Which herbal mixture to choose for treatment for the Gastrointestinal tract? Which collection to choose for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to statistics, about 12% of the population suffers from intestinal problems. Women suffer from constipation much more often than men. This problem is also typical for people over 65 years of age.

Residents of large cities are most susceptible to it, since their diet generally contains very little fiber, and in addition, they lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Using Herbs

Collection No. 6

This gastric mixture can help with flatulence. Take leaves and flowers pharmaceutical chamomile, mint, caraway fruits, calamus rhizome, mix them in equal quantities. Prepare an infusion from the mixture (a tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water) and drink like regular tea - half a glass before meals.

Collection No. 7

This is great prophylactic for stomach pain, gastritis. Brew a tablespoon of the prepared mixture of leaves and flowers of meadowsweet, St. John's wort, nettle leaves (equal parts of all components) in a glass. hot water, leave for half an hour in a warm place and take a tablespoon before meals.

Collection No. 8

This gastric mixture should be used for flatulence and stomach pain. Take cumin and fennel fruits, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian root. Brew two tablespoons of the resulting mixture with a glass of hot water, leave for half an hour. Drink warm.

Collection No. 9

It is effective for various intestinal inflammations. Mix 2 parts blackberry leaves and 1 part calendula flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared mixture into a glass of hot water and leave for half an hour. You should drink the infusion warm every day, 3 cups.

Collection No. 10

This gastrointestinal collection helps with gallbladder spasms and bile ducts accompanied by pain.

It includes 3 parts of St. John's wort, 1 part of hop cones and wormwood, 2 parts of mint leaves and valerian root. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, then leave for half an hour. Take 1 glass before meals.

Collection No. 11

This collection is necessary when it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the liver.

Mix 1 part each of hawthorn flowers and valerian roots, as well as 2 parts each of mint leaves and barberry bark. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of hot water and leave in a warm place for half an hour. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening.

Collection No. 12

This gastrointestinal collection will help eliminate hangover syndrome. To prepare it, mix 4 tablespoons of rose hips, a spoonful of St. John's wort, and 2 tablespoons of motherwort. Grind these ingredients thoroughly, pour a liter of boiling water over them, then leave for half an hour.

The infusion should be taken warm during breakfast, 1 cup.

Collection No. 13

It can also provide relief from hangovers. Mix immortelle, yarrow herb, motherwort, thyme and mint in equal parts. Take a tablespoon of the mixture, then pour 1.5 cups of hot water into it. Take after twenty minutes of infusion. This herbal mixture can be used again if you pour it with the same volume of boiling water, although you need to leave it for half an hour.

The product can be drunk instead of water or tea in small sips, preferably with lemon or honey.

Gastric collection: reviews

Reading reviews about various herbal preparations for the gastrointestinal tract, we can conclude that they have already helped a huge number people. Many people say that with their help, their stomach pains went away and their skin condition improved due to the removal of toxins from the body. Some note that with the help of the preparations you can easily relieve a hangover. Among negative reviews most often you can find dissatisfaction with the inability to purchase in a certain locality any of the ingredients.

Most people have to live with gastritis. At acute course illness and taking medications cannot be avoided. But medicinal herbs used in combination with the main treatment will help to quickly cope with the symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition. In addition, their use during remission can prevent the occurrence of painful symptoms. The best remedy for gastritis is a gastric mixture made up of several types of herbs.

Gastric collection No. 1

For gastritis with increased acidity Gastric collection No. 1 comes to the rescue. It is produced both privately and by some pharmaceutical companies. You can also prepare the collection yourself if you have the necessary plants. The list of included herbs sometimes varies, but usually by no more than two or three items. With regular use, the collection:

  • eliminates burning sensation and pain in the stomach;
  • relieves heartburn and bloating;
  • promotes regeneration of damaged mucosa.


The main plants in collection No. 1 include:

  • chamomile (flowers) - 4 parts;
  • common yarrow (herb) - 4 parts;
  • calendula officinalis (flowers) - 3 parts;
  • valerian officinalis (rhizomes) - 2 parts;
  • peppermint (leaves) - 4 parts;
  • knotweed (grass) - 2 parts;
  • St. John's wort (herb) - 3 parts;
  • bogweed (herb) - 2 parts.

All plants must be collected in environmentally friendly areas, in correct period growing season. Drying of raw materials should be carried out without using high temperatures. All rules are strictly followed pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase required names or a ready-made collection at a pharmacy.


Herbs help improve the condition of the following diseases:

  • gastritis with increased secretion hydrochloric acid;
  • ulceration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • chronic colitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • spasm smooth muscle digestive tract.

How to use

To provide therapeutic effect it is necessary to prepare the infusion correctly.

To obtain the infusion, you can use two methods:

  1. In a water bath.
  • 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry herbal mixture should be brewed with one glass of hot water (90-95 C) in any enamel container.
  • The container is placed in a water bath and heated for 15 minutes.
  • After this, cool without the help of a refrigerator or ice (at room temperature).
  • The solution should sit for 45 minutes.

Then the resulting infusion is filtered and taken 1/3 cup half an hour before meals. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day for one to two months and for prophylaxis in the autumn-winter period (to prevent exacerbations).

  1. Using a thermos.

The thermos is able to maintain temperature for a long time, so it is well suited for preparing various infusions. In addition, this method takes a minimum of time and does not require constant attention.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and placed in a thermos for 3-4 hours.
  • After required quantity After some time, the infusion is filtered through gauze or a special sieve.

Take in the same way as the infusion prepared in a water bath.


Despite its plant origin, gastric collection for gastritis No. 1 is not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart.

Important! The use of the collection in these cases is possible only after consultation with a doctor. This will require changing the dosage and frequency of taking the infusion.

It should also be taken into account that some herbs have side effect on the body:

  1. Yarrow reduces blood pressure, so hypotensive patients are advised to carefully monitor their condition.
  2. St. John's wort also has a choleretic effect, which can lead to the movement of stones into the gallbladder and exacerbation of cholecystitis.
  3. Valerian has a strong calming effect. Therefore, an increase in the effect of sleeping pills and sedatives may be observed.

Gastric collection No. 2 and No. 3

For the treatment of stomach diseases, gastric preparations No. 2 and No. 3 are also used. They have a different composition that changes the effect they have.

  • Collection No. 2 has an enveloping effect due to the presence of flax seeds, improves liver function and has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Collection No. 3 is used to eliminate constipation, intestinal and biliary colic. It also helps improve the condition of gallbladder diseases.

Medicinal herbs for regular and correct use capable of replacing medications during the period of remission and become an excellent assistant during complex treatment during exacerbation of gastritis.

In disease therapy gastrointestinal tract Both medications and herbal remedies, including gastric collection. It's a combination medicinal herbs, which have a supportive and therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The collections are released in the form of a mixture of different particles, pieces and crushed herbs and flowers. The collections are brewed in the form of teas and decoctions for oral use. The mixture is sold in loose packs of 75 g and in filter bags of 1.5 g, 20 bags per package.

As part of the collection of gastric №1 : flowers of chamomile, calendula, corn silk, immortelle. Herbs knotweed, dill, St. John's wort, fireweed, plantain, horsetail, yarrow. Contains peppermint, lemon balm, calamus roots.

In herbal mixture for the stomach №2 contains: flaxseeds, calamus and licorice roots, lemon balm, motherwort, hill solyanka and peony herbs.

Collection №3 contains: rhizomes of valerian, calamus, leaves of peppermint, nettle, buckthorn bark. The fees refer to drugs that affect the digestive and metabolic system of the body.

Types of fees

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, one of three known gastric preparations is prescribed. Collection number one is intended for the treatment of acute and chronic form inflammation of the gastric mucosa and atrophy of its walls.

Gastric collection number two is prescribed in case of diseases of the digestive tract, accompanied and caused by increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. The third gastric collection is intended for pathologies of the biliary tract and liver, cholecystitis and gastritis.

Which gastric collection to choose - 1, 2 or 3 - is decided by the attending physician based on the results of the diagnostic measures. Additionally, he may prescribe other first-line treatments.

Pharmacological action

The properties of each collection for the digestive tract are determined by the content in them of certain herbs, flowers and rhizomes, each of which exhibits its own effect on the body. Collection number one has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping and softening effect.

Collection No. 2 exhibits antispasmodic, enveloping, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it also has a sedative effect. The drug is able to regulate acidity, promote the healing of ulcers and erosions, and is successfully used in the treatment of atrophic gastritis.

The third drug affects the mucous membranes by irritating their receptors, regulates motility and peristalsis in digestive tract. It exhibits antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and laxative effects, and therefore is often used for constipation.

Properties of herbs in formulations

Their medicinal properties the preparations are provided due to the following qualities of the plant components in their compositions:

The presence of several plants in one preparation enhances their mutual influence and pharmacological action on the body. You should first find out if there is an allergic reaction to any of the herbal components of the composition.

The effects are due to the content of cartoinoids, flavonoids, tannins in plants, organic acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, essential oils.

Indications for use

Gastric packs are indicated for the following diseases:

  • functional dyspepsia;
  • flatulence;
  • hunger pain with ulcers and gastritis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • disturbances of intestinal motility;
  • gastritis, including atrophic;
  • ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Decoctions and teas from the collections are prescribed for heartburn, constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Before using the compositions in any case, you will need to consult your doctor.


The use of gastric packs, despite their natural origin, is prohibited in a number of cases. Among them is the presence of individual intolerance to any medicinal plants included, as well as bronchial asthma. Due to the activity of plant components, use in childhood, when carrying a child and breastfeeding.

The herbal collection under the third number is contraindicated when intestinal obstruction, constipation due to innervation and spasms, bleeding. Not used for syndrome acute abdomen and if appendicitis is suspected. Contraindicated in Crohn's disease, peritonitis.

Dosage regimens

Decoctions and infusions from herbal teas for the stomach are taken three times a day, a glass, half an hour to an hour before meals. The third collection is taken half a glass of decoction twice a day, due to the fact that it weakens.

How to cook correctly?

According to the instructions for 1 gastric collection, it is necessary to use this method of preparing decoctions and teas.

Place the filter bag in a glass or clay cup and pour 200-250 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for up to ten minutes, cool to room temperature and take the entire glass.

When preparing decoctions from loose packets, you should take a teaspoon of the herbal mixture, pour boiling water over it in a teapot and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain, cool to room temperature and consume.

The second and third gastric collection are brewed and infused in the same way. You can add honey or sugar to taste.

Adverse reactions

Undesirable effects appear only in allergic reactions which are accompanied skin rash, redness, hives, itching, in severe cases - angioedema. Allergies are a serious indication for discontinuation of supplementation.

As a result of taking decoctions from the third gastric collection, prolonged diarrhea may develop. If they are not conditioned clinical pathologies, taking decoctions and teas from the collection should be stopped. At long-term use patients complain of headaches and heart pain.


Presumably increases in overdose adverse reactions. According to reviews of gastric collection, in this case there are headaches, increased blood pressure, stomach and intestinal colic, violation heart rate. In this case, gastric lavage and sorbent intake are indicated.

Special patient groups

Decoctions and teas from the collections are prohibited for use by women carrying a child or breastfeeding. Use in pediatrics is also prohibited due to the fact that safety studies have not been conducted for this group of patients. In old age, you should first consult a doctor about the advisability of using certain preparations for gastrointestinal pathologies and related ones.

Useful video

Recipes for treating ulcers and gastritis are given in this video.

Special instructions

If the condition does not improve when using the drug, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor. Shake the prepared broth before use. If it is impossible to prepare decoctions immediately before use, they should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dark, dry place. Keep away from children. Shelf life: two years. A poorly sealed dry harvest may lose its quality within a year.

Cost of drugs

The price of gastric fees is from 75 to 99 rubles. How much you can buy fees in other regions should be checked locally, since the price may vary depending on the pharmacy and depending on the manufacturer.

Diseases of the digestive tract require integrated approach in treatment. For this reason, gastroenterologists prescribe first-line drugs for a certain disease, as well as auxiliary supportive treatment. Gastrointestinal collection also falls into this category.

Included gastrointestinal collection contains the following ingredients in equal quantities:

The particles are heterogeneous, the mixture is exclusively plant origin. In the mixture, you can distinguish whole dill fruits with a greenish or brown tint. Crushed or whole baskets of chamomile flowers, white or yellowish in color, are visible. Pieces of calamus rhizome are pinkish or dark yellow. Licorice roots are light yellow, mint leaves with a characteristic odor are green.

Sold in bulk in bags of fifty grams, as well as in filter bags of two grams, in a package of ten or twenty bags with a pronounced characteristic aroma.

Medicinal properties

According to the pharmacotherapeutic classification, the collection of herbal components for the stomach and intestines refers to choleretic and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for colitis, enteritis, duodenitis, and other unspecified pain syndromes in the abdominal area.

The medicinal qualities of the drug for diseases of the stomach and intestines are due to the biologically contained active substances composed of the most herbal ingredients. Chamomile contains flavonoids and essential oils that eliminate inflammation of the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mint leaves contain tonic essential oil and flavonoids, dill is rich in vitamins and activates mucus production, calamus rhizomes contain tannins and bitterness, licorice root contains triterpenes.

Gastrointestinal collection number 3 has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances the effectiveness antimicrobial therapy. Substances contained in herbs can eliminate cramps, flatulence, and promote the excretion of bile.

Active substances stimulate the regeneration of mucous membranes affected by ulcerative-erosive diseases benign formations, due to which erosions and ulcers heal faster. The herbal mixture improves motility and peristalsis of the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, the gastrointestinal collection is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach due to high acidity;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • chronic inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • dyskinesia of bile excretion pathways;
  • muscle spasms of the digestive tract;
  • increased gas formation.

It is also prescribed for pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. Included combination treatment a gastrointestinal collection can be prescribed to patients with hepatitis accompanied by digestive tract disorders.

Despite natural composition drug, it should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Independent medicinal medicine the collection is not - it is prescribed for preventive purposes, for maintenance therapy, and also as an additional drug.


Despite high profile security herbal preparations, they should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist, since even natural preparations have a number of contraindications. It is important to pay attention to the presence of allergic reactions. If your medical history includes episodes of intolerance to a particular plant in the composition, taking a decoction from the collection is strictly contraindicated.

You cannot take the gastrointestinal collection for the calculous form of cholecystitis, ulcerative lesions intestines and stomach during their exacerbation. The drug is prohibited for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to give the decoction to children under twelve years of age.

Preparation of the solution and its administration

The method of preparation and use depends on dosage form, which was recommended by the doctor or chosen by the patient.

Filter packages

Decoctions are prepared from the collection, sorted into filter bags. To do this, you need to take an enamel bowl or glass container, a glass, and place two bags there. Pour in 200 ml of boiling water and cover with a tight lid. Do not open the lid for 15 minutes.

After cooling to room temperature, take a glass up to three times a day. Instead of tea, you cannot drink the decoction, as it is taken half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor and depends on the nature of the gastrointestinal pathology.

Loose collection

Preparing decoctions from the loose harvest is somewhat more labor-intensive. To do this, take a level tablespoon of the mixture and place it in an enamel bowl. Then pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid tightly and transfer to a water bath, where it is kept for 15 minutes.

After removing from the water bath, the vessel with the broth is cooled to room temperature for an hour. The solution is filtered with a strainer or gauze, and the raw materials are squeezed out well. The resulting decoction is brought to a volume of 200 ml still water room temperature.

Adverse reactions

  • rash;
  • itching on the skin;
  • redness;
  • nausea;
  • hives.

Having noted such unwanted effects, you should immediately stop taking decoctions from the collection. You can first check for allergic reactions: take half the dosage of the decoction and observe the body’s reaction throughout the day.

If the use of the decoction is accompanied by other side effects, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor. He will choose another drug or adjust the dosage or frequency of use.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The collection is stored in its original packaging for no more than two years from the date of manufacture. It is advisable to close the packaging as much as possible to preserve the aroma and medicinal qualities of the constituent herbs. Keep away from direct light.

The prepared solution can be stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator, but you cannot take a cold decoction. It irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and can provoke inflammatory processes and spasms. It is recommended to prepare the decoction each time before using it and not to cool it below room temperature.

Analogs and price

Analogues in composition in domestic pharmaceutical market No. The doctor may also recommend taking separate decoctions of chamomile or other herbs included in the herbal tea. Medicines with similar effects are:

However these are synthetic medicinal substances, which should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. They are prescribed not for maintenance, but for primary therapy and only after a detailed diagnosis of the patient’s condition.

The price of a gastrointestinal collection in Moscow pharmacies is from 65 to 102 rubles, depending on the pharmacy. How much you can buy the collection in pharmacies in other cities, it is recommended to check locally, as prices may vary.

Herbs for the intestines are taken as part of complex therapy at various diseases Gastrointestinal tract. The body can be healed not only with the help of medications and therapy, but also with various herbs, which are excellent in the fight against many diseases. Medicinal herbs are also used to eliminate the symptoms of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as this can cause exacerbations, including allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

1 Purpose of treatment

Before starting therapy, which includes herbal compositions for the stomach, you must follow all the doctor’s instructions:

  1. Take tests and undergo an examination, which should help establish the correct diagnosis.
  2. Tell about existing allergic reactions, or better yet, take an allergy test.

This is necessary so that herbal medicine does not interfere with the staging accurate diagnosis. Often, herbs mask many symptoms, including pain relief, hiding signs of diseases, etc. Herbal therapy is an addition to medication, so you can take herbal tea only as prescribed by a doctor and only together with other tablets. The effects of the herbs are not immediately felt, although symptoms may disappear quickly.

For full recovery, you need to take herbs for one, maximum 2 months. If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract become chronic or acute form, then you need to drink the infusions much longer. This usually applies to a disease such as chronic colitis. You need to drink herbs little by little if you experience dysbacteriosis.

2 Herbs for stomach and intestinal therapy

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to drink everything in a row, since pathologies can be both inflammatory and non-inflammatory. With the latter, the thick and small intestine, motor skills are impaired and secretory functions intestines. The causes of such diseases are stress, nervous disorders, pathologies of the central nervous system, genitourinary system, peritoneum, dysregulation endocrine function intestines.

The result of this may be following processes that affect the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Pain of various types.
  3. Sweating.
  4. Serious sleep disturbances.
  5. Bowel irritability.

Special herbs for treating the stomach and intestines can eliminate symptoms. These include peppermint, yarrow, marsh cudweed, motherwort, willow bark, immortelle, calendula, chamomile, marshmallow. Can be used either individually or in medicinal preparations. It all depends on the nature of the inflammation.

Other herbs for treating the intestines are needed if inflammation occurs, such as:

  1. Gastritis.
  2. Impaired regeneration of glandular epithelium.
  3. Cell atrophy.
  4. Chronic colitis.
  5. accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium.
  6. Secondary damage to the liver, bile ducts, and stomach.
  7. The pain is localized throughout the abdomen, it is cramping and aching in nature.

The causes of this condition are gases and food intake when it passes into the large intestine. You can get rid of such symptoms if you prepare special decoctions or tinctures to treat the stomach. You will need licorice root, which must be finely chopped and mixed in equal proportions with herbs such as:

  • peppermint leaves;
  • fennel fruits;
  • cudweed grass;
  • linden flowers (small-leaved);
  • Potentilla erecta root;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • mistletoe leaves;
  • oak bark

After pouring boiling water over the herbal mixture, you need to infuse it, strain it, and drink it for stomach pain.

A common disease of the gastrointestinal tract is irritable bowel syndrome, which causes disruption of the secretory and motor functions. Chamomile, cumin fruits, and fennel, which are mixed in a separate container, poured with boiling water, and infused, can help cope with this disease. You need to drink 1/4 cup three times a day after meals. This perfectly eliminates bloating, normalizes stool and general digestion.

For high or low acidity and gastritis, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Herbal mixture, which includes chamomile, valerian, elecampane root, dried grass, yarrow, calendula, gray alder fruit, licorice root and marshmallow.
  2. Honey mixed with plantain juice.
  3. Watch grass and wormwood.

The mixtures must be brewed according to the instructions, strictly observing the proportions. This will help effectively fight the disease without causing the development of concomitant pathologies.

Doctors have long recognized medicinal properties chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, calamus, flax. All of these herbs are suitable for treating the gastrointestinal tract, or for preventive measures to maintain health in case of ulcers, enteritis, gastritis.

Chamomile is a unique plant that helps cope with dysbiosis, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Chamomile infusions are drunk for several months to achieve the desired result.

Another excellent remedy is calamus root, which has properties such as antibacterial, tonic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory. Calamus helps remove inflammation caused by duodenal ulcer or dysbiosis. At the same time, it helps normalize digestion, increases the biliary function of the liver, and kills microbes.

Flax is great for treating colitis, gastritis, and ulcers. Positive effect achieved by the action of anti-inflammatory and laxative properties, as well as the fact that flax is able to envelop the walls of the stomach. This excellent means to relieve inflammation and irritation of the stomach walls.

3 Brewing herbal teas for the gastrointestinal tract

There are effective medicinal preparations that are used to treat the stomach:

  1. Herbal collection No. 1, which consists of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, sage. You can prepare an infusion at home by mixing equal parts of herbs and pouring 1 cup of boiling water. Sometimes the decoction is prepared in a water bath, infused and poured into a thermos. You need to drink it warm if you have dysbacteriosis.
  2. Collection No. 2: horsetail, wormwood, yarrow. Used for irritable bowel syndrome or dysbiosis. The collection perfectly kills microbes and restores microflora. You need to take 0.5 cups of decoction with meals. You can prepare a tincture from 20 g of horsetail and yarrow, as well as 10 g of wormwood, which are poured into 0.4 ml boiled water. The resulting mixture is infused for 1-2 hours, filtered and taken orally.
  3. Collection No. 3 consists of centaury, sage and chamomile, which are filled with 1 glass of water. It should be taken orally frequently, approximately every 2-3 hours.
  4. Medicinal collection No. 4, which includes dill (seeds), mint leaves, valerian root. All herbs need to be mixed in equal proportions, add 5 tbsp of water. Leave for 2-3 hours, drink 50 ml 3-5 times during the day.
  5. Collection No. 7, which consists of 7 medicinal herbs- alder, caraway fruits, calendula, yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, plantain. They treat with it