves pain during menstruation, reduces the likelihood of miscarriage and the activity of the inflammatory process. In addition, the herb is used to combat the manifestations of pathological menopause - hot flashes, tremors, sweating.

In addition, the boron uterus includes:

  • hydroquinone - a powerful antioxidant, diuretic and antiseptic;
  • arbutin is an anti-inflammatory substance;
  • coumarins are anticoagulants that normalize blood flow and have a bactericidal effect;
  • Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins, normalizing the condition of blood vessels, the central nervous system, and endocrine glands. Antioxidant;
  • saponins - substances that activate the mucous glands;
  • citric and tartaric acid- normalize the state of the immune system, accelerate metabolic processes;
  • flavonoids are powerful natural antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals;
  • resins - increase immunity;
  • microelements - have a general effect on the body, prevent allergic reactions, support defense mechanisms.

Thanks to its unique composition, boron uterus is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, inflammatory processes, infertility, and also as a plant that prevents the development of tumors.


Wintergreen rotundifolia- one of the most popular plants used in folk medicine.

Used in the form of infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, internally and externally. The leaves of the plant have many medicinal effects, including diuretic, choleretic, antibacterial, astringent, regenerative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory.

Wintergreen decoctions are indicated for disorders of the digestive tract, kidney and bladder pathologies, and diabetes mellitus. Lotions from the infusion of the plant are used to treat purulent wounds. Eyes with conjunctivitis are washed with infusion of flowers.

In gynecology, the plant is used to treat vaginitis, colpitis, adnexitis, infectious diseases, and endometriosis.

By taking an alcoholic infusion of wintergreen for a long time, you can get rid of infertility. In the presence of the hog queen, the effect of wintergreen is enhanced.

winter lover

Umbrella wintergreen actively used as a folk remedy for the treatment of endometriosis

and other gynecological diseases. Infusions are prepared from the soft parts of the plant, and decoctions are made from the stems. Wintergreen perfectly eliminates pain, reduces the activity of the inflammatory process, and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, including the ovaries.

To prepare the collection, soft parts of plants are taken in equal proportions and crushed. One tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool at room temperature. The resulting decoction is taken before meals. The attending physician will recommend a single dose and course duration.

If you have symptoms of uterine endometriosis, contact the AltraVita clinic. Our doctors specialize in the treatment of gynecological pathologies and restoration of women's fertility. We employ highly qualified gynecologists and reproductive specialists.

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  • Drug treatment artificial hormonal drugs

    Prescribed in the absence of pain and changes in the size of the reproductive organs, at a young age, in the premenopausal period, with adenomyosis or infertility, if it is necessary to restore fertility. Drug treatment includes hormonal, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing And symptomatic therapy.

    Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease, so drug treatment is aimed at suppressing estrogen secretion. The basis of treatment is long-term hormone therapy, which does not eliminate dishormonal disorders in the body, but suppresses ovarian function, which leads to amenorrhea (prolonged absence of menstruation) and the development early menopause.

    Despite the large number of hormonal drugs for the treatment of endometriosis, the treatment effect is not high, since hormonal therapy does not restore the production of one’s own hormones and does not eliminate the imbalance in the functioning of the endocrine system. In this case, drug therapy causes many side effects: depression, hot flashes, weight gain, fluid retention, reduction in the size of the mammary glands, absence of menstruation after treatment, the appearance of acne, decreased voice, facial hair growth, development of atrophic vaginitis, osteoporosis.

  • Surgical treatment of endometriosis

    For mild degrees of endometriosis and at the very beginning of the disease, this treatment approach is not used. Indications for surgical intervention for endometriosis are:

    • the presence of foci of endometriosis more than 30 mm in diameter;
    • dysfunction of adjacent organs -intestines, bladder, ureters.

    Operations are performed laparotomy (removal of the cervix or uterine body through transection) or laparoscopic methods. During laparoscopy, foci of endometriosis are cauterized or removed using electrocoagulation or a laser.

    It is important to understand that during operations delete the consequence, and the cause of the disease is a violation of neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation, remains in the body and endometriosis is still progressing. Therefore, both before and after surgery prescribe hormone therapy in order to reduce the manifestations of endometriosis.

    Fortunately, there is a 3rd one, safe endometriosis treatment method without medications or surgeries!

  • Computer reflex therapy

    Computer reflex therapy used in the treatment of all forms of endometriosis localization.

    The goal of computer reflex therapy is to restore the patient’s own hormonal levels and immune system.

    The coordinated work of the internal organs of our body is regulated by the coordinated interaction of 3 main control systems: nervous, immune And endocrine. It is on their synchronous and well-coordinated work that a person’s physical condition and health depend. Any disease progresses and the body cannot cope with it on its own precisely because failure in the synchronous operation of these systems.

    Rebooting the body's three main regulatory systems to a state of actively combating harmful external environmental influences and internal diseases is the main goal of therapy focused on influencing the body through the autonomic nervous system.

    There are many methods of influencing the nervous system, but, today, only computer reflex therapy acts through the nervous system so that 93% In cases of patients, the neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation of the body is completely restored and, as a result, many endocrine and neurological diseases that were previously not amenable to drug “treatment” recede and completely disappear.

    Efficiency therapy also lies in the fact that the doctor acts on the patient’s body not “blindly”, but, thanks to special sensors and a computer system, sees what points nervous system and How many required to operate a medical device.

    Before each procedure, the doctor diagnoses the patient, based on the results of which he creates an individual prescription of points for the procedure in accordance with the treatment plan. During the procedure itself, every second scanning of the patient’s current state allows for precise dosing of the effect, which is, in principle, absent when exposed to any other methods.

    Of course, this treatment method, like any other, has restrictions and contraindications- This oncological diseases And mental disorders, cardiac dysfunction (presence pacemaker, flickering arrhythmia And myacardial infarction in the acute period), HIV-infection and congenital hypothyroidism If you do not have the above contraindications, then you have a great chance to get rid of endometriosis.

    For a good 20 years now, the Gavrilova Clinic in Samara has been providing restorative treatment for endometriosis without hormones or surgeries. The author and developer of the method is Natalya Alekseevna Gavrilova. Associate Professor, Ph.D. with general medical experience since 1968, awarded the Order for Medical Merit. If you wish, you can take a closer look at bioelectrophysical the basics of the therapeutic effects of reflex therapy and specific examples of treatment.

    Using the method of computer reflex therapy, the doctor restores the neuro-immuno-endocrine regulation of the patient’s entire body. Restoring the structure and function of the pelvic organs is a manifestation of how the body, using the internal reserves and capabilities inherent in it, self-heals in a natural way.

    Treatment of endometriosiscomputer reflex therapy method without side effects leads to the following results:

    • The production of your own hormones is normalized - the level of estradiol decreases, and progesterone increases, which is monitored by the results of laboratory tests during the treatment process;
    • The cycle is normalized - menstruation will become regular, painless, with a normal amount of blood loss;
    • The structure of the ovaries will be restored;
    • The volume and structure of the uterus will be restored;
    • Pain symptoms go away;
    • It becomes possible to cure infertility without surgery;
    • Often, after a course of treatment, diseases associated with the functioning of the nervous system, allergic and other autoimmune diseases disappear.

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    Head of the department, endocrinologist, reflexologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Endometriosis is a dishormonal immunological pathology in which ectopia of the cells of the inner layer of the endometrial uterine mucosa develops. The incidence of this pathology is quite high, occurring on average in 10% of young women of reproductive age. There is also evidence of the direct impact of endometriosis on the possibility of conceiving a child. About 30% of women with endometriosis experience infertility.

Endometriosis - what is it, the mechanism of development

Each tissue in the human body has its own localization in an organ or part of the body. A change in this location is called ectopia. It is ectopia that is the main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of endometriosis. The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, which is represented by cylindrical epithelium. The endometrium is a hormone-dependent tissue. This is manifested by cell growth during the menstrual cycle, followed by shedding of the superficial layer during menstruation. If fertilization occurs, the egg (zygote) attaches to the endometrium (implantation process). In the case of endometriosis, ectopia of the endometrium occurs; its cells can be located in other organs. Moreover, in another place the endometrial focus reacts with growth and rejection depending on the woman’s hormonal background in the same way as in the uterus.

Causes (etiology) of endometriosis

The exact cause of endometrial ectopia remains unknown today. It is believed that a number of provoking factors can lead to the development of endometriosis:

All these reasons are only hypotheses. It is known for sure that endometriosis has a hereditary predisposition. Also, its development is often provoked by unrealized reproductive function - the absence of at least one first pregnancy in a woman for a long period of time.

Types of endometriosis

Depending on the location of the ectopic endometrium, the following main types of endometriosis are distinguished:

  • Genital endometriosis - ectopic lesions are localized in the organs of the reproductive system. In turn, this type is divided into internal (the endometrium is located in other layers of the uterine wall, in particular in the muscular layer - the endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries) and external (predominant localization in the vagina, labia) endometriosis. Endometriosis, with localization of ectopia in the myometrial wall, is also called adenomyosis or endometriosis of the uterus.
  • Extragenital - foci of endometrial ectopia can be located in any, even distant, organ.

A clinical case of extragenital endometriosis in a woman is described, with ectopic endometrium localized in the lacrimal gland. At the same time, during menstruation, blood was also released from the tear ducts - “bloody tears”.

Signs of endometriosis

The development of endometriosis is characterized by the absence of pathognomonic symptoms. With the genital type of this pathology, the following symptoms may develop:

  • Chronic pelvic pain - characterized by increased pain during menstruation. The prolonged presence of pain reduces a woman’s quality of life, her ability to work, and often leads to increased irritability.
  • Dyspareunia is pain during sexual intercourse that occurs when ectopia is localized in the area of ​​the vaginal walls, primarily in the wall between the vagina and rectum (rectovaginal septum).
  • Infertility - a long-term inability to conceive a child for six months or more may indicate the possible presence of any type of endometriosis in a woman.
  • Light bleeding from the genital tract outside of menstruation.

Extragenital endometriosis is characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge and pain during menstruation in those organs or parts of the body in which the ectopic endometrium is localized. Most often, an adhesive process develops in the abdominal cavity when the peritoneum is affected by the process. Somewhat less commonly, endometriosis occurs in the bladder or rectum (manifested by periodic bleeding from these organs). Regardless of the location, an additional manifestation of endometriosis may be a decrease in the activity of a woman’s immune system.

The exact figures for the incidence of genital endometriosis remain unknown, since in some women in whom the pathology developed after the birth of a child, it may have absolutely no symptoms.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

The leading role in the diagnosis of this process belongs to instrumental diagnostic techniques using ultrasound examination, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. To identify genital endometriosis, colposcopy and hysteroscopy are used - endoscopic techniques for examining the mucous membrane of the vagina and uterus.


The main method of treatment for this disease is radical removal of foci of ectopic endometrium. For this purpose, various surgical techniques are used - from laparoscopic surgery to open access volumetric surgery. The choice of surgical intervention technique depends on the localization of the process. Endometriosis and its treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible things, so such therapy has absolutely no effect.

In the case of long-term anti-inflammatory treatment of any pathology of the pelvic organs without any result, it is worth undergoing an additional in-depth study for the possible presence of endometriosis.

Conservatively at the preparatory stage, hormonal therapy with the help of estrogens and
progesterone. Its goal is to normalize the balance of these hormones in a woman’s body. They are also believed to have the effect of reversing the development of ectopic endometrium. A combination drug (Zhanine) has proven itself well in this area. Janine and endometriosis are a good therapeutic start that allows you to achieve results even without surgery.

Endometriosis - treatment with folk remedies

One of the most effective non-drug, non-surgical and effective treatments for endometriosis is pregnancy. Among other remedies, traditional medicine recommends a decoction of medicinal herbs - celandine, boron uterus. Alternative medicine, which connects the development of this pathology with a violation of the constancy of the internal environment and the formation of homotoxins, is called homeopathy. In this case, endometriosis is proposed to be treated with dubious drugs that are not even registered as medicines. Taking them, at best, simply will not have any effect on a woman’s body. The worst option may be the development of complications or further spread of ectopic endometrial foci.

Before attempting to use any folk remedy or homeopathic medicine to treat endometriosis, you should consult your doctor.

In general, the prognosis for endometriosis is favorable. Radical treatment is carried out only if there is a significant decrease in the quality of life of a woman or if it is impossible to get pregnant.

Causes of the disease

In European medicine there is no definitive opinion regarding the causes of endometriosis. Its hormonal nature is explainable; the implantation theory cannot be ruled out (some fragments of menstrual blood with endometrial particles enter the peritoneum and tubes, where they grow). Predisposing factors are: genetic, impaired development and structure of the fallopian tubes, metabolic diseases, changes in the concentration of sex hormones, decreased immunity, chronic inflammatory diseases and infections of the pelvic organs, cervical injury during childbirth or abortion.

In Chinese medicine, almost all diseases associated with the female reproductive system are associated with disturbances in the energy of the kidneys, liver, and heart, as the main regulators of the body's blood supply system. A change in their work due to an imbalance of hormones and metabolic processes, external cooling provokes stagnation of blood and energy in the uterine area, endometrial hypertrophy and the formation of endometrioid foci. It is the specialists of Chinese medicine who are more often able to restore a woman’s health without the use of surgical intervention, which in some cases of the traditional medical approach in our country is inevitably prescribed to the patient.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Before talking about the manifestations of the disease, I would like to give a little explanation about the variety of forms of endometiosis. The classification is based on the localization of the focus:

Genital endometriosis:

  • internal - adenomyosis (in the canal and cervix)
  • outer


  • peritoneal (ovaries, tubes, pelvic peritoneum)
  • extraperitoneal (vagina, cervix)

Signs of the disease include the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen on the eve of menstruation, as well as during sexual intercourse; pain can often spread to the lumbar region and accompany urination and defecation. An important symptom: painful and heavy menstruation, the appearance of bleeding in the interval between menstruation. However, quite often endometriosis is first discovered during a gynecological examination, to which the patient comes for a completely different reason. And this indicates the tendency of the disease to have a hidden course. The most serious problem is the impairment of a woman’s ability to conceive, which occurs as a result of the appearance of adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes during the development of endometriotic lesions. The sooner the disease is detected and treated, the higher the chances of restoring reproductive function.

Cervical endometriosis

In the case when a focus of endometrioid tissue penetrates the mucous membrane of the cervix, growing there, it is reasonable to talk about such a diagnosis as cervical endometriosis. It is quite easy to identify, since the cervix is ​​easily visible during a routine gynecological examination in the speculum. Complaints characteristic of this localization of the pathological process include pain and the appearance of dark brown spotting on the cervix after sex or medical procedures.

Treatment of endometriosis at the TAO clinic

The most important advantage of treating endometriosis in a Chinese medicine clinic can be considered the non-invasiveness of the methods (that is, the therapeutic effect is achieved without surgery, incisions or removal of organs) and their highest effectiveness, proven by the centuries-old practice of Chinese doctors. At the TAO clinic, the patient is prescribed herbal medicines to restore kidney energy, suppress the growth of endometrioid lesions, and often completely resolve them. In addition, experienced doctors perform procedures aimed at harmonizing energy along the main meridians: acupuncture, massage, warming with wormwood cigars. The body is preparing for recovery. And a woman, coming to the clinic, receives not only relief from endometriosis, but also the restoration of other disorders in the body identified during the consultation.

Treatment of uterine endometriosis

As a special case, treatment of uterine endometriosis using Chinese medicine methods guarantees the preservation of the anatomy and function of the organ. This is important given the fact that in the world there is a tendency towards “rejuvenation” of the disease, which means that more and more young women, often who have not yet realized their reproductive function, are falling ill. That is why when choosing a doctor it is necessary to rely on his knowledge and experience.