The child screams when he falls asleep. Why does a child cry a lot before going to bed? Reasons and what to do? Intestinal colic is one of the reasons for crying

    gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 15:21:55

    The child cries before every sleep, what should I do?

    Girls, my daughter is 3.5 months old, before every sleep she screams terribly, it doesn’t matter when you go to bed, during the day or at night, whether you put her to bed earlier, later, on your chest, with a pacifier - she squeals every sleep, she turns blue:(((Sleep she wants to, but she screams. It feels like she is very excited, she wants to sleep, but she can’t fall asleep. The only way to put her to sleep is to wrap her in a diaper (otherwise she bends all over while crying), and jump with her on a fitball.
    I no longer have the strength, every time I put the child to bed is a concert program, and he sleeps restlessly and wakes up often. It happens that you put her to bed, and after 15 minutes she wakes up, and half an hour later she whines to sleep again, I put her to bed again, and again there is a scream in the house.
    Two neurologists said that the child was completely healthy, one NSG showed that things were not very good, the other - that everything was perfect.
    I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m already afraid of putting the baby to bed, in 3.5 months she only fell asleep peacefully three times, practically without screaming. I'm slowly losing my nerves :(

    • Ancka 25/11/2010 at 15:49:25

      We had this too, but for a period of time, now it’s switched off

      at night on her own, even without motion sickness. And this period, also at 3.5 months, we simply rocked harder and longer through the screaming. Then this happened again when we did massages before the bath and night sleep. The massages stopped and my sleep improved. I think it's some kind of overexcitement.

      • Diana_74 25/11/2010 at 16:32:11

        For us, this started at 4 months and continues to this day (and we recently turned 8 months). Nothing hurts 100%, but as soon as you pick it up with the thought of putting it to bed, it’s a concert. Sometimes terrible hysterics, sometimes just blathering. But we don’t go to bed without it. It manifests itself especially strongly in the evening before going to bed at night. The explanation is simple - I want to sleep, but I can’t fall asleep. The child is excitable and cannot relax in any other way; he relieves tension by yelling. I’m already philosophical about this. The main thing for us is to prevent hysteria with redness and blueness, etc. I hold it in my arms, calmly press it to me and calmly, not paying attention to the yelling, sing lullabies. lately- 10 min. and allows...Hold on, perceive this as a peculiarity of your child. I would not practice swaddling and jumping on a fitball, because... In this case, mechanical motion sickness occurs, which is not beneficial for the baby...

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:02:04

          Yes, I read from Komarovsky,

          that the baby rocks from rocking, but in these three and a half months I have already tried everything, the only thing that helps is jumping, then she seems to calm down, listens and then forgets that she needs to yell. :((

          • Lyuda_Nikolaychuk 11/26/2010 at 13:21:51

            we had a similar situation

            After 5 months of starting to sleep better, and the sleep process has started, then calm down yourself, pat the baby on the back, purr a song, lie down, get the child to sleep, because if you are running around, then you will know that it’s time for the child sleep and you begin to get nervous and shake the baby " there won't be any. Good luck and patience

    • suboba_1 11/25/2010 at 21:48:48

      try the sound of tap water instead of a fitball, it helped us to distract and relax even with colic

      • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 21:51:41

        I haven’t tried the water, I turned on the hairdryer, but it quiets down for a minute, then I turn off the hairdryer,

        and she starts screaming again. Let's try the water too, thanks

        • Irenna 11/26/2010 at 11:22:12

          1 for water

          tummy towards you, weak light from the bathroom into the dark corridor, pump up. The sling also helped.

      OlgaP 26/11/2010 at 21:48:32

      we are also 3.5

      how many times a day do you sleep? for example, we sleep at 9 am for about 40 minutes, then at lunch on the street from 1 pm to 3 pm and in the evening for about 30-40 minutes around six pm. And that’s all...
      at night we go to bed screaming at about 11, just like you on the fitball, during the night we get up 4 times to refresh ourselves and at 7 in the morning we are ready like a cucumber for a new day... Maybe she just needs less sleep.... If, for example, we are put to bed at every feeding - there will be no less screaming than yours....

      • gali4ka 11/28/2010 at 11:05:09

        we get more:

        it used to be like this:

        first nap at 9-10 am 40 minutes
        second nap around 1 p.m. for an hour or two, depending
        then around 4:30-5 pm, also an hour or two, depending on how - if you haven’t slept before, you’ll sleep longer
        then at 7 pm sleep for 30-40 minutes.
        then we go swimming at 8 pm somewhere.
        then at 9-10 I put her to bed for the night. Sometimes, if I put her to bed at 9, then at 11 she wakes up to eat, and then depending on her luck, sometimes she eats and falls asleep, sometimes she plays for another hour.
        At night he wakes up in different ways, on average 4 times, this is without hanging from the side.
        We get up at 7:30, together with dad, who is getting ready for work (she sleeps very lightly, so she wakes up).

        BUT I write this ideally, it very often happens that she wants to sleep, yawns, rubs her eyes, I put her to bed. she falls asleep, after 15 minutes she wakes up again, I try to pump her up - no, she wants to play, she’s cheerful, her eyes are sparkling, we’re playing, but... She didn’t get enough sleep earlier - then she wants to sleep again, again she starts whining, rubbing her eyes, yawning, then she can put her to bed again, because... cries in her arms.
        The little one falls asleep again. and then you’ll be lucky - either you’ll get some sleep, or you’ll get up quickly and start whining again.

        I tried to exhaust her so that she would be more tired and sleep longer, not letting her sleep, but it turned out even worse, because... if she wants to sleep, she whines and whines, then it’s harder to calm her down, but when I put her to bed, she sleeps little.
        In general, I'm waiting for it to outgrow.

        Now I’ve started to play with her calmly, don’t let her get overexcited around bedtime, no loud musical toys, no kicking or flying))) and I carry her in my arms around the house, show her things that aren’t bright, I calmly say - she seems to have started yelling less. Thu thu thu

      Snovapuz 08/12/2010 at 23:01:56

      Galyun, you and I are like twins

      More precisely kids. The same thing started happening to my son. For a couple of days now, though (not since birth). He eats, and after eating he starts screaming, the whole family calms him down. I can imagine how it feels for you. I almost turned gray in a couple of days and was already thinking about a bottle so as not to mock the child. I also rocked it on a fitball until it burst;))))
      Our NSG is just not very good. Maybe you should see another doctor? They have already given me two very good coordinates.
      But my friend said another reason. I quote: “I had Anfys like that, when she saw her breasts she was literally hysterical. I should have found out sooner. It turns out that her stomach sphincter did not contract well and after eating the milk rose again, that is, like heartburn, and this is uncomfortable and painful for babies. This is where the crying and refusal to breastfeed came from. She ate calmly only at night, in her sleep. It’s a pity that they only thought of this when she completely refused to breastfeed. They found out after an ultrasound of the stomach with a water load. It’s clearly visible how the child drinks. , and the water flows back: (Talk to a gastroenterologist, maybe he can help solve this problem?)
      +I’ll also add, I completely forgot - after eating, don’t immediately put it horizontally, ideally let it lie on an inclined plane, the doctor advised us, at 45 degrees.
      And I also thought - maybe I just get tired of sucking, like Vladimir with a tongue tie? And the upper one too, well, where is the upper lip connected to the jaw (inside)? It happens that this little thing interferes with eating :(

      • gali4ka 09/12/2010 at 12:15:10

        hmm, I don’t know, I’ll keep an eye on her... Thanks for the idea...

        We've been to the NSG twice already.
        The fact is that I have it even more or less, it seems to me that she is simply overexcited, because... I have a daughter - well, pure whack, very nimble and restless

      momKatya 11/27/2010 at 10:27:26

      usually it goes away on its own, carry it in your arms, talk gently, rock it

      • gali4ka 11/28/2010 at 11:09:02

        and when it passes, can you tell me?

        • momKatya 11/28/2010 at 23:38:52

          I remember our last screams for no reason for about 6 months, but then they were dedicated to moving to the dacha.

          Gradually, you will cry less and less often. and then it will stop)))
          and would not take any action, especially medication.
          Just be with the child, try not to get irritated. I developed complete calm in myself with such crying, she screamed in my ear, and how it passed through me.

      asmar 25/11/2010 at 15:30:02

      Gal, our reasons for yelling are as follows: I want to sleep, I can’t sleep, I want to eat, or something hurts

      If you rule out pain and want to eat, then all that remains is that I want to sleep, but I can’t. Are you overheating her emotionally? TV, music, massages, swimming, active communication???????? Maybe there is something that makes her very overstimulated? Our child can go a maximum of 3 hours without sleep, then whims, then yelling. I try to adjust my daily routine so that I alternate everything constantly, so as to prevent screaming

      • asmar 25/11/2010 at 15:31:52

        we were also advised neuroheel - this is homeopathy

        Most likely, such a child’s anxiety is not good, if nothing bothers the child, he should not scream, although, all children are different.

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:04:11

          Len, they assigned me a minor

          I bought Doromkind (the same company that produces Enterokind), but my hand doesn’t rise to give it to a small one, I don’t want to stuff such a small one with pills :(

          • asmar 25/11/2010 at 17:27:01

            I know that mothers also practice soothing teas

            I just don’t know what age they are. She was prescribed neuroheel, although the little one is more or less calm, but I’m still debating whether to buy it or not. So I understand you. But if I had yelled as much as you write, I would most likely have given up.

      sdandy 08/12/2010 at 18:52:57

      by the time you go to bed, the child is already overtired

      try to go to bed earlier than you think it’s time :) look at the child, he becomes thoughtful, rubs his eyes - it’s time, miss it a little - overwork and, as a result, overexcitement. This happened to us when we bathed the child before bed according to Komarovsky. She was very tired, overexcited and walked until 12-2 at night, and she herself was a morning person, so she always got up at 7-8 in the morning and did not get enough sleep during the night. then she couldn’t sleep during the day, because she wasn’t rested, and then the day’s events piled on her, she was terribly hysterical before going to bed, and so on for any reason. We changed the regime and moved the bathing to the morning. A child under one year old should sleep 10-11 hours at night, during the day from 0 to 6 months 3 times a day for a total of 5-6 hours, 6 months - 1-2 times a day for a total of 4-5 hours. And almost all children are initially early risers, so night sleep they usually go to bed at 7-8-9 pm maximum. In Komarov style, we first held the child until he went to bed....this is terrible. Now we put the little one to bed according to her schedule and not ours. Because 7-8 hours at night are enough for us, but she needs 10-12 to rest properly

      • gali4ka 08/12/2010 at 18:57:51

        Very likely... we'll try it, thanks.

        gali4ka 08/12/2010 at 22:17:58

        I see you understand children’s dreams very well, but maybe tell me what to do if

        the child wakes up every 25-40 minutes, not always, but during the day almost all the time, I read that children sleep in a cycle of 40 minutes, so at the end of virtually every cycle my daughter wakes up :(

      SunLight 25/11/2010 at 17:14:06

      This often happens to little ones - they otherwise cannot cope with emotions and sensations during the waking period.

      If there are no questions regarding neurology, then it will outgrow quite quickly.
      Before going to bed, exclude loud sounds, exercises, fun...

      vinny_79 25/11/2010 at 17:34:05

      And it happened to us, it’s slowly passing (we’re 8.5 months old now).

      I also connect this with my nervous tension - I’m very afraid of this scream, and every time before rocking I just freeze with fear that it’s about to start... And then I hired a nanny, who obviously isn’t afraid of this, and the child started slowly fall asleep peacefully.

      • asmar 25/11/2010 at 19:23:56

        100% there is something in this, I also noticed as soon as I let go of the situation

        how a child changes before your eyes. Children are very aware of their mother’s condition, and this is the result. Gal, maybe you need to look within yourself for the reason? let go of all fears, look and the situation with screams will subside

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 19:31:38

          During all this time I have already tried a lot. At first I thought,

          that this is how it should be, that this is normal. What about time will pass. But it doesn’t go away, and even gets worse :(

          • vinny_79 25/11/2010 at 20:02:21

            And for us it grew from 3.5 to 7 months,

            but believe me, children grow up and stop screaming like that, if only because they start playing, crawling, sitting, standing up, etc., they get very tired and sometimes they simply pass out from fatigue. Get over it, I also thought about visiting all the doctors, and it seemed to me that something was wrong with the child.

      Nataly_N 25/11/2010 at 15:48:41

      I want to reassure you

      I want to reassure you. I had this with my eldest (she is now 6 years old), it also started at 3-3.5 months. And I, just like you, didn’t know what to do. delivered her at 5 months. I then chalked it all up to teeth (they came out at 4 months and 5 months).

      When the youngest was born, everything was super until 3.5 months - she fell asleep at the breast. And then again at 3.5 months the screams began before bed, and I knew for sure that she was not hungry and her tummy was unlikely to bother her. And just like with the older one, everything went away on its own in 5-5.5 months (and the teeth came out already at 6 months). Now she is 6.5 months old, she falls asleep next to me at night, and in my arms during the day.

      So I came to the conclusion that children just need to outgrow this, they just want to sleep, they get tired, but they can’t sleep.

      I only wish you patience, I think that everything will be settled for you by 5-5.5 months.

      • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:00:40

        The fact is that we have it since birth! Every single day it’s the same thing:(I hope it really grows out of it:(

      oleshenka 09/12/2010 at 12:31:53

      I'm trying to stick my breasts in

      if it doesn’t work out very well, then a bottle of expressed milk. He drinks the bottle quickly, then he gets tired and may pass out. And the chest - before going to bed, lying in bed, wets it a couple of times and falls asleep. Both are vyrant, only if the child is hungry, he will immediately wake up. That's why I give breastfeeding first and then another bottle.... Maybe someone will throw slippers at me, but for me this is the way out. He begins to fall asleep on his chest or even scream. But I only do this at night.
      A bridle is also an option, check it out.

      alsid2003 11/26/2010 at 10:24:50

      We have the same story

      It all started at 2 months, when she starts crying, we get dressed and go outside, she calms down on the street and falls asleep, we walk for another five minutes and return home, it helps one hundred percent, night walks also happen, but the terrible screaming and crying have become less frequent, We are now three months old.

      • Diana_74 26/11/2010 at 13:04:32

        Tick, I’ll add: 100% no need to think about

Many Parents often face the problem of a child crying before bed. It happens that every evening the baby starts crying at about the same time. How to calm him down and how to find out why a child cries before bed?

  1. Introduction
  1. Why do children cry?
  1. Reason 1: the child is overtired
  1. Reason 2: not convenient
  1. Reason 3: feeling unwell
  1. Reason 4: psychological factors
  1. Reason 5: nightmares and scary dreams
  1. Conclusion
Young mothers, seeing how their child is choking on crying, usually begin to suspect that something is hurting him. But, as pediatricians explain, not always kids thus signaling health problems. So, let's try to figure out why a child cries a lot before going to bed.

The nature of baby crying

Surely every mother has noticed that her baby can cry in different ways.: loud and demanding, quiet, anguished, pitiful.Every time he seems to want to say something. And this is true: little children cannot convey their worries to adults, say that they are are tired, cold, sick, similar. Therefore, crying is a universal signal, a “siren”, letting parents know that something is wrong with the baby. The most difficult thing is to understand from the nature of the crying what exactly.

It is interesting that screaming and crying can cause not only illness or physical needs (hunger, cold, fatigue), but also discomfort (wet or tight diaper , uncomfortable clothes etc.), fear and even a bad mood (yes, imagine, children also “do not get up with that leg").

  • quiet, pitifully - when sick or weakened;
  • loud and demanding - when hungry, too hot or cold;
  • sharply and piercingly, periodically weakening and repeating again - when something hurts.
If the baby stopped crying immediately after any action was performed on the mother’s part (feeding, rocking, changing clothes, etc.), then we can safely say that the baby’s request is completely satisfied. Nothing worries him anymore.

Continuing there is prolonged crying with active protestami in the form of waving arms - legs may signal nervous overstrain child, overwork due to immaturity of the nervous system. In this case, the whims stop on their own after the baby “ will throw out all the emotions.

Now let's talk about crying before bed. There may be several reasons for this, so let's look at the most likely ones and talk about what to do in such cases.

Reason 1: p the child is overtired

Sometimes babies cry because they receive too much information all day,experience a large numberemotions. They just need to throw out everything that has accumulated during the day, otherwise they won’t be able to sleep. Imagine yourself in their shoes: when you have had a very busy day, in the evening you want to unwind and relax, otherwise it is difficult to sleep from overexcitation. Adultsthey relieve this overstrain in different ways, but the kids have no choice but to scream well.

Small children use screaming to get rid of overexcitation. Their nervous system not yetnot mature enough, imperfect. P so there is an abundance of impressions(both positive and negative)often leads to overwork, which is why children cannot relax on their own.

Useful tips for mothers:

  • play calm games before bed, try to prepare your baby for bedtime in advance;
  • exclude activeclasses and all events that may carry strong impressions. Visits of relatives and other guests, visits to clinics are best rescheduled for the first half of the day;
  • Special rituals help you relax and fall asleep peacefully (bathing, a bedtime story, singing lullabies or listening to calm music). This will help a lot in the future:the growing baby will already associate such rituals with the coming sleep andget ready for rest faster;
  • Walking helps you calm down and fall asleep faster. Fresh air is extremely beneficial for the baby. If the weather is good outside, don’t be lazy to take a walk with the stroller and put your baby on fresh air ;
  • try to stick daily regimen. Don’t take this literally: you don’t need to follow a routine every minute, a rough schedule is enough for what time it’s time for your baby to have a snack, when it’s time to go to bed, and when it’s time to take a walk and play.

Reason 2: the baby is uncomfortable

In some cases, crying before bed is associated with an uncomfortable position of the child. He wants to sleep, but he is disturbed by too bright light, loud noises, and wet diapers. Perhaps the room is hot or, on the contrary, cool. Control the temperature and humidity in the room so that your baby can fall asleep comfortably.

Often, particularly demanding children can be capricious because of the folds in the sheet (!), which are not very comfortable to lie on.Sensitive babies may feel uncomfortable in synthetic clothing; some may feel uncomfortable in a tight diaper. Try to find his own comfort zone andstick to itbefore putting your child to bed.

Useful tips for mothers:

  • at Small children sleep quite lightly, so try not to make too much noise. Of course, you shouldn’t teach him to sleep in complete silence either, otherwise mommy won’t be able to do housework while the baby is sleeping.What is important is not the sounds in principle, but the absence of sharp and loud enough sounds from which the child can suddenly wake up;
  • children's beds- this is a real cozy nest, but not litter his pillows, toys and blankets. Let the baby sleep on a flat mattress with a diaper or sheet (preferably with an elastic band, this will prevent wrinkles from forming) without a pillow or blanket;
  • provide a comfortable microclimate in the nursery: not hot, sufficient humidity, regular ventilation. Dry, hot, stagnant air is not the best conditions for sleep.

Reason 3: p child's poor health

Often children, by their crying, try to tell adults about feeling unwell. Teeth are being cut, something hurts somewhere, your nose is breathing poorly - there can be many reasons. If infant cries, you should think about the fact that he may have colic in his tummy. Usually, the baby turns red, sweats, moves his legs convulsively, and presses them to his stomach.

Useful tips for mothers:

In this case, you should use special drops, soothing teas, and massage your tummy.
If the concern is caused by teething, you can smear the gums with a special ointment, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in advance. Teething is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms:
  • increased temperature;
  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • bowel disorders.
In this case, you need to consult your pediatrician.

Reason 4: fear and other psychological factors

Yes, not only children are capable of crying from fear!If a child feels psychological discomfort, loneliness, insecurity, he is overcome by fear. Mom is not around, he is alone, defenseless. This state makes you want to burst into tears (which, in fact, is what he does).

Useful tips for mothers:

This problem can be solved in different ways. Someone adapts to calm the child by picking him up, rocking him, and singing songs.

Baby feels presence loved one, stops crying and falls asleep. Others try not to teach the child to use their hands. As psychologists say, in order for a baby to learn to fall asleep on his own, you need to wait three nights. When the baby starts crying, the mother does not need to go to him.

Over time, the baby will understand that even if he cries,no one will approach him. In ito ge he will learn to fall asleep without his motherpresence. But this method is not very useful st with ps ichological point of view. After all, it will be very difficult for mom to resist and not approach the crib,when the child bursts into tears.

Here you must determine for yourself what you want: to sleep separately from the baby and accustom him to his own crib, or to stop the baby’s attacks of fear with all possible meanspersons, constantly showing him that you are nearby.

Reason 5: s I have bad dreams

Children aged 2-3 years may wake up crying after watching some TV shows and cartoons. Even familiar to us Cartoon characters may seem scary to them. Since children are very impressionable, they can result in nightmares. A child may cry in his sleep,toss and turn restlessly, screamor talk. Sometimes, to avoid stress during sleep, children move to sleep with their parents. In this case, fear disappears, children feel comfort and security.

It often happens that a child sees nightmares in his sleep after severe emotional upheaval, for example, if he became an involuntary witness to scandals in the family, cruelty to animals, etc.

In severe cases, the child will cry before going to bed,, afraid fall asleep and have a nightmare again,the child is simply afraid to sleep.

Useful tips for mothers:

  • h To cope with this, you need to talk to the baby, find out the reason for his fear, try to calm him down. You should stop watching cartoons and programs that put such stress on your child. Let the child watch only what he likes, does not cause him negative emotions. In general, it is better to reduce his time in front of the TV and computer, since prolonged viewing strains the nervous system, which in children is already strained. o weak;
  • V in severe cases, do not delayvisit to a child psychologist. Probably the babychildhood trauma, a state of stress that needs to be corrected.


So, sleep is the most best way restore strength. If baby for a long time cannot fall asleep, bursts into tears, you need to be seriously interested in the question of why the child cries before bed, and try to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon. After all, there is nothing better than production correct mode still in sleep early age, which will subsequently provide the child with a full rhythm of life.

A child’s restful sleep pleases parents, allowing them to fully relax and go about their business. However, sometimes going to bed in children is accompanied by prolonged falling asleep, painful screams and strong tantrums. The child screams before going to bed, seemingly without any reason, it is impossible to calm him down. Child hysteria is understood as a state of excessive emotional arousal of a child, manifested by loud screams, crying, aggressive and inappropriate behavior. Particularly severe cases of hysteria can result in convulsions. However, for the most part, children's tantrums are the norm and are easily explained. Why does a child scream before going to bed? Knowing the nature and causes, you can prevent and prevent hysteria, and also understand whether you should seek help from a specialist.

A child is born with not yet fully formed systems and organs. Thus, children develop the skill of distinguishing day from night only a month and a half after birth.

Infants have a different sleep structure from adults, with short and rapidly changing phases:

  • An adult's sleep has 4 phases;
  • In a child, the third phase is formed by the first year of life.

The baby's sleep begins with superficial or fast phase when the nervous system and brain are actively working, digesting information received in large quantities per day. Also during this period, muscle activity is observed that can frighten and wake up the child. Transitioning from one phase to another can also cause your baby to scream and cry in the middle of the night.

In children under 4 years of age, the nervous system is designed in such a way that excitation processes dominate over inhibition processes. The exception is 10-15% of children who can feel overexcited and cope with it.

Here are examples:

  1. Only little phlegmatic people can fall asleep on their own without the help of their parents.
  2. Choleric children painfully fall asleep due to excessive excitement characteristic of this type of temperament.
  3. Sanguine people have a large supply of energy, which allows them not to get tired for a long time and interferes with the process of falling asleep.

The developmental characteristics of a child allow him to begin to independently cope with overexcitation only by 3.5 years, and in practice, six months later. Until this age, it is easy for a child to become overexcited and requires a lot of work to calm down. For this reason, children scream and cry, especially before bed, when they need to relax.

Our ancestors were not afraid baby crying. In their arsenal in case a child is hysterical before bedtime, there were lullabies and fairy tales, as well as various nursery rhymes to distract and calm an overexcited child.

Overwork overtakes the baby quickly and imperceptibly: one minute he was playing, and the next minute he can no longer control himself, screaming and crying like a knife. Parents are perplexed by such sharp changes moods and cannot understand the reasons.

Being able to notice the signs of approaching fatigue in time is a complex behavioral skill that not all adults have, and in children it is formed only by the age of 4.

Increased excitability– this is far from the only reason for children’s tantrums before bed.

Along with overexcitation, there are some psychological factors that prevent a child from falling asleep peacefully:

Children under 2 years of age cannot clearly articulate why they cannot sleep. Therefore, they often throw tantrums and cry before going to bed. This is the only way in their arsenal so far to show that something is bothering them.

Reasons for contacting a psychotherapist or psychologist may include: following cases:

  • if a child over 10 years old is afraid to sleep alone without light, talking about fantastic creatures hiding in his room (schoolchildren already perfectly distinguish between the boundaries of fiction and truth);
  • if a child throws tantrums before bed, afraid to fall asleep, screams loudly and cries bitterly in his sleep, talks about death;
  • if the child shows signs panic attack: uneven breathing, loss of consciousness and more.

Even in the absence of these signs, parents should not ignore children's fears and worries. A common fear of the dark in a small family member without taking appropriate measures can lead to mental and nervous disorders. Children's fears, hidden deep in the subconscious, can be the cause of uncertainty and complexes in adulthood.

The child grows and develops, changes occur in the body, sometimes causing discomfort.

The following are noted physiological factors, making a child cry and scream before bedtime:

Screaming and crying small child may be the reason pain syndrome or availability hidden disease. When a child regularly has difficulty falling asleep, sleeps restlessly, looks tired and loses appetite, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

The best way to deal with children's hysteria is to prevent it.

Some simple tips will help you develop the skill of observing your child, promptly recognizing an impending hysteria and taking measures to prevent it:

  1. It is not overwork, but good fatigue that allows you to fall asleep calmly and quickly. City children are often prone to night hysterics, especially in the autumn-winter period. They are unable to spend sufficient quantity physical strength to get tired. The fatigue they get from watching TV, running around the house and playing with toys that bore them is not enough to proper development And good sleep. Children need muscle activity and a moderate amount of new experiences: morning exercises, walks at any time of the year, active games outdoors, communication with peers, classes in sports sections and studios.
  2. One of the main tasks of parents is to control the level of arousal of the child. The baby should not be bored, but impressions (visual, auditory, motor, social) should be strictly dosed. Each child has his own measure of impressions that are beneficial to health. The problem is that a child under 4-5 years old cannot feel it on his own. This is where the parent comes in, who should intuitively feel and see this line. Attentive parents can silently identify changes in their child's behavior that indicate that he is close to overexcitement and fatigue. One begins to laugh loudly, another begins to whine, a third begins to move faster, falling and hitting objects, and for a fourth, the tempo of speech and the volume of their voice change. You need to know these “bells” well, notice them in a timely manner and take action without waiting for the child to become hysterical.
  3. To accustom your baby to the regimes of wakefulness and sleep, it is necessary to actively communicate with him during the day, not to create the illusion of night with closed curtains, and not to maintain complete silence during his sleep. nap. Parents can talk to each other, do something around the house, listen to music quietly or watch TV. However, you should avoid sharp and loud sounds that can wake up and frighten the baby. At night, on the contrary, it is necessary to exclude bright light, gradually teaching the baby to fall asleep in complete darkness. 2 hours before going to bed, you should set your child up for rest and relaxation, avoiding emotional stress, active games and loud laughter.
  4. Co-sleeping with a baby has two sides of its manifestation. On the one hand, the baby is comfortable and calm next to his mother, and the mother has the opportunity, without getting up, to quickly put the baby to bed in the middle of the night while breastfeeding. The other side is not so pleasant - the baby’s sleep is restless, with shudders and sobs, especially if it was preceded by hysteria, disturbs the mother during the night and does not allow her to fully rest. How longer baby will be in his parents' bed, the more difficult it will be to wean him from this habit without hysterics. It is better to immediately accustom the child to his crib, and in the future, if possible, allocate him a room or a small corner in the apartment. Personal space creates good self-esteem, feeling self-esteem and importance for the child.
  5. It is important for a calm and timely fall asleep to follow certain rules, a kind of ritual that sets the child up for sleep. Children willingly perform traditional, familiar and familiar actions. First, you need to decide on a clear bedtime and prepare for it in advance together with your baby. You can collect the toys and wish them good night, then go into a warm bath with a relaxing infusion of herbs or essential oils and wish the toys in the bath sweet dreams. Reading a book, watching a program " Good night, kids!”, massage with a drop aromatic oil, singing a lullaby with rocking in your arms and much more, which is dear to parents from childhood and finds a positive response from the child. It is useful to quietly talk with your baby before bed about how he spent the day, about his interests, impressions and friends. Warm hugs and conversations before bed, for at least 15 minutes, calm the child’s nervous system, improve falling asleep and normalize his sleep. However, in order to avoid emotional arousal and, as a result, prolonged falling asleep, these rituals must be clearly limited in time. After the ritual of going to bed, you should put the baby in his bed and wish him good night.

If a child resists and cries, this indicates that he has formed incorrect associations about sleep. In this case, you need to patiently and firmly follow the established rules, without giving in to the child’s resistance or requests. You should not follow the child’s lead, pick him up, endlessly rock him to sleep and sing lullabies. It is much better to calmly explain that it is time to sleep, sit next to the crib, and pet the baby. It is important to remember that the child needs to grow up, and the process of rocking oneself in one’s arms delays this moment.

Daytime sleep is necessary for a child to relax, restore strength and relieve stress. Many children resist and refuse to sleep during the day. If parents cannot resist the pressure of their child, negative consequences in the form of overexcitement and nightly hysterics will not take long to appear, and it will be difficult to return to the previous daily routine.

Experts believe that children need daytime rest before starting school.

Particularly excitable and emotional first-graders, under the influence of a new environment and stress, need daytime sleep for a long time. According to general standards daily allowance baby sleep, recommended by pediatricians, a child from 6 to 12 months needs two daily sleep periods of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Children 1.5-3 years old need a daytime rest of at least 1.5 hours to feel comfortable.

Norms child development They say that by the age of two, a child should be able to fall asleep on his own. By this age, many enroll children in kindergartens, where the ability to fall asleep calmly and without the help of adults is an important point. Sleep habits and associations are difficult to change. However, there are moments at the child’s age when this is easiest to do: up to 6 months, at the time of weaning breastfeeding, during the period when the child begins to communicate in phrases. The task of parents is not to miss these moments and use them to normalize the right habits that will be relevant for a child up to 7-8 years old.

It is important to know if the baby has no deviations in physical and mental development, then the reasons for his hysterics lie in family relationships, difficulties of socialization and incorrect assessment of the baby’s behavior. It is important to understand the causes of children's tantrums, prevent them and help the child by guiding and correcting his behavior. This painstaking and long work requires a lot of patience and consistency from parents.

Joint efforts, search for compromises, perseverance and love of parents will save the child from hysterics before bed and make his childhood happy and joyful.

The vast majority of parents face problems with their newborn sons and daughters falling asleep, which are accompanied by prolonged crying.

Restless tearful sobs disturb the new mother and father day and night: sometimes neither sweet lullabies, soft rocking motions, nor light music help the newborn to fall asleep.

Why is the child worried? What makes him cry before going to bed, and how can he be helped in this situation?

Psychological reasons for crying before bed

Surprisingly, newborns cry close to sleep for a variety of reasons. Moreover, before the age of one year, most babies may cry not only before sleep, but also after it. After all, every day during the first few months of life turns into severe stress for them.

If a child cries before going to bed, the reasons may be:

Excessive nervous tension

In most cases, infants cannot independently cope with the colossal load that affects the nervous system throughout the day. For this reason, the baby begins to cry hysterically about one to two hours before bedtime, so much so that it is almost impossible to calm him down.

In such a situation, parents should not panic, since such behavior of the baby is the norm. Screaming helps release unused energy through crying nervous tension removed and neutralized.

Increased nervous excitability

Often, parents, exhausted by the prolonged evening tearful hysterics of their infants, seek advice from a neurologist, and eventually hear a diagnosis that sounds like “increased nervous excitability.”

Do not be alarmed; when examining children under three years of age, this diagnosis is made in seventy percent of cases. Increased excitability prevents the child from sleeping until he has cried out all his energy. Then the baby calmly and serenely falls asleep.

In this case, there is again no reason to worry. For a child, crying is an excellent opportunity to calm down.

Non-compliance with the daily routine

In most cases, this reason is associated with trouble falling asleep. Most parents make a serious mistake when they allow their child to go to bed whenever he sees fit.

According to modern pediatricians, it is important to have a strict daily routine, which the child will associate with calm and stability.

Worried that his mother will leave him while he sleeps

A large number of babies are also very worried about separation from their mother, who is the most important thing for them. important person V infancy.

Nightmares and fear of the dark

Fright is also common cause restless behavior child before bedtime. A child may be afraid of the darkness in which he does not see his mother or does not feel her presence. Sometimes children may also have scary dreams, after which they wake up crying loudly. The best solution to this problem would be to sleep together with your mother.

Physiological reasons for crying before falling asleep

No less rare small child cries before going to bed and because of the peculiarities of his physiological state:


Often the appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by sleep disorders and increased anxiety. Swelling of the gums, painful sensations, itching makes the baby irritable and causes significant discomfort.

To help the child, you should lubricate his gums with a special gel with an anesthetic effect and give him a soft teether.

Intestinal colic

In 90% of cases, the first three months of life infants I am tormented by colic, which manifests itself as strong pressing of the knees to the stomach and loud crying. To calm the baby in this case, you need to apply a warm diaper to his tummy or place the baby with his stomach on his mother’s bare stomach.

If warm compress does not help, the baby should be offered Plantex or tea that includes fennel. However, situations can be quite complex. In this case, parents, after consulting with a pediatrician, can use medications.

How to help a restless baby fall asleep?

Parents should understand that crying healthy newborn is a completely understandable and natural phenomenon.

Satisfying physiological needs

First, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of the baby’s anxiety, why exactly he cries shortly before bedtime, excluding such physiological circumstances as:

  • dirty diaper,
  • uncomfortable position
  • cold,
  • tight clothes,
  • hunger.

If mom and dad have fixed all this, but the baby is still crying, you need to check his gums for swelling. Maybe he is cutting his first teeth. In this case, it is enough to treat the gums with a special gel.

Rule out the disease

In addition, in this case, parents should tell the local therapist observing the baby about the child’s anxiety and crying. In some cases, the attending physician may refer the child for examination to a neurologist or other specialist.

Increased excitability and persistent daytime and nighttime sleep disorders may be the causes serious illnesses. Decide this problem is urgently necessary, since without sound, normal sleep, the proper functioning and development of the child’s body is impossible.

Psychological balance of parents

A new mother should know that her connection with the baby is strong enough, so her emotions and mood should be positive, positive. Before going to bed, she should be as calm as possible, then the baby will be able to sleep soundly.

If parents are nervous about the baby's crying, he will become even more capricious and will not be able to calm down.

Bathing with herbs

A young mother whose baby is anxious when falling asleep should make it a rule to bathe her child in the evening in a warm bath with the addition of a decoction from a set of soothing herbs. A special infusion used for bathing will help the nervous system relax and also prepare it for sleep.

The same sequence of actions before bed should be followed every day.

Taking sedatives

If we talk about drug therapy, you can use valerian infusion. Every evening you can add a drop of valerian to your baby's milk or water. However, the result may not be quick, since this method has a cumulative effect.

After a month-long course of treatment, the baby will become calmer. But we note that before using valerian drops, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

Peculiarities of children's sleep: why can a baby cry for no reason?

Infant sleep has its own characteristics. Daytime and night sleep are characterized by alternating periods of sound, deep sleep and superficial. Stages in infancy shallow sleep, which are repeated every hour, are longer than in adults.

While in this phase, the baby can wake up from the slightest sound, after which it will be very difficult to lull him to sleep, for this reason newborns very rarely sleep more than four hours at a time.

In some cases, the baby may sleep during the day, waking up every 30-40 minutes. This circumstance cannot be considered the norm, however, it cannot be classified as a disease, provided that sleep at night is not interrupted with the same frequency.

In such cases, anxiety is most often explained by the need for maternal affection and warmth. Some parents argue that there is no need to hold a newborn too often. This is fundamentally wrong. Every mother should realize that a lack of parental attention will have an alarming effect on the baby’s body.

Often mothers who show more care and tenderness to their child take him in their arms and notice that the baby’s day and night sleep becomes measured and the baby stops crying for no reason when he falls asleep.

When a child turns one year old, he begins to sleep twice a day for one and a half to two hours, while night sleep lasts up to ten to twelve hours. By this age, the baby’s biological clock should be fully adjusted.

On average, a one-year-old child sleeps about 13-14 hours a day, 2.5-3 hours of which are naps during the day.

By the age of two, the biological need for daytime sleep will decrease. Therefore, a child may protest against sleep by crying loudly. However, the baby still needs to be calmed down, allowed to cry and put to sleep. Over time, the child will get used to the routine and will fall asleep calmly and without crying.

How to adjust a child's biological clock?

For approximately the first six weeks of his life, the baby will get used to the changes in the outside world that have overtaken him. When the baby gets used to it a little, parents can teach him to sleep during the day and at night.

The most effective method work adjustments biological clock, is considered to accustom the baby to the regime. If your baby falls asleep crying before naptime, he should be distracted from vigorous play.

To do this, you can collect toys with your baby and make the bed together. Modern pediatricians do not recommend feeding or rocking the baby shortly before bedtime, so as not to develop the corresponding habit. It is best to lie down next to the child and hug him.

The room where the child will sleep should not cause him negative emotions. Even if a child is afraid of the dark, you should not leave the light on at night. So that the baby can distinguish daytime day and night, you can turn on the night light at night.

Also, a “toy protector” will help against crying, which can be a soft baby blanket or teddy bear. The first night, mom can put the toy to sleep next to her so that the material can absorb its smell.

Babies are endowed with a delicate sense of smell, so such a “talisman” can calm them down before night or daytime sleep. A child can fall asleep crying at any age, but from four to five months the child can be allowed to cry.

Before going to bed at night, at the same time, you should bathe your child, feed him, read him calm stories or sing lullabies. The child must be clearly aware that night has come and he will have to sleep in the next 10-12 hours.

If a child wakes up at night, the mother should not talk to him. Only in this way will the baby understand that night is not the time for games or conversations.

Why can a baby cry in his sleep?

The most common cause is nightmares. See unpleasant dreams children can after a heavy, hearty dinner just before bed.

Therefore, parents should not feed their baby later than an hour before bedtime. For dinner, it is better to choose light foods. Warm milk is ideal. The likelihood of nightmares can be minimized by a regime that can be deviated from with rare exceptions, for example, due to a visit or a trip.

Another popular reason is watching TV or computer games. It doesn’t matter what the baby watches shortly before bedtime, even the most harmless cartoons can provoke terrible dreams. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with falling asleep, it is necessary to minimize the time he spends in front of the TV.

You can calm your baby at night by gently stroking his back. Light rocking on your arms will also help.

Many fathers and mothers are faced with the fact that the child cries before bed. This phenomenon is especially common in babies under one year of age. The saddest thing is that no matter how hard adults try, they cannot cope with the problem. Even rocking and humming lullabies do not help.

At this moment, parents have a question: “What is the reason for the baby’s restless sleep?” Further in the article we will reveal all the secrets of why newborns have trouble falling asleep, and also suggest ways to improve the situation.

Peculiarities of baby sleep: why a baby may cry

Sleep is the most important physiological process in the life of a newborn. For a small organism, every day you live is a real test. Baby gets a lot new information, which the brain does not have time to assimilate.

This is why daytime and nighttime sleep is so important for infants. Moms and dads should expect that during the first month the baby will only sleep and eat. The period of wakefulness lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, gradually increasing over time.

The baby’s nervous system is designed in such a way that before and during sleep he can behave quite restlessly. There is often intense crying and hysteria.

If a child yells or screams before going to bed, you need to seek advice from a specialist. This must be done in the following cases:

  • hysterics are constant;
  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • during strong crying, the baby's lips turn blue, tremors of the limbs and chin are noticeable;
  • no appetite;
  • The baby burps frequently and profusely.

Experts have proven that about 30% of children cry before going to bed without visible reasons. Their nervous system simply cannot withstand the overstrain. In these cases, it is important for parents to properly organize the process of the baby going to bed.

Psychological reasons for a newborn's tantrum before bed

Surely every parent has encountered the fact that before a night or daytime sleep, the baby cries and becomes capricious. There are many reasons for this, but in most cases, they are all related to psychological issues.

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Adults should not forget that the nervous system of babies is not yet sufficiently developed. Throughout the day, they receive a lot of new information, which they cannot always cope with. This is why daytime naps for children under 3 years of age are so important and beneficial. It helps the little ones gain strength, relax, and unwind.

In the evening, parents should properly prepare their children for bed, finish active games on time, and remember to do water procedures that relax and calm children.

How to deal with psychological reasons babies before bed? First of all, you need to find out why they occur, and then look for solutions.

Nervous tension and excitability of the baby

Crying before bedtime in children under one year of age is common. The whole point is that the body cannot cope with the load. This is why 70% of babies begin to cry hysterically before going to bed.

Do not despair; over time, the baby’s nervous system will get used to the stress, and such hysterics will no longer occur.

Failure to comply with daily routine

The key to successful sleep in infants is maintaining a proper daily routine. Many parents, seeing that their child is playing and is not going to go to bed, make a huge mistake by allowing the baby to extend the time of physical activity.

Until one year of age, children's bodies work like clockwork. If your baby gets too playful and misses his nap, expect hysterics, sobs and whims. At this age, parents should develop a clear daily routine.

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Going to bed must be accompanied by the following mandatory actions:

  • taking baths;
  • singing a lullaby;
  • slight motion sickness.

These steps will help you avoid constant crying and tantrums before bed.


Many babies may cry because they are afraid of losing their mother. For newborns, the fact that their mother is nearby is very important. That is why experts insist that in the first months it is better to rock babies in your arms so that they feel warmth, care and affection.

There is no need to sleep on your arms. This can lead to health problems. After rocking the baby to sleep, you need to mandatory put in the playpen. It is very important to teach children to sleep on their own from childhood. Thus, parents will be able to avoid a lot of problems in the future.

If the baby throws a tantrum, do not leave him alone in the crib, be sure to pick him up and show him that mom is always there and ready to help.

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Nightmares and fear of the dark

Scientists have proven that children dream from birth. They are not always kind and good. If your baby has a nightmare, be prepared for the fact that over the next few days he will have difficulty falling asleep, whimpering constantly.

What is the way out of the situation? For a while, it is better to have the baby sleep next to you. Sleeping together brings children together, calms them down, and evens out the psycho-emotional state of children.

Another cause of anxiety is fear of the dark. The baby does not yet distinguish between the concepts of day and night, so he gets scared when he cannot see his mother in the dark.

Recently, many special night lights for newborns have appeared. All of them are made in such a way as not to have negative influence on the baby’s nervous system, giving him the opportunity to relax and fall asleep soundly.

Physiological reasons for crying before falling asleep

A child may cry a lot before going to bed for a reason: physiological processes that occur in the body. The most common among them are the following.


Quite a painful phenomenon. This is especially true for the first teeth. The baby is not yet familiar with the process, so he is wary of it.

Be sure to help your child during this period. Good optionspecial ointments and gels that are applied to the gums.

Month-old babies cannot have such problems. As a rule, the first teeth begin to bother you at 5-6 months.


Tearfulness can also be caused by colic. During this process, intestinal bloating, flatulence, sharp pains in the abdominal area.

The situation is complicated by the fact that colic, as a rule, occurs after eating, just at the time when the baby is put to bed. Massages and taking special bacteria can help.

Colic begins in one-month-old babies. Lasts no more than 2-3 months.

How to help a fussy baby sleep

Daily bedtime tantrums exhaust many parents. They begin to look forward to this process with horror. To improve the situation a little, you need to know how you can help your child.

Satisfy physiological needs

Babies often cry because they feel discomfort. So, what do parents need to do for their baby before bed:

  • put on a dry diaper;
  • ventilate the room so that the temperature is comfortable;
  • put on a comfortable bodysuit or pajamas made from natural fabrics;
  • cover with a blanket if the room is cold;
  • feed.

If the crying continues, check your baby's gums to see if they are swollen and getting ready for teeth to emerge. In this case, lubricate them with a special cooling gel.

Treatment of diseases

If the crying is regular and no measures to eliminate it help, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor must refer the baby for examination to specialists (neurologist, ENT specialist, surgeon, ophthalmologist).

If abnormalities are detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment to eliminate health problems.

Herbal baths

In villages and hamlets they still believe in the magical effects of herbs. They treat serious illnesses.

Herbs, however, can help calm the baby. To do this, before going to bed, you need to bathe him in a baby bath with the addition of decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint, and oak bark.

The herbs penetrate the body through the pores, calm the nervous system, and relax.

Use of sedatives

For children under one year of age, any prescription of medications should only be made by a doctor. Otherwise, it may result in intoxication and poisoning.

If the neurologist sees any abnormalities, he may prescribe homeopathic remedies according to the “Glycine” type.

You cannot give your child sedatives on your own. Similar actions parents can lead to dire consequences.

What rules will help you fall asleep without hysterics and crying?

It's not easy enough for parents to cope with a newborn. The situation is aggravated when the baby throws hysterics before each bedtime. The following recommendations will help resolve the problem:

  1. Strictly follow your daily routine.
  2. 30 minutes before bedtime, remove all active toys, no physical exercise It shouldn't happen at this time either.
  3. Remember to bathe your child in warm (not hot) water. You can add soothing herbs. This procedure is best done in the evening.
  4. Prepare sleeping place. Bed sheets should be soft.
  5. Turn on the night light if your baby is afraid to fall asleep in the dark.
  6. During naps, be sure to close the curtains to prevent the sun from shining on your baby.
  7. Create silence; there should be no loud sounds that would distract the little one.

Sleep is very important for children. At this time, the baby grows, his immunity is strengthened, his muscles relax, and his nervous system is restored. Children under one year old may cry and scream before going to bed. There are quite a few reasons for this. They were written about in detail in today's article.