Make a puppy have red eyes. Why does a dog have red whites of his eyes: signs of exposure to physiological factors and symptoms of serious internal disorders

Many pet owners go to the veterinarian complaining of red eyes in their pets. This phenomenon can indicate a variety of pathologies, so the dog must be shown to an ophthalmologist. He will determine the cause of the redness and make the correct diagnosis.

If your pet has red squirrels but no additional symptoms, the culprit may be:

  1. The stress a dog experiences after a fight. Humiliation, beating, and any mental shock have a negative impact. In this case, the pet needs time to recover. In addition, you need to try to calm your pet.
  2. Allergic reaction to new products or cleaning products.
  3. Overheating occurs when the dog has been in the sun for a long time. Her body temperature also rises, nausea, shortness of breath appear, and coordination of movements worsens. In such a situation, you need to give the animal water and take it to the veterinarian.
  4. Head or eye injuries – blunt force trauma can cause redness and tearing. Doctor's help should be immediate.
  5. Walking in strong winds. If dust and sand get into the eyes, the mucous membrane dries out. It needs to be moistened with saline solution. Usually after this, conjunctivitis develops, which is characterized by viscous discharge. This is a viral and contagious disease, so contact with other animals is strictly contraindicated. For treatment, the eyes are washed with chamomile decoction.

Many pet owners turn to the veterinarian complaining of red eyes in their pets.

If your dog's eyes are red, you need to take him to the veterinarian.

Red eyes are often accompanied by high fever and nasal discharge. In this case, the common cold should be ruled out. The development of pathology is indicated by accompanying symptoms. Sometimes only the eyelids turn red, but the iris and whites remain normal. In other situations, the protein becomes covered with small red dots. As the disease progresses, the veins in the eyes swell and discharge appears, which can vary in color from white to brown.

What are the dangers of self-medication?

Attempts to cure an animal on your own can provoke the development of serious diseases that do not have obvious symptoms at the initial stage. These include:

  1. Mild distemper is a severe viral disease that can be fatal. In this case, the dog experiences purulent discharge from the eyes and nose, fever, lethargy and apathy, vomiting with diarrhea, and enlarged lymph nodes.
  2. Congenital entropion of the eyelid - redness begins due to constant contact of the eyelashes with the eye. Urgent consultation with a doctor will be required, as serious consequences can occur if left untreated.
  3. Inflammation of the lacrimal sac - manifests itself as constant redness in the corners of the eyes. With this diagnosis, rinsing or surgery is performed.

If the examination does not reveal the listed diseases, redness of the eyes may be caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • deterioration of blood circulation in the cornea and eyes.

Treatment methods depend on the diagnosis. In some cases, specialized external drops or ointments, tablets or injections are used to treat the disease that led to redness of the eyes. In other situations, immediate surgery is required.

First aid for a dog with red eyes

If you notice reddened whites on your pet, you should immediately put a special collar on it to protect its eyes from aggressive influences.

Typically, the inflamed areas become itchy and the animals try to scratch them. This cannot be allowed.

For conjunctivitis and traumatic injuries, Iris drops will help

If you suspect that chemicals have gotten into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with cold running water. If we are talking about dust or lint, one percent tetracycline ointment will help - it is placed behind the eyelid. “Natural Tear” drops give good results. It is not recommended to use anti-inflammatory, antihistamine or hormonal drops without consulting a doctor. Self-medication is very dangerous and can lead to negative consequences.

Disease therapy

When there is an infection, the whites of the eyes turn red and cause itching. In such a situation, intensive therapy is required - rinsing every hour, administering antibiotics every five hours. Additionally, you will have to treat the corners of your eyes with an antibacterial solution.

The most common cause of redness in the whites of the eyes is. It has several varieties, each of which has its own treatment:

Red eyes may be due to corneal irritation. For example, breeds with thin and coarse hair often suffer from individual hairs scratching their eyes. In addition, a foreign body may enter. To alleviate the pet's condition, the eyes should be rinsed with saline solution.

One of the causes of red eyes is blocked tear ducts or a complete absence of glands. Additional symptoms include swelling and clouding of the cornea. Your veterinarian may suggest moisturizing drops as a temporary solution. But to improve the dog’s quality of life, surgery is recommended.

Any eye disease requires consultation with a specialist. Sometimes redness does not have any effect on the dog’s health and goes away on its own. But there are cases of loss of vision and even death of the animal. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and if alarming symptoms appear, take your pet to the doctor.

Proper dog eye care

To avoid problems, it is better to prevent them. To do this, you need to know what to do if your pet has red eyes. For ongoing care, it is advisable to use a cotton swab and a cold chamomile decoction. You can also use medications that are intended to treat dogs. For conjunctivitis and traumatic injuries, Iris drops will help. Ciprovet drops are ideal for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. Hygienic treatment can be carried out using St. John's wort, Sage, and Calendula lotions. If possible, your dog should be examined by an ophthalmologist every year. To strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases, it is useful to give your pet vitamins. Good care and constant care will help protect your dog's eyes.

People have this cliché: red eyes mean conjunctivitis. Then, logically: “It can’t get any worse,” I wash both myself and my pets’ eyes with tea. If you notice that your dog has red whites of his eyes, do not rush to boil the kettle, perhaps the “panacea” will be useless. You need to understand that redness of the eyes is an independent symptom only in isolated cases. Too often, a harmless illness turns out to be a “red flag” warning of serious problems.

Important! The information below is for informational purposes only. Successfully diagnosing the root causes of red eyes at home is impossible. If your dog has already refused food and water, or is showing signs of fever or depression, contact a specialist immediately!

To find out why your dog has red eyes, you will need to be examined by a veterinary ophthalmologist. In any case, the owner will be asked a number of questions, so we carefully monitor the dog and write down the symptoms that are observed.

1. General condition: the dog is depressed, tries to hide in a quiet place, is reluctant to eat, tries to scratch its eyes, whines, often shakes its head, discharge from the nose, and an increase in temperature are observed.

2. The nature of redness and the speed of the disease:
a) the eyelids are very red, the white of the eye and the iris look normal.
b) the white of the eye has turned red.
c) the white of the eye is completely red, perhaps blood vessels are visible.
d) the blood vessels are red and swollen, otherwise the eye looks normal.

Read also: Dysplasia in dogs - diagnosis and treatment

3. Is there any discharge from the eyes:
a) discharge is white or transparent, viscous, easily removed with a napkin.
b) greenish or purulent discharge that sticks together the fur around the eyes and eyelids if the dog is sleeping.
c) the discharge is brown.

Redness of the eyes as a normal physiological reaction

If a dog has red eyes, but otherwise does not cause anxiety, perhaps the reasons lie on the surface. We recall in our memory the events of the last days and hours. The dog may have suffered one of the following concussions:

Stress– a fight, shock, strong or suppressed aggression, punishment or humiliation. What to do: calm the dog down and let it regain its strength.

– observe the diet of the last few days and exclude all recently introduced foods, protect the dog from contact with detergents and household chemicals.

Overheating– the animal has been in the sun for a long time or in a room with high air temperature. Signs: shortness of breath, nausea, redness of mucous membranes, increased body temperature, loss of coordination. The pet needs first aid and a visit to the veterinarian.

Eye or head injury– there may be no visual symptoms (bruises, scratches). If there is redness or tearing from one eye, the dog tries to cover it, reacts sharply to touch and does not (!) try to scratch it, most likely the cause is a blow with a blunt object - urgently see an ophthalmologist.

Important! Injuries from cat claws are extremely serious. There are a lot of bacteria under your cat's claws. Even if you didn’t see the blow, but there was a conflict, consult a doctor immediately!

Read also: Ehrlichiosis is a bacterial infection in dogs

Strong wind, dust, sand– drying out of mucous membranes (no discharge). If your eyes dry out, you will need saline solution or “natural tears”, drops without antibiotics, consultation with a doctor (by phone) and treatment at home.

Conjunctivitis may have varying degrees of severity, accompanied by viscous, sticky discharge of light yellow or light green color. It must be remembered that the disease is viral and contagious, the pet must be protected from other animals, and caution and personal hygiene must be observed. At the initial stage, the eyes are washed with chamomile infusion or decoction (not tea!), each eye with a new sponge or cotton swab. The use of drops is also indicated; “standard” Saphrodex is not suitable for everyone. The specialist will tell you how to treat specific symptoms over the phone. With conjunctivitis, the eyelids itch very much, so be sure to buy or make a “cap.” We are observing the trends, it has become worse - immediately go to the clinic.

A dog's eye has the same structure as a human's. The only thing is that the iris (this is the colored “area” around the pupil) is very large, and the white is almost invisible. However, an attentive owner will immediately notice that his pet’s eyes will begin to turn red and become inflamed.

Some people make the mistake of thinking that it’s not worth treating your pet, that it’s fatigue or a cold, and that the redness will go away on its own. However, many diseases in the list of symptoms have the following items: redness of the white, lacrimation.

And you don’t need to wonder on your own: what’s wrong with Druzhok, why does the dog have red eyes? A good veterinary clinic will always have an ophthalmologist who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

It is worth noting that the white may turn red (due to burst blood vessels), or the conjunctiva may become inflamed (however, this will also lead to red white). Without special education and work experience, you are unlikely to know exactly the cause of eye inflammation at home.

In one case, this is the “main” disease, and in the other, it is only a symptom of a more serious one (often even infectious). And every day of delay as a result can cost the pet, if not his life, then his sight.

Red eye diseases

The list is huge, but we will only focus on those that lead to redness and bruising. It is necessary to determine whether the lesion is local (a small area, as if an island) or whether the protein is completely “damaged” in one or both eyes.

And it is very important to know exactly when this all happened and what contributed to it. Maybe the dog was running and fell or hit itself, or there was a fight, or maybe the pet was in a draft, or the house was undergoing renovations? Without anamnesis (detailed data), it is extremely difficult to make a diagnosis, even for a professional.

  1. Blunt trauma. A consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. Otherwise, you can “miss” the retinal detachment in your pet, which will lead to loss of vision in the animal. To prevent this from happening in the future, secure your home, also keep an eye on your dog on walks, choose safe routes.
  2. Hypertension. Dogs, like their owners, can experience high blood pressure. If this has been noticed at least once, try not to chase your pet, do less physical activity, review the diet (exclude all fatty foods, plenty of liquid to thin the blood). Be sure to visit the veterinary clinic so that the doctor prescribes treatment and examinations, because you may make a mistake with the diagnosis, thereby harming your four-legged friend.
  3. Diseases caused by a lack of iron in the blood (anemia), insulin (diabetes mellitus). Often the protein turns red if the dog has problems with blood clotting, as well as weak walls of blood vessels. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, and the treatment in each case is radically different from the other.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland (its excessive “work” - hyperthyroidism) can also lead to the whites of the eyes acquiring a different color. The veterinarian will examine the animal, palpate it, and also order a blood test to confirm or refute their concerns.
  5. Eye tumors. They can be located both outside and inside the eye. However, in any case, excessive pressure will cause the blood vessels to burst and the protein to become colored.
  6. In the area of ​​the third eyelid, the lacrimal gland may fall out or become displaced, which will certainly lead to a change in the color of the white part of your pet’s eye.
  7. If the eyes (both completely) are covered with a network of burst vessels, then suspicion may fall on autoimmune diseases. Diagnosing them is not so easy, but veterinary clinics with first-class specialists and the latest modern equipment will cope with this task. Thus, only by noticing a reddened white in your dog in time can you make his life easier. After all, she will be diagnosed and given effective treatment.
  8. Glaucoma, neoplasms. Yes, dogs often suffer from benign or cancerous tumors. And a pet doesn’t always have to be old. Contact your canine ophthalmologist for help.
  9. Foreign body. Remember yourself, when the smallest grains of sand, dust or some small thing gets into the eye, then no matter how much you blink, a couple of blood vessels will burst. Perhaps the dog was running against the wind, or there was construction work in the apartment, or out of curiosity the pet climbed into a dusty place, and as a result, foreign bodies got into the eyes. Of course, first aid is to wash the dog’s eyes, but then be sure to see a doctor to rule out injury to the cornea or conjunctiva (you never know what these “bodies” were).
  10. Allergy. Dogs also suffer from allergic reactions. Although in this case, not only the white will turn red, but itching, sneezing, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing may begin (wheezing and shortness of breath are not excluded).
  11. Some breeds are even predisposed to dry eye syndrome. For example, Yorkshire terriers. Often they have malignancy or hypoplasia of the lacrimal gland.
  12. Contact with chemicals in the eye. In this case, rinse the eye with plenty of clean (ideally boiled) water (room temperature!); the rinsing procedure will take about half an hour. And quickly see a veterinarian-ophthalmologist! Ideally, know what kind of substance got into your eye; if possible, take a piece of paper with instructions and composition (for example, from household chemicals).
  13. Diseases can also be of fungal etiology. Or bacterial, viral. In any case, the pathogen that gets onto the conjunctiva (especially if the animal’s immunity is reduced or there is a “gate of infection” - a microcrack, a scratch) begins to actively multiply. This leads to inflammation (redness, swelling, pain, often purulent discharge or crusts appear on the inner corner of the affected eye).

Red eyes on a dog should alert the owner! An illness may indicate fatigue; in other situations it is a sign of pathology. You should observe your pet to identify changes in its behavior. Why does the dog have red eyes? There are many reasons, some serious and some relatively harmless. If a person observes redness in his eyes, he usually suspects conjunctivitis. To eliminate the symptom, tea leaves can be used. The animal needs to be treated differently! You should contact your veterinarian, he will prescribe medications depending on the cause of the problem.

Characteristics of the symptom

It is not recommended to use tea leaves to wash a dog's eyes. A home remedy will not give results, moreover, it can cause allergies with lacrimation. If a dog’s eye is red, it means that the cause is pathology or an injury in which the pet suffered morally and physically. The disease in question is usually accompanied by other symptoms. Possible nausea, malaise, loss of appetite. The dog may act distant or, on the contrary, fussy.

If your dog has red eyes, you should take him to the vet. There are times when red eyes are a warning sign. It is important to identify the root cause; this cannot be done at home. If redness of the eyes is accompanied by fever or depression, and the animal refuses to eat, you should immediately contact the clinic. An experienced veterinarian will conduct an examination, identify other alarming symptoms, and, if necessary, prescribe instrumental examination methods. To identify an ophthalmic disease, you need to show your pet to a specialized veterinarian.

Dog behavior when eyes are red

In most cases, redness of the eyes is accompanied by psychological discomfort. The animal is trying to find a secluded corner where it could hide. The pet is not happy with the owner, his appetite is reduced. Depending on the cause of the disease, the dog may whine, itch, or shake its head. Redness of the sclera is often accompanied by an increase in temperature, and discharge may come from the nose. In this case, a cold should be excluded; perhaps the animal’s body is reacting to viruses.

The progression of a particular pathology is judged by the accompanying symptoms. There are situations when only the eyelids turn red, the whites and iris look normal. In other cases, the protein becomes covered with red dots or turns completely red. Translucent blood vessels can be seen on the surface of the eye.

As the disease progresses, the small veins of the eyes swell, leaving the eyelid in its natural state. Redness of the eyes may be accompanied by discharge from the conjunctiva. Depending on the nature of the disease, they can be white, transparent, viscous. Mucus must be removed with a napkin. Try to do this as carefully as possible, it is important not to injure the mucous membranes. Greenish, yellowish, brown discharge may come from the conjunctival sac.

The main causes of red eyes in dogs

Redness of the sclera of the eyes is a physiological reaction of the body. The disease is observed when exposed to an external irritant. If you see that your pet’s eyes are red, but there are no other symptoms, then the cause does not lie in pathology. Remember how he behaved over several days, you need to analyze what happened in the next few hours.

Perhaps the pet had a fight with a cat or something similar. Eyes may turn red due to stress or serious emotional upheaval. If a dog is aggressive, it may hide its anger. The supposed cause of red eyes is punishment, humiliation. It is necessary to calm down, feed the pet, and let it sleep. The dog must regain strength and forget about the unpleasant incident.

The cause of the disease in question may be an allergy. Redness of the conjunctiva often indicates that the body is hypersensitive to a certain product. Some dogs clearly react to household chemicals. The allergen should be identified and eliminated. If you suspect hypersensitivity, you should contact your veterinarian and tell him about all the symptoms. The doctor will conduct examinations that will help identify the irritant. The dog should not come into contact with chemicals or various detergents.

Overheating is the cause of redness

The cause of redness of the conjunctiva may be overheating. If the dog has been in a room with a high temperature for a long time, the disease in question appears. In frequent cases, it is accompanied by shortness of breath, some dogs experience nausea and fever. Overheating can lead to loss of coordination. What should you do if your dog has red eyes and the problem is caused by overheating? You need to take her to a cool room and give her as much air as possible. If the problem persists, consult your veterinarian.

The eyes turn red due to a head injury, in which case urgent consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. Redness of the conjunctiva often occurs against a background of lacrimation, the dog tries to cover its eyes. If the owner tries to pet her, a sharp reaction is observed. In some cases, itching occurs; if this symptom is detected, you should consult a veterinary ophthalmologist. If a dog gets into a fight with a cat, scratches may appear on the skin.

Such scratches are dangerous because there are many microbes under the cat’s claws. Perhaps during the fight the cat injured the dog's muzzle or mucous membranes. If you know that a fight has taken place or you see signs of damage on your pet's skin, contact your veterinarian. A relatively harmless cause of redness is exposure to dust, sand, and strong wind.

A change in the color of the sclera occurs due to the fact that the mucous membranes dry out. There are no allocations. If your pet's eyes are dry, you need to apply a specialized saline solution. Drops similar to natural tears should not contain antibiotics. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before using such products. If the cause of redness is exposure to dust or sand, you must use medications recommended by your doctor.

Possible diseases

Conjunctivitis varies in severity, and the disease causes a number of alarming symptoms. The pet becomes withdrawn, inactive, viscous discharge begins to come from the conjunctiva, its color is yellow or green. Conjunctivitis is a very serious disease, it is worth noting that it is contagious. A dog can pick up this pathology from its relatives. If conjunctivitis develops, you need to properly treat your pet, and don’t forget about the rules of hygiene!

It is necessary to promptly remove purulent discharge using a napkin. In the initial stages of the disease, you can treat your eyes with chamomile infusion; black tea is contraindicated. Chamomile infusion is applied using a cotton swab. The medicine "Sofradex" is not suitable for every dog; before using it, you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is accompanied by itching of the eyelids. To prevent your pet from scratching his eyes again, buy a special cap. During the treatment period, you need to closely monitor your pet; it is important to pay attention to the slightest disturbances. If your animal's health worsens, make an appointment with the veterinarian again. Conjunctivitis should not be left untreated; the disease can lead to loss of vision! There are cases when at first the disease subsides, then it worsens again. To be able to assess the overall clinical picture, you need to take your dog for diagnostics.

Pneumonic plague is manifested by redness of the sclera. This disease is dangerous and often fatal. Pneumonic plague is of viral origin. As the pathology develops, purulent discharge begins to come from the nose. The dog becomes withdrawn, body temperature rises sharply. Pneumonic plague leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and pulmonary lymph nodes enlarge. If you notice these symptoms, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible!

Redness of the eyes can be caused by entropion of the eyelid; this is a congenital pathology in which the eyelids are deformed. The disease is accompanied by severe discomfort; the dog feels sand in its eyes and often squints. In conclusion, we note that self-diagnosis may not be effective. If the redness of the eyes does not go away within 2 days, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

About the author: Ekaterina Alekseevna Soforova

Veterinarian at the intensive care unit of the Northern Lights veterinary center. Read more about me in the "About Us" section.

Red eye in dogs is called “Red Eye Syndrome”. This syndrome is a common reason for an animal owner to visit a veterinarian “ophthalmologist”. With a timely visit to the clinic, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, the pet’s condition may worsen, which will lead to complete loss of vision, and in the worst case, loss of the eye as an organ.

Red eyes are a complex of symptoms caused by a number of completely different physiological and pathological conditions of the animal and are caused by: redness (hyperemia), photophobia, lacrimation and soreness.

Main causes of redness

If a pet owner notices a red eye in a dog, then first of all you need to study a number of reasons for its occurrence.

Violation of mental and emotional state. Create an atmosphere for your dog that will only have a positive effect on him. And most importantly, protect from the negative effects of the environment.

High temperature. In frequent cases, when exposed to high temperatures, the body may overheat, which will lead to an increase in body temperature and hyperemia.

Wind and dust. When walking outdoors, the dog may be affected by wind and dust, which will lead to dry eyes and redness.

Genetic condition. If you have such a wonderful and unusual creature as an albino dog, then you need to understand that such animals have depigmentation, which causes the lumen of the capillaries, so the eyes will be red.

Pathological factors. This may include the dog’s genetic predisposition to ophthalmological diseases that cause redness.

Eye diseases

If we consider “Red Eye Syndrome” as a pathological condition, then we can identify several main diseases of one or both eyes.

Conjunctivitis. The most common eye disease in dogs. It can be non-infectious and infectious. Non-infectious is caused by: injury, foreign bodies, allergic reaction or chemicals. High and low temperatures also have an effect. Infection occurs due to exposure to bacteria, fungi and viral infections. The dog's eyes will be red, watery, and festered.

It directly inflames the skin of the upper and lower eyelids. And it can be caused by the same reasons as conjunctivitis. The dog's eyes will be red and the eyelids will crust and fester.

Keratitis. Causes redness of the white and discharge of pus. But this disease is most often caused by either blepharitis or conjunctivitis. With this disease, the corneas of the eyes become inflamed.

This is increased intraocular pressure. The pet's eye may increase in size, become red, and be accompanied by the production of tears.

Cataract. A disease that affects dogs of any age. There is partial or complete clouding of the lens. Intraocular pressure and redness may increase.

Prolapse. It causes prolapse or hyperplasia of the dog's third eyelid lacrimal gland. This is not even a disease, but a simple loss of the correct anatomical location of the lacrimal gland. The eye may become red and look like there is a “red bump” on it.

Turning of the eyelids. It is characterized by bending of the eyelid in the opposite direction (towards the eyeball), which leads to constant friction and irritation. It can also lead to watery eyes and cause the diseases described above.

Hemophthalmos. A red spot forms on the eye, which is caused by hemorrhage, damage to the integrity of the blood vessels and the retina.

Unobvious causes of redness

Let's look at the reasons that are not directly related to pathologies, but are caused by diseases of other parts of the body, or the whole organism, but as a consequence lead to redness of the whites of the eyes.

Allergy. A large proportion of dogs suffer from an allergic reaction, which is caused by any environmental factor. Allergies can be caused by inappropriate foods, chemicals, fleas, toys that contain materials that the dog's body does not accept, and much more. The eyes will be red and watery.

Injuries. Red eyes, watery eyes, fever, lethargy and other symptoms may be caused by injury. The animal can injure both the eye and other parts of its body. These could be impacts, collisions, fights with other animals, cuts from foreign bodies and other reasons.

Infectious diseases. May cause symptoms of eye redness and watery eyes, accompanied by suppuration and lethargy.

Autoimmune diseases. When they occur, the eye becomes red, tears and pus appear, and the dog becomes lethargic.

Tumors. When neoplasms or tumors (malignant or benign) form in the animal’s body. The eye may become red and lethargic.


  • monthly (annual) deworming (getting rid of helminths and the causes that can cause them);
  • (prevention of infection with infectious, invasive, viral and autoimmune diseases);
  • eliminating the causes that can cause or are causing an allergic reaction;
  • the correct choice of walking areas for the animal so that the animal cannot be injured, become infected with helminths and other diseases transmitted from living organisms;
  • monitor the state of the environment. If the temperature outside is higher or lower than normal, then make sure that the dog does not get overheated or hypothermic;
  • the most important thing: if you notice any deviations in the dog’s behavior, or symptoms appear that were not noticed before, then immediately contact a veterinary clinic, where you will be provided with high-quality and specialized care.

If you still could not protect your dog from the negative effects of the environment and it acquired any disease, then you need to start treatment immediately.


The owner himself can only provide first aid to the animal if it is not possible to urgently visit a veterinarian. To do this, you need to rinse the dog's eyes with ophthalmic antiseptic solutions. Then you should definitely contact a specialist so that he can identify the cause of the disease and prescribe or carry out treatment.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Redness (hyperemia) is a dilation of conjunctival vessels and subconjunctival hemorrhage.
  2. The main reasons may be a violation of the animal’s mental or emotional state, high temperature, foreign objects getting into the eyes or pathological diseases.
  3. The most common diseases are conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, glaucoma and cataracts.
  4. In order to avoid serious complications, you should carry out deworming and vaccination in a timely manner, choose the right areas for walking and avoid overheating or hypothermia of the body.
  5. When symptoms first appear, do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a specialist so that he can identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Red eyes in dogs is a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons, of which there are a huge number. The most common causes of this symptom are listed above. But you need to understand that this is a small part of pathological conditions. There is no need to wait for the animal’s body condition to deteriorate, because you can lose your pet forever if you do not show attentiveness and a reverent attitude towards it.