How do emotions arise? Inability to express feelings. Ways to relieve emotional stress

It is known that it is impossible to suppress emotions, because it is very harmful. But there are certain limits of decency, and even in front of strangers it is not always possible to show all the emotions that are raging inside you. A long-term emotional stress leads to unpleasant consequences.

Emotional tension can be compared to stress, which everyone experiences from time to time. But the fact is that stress is a consequence. But the reason is all your emotions that you tried to extinguish within yourself. Of course you can, which is very useful when communicating with other people. But not everyone knows that emotions should not be constantly restrained within oneself, but thrown out from time to time. If this is not done, the person will experience emotional stress.

On the one side, Women are much worse off than men when it comes to emotional stress.. Women almost always feel a storm of emotions inside themselves, so it turns out that keeping them in emotional tension is much easier than men. But women very often take out their emotional stress on others. A friend who can cry into her vest often helps with this.

Men, in turn, are not as emotional as women. But the state of emotional tension is also familiar to them. The whole problem is that men cannot allow themselves to express their emotions like women do. The woman cried and forgot, but the man experiences his anxieties, grievances and any frustrations for one reason or another for a very long time. Therefore, it is much harder for men to deal with emotional stress than for women.

Emotional stress needs to be relieved. Emotions cannot be suppressed, because they are nothing more than your internal energy. So it turns out that you keep all your accumulated energy within yourself. You may think that the energy of emotions can be directed in the direction you want, but this is not entirely true. Internal emotional stress leads to health problems. So, constant fatigue and stress is all the consequences of the emotions you tried for a long time extinguish in oneself.

It is necessary to relieve emotional stress, because you can be at work or at home when you will no longer control yourself and you may literally explode. And showing all the negativity to your loved ones or employees, you see, is not very pleasant. What to do in this case?

To avoid getting caught similar situation, you will need relief from emotional stress. They will help you with this various methods and strategies you can apply in any situation. They will always help you relieve your emotional stress.

Reduce and Split. The next time you're stressed about a situation, try looking at it differently. Don't try to cover the whole problem, but break it down into smaller parts. You will see that you will not worry about small parts of the whole situation very acutely. And a way out of the problem can also be found much faster than usual. You can also advise contrasting your problem with something more global, more significant. The main thing is that you yourself reduce your own problem.

Certainty. Very often, emotional stress arises due to some uncertainties that haunt you. Most often, the reason for this is the lack of information to make decisions. the right solution. Don't be nervous about this, but rather concentrate on where you can get the information you need.

Multiple Outcome Model. If you're nervous that your business is doomed to fail, model for yourself multiple scenarios. In this way, you can not only calculate any situation that arises, but also reassure yourself.

Physical activity. Help you cope with emotional stress physical activity. Try going to the gym, doing yoga, or start. You will see how you feel better. If you don’t want to play sports, you can load yourself with any other physical work. You simply won't have time to worry about various problems.

Humor. Remember how many funny films have already been made, humorous performances staged and poems written about problems that are familiar to every adult. This is not done to make anyone look like an idiot, but so that everyone can appreciate a difficult situation from a comic point of view. Humor has always helped to cope with any difficulties. Try to approach your problems with a bit of humor. After all, you will create for yourself positive emotions, which will have a good effect on your mental state.

Psycho-emotional stress: signs, prevention, techniques


Emotional stress– a psychophysiological state of the body, characterized by adequate expression of emotional reactions. This state allows in the best possible way achieve your goals and objectives. Emotional stress is resourceful over a certain period of time. Being under emotional stress for a long time causes stress and condition chronic fatigue.

“Psycho-emotional stress” is often associated with a variety of unfavorable emotional states related to dissatisfaction with the main vital needs: frustration, discomfort, stress, anxiety, depression, state of dissatisfaction...

Emotional stress develops in several stages.

1. Mobilization of activity. There is an increase in physical and mental performance, inspiration arises when solving non-standard, creative problems or when there is a shortage of time. If such mobilization of the body is insufficient, the second stage of emotional stress occurs.

2. Stenic negative emotion . There is a maximum mobilization of all the body's resources and is accompanied by vivid emotional reactions (anger, rage, obsession). If this is not enough, the third stage occurs.

3. Asthenic negative emotion. It manifests itself in the form of suppression of emotional manifestations (melancholy, legs “give way”, hands “grow down”). This stage is a kind of danger signal; it encourages a person to make a different choice, abandon the goal or take a different path to achieve it. Ignoring the requirements of the 3rd stage inevitably leads to the emergence of the 4th stage

4. Neurosis: lack of choice, in turn, provokes psychosomatic diseases.

Diagnosis of psycho-emotional stress:

Subjective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. In the area of ​​Feelings: tiredness from everything, depression, insecurity, lack of desires, fear of mistakes, fear of uncertain uncontrollable situations, fear of seeming not strong enough, not perfect enough
  2. In the area of ​​Thoughts: about the injustice of actions towards oneself, the undeservedness of one’s position in society, the lack of appreciation by others of one’s own labor efforts, one’s own imperfection.
  3. In the area of ​​Action: criticism of others and oneself, the desire to be noticed or, conversely, unnoticed, the desire to do everything very well or not try at all.

Objective signs of psycho-emotional stress:

  1. Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep.
  2. Fatigue after an exercise that recently did not tire you.
  3. Unreasonable touchiness, tearfulness, or, conversely, increased aggressiveness.
  4. Absent-mindedness, inattention.
  5. Restlessness, restlessness.
  6. Lack of self-confidence.
  7. Showing stubbornness.
  8. Fear of contacts, desire for privacy.
  9. Loss of body weight or, conversely, the manifestation of symptoms of obesity.

10. Increased anxiety.

11. Daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence, which has not previously been observed.

All of the above signs can indicate that a person is in a state of psycho-emotional stress only if they have not been observed previously.

There are diagnostic techniques to determine the level of psycho-emotional stress – see appendix.

Strategies for reducing emotional stress.

  1. 1. Breathing exercises:

Inhalation consist of three phases inhale – pause – exhale. At increased excitability, anxiety, nervousness or irritability, you need to increase the time for all 3 phases. Start with 5 seconds. There is no need to breathe at this rhythm for a long time. Monitor the result and be guided by it. You can increase the duration of each phase. In order to raise the overall tone, gather strength, the alternation of phases should be as follows: inhale-exhale-pause.

Slow and deep breathing– reduces excitability nerve centers, promotes muscle relaxation, that is, relaxation. Rapid breathing, on the contrary, provides high level body activity, maintains neuropsychic tension. That is, by changing the rhythm of breathing, you can move from a relaxed, calm state to a more active, cheerful state.

  1. 2. Massage and self-massage

The objectives of the massage here will be: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, improvement metabolic processes, tissue metabolism, improving blood and lymph circulation, relieving muscle hypertonicity, removing the resulting dominant in the nervous system, normalizing sleep.

Massage technique. Apply stroking, rubbing, shallow calm kneading. Impact techniques and intense techniques are excluded. Massage the back of the head, collar area, back, lower limbs, rib cage, upper limbs.

  1. 3. Psychological exercises, meditation.

The ability to remove muscle tension allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension. They say: they knock out fire with fire, and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to tense as much as possible. A number of exercises are suitable for this, such as “Icicle”, “Muscle Energy”, “Lemon”, etc.

Exercise “Muscle Energy”(developing muscle control skills)

Bend and strain as hard as you can index finger right hand. Check how muscle energy is distributed, where does the tension go? Into neighboring fingers. What else? In the hand. What happens next? Goes to the elbow, to the shoulder, to the neck. AND left hand For some reason it's tense. Check it out!

Try to remove excess tension. Keep your finger tense, but release your neck. Release your shoulder, then your elbow. The hand needs to move freely. And the finger is tense, as before! Release any excess tension from your thumb. From the nameless one. And the index finger is still tense! Relieve tension.

Exercise “Lemon”*

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine what you have in your right hand there is a lemon. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have squeezed out all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace.

Exercise “Icicle”*("Ice cream")

Stand up, close your eyes, raise your arms up. Imagine that you are an icicle or an ice cream. Tighten all the muscles in your body. Remember these feelings. Freeze in this pose for 1-2 minutes. Then imagine that under the influence of the sun's heat you begin to slowly melt. Gradually relax your hands, then the muscles of your shoulders, neck, body, legs, etc. Remember the sensations in a state of relaxation. Perform the exercise until you achieve an optimal psycho-emotional state. This exercise can be performed lying on the floor. Pay attention to how pleasant it is to be a melted icicle, remember these feelings of relaxation, peace, and resort to this experience in tense situations.

Exercise “Balloon”*

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly. “Now we will learn to relax with the help of breathing. Imagine what's in your stomach balloon. You inhale slowly, deeply, deeply, and feel how it inflates... Now it has become big and light. When you feel that you cannot inflate it any longer, hold your breath, slowly count to yourself to five, then exhale slowly and calmly. The balloon deflates... And then inflates again... Do this five or six times, then slowly open your eyes and sit quietly for one or two minutes.”

Exercise “Seven Candles”*

“Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that at a distance of about a meter from you there are seven burning candles... Take it slow, as much as possible deep breath. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven..." (The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music, in a semi-shaded room).

Exercise “Flying high into the sky”

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you are the warm summer sun and high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring in the air. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny feathers. The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. You hear the sound of wings energetically cutting through the air. Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that you are slowly soaring, floating in the air and your wings are outstretched to the sides, your wings are cutting through the air. Enjoy the freedom and wonderful feeling of floating in the air. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Now you are already on earth. Open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and a wonderful feeling of flight that will last throughout the day.”

  1. 4. Autogenic training (AT)

Autogenic training makes it possible to master emotions, develops will, attention, forms the habit of introspection and self-report, increases the stability and lability of the highest nervous activity. AT is used by high school students and adults.

Autogenic training includes two stages - lower and higher.

The first stage consists of 6 exercises affecting autonomic functions:

Exercise “Heaviness” - maximum muscle relaxation. Muscle relaxation is practiced through a figurative representation of the developing feeling of heaviness in the right hand, then the left hand, then in right leg, then in the left leg and torso;

- exercise "Heat"- arbitrary extension blood vessels in the same sequence, achieving a feeling of warmth;

- Exercise "Heart"- regulation of heart rate;

- Breathing exercise- regulation and normalization of breathing;

- exercise “Heat in the area” solar plexus» - inducing a feeling of warmth in the abdominal area;

Exercise "Coolness in the forehead"- use of sensory representations of coolness, a breeze refreshing the head.

The second stage is meditative exercises that affect mental functions, such as attention, imagination, thinking, will, emotions. You can start them only after you have mastered the exercises of the first stage and the sensations evoked in all six exercises are achieved quickly (about 30-40 seconds).

Begin practicing the exercises in a lying position (on your back, arms slightly bent in elbow joints, the legs are positioned freely and do not touch each other), in the future it is advisable to perform them while sitting in a comfortable position. They are practiced in conditions of complete peace, solitude, and without haste.

A trained person is able to easily ignore all kinds of interference while performing exercises in any conditions. Practice shows that exercises are learned faster and more effectively when using tape recording of text with a sequence of actions.

  1. 5. Mudra

Mudra is special position fingers in accordance with certain rules. Knowledge about mudras comes from time immemorial and has always been used in yogic and spiritual practices, such as affordable way body healing, achievements special condition. It is used in working with students of any age and adults.

It is better to find a secluded place for studying, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and anywhere, best done while sitting. Required condition- back straight. The most favorable time is morning or evening. You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start practicing no earlier than an hour later. The best option: Perform mudras twice a day. As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you gain stable skills. Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If in front of you there are more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you choose will need to be practiced for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that is tormenting you.

Mudra of knowledge

This mudra is one of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

Execution technique: the index finger easily connects with the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense). Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra "Saving Life"

Used for discomfort in the heart area, anxiety and melancholy.

Method of execution: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, fold the middle, ring and thumb, the little finger remains straight. Performed with both hands at the same time.

Mudra of life

Performing this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the whole body, helps to strengthen it vitality. Increases performance, gives vigor, endurance, and improves overall well-being.

Method of execution: pads of the ring finger, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the remaining ones are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

  1. 6. Emergency stress relief techniques:

With severe mental stress, you can perform 20–30 squats or 15–20 jumping jacks. This method widely used by both athletes and artists before important performances. Can be used with students of any age.

Exercise "Lampshade"

Participants are asked to sit comfortably, relax and close their eyes. They are given next instruction: “Imagine that inside you, at chest level, a bright lamp covered with a lampshade is burning. When the light comes down, you feel warm, calm and comfortable. But sometimes, when we start to get nervous, the lampshade turns upside down... The harsh light hits our eyes, blinds us, it becomes hot and uncomfortable.

Imagine this situation. But we have the power to fix it. Imagine how the lampshade slowly and smoothly turns down and returns to its normal position. The blinding light disappears, you again feel warm, cozy and comfortable..."

Prevention of emotional stress

1. Breakdown and reduction strategy. Concentrate your attention on the small details of any matter or situation that is important to you, and distance yourself from the significance of the result. “It is impossible to eat the whole elephant at once, but it is possible in parts and gradually.” Concentrating on particulars and small details makes the whole situation not so significant as to be very emotional. At the same time, of course, it is useful to remember the main and overall goal so as not to get confused in the details. The strategy of breaking down and reducing allows you to shift your attention, which helps reduce the level of emotional stress.

2. Comparing a situation or activity with something larger, more important. Decrease in importance. “It’s all nonsense compared to the world revolution.” This is what the revolutionaries said and steadfastly endured hardships and hardships. revolutionary struggle. IN everyday life you can reason like this: “The project I’m worried about is much smaller compared to the projects of the entire organization.”

3. Establishing certainty. Anxiety often occurs when there is not enough information to make a decision. Get necessary information, find the right resources to resolve uncertainty. “Knowledge is power” and calmness, if there is an understanding of the situation, prediction of the result, possible options actions.

4. Modeling multiple acceptable outcomes. Calculate everything possible results activity or resolution of a situation. Find them positive points. Some options will suit you more, some less, but in any case, it’s better to be prepared for different options, while knowing how to make the most of each result obtained.

5. Postponing (if possible) decision making, resolving the situation. The possibility of delay relieves emotional stress, allows you to be distracted, redirect attention, and removes nervousness caused by the need to act quickly.

Emotional stress subsides with intense swimming, visiting a bathhouse, or running. Any motor activity balances emotions, makes them more stable.

7. Written recording of the situation and causes of emotional experience. It can be difficult to reflect your condition on paper, however, this effective way reduction of emotional experience. What is in the head in the form of images, sounds, sensations is not formalized verbally, there is no exact name for it. By describing your condition on paper, you will clearly formulate what is in at the moment. Awareness and formulation of a problem situation reduces the level of its emotional experience.

8. Humor and working with negative emotions. Anything that becomes funny ceases to be dangerous. Humor is contagious, and cheerful communication brings you closer and helps you move through life easily, laughing, celebrating every day, creating positive emotions for yourself. It is useful to know anecdotes and aphorisms that are relevant to life events that are relevant to you. And not just know, but tie them to life situations.

The life of every person passes in a state of frequent stress, which is provoked by many factors. How to relieve emotional stress if you constantly have chronic lack of sleep, busy work schedule, various conflicts? And if we add to this traffic jams and bad weather, it becomes clear that there really is a need for correction this state. There are always enough problems; your mood can be spoiled by aggressive people around you, everyday problems of various sizes, or illness that you are forced to endure on your feet.

At the end of the week, many people remind themselves of a hedgehog whose spines point inward. It is difficult to fight internal discomfort, but it cannot be said that it is impossible. You should try to regain your peace of mind and lightness of being. It's no secret that we are forced to do a lot of things through force, and practically, it turns into a way of life. In such conditions, a person needs to pamper himself, otherwise existence will begin to resemble an endless struggle, and this obviously will not make us more optimistic.

Pampering yourself and giving yourself a little pleasure is not at all difficult. For example, you can do something you really enjoy several times a day. Some people like to play solitaire, play with a pet, chat with a friend, and so on. Every four hours you should set aside at least ten minutes for your favorite activity, and then you can successfully return to business. If you follow this rule, you will notice that you begin to feel a little more comfortable, calmer, and your condition is improving. Sometimes urgent psychological assistance necessary if the nerves are like taut strings and you need to “let off steam.”

How to quickly relieve emotional stress? At such moments you can stomp your feet, tear the paper to shreds, and so on. But such a discharge is carried out for no more than three or four minutes, do not get carried away. This will be enough to get rid of accumulated negative emotions, without turning the necessary psychological release into a banal hysteria. Similar effect endowed with “sparring” with a regular punching bag. It’s not for nothing that a number of Western Asian companies hang similar equipment, and sometimes bosses can even attach their own photo to the punching bag. Having chopped off a pear, a person takes out his resentment and anger on it, so he calms down, clarity of thinking returns, the normal rhythm of life is restored, and the possibility of fruitful functioning is restored.

To get rid of emotional stress, you can jump, do three sets of fifteen times, the tension will significantly weaken. IN in this case, it’s not only the adrenaline that works, but also the opportunity to laugh at yourself. You can imagine that an emotional shock overtook you in the office. So where can you jump without attracting attention? Of course in the toilet. And if you look at yourself from the outside, you will certainly smile, your mood will improve, and you will return to work, remaining an able-bodied person. You can try a relaxation method such as a glass ice water, drunk in small sips.

How to relieve emotional stress if you are at home? You can wash your face with this water, rub your ears and even your feet with cool hands. Thus, you receive shock therapy, the body calms down, switches to warming mode, moving away from the panic state. To calm down, you should use breathing exercises. There are special complexes aimed at getting rid of various diseases, and there are also exercises to eliminate emotional stress. When performing such complexes, you need to keep open window, or a window.

There are only three emotional tensions characteristic of humans. This is directly emotional, as well as physical and nervous. When there is emotional stress, the psyche is subject to destructive stress. At nervous tension there is a reaction to the circumstances of the nervous system, for example, if you are overtired, upset, etc. As for emotional stress, it arises if someone has offended, insulted, or shouted at a person. In such cases, emotions are either kept to themselves or spill out. Any nervous tension caused by factors such as stress, depression, strong feelings.

Emotional tension occurs when emotions accumulate, if someone has been rude to you, made a remark, or criticized you. That is, an action has taken place that keeps you in a certain tension, emotions overwhelm you, but you are not able to throw them out. It is important that only negative emotions can cause emotional stress. To get rid of it, you must distract yourself from the event that upset you, or you just need to throw it out. You need to analyze the situation, and if necessary, and the person deserves it, throw out your emotions in his presence, comment on the situation, you will feel better. In addition, the object of your anger will understand that he did wrong.

Stress has the same effect on any organism, but its effect is expressed in different ways. This is due to the fact that each person reacts to stressors in their own way. Emotional stress can be objective (physical and mental stress) and subjective (provoked by personal fears and anxieties). Subjective stress is caused by mental characteristics and personal experience person.

Sometimes a person finds himself in a situation where the body is forced to use hidden capabilities to preserve health and life. Such conditions are a trigger for change and cause emotional stress. The main cause of emotional stress is a person’s thoughts, feelings, and the influence of the environment.

Emotional stress can be expressed in a multiple increase in a person’s hidden capabilities, physical and personal qualities. It is even believed that he is able to show the essence of a person and reveal his capabilities. In other situations, stress sharply reduces the emotional state, and a person may lose control of himself.

Types of emotional stress: positive, negative

Stress and emotions are inextricably linked, which is why this type of stress is often called psycho-emotional.

Psycho-emotional stress can be roughly classified as follows:

  1. Positive – eutstress. This is a positive form, it affects the body, increasing and mobilizing the body’s hidden resources, stimulating a person to perform any activity.
  2. Negative – distress. This is a destructive influence, which is expressed in psychological trauma, this is difficult to forget and torments a person for a long time. Distress has an impact on mental and physical health and can cause dangerous diseases.

Negative stress also affects human immunity, reducing its resistance to colds and infections. Under its influence, the glands begin to actively work internal secretion, the load on the vegetative nervous system, which leads to discord in the psycho-emotional component. This often ends in depression or the appearance of phobias.

Emotional stress in adolescents

All children and teenagers are quite emotional; they actively react to all changes. In most cases, the child’s emotionality is positive, but over time it can acquire a negative connotation. When the strength of emotions reaches a certain peak, emotional overstrain occurs, which leads to nervous disorders.

The initial causes of tension in a child and adolescent are changes in the family and social life. As they grow older, their number increases, but not all children have high resistance to stress factors. Children who find support in the family can bear stress more easily.

Factors causing stress

The following factors cause emotional stress in adolescents:

  • Increased responsibility;
  • Lack of time;
  • Frequent situations in which a child’s performance is assessed;
  • Dramatic changes in life;
  • Conflicts in the family, in life;
  • Physiological factors.

Removing emotional tension and stress in adolescents is done by resolving difficult circumstances that caused the disorder. At this age they can be used family psychotherapy and person-centered practices.

Causes and symptoms

The most common cause emotional stress is the contradiction between expected reality and reality. At the same time, both real and imagined factors can trigger the stress mechanism.

Scientists have compiled a table of stress factors that cause overexertion in most cases. These are the most significant events for a person, which can be positive or negative. Issues related to personal life, family, loved ones.

The signs of stress are individual for each person, but they are united by a negative perception and painful experience. How an individual's condition is expressed depends on the stages or phases of stress and how the body copes.

You can tell if a person is suffering from emotional stress by the following signs:

  • Anxiety for no apparent reason;
  • Internal tension;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Inadequate perception of unpleasant situations;
  • Depression, melancholy, depression;
  • Moodiness;
  • Inability to control yourself, your actions and emotions;
  • Decreased memory and attention;
  • Apathy, lack of joy and pleasure from favorite things;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Dissatisfaction;
  • Change in appetite;
  • Violations in behavior and perception of the world.

Often to reduce exposure negative factors man resorts to in the wrong ways treatment – alcohol and drugs, trying to get away from problems, changes behavior, commits rash actions.

Treatment: Emotional Stress Relief Techniques

A person is constantly exposed to a number of stressors that have the ability to accumulate. This is the main danger . If you do not take protective measures in time, you can be left alone with problems. Experiences driven inside destroy a person’s own self and his connections with others.

There are various techniques for relieving emotional stress; the following techniques show the greatest effectiveness:

Everyone can overcome emotional stress on their own. By learning to control consciousness, a person gains control over uncontrollable emotions and increases self-esteem. This opens up new opportunities for personal development and allows you to take a step towards self-development and self-improvement.

In the process of relieving emotional stress, it is recommended to take medications that are good for relieving anxiety and restlessness.

There are three degrees of severity of emotional stress.

The first degree is a state of attention, mobilization, activity, characterized by increased performance, increased function of organs and systems that provide the solution to this problem. It occurs whenever the task facing the body is unconventional and requires concentration and mobilization of intellectual and physical resources. Similar condition It is very useful, it trains the body and increases performance.

The second degree is the appearance of sthenic negative emotions. Psychologically, this is a familiar state of rage (anger, indignation), accompanied by an extremely significant (marginal) increase in the activity of organs and systems, ensuring the interaction of the body with environment. The performance of skeletal muscles increases significantly, attention is concentrated, the work of the heart increases, and blood pressure, increased respiration, oxidative and energy processes, vasospasm appears abdominal organs and blood flows intensely to the muscles, brain, lungs and heart. The goal of such a reaction is to maximize the body’s resources and thereby achieve a solution to the problem that has arisen.

The third degree, asthenic negative emotion, occurs if the task requires resources much greater than those available to the body even with maximum mobilization of forces. It is psychologically experienced as a state of fear (horror, melancholy). There is a sharp decrease in intellectual and energy resources (from fear, “your hands give up,” “your legs give way,” you become paralyzed “ mental abilities", "vegetative storm" can turn into "chaos").

The considered three degrees of stress state in “pure” form are rare. Often there are degrees of emotional stress that can be characterized as intermediate (transitional) stages. So, for example, in the intermediate stage between II and III, suppression of only intellectual functions may occur with complete preservation (and even increase) of energy resources. In this case, a person overcome with fear and losing his mind with enormous energy commits senseless acts (panic).

ъTransitional situations of another kind are also observed, when only energy resources are reduced: a person paralyzed by horror is aware of the approaching danger, but is unable to make a single movement to avoid it.

The degree of tension that arises in a given situation is, among other things, determined by the preceding life experience. The insufficiency of this experience, the lack of skills necessary to overcome difficulties, contribute to the emergence of a state of tension of a higher degree.