Help for families with many children by September 1. Payments to low-income families

This fall, parents have the right to participate in the Assistance to Large Families program for first-graders - 14,000 rubles. This is convenient for families with insufficient finances. The support program applies to all cities of the Russian Federation, only the amount of payments per family differs.

Who is eligible for this assistance?

This financial assistance is intended for a family with low-income status, which, due to certain circumstances, cannot provide the student with the necessary supplies.

The poor are those who have a monthly income that does not reach the subsistence level, while it is not possible to fully support a child. The current legislation clearly defines the parents who are classified as requiring payments. The following segments of the population apply for government assistance:

  • Persons whose income is less than the minimum wage.
  • If children are raised only by the mother or only by the father.
  • If there are more than three children in the family, regardless of age.
  • If one of the parents was obliged to serve.

In legal practice, authorized services do not check the presence of family members, but what salary one person receives. To determine whether individuals can receive payments, a small calculation is done: each member's salary is added up and divided by the total number of people living together.

If, as a result, the subsistence minimum established regionally is not achieved, then the family can be classified as low-income and it applies for support from the state for the schoolchild.

What kind of support is offered to first graders?

If the family’s finances do not reach the minimum, and the family has a future first-grader, current legislation provides for two types of different government payments. In the current year 2017, individuals have the right to receive:

  1. One-time financial support before entering an educational institution.
  2. Every month, assistance is provided for the purchase of office supplies.
The first type is given to each person in need in the amount of 14 thousand rubles. But this amount is not exact, since different budgets are determined at the regional level. If there is more than one first-grader in a family, then the state distributes the amount evenly to everyone.

This financial assistance is obtained by requesting in writing, at least one parent, guardian or guardian of the child applies to the social benefits service with an attachment at the place of residence, the following documentation should be submitted:

  • Passport details.
  • Personal documentation of the child.
  • List all family members.
  • Documentation received from the regional department of social development confirming that financial support for the preschooler was not provided elsewhere. Valid at the moment if the persons living in the family are registered at a different address.
  • Information from the educational institution confirming that the child begins studying on September 1.
  • Personal account where the money will come.

The deadlines are indicated until the start of the school year in the first grade. You must submit the required information within six months from the start of your studies.

Moreover, in this case the amount is paid in a lump sum, the student will study for a long time. He needs to buy a lot of stationery and clothes throughout the year, as children grow quickly. The second type of financial state support is established by law - payment for purchased office supplies.

It is produced every month, but in smaller quantities than with a one-time receipt. Such support is provided to the poor and...

The set of documentation in this case is the same.

But the deadlines for registration are not so flexible; in this option, you must submit all the necessary documentation before the end of December.

There are many similar citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation who are using their savings to send minors to school for the first time this year. At the state level, everything necessary is being done to ensure that there is a simplified process for assigning appropriate payments.

Receipt is carried out by each family that needs them; if fees for a first-grader’s educational institution hit the family finances, then you should contact the social finance department with an attachment to your residential address.

When is funding available?

Funds for a first-grader are assigned by the state from the moment a parent submits a petition to the appropriate social body, and parents can receive them from August 1 to December 1 of this year.

The following have the right to receive payments on September 1 and submit an application to social authorities:

  • official parent of a preschooler;
  • adoptive parent;
  • guardian or trustee.

It should be remembered that citizens who applied for these payments may be held liable for providing knowingly false information about their family. If the documentation turns out to be fictitious or the information is unreliable, then the persons who provided it must pay penalties in the amount established by law.


The Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation) seeks to encourage citizens to start a family, give birth and raise children, creating packages of social support measures for them. Preferences include multidirectional benefits and advantages. These include tax breaks, discounts on utility bills, extraordinary admission to kindergartens, one-time and monthly financial payments and subsidies for large families.

Obtaining the status of a large family in Moscow and the region

Large families include families that raise and educate 3 or more relatives, adopted children, or minors taken under guardianship. Only those parents who have officially registered their status can take advantage of state support. To confirm having many children, you should contact the local social welfare authority or multifunctional center (hereinafter referred to as the MFC) and obtain the appropriate certificate.

Regulatory framework

The conditions and procedure for assigning cash payments to large families are regulated by a number of regulations. Here is their list:
1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation) dated November 17, 1999 No. 138-FZ.
2. Law of Moscow dated November 23, 2005 No. 60.
3. Decree of the Government (hereinafter referred to as PP) of Moscow dated October 31, 2017 No. 805-PP.
4. Moscow PP dated 12/28/2004 No. 911-PP.

Financial assistance to large families of the capital

Help for large families in Moscow includes a package of multi-directional measures - from compensation for utility bills to bonuses dedicated to holidays. Here is their list:

Type of payment

Conditions of appointment

Payment amount (r.)

One-time, at the birth of the third child

  • You can get it within 1 year.
  • for every third and subsequent child

Large families

Compensatory due to rising cost of living

  • monthly cash payment (hereinafter – EDV);
  • 1 of the parents is installed;
  • is due to every minor

Low-income people, singles - income does not exceed the subsistence level (hereinafter referred to as the subsistence minimum) of the region of the Russian Federation (for Moscow it is 18,453 rubles)


Military personnel, conscripts

Spouse of a persistent alimony defaulter

Disabled people

Caring for 3–4 minors

Family with 5 or more children

Compensatory, mother who gave birth to 10 or more children

  • EDV to insurance benefits;
  • is set for the period of its receipt

Retired mothers who gave birth and/or adopted 10 or more children

For International Family Day

  • accrued once a year on May 15;
  • permanent metropolitan registration required

Having at least 1 child

Reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of children's things

  • at least 1 of the parents is not older than 35;
  • income per person – not higher than the monthly minimum for the region;
  • money is paid once


For a baby stroller

For other things

Subsidy for city communication services

Large families

Help for families with many children in Moscow to compensate for rising food costs

  • every child under 3 years of age
  • single mother/father;
  • military personnel, conscripts;
  • spouse of a persistent alimony defaulter;
  • large families and/or low-income people;
  • disabled people


Accrued once a year to each child - a student in grades 1-10 - from August to December

  • large families;
  • the poor;
  • lonely;
  • with an average per capita income below the subsistence minimum

Additional monthly benefit

  • parents' income does not exceed 1.5 subsistence minimum per person;
  • until the child turns 1.5 years old.


Social payments to large families in Moscow

Social payments include a number of federal and regional benefits:

Payment type

Size (r.)

EDV per (each) child to parents whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence minimum in the region:

Aged (minor)

single parents, military personnel, conscripts, spouses of a persistent alimony defaulter

other low-income families

Annual compensation payment for Knowledge Day (September 1) to Muscovites who have at least 1 child and are registered with social protection authorities (family)

EDV - reimbursement of expenses for payment for housing and communal services (hereinafter - housing and communal services) and housing (rooms, apartments, private houses) for large groups of society (provided there are no debts to the management company)

3–4 children

5 or more minors

EDV for parents with 10 or more children (each minor)

EDV per child under 1.5 years of age

EDV for large groups of society for the purchase of children's goods (family)

Registration procedure

The assignment of state financial assistance requires compliance with a certain procedure. Algorithm:

  1. Prepare the necessary package of documents.
  2. Please submit the documents to the MFC, the social protection authority at your place of residence, or the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund) (depending on the type of payment).
  3. The application review period is from 10 to 20 working days - wait until a decision is made.

What documents are required

To process payments to large families in Moscow, you will need to collect a package of documents. Depending on the type of preference, the applicant may need originals and/or copies of the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • statement;
  • certificates and/or birth certificates of all children;
  • a document confirming the absence of the second parent - for singles (for example, a death certificate);
  • bank account details of mother/father/guardian/adoptive parent;
  • work book;
  • military ID;
  • a certificate from your place of employment stating that no benefits were provided (if any);
  • student ID;
  • certificate of non-receipt of benefits by the second parent;
  • certificate of paternity (if any);
  • a certificate from the state employment service about non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • order to provide parental leave (if any);
  • certificates of all income of each parent for the last 6 months;
  • documents confirming the adoption/establishment of guardianship over each of the children;
  • marriage certificate;
  • a certificate confirming that each of the children lives with a parent who is registered in Moscow;
  • insurance numbers of individual personal accounts.

The state provides financial assistance for certain categories of citizens. There are quite a lot of programs that provide support. They are implemented by both social protection authorities and employers.

A fairly wide range of people who find themselves in difficult situations may qualify for help, so it is best, before you start collecting documents, to contact social security and find out which program you will be able to qualify for in 2019. Below we will describe the most popular community outreach programs.

Target contracts

At the end of 2012, changes were made to the laws on social assistance. A new type of support has appeared - concluding contracts with the population. In 2018-2019, these amendments remain relevant. The state, under the terms of this agreement, issues social assistance (including financial assistance), and the citizen undertakes to undergo an adaptation program and fulfill one of the conditions:

  • job search;
  • undergoing training in a specific profession;
  • completing advanced training programs;
  • opening your own small business;
  • farming.

First of all, the opportunity to receive this type of support is available to needy families who are in difficult situations. According to data from the regions in which the project was implemented as a pilot, 50% of families were able to get out of a difficult life situation, and their income more than doubled. Currently, the program operates throughout Russia. In 2019, its implementation is being carried out with the help of social protection specialists and the Employment Center.

How to get help for large families

Large families can also become applicants for assistance from the state in 2019. They are supported in several ways - in the form of benefits, allowances and payments once a year. For example, in a number of regions, before September 1, large families receive funds to pay for their children’s school fees. A prerequisite is the upbringing of all children in the family, and not in special children's institutions.

Federal law provides for subsidies for large families in the form of reductions in monthly utility bills, child benefits, and payments to mothers (they are treated the same as working people and can receive 1 minimum wage until the youngest child turns 16 years old). Also, families with 3 or more children can receive a plot of land on preferential terms for farming or building a country house.

Regional payments are more varied. First of all, for the 3rd or 4th child, regional maternity capital is assigned (about 100,000 rubles, which can be used for the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that compensate for the costs of purchasing goods for newborns, food and clothing.

For a complete list of benefits you may qualify for, contact your local Social Security office. Increasingly, with the advent of the third and subsequent children, the income of family members is not enough to provide everyone with a decent standard of living. In this case, pay attention to payments to the poor.

Financial support program for the poor

The amount of money per family member is calculated based on data on the income of all able-bodied adults in it. It is necessary to submit certificates for the last three months to the social security authorities. The income amounts are added together and then divided among all family members. If the amount received is below the minimum subsistence level established in the region, then the family receives a special status. She becomes poor.

Every year the cost of living is indexed; in 2019, each region has its own value. You can find out about it at the administration of your district or at the social security department. Its average value in Russia this year is 8,200 rubles.

In some cases no assistance is provided. For example, if the family has one or more able-bodied members, but they do not want to work. The only exceptions are the following cases:

  • the need to care for children or elderly relatives;
  • loss of property due to reasons beyond the control of the applicants;
  • maternity leave;
  • inability to go to work due to serious illness.

However, increasingly, assistance is provided only to those families in which all able-bodied members are registered as unemployed or employed (earnings may be minimal). At the same time, the composition of the family can be different, and often it is not only parents and children, but also grandparents and grandchildren.

In 2019, in addition to benefits for education, taxes and housing and communal services, other assistance to the poor is provided. For example, a child has access to the following list of support measures:

  1. Meals twice a day in the canteen for school students.
  2. Providing a place on the list of beneficiaries.
  3. Subsidies for the purchase or free issuance of school and sports uniforms.
  4. Children under 6 years of age are prescribed free medicines for illnesses.
  5. Once a year, compensation is 50% of the cost of travel for treatment in a sanatorium (applies to one accompanying person).

It became possible for parents in such families to receive:

  1. Preferential working conditions.
  2. Beginning entrepreneurs do not need to pay a fee for opening an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Reducing the retirement age.
  4. Obtaining a garden plot out of turn.
  5. Lower mortgage requirements and interest rates.
  6. Tickets for visiting exhibitions and museum displays (no more than once a month).
  7. State payment for nanny services (this assistance is available only to residents of large cities, and details about it can only be found in the social security department at your place of residence).

In addition, it is possible to pay financial assistance in the form of benefits or one-time transfers, which is regulated by regional laws.

Other types of government support in 2019

In 2019, needy WWII veterans can receive one-time targeted assistance of up to 15,000 rubles for the purchase of necessary household appliances, replacement of plumbing equipment or dental prosthetics.

To do this, you need to collect basic documents, write an application and prove the need to purchase equipment or prosthetics. Money to pay for dental services is the easiest to give - to do this, you just need to bring the relevant certificates and an extract from the outpatient card to social security.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they are provided for first-graders. Such families include those who have three or more minor children. The allowance is intended to help the child go to school, buy him office supplies and other things necessary for his studies.

Who has the right to apply for funds, and what financial assistance is available to future first-graders? Let's look further.

Financial assistance to parents of first-graders: who is entitled to

Financial support from the state is provided to large families with one or more children going to first grade. This type of social support from the state is also provided to low-income families in which parents cannot provide the first-grader with everything necessary for school. Who is entitled to receive benefits for first-graders:

  • families with low income;
  • a parent who is temporarily raising children alone due to the fact that the other is in military service;
  • single-parent families where there is only one parent;
  • parents raising more than two minor children.
The main criterion for determining a low-income family is the income for each of its members. To understand whether it belongs to the low-income category, it is necessary to divide the total total income by the number of people in it. When the result per person is below the minimum subsistence level designated in a particular region, then she is considered low-income.

Types of financial assistance for first-graders for large families

If the family is low-income, it is entitled to financial assistance.

In 2018, the amounts of state aid were:

  • a one-time social payment from the state to prepare a child for first grade in the amount of 7500 rub..;
  • one-time payment for schoolchildren in grades 2-11 in the amount of 5000 rub. for each child;
  • cash benefits for the purchase of office supplies, which are accrued every month.

The first type of financial assistance is provided to the family once, but for each of the children, in the years when they started school. If several children go to first grade in the same year, then the parents of first-graders receive financial assistance for each of them.

For families raising more than ten children, the state has provided a benefit in the amount of 15,000 rub.

Each region establishes additional measures to support large families. The amount of assistance depends on the capabilities of the regional budget, and must be regulated by a certain regulatory act. It will specify the conditions for receipt, timing and amount of payments for citizens who live in this region.

The amount of such support varies from 1500 to 14700 rubles. based on your region of residence.

The second type of financial assistance is one-time payments for the purchase of various office supplies. The amount of such payments is much lower than the benefit before the start of first grade, but it is paid every month.

The basis for receiving such payments is the Decree on regional one-time benefits in a certain region. The funds paid to prepare children for school have a specific purpose, but parents do not have to submit reports to the authorities.

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The following are entitled to receive benefits for first-graders:

  • one of the parents of a first-grader;
  • adoptive parent;
  • one of the guardians.

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List of required documentation

To pay cash benefits to a large family when a child enters first grade, you must submit a certain list of documents to the department of benefits and other social payments at your place of residence. To receive payment to a first-grader, you must provide:

  • statement;
  • passport of the person submitting the claim;
  • a certificate containing information about family composition;
  • birth certificate of the child for whom financial assistance is required, as well as other children under age;
  • a certificate from the educational institution proving that the child has entered their education;
  • bank details where financial assistance should be transferred.

In cases where one of the family members is registered in another city, you may need a paper from the branch of the Ministry of Social Development located in this region stating that the benefit was not paid there.

You don’t have to submit documents exactly by September 1st; the main thing is to submit them between August 1st and December 31st. Even if parents independently bought a school uniform and all other things for their child, the money will be returned as compensation.

In order to receive monthly assistance in the form of cash payments to the office, you need to provide:

  • parent's passport;
  • child's birth document;
  • a certificate containing information about the financial status of the family;
  • a document certifying the child’s enrollment in school.

When a legal representative brings documents to the authorities, he must provide his passport and a power of attorney confirming his authority. If the child is under guardianship, then the guardians must bring an extract about this.

When making monthly payments, you must apply no later than December 31, the year in which the first-grader went to school.

Algorithm for applying for child benefits at the beginning of the school year

To receive a one-time payment for a child who has gone to school for the first time, you need to submit an application with a list of papers to the public protection authorities located at your place of residence. They can be submitted:

  • by appearing in person at a social service institution;
  • by registered mail, with notarized copies sent.

Employees of the Department of Social Protection of the Population have the right to require the applicant to provide additional documents, as well as request information necessary for registration from other authorities. Each citizen has his own personal file in which all the papers submitted by the person are stored.

A positive or negative decision on the transfer of this benefit is made by the head of the authority no later than 10 days. When a decision is made to refuse financial assistance, all documents are returned to the applicant and the reason for the negative decision is explained. If a satisfactory decision is made, the money is transferred to the citizen’s bank account within 5 days from the receipt of funds from the budget.

Benefits will not be accrued in the following cases:

  • moving to another region (parents will have to register it at their new place of residence);
  • upon loss of rights to provide social support (deprivation of parental rights, etc.);
  • death of the person who was entitled to the benefit.

Any citizen can find out the specific amount of this assistance by contacting the social protection authority of their city or leaving a request on the website on the Internet. In it you need to outline your family financial status, how many children you have, etc. Leave your questions, for example:

  • what kind of assistance from the state is provided for your family;
  • procedure for processing cash payments and benefits;
  • the amount of financial assistance in a particular region;
  • legal norms governing their payments.

This will allow you to submit the necessary documents the first time, learn the registration procedure, and also familiarize yourself with the regulations on benefits that apply in your city.

Thousands of families across Russia need to pay for basic needs for first-graders. Payments to large families for a first-grader vary significantly in different regions, sometimes amounting to several thousand rubles.

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A benefit is a government measure of support for citizens with an approved social status, which is provided as compensation and allocated on a regular or temporary basis. The Government of the Russian Federation provides many options for providing its own residents with a minimum of living.

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Every year, the level of assistance is reviewed, economic indicators such as inflation and are taken into account, after which new amounts of payments are approved. Indexation is a mandatory process, since over the past reporting period there is always an increase in the cost of certain types of products.

So, every citizen who has certain problems with their financial condition is recommended to clarify what lump sum payment is provided from September 1, 2019, for what category and on what grounds. In addition, you should pay attention to already established support mechanisms - often people simply do not know that they can count on receiving assistance from the state.

Distinctive Features

Social benefits are provided directly to a citizen or his family members, and they are characterized by the following features:

  • appointment and payment are carried out only by government agencies;
  • funds are allocated from the federal or regional budget;
  • can be either one-time or systematic;
  • the amount is set taking into account the citizen’s salary or in accordance with standard indicators;
  • has a targeted nature.

It is also worth noting that the need for assistance is determined according to the degree of need of the person, therefore, in the absence of it, payments are not provided.

Factors influencing the assignment of benefits

Benefits are assigned based on a number of factors:

Different types of assistance are assigned to each group separately - individual circumstances of consideration are largely considered significant.


All government measures to provide assistance to people in need are expressed in the following classifications:

It should be noted that the amount of state assistance for any social category is established in strict accordance with legislative acts. As noted earlier, the regional budget also participates in supporting its own residents.

So, they can make some adjustments to the amount of payments, but only upward. At the same time, they do not have the right to exclude certain measures - only to add new ones.

Support for mothers

The demographic situation in Russia does not sufficiently satisfy the government of the country, therefore there are a number of mechanisms whose purpose is to support mothers to stimulate the population to increase the birth rate.

The amount of financial assistance for each case may be different, as certain features of the citizen’s status affect it. For example, the amount of payments for a single mother will be significantly higher than for a full family.

In particular, the state provides for the following measures:

Characteristic Payment amount
An employed woman going on maternity leave. According to sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth - 100% of the average daily income for previous periods.
Minimum (calculation according to the minimum wage) for employed women for 140 days during normal childbirth. 43,615.65 rubles.
Minimum (calculated according to the minimum wage) for employed women for 156 days during complicated childbirth. 48,600.30 rubles.
Minimum (calculated by) for employed women for 194 days during multiple pregnancy. 60,438.84 rubles.
Maximum (calculated based on the maximum value of the insurance base) for employed women for 140 days during normal childbirth. 282,106.70 rubles.
Maximum (calculated based on the maximum value of the insurance base) for employed women for 156 days during complicated childbirth. 314,347.47 rubles.
Maximum (calculated based on the maximum value of the insurance base) for employed women for 194 days in case of multiple pregnancy. 390,919.29 rubles.
Unemployed woman (calculation is made if the dismissal was made in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise). Calculated using the formula: 628.47 for one month.
, who are in military service under a contract. Based on monetary allowance individually in each specific case.
Full-time student. In the amount of monthly.

Obviously, for any of the situations it is important to note certain individual circumstances of the case, so it is quite possible to assign additional payments.

For children

Having a child and raising a child is a very expensive process, considering how much you need to purchase for its normal development.

The state understands this, and therefore provides assistance for families with minor children:

Category Payment amount
Child up to 1.5 years old. 3,142.33 rubles for the first and 6,284.65 rubles for the second and subsequent ones.

These are the minimum values. If the mother was employed before going on maternity leave, then the value is established by calculating 40% of the average monthly earnings.

Third child under 3 years old. The cost of living according to regional data.
Child of a conscript soldier. 11,374.18 rubles.
-military. 2,287.65 rubles.
Child of the Chernobyl zone up to 1.5 years old. 3,241.05 rubles.
Child of the Chernobyl zone up to 3 years old. 6,482.10 rubles.
A family recognized as low-income (paid until the child turns 19 years old). The amount and procedure for provision are established in the regions.

All these payments are monthly and remain valid as long as the family or child meets the category criteria.


In addition to regular payments, it is also worth considering certain types of one-time assistance that are relevant for children or mothers:

In addition to social payments aimed at maintaining an optimal demographic situation in the country, many other measures are provided, among which the following should be highlighted:

Characteristic How is it provided? Payment amount
For unemployment. After registering with the Employment Center for several months. It is set individually, but not less than 850 rubles and not more than 4,900 rubles.
Due to illness. The employer pays the employed, and the labor exchange pays the unemployed. Calculated taking into account average income and length of service.
For single mothers. There are many benefits provided. For example, compensation for costs of baby food, school supplies, and housing and communal services. The amounts are set by regional authorities.
. Every month throughout life or until health is restored. The amount depends on the category, the presence of dependents and other reasons.
For burial. One-time payment upon presentation of a death certificate. Set by regional authorities, but the minimum is 5,701.31 rubles.
For complications after the vaccine. One-time use. 10,000 rubles. In case of death, each family member receives 30,000 rubles.
Veterans, citizens affected by radiation, tests, persons awarded for special merits. Monthly payments. Depends on the type of EDV.

This list is not exhaustive - there are also other regional and federal measures, but they are mostly intended for individual situations.

Who can apply

State assistance is aimed primarily at socially needy segments of the population, among which the following categories are present:

  • single pensioners who are unable to work due to health conditions;
  • in which the age of the children does not exceed 18 years (or 23 years if the child is receiving full-time education);
  • persons with a disability group;
  • children with disabilities;
  • children from single-parent families;
  • orphans;
  • children whose parents are disabled or pensioners;
  • parents who are full-time students;
  • citizens who have honorary titles, awards, insignia;
  • pregnant women;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • parents of disabled children;
  • citizens providing care for disabled people of group 1;
  • working persons who have become victims of layoffs.