Are there uniform requirements for school uniforms? Uniform disgrace, or how to protect your rights if you are unhappy with the school uniform

Many parents, despite the fact that school uniform has long been a mandatory attribute educational life, are wondering: is a school uniform mandatory? When preparing your child for school, do you need to buy a uniform or can you do without it?

Parents and teachers, graduate students have many arguments for and against. Many people believe that compulsory wearing of a school uniform infringes on the rights and responsibilities of the individual. Others are confident that a school uniform organizes the student, improves discipline in the classroom, and increases the level of attention in class.

Why was school uniform introduced?

  1. To provide students with comfortable and aesthetic clothing in everyday school life.
  2. Eliminating signs of social, property and religious differences between students.
  3. Preventing students from developing psychological discomfort in front of their peers.
  4. Strengthening the overall image educational organization, formation of school identity.

Is school uniform compulsory when attending an educational institution?

Since the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Law) has given educational organizations the opportunity to establish requirements for schoolchildren’s clothing (color, type, size, style, insignia, etc. ), questions regarding the need for school uniforms have become even more numerous.

From a legal point of view, if an educational organization has introduced a school uniform, then it is a necessary condition for attending school. The student’s responsibility is to comply with the Charter of the educational organization and the requirements of local regulations, for example, wearing a school uniform (Article 43 of the Law). Each parent who enrolls their child in 1st grade must familiarize themselves with the Charter of the educational institution against signature. If the Charter contains a clause stating that uniforms are mandatory at school, then all students, as participants educational process, are required to comply with the requirements of the school - wear a uniform.

In a situation where a student came to school without a uniform, he violated the requirements of the Charter of the educational institution. This situation should not entail such a measure as suspension from school. This is due to the fact that every citizen is guaranteed the right to education. Violations of the Charter of an educational institution may lead to disciplinary action. Most often, in school practice, it is enough to have a conversation with the student or his parents so that the student’s appearance meets the requirements of school etiquette.

It is worth noting here that the school must accept local act, taking into account the opinion of the student council, the parent council and the representative body of school employees and students. The introduction of clothing requirements should be made by the decision of all participants in the educational process.

Who determines what uniform children should wear?

This issue falls within the competence of the educational organization, which establishes the types of clothing (sports, formal, casual). Students' clothing may have distinctive signs of the school or class in the form of emblems, ties, and badges. The school can recommend buying clothes of a certain style or color, but does not have the right to demand that you buy a uniform in a specific store, indicating a specific manufacturer.

Special requirements for students' uniforms are provided for educational organizations implementing educational programs in the field of:

  • defense and security of the state;
  • ensuring law and order;
  • customs affairs, etc.

In this case, wearing rules uniforms and insignia are established by the founder of the educational organization (Article 38 of the Law).

Can schoolchildren be provided with uniforms for free?

Providing uniforms and other clothing (uniforms) to students at the expense of budgetary allocations of the budgets of the subjects Russian Federation carried out in cases and in the manner established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, studying at the expense of budgetary allocations of local budgets - bodies local government(Article 38 of the Law). This means that some categories of schoolchildren can be provided with uniforms at the expense of budgetary funds, if this is provided for by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The decision to introduce requirements for student clothing should take into account material costs low-income families (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 28, 2013 No. DG-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing”). Thus, if a subject of the Russian Federation has established strict requirements for the form, then its responsibilities will include providing such a form to all low-income citizens.

The procedure for applying for a subsidy depends on the region of residence of the student’s family. Depending on the territory, you can apply for a subsidy either to the MFC, the district administration, or to the school.

  • Clothing must meet the hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents and adults (SanPiN 2.4/71 1.1.1286-03).
  • Clothing must be appropriate for the weather, location of training sessions, temperature conditions indoors.
  • It is not recommended to wear shoes, clothes with traumatic accessories, or antisocial symbols.
  • Appearance must comply with generally accepted standards of business style and be of a secular nature.

Of course, students who adhere to certain requirements for appearance, follow the rules of school life. The advantages of a school introducing the wearing of a school uniform are much greater than the disadvantages. Children need to feel that they belong to a certain group or team. This is successfully achieved through the introduction of school uniforms.

Older people remember what school uniforms were like in Soviet times. Girls wore dresses and aprons, and boys wore suits. None of the students stood out because of their clothes, and perhaps this was right. Last year, our legislation introduced a new norm that gives schools the right to introduce school uniforms. This is provided for by Federal Law No. 148-FZ dated June 4, 2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

What does the education law say about school uniforms?

In the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the establishment of requirements for the clothing of school students falls within the competence of general education institutions, unless other requirements are established. legislative level. The above changes require that the subject of the Russian Federation approve the requirements for the uniform of school students that will operate in the territory of a specific Russian region. The Ministry of Education even on this occasion sent an instructional letter to all cities dated March 28, 2013 No. DL-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing.”

In many Russian regions The issue with the form has long been resolved. For example, in the Orenburg, Rostov, Saratov, Yaroslavl regions, as well as in the Republic of Tatarstan and Karelia and many other regions, children go to school in appropriate uniforms. And those regions in which this issue has not yet been resolved need to adopt the appropriate regulatory framework. legal act.

What should a school uniform be according to the law?

The decision to introduce a school uniform and what it should be like is made at a meeting of all participants in the educational process. The parents of each student must be present at the meeting and can speak on this matter. In this case, one should take into account the material costs of purchasing uniforms for large and low-income children. Schools can have 3 types of school uniforms:
  1. casual. Children will wear this uniform to school every day, except holidays;
  2. sports. IN sports uniform Pupils are engaged in physical education lessons. Each school may have its own distinctive signs in the form of stripes, ties, badges, emblems, and the like;
  3. festive. Dress uniform Designed for festive events in educational institutions and school events dedicated to holidays. It differs from everyday school clothes in that boys will have a light shirt and girls will have a light blouse and various holiday accessories for all children.
The introduction of school uniforms does not mean that students in all schools in the country will look the same. Each educational institution at a general meeting will choose the color, style and appearance of this clothing specifically for its students. But in any case, students’ clothing must comply with all necessary hygienic and sanitary rules and standards, weather and temperature of the room in which children study. Children should feel comfortable in school clothes. The style of clothing is business, generally accepted. Clothing and accessories with informal symbols and traumatic accessories are unacceptable.

Money for the purchase of uniforms is allocated if it is provided for by the regional budget. Part 3 Art. 38 of the Law “On Education” provides for compensation to parents for purchased uniforms. In any case, low-income and large families will receive money from the budget to purchase school clothes. If a mother knows how to sew, she can sew a uniform for her child herself. The most important thing is that the tailored uniform meets the requirements and standards set by the school.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 3 (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 3) contains all the information that relates to the issue of inheritance. In principle, it is the Constitution of the Russian Federation...

Before putting together an urgent document, it would be right to think about dividing the process into 3 groups. The prepared sections do not have to be printed in the same order. Before doing anything, you should think about what exactly you want as a result, once you get it right, write down the reasons. These may be business customs, local rules, orders of government agencies. The beginning is a very fundamentally important section that forms the trail. You should also not forget and figure out which important person this petition document will be addressed to and who specifically will be forced to draw up a response.

Effective September 1, 2015 new law“On education in the Russian Federation.” Among its innovations is the right of an educational organization to set requirements for students’ clothing.

Thus, school uniforms are being introduced again at the legislative level in the country. Its appearance is determined by the need to erase property, social and religious differences between students, strengthen the image of educational institutions, and provide schoolchildren with aesthetic and comfortable clothing.

In many regions of the country this issue has already been regulated by law. For example, in the republics of Karelia and Tatarstan, in the Stavropol Territory, in the Belgorod Region, Leningrad region, Moscow region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Penza region, Rostov region, Saratov region, Ulyanovsk region, Yaroslavl region and other subjects.

Therefore, according to the text of the federal law, this rule is valid unless otherwise established by the legislation of the subject of the federation. For those regions in which the issue of school uniforms has not yet been resolved, it is necessary to adopt the appropriate legal act. Requirements for new form for schoolchildren are contained in the sample law sent by the Ministry of Education and Science to the regions.

What will be the uniform school uniform?

The introduction of a uniform does not mean, however, that all students will be dressed the same. For each educational institution, the color, style, appearance of clothing and the obligation to wear it will be determined individually. Schools are recommended to adopt a special local regulatory act regulating uniform issues for students, taking into account the opinions of parents.

General education organizations can establish three types of school clothing: formal, casual and sports. The dress uniform is intended for festive events and school functions. The dress uniform differs from the everyday uniform by the presence of a light shirt or a festive accessory for boys and young men, a blouse or a festive accessory for girls and young women.

Sportswear is used for physical education. The uniform of each school may have its own distinctive signs in the form of emblems, stripes, badges, ties, and so on.

Students’ clothing must comply with sanitary and epidemiological and hygiene standards, location of classes, weather, room temperature. Dress style is generally accepted business style. Uniforms for schoolchildren must be secular in nature. Clothing, shoes and accessories with traumatic accessories, informal symbols that promote illegal behavior and the use of psychoactive substances are unacceptable.

The requirements for the form must be accepted by all participants in the educational process and take into account the financial situation of large and low-income families.

A bill on introducing school uniforms has been introduced to the State Duma

A bill on introducing school uniforms has been submitted to the State Duma. Its author was Olga Timofeeva, a deputy from the All-Russian Popular Front (United Russia faction).

“We are introducing amendments to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” which will introduce school uniforms everywhere,” Timofeeva said in an interview with ITAR-TASS.

However, according to her, “this is not an obligation, as it was before,” and regions will be given the opportunity to “establish uniform requirements for student clothing, taking into account local specifics, the wishes of schools, students and their parents.”

The deputy also assured that the discussion of this issue will continue on the ONF platform, “and the results of the discussion with all interested parties will be taken into account when adopting the bill for the second reading.”

The idea of ​​returning school uniforms was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the first ONF conference in Rostov-on-Don at the end of March. “There should be a school uniform in our country,” said the head of state, proposing to “adopt federal decisions, which would oblige the regions to introduce the form, and give the regions and municipalities the opportunity to decide on the details.”

According to the head of the organizing committee for the founding congress of the ONF, Andrei Bocharov, the introduction of school uniforms will bring not only a social, but also an economic effect. According to him, as a result of the introduction of school uniforms, the Russian light industry will be able to receive “orders” worth about 36 billion rubles annually.

Deputies adopted a law on school uniforms

The State Duma adopted in the second and third readings a law giving schools the right to set uniform requirements, taking into account the opinions of schoolchildren themselves and their parents. 1898

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Requirements for the clothing of primary and secondary students high school are established by the authorized bodies of the regions. Money for uniforms is allocated if it is provided for in the regional budget.

Olga Timofeeva. member of the United Russia faction: “But no one has the right to force you to buy this or that clothes for a schoolchild in this or that studio. WITH today The All-Russian Popular Front, which initiated this bill, is beginning monitoring. We appeal to all governors, to the heads of cities, to all parents: if you see excesses when children are forced to wear a specific school uniform and buy it from a specific manufacturer, react to this.”

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Introduction of school uniforms in Russia.

On September 1, 2016, a new law on the introduction of school uniforms for each educational institution came into force. This law states that any educational organization has the right to introduce its own requirements in relation to the appearance of students. In other words, at the legislative level in Russia, special form clothes for students. The purpose of this law is to eliminate property, social and religious inequality between school students. In addition, the introduction of uniforms will significantly strengthen the image of the educational institution and provide students with aesthetics and comfort in clothing.

In many regions of the country, a uniform school uniform has long been introduced.

In 2017, the whole of Russia will come to this innovation.

Many are already interested in what exactly the new uniform for teenagers will be. However, the introduction of a uniform for schoolchildren does not mean that all Russian students will wear exactly the same clothes. Each educational institution will independently choose the type, style and color of the uniform for its students. When choosing a uniform, the opinion of the students’ parents will also be taken into account. Schools and other educational institutions may establish three types of school uniforms. The uniform will be formal, casual and sports.

Students will wear their dress uniform for some school events, public holidays and school dates. This uniform will be characterized by a white shirt for boys and a white blouse for girls. In addition, the ceremonial uniform will come with an additional festive accessory. Each school chooses what kind of accessory it will be individually.

The casual school uniform will be designed for normal school days. It is in this set that students will attend school every day. Naturally, for a change you will have to acquire a second set of everyday uniform.

The sports school uniform will be designed to be worn in physical education classes.

Each educational institution may make some changes to its uniform. For example, make a school distinctive sign in the form of a badge. You can include ties in the uniform or put on some badges with the school number.

The first photos of school uniforms introduced in many Russian schools are already appearing online.

Each educational institution must understand that school uniforms must meet certain generally accepted standards. For example, the uniform should be selected according to the weather, the temperature in the room. And, of course, all sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards must be observed. The uniform school uniform must be of a secular nature. It should not contain any traumatic details or informal symbols.

All participants in the educational process must participate in the process of choosing a form. It is also important to pay attention to the fact that each school has large and low-income families, whose financial condition must be taken into account.

Already now fashion designers have begun to develop the most various options school uniforms. Most types of school uniforms consist of several elements. As a rule, the set includes a skirt or trousers, a shirt or blouse and a vest. Average price such a school kit for at the moment is 5000 rubles. And you need to purchase at least three sets. It turns out to be expensive. And in many families, two children study at school at once. Therefore, the question arises - will every parent support this law?

Among the variety of goods for school, the most significant purchase for a child is a school uniform. Parents have to decide difficult question: a modern school uniform must meet all hygienic requirements, since the child spends a significant part of the day in these clothes, and at the same time be comfortable, beautiful and fashionable.

A student must have three types of uniform: casual, formal and sports. General requirements for school uniforms in all educational institutions are about the same business style light top - dark bottom. Parents themselves choose where to buy clothes for school based on their financial capabilities. Under no circumstances can the school insist on purchasing clothing of a certain style or manufacturer.

A school uniform for boys is classic trousers and a jacket, the color of which is prescribed by the school (usually gray or blue, less often green, burgundy, brown, black), a classic or knitted vest, shirt, jumper or turtleneck for the cold season.

Girls can come to school in a dress, sundress or skirt with a blouse. School trousers, knitted sweaters, sweaters, and turtlenecks in soft colors are also acceptable. The minimum set for boys is spare trousers for the uniform and two or three plain shirts, for girls - a spare skirt or dress, two or three plain blouses or turtlenecks.

Roskachestvo specialists have issued recommendations on choosing a school uniform. For the climatic conditions of the middle zone, a composition with a wool content of 40% - 60% plus synthetic fibers is considered optimal. There is no need to be afraid of synthetics in the composition of the fabric; a certain amount it only improves its properties: the item becomes stronger, wrinkles less and fits better, and in the case of wool does not change its basic qualities. The optimal ratio is 70% natural and 30% synthetic materials.

Do not confuse synthetic fibers with artificial ones. Synthetic fibers are made primarily from petroleum products. For example, these are the well-known polyester, elastane and acrylic. But artificial fibers(such as viscose, for example) are produced from products natural origin– from cellulose. Such fabrics are close in their properties to natural ones, they allow air to pass through well and are comfortable to the body.

When choosing trousers, pay attention not only to the composition of the top fabric, but also to the lining - it is better if it is made of viscose or cotton with the addition of synthetic fibers.

Hygienic requirements

Hygienic requirements for school uniforms are determined by the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 007/2011 On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents and SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03 Hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents, adults, children's products and materials for products (products) in contact with human skin.

In accordance with TR CU 007/2011, according to their functional purpose, clothing is divided into products of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layers. A school uniform is second-layer clothing and is subject to the following hygienic requirements: hygroscopicity - at least 10%. Air permeability is at least 100 dm 3 / m 2 s; for products made of flannel, cotton wool, lined (tufted) knitted fabrics and materials with polyurethane threads, at least 70 dm 3 / m 2 s is allowed.

Russian factories producing school uniforms comply with Sanitary Regulations and recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. Clothes for school Russian manufacturers is manufactured in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union, while the requirements not only for the quality and composition of fabrics, but also for colors are met.

In the test reports of Roskachestvo, which are carried out annually at the beginning of the school year, Russian trousers have proven themselves well brands Our Uniform, SINAR, Change, Naughty, BTC, as well as white shirts for boys Ostin and Silver Spoon.

School Uniform Law

Currently, the appearance of Russian schoolchildren is determined by Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ and letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. DL-65/08 dated March 28, 2013 On establishing requirements for students’ clothing, which in everyday life is called the School Uniform Law. This law is designed to provide students with comfortable clothing, eliminate signs of social inequality and increase the prestige of modern education.

June 4, 2014 into law About education in the Russian Federation changes were made by the next Federal Law No. 148, which is called On amendments to the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education and Science issued a Model Regulatory Legal Act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on establishing requirements for clothing for students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education. The model act prescribes the secular nature of clothing for school and establishes three types of clothing for school: casual, dress (with a white blouse or shirt) and sportswear for physical education.

It is generally accepted that a school uniform for boys should consist of trousers, a shirt, a vest and a jacket. The ceremonial version is complemented by a white or light shirt and tie. The set for girls should consist of a skirt, trousers or sundress, blouse and jacket. The dress uniform includes a white or light blouse and a festive accessory.

By law, schools independently adopt a document, for example, the Regulations on School Uniforms, which set their own requirements for general appearance, color, style, insignia and rules for wearing the uniform. This document should be adopted taking into account the opinions of students and their parents, whose interests should be represented by the student council and the parent council.

It happens that the school administration prescribes unacceptable requirements in the document. For example, it requires ordering clothes from a specific supplier - in this case, the school’s actions contradict Federal Law No. 135-FZ On protection of competition.

Also, the document should not contain the phrase that children are not allowed to go to school without a uniform. By expelling a child from class for lack of uniform, a teacher violates Federal Law No. 273-FZ, which guarantees universal access and free education to everyone.

If the school uniform regulation is adopted by the school in violation of the law, it can be appealed by contacting the school dispute resolution commission, the municipal or regional body education department or Rosobrnadzor. As an option, you can write a statement to the prosecutor’s office or appeal the school’s decision in court.

Uniform disgrace, or How to protect your rights if you are unhappy with the school uniform

The beginning of the school year is always a busy time for parents of schoolchildren. Moreover, for the coming school year, some had to not only purchase traditional stationery and textbooks, but also provide the child with a school uniform.

The norm that gives schools the right to introduce school uniforms appeared in our legislation at the beginning of June of this year (Federal Law of June 4, 2014 No. 148-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”). To do this, it is necessary for the subject of the Russian Federation to approve standard requirements for school uniforms, which will apply in the territory of a particular region. By the way, a sample of such standard requirements (the so-called Model Act) was published by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science back in March (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2013 No. DL-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing”).

Many regions simply copied the provisions of the Model Act into their documents. True, some brought their own demands. For example, in the Saratov region and the Republic North Ossetia-Alania students will not be able to come to school with extravagant haircuts and hairstyles, with brightly colored hair, visible piercings, provocative manicure and makeup. By the way, it arises interesting question, can earrings, which many teachers wear, be considered piercings?

In some regions, schoolgirls were only allowed to paint their nails clear varnish and enjoy deodorant exclusively with a light and neutral odor. However, such demands are often regarded by the prosecutor’s office as an abuse of their rights by the authorities - for example, prosecutors in the Omsk region came to this conclusion in December 2013. The same applies to hairstyle requirements. In the same Omsk region, some schools required that boys and young men had their hair cut in a timely manner in a classic style. The prosecutor's office considered this demand illegal, obviously remembering how schoolchildren Soviet era kicked out of classes for having too much hair. Similar requirements for hairstyle, haircut, color and length, which were established by one of the schools in the Kaliningrad region, were also protested by prosecutors.

The final word on the introduction of school uniforms remains with the school itself, for this it must adopt the appropriate local act.

However, even if requirements for student clothing are introduced in a particular school, many parents still have questions. Some are dissatisfied with their new responsibility in general, others are wondering about compensation for its cost at the expense of the state, and some would like to dress the child in accordance with the religious beliefs of their family. Answers to some questions from a lawyer’s point of view are in our material.

Question 1. Is it possible to challenge a school’s decision to introduce a school uniform?

A school may require a student to wear a “suit” only if there is an appropriate local act. (Part 1 of Article 38 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education). For example, it may be called “Regulations on establishing requirements for students’ clothing” or simply “Regulations on school uniforms”.

Another thing is that this act must be adopted taking into account the opinions of students and their parents(their interests should be represented by the student council and the parent council). If the school has teachers' union or another representative body of its employees, then its position is also taken into account. Obviously, if parents are against the introduction of a school uniform, then they should document this and notify the school administration about it.

If negative opinion parent committee about the school uniform will be ignored, and the requirements for clothing will still be established, then you can protect your rights in different ways:

Create a special dispute settlement commission, which will include an equal number of school representatives, students and their parents (Article 45 of the Education Law). The specific procedure for convening it should, again, be enshrined in a special regulatory act of the school. If consensus can be reached, the final decision of the commission becomes binding on all parties to the conflict. True, you can go further and appeal it in court.

File a complaint about the school's actions district education department(for example, the department of education of the regional administration) or in Rosobrnadzor. Alternatively, you can write a statement to prosecutor's office or appeal the school's decision in court.

By the way, you can challenge the decision of the school administration not only if the opinion of the parents was ignored - but also when the local act of the school contradicts the education law or regional law.

For example, parents of students from Arkhangelsk region can safely refuse to buy a uniform for their children if the decision to introduce it was made by the school later than three months before the start of the school year - such a condition is enshrined in the relevant law of the subject. And schoolchildren in grades 5-11 in the Bryansk region can safely wear jeans throughout the next year academic year, until September 1, 2015, since the relevant law will come into force for them only by this time.

Question 2. If a child comes to school without a uniform, is it possible to send him home to change?

The Education Law does not make the right to receive education dependent on how the child is dressed - but also does not contain a direct prohibition on removing a child from classes. Most often, regional regulations are also silent about permissible actions of school administration. Some regions oblige children to wear a school uniform (which, in general, is not entirely correct, since the school has the final say) - for example, the Bryansk region. However, the consequences of violating the clothing requirements are not fixed in the act of this region (Resolution of the Government of the Bryansk Region of November 11, 2013 No. 634-p).

Some schools interpret school uniform rules so strictly that Schoolgirls are prohibited from wearing trousers to classes. Such situations occurred, in particular, in schools in Omsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions. For little Omsk residents, this ban looked especially strange if we remember the Siberian frosts, forcing the thermometer to drop below 30C.

In all cases, regional prosecutors protested such bans, emphasizing that classic women's trousers can be considered business attire.

But the Republic of Buryatia distinguished itself in this regard: the corresponding decree of the government of this region provides for a number of disciplinary measures to students who are not dressed appropriately. Among them is a remark class teacher(oral or in a diary), explanatory conversation, class hour, parent meeting and finally - restricting access to classes. The latter, however, is only possible in one case: if the student not only came to class without a uniform, but on his clothes there are images and inscriptions in any language calling for extremism, drug use, use of weapons, or of an offensive nature.

We came across at least two regions in which teachers are expressly prohibited from kicking out schoolchildren without uniforms from classes– these are the Tambov and Yaroslavl regions. In the Yaroslavl region, the student must still be dressed in business clothes classic cut and neutral tones, although not the same as the shape.

It should be remembered that the prosecutor's office almost always takes the side of schoolchildren. For example, the rights of children who do not want to wear a school uniform have been repeatedly defended by the prosecutors of Kurgan and Kaliningrad region and other regions.

Question 3. Is it possible to expel a child from school for not wearing a school uniform?

No. A student can be expelled from school only on the grounds set out in Art. 61 of the Law on Education:

  • at the request of the student’s parents (or the student himself, if he is already an adult);
  • if the child cannot cope with school curriculum and only if he is already 15 years old;
  • By objective reasons(for example, the liquidation of a school).
  • This list is closed, and there is no such reason as refusal to purchase a school uniform.

    Question 4. Who can receive compensation for the purchase of a school uniform and what needs to be done for this?

    Both the Model Act and regional laws prohibit decisions on the introduction of school uniforms without taking into account the opinions of low-income and large families. In addition, constituent entities of the Russian Federation can compensate parents for the cost of purchased school uniforms(Part 3 of Article 38 of the Law on Education).

    Often there is a special normative act on the procedure for allocating subsidies for the purchase of school uniforms, but the allocation of subsidies may also be provided in common law on support for large families or low-income citizens.


    « We place serious emphasis not only on improving the quality of the product, but also on the content. It is known that it is in childhood that morality, tastes, and preferences are formed.“- noted the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Victor Evtukhov, introducing a new resource.

    The procedure for applying for a subsidy varies from region to region. Depending on the specific territory, you can apply for a subsidy either in district administration department, or in MFC, or directly to school by writing a statement addressed to the director.

    Set necessary documents usually includes:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • parents' passport;
  • a certificate from the educational institution about the child’s education;
  • a document confirming the status of a large or low-income family;
  • application for the provision of services.
  • In addition, confirmation may be required that the child lives with the applicant: registration at place of residence or other document (for example, a certificate from a children's clinic). If such a requirement is enshrined in the regional law, but the applicant has not fulfilled it, compensation is refused (decision of the St. Petersburg City Court dated December 17, 2012 No. 33-17228/2012).

    note that deadlines for filing an application for compensation cannot be set. An attempt to hurry up parents was made in some cities of the Moscow region: in Reutov, it was possible to submit documents to receive money from September 1 to October 31 of the current year, and in Dolgoprudny - until December 1 of the current school year. At the same time, the prosecutor's office in both cases declared such a restriction illegal.

    Question 5: Is it legal to demand that you buy school uniforms from a specific supplier?

    If we proceed from the literal interpretation of the legislation, then such a requirement of the school administration can be called unacceptable. The point is that we're talking about on the establishment requirements to clothes. In other words, the school may require that a child buy clothes of a certain color or style, but does not have the right to send parents to a store of a specific brand. Otherwise, the school’s actions will contradict the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition.”

    By the way, some subjects of the Russian Federation have even enshrined a ban on such actions in law - for example, in the Republic of Tatarstan, forcing parents to purchasing a form from a specific manufacturer or the supplier cannot, both school administration and teachers. A similar rule applies in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, only it is formulated even more strictly: you cannot not only demand to dress from a specific manufacturer, but also set specific requirements for clothing (model, article, material), observing which parents will be forced to buy clothes only from a certain brand.

    Even if the subject is register of school uniform suppliers, forcing students to dress in a specific “couture” uniform is unacceptable. By the way, the authorities of the Bryansk region obliged parents to order uniforms (including for individual tailoring) only from sewing companies and individual entrepreneurs exclusively from this register - a very controversial, in our opinion, obligation. Parents who disagree with this can rely on the fact that the education law and the Model Act do not provide for the possibility of regions establishing such a requirement.

    Moreover, if mothers wish, they can sew your own uniform, the education law and the Model Act do not prohibit this - the main thing is that it meets the standards set by the school.

    Question 6: Can I dress my child according to our family's religion?

    The model act in this part is quite categorical: schoolchildren must wear clothes exclusively secular character. Actually, the revival of school uniforms began with this question.

    Let us remind you that the problem arose in 2013 in the Stavropol Territory: the administration of one of the schools prohibited girls from Muslim families from appearing in lessons wearing a hijab. The requirement for secular clothing, which the school referred to, was enshrined in a decree of the regional government. The parents of these schoolgirls were forced to transfer them to a Muslim madrasah school or to external studies. At the same time, they appealed the regional government’s decision in court, but to no avail. I put an end to this dispute last summer RF Armed Forces(Determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 19-APG13-2).

    The court made three main conclusions:

  • uniform requirements for student clothing stem from the secular nature of our state;
  • indoor head coverings (including hijab) are a cause various diseases, and school uniforms are the key to maintaining the health of students. Here the Court cited Rospotrebnadzor (Rospotrebnadzor letter dated November 9, 2012 No. 01/12662-12-23);
  • The ban on wearing the hijab does not violate the right to education.

    In 1994, following a protest organized by female students enrolled in obstetrics courses at the University School of Medicine [Istanbul University. – Ed.], the vice-rector issued a memorandum in which he explained the problematic issue of wearing the Islamic hijab and legal basis for appropriate instructions, noting in particular:

    “The ban on female students enrolled in obstetrics courses wearing the hijab during practical classes was intended not to violate their freedom of conscience and religion, but to comply with current legislation. When performing their work, midwives and nurses wear uniforms as described and prescribed in the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Students who want to work in this specialty know about this. Imagine a student midwife trying to put a baby in or out of an incubator, or assisting a doctor in an operating room or delivery room while wearing a long-sleeved coat."

    (ECtHR Ruling of November 10, 2005 “Case of Leyla Sahin v. Turkey” (complaint No. 44774/98)).

    Applicants appeal to the ECHR was not ruled out with a complaint against this court decision. True, it is unlikely that the Strasbourg court would take their side, because in its practice there have already been similar cases, and decisions were made not in favor of the hijab (ECHR Ruling of November 10, 2005, “Case of Leyla Sahin v. Turkey” ( complaint No. 44774/98), judgment of the ECtHR of December 4, 2008 in the case of Dogru v. France (complaint No. 27058/05), judgment of the ECtHR of December 4, 2008 in the case of Kervanci v. France "(complaint No. 31645/04)). The ECtHR also confirmed the lawfulness of the dismissal of one of the applicants, who worked as a teacher at a university in Turkey and wore a hijab to lectures and seminars (ECtHR Decision of January 24, 2006 in the case “Kurtulmus v. Turkey” (complaint No. 65500/01)).

    After this, the question about violations of the rights of believers was asked to the president at a meeting with representatives of the All-Russian Popular Front in October 2012. Vladimir Putin supported the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, noting that the requirements for the secular nature of clothing must be observed by everyone, otherwise representatives of other faiths will feel disadvantaged. It was then that the head of state suggested thinking about returning school uniforms. " Still, in such [ school . – Ed.] in teams, no one should feel like a second-class citizen.”“, the president emphasized then, hinting at the different financial capabilities of parents when buying clothes for their children.

    Some regions copy verbatim the provisions of the Model Act: “the appearance and clothing of students must be of a secular nature” (Krasnodar Territory). Other entities are even more specific, prohibiting children from wearing religious clothing or clothing with religious attributes, including those covering the face, to school (Rostov region). By the way, little Rostovites do not have the right to decorate themselves with attributes of religious symbols - pectoral crosses also fall under this ban.

    Law on the introduction of school uniforms of 2015

    Before putting together an urgent document, it would be right to think about dividing the process into 3 groups. The prepared sections do not have to be printed in the same order. Before doing anything, you should think about what exactly you want as a result, once you get it right, write down the reasons. These may be business customs, local rules, orders of government agencies. The beginning is a very fundamentally important section that forms the trail. You should also not forget and figure out which important person this petition document will be addressed to and who specifically will be forced to draw up a response.

    On September 1, 2015, the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” comes into force. Among its innovations is the right of an educational organization to set requirements for students’ clothing.

    Thus, school uniforms are being introduced again at the legislative level in the country. Its appearance is determined by the need to erase property, social and religious differences between students, strengthen the image of educational institutions, and provide schoolchildren with aesthetic and comfortable clothing.

    Therefore, according to the text of the federal law, this rule is valid unless otherwise established by the legislation of the subject of the federation. For those regions in which the issue of school uniforms has not yet been resolved, it is necessary to adopt the appropriate legal act. The requirements for the new uniform for schoolchildren are contained in a sample law sent by the Ministry of Education and Science to the regions.

    The introduction of a uniform does not mean, however, that all students will be dressed the same. For each educational institution, the color, style, appearance of clothing and the obligation to wear it will be determined individually. Schools are recommended to adopt a special local regulatory act regulating uniform issues for students, taking into account the opinions of parents.

    Students' clothing must comply with sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards, the location of classes, the weather, and the temperature conditions of the room. Dress style is generally accepted business style. Uniforms for schoolchildren must be secular in nature. Clothing, shoes and accessories with traumatic accessories, informal symbols that promote illegal behavior and the use of psychoactive substances are unacceptable.

    The requirements for the form must be accepted by all participants in the educational process and take into account the financial situation of large and low-income families.

    Law on the introduction of school uniforms of 2015

    In many regions of the country this issue has already been regulated by law. For example, in the republics of Karelia and Tatarstan, in the Stavropol region, in the Belgorod region, Leningrad region, Moscow region, Omsk region, Orenburg region, Penza region, Rostov region, Saratov region, Ulyanovsk region, Yaroslavl region and in other subjects.

    What will be the uniform school uniform?

    General education organizations can establish three types of school clothing: formal, casual and sports. The dress uniform is intended for festive events and school functions. The dress uniform differs from the everyday uniform by the presence of a light shirt or a festive accessory for boys and young men, a blouse or a festive accessory for girls and young women.

    Sportswear is used for physical education. The uniform of each school may have its own distinctive signs in the form of emblems, stripes, badges, ties, and so on.

    A bill on introducing school uniforms has been introduced to the State Duma

    A bill on introducing school uniforms has been submitted to the State Duma. Its author was Olga Timofeeva, a deputy from the All-Russian Popular Front (United Russia faction).

    “We are introducing amendments to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” which will introduce school uniforms everywhere,” Timofeeva said in an interview with ITAR-TASS.

    However, according to her, “this is not an obligation, as it was before,” and regions will be given the opportunity to “establish uniform requirements for student clothing, taking into account local specifics, the wishes of schools, students and their parents.”

    The deputy also assured that the discussion of this issue will continue on the ONF platform, “and the results of the discussion with all interested parties will be taken into account when adopting the bill for the second reading.”

    The idea of ​​returning school uniforms was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the first ONF conference in Rostov-on-Don at the end of March. “There should be a school uniform in our country,” said the head of state, proposing “to make federal decisions that would oblige the regions to introduce uniforms, and to give the regions and municipalities the opportunity to decide on the details.”

    According to the head of the organizing committee for the founding congress of the ONF, Andrei Bocharov, the introduction of school uniforms will bring not only a social, but also an economic effect. According to him, as a result of the introduction of school uniforms, the Russian light industry will be able to receive “orders” worth about 36 billion rubles annually.

    Deputies adopted a law on school uniforms

    The State Duma adopted in the second and third readings a law giving schools the right to set uniform requirements, taking into account the opinions of schoolchildren themselves and their parents. 1898

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    Requirements for the clothing of primary and secondary school students are established by the authorized bodies of the regions. Money for uniforms is allocated if it is provided for in the regional budget.

    Olga Timofeeva. member of the United Russia faction: “But no one has the right to force you to buy this or that clothes for a schoolchild in this or that studio. Starting today, the All-Russian Popular Front, which initiated this bill, begins monitoring. We appeal to all governors, to the heads of cities, to all parents: if you see excesses when children are forced to wear a specific school uniform and buy it from a specific manufacturer, react to this.”

    Wearing a school uniform became mandatory on September 1, 2013 (see the blog “And again about school uniforms”, “School uniforms are coming back”). In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the establishment of requirements for students’ clothing is within the competence of the educational organization, unless otherwise established by the Law or the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation (Article 28, Part 3, Clause 18 ).

    The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent an instructional letter “On establishing requirements for the clothing of students,” to which was attached a “Model regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on establishing requirements for clothing for students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.”

    At the same time, prosecutorial checks indicate that when introducing school uniforms, violations of the law, requirements regulatory documents Ministry of Education and Science. For example, denial of access to classes, removal from lessons of students who did not come in the established form, application of unlawful disciplinary measures against them, etc.

    Currently, the Federal Law of June 4, 2014 No. 148-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Law) amended the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. In particular:

  • Clause 18 of Part 3 of Article 28 and Part 5 of Article 86 were declared invalid;
  • set out in new edition Article 38.
  • According to the new version of Article 38, “organizations carrying out educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the organization) have the right to establish requirements for students’ clothing, including requirements for its general appearance, color, style, types of students’ clothing, insignia, and rules for wearing it, if “otherwise not established by this article.”

    State and municipal organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education establish requirements for students’ clothing in accordance with standard requirements approved authorized bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In an educational organization, taking into account the opinion of the student council, the parent council, as well as the representative body of employees of this organization and (or) students in it (if there is one), it is accepted relevant local regulation.

    Providing students with clothing in cases and in the manner established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can be carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    It has been determined that samples and descriptions of uniforms of training organizations implementing, in particular, educational programs in specialties and areas of training in the field of defense and state security, ensuring law and order, in the areas of customs affairs, training of sailing crews of sea vessels, inland water navigation vessels , fishing fleet, aircraft flight crews, aviation personnel, are established by the founders. They also determine the rules of wearing, security, and insignia.
    The provision of uniforms and other clothing (uniforms) to students at the expense of regional budget allocations is carried out in cases and in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. At the expense of local budgets - by local governments.

    School uniform 2017: you can’t wear a biker jacket to your desk, but you can wear a miniskirt!

    This summer, a good half of the capital's teenagers sported hair of all colors of the rainbow. I wouldn’t be surprised if the parrots in the Moscow Zoo were stifled with envy at the sight of the bright green, purple, pink and blue “plumage” of the teenagers.

    But summer, the time of freedom, is over, and a new school year is already inevitably looming on the horizon. And at school there is a uniform, or at worst a dress code.

    What should informal minors do now? Shave your head? Buy a wig? I talked with the directors of several schools in the capital and tried to figure out at what point a student who wants to emphasize his “unique individuality” will cross the red line.


    Many Russian schools have already switched to uniforms, but most often only primary schoolchildren wear them.

    For older students, the requirements are softer: instead of uniform jackets and blouses, there is a dress code. What children should look like - checkered, black bottom - white top or something else - each school decides for itself. Therefore, each institution has its own regulation on the form, which contains the wishes of both teachers and parents, and the students themselves.

    The Ministry of Education and Science approaches this pressing issue carefully. Back in 2013, the department sent a letter to schools in which it proposed standard recommendations:

    “The appearance and clothing of schoolchildren must comply with generally accepted social norms of business style and be of a secular nature. The Ministry does not recommend wearing clothes, shoes and accessories at school with traumatic accessories, symbols of asocial informal youth associations, as well as propaganda psychoactive substances and illegal behavior."

    That is, no emo, goths, punks and rastafarians - leave all individuality outside the school gates!

    But this is a theory - it is clear that children at school should be neat and well-groomed. What should teachers do when they see a riot of colors in the classroom? Teachers do not have the right to give bad marks and kick them out of lessons for their appearance. Send to the toilet to wash off bright makeup or go home to change clothes - even more so! For this you can get a reprimand from the director yourself. The only thing teachers can really do is reprimand the child and call the parents.

    “You can’t approach this issue with a saber in your hands,” says Vladimir Shcherban, director of school No. 1929. “Tastes change, and the standards that we like are simply incomprehensible to the younger generation.” Therefore, a tough authoritarian approach and pressure will cause nothing but resistance. My personal approach is education and understanding of where and what to come to. We have a regulation on school uniforms, but we do not require a school uniform, but a neat appearance. And, of course, we say that mass official events still require a business style.

    According to the director, at school meetings, students are not publicly reprimanded for their appearance - even those who have forgotten that the beach season is over. All conversations are individual.

    “These conversations are not edifying in nature; rather, they are needed simply for understanding,” Vladimir Nikolaevich clarifies. “If a pink strand has some kind of ideological connotation for a person, if he has an idea of ​​why it is needed, then there are no problems.” A person should have a childhood, he can try something in controlled conditions. But if it is empty, then it quickly “falls off”, and the person repaints without any extra pressure.​


    Four years have passed since the official return of uniforms to school. During this time, students more or less learned that it is better not to come to lessons in miniskirts and jeans with holes. But religious paraphernalia still causes controversy.

    “We talk to Orthodox parents and try to explain to them that school is a secular place,” the teachers shrug. “But if that doesn’t suit them, perhaps they should look for a private school that is closer to their customs?”

    At a higher level, this issue was recently discussed in Dagestan. Members of the People's Assembly of the Republic unanimously voted for the law “On the responsibility of parents for the education and upbringing of children.” It obliges parents to monitor how their children appear at school. Up to how much jewelry a schoolgirl can afford—maximum simple earrings. No triple gold chains or family rings! However, the law also does not provide for punishment for violators who come to school wearing diamonds.

    In other regions, schoolgirls wearing jewelry are limited only by considerations of personal safety. Technically, you can show up to class wearing all your grandmother’s diamonds and mother’s gold at once! But during physical education it will be uncomfortable in all this splendor, and there are no safes at school.


    And on the chest there is a tattoo “Knowledge is power!”

    Young people over the age of 18 can get a tattoo on their own and only upon presentation of a passport! Before this age, you can only get a tattoo in the presence of your parents. The fact is that according to the Civil Code, tattooing is classified as a small household transaction. And their citizen can conclude them himself from the age of 18, and from 14 to 18 - only with the consent of legal representatives.

    So the problem with tattooed schoolchildren is not just how they look in class. But also the fact that they could have gotten a tattoo in an unlicensed salon, and then they had to run to the doctor - you never know what kind of paints and tools there were!

    In general, the same rules apply with tattoos, henna designs and decals as with colored hair - teachers do not have the right to expel, suspend from lessons or give a bad mark for this. But the conversation with them and their parents will be serious.


    Green hair will wash off on its own

    What to do if you have been expressing yourself culturally all summer and on the eve of Knowledge Day you discover that your head of hair is shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow?

    Bright color doesn’t last long,” says Polina Agramyan, art director of one of the capital’s creative coloring salons. — Purple and pink shades fade in a week or two, blue and green shades are washed off in two or three. Red lasts longer, but quickly loses its brightness. I would advise you to just wait and wash off the paint special shampoos deep cleansing and oil masks.

    Repaint in normal color there is no point - the dye can appear in spots and the result will be something unimaginable! If teenagers want to show off their individuality, there are professional crayons and mascaras that can be washed off immediately. You can also buy extensions.


    How the decision on form is made

    Decision on necessity general requirements The school’s governing council, which includes teachers and administration, parents and the students themselves, decides on the appearance. He proposes a draft decision on what children should wear to school.

    After this, in each class, meetings between uniform manufacturers and teachers, parents and students are held, at which it is discussed exactly how the children will be dressed - whether it will be a dress code, business style or a uniform. The final decision is made at a general meeting of the school, which is attended by teachers and parents of students from all classes.

    If one of the parents does not agree with general decision, then they can dress the child to their liking, ignoring possible comments from teachers. Or suggest changes to the rules.

    How to do this - read in the next issues of KP.