Industrial robots in modern production. Russian industrial robots ARKODIM

The RBR50 list is familiar to many who specialize in the field of robotics - these are 50 companies selected by the editors of The selection principle is as follows: the list includes companies that have provided the most significant impact in the field of robotics based on the results of 2015. I'm sure you are familiar with most of these companies. And if not all, then it’s worth paying attention not to those that are not yet familiar - they are the ones who are moving forward the development of robotics on the planet. I would like to note that, unfortunately, there are still no Russian companies among them.

Other countries are represented in the following proportions: Germany - 1 (2%), Denmark - 1 (2%), India - 1 (2%), Canada - 3 (6%), China - 2 (4%), United Kingdom - 2 (4%), USA - 32 (64%), Taiwan - 1 (2%), Switzerland - 2 (4%), South Korea - 1 (2%), Japan - 4 (8%).

We can only wait until Russia finally stops doing what it is doing now and concentrates its development efforts modern technologies, and will try to once again become a full-fledged participant in the international technological competition. Unless, of course, it's too late by then.


A private company focusing on robotics. USA, Berkeley, CA. Develops innovative, flexible and reliable personal drones and UAV technologies for private and business use. The Solo platform is designed for aerial surveys followed by data analysis for mapping and research, 3D modeling and so on. Market segments: agriculture, construction, security, research.

, Switzerland

A public company specializing in the field of industrial robots and manipulators. Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. A leading manufacturer of industrial robots, modular manufacturing systems and services. The company pays special attention on decision performance, product quality and worker safety. ABB is expanding its activities into new markets and is also actively working in the field of traditional manufacturing to increase its flexibility and competitiveness. Market segments: energy, industrial automation, supply chains and retail, industry, manipulators.


One of the leaders in the field of supply of mobile courier robots. The robot automates internal logistics tasks by autonomously navigating fast-paced and complex work environments, such as delivering medications and supplies in hospitals and clinics.


A public company with a focus on medical robotics, assistive robotics, androids, industrial robots, manipulators, mobile robotics. Headquarters - in the USA.
The basis of the company's robotics areas were companies acquired in 2013: Boston Dynamics, Bot & Dolly, Holomni, Industrial Perception, Meka Robotics, Redwood Robotics, Schaft, Inc.


The company is an online retailer. The company serves clients in the United States and around the world. To achieve this, Amazon uses robotics in its supply chains, in particular, KIVA robots in the company's warehouses.


ASI, Autonomous Solutions, Inc. is engaged in the development of hardware and software for unmanned systems for use in the mining industries, farming, automation, industrial robotics, security systems and for the military.


An industrial robotics startup that combines specialization in image recognition systems and autonomous mobile robots. The goal is to increase the efficiency, transparency and safety of enterprises and warehouses.

Carbon Robotics, USA

, Canada

The company specializes in the development and production of unmanned solutions for scientific, industrial and military applications.

Cyberdyne, Japan

Exoskeletons HAL3, HAL5, Cyberdyne for Labor Support


Development of solutions for unmanned and robotic vehicles.

, China

Develops and manufactures unmanned systems and cameras for unmanned systems for use in the hobby sector, film production, agriculture, search and rescue, energy and so on.

Ekso Bionics, USA

Ekso exoskeletons (eLEGs), ExoClimber, ExoHiker, Energid Technologies, USA


, Japan

Development and production of industrial robots.

Fetch Robotics, USA


iRobot Corporation develops and builds robots for private consumers, government agencies and industrial enterprises.


Home family robot. Social robot.

Kawasaki Robotics, USA

Knightscope, USA

KUKA Robotics, USA

Industrial robots, development and production


The corporation specializes in the creation of global security systems, develops, produces and integrates products and services. The company does business in a wide range of industries - space, telecom, electronics. information, aeronautics, energy, systems integration. Its developments of drones and the passive exoskeleton Fortis are known.


A private company specializing in the field of mobile robots. Offers solutions for use in warehouses that can increase labor productivity by 5-8 times compared to using traditional methods based on the use of electric cars.


Specializes in the development, production and sales of robots for use in industries such as electronics, telecommunications, utilities, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and production of automation components.

Open Bionics, United Kingdom

ReWalk Robotics, USA

Medical exoskeletons ReWalk

Robotiq, Canada

Samsung, South Korea

Development and production of military robots, interest in other market segments, for example, exoskeletons.


The company develops autonomous service robots for use in the service industry. The flagship product is the Relay robot, which is already used in a number of US hotels.

Schunk, Germany


Private company focusing on mobile robotics. Founded in 2003, it is engaged in the implementation of technologies based on computer vision in the industry of moving goods (goods in warehouses). The main product is robocars (roboloaders).

Siasun Robot & Automation Co.Ltd., China

SoftBank Robotics Corporation, Japan

Subsidiary of Aldebaran Robotics, Pepper-type android robots

Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd., United Kingdom

Swisslog, Switzerland

Logistics systems, warehouse robots, courier robots, for example, Transcar

Titan Medical, Canada

Toyota, Japan

ULC Robotics, USA

developer and manufacturer of crawler robots for repairing and sealing pipelines (from the inside), for example, the CISBOT robot

Universal Robotics, Inc., Denmark

industrial collaborative robots of the UR series, for example, UR-10 and UR-5

Vecna ​​Technologies, USA


robot-assistive surgical systems, simpler and cheaper compared to da Vinci


kits for self-assembly of robots, for example, VEX Classroom & Competition Super Kit 276-3000, VEX Dual Control Starter Kit, VEX IQ Super Kit


manufacturer of industrial robots.

manufacturer of drones, including UAVs for use in agriculture


Development and production of industrial robots

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Widespread in production activities Industrial robots have received humans today. They serve as one of the most effective means mechanization and automation of transport and loading works, as well as many technological processes.

The positive effect of the introduction of industrial robots is usually noticeable from several sides simultaneously: labor productivity increases, the quality of the final product improves, production costs are reduced, working conditions for humans are improved, and finally, the transition of an enterprise from producing one type of product to another is greatly facilitated.

However, in order to achieve such a broad and multifaceted positive effect from the introduction of industrial robots into already operating manual production, it is necessary to first calculate the planned costs of the implementation process itself, the cost of the robot, and also weigh whether the complexity of your production and technological process is generally adequate - the modernization plan for assistance in installing industrial robots.

After all, sometimes production is so simplified from the beginning that installing robots is simply impractical and even harmful. In addition, for setup, maintenance, programming of robots, qualified personnel will be required, and in the process of work - auxiliary devices, etc. it is important to take this into account in advance.

One way or another, robotic unmanned solutions in production are becoming increasingly relevant today, if only because harmful influence on human health is reduced to a minimum. Let’s add here the understanding that the full cycle of processing and installation is carried out faster, without smoke breaks and without errors inherent in any production where a living person acts instead of a robot. The human factor, after setting up the robots and starting the technological process, is practically eliminated.

Today, manual labor in most cases is replaced by the labor of a robotic manipulator: tool gripping, fixing the tool, holding the workpiece, feeding it into the work area. The only restrictions imposed are: load capacity, limited working area, pre-programmed movements.

An industrial robot can, however, provide:

    high productivity thanks to fast and accurate positioning; better efficiency, since there is no need to pay salaries to the people he replaces; one operator is enough;

    high quality- accuracy of about 0.05 mm, low probability of defects;

    safety for human health, for example, due to the fact that when painting, contact of people with paint and varnish materials is now excluded;

    finally, the robot’s working area is strictly limited, and it requires minimal maintenance; even if the working environment is chemically aggressive, the robot’s material will withstand this impact.

Historically, the first industrial robot manufactured under a patent was released in 1961 by Unimation Inc for the General Motors plant in New Jersey. The sequence of robot actions was recorded as a code on a magnetic drum and performed in generalized coordinates. To carry out actions, the robot used hydraulic boosters. This technology was later transferred to the Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Industries and the English Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds. So the production of robots from Unimation Inc has expanded somewhat.

By 1970, the first robot was developed at Stanford University, reminiscent of the capabilities of a human hand with 6 degrees of freedom, which was controlled from a computer and had electric drives. At the same time, development is being carried out by the Japanese Nachi. The German KUKA Robotics will demonstrate a six-axis Famulus robot in 1973, and the Swiss ABB Robotics will already begin selling the ASEA robot, also six-axis and with an electromechanical drive.

In 1974, the Japanese company Fanuc set up its own production. In 1977, the first Yaskawa robot was released. With the development of computer technology, robots are increasingly being introduced into the automotive industry: in the early 80s, General Motors invested forty billion dollars in the formation of its own factory automation system.

In 1984, the domestic Avtovaz acquired the KUKA Robotics license and began producing robots for its own production lines. Almost 70% of all robots in the world, as of 1995, will come from Japan, its domestic market. This is how industrial robots will finally gain a foothold in the automotive industry.

How will automotive production manage without welding? No way. So it turns out that all automobile production in the world is equipped with hundreds of robotic welding complexes. Every fifth industrial robot is engaged in welding. Next in demand is the robot loader, but argon arc and spot welding are in first place.

No manual welding can compare in terms of seam quality and degree of control over the process with a specialized robot. What can we say about laser welding, where from a distance of up to 2 meters a focused laser carries out the technological process with an accuracy of 0.2 mm - this is simply irreplaceable in aircraft construction and medicine. Add here integration with CAD/CAM digital systems.

The welding robot has three main operating units: a working body, a computer that controls the working body and a memory. The working body is equipped with a grip similar to a hand. The organ has freedom of movement along three axes (X, Y, Z), and the grip itself is capable of rotating around these axes. The robot itself can move along the guides.

Not a single modern production can do without unloading and loading, regardless of the dimensions and weight of the products. The robot will independently install the workpiece into the machine, and then unload and place it. One robot is able to interact with several machines at once. Of course, we cannot fail to mention loading luggage at the airport in this context.

Robots are already making it possible to minimize staffing costs. It's not just about these simple functions like working with a stamp or operating a kiln. Robots can lift more weight, in much more difficult conditions, without getting tired and spending significantly less time than it would take for a living person.

In foundries and forges, for example, conditions are traditionally very difficult for people. This type of production is in third place after unloading and loading in terms of robotization volume. It’s not for nothing that almost all European foundries are now equipped with automated systems with industrial robots. The cost of implementing a robot costs an enterprise hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it provides a very flexible complex that pays for itself with interest.

Robotic laser and make it possible to improve traditional lines with plasma torches. Three-dimensional cutting and cutting of angles and I-beams, preparation for further processing, welding, drilling. In the automotive industry, this technology is simply irreplaceable, because the edges of products must be accurately and quickly trimmed after stamping and molding.

One such robot can combine both welding and cutting. Productivity is increased by the introduction of waterjet cutting, which eliminates unnecessary thermal effects on the material. Thus, in two and a half minutes, all the small holes are cut out in the metal of the Renault Espace bodies at the Renault robotic plant in France.

In the production of furniture, cars and other products, robotic pipe bending with the participation of a working head is useful, when the pipe is positioned by a robot and bends very quickly. Such a pipe may already be equipped with various elements, which will not interfere with the process of mandrelless bending by a robot.

Processing edges, drilling holes, as well as milling - what could be easier for a robot, whether we are talking about metal, wood or plastic. Precise and durable manipulators cope with these tasks with a bang. The working area is not limited; it is enough to install an extended axis or several controlled axes, which will give excellent flexibility plus high speed. A person can't do that.

The rotational speeds of the milling tool here reach tens of thousands of revolutions per minute, and grinding seams turns into a series of simple, repeatable movements. But previously, grinding and abrasive surface treatment were considered something dirty and heavy, and also very harmful. Now the paste is fed automatically during processing with a felt wheel after passing through the abrasive belt. Fast and harmless to the operator.

The prospects for industrial robotics are enormous, because robots can in principle be implemented in almost any production process, and in unlimited quantities. The quality of automatic work is sometimes so high that it is simply unattainable for human hands. There are entire large industries where errors and errors are unacceptable: aircraft manufacturing, precision medical equipment, ultra-precision weapons, etc. Not to mention increasing the competitiveness of individual enterprises and positive effect on their economy.

Alisa Konyukhovskaya - [email protected]

The global industrial robotics market is showing high growth rates. Which regions and countries are the leaders in the global market? Which industries are showing the greatest demand? At what level of development is the Russian industrial robotics market? What are the development limitations? Russian market? The answers to all these questions are presented in this article.

Since 2010, the demand for industrial robots has increased significantly due to the trend of industrial automation and technical improvements in industrial robots. Between 2010 and 2014 Their average sales growth was 17% per year between 2005 and 2008. an average of about 115 thousand units were sold. robots, while between 2010 and 2014 average sales volume increased to 171 thousand units. (Fig. 1). The increase in shipments was approximately 48%, which is a sign of significant growth in demand for industrial robots around the world. In 2015, more than 250 thousand robots were sold, which became a new market record, which grew by 8% over the year. The greatest demand was registered in the automotive industry.


Asia(including Australia and New Zealand) is the largest market: in 2014, about 139,300 industrial robots were sold, which was 41% higher than in 2013. In 2015, more than 144 thousand units were sold in the Asian region.

Europe– the second largest market, where sales in 2014 increased by 5%, i.e. up to 45,000 pcs. In 2015, sales in Europe grew by 9% to reach 50,000 units. The most rapid growth in 2015 was demonstrated by the Eastern European market – 29%.

North America– the third market in terms of sales volume: in 2014, 32,600 units were sold, which is 8% more than in 2013, and in 2015, 34,000 units were sold, which was a new record for the region. In the first quarter of 2016, 7,125 robots were sold in the region for $448 million. Also, 7,406 robots were ordered by North American companies with a total value of about $402 million, which is 7% more than the volume of orders for the same period last year.

Leading countries

China is the largest market for industrial robots and the fastest growing market in the world. In 2014, 57,096 industrial robots were sold, up 56% from 2013. Of these, about 16,000 robots were installed by Chinese suppliers, according to the China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA). Sales were 78% higher than in 2013. This is partly due to the increase in the number of companies that first reported their sales data in 2014. Foreign suppliers of industrial robots in China increased their sales by 49% , i.e. up to 41,100 units, including robots manufactured by international manufacturers in China. Between 2010 and 2014 Total shipments of industrial robots increased at an average annual rate of approximately 40%, and in 2015 China continued to demonstrate highest growth, sales reached 66,000 units and the market grew by 16%. Such rapid development is a unique record in the history of robotics. Across a wide range of industries in China, there is increasing investment in production automation.

IN Japan In 2014, 29,300 industrial robots were sold, the market grew by 17%. Since 2013, Japan has become the second largest market in terms of annual sales. Robot sales in Japan trended downwards from 2005, when sales peaked at 44,000 robots, until 2009, when sales fell to 12,800 units. Between 2010 and 2014 sales increased by an average of 8% per year.

Industrial robot market USA, the world's third largest, increased 11% in 2014, peaking at 26,200 units. Is the driver of this growth a trend towards automation of production in order to strengthen its position? American industry in the world market and maintaining production in the home region, and in some cases with the aim of returning production from other regions.

Sales in Republic of Korea in 2014 increased by 16%, to 24,700 units, slightly short of the 2011 record of 26,536 units. As in 2013, purchases of industrial robots from automotive component suppliers increased significantly (particularly in the production of electrical components, e.g. batteries? etc.), while almost all other industries purchased significantly in 2014 fewer robots. During 2010-2014 annual sales of robots in the Republic of Korea have been more or less stable.

Germany is the fifth largest market for industrial robots. In 2014, robot sales increased 10% to 20,100 units, setting a sales record. Deliveries of robots to Germany increased from 2010 to 2014. by an average of 9%, despite the high density of robots existing in the country. The main driver of sales growth in Germany was the automotive industry.

Since 2013 Taiwan ranks sixth among the most important industrial robot markets in the world based on annual shipments to the country. Installation of robotic systems increased significantly between 2010-2014. - an average of 20% per year. In 2014, robot sales increased by 27%, to 6,900 units. However, the number of installed robots in Taiwan is significantly lower than in Germany, which ranks fifth with 20,100 units.

Italy is the second largest industrial robot market in Europe after Germany and ranks 7th in the global ranking for industrial robot shipments. Sales there increased by 32% to 6,200 units in 2014, the second highest annual sales since 2001, a clear sign of Italy's economic recovery. Between 2010 and 2013 annual sales in Italy were quite weak due to the crisis situation in the country.

Thailand is also a growing industrial robot market in Asia, ranking 8th in 2014 among other markets. 3,700 robots were installed - only 2% of the total global supply.

IN India About 2,100 industrial robots were sold in 2014, a new peak for the country. Shipments of robots to other countries in South Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, etc.) increased in 2014: 10,140 units in 2014 compared to 661 units in 2013.

In France The market for industrial robots also recovered – 3,000 units (+36%). IN Spain sales of industrial robots decreased by 16%, to 2,300 units. After significant investment? between 2011 and 2013 Sales in the auto industry declined markedly, although other industries continued to increase investment in robotics. Sales of industrial robots in UK decreased in 2014 to 2,100 units after significant investment? into the automotive industry in 2011-2012.

Demand for industrial robots by industry

The main “catalysts” for the growth of global sales of industrial robots are the automotive industry and electrical/electronics.

Since 2010, the automotive industry has been the most important customer of industrial robot manufacturers, significantly increasing investment in industrial robots around the world. 2014 saw a new peak in sales, with nearly 98,000 new robots installed in factories, up 43% from 2013. The automotive industry accounts for approximately 43% of total industrial robot shipments. Between 2010 and 2014 Sales of robots in the automotive industry increased by an average of 27% over the year. Investments in new production capacity in emerging markets and investments in production upgrades in major auto-producing countries have boosted robotics sales. In 2014, most of the robots were sold to manufacturers of automotive electronics components to produce batteries and other electronic parts in cars.

Sales of robots for the production of electrical and electronics (including computers, equipment, radios, televisions, communications devices, etc.) increased significantly in 2014 and grew by 34%, to 48,400 units. The share of total supplies is about 21%. Growing demand for electronics and new products, as well as the need to automate production, have been driving factors for accelerating demand.

Sales across all industries except automotive and electronics/electrical increased 21% in 2014. Between 2010 and 2014, the average growth rate was 17%. The sales growth rate of the automotive industry during this period was 27%, and the electrical/electronics industry was 11%. This is a clear sign that sales numbers have increased not only in the areas that are the main consumers of industrial robots (automotive and electrical and electronics manufacturing), but also in other industrial sectors. Robot suppliers report that the number of customers in recent years is showing significant growth. Although the number of robots ordered by a client is often very small.

Robotization density

There is a high potential for the use of industrial robots in many countries. Comparison in different countries Quantitative measures, such as the total number of robotics units on the market, can be misleading. In order to take into account differences in the scale of the manufacturing industry, it is preferable to use a robot density indicator. This density is expressed in terms of the number of multifunctional robots per 10,000 workers employed in manufacturing, automotive, or industry as a whole, which includes all industrial sectors excluding automotive manufacturing.

The estimated global robot density is 66 installed industrial robots per 10,000 manufacturing workers (Figure 2). Production with the most high level robotization is produced in the Republic of Korea, Japan and Germany. By continuing to expand robot deployment over the past few years, the Republic of Korea ranked first in robot density in 2014 (478 industrial robots per 10,000 workers). The density of robots in Japan continues to decline: in 2014 it reached 314 units. In Germany, the opposite trend is observed: the density of robots has increased to 292 units. The United States is one of the top five global markets for robotic manufacturing, with a density of 164 units per 10,000 workers in the US in 2014. China, the world's largest robotics market since 2013, has reached 36 units per 10,000 workers, demonstrating high potential for further robot installations in the country.

In 2014, the density of robotization in the manufacturing industry by region was: 85 in Europe, 79 in America, 54 in Asia (Fig. 3).

The density of robotization in the automotive industry is higher. Despite the overall decline in robot density, Japan currently has the highest high rate by the density of robotics use in the automotive industry (1,414 units installed per 10,000 workers). This is followed by Germany (1,149 units per 10,000 workers), the United States of America (1,141 units per 10,000 workers) and the Republic of Korea (1,129 units per 10,000 workers).

Since 2007, the density of robotics in the automotive industry in China has increased significantly (305 units), but it is still at an average level. The reason for this is the large number of workers involved in this area. According to the China Statistical Yearbook, as of 2013, about 3.4 million people worked in the automobile industry (including the production of automobile parts). In 2014, about 20 million cars were produced in China, which was a record for the country and amounted to approximately 30% of all cars produced in the world. Necessary modernization and further capacity increases will significantly increase robot installations in the coming years: the potential for robotics installations in this market is still huge.


In Russia, sales of robots are extremely low - about 500-600 robots per year, the density of robotization is about 2 robots per 10,000 workers. In addition to the truly low level of RTC use in manufacturing, these figures are also due to the difficulty of obtaining data on the market, which is fragmented and has not been specifically studied until recently. In 2015, the National Association of Robotics Market Participants (NAURR) was formed, which, in addition to the general tasks of market development, collects statistics and creates analytical materials on the robotics market.

The total number of industrial robots installed by 2015 in Russian Federation– about 2,740 pcs. (Fig. 4). From 2010 to 2013, there was a steady increase in sales of industrial robots - an average of about 20% per year. In 2013, sales peaked at 615 robots (an increase of 34% over 2012), but in 2014 there was a sharp drop in sales of 56% to approximately 340 robots. The reason for this is the strong change in the exchange rate.

Preliminary sales data for 2015 are about 550 robots. The leaders of the Russian industrial robotics market are KUKA and FANUC, which occupy about 90% of the market.

There are very few domestic manufacturers of industrial robots in Russia. In 2015, the Volzhsky Machine-Building Plant, which for a long time was the only manufacturer of industrial robots in the country, closed. In 2016, it is planned to launch a new plant for the production of industrial robots in Bashkiria. Russian companies Record-Engineering, BIT-Robotics, and Eidos-Robotics are developing industrial robots, but their sales volume is still unknown.

In addition to manufacturers of industrial robots, important market players are system integrators who integrate the robot into the technological process. The cost of the robot itself can be about 50% of the price of the solution, which requires specialized equipment, software settings, services, etc. There are about 50 integrator companies in Russia, which differ in their area of ​​specialization and size.

One of the reasons for the low level of development of the industrial robotics market is the low awareness of enterprises about the possibilities of robotization of production processes and the associated cost reduction. Integrators almost do not calculate the real payback of RTK after installation, leaving this to the enterprises. The development of industrial robotics in the country can be stimulated through the dissemination of systematic information about the real payback of RTC by industry and operations performed.

To study various barriers to the development of robotics (both industrial and service), the National Association of Robotics Market Participants conducted a survey of Russian robotics companies in December 2015. The respondents’ answers to the question about the restrictions that hinder the development of robotics in the Russian Federation, about existing risks and barriers in the robotics market in general, are structured in the table into the groups “Education and Culture”, “Technology”, “Economy”, “Government”, “Science” "

Table. Results of a survey of Russian robotics companies about obstacles to the development of robotics in the country
Group Reasons

and culture

  • Mentality (in matters of demand for the product and doing business);
  • Low technological culture/outdated production culture;
  • Low expert level / weak professional community;
  • Small number of highly specialized specialists;
  • Low qualifications among the total number of workers and engineers of enterprises for mastering robotics;
  • Lack of high competencies in the field of marketing among specialists within the Russian Federation;
  • Weak educational infrastructure;
  • Small number of educational centers;
  • Slow penetration of robotics into educational programs.
  • Availability of ready-made imported solutions;
  • Lack of own production technologies;
  • Lack of Russian electronic database, all modern components and technologies are foreign;
  • Weak infrastructure;
  • Lack of equipment and software for design;
  • Weak batteries.
  • Economic instability;
  • Lack of funding for the region;
  • Incorrect distribution of the enterprise budget;
  • Weak interest, lack of customers in the domestic market;
  • There is no possibility of winning a development competition - lack of guaranteed demand;
  • Difficulties with exporting products from the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Little experience in the civilian sector;
  • Inaccessibility of robotics for ordinary citizens due to the rising cost of Russian developments due to inflation;
  • The absence in the Russian Federation of its own international corporations capable of buying startups and bringing them to the world market;
  • Small volume of the venture investment market within the Russian Federation, limiting the speed of development domestic projects compared to similar ones abroad (for example, in the USA).
  • Bureaucracy;
  • Lack of regulatory framework;
  • Outdated quality standards;
  • The customs service complicates and slows down the supply and purchase of components;
  • Flaw state support robotics in general;
  • Lack of real support for small innovative companies from the state;
  • Inertia and low start to implementation target program development of state-owned enterprises using robotics;
  • Focus on the tasks of special purpose services;
  • Combining civil and military developments - there is no body that would resolve issues regarding the formulation of robotic tasks for the needs of the military-industrial complex.
  • Lack of clear and transparent research funding mechanisms;
  • Lack of reputation accounting mechanisms that allow assessing the success of teams;
  • Problems with the supply and purchase of components, which significantly slows down development.

Overcoming existing restrictions Of course, this is impossible through the measures of one state; to formulate a strategy for the development of the industry, a broad dialogue between all market participants is necessary.

Thus, the global robotics market shows high growth rates (about 8%). The world leaders in the use of RTK in industry are China, Japan, South Korea, the USA and Germany. Russia, on the other hand, lags significantly behind in the robotization of production for a number of reasons, which can only be overcome through communication and consolidation of participants in the robotics market.

In this regard, production automation solutions based on industrial robots are gaining particular popularity, allowing for a full processing cycle with high productivity and accuracy, avoiding interruptions and production errors inherent in humans.

History of industrial robots

The history of the industrial robotics market goes back more than 50 years. The first patent for a robot was received in 1961 (filed in 1954) by inventor George Devol, who founded the first mass-produced robot company Unimation Inc (from Universal Automatic) in 1956 with engineer Joseph F. Engelberger – universal automation). Engelberg attracted additional funding to the company, disseminated the ideas of robotization among potential customers and popularized the idea of ​​industrial automation. Despite the fact that the patent was assigned to Devol, it was Engelberg who is considered to be the “father of robotics.”

Automakers were the first to take advantage of the automation capabilities, and already in 1961, deliveries of Unimate robots began to the General Motors plant in New Jersey. Unimate robots were designed using hydraulic boosters and were programmed in generalized coordinates, reproducing a sequence of actions recorded on a magnetic drum.

Unimation later transferred its technology to Kawasaki Heavy Industries and GuestNettlefolds, thus opening up the production of Unimate robots in Japan and England.

The main development of industrial robots began in the late 60s - early 70s, when in 1969 at Stanford University, mechanical engineering student Victor Scheinman developed a prototype of a modern robot that remotely reproduced the capabilities of the human hand, the Stanford arm with six degrees of freedom, electrical drives and computer control.

In 1969, developments in the field of robotics by Nachi appeared. In 1973, the German company KUKA Robotics demonstrates its first robot, Famulus, and almost simultaneously Swiss company ABB Robotics brings the ASEA robot to market. Both robots have six controlled axes with an electromechanical drive.

In 1974, industrial robots were developed and installed in-house at Fanuc, and in 1977, the first Yaskawa robot appeared at Motoman.

The further growth of industrial robotics was due to the development of computers, electronics and the large-scale expansion of companies in the automotive market - the main customers of robots. General Motors spent more than $40 billion on automation developments in the 1980s. The main market for robots is considered to be the domestic market of Japan, where most of the companies producing them are located: Fuji, Denso, Epson, Fanuc, Intelligent Actuator, Kawasaki, Nachi, Yaskawa (Motoman), Nidec, Kawada. In 1995, of the 700,000 robots in use worldwide, 500,000 were in use in Japan.

In the Soviet Union, the largest integrator of robotics was the Avtovaz company. Developing its car production capacity and adopting the experience of global automotive enterprises, in 1984 it acquired a license from KUKA. On the basis of a separate machine-tool division of the Avtovaz concern, the production of domestic robots began, used on the production lines of the enterprise. Today, Avtovaz OJSC, together with MSTU Stankin, is implementing a program to produce a line of robots for industrial production up to 1000 units annually.

Advantages of using industrial robots in production

Modern industrial robot manipulators are used in most cases to replace manual labor. Thus, the robot can use a tool grip to fix the tool and process the part, or hold the workpiece itself in order to feed it into the work area for further processing.

The robot has a number of limitations, such as reach, load capacity, the need to avoid collisions with obstacles, and the need to pre-program each movement. But with him correct use and preliminary analysis of the system operation, the robot is able to provide production with a number of advantages, improve the quality and efficiency of the work process.

To assess the relevance of introducing a robot into the processing process, we present a number of advantages and disadvantages of using robotics in an enterprise:

1. Performance

When using a robot, productivity usually increases. First of all, this is due to faster movement and positioning during the processing process, and such a factor as the possibility of automatic operation 24 hours a day without interruptions and downtime also plays a role. If a robotic system is used correctly, productivity compared to manual production increases significantly or even by an order of magnitude.

It should be noted that with a wide range of products, constant changeovers, and the need for a large number of peripheral equipment for different parts, productivity may decrease, making the process ineffective and complex.

2. Improvement of economic indicators

By replacing a person, the robot effectively reduces the cost of paying specialists. Especially this factor important in economically developed countries with high wages for workers and the need for large premiums for overtime, night time, etc. In the case of using a robot or an automated system, the workshop only requires an operator to control the process, and the operator can control several systems at once.

During the initial purchase, a robotic cell is a fairly serious financial investment, and the company is interested in its quick payback. Incorrect use of equipment and errors in its configuration and arrangement can lead to an increase in processing time or labor intensity of work, thereby reducing production efficiency.

3. Processing quality

Often the reason for introducing a technological system based on an industrial robot is the need to ensure the processing quality specified in the product documentation.

High positioning accuracy of industrial robots (0.1 - 0.05 mm) and repeatability ensure proper product quality and eliminate the possibility of manufacturing defects. Eliminating the human factor leads to minimizing operational errors and maintaining constant repeatability throughout the entire production program.

4. Security

The use of a robot is quite effective in hazardous industries that have a significant impact on adverse effect per person, for example in the foundry industry, during weld cleaning, painting work, welding processes, etc. In cases where the use of manual labor is limited by law, the introduction of a robot may be the only solution.

When working in a workshop, the perimeter of the work area is fenced off with various devices to prevent people from entering the robot’s operating area. The presence of protective systems is the main and essential condition for the safe operation of robotic systems around the world.

5. Minimizing work space

A properly configured cell based on an industrial robot is more compact than a work area for performing manual work. This is achieved by a more ergonomic design of assembly jigs, the small size of the space occupied by the robot, the possibility of placing it suspended, etc.

6. Minimal maintenance

Modern industrial robots, thanks to the use asynchronous motors and high-quality gearboxes, practically do not require maintenance. Special models of robots are made from stainless steel, for example, for work in medical and food industry, at high and low temperatures and in aggressive environments. This makes them less susceptible to the environment and increases the wear resistance of the equipment.

The use of robots in selected production processes


Welding is considered the most typical process for the implementation of robots. Historically, robotic welding began to be widely used in the automotive industry, and currently almost all automotive production in the world is equipped with conveyors, which can consist of several hundred robotic complexes.

According to research, about 20% of all industrial robots are used in welding processes (about half in the USA). The second most important application is palletizing, used in enterprises with high production volumes, especially in food production.

Tig (MIG, MAG) or spot welding (RWS) using a robot provides higher quality products compared to the conventional welding process of manual or semi-automatic welding. The capabilities of peripheral equipment allow for complete process control, for example, the implementation of a non-contact weld tracking function.

Currently, the use of robotic laser welding (LBW) is actively developing, allowing the laser to focus on a point varying from 0.2 mm, minimizing the thermal effect on the product and high accuracy and quality of welding. The ability to withstand ultra-high focusing lengths (up to 2 meters) and thereby provide remote welding significantly expands the scope of applicability of the welding process and increases the productivity of product manufacturing. Laser welding is actively used in aircraft manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, instrument making, medicine, etc.

The transition to automatic welding using robots minimizes cycle time by several times. This is achieved by ergonomic design or modernization of welding equipment to ensure a fast product collection cycle, high speeds of robot movement and organization of continuous production to ensure simultaneous assembly and welding of products. It should be noted that robotic systems are the only way to combine processing operations, for example, providing plasma or laser cutting, and subsequent welding by changing the torch or welding modes without reinstalling the part.

Also, robotization of the welding process makes it possible to integrate welding programs into the CAD/CAM systems used at the enterprise to ensure the digital production process.

Automation of loading and unloading of products is a process that is important in any modern production with high productivity or large weight and dimensions of products. Thus, robots are used to load workpieces into metalworking machines, unload finished products and place them on appropriate pallets. Moreover, quite often one robot services several machines at once and works with different products, which reduces the cost of investment in such automation and expands the functionality of the implemented robot.

In Europe, there is a trend towards maximizing productivity through non-stop round-the-clock work, and a philosophy of unmanned production is being introduced, associated with the desire to minimize personnel costs.

In the USSR, the goal was not to reduce manual labor; robotics was used to automate technological machines where there may be restrictions on human labor - stamps, presses, galvanic baths, heating furnaces, etc. In addition, a person may be limited by the weight of the products. Thus, for parts over 2030 kilograms, the use of additional lifting equipment is required.

The introduction of automation in foundries and press-forging shops is driven by the need to eliminate harsh conditions for workers and improve production quality: unloading heavy forgings, casting blanks, subsequent cooling, loading into press dies, etc. It is no coincidence that the third place where robots are used after loading and unloading is precisely in combination with forging and foundry equipment. Almost all injection molding processes in Europe are automated using robots.

The use of robot-based technological systems can become an alternative to the use of conventional equipment specialized in any technological process.

On average, the cost of implementing a robot with installation and the necessary package for interacting with equipment will cost an enterprise 5 million rubles, representing a truly flexible solution that can be used in the future for other tasks or implement auxiliary operations, for example, sorting various products, deburring, assembly operations, etc.

Metalworking processes using robots

In addition to welding and auxiliary operations robots can be used in the processing processes themselves, acting as an alternative to processing equipment.

Material cutting

Industrial robots are actively used for metal cutting operations using plasma, laser and waterjet cutting. Unlike a traditional plasma cutting installation, plasma torches using a robot can carry out three-dimensional cutting, which is important for processing metal structures, rolled metal (Ts, I-beams, angles, etc.), as well as preparing surfaces at an angle for further welding, cutting out various holes etc.

Metal cutting using laser cutting is an alternative to a three-dimensional laser complex, allowing you to perform any cutting in three-dimensional space. This technology is widely used in the automotive industry and is also quite effective for trimming the edges of products after stamping and forming operations. A robotic cell for laser cutting can also be used for laser welding, and can also further combine two robots using the same source.

Hydro or waterjet cutting robot expands cutting capabilities to process any three-dimensional parts and increases productivity. Waterjet cutting is characterized by the absence of thermal effects and the ability to process almost any material. Thus, robotic waterjet cutting is used to cut all holes in 3 mm thick steel on the body of a Renault Espace car at a plant in France (Romorantin, France). A complete hole cutting cycle takes 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Pipe bending

Robotic pipe bending is used in a limited way, being mandrelless bending using robotic positioning of the workpiece and the use of an accompanying bending head. The advantage of this processing is the high production speed, the ability to process products with existing connecting elements and simultaneous combination with loading and unloading of products by the same robot. Such systems are used in the automotive industry, the manufacture of metal furniture and other consumer goods where mandrelless bending is used.

Milling, drilling, deburring and welding

The use of robots for milling, drilling and edge processing of metals, plastics, wood and stone is a new, dynamically developing technology. It became possible primarily due to the increased rigidity and accuracy of modern manipulators. The main advantages are the practically unlimited working area of ​​the robot (the system can be equipped with a linear axis of several tens of meters), high processing speed and a large number of controlled axes. For example, a typical milling cell based on an industrial robot has 8 to 10 controlled axes and allows for maximum processing flexibility.

A wide range of powered tools can be used, pneumatic and electric, air and liquid cooled. A 35,000 rpm pneumatic drive tool is used for deburring the edges of parts after milling, and a 24 kW water-cooled electric spindle is used for metal milling.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a difficult, labor-intensive process for a person as cleaning a weld on a product. The use of automation can reduce the impact of harmful production factors and significantly reduce the time it takes to clean up.

Polishing and grinding

Grinding metal parts is a complex and dirty process that is extremely harmful to humans. At the same time, its automation is quite simple and does not pose a problem for modern industrial manipulators. The robot will always be able to follow the trajectory of the grinder, while ensuring consistent repeatability and excellent processing quality.

Abrasive surface finishing processes can be divided into two main classes – grinding and polishing. When grinding, abrasive wheels or belts are used, material removal can be significant, and a lot of dust is generated. Polishing – more delicate process, for which felt circles with abrasive paste, there is practically no material removal. As a rule, these processes are combined. The advantage of the robot is that it can process a part using several abrasive tools in turn, in one setup. For example, first the surface layer is removed on an abrasive belt, and then the part is polished on a felt wheel with automatic paste supply.

Prospects for the use of robots

The advantage of robotics is its flexibility of application and the ability to be used in an almost unlimited number of processes. For example, in the aircraft manufacturing industry, in order to improve quality while reducing manual labor, robots are beginning to be used in the processes of riveting, fuselage skins, laying out composite materials, and for various work in confined spaces. The use of robots in measurement systems is actively expanding. In the US and Europe, robots are used in high-pressure product cleaning chambers.

In Russia, the use of robots is still limited. Thus, in the pre-crisis year of 2007, up to 200 robotic systems were introduced with a total number of about 8,000 industrial robots throughout the country. For example, over the same year, about 34 thousand were introduced in the USA, 43 thousand in Europe, and 59 thousand robotic systems in Japan. The reasons for the lag are the lack of awareness of Russian technical specialists and enterprise management, the desire to avoid high costs for their implementation, and the low cost of manual labor.

At the same time, in contrast to stationary CNC equipment, a robot is a more widely functional system, focused on improving the quality and productivity of production and minimizing manual labor, ultimately leading to a positive economic effect and increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, more and more Russian integrators are ready to solve the problems of applied implementation of robots in technological processes. We hope that over the coming years the concept of “unmanned production” in Russia will rapidly gain momentum.

Igor Protsenko, Boris Ivanov

New Line Engineering LLC

Industrial robots- console-type manipulators designed for servicing injection molding machines and CNC machines.

Maintenance of machine tools means loading and unloading of workpieces, parts and their inter-machine transportation. Also, while the machines perform their main functions, the robot can perform secondary operations: marking, cutting, blowing, etc.

Robots are used to service CNC milling, turning and grinding machines, foundry equipment, stamping and forging presses, machining centers, etc. Robots are produced serially or according to individual customer specifications. They can have different sizes, have different class accuracy, different speeds of movement, different load capacities and have, for example, 3,4 or 5 axes of movement. It all depends on the tasks assigned to the robot.

GRINIK robotic manipulators (GRINIK ROBOTICS) are developed and manufactured by the Russian company AvangardPLAST in Novosibirsk

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK working in production at a client in Novosibirsk:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK in operation at a client’s production site in Ryazan:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK in operation at a client’s production site in Rostov-on-Don:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK in operation at a client’s production facility in Moscow:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK in operation at a client’s production site in Novosibirsk:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK in operation at a client’s production facility in Novosibirsk:

The AvangardPLAST company has automated production at a client in Novosibirsk (CNC drilling machine - two-axis (Russian production):

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK at the exhibition:

Video of the industrial robot GRINIK working when casting thin-walled products on a high-speed injection molding machine:

Advantages of robots in production:

  • Savings on personnel. Savings on wages: the use of robots can significantly reduce the number of employees in production;
  • Achieving maximum machine productivity;
  • Increased labor productivity;
  • Economic efficiency – the cost of manufacturing products is reduced;
  • Stability of production cycles;
  • Elimination of the human factor;
  • High machine utilization rate. Absence of human weaknesses: work without breaks around the clock, with stable results;
  • No accidents at work;
  • Saving production space.

Robot manipulator is a universal device and can be used in various production lines.

Depending on terms of reference The robot can be equipped with various actuators:

  • mechanical, magnetic or vacuum grippers;
  • cutter;
  • scissors;
  • welding head;
  • laser scanner;
  • system for filling silicone sealant or glue;
  • and much more.

Comparison of robotic manipulators with anthropomorphic robots

Compared to anthropomorphic robotic manipulators, our robot has a number of advantages:

  1. Low cost, leading to a quick payback for their implementation in enterprises.
    The lower cost of robots is achieved not only due to the low exchange rate of the ruble to major world currencies, but also due to the simple architecture of the robot, which allows the use of inexpensive components and significant savings on assembly processes in the production of our robots, due to ease of installation.
  2. Scalability.
    The versatility and simplicity of the robot design allows it to be produced in various modifications without subjecting to any complex design changes, and as a result, the low cost of all standard sizes of the robot. Thanks to scalability, the robot is produced according to the customer’s instructions in the shortest possible time, of the required size, with the required load capacity. It can be a small, light robot or a large, heavy one, but the basic architecture of the robot remains the same.
  3. Simplicity.
    The simplicity of the robot's design leads to its versatility in terms of the use of components for its assembly. In the production of robots, we try to use Russian components to the maximum, however, at the customer’s request, we can assemble a robot using expensive European or Japanese components, or we can use Korean, Chinese or Taiwanese components.

The industrial robot GRINIK plays basketball at the Technoprom-2018 exhibition