Familiarization with the doctor's professional profile. Presentation on the topic “Professiogram of a doctor Educational institutions teaching this profession

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Presentation of the profession The profession of a doctor has ancient origin. Already in primitive society there were healers who were engaged in healing the sick, using healing herbs, skillfully diagnosing the patient’s condition using only the pulse. Often they were able to save the lives of patients. From time immemorial, the names of great doctors such as Hippocrates and Avicenna are known.

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The development of medicine proceeded from universal healing to the training of specialists of increasingly narrow profiles. Currently, in the medical profession there are many areas and corresponding specialties: general practitioners, pediatricians, dentists, cosmetologists, prosthetists, phthisiatricians, allergists-immunologists, surgeons, military doctors, forensic and forensic psychiatric experts, medical specialists. labor examination (VTEK), medical specialists in institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, sports doctors (for monitoring athletes and coaches - team doctors), veterinarians, pathologists, doctors of emergency departments (mountain rescue units) and many others. Modern doctor is a specialist with a higher medical education who diagnoses, treats patients and prevents diseases.

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In our country, a doctor is a popular profession, one of the most in demand on the labor market. There is practically not a single person who has never consulted a doctor. The demand for doctors is steady. Advantages of the profession: a variety of specialization options, from which you can choose the area closest to your interests; independence in decision making, social significance of the profession.

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Limitations of the profession: high level of responsibility for the life and health of patients (which depend on the decisions made by the doctor); the need to constantly develop one’s skills and abilities, to master new means of labor (drugs, medical equipment), new techniques and methods of work.

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Type and class of profession The profession of a doctor belongs to the type: “Human – Human”, because it is associated with communication and interaction with people. To successfully perform such work, you need the ability to establish and maintain business contacts, understand people, be active, sociable, have developed lexical abilities and verbal thinking, have emotional stability and the ability to understand other people. Additional type: “Man - Nature”, since the work of a doctor is related to the study and observation of living nature, with the prevention and treatment of diseases of humans and animals. Therefore, it is important for a doctor to have a high level of development of observation, attentiveness, and sometimes physical endurance, as well as a pronounced tendency to work with living organisms. The medical profession belongs to the heuristic class. It involves professional activities that are associated with analysis, research and testing, control and planning, and managing other people. It requires high erudition, originality of thinking, a desire for development and constant learning.

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Contents of activity The doctor promotes a healthy lifestyle among patients and takes active position in the fight against drugs, alcoholism and smoking. A doctor (especially in research institutes and experimental clinics) is engaged in the development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating diseases. The doctor identifies the reasons various diseases, provides planned and emergency medical care. A doctor diagnoses and treats patients in a hospital (inpatient) or in a clinic (outpatient). The doctor carries out health education work among the population, activities for the prevention of diseases, and also deals with the rehabilitation of patients during the recovery period.

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Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist A qualified doctor must know: human anatomy, normal and pathological, various diseases and their manifestations, symptoms and syndromes, anatomical and physiological distinctive features healthy and sick person, taking into account his age and gender, registration rules medical documentation. A qualified doctor must be able to: examine human body, examine patients and advise patients, use special medical equipment, decipher test results, make diagnoses and prescribe appropriate treatment for the patient, draw conclusions about a person’s ability to work, predict the course of recovery.

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Requirements for individual characteristics specialist For successful activities As a doctor, you must have the following professionally important qualities: observation, empathy (sensitivity to emotional state another person), organization, tendency to work with natural objects (people), tendency to work in the field of communication, tendency to work with information, developed logical abilities, developed ability concentration, high emotional stability.

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Working conditions During work, the doctor is indoors and outdoors. Depending on the specialty, he can work in the same building (most often in a clinic), receive patients in the office, make rounds of patients in the wards, or work on the road, mobile. In the case of military, ship, sports doctor Long business trips are possible. It is typical for a doctor handmade with living objects, combined with the use of modern medical devices and special equipment. The doctor analyzes information and makes decisions according to special conditions: increased moral responsibility for the health and life of the patient. Medical contraindications Medical restrictions for the doctor: - chronic infectious diseases (infectious, virus carriage, skin and venereal diseases, etc.), -nervous- mental illness, -uncorrectable visual and hearing impairments, -weak vestibular apparatus, -speech disorders. The following are also unacceptable for a doctor: - disgust and intolerance to the type of blood, - inattention to people and symptoms of diseases, - intolerance, emotional incontinence, - cruelty, selfishness, - absent-mindedness and irresponsibility, - anxiety, self-doubt, - pronounced pessimism. 12 slide

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Career prospects Specialization and development of related fields Starting from the positions of a trainee, laboratory assistant, or methodologist, over time the doctor develops knowledge in the chosen field and gains invaluable work experience, increasing his professional status. Doing more and more each time complex tasks, he is improving as a unique specialist. Scientific career medical practice, you can simultaneously participate in conducting scientific developments and research, go on internships, speak at specialized conferences and defend scientific work. A doctor can receive an academic degree of a candidate or even a doctor of medical sciences. Managerial career development Some doctors eventually begin to manage others, become inspectors, and head individual departments in a medical institution. When choosing this career path, it is useful to develop management skills and additionally master such professions as manager. Organizing your own business Professional with many years of experience practical work, possessing unique experience, developments in the field of medicine, having a certain circle of familiar clients, can create his own business (for example, open private clinic). In this case, it is recommended to develop entrepreneurial skills and additionally master such professions as: entrepreneur, project manager. In the medical profession, each specialist has his own, individual development path, depending on the chosen area of ​​work and development unique methods and skills. Possible ways building a career for doctors.

Name of profession
Dominant way of thinking
Region basic knowledge No. 1 and their level
Area of ​​basic knowledge No. 2 and its level
Professional area Interpersonal interaction Dominant interest Additional interest Working conditions surgeon
adaptation - analysis
natural sciences(biology, physics, chemistry), anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, level 3, high (theoretical)
pathoanatomy, surgery, level 2, intermediate (practical use of knowledge)
healthcare, medicine
frequent of the “together” type
indoors and outdoors, mobile

Dominant activities: collecting anamnesis (medical history); filling out a medical history (working with medical records); identifying the causes of various diseases; carrying out research work to make or confirm a diagnosis; carrying out preoperative preparation; carrying out planned and unscheduled (emergency) operations; patient management after surgery (implementation of rehabilitation and preventive measures); long-term monitoring of the patient; development and implementation of new methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases.

Qualities that ensure successful implementation professional activity:

the ability to analyze, compare facts, think logically (propensity for rational logical analysis); high level of development voluntary attention(the ability to detect even minor manifestations of symptoms of the disease);
good development mnemonic abilities;
manual dexterity during various medical procedures (fine motor coordination, precision of movements, etc.); speed of reaction; psycho-emotional stability and ability to endure large physical activity; verbal abilities (the ability to express one’s thoughts competently and at the same time in an accessible way for the patient); communication skills (communication and interaction with people, ability to establish contacts); skills in writing ideas; ability to persuade. 4

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations:

independence, self-motivation, task orientation, absorption in work; curiosity, intelligence, originality, creativity; self-confidence; patience and consistency; non-judgmental attitude towards people; responsibility; accuracy; tact; friendliness and friendliness; desire for self-improvement, learning ability; intuition, ability to predict; secrecy.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity: inability to analyze, compare facts, make forecasts; irresponsibility;
inattention, absent-mindedness; low level development or lack of communication and verbal abilities; lack of self-motivation, lack of curiosity, reluctance to improve one's professional competence; emotional incontinence; selfishness; uncertainty; intolerance, disgust; inability to keep a secret; mental illnesses (epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.).
Areas of application of professional knowledge: medical institutions(hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, dispensaries, trauma centers, etc.); teaching activities (medical schools, medical universities); research activities; Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue service; military organizations, sports organizations; private medical clinics.
History of the profession
Surgery (Greek cheirurgia, from cheir - hand and ergon - action, work) is a field of medicine that studies diseases, the main method of treatment of which is surgery, and developing techniques, methods and techniques for performing operations.
Along with therapy and obstetrics, surgery is one of the ancient medical specialties. Architectural finds and ancient manuscripts indicate that attempts surgical treatment were still in the Stone Age. In Egypt 2-3 thousand years BC. e. used bloodletting, reduction of dislocations, C-section. IN Ancient India practiced plastic surgery of nasal defects. The ancient Greek medical era of Hippocrates left works on surgery, which described craniotomy, treatment of fractures and other surgical interventions.

Medieval medicine, following religious dogmas, prescribed the avoidance of bloodshed and prohibited the study of anatomy on corpses.
The flourishing of surgery in the 19th century was facilitated by the introduction of surgical practice anesthesia and asepsis, which made it possible to solve two problems that hampered the development of surgery, despite the sufficiently developed operational technology: pain relief for operations and protection of the wound from subsequent suppuration.
Currently, surgery is constantly evolving, old methods are being improved and new methods of diagnosing and treating various diseases are being developed.
Some professions that may suit a person with this personality type (realistic and investigative): anthropologist; pharmacologist; chemical engineer; geologist; programmer (mechanical engineering and science).
Educational institutions who teach this profession:
The profession of a surgeon can be obtained in higher educational institutions. Russian state medical university. 117869, st. Ostrovityanova, 1. Tel. 434-14-22,434-31-74. Moscow medical academy them. I. M. Sechenov. 119435, st. B. Pirogovskaya, 2/6. Tel. 248-75-25. Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. N. A. Semashko. 103473, st. Delegatskaya, 20/1. Tel. 281-65-13, 281-40-47.

In the medical profession, each specialist has his own individual development path, depending on the chosen direction of work and the development of unique methods and skills. Possible career paths for doctors.

Specialization and development of related areas Starting from the positions of a trainee, laboratory assistant, or methodologist, over time the doctor develops knowledge in the chosen field and gains invaluable work experience, increasing his professional status. Performing more and more complex tasks each time, he improves as a unique specialist. Scientific career While practicing medicine, you can simultaneously participate in scientific development and research, go on internships, speak at specialized conferences and defend scientific work. A doctor can receive an academic degree of a candidate or even a doctor of medical sciences. Managerial career development Some doctors eventually begin to manage others, become inspectors, and head individual departments in a medical institution. When choosing this career path, it is useful to develop management skills and additionally master such professions as manager. Setting up your own business A professional with many years of practical experience, unique experience, developments in the field of medicine, and a certain circle of familiar clients can create his own business (for example, open a private clinic). In this case, it is recommended to develop entrepreneurial skills and additionally master such professions as: entrepreneur, project manager.

History of the profession. The medical profession has ancient origins. Already in primitive society there were healers who treated the sick, using medicinal herbs, skillfully diagnosing the patient’s condition using only the pulse. Often they were able to save the lives of patients.

Since the 17th century. The quality of doctors' training is constantly improving, and the forms of healthcare organization are being improved. Currently, medical science is finding more and more new causes and mechanisms for the development of diseases, arming medical staff more advanced methods of treating and preventing various diseases.

Type of profession- person - person.

Profession class- heuristic.

Professional area- healthcare, medicine.

Basic education- higher professional education.

Working conditions. During work, the doctor is indoors and outdoors, long business trips are possible. The doctor analyzes information and makes decisions in special conditions: increased moral responsibility for the health and life of the patient.

Dominant activities:

  • 1) identifying the causes of various diseases;
  • 2) provision of timely planned and emergency medical care;
  • 3) diagnosis and treatment of patients in hospitals and outpatients;
  • 4) implementation of rehabilitation and preventive measures;
  • 5) introduction of new drugs and medicines;
  • 6) implementation of sanitary educational work among the population;
  • 7) carrying out propaganda aimed at combating drugs, alcoholism, and smoking;
  • 8) providing assistance in the formation healthy image life;
  • 9) development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Qualities that ensure the success of professional activities. Abilities: ability to detect even minor manifestations of disease symptoms; ability in right moment provide timely medical assistance, recommend medicine necessary for treatment of this disease; manual dexterity when carrying out various medical procedures; speed of reaction; psycho-emotional stability and ability to withstand heavy physical activity; the ability to express one’s thoughts competently and at the same time accessible to the patient.

Personal qualities, interests, inclinations: patience and restraint; friendliness and friendliness; responsibility; accuracy; tact; optimism; attentiveness; readiness to provide medical assistance to those in need at any time; unselfishness.

Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity: irresponsibility; inattention; selfishness; emotional incontinence; cruelty; disgust; intolerance; absent-mindedness.

Areas of application of professional knowledge: research institutes; medical institutions (hospitals, sanatoriums, health camps, clinics, maternity hospitals, dispensaries, rehabilitation centers, trauma centers, antenatal clinics, medical unit); educational institutions(schools, kindergartens and preschool institutions, institutes, colleges, technical schools); social organizations(orphanages, shelters, homes for the elderly and disabled, orphanages); enterprises; law enforcement agencies(courts, children's reception centers, colonies, prosecutor's office); Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue services; military organizations.

Advantages of the profession- a variety of specialization options from which you can choose the area closest to your interests; independence in decision making, social significance of the profession.

Limitations of the profession- high level of responsibility for the life and health of patients; the need to constantly develop your skills and abilities, to master new tools, new techniques and methods of work.

Some professions that may be suitable for a person with this personality type (exploratory and social): nutritionist; psychotherapist; speech therapist; dentist; nurse; investigator; social worker.

Educational institutions teaching this profession.

  • 1. Russian State Medical University (RGMU).
  • 2. Moscow Medical Academy named after. I. M. Sechenov (MMA).
  • 3. Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MGMSU).
  • 4. State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides (GKA).
  • 5. Russian University Friendship of Peoples (RUDN).
  • 6. Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

· Form of labor - mental and physical labor

· Conditions and nature of work:

Working posture and movements - standing, slightly bent hip joint, bending the body forward; a fixed, forced posture, characterized by prolonged static tension of the muscles of the back and legs, hand movements are precise, not always greater in strength and amplitude with constant strain on vision and attention. During operations, significant emotional and static stress and prolonged attention are noted. By the end of the working day, fatigue, irritability and headache, which indicates a pronounced influence of professional activity on functional state central nervous system.

· Harmful environmental factors: use of X-rays during surgery, administration of anesthesia, narcotic substances, their presence in the operating room air directly affects the surgeon’s body. External environment in operating rooms is unfavorable and different elevated temperature(up to 28-29°C) and relative air humidity of 75-80% with very low air mobility.

Tasks of the PPPP of a surgeon:

ü development of applied basic physical qualities: endurance, strength and static endurance of the muscles of the back and legs, agility, speed;

ü development of applied special qualities: resistance to hypokinesia and uprightness, rapid visual discrimination and mobility nervous processes;

ü development of applied mental qualities: attention, emotional stability and volitional qualities (self-control, self-confidence).

Professionogram of a pharmacist (pharmacist).

· Conditions and nature of work:

monotony, hypokinesia and physical inactivity, performance large number hand manipulations (coordination movements),

predominance mental activity(processing of incoming information, a large number of various calculations).

During work it is noted emotional stress and tension of attention.

· Working position - forced with the torso tilted forward, characteristic working movements are flexion and extension upper limbs, small muscle efforts of static tension and dynamic movements.

· The working day is 6-7 hours with increased responsibility for the manufacture of medicines and a high density of working hours.

· Harmful environmental factors: contact with chemical reagents.

Tasks of the pharmacist:

ü development of applied basic physical qualities- general endurance, strength (strengthening the trunk muscles) and static endurance of the back muscles, dexterity (coordination of hand movements);

ü development of applied special qualities (resistance to hypokinesia, physical inactivity and upright standing, speed of visual discrimination and mobility of nervous processes);

ü development of applied mental qualities (attention, operational thinking).

Professionogram of a laboratory assistant.

The work of a laboratory doctor places increased demands on mental stability, attention, and the ability to process a large flow of information.

· Form of work - mental work.

· Conditions and nature of work: monotony, hypokinesia and physical inactivity, performing a large number of manual manipulations (coordination movements). Working position - mostly sitting, possibly with static tension in the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, backs.

· The work of a laboratory doctor places increased demands on mental stability, attention, and the ability to process a large flow of information.

· Harmful environmental factors: industrial vapors, gases, dust (aerosols), which causes diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, skin and allergic diseases.

Tasks of the PPPP of a laboratory doctor:

ü development of applied basic physical qualities (general endurance, strength and static endurance of the back muscles);

ü development of applied special qualities (resistance to hypokinesia and physical inactivity, upright standing, speed of visual discrimination and mobility of nervous processes);

ü development of applied mental qualities (attention, emotional stability and volitional qualities, namely initiative, endurance and perseverance).