An active life position of an individual: what it means to form an active position and advice from psychologists on how it can be formed.

It is unlikely that an employer would think of rejecting an interesting candidate because of a couple of hackneyed phrases in his resume. But it's best to avoid clichés: you won't get a second chance to impress. We decided to figure out how to make communication skills and stress resistance work for you.

Don't be so stressed

Today, more and more attention is being paid to the personal qualities of a candidate: employers are looking for those who will get along with colleagues, share corporate values ​​and be interested in work. And the more noticeable that the company is looking not for an abstract specialist, but for a person with certain personal qualities, the more difficult it is to describe them correctly.

What to do if the list of communication skills, the ability to work in a team, an active life position and resistance to stress is a set of clichés, and the employer requires exactly these qualities in a vacancy? Try to back them up with evidence: this way, the abstract pioneer-hero in the employer’s head will quickly turn into a person with experience and an interesting story.

“Sociable: for 2 years I worked part-time as a bartender-healer of souls in a nightclub.”

“Stress-resistant: in two weeks I closed a deal with a difficult client who had previously brought three of my predecessors to tears.”

“Punctual: I successfully worked for 3 years in a company where late arrivals were subject to monetary fines.”

Don't get hung up on a standard set of phrases, look for synonyms. Sociability can easily be replaced with sociability and the ability to be liked. Stress resistance - the ability to overcome difficulties. An active life position will be noticed immediately if you have an open and pleasant smile in your resume photo. And a love of learning - if they see an impressive list of certificates about.

A long list of personal qualities in a resume is inappropriate. The ideal list is no more than 5-7 points. What qualities should you choose if you are a versatile person? Take a look at the text of the vacancy: the employer probably hinted at what is really important to him.

Separate skills and personal qualities

Skills are abilities that you acquired through work or study. But personal qualities are character traits that are not so easy to acquire and even more difficult to lose. Therefore, their place is in the “About Me” section: that’s where the recruiter will look for them.

Do not load your resume with personal information that is not directly related to your future job. The HR specialist does not need to know what you have friendly family and talented children. You can mention your hobby, but literally in one sentence. A common mistake in many resumes is that they contain a lot of unnecessary information, but lack any hint of why the person is suitable for this particular vacancy.

Phrases to delete from your English resume

If you don’t speak the language very well, then in your resume in English you may still have the same cliches that you just got rid of in Russian. Many of them can simply be crossed out; the second part should be supported by evidence.

Here are the phrases that definitely set English-speaking recruiters on edge.

Results-oriented professional, bottom-line orientation - a specialist focused on achieving results.

Superior (or excellent) communication skills - highest abilities to communication.

Strong work ethic - strict adherence to work ethics.

Met or exceeded expectations - I meet or exceed expectations.

Proven track record of success - there is a confirmed list of achievements.

Works well with all levels of staff - I work well with employees of all levels.

Team player - I can work in a team.

Experts from the “Ready Resume” service will help you create a resume without verbal garbage, aimed at your career goals.

It cannot be said that a life position is a certain congenital factor. Many of its aspects determine the conditions in which a person spent his childhood and which he encountered. A life position takes on specific forms in the same way as a personality, which a person does not immediately realize. However, although character influences both personality and life position, both can be consciously changed.

Activity in life position determines how successful a person is. He is courageous and proactive, not afraid to act and ready for active achievements. It doesn’t matter whether a person with such a position is a leader or a follower, he always has his own point of view and will not agree to violate his principles.

The opposite in properties is a passive life position. It is typical for indifferent and inert people. Such a person is more likely to avoid difficulties and take weeks to resolve them. Passivity can manifest itself not only in an apathetic and depressed state, although most often such people are characterized by a lack of initiative in solving problems. It happens that a person simply follows other people's instructions without questioning them. Some passive people create the appearance of activity, they fuss and make noise, but the absence of a vector of behavior reveals their inertia.

Some people become passive due to life's troubles. In this case, passivity is often associated with aggression towards more active others; the person shows a desire to reason and “educate” in the right way"those who, like him, did not accept failure.

Proactive life position

Another subtype of life position is proactivity. Indeed, it happens that circumstances are stacked against a person, and he cannot do anything. at the moment do. Even an active person sometimes gives in under the pressure of problems. But a proactive person never gives up.

Associated with proactivity is the concept of sphere of influence. There are things that you cannot influence now, but there are others that directly depend on you. No matter how small your sphere of influence is, you must direct your efforts specifically to it and to expanding it. There is no point in thinking and wasting energy on something that does not depend on you. This seems obvious, but most people do it differently. For example, remember how often people around you complain about the government or curse the weather. If you can't change it right now, don't waste your energy on it. It is absolutely certain that there are things that you can do: do as best as possible what depends on you, what you are doing now.

Acting in accordance with this rule, about active people get out of crises faster and with fewer losses.

The most important thing to understand is that your position in life depends entirely on you. Even if you have been passive at times, you can still become active or proactive right now, and it will never be too late.

An active life position is the key to an individual’s success in any endeavor. And it arises due to the perception of a static world, if you see it, so to speak, “from the right angle,” then you will not even notice how you will acquire an active life position, and only success will pursue you in everything, and no one will pay attention to failures will pay

What is an active life position?

To better and more easily understand what an individual’s active life position is, let’s give a simple life example. There were elections for the post of governor of your city, and a completely new person was elected who had never held this position before. Within a month you noticed that new horizontal bars, a sandbox, a swing were installed in your yard, everything was bright and in good working order. A few more weeks later, you saw that the lawns on the streets had become prettier, the trees along the road had been trimmed or cut down, and a new kindergarten had opened not far from your house.

All this suggests that the governor lived up to hopes and expectations, he did and continues to do everything in his power for the city, spending money on a good cause. He still has a lot in stock interesting ideas, so six months later a beautiful alley appeared in the overgrown city forest. He leads active life, improving your city. It is this constant inexhaustible supply of new ideas, the manifestation of knowledge of human morals and the ability to use one’s power that speaks of an active life position.

How to become an active person

When submitting a resume, many people ask the question: what does the employer mean by vital activity, what do I need to write/answer? When asked if you have a proactive lifestyle, it is simply a paraphrased question: “Will you give us business ideas or live paycheck to paycheck?” Of course, few people will like the second option, so developing an active life position is very important.

In fact, it’s impossible to just wake up in the morning and suddenly realize that you have become active. An active life position is characterized by your actions, thoughts, and ideas. People who definitely have an active life position correspond to its structural components:

  1. A normative-evaluative approach to one’s own actions - a person does not do anything suddenly or at random, his actions are thought out and evaluated, possible consequences scrolled through my head more than once. If you learn to soberly and firmly evaluate your actions and draw up a plan for future work, you will never go wrong, and will always keep yourself among the most respected and reliable colleagues or friends in the entire company;
  2. Motivational-incentive approach. A solid estimate and plan alone is not enough if you don't want to do a particular job. There must be some kind of motivation for your actions, for example, you want to rise to the rank of head of a department, receive a large salary and buy or build a house in the suburbs, as you have always dreamed of, but you must also like the work itself, otherwise there will be no motivation for action;
  3. A practical-effective approach - this phase manifests itself directly during work. You are not lazy to carry out assignments, offer something new for the project, know how to defend your opinion if someone doubts it, but you are not an ardent fanatic and clearly assess your capabilities and task. The previous two points are also collected here, since without them everything described above cannot be accomplished.

As a result of your work on yourself, you will become more responsible, cheerful to give ideas, resourceful and reliable among colleagues, and able to work in a team.

Most often, it is women who are concerned about cultivating an active life position, and for good reason, this is very important for the fair half in order to maintain order in the family, keep themselves clean and beautiful, and in general, be happy without committing stupid acts. And a happy woman, as you know, cannot help but be liked and beautiful.

“Life is like games: some come to compete, others come to trade, and the happiest come to watch,” Leo Tolstoy asserted, speaking about a person’s position in life. Whether he was right or not, everyone determines for himself. To claim that there are no grains of rationality in his words would be, to say the least, unreasonable. Meanwhile, in order not to take the writer’s words incorrectly, you need to figure out what an active life position means in general, and then determine what it means specifically for each.

Definition of the concept of “active life position”

A person’s active life position is nothing more than a caring attitude towards the world around him, which is manifested in the actions and thoughts of the individual himself. The first thing many people pay attention to when communicating with a stranger is his position in life. It is this that distinguishes us from each other psychologically. This position in life allows or does not allow each person to overcome difficulties. Sometimes it is the reason for our success or failure. Moreover, in many ways it is one’s position in life that determines a person’s fate.

Life position is manifested in all spheres of life, influencing moral and spiritual positions, socio-political and labor activity. An active position is characterized by a quick reaction of a certain individual to life situations and widespread readiness for concrete action.

It would not be superfluous to note that life position in general includes:

  • political preferences;
  • a person's worldview;
  • its principles, etc.

Formation of an active life position

It has been formed since human birth. The foundation of its appearance is communication with others, their influence on personal development each of us.

It is initiative that holds the true secret of developing an active life position. But its growth, like everything in the universe, requires a kind of “battery” that will provide energy for this improvement. Your “battery” is desires. After all, only they can make you struggle with difficulties, helping you achieve your goals.

We have all at one time or another encountered people whose lives were dominated by an active position. They internally stand out among others. In companies, they are often leaders. Such individuals are able to lead society because their point of view and inner potential make them want to follow themselves.

Types of active life position of the individual

The “positive” position is set to comply moral standards and the victory of good over evil.

Position "negative". You should not think that active people are necessarily those who act only “good”; on the contrary, you need to understand that their actions can also be harmful to society and themselves. What do you think, all kinds of gangs and gangs created by whom? That's right, active individuals, with certain, clearly expressed beliefs and specific goals that harm society.

Our life is not something static and unchanging. It changes with the passage of time, the development of new technologies and the influence of people on our inner world. It is only important to be interested in improving the world around us.

For people of the first type, the main thing is not only to focus on their own and only their experiences, but also on global issues of the whole world. True, not everyone will be able to elevate their personalities for the benefit of society, but set their principles, beliefs, and worldview to achieve success. But what the life position will be depends only on the person himself.

An active life position is necessary element for successful human socialization. Let's try to understand the meaning of this definition. Every person has the power to influence the reality around him. That is, the world is not static, it is constantly changing under the influence of people. A person with an active life position is interested in improving life. Such an individual concentrates his attention not only on personal experiences, but also on

An active life position is not typical for every person. The desire to transform this world requires many things. In particular, these are one’s own principles, worldview, beliefs,

That is, a person who is simply not satisfied with the existing reality cannot be called a person with an active life position. It is worth remembering that before you criticize and break anything, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what a new, more improved existence will look like.

An active life position, first of all, involves activity. It is not enough to simply reconstruct reality theoretically; we also need to move in this direction. Each person copes with this task differently. One directs all his strength to the solution global problems, another cares about the well-being of his own country, the third seeks to help the people who surround him.

It is necessary that an active life position be harmoniously combined with rationality, a desire to help others and a sense of proportion. Otherwise, the desire for change may be followed by extremely negative consequences. For example, a person has certain ideals that he wants to put into practice, but his egocentrism prevents him from understanding that most people adhere to a completely different worldview. From this we can draw a simple conclusion. A person should direct his activities for the benefit of society, and not to satisfy his own interests.

The social position of an individual is divided into several facets. This may be subordination to the instructions of the leader, but independent and active behavior in relation to other group members.

A life position can be expressed in compliance with all the norms and requirements of society, but in the desire for a leadership position in the team.

The desire to transform the world can also lead to negative consequences. An active life position in some cases is expressed in disregard for social norms, the search for one’s own “I” outside of society, for example, in criminal gangs, among the hippies.

It may also be a desire to build one’s own reality. For example, a person does not accept the norms of society, has his own idea of ​​what the world should be, and actively attracts other people to improve his life. For example, such people include revolutionaries.

Most often, it is young people who have an active life position. This is not surprising, because it is young people who have always been a kind of engine in the affairs of transforming the world. Young people have less conservative views, they have fresh ideas and an original worldview. As you know, teenagers have a lot of energy, it is necessary to direct it to creation, otherwise an excess of energy can lead to negative results.

Let's summarize. An active life position is the antipode of indifference and detachment. A person who has the quality in question is interested in everything that happens in the country and in the world, takes an active part in any endeavors, and wants to make a certain contribution to the reality around him.