Center for Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology. Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology - Institutions - Directories - Medical portal "MED-info"

The following specialists receive appointments at the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology:

Doctor - neurologist and neurosurgeon

Traumatic brain injury and its consequences;
. Spinal cord injury and its consequences;
. Hydrocephalus;
. Craniostenosis;
. Malformations of the nervous system: spina bifida, cranial hernia, arachnoid cysts;
. Damage to the peripheral nervous system;
. Suspicion of neurosurgical pathology.

Doctor - traumatologist

Injuries to the knee joint and their consequences;
. Incorrectly healed bone fractures.


A preventive examination and ultrasound screening of the hip joints is carried out in children from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Hip dysplasia:
. Congenital hip dislocations (hip subluxations),
. Immaturity of the hip joints;
. Congenital muscular torticollis;
. Valgus/varus feet;
. Valgus/varus curvatures of the lower extremities;
. Congenital clubfoot;
. Poor posture;
. Gait disturbance.

Doctor - surgeon

Purulent-inflammatory diseases (recurrent abscesses and felons, extensive long-term non-healing wounds, recurrent ingrown nails);
. Hernias are inguinal, inguinoscrotal, umbilical, paraumbilical;
. Epithelial-coccygeal tract (pilonidal cyst);
. Benign neoplasms of soft tissue and subcutaneous fat (atheroma, lipoma, hygroma, cyst, pigment spots, etc.);
. Organized hematomas;
. Fistulas of any location;
. Polyps of the small and large intestine, anal fissures;
. Congenital and acquired diseases of the lungs and bronchi (cysts, bronchiectasis, aplasia and hypoplasia of the lungs, pulmonary sequestration, congenital lobar emphysema);
. Congenital and acquired deformities of the chest (funnel-shaped, keeled, other deformations: hypoplasia of the costal cartilages, muscular-costal defects, osteochondral exostoses of the ribs, postoperative deformity);
. Anomalies in the development of the biliary tract and pancreas (cysts and stones of the common bile duct and pancreas);
. Congenital anomalies of the stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine (gastric membrane, annular pancreas, intestinal atresia at any level, anal atresia, Hirschsprung's disease, dolichosigma, megarectum, anorectal defects), hernia of the esophageal diaphragm and the diaphragm itself;
. Cystic formations of the thoracic and abdominal organs;
. Chronic colonic stasis (chronic spastic and atonic constipation).

The Consultative and Diagnostic Department (CDD) of the Scientific Research Institute of NDT and T uses a wide range of high-tech, highly effective and non-contact laser treatment methods, guaranteeing an aesthetic result and the absence of relapse, when eliminating any congenital and acquired defects of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • condylomas;
  • moles;
  • age spots;
  • hemangiomas;
  • scars;
  • tattoos;

and many others, as well as laser treatment for ingrown toenails and purulent wounds.

Doctor - otolaryngologist

  • Deformations of the nasal septum;
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis;
  • Foreign body of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;
  • Hypertrophy of the adenoids;
  • Tubotitis, exudative otitis media, recurrent acute otitis media;
  • Congenital stridor (diagnosis);
  • Dysphonia (diagnosis).

Doctor - urologist - andrologist

  • Varicocele
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Dropsy of the testicular membranes (hydrocele);
  • Spermatic cord cyst (funiculocele);
  • Epididymal cyst;
  • Swollen scrotum syndrome;
  • Phimosis: cicatricial, hypertrophic, physiological;
  • Synechiae of the foreskin
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Hypospadias;
  • Meatostenosis;

Doctor - ophthalmologist

Consequences of traumatic brain injury of any severity:
- Pathology of the oculomotor system (common strabismus, paralytic),
- Pupillary pathology;
. Ametropia (myopia, myopic disease, hypermetropia, astigmatism);
. Amblyopia;
. Pathology of the visual pathway:
- partial atrophy of the optic nerve of congenital hereditary, post-traumatic, toxic, inflammatory, compression origin,
- inflammation of the optic nerve (intra- and retrobulbar neuritis),
- congestive optic disc,
- optochiasmal arachnoiditis;
. Damage to the organ of vision (contusions of the eyeball, orbit, auxiliary organs, thermal and chemical burns).

Doctor - pediatrician

Prolonged abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
. Gastroduodenitis;
. Chronic reactive pancreatitis.

Children are referred for endoscopy by a district doctor - a gastroenterologist or by referral from specialist doctors from the Children's Clinical Hospital.
To conduct an endoscopic examination, the child must have test results for HIV, HBS, and RW.
The following studies are carried out in the endoscopy department:
. Esophagoscopy;
. Esophagogastroscopy;
. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
. determination of Helicobacter pylori using the helpil test (express diagnostics), morphological method;
. total colonoscopy;
. rectosigmoidoscopy;
. sigmoidoscopy.

Here you can learn about the rules for visiting children at the Scientific Research Institute of National Economy and Technology, find out how to contact us, get answers to your questions and learn about the rules for providing first aid in case of injuries.

The Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is focused on treating young patients and is located in the Russian capital. Within the walls of the institution, children with injuries of varying severity or in need of urgent operations are treated around the clock. We’ll tell you what else is remarkable about the Institute, what services it provides, and who treats the children.

Brief information about the institute

The modern history of the research institute begins in 2003, when construction of a new surgical and intensive care building began on the territory of the children's city hospital. The purpose of the construction was to create a children's clinic that has no analogues in the country. And it succeeded:

  1. About 8,500 children are treated in the hospital every year.
  2. The trauma center receives up to 50,000 small patients.
  3. There is a helipad on the roof of the building for transporting especially critically ill patients.
  4. Water supply and electricity supply can be autonomous.
  5. The operating rooms and wards are equipped with the most modern equipment.

All work of the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is organized in such a way as to save every second. Combined with the professionalism of doctors, this helps increase the percentage of recovered children and improves other indicators.

In the ward of the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery

Main services of the Institute

The research institute specializes in providing emergency care to children with serious health problems. For this purpose, there are six departments on the territory of the complex, not counting the diagnostic buildings:

  1. Advisory. Reception is carried out by specialists of all directions, from a therapist to a pediatrician. It is possible to do an ultrasound and undergo laboratory tests.
  2. Emergency station. Accepts children who have been attacked by animals, as well as those with fractures.
  3. Clean surgery. Surgeries are performed for hernias, muscle and joint injuries, and compression fractures of the spine.
  4. Purulent surgery. Doctors treat children with appendicitis, osteomyelitis, and extensive purulent-inflammatory processes.
  5. Neurosurgery. The most complex operations are performed for brain injuries, spinal injuries, as well as neurosurgical diseases.
  6. Disaster medicine. Children who have suffered serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system are treated here and then undergo rehabilitation.

Within the walls of the research institute, almost any disease of bones and joints can be cured, including congenital pathologies, arthrosis and arthritis, dislocations and fractures. In total, about 4,000 operations are performed annually.

Doctors at the Children's Institute

The best doctors in Russia practice in this institution. The number of personnel is more than 400 people, among them candidates of medical sciences, doctors and professors. The institute is headed by Professor L. M. Roshal. A team of doctors helps him treat children; let’s meet three of them.

Semenova Zhanna Borisovna. Neurosurgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences. She has been treating children for more than 20 years, worked in the clinic named after. Burdenko. Her works in the field of medicine are regularly published in Russian and foreign publications. Heads the pediatric neurosurgery department.

Be careful! Boorish and indifferent attitude towards children in the 4th trauma department (!)

I will leave the review that I wrote on the research institute’s website:
Good afternoon
My child is receiving inpatient treatment at your institute. We were admitted on June 24, 2012; one of the parents wanted to stay with the child to provide post-operative care. Priode, but honey. the nurse from the reception department argued that this was not possible (violating our rights under Article 22 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation “On Health Protection”), then the operation was performed (I can’t say anything bad about the work of the doctors, I’ll immediately note the high professional approach to their work by Sergei Sidorov Vladimirovich), but as for the postoperative period, middle and junior staff, I’ll tell you this: complete rudeness, indifference and low level of qualifications of m/s and nurses (!), it wouldn’t be a bad idea for them to take another course in “nursing” and read lectures on “Medical Ethics” (with the exception of this department there are only two nurses - Oksana, unfortunately

I don’t know her last name (special thanks to her for her understanding and humanity) and Larisa, the rest of the “plankton”, including Art. m/sister, just rude bastards (see below)
Having taken the child to the ward (after anesthesia), they no longer approached him, they did not give out a bedpan, but it should stand on a chair, and when not necessary, under each bed! (!), the child was ill all night, honey. There were no staff at the post (I vomited on the floor, what should I do?). A couple of hours after being delivered to the ward, the child complained to me on the phone, ATTENTION!, that her face hurts! and swells. I hope you yourself can guess what you can think about, of course, this is NOT post-traumatic swelling (no one hit their face or head during a fall, and then the soft tissues of the face react so quickly even to minor trauma that swelling and hematoma would appear while we It took 2 hours to get to the clinic (!), so “You fell” doesn’t apply in this case. On the next day, shaking appeared.
Reading the medical history, I see that the doctor at the emergency room had NOT registered swelling and hematoma on the face (!), but where could they be there!? What kind of injury didn’t he write (?) and rightly so, he didn’t dare take it upon himself.
I, a doctor, know “the whole kitchen”, no matter how hard the work and small salaries are, but your patients are children, children with injuries and not only physical, but also psychological, and the condition of the little one depends on the work of all links the patient and, by the way, their parents. Anyone can find themselves in such a situation, including you, honey. sisters are not immune from such a case.
Well, yesterday, on the night from June 28 to June 29. my daughter, while looking for a nurse, heard addressed to her: “Where did you go, goat, well, let’s go to the ward.” The child called at 2.30 in the morning and sobbed into the phone.
I think it’s enough to describe what I saw and what I experienced during these days; you yourself (the administration) know your sins. I would like to wish the institute “keep up the brand”.
P.S. I am upset, both as a mother and as a health worker, by the attitude and indifference of the honey. personnel 4 injuries dept. The only reassuring thing is the work of the doctors and positive reviews about other departments of the institute. So there is still hope.