Give advice on how to avoid getting sick. Give advice on how to avoid illness Stress and neuroses

Practical advice for those who strive for a healthy lifestyle and want to become an ideal person.

1. Read books

This will help prevent the degradation of your brain and fill it with new words and expressions. You will learn to formulate your speech, acquire the ability to make informed, correct decisions, and gain authority among your friends and acquaintances.

Healthy lifestyle

2. Learn foreign languages

Learning a foreign language will help raise your own self-esteem and provide a huge advantage when looking for a decent, promising and well-paid job. There has long been plenty of free material for learning foreign languages ​​on the Internet. Be sure to do this!

Healthy lifestyle

3. Eat right

The activity of your body primarily depends on the vitamins and minerals that your body receives throughout the day.

Tips for proper nutrition:

Do not drink while eating, but drink before eating. As a rule, when drinking with food, you expose your body primarily to a burning sensation, as well as other stomach upsets during the digestion process. Tea, coffee and other drinks should be drunk 15-30 minutes before meals, water can be drunk 10 minutes before.
Try to eat 5-7 times a day in small portions, this way you will in no way overload your body and get maximum absorption of vitamins.
Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water throughout the day.
Last meal no later than 19:00.
healthy lifestyle

4. Move and exercise more

Remember that our body is designed to move. A sedentary lifestyle leads to laziness and high blood pressure, affects the appearance of poor appetite, and you won’t be as attractive as you would like!

Moving more throughout the day is the most effective way to release accumulated tension and help you regain mental clarity.
Morning mini exercises will help disperse drowsiness.
To maintain the tone of your whole body, visit the gym 2 times a week, and if you lack time, train on your own at home.
Why play sports?

This helps improve health, heart, and blood pressure.
To saturate every cell of your body with oxygen.
To keep muscles toned, make them strong and resilient.
To control appetite.
To resist laziness, chronic fatigue and strengthen self-confidence.
For faster recovery after serious illnesses.
To cheer yourself up and lift your spirits.
healthy lifestyle

5. Don't get depressed

What is depression?

Depression is a disease that sharply reduces ability to work. It brings suffering not only to the sick person but also to his loved ones. Today, few people realize the seriousness of this disease. But often this disease takes on a protracted, very severe nature, which can lead to the most negative consequences.

What are the main signs of depression?

The main signs of depression are sadness, suffering, depressed mood, irritability, blaming oneself for something, decreased performance and poor self-esteem.

In this state, you will have no appetite, you will have constant sleeplessness, and intestinal functions will be disrupted. You will constantly feel tired doing the simplest physical and intellectual activities.

How to avoid getting depressed?

In order not to fall into depression even at the most difficult moment of your life, distract yourself by reading books, watching an interesting movie, chatting with friends over a cup of coffee, and taking walks in the fresh air. If you are lazy, overcome your laziness by creating a diary of necessary tasks that need to be completed throughout the day. Follow our advice and don’t isolate yourself... Try to be your own carrot and stick.

Healthy lifestyle

6. Improve your sleep

Going for long periods of time without sleep will exhaust your brain and body, become irritable, and make you find it difficult to think clearly and focus at work. Therefore, sleep is the very time that you and the cells of your body need to recuperate after a hard day of work and accumulate energy reserves for the next period of activity.

How long should sleep last?

On average, it takes at least 8 hours for the body to completely rest. During this time, your heart function will improve, your hormonal balance will improve, the necessary cells will be restored, your memory and cognitive functions will improve.

Healthy lifestyle

7. Get rid of bad habits

A habit, simply put, is an action that you do so often that you even stop noticing it.

Main types of bad habits:

Use non-standard language.
Bite your nails.
Nose picking.
Clicking joints.
Chew a pencil or pen.
Use obscene language.
Don't care about the floor.
Types of useful habits:

Maintaining a daily routine.
Exercise in the morning.
Wash your hands before eating.
Make the bed.
Put things in their place.
Brush your teeth every day.
Wash dishes after yourself.
Put all things back in place.
Eat right, etc.
How to get rid of bad habits?

To do this, determine the number of your bad habits and replace them with new - useful ones. To do this, determine the action plan that needs to be implemented to achieve this result, for example: come to the meeting not 5 minutes later, but 10 minutes before it starts. By constantly performing this action, you will achieve the result you need.

Healthy lifestyle

8. Do what you love -
opportunity to be happy

There are no people who are not inclined towards anything. Each of us has certain talents and abilities, we just have to show them. Identify them and make them a part of your life. Your favorite business should become the main source of your income. Feel free to follow your dreams by following this path - you will definitely find success and your life will gain positive momentum.

Change your life, because all changes are only for the better!

When sending a child to school, many parents only monitor academic performance, and the child’s health is relegated to the background. And this is fundamentally wrong.

“School years are wonderful,” but not carefree. More and more new educational standards are being introduced; high demands are placed on schoolchildren, which are also increasing every year. The students’ bodies cannot cope with the stress, and various “school” diseases develop. Upon graduating from school, the student receives a magnificent bouquet of diseases along with a matriculation certificate.

90% of schoolchildren have chronic diseases. Deviations in health in children aged 7-17 years are collectively called “school” diseases. Naturally, “school” illnesses can be avoided. But how?

Adaptation at school

A child, not having time to cross the threshold of school, is faced with a number of tasks: a curriculum, a new team, new conditions, school standards of behavior. The task of parents and teachers from the child’s first day at school is to pay enough attention to the child’s adaptation, otherwise in the future the neuropsychic state and physical health may suffer. The child’s health and academic performance depend on how the first adaptation to school goes.

Stress and neuroses

Many parents, with good intentions, try to enroll their son or daughter in all clubs and sections, but excessive participation, and even sections with clubs, can lead to or. Want to avoid this? Give your child time to rest, play, and restful sleep; this will help avoid a number of “school” illnesses.

Decreased vision

Decreased vision, according to doctors, is the most common school disease. To prevent your child’s vision from deteriorating, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • The place to do homework should be comfortable and well-lit.
  • You should not allow your child to read while lying down.
  • Limit time for
  • Make sure that your child’s menu includes cabbage, carrots, blueberries, fish, cottage cheese and greens.

Scoliosis is enemy number one

Scoliosis is enemy number one, one of the most common “school” diseases.

“Scoliosis (the Greek word σκολιός means “crooked”, the Latin word scoliōsis) is a persistent lateral deviation of the spine from the normal straightened position.

What causes scoliosis? Incorrect position at the desk and when walking. If the baby constantly sits with an uneven back, walks with a slouch, deformation of the spine occurs, and he constantly experiences a lack of oxygen. Fatigue appears quickly and attention decreases. In addition, it has been observed that children suffering from scoliosis are more tense and less active and sociable.

How to avoid scoliosis at school?

How to avoid scoliosis at school? Watch your posture!

  • It is correct to sit at the table: feet are on the floor, knees bent at right angles, elbows at table level.
  • Walk correctly: the body should be straight when walking.

The following method will help you develop correct posture when walking:

Place the baby with his back to the wall, press his heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and head against it. Remember this position and walk around.

By doing this exercise every day, your child will quickly learn to walk correctly.


Unfortunately, gastritis is a common problem among schoolchildren. This “school” disease can also be avoided.

You need to make sure that your child has breakfast in the morning, but not with sandwiches, but with porridge, cheese, eggs, and yogurt. He ate lunch and did not go hungry, satisfying his appetite with sweets. Dinner should be hearty, but light. Fried and fatty foods should be avoided. The child’s menu must include fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk. They improve the functioning of the digestive system.


Pediculosis among schoolchildren is more common than we would like. If your child suddenly becomes infected, you should not scold anyone or panic. What to do?

  • Treat urgently; there are quite a few different products available at the pharmacy.
  • Notify the class teacher.

“School” diseases, however, like all others, are easier to prevent than to treat.

Look also

1. Color the respiratory organs and label them. Match the names of the diseases with the organs they affect.

2. Write sensible advice on how to avoid the disease.

3. Find in the list and underline the organisms in which the composition of the air absorbed and released differs from ours: zebra, beetle, earthworm, fly agaric, birch , hawk.

4. The vacuum cleaner has metal rings inserted inside the hose. They make the hose strong and prevent it from compressing when air is sucked in. Explain why strong cartilaginous rings are located inside the walls of the trachea.

The cartilaginous rings of the trachea prevent its compression (narrowing). Thanks to this, air can always flow freely into the lungs.

5. Take a mirror or glass and breathe on it. What's left on it? This means that, along with exhaled air, it comes out steam

6 (homemade). Count how many breaths you take in 1 minute. Do 20 squats and count the number of breaths per minute after that. Compare the results and draw a conclusion. Explain why the breathing rate has changed.

When I started squatting, I warmed up and I stopped gasping for air. I began to breathe much faster to ensure that my body received enough oxygen.