Helvesana - innovative multivitamins from Switzerland. The Swiss company Vivasan offers vitamins in tablets “Energy for the whole day” - an active vitamin and mineral complex with a general strengthening effect.

Brittle and dry strands definitely need additional nutrition and restoration, and this can be done using Swiss vitamins for hair, which has long been popular in our country and not only in narrow circles.

It is generally accepted that Switzerland is a symbol of precise time and excellent production, because it is not for nothing that everyone hears about “Swiss quality”. But, besides this, there is another symbol that successfully characterizes the products of this country - vitamins and nutritional supplements, which help improve health and make hair strong, thick and beautiful.

In fact, Swiss vitamins contain the usual substances, but in such a successful combination that the strands quickly receive everything they need and grow faster than usual. What vitamins are included in regular mineral complex and is it necessary to order such a “new product” abroad? Most often, the following components can be seen in the complex:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A and tocopherol;
  • vitamins K and F;
  • “sunshine” vitamin D;
  • “exotic” vitamin C;
  • minerals (calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iodine, selenium and others).

Which vitamins are most effective?

By taking Swiss hair vitamins, you can see results quite quickly.

The main thing is to choose “real” complexes and under no circumstances mistake the name on the packaging label for production. Since quite a lot of the packaging itself is of Italian origin and is mistakenly mistaken for the country of the manufacturer of the purchased product.

Vitamins Migliorin

The unique substances that make up this complex ensure normal metabolism and are recommended for strong problems with curls. In addition, the body is rich in calcium and helps hair grow strong and healthy. The composition contains millet and horsetail extract, wheat germ oil, keratin, calcium, and sorbitol.

Features of the composition and application

Like almost any complexes, Swiss ones contain maximum amount necessary substances. However, if these components are used incorrectly, you can not only not see the result, but even aggravate the process itself. At the same time, as in any drug, substances that provoke allergic reactions can be found in the composition.

But everything is individual and if some components are in doubt, it is better to entrust the choice to a professional. A special feature of Swiss hair vitamins can also be called their use. Usually these are small capsules or chewable tablets, which are easy to swallow and do not leave the aftertaste characteristic of most vitamins.

Swiss quality at an affordable price

It is known that a “direct hit” works much better than long treatment drugs orally. Therefore, hair vitamins begin to act actively from the first days of use. For this purpose, unusual capsules are used, and ampoules that contain the maximum of useful substances.

Migliorin ampoules

This product contains all the necessary substances and can be used for mesotherapy and aromatherapy sessions. One ampoule can be easily added to homemade masks and compresses, as well as factory-produced shampoos and balms. After using this “cocktail”, the curls immediately become softer and more pleasant to the touch. Makes it easier to comb and untangle unruly curls.

Popular vitamins

Interestingly, on the shelves in Switzerland you can find well-known Russian vitamins, which are constantly used as an active food additive. In addition, Swiss vitamins themselves may consist of a minimum of components, such as domestic analogue- Revalid. But at the same time they will exert a powerful therapeutic effect literally from the first use.

Morga Company – Biorex

Today, the company producing natural supplements has quickly become a leader. Supplements that contain vitamins and minerals help improve performance and relieve fatigue. In addition, substances in bright jars improve appearance hair, skin and nails. These hair vitamins are used as an active complex and promote good metabolism.

Among most preparations, you can choose those that contain special ingredients, for example, pumpkin seeds, coral powder, iron, grape seeds or pu-erh. All this is complemented active additives and popular and familiar vitamins. See this in another article “Vitamins for increasing hair volume out of 5 based on 1 vote

For many tourists, Switzerland is a symbol of wealth and prosperity: this small European state, with an area the size of the Ryazan region, ranks third in the world according to the index human development and fourth - in terms of life expectancy of its citizens.

Meanwhile, even in the serene mountain cantons people get sick.

Where to run in such cases? Of course, to the pharmacy!

Our expert on Swiss pharmacies: Irina, 27 years old. Environmental chemist, lives in Zurich with her husband and little daughter. He enjoys horse riding and plays the violin.

The pharmacy we are going to today is located in a small shopping center in the town of Adliswil, in the suburbs of Zurich. You won’t see standard pharmacy signs in Switzerland; they are all made in an individual style, but the green cross is required element design, and it will help you navigate.

Travelers often ask what language is spoken in Switzerland? It’s not easy to answer, because there is no common language for everyone. This small piece of land is inhabited by people from Germany, France, Italy and other countries, so speaking in different cantons (analogous to Russian regions or territories) is customary depending on the dominance of a particular nation. In Zurich they speak a dialect German language, and “pharmacy” in Swiss sounds like Apotheke.

All pharmacies in Switzerland are located so that disabled people and mothers with strollers can easily get there, for example in shopping centers or on the first floors of residential buildings. The main pharmacies are chain pharmacies and belong to one of the two most famous supermarkets, Coop and Migros. There are even entire lines of medications produced under their own brand: for example, Migros paracetamol and Coop mucolytic. Private pharmacies are much less common.

Punctuality and pedantry

It is important to note that in Switzerland nothing is open on Sundays, except gas stations and shops at train stations. So if you suddenly need something from a pharmacy that day, you will have to visit the nearest large train station.

In pharmacies you won’t find medicines on display: there will be cosmetics, herbal teas, baby food, vitamins, plasters - anything, but not medicines.

At the same time, of course, in a Swiss pharmacy you can buy almost everything for first aid and treatment respiratory infections: cough syrups, antipyretics, pain relievers, nasal drops, vitamins. Unfortunately, you can’t buy anything more serious than this without a prescription - antibiotics and antiviral drugs Sold only on doctor's orders.

Prices in Swiss pharmacies are expectedly high: a standard package of paracetamol will cost you 5 francs (1 Swiss franc = 0.9 euros), aspirin - 15 francs, ibuprofen - 9 francs. At the same time, having a prescription does not imply a discount (although this happens in other countries, for example).

Without a pharmacist - nowhere

Despite all language features Switzerland, pharmacists speak excellent English. Moreover, to the question “Do you speak English?” in response you will hear a modest “A little bit.” However, already on the second remark you will understand that the pharmacy employee speaks perfect English, at least an order of magnitude better than you.

A pharmacist in local pharmacies often acts as a consulting physician. A typical consultation with a doctor costs 200–300 Swiss francs per visit, so even local residents do not go to the doctor for minor ailments. The pharmacy will almost certainly be able to offer you something for your case, or, if the matter is serious, they will send you to a doctor.

Despite the fact that almost all popular medications require a prescription, you can still negotiate with the pharmacy staff. For example, if you have an exacerbation of any chronic disease- gout or stomach ulcers - and you forgot your first aid kit at home, the pharmacist, seeing that you are a tourist, can step in and sell the necessary medicine. But this is only possible if you go to the station pharmacy and have a tourist appearance: local residents should not expect leniency.

Pharmacists generally monitor the dispensing of medications very closely, even over-the-counter ones. For example, you can buy one package of aspirin, but they won’t sell you a second one. The buyer will certainly be asked who the medicine is for, they may clarify the symptoms, and they will definitely remind you about maximum doses. If you come to the pharmacy with a child, the pharmacist will briefly examine the baby and discuss his well-being with you (and then treat the little one with candy). Such a unique - and in its own way pleasant - control.

By the way, pharmacies also deal with the disposal of old medicines. Throwing unnecessary or expired tablets and ampoules into the trash bin is prohibited by law. All packaging and contents must be brought back to pharmacies, where they will be disposed of correctly.

Swiss tea party

Herbal teas are very common in Switzerland - it seems to me that they treat everything in the world with them!

Yes, yes, this is not a joke: foreigners believe that the main pride of Switzerland is Swiss watches, but in fact, Swiss teas are no less popular. For example, this country is the birthplace of bottled cold teas, and each of its residents drinks 25–29 liters of this drink annually. And in general, it is believed that not a single blade of grass growing in their meadows can be hidden from the eyes of the Swiss: all this is carefully collected, dried and brewed - both for pleasure and for health.

Here, for example, are teas to calm the nerves (right) and for the stomach (left). In addition to pharmacies, healing herbal teas are sold everywhere in regular stores.

What else can you find in pharmacies? Any products for babies - including baby food and everything connected with it (bottles, pacifiers, pacifiers, etc.).

Sometimes you can even buy orthopedic shoes or a child’s first shoes at the pharmacy - convenient!

To Switzerland - with a full suitcase

If you are lucky enough to travel to Switzerland, you should take everything with you if possible. necessary medications: Buying locally risks being painful on your wallet, and some drugs will not be sold to you without a prescription under any circumstances. An insurance policy is simply a vital travel item, because a visit to the doctor, given the current gloomy course, will cost you a fortune.

If you are going to Switzerland to ski, then take care of additional insurance, which will cover, in case of anything, both the search for you and delivery to the hospital. Do not save 2–3 thousand rubles on a traveler’s medical policy, because transportation from the mountainous area by helicopter alone (otherwise there is no other way!) will cost 15–20 thousand euros.

Other common travel ailments - such as indigestion - are not to be feared here. Hygiene in Switzerland is perfect top level, the cities are very clean. Cleaners wash absolutely everything, from city trash cans to road tunnels. Therefore, if you walk around Zurich in shoes with white soles, they will remain white even after the trip.

Olga Kashubina

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

Burgerstein uses exclusively natural substances to produce products, medications and vitamins, which can then be taken into the body along with food. Nothing can compete with these substances, they are the basis of our evolution, existing for millions of years, and they also have the ability not only to nourish and maintain the health of the body, but also to heal it.

Burgerstein uses exclusively natural substances to produce products, drugs and vitamins, which can then enter the body along with food. Nothing can compete with these substances, they are the basis of our evolution, existing for millions of years, and they also have the ability not only to nourish and maintain the health of the body, but also to heal it.

Burgerstein products can help where nature has lost its balance, or where the body has special needs. This is the simplest and most effective method achievements good health. Burgerstein products are the first choice when we're talking about about maintaining, improving or restoring health naturally. In addition, Burgerstein products can be used to treat a number of common diseases and ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, allergies and rheumatism.

Suggested Micronutrients Burgerstein improve the biochemistry of the body and are a decisive contribution to its optimal functioning. Burgerstein products Switzerland are the basis for good health and well-being.

Why Burgerstein vitamins are considered the best?

Burgerstein presents its own new way to health exclusively with the help of substances and microelements that are also found naturally in the body.

Burgerstein products do not include any artificial additives such as preservatives, colors or flavors, nor do they contain any additives that may be harmful to the body.

Products – Burgerstein are manufactured using the strictest quality controls and comply with international good practice guidelines. industrial practice(GMP), as well as taking into account stringent requirements for food products and medicines in Switzerland.

Burgerstein is a Swiss brand of international scale.

From the very beginning people have been eating natural products earth, constituting the source of all essential vitamins, microelements to maintain their good health and vital body functions. All these microelements and vitamins must be present in sufficient quantities and in balanced quantities in the human body.

These thoughts are the basis of so-called orthomolecular medicine, and are also the basis for the production of Burgerstein products. The term Orthomolecular medicine is a combination of Greek and Latin words: "Orthos", meaning "regular" and "molecular", meaning "small amount".

Orthomolecular medicine is therefore based on trace elements. They are only needed when large quantities, but must be present in the required balance in the human body.
The body is well balanced if its needs are properly met by a supply of micronutrients. With a deficiency of microelements, metabolism is unbalanced. According to the canons of orthomolecular medicine, long-term deficiencies of microelements can lead to diseases and interfere with or interfere with the healing process.

Crucial in addition to mainstream medicine.
Scientific research has proven that orthomolecular medicine is effective. Its advantages are achieved taking into account natural biochemical and metabolic processes in organism. For this reason, the importance of orthomolecular medicine in healthcare is steadily growing. It is not a competitor or alternative to mainstream medications, but rather an integral complement. Orthomolecular medicine is based on the use of basic drugs, as well as naturopathy, but follows its own independent path. This is the path of trace elements.

IN right time, in the right place
The success of orthomolecular medicine is associated with the optimal availability and distribution of trace elements used in the body. Metabolism depends on the microelements needed in the right place, that is, in the cells, in in the required form, in the right combination and in the right quantity. Thus, maximum effect is achieved and the body is strengthened.

The right amount for the best effect.
Burgerstein products include natural nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and amino acids as well as carefully selected health-promoting plant substances. In the right place and in sufficient quantity, these nutrients are vital important part from billions of cells in the body: microelements help improve muscle function, they transmit impulses to nerve cells, play important role in the production of hormones and help regulate the immune system.

Healing rather than treating symptoms.
Burgerstein's primary goal is an approach to healing that clearly distinguishes it from other common treatments. Orthomolecular medicine recognizes that
Metabolic imbalance is often the cause of illness. According to orthomolecular medicine, the combination and correct dosing Natural micronutrients can correct this imbalance and play a critical role in successfully addressing the underlying causes of patient complaints. Micronutrients may also be useful as a supplement to traditional therapy with the help of medications.
Thus, orthomolecular medicine does not treat symptoms, but instead seeks to actually cure. This internal balance is the condition for restoration and the path to it.

Support if necessary.
Burgerstein products are effective in preventing as well as treating diseases. Microelements are needed in large quantities in following situations, For example:

Metabolic disease
flaw nutrients
Burgerstein uses the natural elements of our planet
upon recovery
with increasing load on the body
during the growth period of the body
In sports
during pregnancy
in old age

Burgerstein products are available as individual elements or in combinations of compounds, while remaining unchanged in their natural composition.

Sport: Top rating Burgerstein
Impressive evidence of the importance and effectiveness of micronutrients is the widespread use of Burgerstein products by many top-ranked athletes.
According to orthomolecular medicine, it is now based on the latest scientific findings that providing the body with all the essential micronutrients it needs is a natural solution to using Burgerstein to improve health.

Bugerstein products are designed to meet the growing needs of the world's population living in the 21st century. These foods are rich in important vitamins, essential minerals and microelements saturated fatty acids and amino acids.

Burgerstein is a natural solution to improve your health.

Helvesana restores the balance of nutrients and replenishes the deficiency of vital vitamins and microelements.

Helvesana is the food proprietary multivitamin complex, which combines Coenzyme Q10 in water-soluble form, the antioxidant Vitamin E, as well as vitamins B, C, D, calcium, magnesium and lutein! The effectiveness of Helvesana as an antioxidant complex has been confirmed scientific research according to the strictest Swiss parameters of efficiency, quality and safety.

Vitamins C and E are known not only for their active antioxidant effect, but also for their pronounced immunomodulatory properties.

Calcium necessary to build and support musculoskeletal system and teeth.

Magnesium refers to substances that sense in enzymatic processes. It is necessary to maintain many body functions, including the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

B vitamins play big role in cellular metabolism and are involved in many vital processes of the body.

VitaminD3 increases calcium absorption and is also important for maintaining health skeletal system and teeth.

Coenzyme Q 10 is responsible for producing 95% of the body's own energy, and therefore its deficiency can seriously affect the performance of the body as a whole. This coenzyme is the most important element protection systems cellular structures human body, is involved in the process of transmitting information between cells and is involved in many bioregulation processes. Also, together with vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10 prevents disruption of the structure of elastin and collagen molecules, providing skin firmness and elasticity.

X elvesan quickly and effectively solves the issue of additional sources of nutrition in case of a lack of substances contained in the complex in the body.

Helvesan is an effective dosage, bioavailable forms and easy digestibility of the substances of the complex plus. Liquid form the drug and its pleasant taste make the drug convenient to use.

HELVESANA Innovations

Liquid release form and the patented technology of a water-soluble combination of Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E significantly increases the bioavailability factor. Helvesana has no analogues and is several times more effective in meeting the body's need for antioxidants and nutrients, unlike other vitamins and complexes.
Helvesana's effectiveness and safety certificate is: natural ingredients, and the pleasant orange taste will charge you with energy every day!

Efficacy of Water Soluble Coenzyme Q10

In ordinary vitamin complexes Fat-soluble components such as Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E are produced in the form of emulsions or fatty substances. As is known, in order for these components to penetrate into the body, fatty substances and emulsions must undergo a splitting procedure in the acidic environment of the stomach. Thus, the absorption of Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E is reduced.

Patented nanomicellization process Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E make these components completely soluble, significantly increasing their bioavailability. Unlike vitamins produced in the form of capsules or tablets, Helvesana allows the body to immediately absorb the active ingredients.

Diagram: comparison of the bioavailability of regular multivitamins and Helvesana

In the diagram: Patented technology for delivering fat-soluble ingredients
(Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin E) in completely water-soluble form. The result is better digestibility.