Fermented milk products: benefits and harm. What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

Dairy products

About what fermented milk products Everyone knows that they have great benefits for the body. Fermented milk products are the oldest human food. Once humans began domestication livestock– the history of preparation and consumption began sour milk and dishes from it. Today, fermented milk is included in daily diet nutrition of most people on Earth, and it is impossible to imagine how we would manage without it.

Excellent taste properties fermented milk products make it very popular, and unique properties and composition make it an integral part of dietary nutrition. In addition, many types of fermented milk products can be used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents. Considering that the modern dairy industry offers widest choice products, everyone will be able to choose the product that best suits their taste and properties.

Each country has its own types of fermented milk products and national secrets of their preparation. But we will look at the most popular and sought-after fermented milk products, which are found almost all over the world.
Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product with a high protein content, which is made by fermenting milk and removing whey from it. It is classified by fat content, which can range from 18% to 0%.
The production of sour cream has long been based on the method of samokvass, followed by skimming the sour cream from the surface of sour milk. But today this method has been replaced by a more cost-effective one. industrial production sour cream from cream and sourdough. Sour cream also differs in fat content - from 10% to 58%.

Yogurt prepared from whole milk by fermentation with pure cultures, such as lactic acid streptococci or Bacillus acidophilus. Depending on what culture was used, there are different types curdled milk. Curdled milk also differs in its fat content, from 6% to 0.05%.

Acidophilus is a product that is obtained by fermenting milk using acidophilus bacillus, kefir fungus and lactic acid streptococcus. Fermentation of the product is carried out at a temperature of at least 32°C for 10-12 hours.

Another very popular product is yogurt. It is produced using a protosymbiotic mixture of lactic acid bacteria. After ripening, fruit or vanilla fillers, sugar and some additives are added to the product to improve consistency. In addition, cream can serve as a raw material for yogurt.

Kefir- a product that is obtained by simultaneous lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. This is achieved through the use of “kefir grains” - several strains of microorganisms acting in symbiosis. In total, more than 20 types of pure cultures take part in the production of kefir, among them you can see not only lactic acid bacteria, but also yeast and acetic acid bacteria. The composition of kefir varies greatly depending on its age; the older the kefir, the more alcohol it contains.

Benefits of fermented milk products

Everyone knows that fermented milk products are very healthy, but what are their benefits? The first thing to remember is that they are easy to digest. Milk proteins in fermented milk products are already in a partially split state, which leads to the fact that, for example, kefir is digested in the human gastrointestinal tract by 91%, while milk is only 32%. For those who do not have enough lactase in their body to fully digest milk, fermented milk products will be a real salvation.

The second undoubted benefit is protecting the body from infections due to the fact that lactic acid from dairy products prevents putrefactive microflora from multiplying. Besides, Fermented milk products contain natural antibiotics that can fight infections.
Fermented milk products perfectly improve intestinal motility, which helps normalize digestion and reduce the formation of gases.

Besides, they contain a lot of microelements that are easily absorbed by the body. It is also worth remembering calcium, which is contained in fermented milk products in a special form that is easy to digest. This is why kefir is so beneficial for young children and is often recommended as a first food. It is also useful for adults for the prevention of osteoporosis.

What products are best not to combine with fermented milk?

To get the maximum benefit from any product, you need to use it in the right combination. This rule also applies to fermented milk products, which can lose many of their beneficial properties, if you eat them with the wrong thing. For example, few people know that best combination- kefir with baked goods. Also, if you want to get the maximum benefit, You should not combine fermented milk products with any pastries, chocolate and cookies.

It may also seem strange, but you should not combine fermented milk products with fresh fruits, since acid from fruits can destroy lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, canned or frozen fruits and berries are usually used for production. They do not oxidize the product and do not reduce its usefulness.

You cannot combine fermented milk products with hot tea. Beneficial catechins and flavonoids from tea are destroyed when exposed to milk protein. Therefore, the benefits of tea with milk are very doubtful. You should also not eat sour milk on the go, as this can overload your stomach.

Can fermented milk products be harmful? (Video)

Despite the fact that fermented milk products are extremely beneficial for our body, sometimes they can cause not the most pleasant reactions. In what cases can fermented milk products be harmful, and when should you refrain from consuming them?
During pregnancy, you should refrain from consuming dairy products that are too fatty. In addition, you should not overuse various yoghurts and other products with a large number aromatic and flavoring additives, as they can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

It is worth limiting the consumption of too fatty fermented milk products for those who suffer from liver and biliary tract diseases. Those who suffer from ulcers and gastritis need to give up fermented milk products, especially kefir, because high content it contains acids.

In addition, you need to remember that It is important to observe moderation in everything. If you consume too many fermented milk products, then all their usefulness will be negated. You should not drink more than 300-400 grams of kefir per day, and other foods should be consumed in moderation.

It's important to remember that the most healthy products– natural. They should contain a minimum of various additives. But at the same time, it is important not to go too far, dubious products sold in the markets unknown women, despite their “naturalness,” they can carry a lot of risks due to unclear production technology and storage conditions.

The benefits of fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are products that are produced with the help of bacteria. There are two types: lactic acid and mixed fermentation. Lactic acid products include acidophilus, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. Mixed ones include kumiss, acidophilus-yeast milk, kefir, shubat. Fermented milk products contain bacteria that break down milk sugar, which increases digestibility. Thanks to its medicinal and dietary properties, have great value in human nutrition. Since ancient times, the healing properties of these products have been of great importance. They are used to treat various diseases- from hair loss to sore throat. By consuming them, you will not only strengthen your immune system, but also improve digestion. Fermented milk products can also remove toxins and relieve extra pounds. Don't forget that lactic acid bacteria produce vitamins such as C, B1, B2 and antibiotics. In any case, these are the most healthy foods nutrition.

Proper consumption of fermented milk products

Kefir is recommended to drink for liver diseases, gastritis, colitis, anemia, heart attack, bronchitis. And Japanese scientists have discovered that kefir will help with cancer and chronic infections. The use of acidophilus is useful in the treatment of all kinds of gastrointestinal diseases. But you shouldn’t abuse it either, it can lead to clogging of the body with toxins. For young people, the norm for fat consumption is 50 grams per day, for older people - 30 grams. Therefore, choose yogurt or kefir with a low percentage of fat. American experts have found that calcium contained in fermented milk products helps preserve long lasting result when losing weight. Those women who consumed dietary dairy products lost extra pounds more easily. Thanks to this diet, you will not only lose weight, but also increase your body's immunity. Everyone knows that fermented milk products are beneficial for both children and adults. For example, milk is absorbed only 32% in an hour, and kefir or yogurt completely. Such products are simply necessary for the heart, nervous system and bones. Everyone knows that fermented milk products contain bifidobacteria, which kill pathogens. Consuming such products within a few weeks eliminates putrefactive processes and restores the functioning of the kidneys and liver. If you are taking antibiotics, it is useful to eat fermented milk products during treatment. This way you will get rid of negative influence antibiotics.


Previously, it was believed that two-month-old children needed to introduce kefir into their diet, but now this is not worth doing. The problem is that milk and kefir lead to loss of iron in the body of such small babies. Consuming kefir for up to a year can cause microbleeding in the stomach. Moreover, kefir contains yeast and alcohol. This means that the load on the stomach will be twice as high. Therefore, experts recommend introducing kefir into the diet after a year, and even then no more than 200 ml per day.

Milk and products made from it - important source calcium, potassium, phosphorus, others minerals, as well as many vitamins and protein.

What you need to know about milk and fermented milk products to get from them most useful, says the nutritionist highest category clinics of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Elena Chedia.

How much milk do you need?

Minimum daily requirement human calcium - about 500 mg - can be obtained from half a liter of milk. Since the fat content of milk does not affect the mineral content, you can drink it to get calcium. both whole and low calorie skim milk.

The body also receives calcium from fermented milk products. There is approximately the same amount of it in kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt as in milk.

It should also be remembered that in milk not enough iron and vitamin C in order to satisfy the daily need for them.

In addition, excess calcium from milk can lead to disorders mineral metabolism in the body.

Conclusion: Even for supporters of vegetarianism, sources of protein should not be limited to dairy products. Valuable amino acids are found in mushrooms and foods plant origin: beans, lentils, soybeans. In addition, if vegetarianism is not strict, eggs and fish will become protein sources.

Let's sum it up. Milk and dairy products should be eaten at least several times a week. To make their use truly beneficial, pay attention to the expiration date of dairy products, drink milk with grains and do not forget about fermented milk products.

Yoghurts and kefirs are treated differently. Some people consider them necessary, others find these products harmful.

In my opinion, the role of fermented milk products in the formation of immunity is partially exaggerated, and there is also no correct understanding of how to use these products so that they are beneficial.

Modern science examines the impact of products on human health through standard analysis their components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc., thus explaining their usefulness.

Ayurveda reveals the properties of food on a different level. It takes into account special characteristics and factors: taste (rasa), aftertaste (vipak), energy (virya), specificity individual product(prabhava), material qualities (guns), impact on bioenergies (doshas). Such a system makes it possible to understand the nature of products, their effects on the body and mind, as well as possible consequences their use in various conditions.

Ayurveda's view of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese)

  • Taste: sweet + sour
  • Aftertaste: sour
  • Energy: hot
  • Gunas: heavy, sticky, etc.
  • Increases Kapha and Pitta.

Why can't you drink kefir at night?

At night, the body begins to cool down, the processes of digestion and energy exchange slow down, the ability to absorb food decreases - the body prepares for sleep. The digestive system requires a little more time and resources to digest food. Ayurveda explains that this phenomenon is associated with the activation of Kapha in the body in the approximate period from 18:00 to 22:00.

Heavy, sweetish-sour, viscous fermented milk products have a nature similar to Kapha, and therefore increase it. This is further aggravated by the fact that we, as a rule, consume them chilled, immediately taking them out of the refrigerator. This causes even greater exposure to cold, and Kapha receives an additional stimulus to grow. An increase in this dosha manifests itself in the form of mucus accumulation, and fermented milk products provoke the production of mucus substances in the body tissues. However, mucus accumulates in the canals and eventually blocks them, causing congestion, swelling, runny nose, cough, sinusitis, etc.

These effects are most pronounced in northern, cold, humid regions where Kapha naturally predominates. environment. When I worked in one of the Ayurveda centers in the northwestern region of Russia, I very often met patients with chronic congestion nose and accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. All of them were united by a great love for kefir and curds at night.

Such patients were prescribed a diet that limited Kapha foods, were given recommendations to exclude them during the cold season, and were prescribed measures to remove mucus: drinking warm decoctions, using hot and astringent spices, as well as Ayurvedic cleansing and warming procedures.

How beneficial are the bacteria in kefir?

Not the whole part beneficial bacteria is involved in the body. The reason is that the yogurt we eat, when exposed to low temperatures in the refrigerator, loses its original amount of bacteria (CFU - colony-forming units). Cold is an unfavorable environment for bacterial cultures. The probiotic value of such products (taking into account also the presence of preservatives in many of them) is reduced. That is why in India, a popular product - dakhi (natural curdled milk) is traditionally kept at room temperature for a while after refrigeration before serving.

My teacher is a 6th generation Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Manish Gairola, who said that bacteria, as living microorganisms, require a special favorable environment (for example, a certain acid-base balance). It often happens that after illness or when the immune system is weakened, this environment is disrupted. In this case, living bacteria are simply not able to take root. Therefore in clinical practice Ayurveda takes measures to restore the necessary environment to maintain microflora, including with the help of certain Ayurvedic preparations.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

Despite so many conditions and rules, Ayurveda notes many beneficial properties of natural fermented milk products. For example, it is said that yogurt increases potency, strength, digestive ability, nourishes tissues, and well balances Vata dosha.

I recommend making your own yogurt, this guarantees good quality product and preservation of live fermented milk cultures.

Fermented milk products are best consumed as an afternoon snack.

It is important to know that according to Ayurvedic compatibility, yogurt, like all fermented milk products, does not go well with fruits and berries (plums, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, etc.). The fact is that the digestion of fruit acids and the digestion of yogurt components require enzymes of opposite qualities. And the joint consumption of these products, including fruit yoghurts, causes an imbalance in digestive system, i.e. amu (“toxins”).

After fermentation, it is not recommended to boil yogurt or heat it above 50°. Heating, like excessive cooling, leads to death useful crops in the product, so heat-treated yogurt loses its beneficial properties. Ayurveda directly prohibits heating fermented milk products.

Ayurveda considers lassi to be one of the most useful fermented milk products. This is a healing drink made according to special rules from natural yogurt. It should not be confused with the popular fruit smoothie, also called lassi, often sold in tourist spots in India. Ayurvedic lassi strengthens the body, improves appetite and digestive power. Eating yoghurt as part of lassi makes it highly digestible and enhances useful qualities product.

Callout: Lassi consists of 1 part homemade yogurt and 3 parts warm (about 40°) pre-boiled water. The remaining ingredients depend on your constitution type. For Vata it is good to add sugar, cardamom, cumin, for Pitta - cane sugar, rose water, fennel, and for Kapha a pinch of hot spices - ginger, turmeric and honey are suitable. The ingredients must be mixed well and whisked.

Following Ayurvedic recommendations and consuming fermented milk products in correct form, V right time and at the right conditions, you can obtain and make maximum use of their beneficial properties to prolong health and youth.

Katerina Kuzminova, specialist in Ayurvedic nutrition.

Fermented milk products are easily absorbed by the human body and are included in numerous diets. Regular consumption of kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, and other products in this category is the perfect way get essential vitamins and microelements that are so important for our health, without compromising our figure. We invite you to learn about the properties of basic fermented milk products, how and in what quantity they should be consumed, and in what situations this should not be done.

Calorie table

For those who are on a diet and counting the number of calories in foods, we have simplified this task with the help of a table of calorie content of milk and fermented milk products. Now let's look at each of them separately.


Kefir activates work internal organs and is quickly digested by the stomach, so it ranks high on the list dietary products nutrition. It is worth considering the fact that kefir is a “live” fermented milk product, and therefore changes its properties during the permissible storage period. This means that fresh kefir has a slightly laxative effect, and on the third day after production it is still suitable for consumption, but changes its properties to the opposite, that is, it acquires a “fixing effect” for the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink kefir in its pure form, then purchase as much as possible. fresh product. Three-day kefir is more suitable for baking.

Useful properties:

  • Restorative effect. With normal tolerance to the product, kefir will strengthen your immune system and will contribute to a speedy recovery of strength after an illness or nervous stress;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir improves digestion and helps normalize metabolism;
  • Cleansing. Regular consumption of kefir helps remove toxins and waste from the body, improves the condition of the skin, prolonging its youth and clearing it of acne and acne;
  • Weight loss. Kefir is included in the menu of the most effective diets and ways to lose weight with the help, since it accelerates the process of fat breakdown and metabolism.


Sour cream

Unlike kefir, sour cream is a higher calorie, but at the same time more nutritious fermented milk product. Sour cream contains vitamins A, B2, B12, E, PP, C, H, as well as microelements necessary for human health, such as potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine, and many others. It is important to consider that all this composition and beneficial properties of the product relate only to natural sour cream. Among store-bought fermented milk products you can find a sour cream product, which has an unnaturally long shelf life for sour cream, and of course, does not contain half of the substances that are present in real sour cream.

Useful properties:

  • Removing cholesterol from the body. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention atherosclerosis;
  • Acceleration of the digestion process. Small quantity sour cream added to the first or ready-made side dish promotes rapid absorption of food;
  • Improved mood. Sour cream is a powerful natural antidepressant, and also helps rapid recovery strength after heavy physical labor or nervous stress;
  • Restoring hormonal balance. Of all fermented milk products, sour cream is considered the most effective means. Regular consumption of sour cream has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions body, prolongs women's youth, protecting them from early menopause, and improves potency in men.


  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers during exacerbation;
  • Obesity;
  • Individual intolerance.


Trusting convincing advertising, many girls and women include store-bought yoghurts not only in their daily diet, but also in diets that include this fermented milk product. Few people realize that the beneficial properties attributed to yogurt relate only to natural product without various flavoring additives, flavorings, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.

When choosing store-bought yogurt, pay attention to its shelf life. In any case, you won’t find natural yogurt on supermarket shelves, but at least you can buy a fermented milk product that is as close in properties as possible to it.

Useful properties:

  • Easy to digest;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Dangerous additives, used by the manufacturer to extend shelf life;
  • Unnatural flavoring additives that can cause allergies.
Advice: If you like the taste of yogurt and use it regularly, switch to a less harmful combination of fruits, berries and syrups with sour cream or fermented baked milk. Alternatively, you can diversify your diet with milkshakes. homemade. Best Recipes drinks see .


Ryazhenka is a natural fermented milk product made from baked milk or cream ferment, in the production of which no artificial ingredients are used. Ryazhenka contains vitamins B, PP and C, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and organic acids necessary for normal operation body.

Useful properties:

  • Improved appetite. Ryazhenka is useful for drinking for people, and especially small children, with decreased appetite;
  • Weight loss. Ryazhenka promotes rapid digestion of heavy and fatty foods, because it activates the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Replenishment of calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can be expressed not only in bone fragility, which you are unlikely to know about if your life is not connected with sports. This problem modern society most often expressed in brittle nails, skin and hair problems, and of course, frequent visits to the dentist. Drink fermented baked milk regularly and enrich your body with calcium - it is not only not difficult, but also pleasant!


Fermented baked milk itself cannot be hazardous to health, unless you have an individual intolerance to this fermented milk product. When choosing store-bought fermented baked milk, always pay attention to the shelf life - the shorter it is, the better natural composition at the product. Store fermented baked milk in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours after opening the package. Do not combine fermented baked milk with foods rich in proteins, such as meat, eggs, fish, etc.

Cottage cheese

The percentage of fat content of cottage cheese is not an indicator of quality, however, cottage cheese with reduced fat content is still digested faster and easier. Observe daily norm consumption of cottage cheese - it should not exceed 100-150 grams per day.

Useful properties:

  • High calcium content. Cottage cheese is recommended for use by all people with normal tolerance to this fermented milk product, and it is especially necessary for pregnant women. During active formation bones of the unborn child, the woman’s body gives most of the calcium to the fetus, as a result of which many of them suffer from brittle nails, hair loss and dermatological problems;
  • Prevention of various diseases. Cottage cheese is especially useful for people during the period of recuperation after illness, and helps improve immunity. Regular consumption of this fermented milk product is the best prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, nervous system disorders and gastrointestinal diseases.


  • Regular consumption of fatty cottage cheese large quantities leads to increased cholesterol levels;
  • People with kidney problems should consume cottage cheese in moderation and not too often, due to the high protein content in the product;
  • Low-fat and grainy cottage cheese is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • At urolithiasis And various diseases gallbladder, it is better to avoid eating cottage cheese.