What foods should you not eat while breastfeeding? Nutrition rules for breastfeeding: what a nursing mother can eat

Breastfeeding is not an easy test; in some ways it changes not only the nutrition of the nursing mother, but also her overall lifestyle. In this material we will talk about the so-called lactation diet. The one that women think about even before giving birth.

Mother's nutrition breastfeeding should be slightly modernized. But you won’t need to exclude many products from the menu.

Does food from the mother's table get into her milk? Mother's milk is a very complex product in composition. That is why not a single industrial artificial mixture has yet been created that could replace it. Milk is formed from blood plasma components. This means that the nutrition of a nursing mother during breastfeeding affects the composition of milk in approximately the same way as the composition of blood. Some substances from food get there and theoretically can cause negative, allergic reaction the child's body.

What are these products? There is no one product that would cause allergies in all infants. Mom can eat almost everything, but little by little. And especially pay attention to high-risk products that most often cause allergies in children. If your baby suddenly has a tummy ache, bloody streaks in the stool, or a rash on the body, remember what you ate in the last 1-2 days and exclude these foods from the diet.

What is prohibited or should be limited for a nursing mother?

1. Cow's milk protein. It contains high concentrations of whole cow's milk. Its composition is not similar to that of the mother, and its use does not lead to better lactation. No matter what the grandmothers say. If a mother drinks milk regularly, her baby will probably develop intestinal colic, diathesis and diarrhea will occur.

Does this mean I should stop eating all dairy-based products? Of course not! After all, they are a source of calcium, the lack of which is common in women during lactation and big problem. In fermented milk products, cow protein takes on a different form, and you can freely drink fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, eat cottage cheese, and cheese in moderation. Pure milk is best used only in Not large quantities when preparing your own porridge, for example.

2. Gluten. This is another foreign protein with strong allergic potential. Contained in cereals, especially in wheat. There is no gluten in buckwheat, rice and corn. It is good if in the first month the diet of a nursing mother contains cereals based on gluten-free grains.

3. Soy, fish, seafood, eggs, chicken. They also contain proteins that babies react to. But not all babies, of course. These products can be consumed by mother, but it is advisable to introduce them into your diet gradually, monitoring possible reactions child. And, while the child is very young, refuse seafood that is not traditional for the Russian table, for example, shrimp, mussels, octopus and others.

4. Vegetables and fruits are red. These are potential allergens, but only if consumed in large quantities. If you eat a few strawberries, a little cherries or cherries, the child will not have a reaction. But if you eat a plate of red berries or fruits, you will probably sprinkle it all over it. By the way, maternity hospitals always warn that a nursing mother’s diet during the first month should not contain red apples. In fact, you can eat them, and in quite large quantities, but first you need to peel the fruit from the red peel, which contains a potential allergen.

5. Exotic fruits, citrus fruits. It is better to start eating oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, mangoes, pineapple and the like a little later, not immediately after giving birth. If we take the Spaniards, for example, then oranges are a common fruit for them, just like apples are for us. But for us, oranges are not a traditional food, and therefore more often cause allergic reactions.

The only almost always safe “exotic” food for our women is bananas.

6. Products containing large quantities chemical additives: sweeteners, flavor enhancers, etc. A young mother should try to consume as much as possible natural products. Many of the chemicals frequently used in our industry. additives cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before you eat any sausage, read its composition, and you will probably be very surprised. Modern sausages contain not only meat...

7. Herbs. It is not advisable to add hawthorn to drinks, as it affects blood pressure and all circulatory system. Sweet clover reduces blood clotting, and ginseng causes sleep problems (not only for the mother, but also for the child, respectively). Euphorbia, a well-known weight loss remedy, will cause diarrhea. And hop cones, sage, leaves walnut will reduce lactation. If possible, do not use any herbs unless directed by a doctor while breastfeeding.

Nutrition for a young mother while breastfeeding - myths

There are several common myths about the menu of a nursing woman, which often have a detrimental effect on her body and spoil her mood. We will list them and provide comments.

- If mom has too much milk, she needs to drink less.

There is a direct relationship between the amount of milk produced and drinking regime Mommy is gone. Milk is produced as much as the baby “sucks”, that is, according to his needs. If there is too much milk left in the glands after feedings, you can express it a little until relief occurs. Over the next 1-2 days, the excess milk will disappear, and the gland will adapt to the baby’s needs.

Mommy should drink as much as she wants.

To keep the milk in order, sufficient quantity, you must drink at least one mug of hot tea before feeding.

The amount of milk depends only on the baby's needs. However, warm drinks drunk 10-20 minutes before feeding lead to a faster flow of milk during feeding, which means they make the baby’s task easier and reduce the time of feeding itself. Which is also a plus. However, this condition is not at all mandatory. If you don’t want to drink before feeding, you don’t need to.

- Mommy should eat “for two.”

A young mother has a lot of worries and problems, and part of the vitamins and microelements she receives goes into milk. Therefore, food should not be plentiful, but sufficient and varied. Of course, you shouldn’t eat bread rolls and other fast carbohydrates all day long. But if you use vegetables or fruits as a snack, it’s good for your health.

- If a child has a rash on his skin, it’s because the mother ate something wrong.

This is not always the case. Often children are allergic to the powder used to wash their clothes or bed sheets, wool. Dry skin can be due to dry air from heating devices or too frequent bathing.

- The baby has colic green chair because mom ate too much peas and cucumbers.

This can only be true if the mother herself suffers from flatulence from some foods. The same cabbage, for example. Then the child will suffer later. But if the mother feels well, then it is unlikely that intestinal symptoms triggered by her food. Infants up to four months old experience causeless attacks of intestinal colic.

Green stools are most often the result of an allergic reaction. Then you need to remember that mommy ate from the products described earlier in our article. If there was nothing new and plentiful in the diet, perhaps the child simply sucked too much at the breast? Moreover, the foremilk, rich in lactose, was sucked out too much. In this case the best medicine is the complete emptying of one mammary gland by the child and only then can another be given. The point is that the baby receives more hindmilk, rich in fats rather than carbohydrates. It doesn't make my stomach hurt.

- You can't eat sweets.

This prohibition is not categorical. You can eat almost everything as natural as possible, but not get too carried away. For example, nothing bad will happen from 2-4 cookies a day. But it is better to avoid chocolate in the first months of breastfeeding.

- You cannot add spices to dishes, they will spoil the taste of milk.

Scientists conducted a study that showed that babies nursed just as readily after their mother ate black pepper and garlic.

In fact, it's real. However, mommy will have to eat more legumes and whole grains to ensure her body gets enough protein.
Also, the problem will be a deficiency of vitamin B12. This can also negatively affect the child’s body. And therefore it is required additional dose as a food additive. B12 is practically not found in plant foods.
To get enough calcium, when giving up dairy and fermented milk products, you should eat more sesame seeds, dill, beets, carrots, pumpkins, and peaches, rich in this microelement.

As you can see, lactation is not a reason to follow a strict diet, only for proper, healthy nutrition.

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The composition of human milk largely depends on the diet of the nursing mother. Substances coming from food, drinks and different drugs into the woman's body, after some time they penetrate into breast milk. There is a certain list of products that, according to the observations of doctors, negatively affect the condition and development of the child. Let's talk about why and what a nursing mother should not eat.

What foods should breastfeeding women not eat in the first month?

During the first 4 weeks of life, a baby is especially vulnerable, so a nursing mother should plan her menu very carefully during this period. You should not eat fatty meats, offal, fatty fish, caviar, seafood, milk, everything that causes flatulence (legumes, white cabbage, cucumbers, etc.), red fruits, white bread, baked goods. In subsequent months, a nursing woman needs to expand her diet so that the baby can fully grow and develop.

Why should nursing mothers absolutely not eat fried foods?

A fried dish is a dietary heavy product even for adults. What can we say about babies, immature digestive tract which it is not able to digest that comes with mother’s milk harmful substances contained in such food. The baby's body does not yet produce enough enzymes to break down heavy foods. Along with the pleasure of, for example, fried potatoes a nursing mother will experience problems in the child such as colic, bloating and diathesis.


Sugar is empty carbohydrates increased amount which are harmful to everyone. A large number of sweets in the menu of a nursing mother is fraught with the appearance of a rash, redness, peeling of the skin, and stomatitis in the child. It is worth replacing artificial sugar with natural (cane) or fructose, fruits and dried fruits.


Milk counts an excellent remedy increasing and restoring lactation, but at the same time falls into a risk group (nowadays many children are born with an allergy to cow protein). Raw milk consumed by a nursing mother can cause colic in the baby's intestines and atopic dermatitis. Doctors' recommendation is 250 ml of milk per day. It is advisable to use it not in its pure form, but for cooking or with tea.


Caffeine excites immature nervous system baby, causing anxiety, crying. Studies have shown that caffeine contained in coffee is not absorbed by a child under one year old, accumulating in the body and negatively affecting the development of the nervous system. Decaffeine-free coffee is also harmful; it should absolutely not be used, because... it contains minimum doses caffeine It should be borne in mind that strong tea (especially green tea) also contains a large amount of caffeine - a nursing mother should brew it weakly or dilute it.


Mushrooms, as a difficult to digest product, are not recommended for children from birth until almost school. A nursing mother needs to exclude them from her menu. Even if you eat well-processed, easily digestible species (champignons, oyster mushrooms), this can cause severe digestive upset in a child, which will have to be treated with the use of bifidobacteria.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

Tomatoes are high allergenic product, although it does not cause a reaction in all children. A nursing mother is allowed to gradually introduce tomatoes into her menu when the baby is 3-4 months old. It is advisable to start with yellow varieties. Cucumbers rarely cause allergies, but are famous for causing bloating, increased gas formation, colic, excessive regurgitation. You should not introduce them into your daily diet until the child is 4-5 months old.

Red apples

Apples are considered a low-allergenic product, so they are traditionally recommended for nursing mothers. There is a common belief that red apples are dangerous for babies. Allergists classify red foods as a risk group and claim that they should not be consumed. If a newborn has a predisposition to allergies, then it is better to avoid them. Imported and out-of-season apples of any color, containing large amounts of nitrates, are no less dangerous.


Hematogen is prescribed to women according to indications. For example, due to a lack of iron due to large blood loss during childbirth. A nursing mother should take it carefully, because... the drug can cause allergies (hematogen is contraindicated if the child has intolerance cow protein). Additional risk This product contains nuts, honey, and an increased amount of sugar. You should start taking Hematogen with a minimum dose.

What foods should not be consumed if a child has colic?

In the first three months, the appearance of colic in a baby is considered normal occurrence. However, very often the cause of constant colic in a baby can be poor nutrition nursing mother. Therefore, a woman during breastfeeding should be careful about the food she eats.

To avoid colic in a child, you should first give up dairy products. The presence of foreign proteins in a nursing mother's milk can cause the baby to feel unwell.

You don’t have to give them up for the entire time, just wait a week until the newborn’s health improves and then begin to slowly introduce dairy products into your diet.

White cabbage can be very dangerous. It should be used with caution. Under no circumstances should you eat white cabbage raw, only boiled cabbage. If your baby has colic, you should also exclude: grapes, pears, raisins, cucumbers, bell peppers, peas and beans.

What else should women not eat while breastfeeding?

Alcohol, including non-alcoholic alcohol, is definitely contraindicated. If a woman has drunk a glass of wine, she should breastfeed her baby no earlier than 3-4 hours later. Contraindicated

  • chocolate
  • cocoa-containing products (similar to coffee, as they contain caffeine)
  • dishes that are spicy or have a specific taste (the taste of such milk can discourage a child’s appetite).

Large consumption of flour and baked goods causes various problems: constipation, diathesis, gas formation in infants, as well as overweight at mom's.

At healthy way life and a varied diet of the mother, the baby receives all the necessary substances, there is no need to additionally fortify breast milk with artificial preparations. When producing milk, a large amount of energy is spent, which a woman can only replenish with high-quality nutrition. Diets during this period are dangerous! A poor diet negatively affects lactation (it can be difficult to establish breastfeeding after loss of milk).

This table will help balance the mother’s diet for proper physical and mental development baby. Products of groups 1 and 2 are recommended taking into account individual tolerance. If you were allergic to any of them, this product should be excluded. To make it easier to track the baby’s reaction and understand what a nursing mother should not eat. It is advisable to keep a food diary!

Products 1. Allowed within normal limits for healthy women 2.Admitted with restrictions 3.Excluded
Dairy group Natural fermented milk products (without fillers), sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese (mild) Goat and cow milk boiled (diluted) Cream, fermented and salted cheeses (brynza, suluguni), products with artificial additives, curd cheeses
Meat group Rabbit, turkey, beef, lean pork, chicken, secondary meat broths Lean lamb, boiled sausages, low-fat delicacies, sausages – once a week Duck, lard, sausages, raw smoked sausages, smoked meats, canned snacks
Eggs 3 eggs per week
Fish and seafood Low-fat varieties (pike perch, hake, cod, pollock, etc.) Fatty varieties (halibut, tuna, sturgeon), red varieties (salmon, salmon, trout), fresh herring - once a week; natural canned food (in its own juice) Seafood (crab, shrimp), crayfish, caviar, mackerel, smoked products, canned snack food (sprats, etc.)
Edible fats Vegetable oils, butter Creamy margarine Cooking fats, mayonnaise
Cereals, pasta Rice, buckwheat, corn grits, oatmeal, millet, pasta Legumes
Vegetables Cabbage of any variety (except white cabbage), potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, squash, pumpkin Cucumbers, white cabbage, radishes, radishes; raw – onion and garlic Tomatoes; pickled canned food (with vinegar), pickles, spicy dishes
Fruits Pears, apples (not red) Bananas, red apples, cherries, sweet cherries, currants, pomegranate, apricots, peaches, plums, melon, watermelon Tropical (kiwi, mango, passion fruit, etc.), citrus fruits, red fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries), grapes
Bakery products Any bread, dry bread, crackers Baking, biscuits
Sugar and sweets Croquette, biscuits, savory cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows Preserves, confitures, jams, sugar (40 g per day) Chocolate and cocoa products, honey, canned fruits (citrus fruits, grapes, strawberries)
Drinks Drinking, still mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, juices and natural nectars (pear, apple), herbal teas, weak teas (green, black), chicory drink Nectars and juices (apricot, peach, cherry, plum; strong tea, kvass Alcohol, non-alcoholic beer, carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa, juices (tomato, citrus, strawberry, raspberry)
Other Dried fruits (except dried apricots) Dried apricots, raisins, spices, pine nuts and walnuts, seeds Peanuts, mushrooms, fast food, ketchup

Lactation is one of the main stages of happy motherhood. With milk, the mother gives the child everything vital important elements and antibodies, laying the foundations of immunity and psycho-emotional health. Her nutrition is entirely reflected in the child and must be rational and balanced. Even in the maternity hospital, doctors warn which foods should be consumed while breastfeeding and which should be avoided.

What can a nursing mother eat?

The newborn’s body is just adapting to new food and its digestive system is extremely unstable. During this time, it is important to adhere to a certain diet and try to avoid foods that cause colic and allergies.

The first 10 days of breastfeeding

The list of allowed foods that can be eaten before day 10 includes:

  • baked and boiled apples;
  • cereals – egg, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet;
  • vegetable and cereal soups;
  • green tea, chamomile, with fennel, rose hip decoction;
  • creamy natural oil(maximum 15 g);
  • vegetable oil;
  • white meat (chicken).

Up to 3 months

After 10 days you can add to the menu:

  • from fermented milk - you can eat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, low-fat kefir, yogurt;
  • fish (baked in the oven, steamed, boiled);
  • eggs (no more than 1 piece per day);
  • black or gray bread;
  • boiled and baked potatoes;
  • pasta (small quantities possible);
  • cheese (mild varieties);
  • vegetables (boiled, steamed, stewed);
  • spicy herbs (dill, lemon balm, parsley);
  • dried fruits except raisins and dates;
  • oatmeal, lingering, biscuits, bagels, crackers.

After 3 months

From the third month, the list of allowed products increases.

You can start eating:

  • borscht, seasoned not store-bought tomato paste, and pasteurized tomatoes or tomato juice;
  • vegetables, homemade fruits and berries in season, boiled or raw (peeled, membranes and seeds);
  • walnuts and almonds, which increase the fat content of breast milk;
  • quail, chicken, beef meat;
  • compotes cooked without seeds, juices, fruit drinks;
  • from fermented milk products you can eat sour cream, which has a positive effect on the fat content of milk;
  • jam homemade(plum, apple, cherry without seeds).

What a woman should not eat while breastfeeding

To the list of prohibited foods that should not be eaten in postpartum period, includes:

  • whole milk;
  • rich fatty broths;
  • raisins (even in baked goods);
  • you can't drink instant coffee and black tea. They cause colic and disrupt sleep;
  • raw, unprocessed vegetables, including apples and bananas. You can’t eat even boiled cabbage;
  • confectionery.

Prohibited foods (for 6 months of breastfeeding) include:

  1. . Some young mothers believe that drinking a glass of beer or red wine is not at all dangerous, but on the contrary, the flow will increase and the baby, having eaten, will sleep peacefully. This cannot be done. Alcohol is 100% absorbed into the blood and ends up in milk. The baby's liver is underdeveloped and will not be able to neutralize the breakdown products of ethylene. Alcohol goes straight to the brain, central nervous system, kidneys, heart and gastrointestinal tract, causing irreparable harm. In addition, the baby will fall asleep before he is full.
  2. Chocolate, baked goods, condensed milk, candy with dyes, carbonated drinks, lemonade.
  3. Coffee (you can replace it with chicory or barley drink), milkshakes.
  4. Semi-finished products, canned food, marinades.
  5. Crackers, chips, nuts in bags with flavorings and salt - when breastfeeding they cannot be eaten even in small quantities.
  6. Hot spices that affect the taste of milk: horseradish, mustard, onion, garlic.
  7. Lard, fatty meat, sausages, balyk, ham, sausage.
  8. Fermented and sharp cheeses (brynza, Adyghe, suluguni, smoked) are not allowed.
  9. Legumes: lentils, peas, beans will cause colic, bloating and diarrhea.
  10. Smoked, dried, salted fish and steamed meat.
  11. You cannot eat exotic fruits, excluding bananas.
  12. Radish, radish, raw and sauerkraut– weakens, causes colic and bloating.
  13. Dairy products should be limited. There is still an opinion that when breastfeeding a woman, she needs to consume a lot of dairy in order to increase the nutritional value of the milk. But this is not true. Whole milk products cause a baby to be allergic to lactose. When heated, milk proteins are not destroyed and remain dangerous for the baby, threatening him with intolerance in the future.

Precautionary rules

At breastfeeding Mothers should be careful about the products they include in their table. It's not just about the list of approved foods that don't cause gas, anxiety, etc. In hot weather, it is necessary to ensure that food is clean, safe and fresh. It happens that foods included in the list of permitted foods, which the mother ate calmly during pregnancy and after childbirth, weaken and cause allergies in the baby. It can manifest itself not only as a rash, itching and irritation, but also... As a result, the baby worries, cries, and often. You should find out which product provokes such a reaction.

Always pay close attention to what you eat while breastfeeding

Sometimes identifying an allergenic product is quite difficult. One baby will calmly tolerate a red apple, while another will feel discomfort from boiled meat. Everything here is very individual and the mother herself must track down the product that is harmful and prohibited for the baby. Some babies sometimes simply do not digest part of the food included in the diet. They experience bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation. Such products need to be calculated and temporarily excluded from the menu.

The mother's nutrition during breastfeeding, if the baby is absolutely healthy, should be natural and complete. If you need to increase the fat content of milk, you can include nuts, sour cream, cereal soups, and cream in your diet. A nursing woman needs to eat food enriched with vitamins and proteins, limiting the intake of carbohydrates and fats. Fruits, berries and vegetables should be included in the mother’s menu, but even here you need to carefully monitor their effect on the baby. For example, grapes, plums, apricots and pears are weak and can cause bloating and increased gas formation. You need to start introducing them in small slices, peeling.

Important! To track your baby’s reaction, you can keep a notebook. In the compiled list, enter when and what products were introduced. If the reaction is normal - there is no rash, colic, frequent regurgitation or anxiety, the product can be safely used. If the reaction is extremely negative, mark the date of its introduction, highlight it in red and try again after a few months.

Highly allergenic foods

The influence of allergens on fragile organism extremely dangerous not only due to anxiety and rashes, but also the occurrence of atypical neurodermatitis and eczema, which can develop into chronic form and stay with the child for the rest of his life. As a result, he will have to be treated for a long time with pills and folk remedies, which will negatively affect the pancreas and intestines.

In order to limit the baby from unpleasant consequences, up to six months, the following products cannot be included in the menu of a nursing mother:

  1. Vegetables and fruits of bright red or orange color. Everyone is familiar with the “traffic light” principle: red – “prohibited”, orange – “careful, but possible”, green – “allowed”. Peppers, red apples, pears, carrots, beets and berries are consumed boiled or steamed during breastfeeding. .
  2. Citrus. It is advisable to avoid their use at first, and then carefully introduce them into the diet, monitoring the baby’s reaction.
  3. Protein products. Whole milk, eggs, fatty meat, lard. The newborn’s body cannot cope with their absorption and may react not only with a rash, but also with bloating, diarrhea, etc.
  4. Sweets. You will have to avoid pastry shops stocked with allergenic cookies, cakes and sweets. Chocolate also causes an allergic reaction in adults, not to mention infants. You should also be patient with honey for the first six months. An exception may be homemade halva, which will increase the fat content of the milk.
  5. Carbohydrates. Excessive use starch and sucrose will lead to colic, discomfort, and restlessness of the baby.
  6. Seafood. Squid, herring, mussels, caviar, shrimp - all of this contains preservatives that can cause severe allergies.

Nutrition after childbirth for a nursing woman has many peculiarities and prohibitions. After all, the composition and quantity of breast milk directly depends on this. The baby's whims due to feeling unwell, short sleep, constipation - all these are consequences of non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. So what should you eat to keep your child healthy and calm?
Meals in the first months after birth should be light but frequent; new foods should be introduced carefully, observing the baby's reaction. Don't forget about the restrictions on junk food. Let's consider the basic principles of creating a menu for a young mother.

Proper nutrition of the mother after childbirth will ensure successful lactation, wellness and the health of the newborn child.

Everything that the mother eats ends up in the baby's body. breast milk and can provoke negative consequences:

  1. Bloating and severe colic.
  2. or vice versa, diarrhea.
  3. Some products may experience allergic manifestations in the form of a rash.
  4. Food that has a strong taste and aroma worsens the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  5. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can have a stimulating effect on the baby’s nervous system.

By adhering to a diet, a woman will also provide for herself and her family good rest. After all, a baby who does not suffer from colic or constipation sleeps better, eats well and gains weight.

Such a child grows and develops calmly, without suffering from allergic itching and from constant pain in the tummy, and the mother is not nervous, trying to calm the baby. In addition, balanced and regular meals, excluding fried and fatty foods, will help a woman get rid of extra pounds gained while bearing a child.

Much depends on the mother's eating habits during pregnancy. If a woman previously regularly consumed persimmons, apples, plums, then after childbirth you can also add these products to the diet. However, if the mother has not eaten these fruits before, and after giving birth she became interested in consuming them, then it is quite possible that the child will develop an allergy.

The menu must be designed in such a way that daily diet were:

  • proteins – 20%;
  • fats – 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates – 60%.

Nutrition in the first three days after birth

The question of following a certain diet should be considered by a woman not only after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. At bad tests, the doctor may advise her to limit the consumption of certain foods so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few days before giving birth, it is better to give up such excesses as:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • strawberries, tomatoes, red fish;
  • smoked or salty foods;
  • citrus fruits and various exotic foods.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of dairy products. This way, you will protect your newborn baby from appearing immediately after birth.

Meals on the first day after childbirth should consist of freshly prepared and light dishes, without spicy or aromatic seasonings. Indeed, during this period, the woman’s lactation process and the baby’s weaning to the breast are improving.

It is better to limit yourself to porridge with water, a boiled egg or a piece of lean meat, you can eat lean soup without frying. Sweets allowed include baked apple, banana and simple biscuits.

There is an opinion that in order to increase milk supply, a woman needs to drink plenty of fluids. This is not true, since the use large quantity fluid can lead to hot flashes and stagnation of milk in the breast. After all, a newborn baby eats very little.

I like!

When breastfeeding, most of the substances that enter female body with food, penetrate into mother's milk. An imbalance in a woman's diet can lead to excessive gas formation in the baby and the appearance of allergic rashes.

Besides, poor nutrition can deprive a mother of the strength and energy that is so necessary to care for a newborn.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

A nutritious diet for a nursing woman is a nutritious diet for a child. Proper organization diet of hypoallergenic and healthy products for a nursing mother it is especially important in the first months, when the volume of milk produced reaches its maximum.

List of low-allergenic foods for nursing mothers

In order to find out what foods a nursing mother can and cannot eat, you need to understand that the nutrition of a nursing mother consists of three important principles:

  • safety;
  • diversity;
  • correct drinking regime.


The daily diet should be free of foods containing dyes, preservatives, harmful compounds. Moreover, it is not safe to consume tobacco products, alcohol, coffee, strong tea.

Potentially dangerous and even prohibited foods for a nursing mother include radishes, cabbage, melons, broccoli, brown bread, garlic, and cucumbers, as they can cause severe painful colic in a newborn. However, the list of such products can be expanded or narrowed independently, depending on the individual reactions of the child.

Correct drinking regime

A woman feeding her baby with breast milk should drink at least one and a half liters of pure still water per day.

The rest of the drink consists of weakly brewed teas, juices, fruit drinks, and jelly.


It is a mistake to believe that a young mother’s diet is poor. With its proper organization, you can receive not only all the useful substances, but also taste pleasure.

The mother herself should not limit herself in taking permitted food, wanting to get rid of excess body weight. The very nature of nutrition will help you get back to your previous shape without compromising the health of the baby.

List of approved products for nursing mothers

List of products that have a laxative effect:

  • Beetroot, beetroot juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Cabbage, cabbage juice
  • Grapes, light grape juice
  • Plum, prunes
  • Dried apricots
  • Pumpkin
  • Oatmeal
  • Quail eggs

Cooking technique

It is advisable to cook any dishes either steamed or boiled or baked. It is recommended to completely avoid frying food during breastfeeding.

Food for a nursing mother should be freshly prepared.

Dairy products to increase the lactation of a nursing mother

  • Porridge with cream. Porridge on water with the addition of 10% cream; after eating such cereals, the breasts become abundantly filled with milk;
  • Teas. Warm herbal teas. Green tea with a teaspoon of honey, a weak drink with milk is useful to drink half an hour before feeding;
  • Decoctions. Warm decoction of dried fruits. This drink is rich in vitamins and useful substances, helps improve the quality of lactation;
  • Nuts. The product helps not only to increase milk production, but also to increase its fat content;
  • Halva. It is recommended to consume halva in small quantities; it has a beneficial effect on the fat content of milk. This is especially true when there is enough milk, but the baby does not get enough and often asks to breastfeed;
  • Water. Still clean waterprerequisite successful breastfeeding. You need to drink from one to one and a half liters per day;
  • Soups. Dietary soups and broths. The dish is very useful for the mother herself. If it is cooked using poultry meat, it is advisable to use secondary broth. The milk produced is nutritious and tasty;
  • Cheeses. Hard cheeses. The tasty product is very useful for stabilizing lactation;
  • Carrot. Carrots and carrot juice. The vegetable stimulates the flow of milk into the breast, but consumption should be dosed;
  • Dried fruits. Oatmeal with dried fruits and dried apricots. For a mother during breastfeeding, this dish can be an ideal breakfast;
  • Watermelon. Juicy, sweet berry significantly increases lactation.

The influence of products on the baby's health

Everything a woman consumes affects the baby’s health.

The impact can be both negative and positive.

  • Milk added to tea - no more than 150 ml,
  • Fermented milk drinks - 500 ml,
  • Water - at least 2 liters,
  • Cereals - about 100 g,
  • Cheeses - 20-30 g,
  • Sour cream - approximately 20 g,
  • Cottage cheese - 100-150 g,
  • Egg - 1 piece,
  • Fruits - 200-300 g,
  • Vegetables - 500-600 g,
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat - 200-300 g each,
  • Vegetable oil - 15 g,
  • Butter - 30 g,
  • Bread with bran - 200 g.


Ginger, chamomile, echinacea

If a woman takes these plants in the form of tea, it is recommended to strictly follow their dosage.

Herbal teas in high concentration can be dangerous, especially if they contain goldenseal, which is traditionally added to.

Borage, anise, ground fenugreek, raspberry leaf, nettle, fennel, dill, verbena

Not all of them have been recognized by science as safe and effective.


This cannot be said that the herb is completely safe for the health of a baby during breastfeeding. This herb can also be classified as a laxative product for a nursing mother.

The plant is often used to treat migraines and has healing properties, but the baby has no need for it.

Do you know what can? Use the help of a consultant and make yourself and your baby happy!

A popular question is whether you can drink while breastfeeding, it has been extensively covered. Find out the most safe remedy from pain during hepatitis B.

Foods to Avoid

  • canned food (dairy, fish, meat);
  • semi-finished products;
  • mayonnaise sauce and ketchups;
  • hot sauces based on chili peppers;
  • processed cheeses, blue cheeses;
  • legumes;
  • grape;
  • sausages.

Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco

The baby should be protected from exposure to such substances not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding.

If a woman follows all the recommendations presented, she will feed the baby with mature milk containing anti-infective protection factors and growth factors that are unique.

Mother's milk provided proper nutrition women contains essential and cystine, a lipase enzyme with a full range of essential amino acids, which are easily absorbed even by a newborn baby.

A young mother has so many worries that it is simply impossible to keep all the information in her head. Therefore, a special food diary will be useful, which will indicate the date of the meal, the foods that were eaten, the nature of the child’s stool and his general condition.

Based on your own notes, you can create a unique nutrition plan that will be the most painless and beneficial for the baby and enjoyable for the mother.