Spitz doesn't eat well. Features of feeding the German Spitz

Every owner wants his Pomeranian or German Spitz to be healthy, cheerful, beautiful and active. To do this, you need to correctly plan his diet, taking into account all the characteristics of the breed. In order for your pet to be healthy, its daily diet must include foods that will ensure a normal balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, while it is important to remember about vitamins, as well as a sufficient amount of liquid.

Today there are 3 main schemes nutrition of Pomeranian and German Spitz:

  1. dry feeding;
  2. natural nutrition;
  3. combined nutrition.

In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the pros and cons of each of these schemes. In their composition they already contain everything necessary for the active and healthy life of a Spitz.

Scheme No. 1: feeding with dry food

This diet has many positive sides:

  1. saving time on preparing food for your pet and creating a menu;
  2. ready balance of vitamins and minerals in the feed;
  3. no need to introduce special vitamin supplements into the diet;
  4. ease of storage and transportation.

According to the owners of Pomeranian and German Spitz dogs, the biggest disadvantage of this feeding method is high price for finished feed. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly pay a considerable amount for quality food for your pet. In the case of premium food, the price is fully justified by the high quality of the product and greater digestibility compared to economy class food. Moreover, economical food, which is so often advertised on TV, can cause irreparable harm to the health of your pet.

Transition Changing from natural to dry food should be done very carefully and gradually. It is necessary to “dilute” the Pomeranian’s diet every day with a small amount of ready-made food, increasing its share until it is completely replaced.

When purchasing a Spitz from a breeder, you can ask to bring with you some food that the puppy is already accustomed to, so that in a few days you can find the same one or choose a different way of feeding.

Rules for choosing quality food for Pomeranian Spitz

There are several points that you need to pay attention to when choosing food. They will help you easily choose the right food from all diversity food for dogs:

All the indicators described indicate that expensive premium branded food is fully worth its cost. They saturate the Spitz more, so they are consumed much more slowly compared to cheap analogues. With such nutrition, your pet will receive all the necessary substances for active life.

Here is a list of ingredients that need to be completely excluded from the diet of Pomeranians and others. small breeds:

  • offal (liver, lung, skin, etc.);
  • preservatives and flavorings;
  • food coloring;
  • sugar.

If you are thinking about what to feed your Spitz puppy, you should choose from the foods described below. Under no circumstances should you feed them economy class food.

Premium food

Unlike the notorious economy food, this food contains no by-products. You can find more expensive and high-quality ingredients in the composition: meat, fish and fresh vegetables. You can also purchase food with cereal additives, and they make up no more than half of the total food weight. The total mass contains a small proportion of meat ingredients and a lot of liquid, so the digestibility of such food is average compared to more expensive ones.

Most Popular stern premium:

Super premium food

This food has become almost similar to natural products. It has a perfectly balanced balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In the production process, only real meat of lambs, chickens, turkeys is used, there is fish assortment. Often you can find barley in the composition, which improves the functioning of your pet’s heart, normalizes its digestion and does not cause allergies. Natural tomatoes and oats are added as sources of vitamins and minerals.

All components in super-premium food perform a specific function; there are no useless substances to be found there. It is absorbed as easily and quickly as possible, so it is consumed very economically and fully corresponds to its cost.

The most famous foods superpremium-class:

  • Pro Pac (Propak);
  • ProPlan (Proplan);
  • Royal Canin (Royal Canin),
  • Bosh (Bosch).

Holistics: new generation food

This new product in the nutrition of Spitz and other small breeds contains animal proteins grown organically, without chemicals or hormonal additives. The plant substances in the composition are produced without the use of GMOs. The main goal of the manufacturers of such food is to ensure a healthy and active life for your pet.

Stern Holistic:

In the United States, holistic foods have long become the most popular foods on the dog food market.

To choose wisely what to feed your Pomeranian, you must take into account its age and follow all the recommendations of the food manufacturer. It is also important to ensure that there is always water in the bowl and that it is clean.

You need to properly feed small Spitz puppies in this way: for the first week, feed him the food given by the breeder, so as not to cause stress in the dog from a change in diet. From the second month of life perfect Premium food for small breeds is suitable. It should be marked “for puppies.” From the age of 1, you can switch your pet to food for adults, but it is better not to change the manufacturer.

For adequate nutrition, it is enough for Pomeranian and German Spitz to consume up to 80 grams of food throughout the day.

Scheme No. 2: natural nutrition

The most significant disadvantage of this method of feeding a Spitz is the greater time investment compared to dry food. However, for dog owners, the benefits of natural products are often much more important. Natural food has no doubt about its usefulness for a pet.

To create a complete, healthy diet for your Pomeranian, you need to include the following in the menu: products:

The list of foods contraindicated for feeding Spitz dogs is more extensive. This includes all flour products made from wheat flour, potatoes, beets, any sweets, pearl barley, semolina, salted and pickled vegetables, any sausages and sausages, fatty and spicy meat. You should not give your Spitz meat on long bones. They can cause injury to the esophagus.

Most of the puppy's natural diet should consist of meat, fish or cottage cheese products. This will provide his body with the amount of protein it needs to grow.

Scheme No. 3: mixed nutrition

In a combined feeding scheme, the products discussed in the previous two methods are used in turn. They are divided into different meals. You cannot mix dry food with natural meat or other products at one time!

When introducing such a diet, you need to carefully monitor the well-being of your Spitz. If you notice loose stools or other problems with your pet’s digestion, then you should immediately abandon this feeding regimen.

There are several rules for an easy transition to mixed nutrition:

How to feed a Pomeranian puppy: general rules

Regardless of the chosen nutrition plan, there are rules that must be fulfill To all owners of Pomeranian and German Spitz:

  • You cannot change the puppy’s usual feeding place and meal times.
  • The frequency of feeding should depend on the age of the dog. The younger the puppy, the more often he needs to be fed, decreasing the frequency over time.
  • The water in the bowl should not stagnate; it should be changed several times during the day.
  • On the food packaging, manufacturers indicate the daily feeding rate, and not the weight of food per meal, so for each feeding you need to calculate the required amount of food yourself.
  • By observing your dog's appearance and mood, you can determine whether he is getting enough food. Depending on her weight, you can slightly change the amount of food consumed per day.
  • Refusal to eat is not always the cause of illness. This may be due to the dog being in a bad mood.
  • To prepare natural food for your Spitz, you need to use only the freshest products so as not to cause digestive problems in the animal.

In any diet, moderation is important, so make sure not to overfeed your dog, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to lose excess weight. Gaining weight always happens faster than losing it.

If your Pomeranian puppy starts having problems with... digestion, then you need to stop feeding him for 24 hours, while providing him with constant access to water. Within a day, the pet’s condition should return to normal. If this does not happen, you need to immediately show him to the veterinarian.

We will look at what to feed your Spitz and how to do it correctly in this article. How to choose dry food, what to pay attention to first of all - the main points that we will analyze.

Feeding these cute little balls of happiness in the early stages of their lives is not an easy task. Everything must be thought out to the smallest detail. Better yet, imagine that you are choosing a diet for your baby.

A person can throw a couple of dry sandwiches into his stomach and function on this fuel all day long, but with a Spitz this trick won’t work even in adulthood.

Diet wishes

First of all, take care of the correct balance of carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, fats, vitamins and water. An excess or deficiency of each of these elements can be hazardous to your pet's health.

Percentage protein in the diet – at least 30%, special in puppies. This has a positive effect on the formation of the immune system and skeleton.

The percentage of cereals should cover no more than 10%. It's healthy to add unrefined vegetable oil to any food, but don't overdo it as it may upset your pet's stomach.

After the puppy stopped drinking mother's milk, From two months onwards it is recommended to feed five times a day:

– a small portion of dry food;

– porridge, boiled meat and vegetables;

– fermented milk (cottage cheese or kefir);

– grated apple with a spoon of olive oil;

– pour boiling water over finely chopped beef and add boiled vegetables;

At three to four months the puppy can be fed four times a day:

– boiled sea fish with porridge, with the addition of vegetable oil;

– cottage cheese or kefir;

– skinned boiled chicken meat;

– grated apple;

– vegetable stew with raw beef.

For a five-month-old Spitz, reduce the number of meals to three times., making sure that all the elements necessary for the puppy are balanced.

Feeding your Spitz with natural products

A dog, even such a cutie as a Spitz, is a carnivore, and the best food for it is meat. Especially beef and lean lamb at the rate of 20-25 g per kilogram of weight (remember: sausage is not meat).

The most preferable fish is sea fish. The worms living in it do not take root in the dog’s body, unlike river fish, and besides, the bones of river fish can lead to serious injuries to your puppy.

Hake, navaga and pollock are quite suitable for feeding, while horse mackerel, capelin and mackerel will be fatty. Dogs need to get carbohydrates from rice and buckwheat.

Vegetables are also necessary, but remember that dogs do not absorb vitamin A from carrots. Unlike humans, they get it from liver, eggs, fermented milk, and in general, animal products.

And they produce vitamin C on their own, so it is not necessary to select special products to fix it in the body.

Feel free to give your pets brown bread crackers, prunes and dried apricots.

There are a number of simple rules, following them, you will significantly improve the condition of your pet’s digestive system:

– remove the skin from chicken and turkey;

– the fat content of cottage cheese should be no more than 9%;

– be sure to boil the eggs;

– be sure to remove bones from fish;

– you don’t have to boil the meat, just pour boiling water over it;

Can be added to feed food additives:

– to improve hair growth – brewer's yeast;

– to create the rich color of brown and red Spitz, you don’t need to go to a beauty salon, just add dry seaweed;

– during molting, use “ Spirulina».

For the last half century, owners have been pampering their pets with dry food. The main advantages of “drying” lie on the surface - you don’t have to “steam” and think through your daily diet, calculate the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, and, after all, you don’t have to stand at the stove and cook.

Opening and pouring are the two actions that are required of you. In addition, a refrigerator and the necessary products are not always at hand. But if you have tender feelings for your baby, think about the following information.

Feed often contains such “pests” as pesticides, chemical additives, soy with its hard-to-digest proteins, hormones, cheap grains, salt in large quantities, synthetic additives, flavors and sweeteners.

Basically, the production of animal feed is a kind of appendix to the human nutrition industry. It is on the basis of waste from the production of human food that animal feed is made.

When feeding dry food, it is important to give your pet enough water.

It is believed that high protein foods lead to kidney disease. However, it all depends on the quality of the protein. It should be easily absorbed by the body, without forcing your animals to spend huge resources on its processing.

And finally. If you buy it, then only premium class.

In the first year of life, do not under any circumstances allow your Spitz to dry out; you can allow yourself to become lazy only during the period when your pet’s body is already fully formed.

Now it is fashionable and advisable to buy food characterized by the overseas word “holistic” (translated from Greek means holistic). This is a kind of super-duper premium class.

It uses only high quality products, the meat content ranges from 50 to 80%. In general, this is nutrition close to human nutrition.

How to choose the right dry food

When choosing dry food, consider the following criteria.


– unprocessed grains

– meat comes first in the composition

– the protein is obtained from a high-quality source (whole meat, for example).


– artificial preservatives and colors

– sugar substitutes

– propylene glycol

– processed meat by-products

How many times a day to feed

While the puppy is tiny and feeds on its mother's milk, its instincts themselves regulate the number of meals; as a rule, it feeds after each awakening. Well, then try to empirically calculate the required amount, taking into account the specifics of its age.

As a rule, at the age of two months he is “prescribed” five meals a day. Remember that it has a tiny ventricle, so portions should be small.

At three months, your young friend begins to feel like a “person” and show character. Eating on a schedule is for weaklings. In such situations, reduce the amount to four times.

If the little rebel continues to reject the food offered, then reduce the portion sizes, not the number of feedings. Then, up to seven months, switch to three meals a day and watch his appetite.

If your pet's eyes are bulging out of their sockets from hunger and he's hanging around the empty bowl in despair, feel free to assign additional snacks in between the main ones.

Well, if your Pomeranian resembles the most quoted Shakespearean character and is in thought, “To eat or not to eat,” the number of meals and the volume of portions can be reduced.

Additional feeding is necessary during molting, in winter, and for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Requirements for food energy value for German and Pomeranian Spitz

Since these are two varieties of the same breed, there are no differences in nutritional characteristics. The correct diet is two-thirds proteins and one-third vegetables and cereals.

Everyday meals should contain vitamins A, D, C, which help improve immunity and vitamin E, which makes your pets’ skin healthy, B vitamins, high-quality fats, omega 6, fiber, sodium and potassium chlorides, potassium phosphate - that’s not all. a complete list of microelements necessary for a Spitz.

What should you not feed your Spitz? Prohibited Products

Pomeranians require a balanced diet. It is the feeding process that determines the appearance of the pet, the quality of its coat and its physical health in general. Owners of these dogs should know how and what to feed their Pomeranian Spitz so that the dog grows up healthy, active and cheerful.

Owners have a choice - to feed the dog natural products or special dry food. Different owners prefer different options for feeding their pets. If a dog is adopted from a kennel, then for some time it is fed the same food as the breeder. Compliance with this rule allows you to avoid exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, allergies and weakened immune defenses.

In any diet, it is imperative to maintain a balance of nutrients. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed your dog, as this will negatively affect its health. But prolonged malnutrition can also cause dystrophy in a pet. The dog's menu must include:

  • proteins (responsible for normal growth);
  • carbohydrates (are a source of energy);
  • lipids (thanks to them the animal will look great);
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • enzymes and other useful substances;
  • water.

Maintaining such a balance will allow your pet to be healthy; he will never have problems with his skin, teeth and eyes. Only thanks to a balanced diet will the orange be cheerful and active, and will not get sick.

The Pomeranian Spitz is a dwarf breed, so additional care and feeding rules are provided for it:

  1. It is forbidden to suddenly change the type of feeding. Failure to comply with this rule can cause gastrointestinal pathologies, poisoning and serious allergic manifestations.
  2. You shouldn't skimp on food. Spitz-shaped pets already eat little, and cheap brands have a bad effect on their health.
  3. When feeding your pet natural products, it is forbidden to give fatty, fried, smoked foods. You should not give your dog tubular bones or pork.
  4. Drinking milk is also not recommended. The dog's body is not able to absorb it.
  5. As a type of delicacy, cheese is added to the diet (but this product cannot be on the menu every day).
  6. Portions should be small. This will help your dog’s body digest food better.

Until the age of three months, five meals a day are required. Next, the number of meals is reduced to three times. From 7 months of age, the most optimal will be a two-time diet.

Feed selection

Pomeranians require balanced types of food designed for small dog breeds. Before purchasing, you should carefully read the instructions and become familiar with the composition. There should always be a sufficient amount of clean water near food.

Sometimes your pet develops allergies to certain foods. In this situation, you need to consult a veterinarian and buy only hypoallergenic food. Offered for sale;

  • economy products;
  • premium category;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic.

All ingredients are usually indicated on the packaging of high-quality food. High-quality meat is at the top of the list. Moreover, it should be at least 30%. You should also carefully monitor the percentage of feed digestibility. The less food you need, the better its performance will be. A small amount of food should be enough for your pet for the day, and this amount will make her feel great.

High-quality dry food contains the following ingredients:

  • meat;
  • vegetables and grains;
  • vitamins;
  • preservatives (and food should not contain nitrites, salts and other harmful substances);
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • supplements that improve immunity;
  • supplements that improve bone metabolism.

High quality food must include all these ingredients. If a commercial diet contains by-products, chemical components, dyes and flavors, cellulose and other harmful substances, then it cannot be classified as premium.

Feed classes

Feeding Pomeranians with economy food is not recommended due to the potential harm to their health. The following food category is suitable for this breed:

  1. Premium. There are no by-products in the composition. This is what distinguishes it from the cheapest options. The food contains fish or meat, cereals and vegetables. However, there are still not enough meat products. This diet contains components that are practically indigestible by the digestive tract of dogs. The digestibility of this food is average: it should be given to the Spitz in larger quantities.
  2. Super premium. These foods are more expensive, but their composition is practically no different from natural food. A distinctive feature is the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The food contains only high-quality ingredients: meat, eggs, grains. The product does not have any preservatives, dyes, or flavors. The food contains a small amount of ingredients that can be harmful and can be purchased for all categories of dogs.
  3. Holistics- This is a new generation of food. All of their ingredients are made naturally without the use of harmful substances. The food is created to preserve the health and harmonious development of your pet. Food of this class is balanced, nutritious, and has exceptional taste. The content of meat and fish reaches 70%. The holistic food category includes organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs. All components are ideally combined with each other and are completely absorbed by organisms. This is an economical food, since even from a small portion of it, the orange’s body receives all the components it needs.

When purchasing any of the diets, you should carefully study their composition on the label. The list lists all the ingredients in descending order, so that the ingredient that contains the most comes first. A sign of high-quality dry food is the presence of meat in 1st place in the list of ingredients. The list of ingredients must include vitamins and minerals.

It is prohibited to buy food that contains the following components:

  • by-products (usually the manufacturer uses low-quality raw materials, and the consumer does not indicate what exactly is in the by-products);
  • all chemical preservatives;
  • cellulose (it fills the stomach, creates a false feeling of fullness);
  • nut shells (they do not bring any benefit and are a ballast substance);
  • sugar (this product is very harmful to the animal);
  • caramel (this component causes great harm to the body and destroys teeth);
  • flavorings.

Typically, these characteristics relate to economy-class feed. They are full of soy and various food waste. Such food causes great harm to the dog’s body. However, today such industrial diets are found in abundance on supermarket shelves. Long-term consumption of cheap food causes stomach upsets and food allergies in Pomeranians.

Feeding with natural food

With this type of feeding, food must be prepared specifically taking into account the needs of the dog’s body. All components must be correctly selected and balanced. The dog's daily diet should be the same. But you need to constantly add vitamins, microelements and nutrition to the menu. However, this is done only after consultation with a veterinarian. The products must be as follows:

  1. Meat. It is cut into small pieces. Giving pork is strictly prohibited. Beef and lamb are preferred. Lean meat makes up about a third of a Spitz's diet.
  2. Offal is given to an adult dog; it must be boiled.
  3. River fish is given only boiled. Sea varieties are in raw form. First, it is cut into pieces and all bones are carefully removed. Fish can be given 2 times a week, and its volume should be 2 times more than meat, since the protein content in it is much lower.
  4. Only boiled eggs are given. You can give 2 eggs per week. Sometimes they can be used to make an omelet.
  5. Regardless of age, kefir and cottage cheese should be included in the diet.
  6. About a tenth of the diet consists of porridge. Pomeranians readily eat buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.
  7. Vegetables are grated and mixed with oil. Dogs are given raw and stewed vegetables. A little greenery is added to them.
  8. Any bones can be given except tubular ones. They are necessary for the proper development of muscles, jaws, and the removal of tartar and plaque. Sometimes it is allowed to diversify the menu with rye crackers (unsalted).
  • any flour products;
  • potato;
  • beets;
  • legumes;
  • any sweet dishes;
  • millet, pearl barley and semolina porridge;
  • any marinades, pickles, fatty, smoked dishes;
  • spices;
  • sausage;
  • all pork products.

Rules for healthy feeding of Pomeranians

Pomeranians, like any dog, should always have access to clean drinking water. This requirement is especially important in hot weather. At the same time, it is allowed to feed the pet once a day, because the body is under great stress due to the high temperature. All bowls of water and food should be placed comfortably so that the animal can easily reach them.

The amount of food should be evenly distributed throughout the day. This requirement is especially important for puppies. It is worth observing how your pet eats: if after feeding there is little food left, it means that this portion is too much for the dog. If the puppy has eaten, but is still near the bowl, then you need to add a little food. In any case, the pet should remain full and not feel hungry.

If the ribs cannot be detected during palpation, it means that the dog is overfed. This should not be allowed - excess food causes obesity, which adversely affects the health of the Spitz. Spitz dogs love to beg for treats. Such requests cannot be indulged, as you can easily “feed” the four-legged one. The frequency of meals may increase if the animal leads an active lifestyle.

If there is a malfunction of the digestive organs, you should not feed the animal for 24 hours. It is recommended to give him water at this time. If after this the pet continues to refuse food, it means that he is sick. He needs to be taken to the vet immediately.

Pomeranians are prone to developing hypoglycemia. The reasons for the development of this condition are poor quality, poor nutrition, too much physical activity, and not enough food. With hypoglycemia, the dog feels lethargic and weak; As the pathological condition progresses, seizures develop. A small amount of sugar or honey will help bring the dog to his senses. In other cases, giving sweets is strictly prohibited.

Video about what to feed a Spitz puppy

Features of feeding a puppy

Suitable for a small orange:

  1. Boiled lean meat. It is a tasty and healthy source of protein. Dogs love chicken, turkey, and beef most of all. Any meat products should be thoroughly chopped.
  2. Sea varieties of fish. It is not advisable to give river fish, and it is completely prohibited in its raw form. Before feeding, you need to remove all the bones from the fish.
  3. Boiled eggs. It is a tasty and healthy source of vitamins and microelements. A small puppy can be fed quail eggs - they are much healthier than chicken eggs.
  4. Cottage cheese and kefir should be on the puppy’s menu daily. They regulate the normal functioning of the digestive system, prevent diarrhea and constipation, and serve as a source of calcium.
  5. Your pet's menu should include porridge. It is flavored with vegetable oil for better digestibility.
  6. Vegetables, fruits, greens. They are given to the puppy pureed and boiled. It is strictly forbidden to give potatoes. Dried fruits are indicated in small quantities.
  7. Dry food is best soaked in water. It is necessary to accustom the puppy to such food gradually. It is much preferable to give pates.
  8. From seafood it is useful to give tuna, flounder, herring.

Pomeranian Spitz puppies require more frequent and smaller meals. Adult oranges need to be fed twice a day. It is up to each owner to decide whether to feed the dog “dried” or “natural”, the main thing is that the pet grows up healthy, cheerful and active.

The appearance of a puppy in your home is absolutely identical to the appearance of a small child in it. This furry creature also needs affection and care, attention and great care. But most of all he needs quality nutrition. Many owners ask the question of what to feed their Spitz. Today we will try to answer it.

Pomeranian Spitz breed

These are miniature dogs that charm people with their appearance. Like foxes with thick and fluffy skin, they look like soft toys in the hands of their owners. However, it is necessary to remember that, despite its tiny size, this is a real predator that requires proper nutrition. But to the question of what to feed a Spitz, each breeder and owner has a different answer. Some believe that natural food is best, while others prefer balanced dry food. Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these different systems.

A person who purchases a Pomeranian usually assumes that it is a typical sofa ottoman that will sleep throughout the day. However, you must be prepared for the irrepressible energy of these dogs. They can play day and night, and therefore it is extremely important to answer the question of what to feed your Spitz in advance. This little “perpetual motion machine” requires constant recharging.

Breed types

In fact, they are quite different, and before you buy a pet, you need to thoroughly understand the varieties of these dogs. The most famous is the Pomeranian, also known as the German Spitz. However, this formulation is not entirely correct. Germans are the name given to simpler representatives of the breed, while Pomeranians are show-class dogs with luxurious, dense hair. This is a miniature dog that reaches 20-25 cm at the withers. Its homeland is Pomerania. This is where the name of the breed comes from. However, as breeding progressed, several types of dogs emerged. Some have sharper, fox-like faces, while others have rounder heads and flattened faces. This is a bear-type Spitz, which has gained wide popularity due to its unique appearance. They look more well-fed and their coat seems to be thicker and fuller. However, the breed type is finally formed only in adulthood, which means it is impossible to say with confidence about a puppy what type it belongs to.

American Spitz

It's hard to believe, but they have the same roots. The ancestors of these dogs (they are also called Eskimo Spitz) were their relatives from Pomerania, who were brought to America at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today there are three types of these dogs. The smallest weigh no more than 4 kilograms, miniature - up to 9 kg, and standard Spitz - the largest, their weight is more than 16 kg, and their height is 48 cm at the withers.

A puppy appeared in the house

From the very first days, you are obliged to provide decent feeding for your pet, so also ask the breeder what to feed your Spitz. He will probably be able to tell a lot about these dogs. In addition, when you take your puppy home, you should continue to feed him what he is used to, only then gradually starting to add new types of food. Up to three months, puppies are fed 4-5 times a day, by six months they can be switched to three meals a day, and starting from 7 months - to two meals a day.

A Spitz diet should definitely include a lot of dairy products. They cook porridge with milk, give milk and kefir. It is very useful to give your baby cartilage, it develops the jaws and provides many useful microelements. Don't forget to give fish and meat, this is your pet's main diet. Vegetables are also very useful, do not forget to give them raw and boiled, with a spoonful of sour cream.

Approximate diet for a Spitz: natural feeding

With each month of life, the puppy should receive less milk and more meat and meat products. Your pet is a real predator, despite its small size. At least 50% of the diet should consist of animal products. The daily intake can be easily calculated by weighing your pet. For every kilogram of weight, at least 25 g of meat is required. It is best to feed veal and beef; chicken is also acceptable. This is the best food for Spitz, but it must be supplemented with cereals (buckwheat and rice), as well as vegetables. These could be salads or stews. You should not give your Spitz bones, chicken or any other.

What should you immediately exclude from your diet?

Feeding such a baby from your table may seem very convenient, but it is fraught with all sorts of health problems. Therefore, understand in advance that you cannot give your dog pasta and fatty meats. Oily fish is not suitable for them either, only river fish. It is strictly forbidden to give them white bread and baked goods, sweets and legumes. Any smoked meats, salted or pickled foods, beets and mushrooms, raisins and grapes, persimmons and potatoes, sausages, corn, pearl barley, millet and semolina porridges.

Dry food

It is very convenient to feed a small dog with ready-made food. This is a balanced food that meets all requirements and allows you to maintain your dog’s health in order. When choosing ready-made food, carefully read its composition. The product that contains the most of it should be listed first. Of course it must be meat. If you see the words offal or protein products, then feel free to put them aside. Cereals should not predominate. It is best to choose premium food, because your puppy deserves the best. Experts recommend brands such as Hills, Royal Canin, Bosh, Happy Dog. These are quality foods that contain well-balanced, high-quality ingredients. However, today a new type of food has appeared on the market - holistic. These are Pronature Holistic, Acana, Felidae, Orijen, Canidae, ANF, Innova, Holistic Blend. They are distinguished by the fact that they are created exclusively on the basis of fresh and high-quality products, without dyes or flavors. This food contains a lot of meat and fish, which means your pet will be happy and healthy for a long time.

Combined food type

It is often used by owners who give their dog a portion of dry food in the morning when there is no time to prepare a normal breakfast. At the same time, for dinner she will have a portion of fresh porridge with meat, vegetables or cottage cheese. Veterinarians do not approve of this style of eating. The absorption of fresh and dry food is very different, and the body has to readjust each time.

The care and maintenance of a German Pomeranian includes such an important point as the feeding regime. Physical health, coat quality, dental condition – all this directly depends on your pet’s diet. Also, a miniature dog often has problems digesting food, so be responsible when it comes to feeding. You will learn how, what and how many times a day to feed your Pomeranian from this article.

Basic rules for eating

So that the Pomeranian Spitz puppy does not have any disturbances in the well-coordinated functioning of the body, the coat looks flawless, there are no complications with teeth and skin, one thing is not enough. To keep your puppy alert and active, you need to create a properly balanced menu for him, which should include the following nutrients:

  • proteins responsible for puppy growth;
  • carbohydrates are sources of energy;
  • fats that make the dog look great;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • biologically active substances;
  • water.

For dwarf breeds, there are rules of care and optimal feeding that must be followed:

  • In order not to spoil the metabolism in the puppy’s body, you should not suddenly jump from food to food. Do it gradually;
  • do not skimp on food, Pomeranians eat little, and cheap dry food will undermine the dog’s health;
  • If you add natural products, then never give your puppy fatty, smoked, spicy or salty foods. Long bones and pork are also prohibited;
  • Taking milk is undesirable, the puppy’s body does not absorb it;
  • For treat rewards, choose low-fat cheese.

Mode Basics

In order for your puppy's stomach to be able to digest food, it is necessary to give him food in small portions.

Feed your Pomeranian five times a day until three months of age; by six months, reduce food intake to three times a day. From seven months onwards, feeding your puppy twice a day will be sufficient.

Now let's take a closer look at each type of feeding.

Option one

If you decide to feed your Pomeranian only dry food, then you should know all the pros and cons of this diet:

The advantages of such a diet include the following points:

  • saving time and effort;
  • the composition of the dry food is already properly balanced;
  • no extra additives will be needed;
  • Dry food packages are easy to store;
  • If you are constantly on the move, then this type of food is most acceptable.

There is only one drawback to this type of food – the high price. A Pomeranian Spitz puppy cannot be fed with cheap dry food, otherwise you will ruin not only his stomach, but also his entire physical development.

Choosing the right one

For Pomeranians, food suitable for small breeds is suitable. Before purchasing the appropriate food, read the recommendations on the packaging and consider the age of your dog. Remember - there should be water next to food, which must be changed three to four times a day.

If your pet has health problems, he may be allergic to some type of food. In this case, purchase special medicinal or hypoallergenic food. But be sure to consult your veterinarian first.

There are currently four dog food options:

  • economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium;
  • Holistic is a new generation food.

To understand whether the food is suitable for your puppy, you need to carefully read the ingredients written on the box. All ingredients included in the dry food menu must be listed in detail.

If the food is of good quality, then the manufacturer puts meat in first place, indicating its type, for example, chicken. The percentage of meat should be at least thirty.

The percentage of product digestibility is an important point in the quality of dry food. The lower the “feeding standards” for care, the better. In other words, a small amount of food should be enough for the dog per day.

The food package must indicate the required amount of phosphorus and calcium for different age categories of dogs.

Also, a good dry food menu should include the following components:

  • cereals and vegetables – thirty percent;
  • vitamins E, C;
  • natural preservatives, be careful - there should be no acids, salts, sodium nitrite there;
  • herbs or oils made from them;
  • minerals;
  • supplements to enhance immunity;
  • supplements designed for proper growth and strengthening of joints and bones.

If a pack of dry food describes ingredients such as by-products, chemical additives, dyes, flavors, sugar, cellulose, then it is a cheap economy-class food.

Let's consider the last three options, since the economy class is absolutely not suitable for a dwarf Pomeranian.

Premium class

The mixture of these feeds does not include by-products, which distinguishes them from the cheapest diet. Instead, there is meat or fish, no more than fifty percent grains or vegetables. But there are very few meat products. There are much more substances that are poorly digested by the stomach. Food digestibility is average.

Super premium

Feeds of this type are almost similar to natural products, since they contain whole meat or fish, barley, oats, rice, and dried tomatoes. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are properly balanced, making the percentage of digestibility very low.

Holistic or new generation food

Naturally occurring proteins and plant products included in this type of mixture were obtained without exposure to harmful substances.

The purpose of these dry foods is health, energy and harmony in the dog’s body.

Second option

The advantage of feeding natural foods is the high nutritional benefits. But the disadvantages are the advantages of dry food, which were described above. The most striking disadvantage of cooking from natural products is the long preparation time and constant monitoring of vital substances.

Pomeranians do not eat as varied as humans, so the daily menu can be the same.

Vitamins, mineral supplements, biologically active substances - all this simply needs to be included in the Pomeranian Spitz menu, but after consulting a veterinarian. Only he can correctly draw up the balance of vital substances.

We will describe the products that should be included in the menu of a Pomeranian puppy and the rules for preparing them:

  • the meat must be cut into pieces. Give preference to beef or lamb, but not fatty. This source of protein must make up the third part of the puppy’s menu. If your dog is old enough, you can cook offal for it;
  • fish should be served boiled if it is river fish. Sea fish is usually given raw. In any case, first carefully remove the bones and cut into pieces. Fish is served to the Pomeranian about twice a week, replacing meat with it, but the volume of the fish should be twice as large;
  • Eggs are suitable for food only when boiled. You can fry them to make an omelet. Two eggs per week will be enough;
  • For fermented milk products, give preference to cottage cheese or kefir, which will be useful for dogs of any age category;
  • ten percent of the menu should be porridge: rice, buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • Vegetables must be finely grated and mixed with vegetable oil. You can give both raw and stewed vegetables;
  • greens are usually added to vegetables;
  • fruit is given to the puppy in small quantities as a reward.

For the development of teeth and jaw muscles, you can give your Pomeranian bones, except tubular ones, and rye crackers.

Prohibited for use

To avoid compromising your puppy's health, avoid the following foods:

  • flour products;
  • potato;
  • beet;
  • legume products;
  • sweet;
  • porridge: millet, pearl barley, semolina;
  • foods: salted, spicy, fatty, smoked, pickled;
  • sausage;
  • pig meat;
  • spices.

Third option

A combined feeding ration divides the day in half: the morning menu consists of high-grade food, and the evening menu consists of natural products. Depending on your pet's preferences and desires, decide what to give first.

This type of menu can only be used if the dog does not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If you decide to give your Pomeranian a mixed diet, then you need to learn a few important rules:

  • Always monitor the condition of your dog's feces - if it is liquid, then the stomach does not absorb food. Urgently reduce the amount of food;
  • the pet should eat according to the schedule;
  • natural products should always be fresh;
  • wash fruits, vegetables and herbs thoroughly;
  • food should be at room temperature;
  • Always follow the recommendations on the dry food packaging.

To ensure the comfort of your Pomeranian, proper care must be taken during feeding.

In hot weather, it is advisable to feed your pet once a day. The dog should always have the opportunity to drink, so monitor the amount and purity of the water. Food and water bowls should be on the floor so that your Pomeranian can easily reach them.

Distribute the daily amount of food evenly. Watch how the dog eats: if after a meal the food remains in the bowl, it means that the pet is eating a lot. If he has already eaten, but is still standing near the bowl, increase the amount of food. You can check whether your puppy is getting enough food by feeling his ribs: if you cannot find them, then there is too much food. You cannot overfeed a Pomeranian Spitz - this will have an extremely bad effect on its physical condition.

Being smart and cunning dogs, Pomeranians are constantly trying to beg a “yummy” treat from their owner. Don't indulge your pet. By doing this, you will not only teach him to beg, but also help him gain excess weight.

Always monitor the quality of the food served. If natural products begin to disappear, feel free to throw them away, otherwise your pet may be poisoned.

If there is a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, then do not feed the dog for 24 hours, but be sure to leave water.

If recovery does not occur or your pet refuses to eat at all, then you need to urgently see a veterinarian - unfortunately, the dog.

Carefully and responsibly follow all the advice from this article, and your baby will be healthy, active and beautiful.

What type of feeding did you choose for your Pomeranian?