A bone appears on the big toe. Bunion on the big toe: treatment at home

Bumps can appear on different parts of the foot: at the big toe, near the little toe, at the back of the foot. One type of deformity may have different causes; this can be determined after a full examination. Depending on the cause of the bump, the correct treatment is selected. You should not delay treatment; the more advanced the problem, the harder it will be to get rid of it.

Often, external causes and a person’s lifestyle lead to the appearance of lumps and growths. It is not entirely correct to call formations on the leg “bones”: most often a deformation occurs, due to which the bone changes its position to an anatomically incorrect one. The most common deformity is hallux valgus, which is expressed by a lump near the big toe.

The same deformity can occur in the little finger in particularly advanced cases. Otherwise, growths can occur due to calluses, ingrown nails, and corns. Often, any deformation is accompanied by inflammation of various degrees: swelling, redness, and fluid accumulation may occur.

Women are most susceptible to foot deformities, often wearing uncomfortable shoes, usually high heels, narrow toes, and unsuitable insoles. There is a stereotype that the appearance of cones is an age-related problem, but in fact, the appearance of deformities does not depend on age. This depends on the frequency of wearing uncomfortable shoes and a number of other factors:

  • genetic predisposition to deformities, congenital structural features of the foot;
  • old age, the older the person, the higher the likelihood of cones;
  • being overweight creates additional pressure on the joints;
  • various endocrine diseases, menopause, diabetes and others;
  • work-related difficulties such as walking or standing for long periods of time.

Important! The appearance of bunions and bumps on your feet can be avoided if you immediately switch to shoes that are comfortable for constant wearing.

A combination of various factors increases the likelihood of developing bunions on the legs at any age. With a slight deformity, pain and discomfort do not occur immediately; their strength increases with the progression of the disease. When the deformity is advanced, a person constantly experiences pain, and it becomes extremely difficult to find suitable shoes.

This pathology is quite treatable; today there are many different treatment methods. However, it is worth considering that the more advanced the disease, the more difficult and longer its treatment will be.

After treatment, you will have to change your habits; you will probably have to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles all the time, give your feet more rest, and try to avoid stress. In the initial stages, special bandages, shoe overlays, physiotherapy, massage and other external methods are used to remove the bone and smooth out the symptoms.

However, in later stages, surgery is often necessary. During the operation, the bone is shortened; it requires only a few punctures; the recovery period lasts several months. Laser correction is also possible.

Important! Symptom relief medications can also be used: various anti-inflammatory medications, etc.

Without surgery, you can only cope with unadvanced cases of the disease. The bunion can be removed after consultation with a specialist orthopedist, after which a suitable treatment is selected. It usually consists of the following tools and methods:

  1. Use of orthopedic correctors. These include special pads and bandages with a cushion under the foot, which wrap around the leg and help the toe return to the correct position. Special orthopedic shoes can also be purchased or custom-made to speed up this process.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Usually indicated for severe pain, they can improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. Usually novocaine electrophoresis, hydrocortisone phonoresis and others are performed.
  3. Anti-inflammatory ointments. Prescribed for treatment at home, they will help remove bumps faster, relieve pain and inflammation. Ointments should be selected with caution only after consultation with a doctor; they are not necessary in all cases.

These remedies will help remove the bunion on the little toe, including often a deformity due to which the bone of the big toe and the little toe protrude. However, before prescribing treatment, you need to make sure that the reason for the formation of the lump is precisely deformation. To do this, an X-ray or computed tomography is performed, sometimes both procedures.

It happens that the growth is caused by a callus or corns. In this case, the help of an orthopedist will not be required; you will need to contact a surgeon and begin to fight the consequences of skin roughening.

Important! It is important to wear the right shoes during treatment, otherwise ingrown toenails may occur.

How to remove a bunion on the back of your foot?

The deformity that causes a build-up to form behind is called Haglund's deformity. In this case, it is also necessary to make sure that there is no bone element in the growth, after which treatment begins. The same remedies are used as for hallux valgus.

Particular emphasis is placed on physiotherapeutic agents; sometimes pain-relieving blockades, for example, based on novocaine, can be used. It is also permissible to use various folk remedies.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is impossible to completely cure this disease with the help of traditional medicines: in most cases, the growth is caused by changes in the correct position of the bones. However, with the help of folk remedies, you can improve blood circulation in the foot, relieve inflammation and pain.

To relieve pain and inflammation, various foot baths with warm water are suitable. One of the most effective recipes is a bath with iodine and sea salt. For one liter of hot water you need one tablespoon of salt and ten drops of iodine, keep your feet for 10 - 15 minutes, then wipe dry.

In addition to iodine and salt, you can use chamomile; this medicinal plant gently relieves inflammation and rarely causes allergies. In one glass of boiling water you need to brew two tablespoons of the plant, leave under the lid for 30 - 40 minutes, then add hot water to a small basin. Leave your feet for 15 minutes, then wipe dry.

In general, at the moment there are many techniques that help alleviate the condition when bumps appear on the legs and completely get rid of growths. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor and wisely combine various means so you can achieve the best effect.

Most often, a protruding bone on the foot is a consequence of deformation of the phalanx of the big toe. It mixes a little to the side, from which the contents of the cartilaginous bag, as well as the cartilage itself, begin to press through. Part of it is literally squeezed out, and after some time it calcifies. That is, it turns into an ordinary bone, but without an internal cavity (the red brain body is located there, but in the growth it simply does not exist, as well as nerve endings).

What causes the displacement of the phalanx? The main causes of deformation:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes (high-heeled stilettos). Often the deformation occurs in women whose activities are related to the modeling business, since they have to wear high-heeled shoes most of the day (top models, fashion models).
  2. Excessive stress on the legs (for example, for salespeople in stores who have to stand most of the time).
  3. Congenital pathology of foot development.
  4. Endocrine dysfunction (this point is little studied, but scientists claim that in women after menopause, the likelihood of hallux valgus increases several times). Women after childbirth are also susceptible to the development of pathology, especially those whose babies are breastfed.
  5. Pathological development of flat feet.

Pay attention!

In young children, the reasons for the appearance are quite similar, but, as practice shows, parents themselves sometimes make a mistake - they teach the child to walk before reaching 9-12 months of age. During this period, the baby’s musculoskeletal system is not well developed and the bones literally become bent from high loads.

A so-called planovalgus foot occurs when the heel is not positioned correctly and the inner part of the sole falls slightly to the side. If you look from the side, the legs basically take on an X-shape.

Genetic predisposition

A genetic predisposition to this disease plays a huge role in the development of hallux valgus. In 70% of cases, this occurs through the female line (from grandmother to daughter and granddaughter). Such people are distinguished by sagging connective tissue and irregular shape of the metatarsophalangeal joint, which contribute to the occurrence of hallux valgus(hallux abducto valgus, hallux valgus deformity of the first toe). And factors such as hormonal imbalance after pregnancy and during menopause, being overweight or wearing the wrong shoes increase the risk of occurrence.

Often there is the so-called “Egyptian foot”, a situation where the big toe is longer than the second.

Other causes of bunions

A bunion on the big toe can also appear due to a previous injury in which the phalanx is displaced. And it is worth mentioning that this happens not only with the thumb, but also with the index, middle, and less often with the little finger. The pathology is identical - the phalanx is displaced and the contents of the joint capsule are squeezed out. These are liquids saturated with mineral trace elements that act as a lubricant.

And the growth does not always arise precisely because of valgus curvature. Upon diagnosis, it may turn out that this is a tumor or an overgrown puncture on the bone. The doctor cannot establish an accurate diagnosis solely by visual examination of the patient. It is necessary, at a minimum, to undergo an x-ray and after that draw some conclusions.

And another problem that causes bunions to form on the feet is the most common calluses, which are a thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin. They are often combined with warts and other skin diseases caused by various types of fungi and viruses. But, as a rule, it is much easier to get rid of them if the tumor has not grown into the deep pores of the epithelium. Moreover, they form not only on the thumb. They can even occur in the heel area, ball of the foot, or on the back of the leg where the tendon runs.

Traditional medicine treatment

The bones on the feet are usually completely removed mechanically. Although if they are provoked by fungal spores or viruses, then the first step is to prescribe therapy aimed at reducing the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the patient.

That is, the doctor immediately determines why the bunion appears and after that draws up a clear treatment algorithm. If it is determined that the growth is a tumor, the patient is given a referral to an oncology clinic and further treatment takes place there.

Regarding hallux valgus, the bone can be removed exclusively by surgical method, that is, removal on the operating table. But such an operation is not always prescribed due to the high risk of relapse. There are cases where this led to 3-5 operations being performed, but the disease was never cured. The culprit of all this is the individual physiology of the structure of the foot of a particular person.

The same will happen if hallux valgus pathology progresses to a chronic stage, in which the structure of the phalanx of the foot itself literally changes and it no longer takes a normal shape. In such a situation, good advice is to seek help from an orthopedist.
If you follow all his recommendations, then, at a minimum, it will be possible to prevent that same transition to the chronic stage and transfer it to a state of remission. True, in this case you will have to constantly wear orthopedic shoes, visit a massage therapist and a physical therapy room.

If we are talking about planovalgus disease in a child, then a special treatment algorithm is used, in which special orthopedic insoles and prostheses are worn to straighten the shape of the foot. In the early stages of the disease, this is quite possible, but taking into account that the deformed cartilages are not calcified, that is, they are not covered with a layer of minerals.

Mentioning what causes a bunion to appear, the reasons for this phenomenon may also be hidden in endocrine disorders. Doctors cannot say exactly how this is connected, but it is a fact that when the concentration of sex hormones in the blood decreases (especially in women), the likelihood of a growth on the thumb increases significantly (about 6-10 times). Accordingly, if you undergo therapy with synthetic hormone analogues, you can slow down the development of hallux valgus. But all this is done under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

But traditional medicine will not help here at all. The only useful advice that traditional healers give is to walk barefoot as much as possible. This really is an excellent prevention of flat feet, at any age. However, if the lump is already there and it is actively growing in size, this will not help get rid of it. In such a situation, you need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. If you don’t delay this, then a simple one will help.

What causes the foot to bend?

But regarding hallux valgus, it often occurs as a concomitant factor of more serious diseases, such as arthritis, bursitis or connective tissue dysfunction (global lack of mineral elements and protein).

Quite often, this disease is diagnosed in conjunction with stage 2-3 obesity, when body weight is overestimated by about 20-30 kilograms relative to nominal height (not to mention the more complex stage).

A strong influence on the development of hallux valgus is also caused by non-compliance with a healthy diet, in which the body simply does not get enough salt, proteins, and animal-type amino acids. All these factors lead to the fact that the connective tissue, from which cartilage and joints are formed, develops pathologies and becomes very fragile. Minimal physical activity in this case leads to their complete destruction, displacement of the axis of the nominal location of the bones, and squeezing out the contents of the joint capsule. This begins precisely with hallux valgus, and then progresses to the appearance of intervertebral hernias. Often all this occurs against the background of non-absorption of microelements. And this is already a consequence of gastrointestinal dysfunction. In the human body, everything is interconnected.

How to prevent deformation? It’s very simple - lead a healthy lifestyle, alternate physical activity with rest, wear comfortable shoes, play sports, give up bad habits.

It would also be a good idea to undergo a full examination by an orthopedist at least once a year, especially if the patient belongs to a risk group (young children, women over 40, salespeople, doctors, teachers). Such a disease is quite easy to prevent in advance, but to treat it is very difficult, expensive and time-consuming. Especially if we allow the deformation to transform into a chronic stage, when the bones begin to grow incorrectly. There is no way to straighten their shape without surgery.

In the article we discuss a bunion - why it appears, what the symptoms are, how to treat it and how to prevent it. You will learn what ointment to buy to relieve inflammation and pain, whether gymnastics and self-massage will help, how to choose the right orthopedic shoes, and when surgery is usually prescribed.

A bunion in the foot requires immediate treatment

Bunion or hallux valgus is a condition that causes bunions or “bumps” to appear on the foot. The big toe gradually moves outward, and the head of the metatarsal bone begins to protrude.

Causes of bunions on the foot

There are several reasons for the appearance of bunions on the feet:

  • overweight;
  • incorrectly selected shoes - tight, with a narrowed toe, high heels, unstable lasts;
  • heredity;
  • leg injury;
  • flat feet;
  • hormonal changes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • old age;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • a profession that involves standing for long periods of time.

The first signs and symptoms of bunions

Doctors distinguish several stages of bunions on the forefoot, which serve as symptoms of the disease:

  • first stage— protrusion angle no more than 20°; you see redness and thickening of the skin in the area of ​​2-5 fingers, but apart from evening leg fatigue nothing bothers you;
  • second stage— curvature up to 30°; when walking you feel pain in your foot, ankle and lower leg; the bone is clearly sticking out;
  • third stage— deformation of the thumb of 50°; even a slight load on the foot causes severe pain; you change your shoes to soft slippers;
  • fourth stage— curvature angle above 50°; you feel pain both in movement and at rest; sore joints ache; legs swell; the phalanges of the second and middle fingers are deformed along with the thumb.

How to treat a bunion on your foot

The first thing to remember is do not self-diagnose or self-medicate.. Be sure to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine exactly why the big toe bone hurts, what to apply and what additional products to use.

Timeliness is equally important. Hallux valgus develops very quickly. If you delay visiting a doctor, you will not only give up regular shoes, but also develop chronic health problems - bunions on your feet provoke pathologies of the spine, knee and hip joints.

Treatment of deformity begins with determining the stage of growth of the bone in the leg - how to treat depends on how advanced the disease is:

  • At the first and second stages of development of a hallux valgus, treatment includes ointments, creams, gels, compresses, massage, lotions, screeds, splints, bandages, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.
  • At the third stage, if the adjacent phalanges are deformed, surgical manipulations may be prescribed - recommendations on how to remove the bone on the middle toe, how to treat inflammation, will be strictly individual.
  • At the fourth stage of growth of the bones in the legs, drug treatment will no longer help and orthopedic surgery will be required.

In addition to basic treatment, you need to take care of the condition of your feet yourself.— wear special shoes, do self-massage and adjust your diet if the cause of the deformity is excess weight.

If the pain from the growth has become too severe, you can relieve the pain and inject it into the bone on your big toe. However, be careful, some pain medications have side effects.

Creams, ointments and gels

If you choose how to treat bunions, ointments will be the simplest and most popular solution. They do not need to be prepared, are easy to apply, and if you follow all the instructions, the ointments really help with inflammation of the bunion.

A popular remedy for joint diseases is Vishnevsky ointment for inflammation of a bone in the leg. It contains castor oil, birch bark tar and other substances that effectively fight the inflammatory process.

If you are looking for something to relieve bunion pain, try non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Piroxicam or Diclofenac for bunion pain. With regular use of these drugs, the course of the disease slows down.

No less useful remedies that help relieve the pain of a bunion on the foot are pain-relieving ointments, for example, Valgusstop. It has a complex effect on the affected area and reduces bone growth in 30-45 days.

Treatment of bunions with Dimexide also works well for pain. You can make a good ointment for a bunion from Dimexide and an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt - just mix 3 ml of Chlorophyllipt and 1 ml of Dimexide. This remedy causes a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can often find cream for bunions with shark oil and laurel. It contains a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids necessary for the treatment of hallux valgus.

An effective ointment for bunions - Bishofite. The medicine does not irritate the skin, it is easy to combine with therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and other medications. The drug has no cardiovascular contraindications.

Before using any ointment for the joints of the legs, clean the bone from the remnants of previous products - wash your legs with soap or wipe with a damp cloth.

You can learn more about which ointment to relieve inflammation of a bunion on the foot, and which ointment to smear on the bunions in case of severe pain, from the table.

Name Action How to use
Valgusstop ointment Ointment for bunions normalizes blood circulation, reduces pain and spasms, fights swelling and inflammation. Rub the product into the deformed area and wait until it is absorbed. Then put on the orthopedic brace. Repeat the procedure every day for a month, then stop for 2 weeks.
Ointment from Dimexide and Chlorophyllipt Ointment for inflammation of the bone on the leg quickly relieves pain and slows down the development of hallux valgus. Soak a cotton pad with ointment and apply to the bone for 15-30 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 14 days, then take a break for 7 days and continue therapy.
Diclofenac The drug slows down the course of the disease, reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings and relieves pain, improves the elasticity of cartilage tissue. Distribute the ointment for pain in the bones on the feet in a thin layer over the sore area and rub in with light massaging movements. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days.
Vishnevsky ointment The product softens, moisturizes and regenerates the skin, relieves inflammation, warms and removes swelling. Apply the ointment generously to a gauze cloth folded in several layers and apply to the sore spot. Change the compress 5 times per knock.
Bishofite The medicine affects blood circulation and improves the nutrition of the cartilage tissues of the foot. Rub bunion ointment into the deformed area 2 times a day. If the pain worsens, use the ointment 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
Ointment with shark oil and laurel Shark oil improves blood supply to the foot, laurel restores the elasticity of cartilage tissue. Both drugs stop the inflammatory process and stimulate local immunity. Steam your feet in hot water. Apply bunion cream to the rough area and rub in until completely absorbed.

Ties and tires

The easiest way to treat and prevent bunions is to wear correctors.

For minor foot deformities, orthopedic ties and splints will help:

  • semi-rigid articulated splints - the design does not allow the toe to deviate to the side, is not noticeable under shoes, reduces the degree of load and is not painful;
  • rigid night clamps - fix the thumb in the correct position and gradually change the angle of its deflection;
  • insoles - make the load on the foot more even and reduce muscle spasm in the area of ​​the big toe;
  • daily corrective interdigital pads - protect the bone from pressure from shoes and form the correct position of the toes;
  • orthopedic ties - support the transverse arch of the foot.


One of the obligatory attributes of going to bed should be self-massage. It will relax your legs, strengthen your muscles and prevent the bunion from growing further.

Methods of self-massage for bunions:

  1. Make a fist with your hand and move it along and across your foot.
  2. Stand on a special mat - rubber, punctuation, with pebbles. Shift from foot to foot while watching TV.
  3. Place the abacus with dominoes on the floor, sit in a chair or chair, place your feet on the device and roll the balls with your soles.


The goal of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen your joints and muscles, so it is especially effective at stages 1 and 2 of the disease. Using the following exercises, you will eventually defeat the disease and get rid of unpleasant growths:

  • Slowly curl and straighten your toes until you become tired.
  • Bend your fingers tightly and hold for 20-30 seconds.
  • Strain your foot without bending your toes.
  • Tighten your feet, extend your toes and hold for 30 seconds.
  • Roll the bottle with your foot on the floor for 5-6 minutes.

Repeat each exercise 2-3 times every day.


When treating bunions, physical therapy is one of the best means of pain relief and relaxation. Physiotherapy methods include:

  • mud therapy in a hospital;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • medicinal massage baths;
  • electrophoresis.


Orthopedic shoes and insoles should be the mainstay of treatment for hallux valgus. This is a key method on how to deal with bunions on the big toe and bunions on the 2nd toe, how to treat deformities of the middle finger and little finger.

Orthopedic shoes straighten a deformed joint, correctly distribute the load on the foot, relieve problem areas and relieve tension from the legs and spine, and protect against rapid fatigue when walking.

Choose orthopedic shoes taking into account the following requirements:

  • comfortable shoe;
  • soft flexible sole;
  • hard instep support;
  • spacious sock that does not restrict movement;
  • heel up to 3-4 cm.

If, in parallel with the deformation of the big toe, a bone appears on the second toe, the treatment and choice of shoes will be the same. Only for orthopedic shoes add special gel separators between the toes and protective caps on the joints, which will protect the growths from additional friction.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is useful when you need to minimize pain and stop further curvature of the foot and toes.

What can be used for hallux valgus:

  • propolis patch;
  • compress with burdock and turpentine;
  • compress with grated onion;
  • a mixture of egg, vinegar, Vaseline and pork fat;
  • decoction of crushed madder;
  • dandelion infusion with iodine solution.

Many herbal practitioners advise taking iodine-salt baths.


  • Sea salt or table salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Iodine - 10-15 drops.
  • Water - 1 l.

How to cook: Dissolve salt and iodine in water and pour into a bowl. Add water so that the level covers your feet.

How to use: Place your feet in the basin for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 30-45 days. After each session, make a mesh of iodine on the bone.

Result: An iodine-salt foot bath will relieve pain, swelling and swelling.

Orthopedic surgeries

What kind of surgery is indicated for bunions depends on the degree of foot deformity. If the deformity is mild, you will have a bunionectomy - the protruding parts of the bone will be cut off and the muscles, ligaments, and tendons will be realigned. Moderate to severe deformities require an osteotomy to restore the proper position of the metatarsal bone. After both operations, you will be able to walk the next day. You just have to wear special shoes and not overload your feet.

Surgeons perform several types of osteotomies - chevron, wedge metatarsal osteotomy and SCARF or Scharf osteotomy of the first metatarsal.

Chevron operation

In a chevron osteotomy, the base of the head of the first metatarsal bone is sawed in a V shape and the bone is adjusted in the desired direction and distance. Then the fragments are fixed with screws, and unnecessary parts and excess capsular tissue of the joint are removed.

Metatarsal osteotomy

With a metatarsal osteotomy, cones on the legs are removed using a wedge resection method - the base of the metatarsal bone is isolated and a small triangular piece is cut out, the apex of which is directed inward. The edges of the bone are then aligned and secured with a titanium plate and screws. Bone growth - exostosis is excised.

Scharf osteotomy

Scarf osteotomy or Scarf osteotomy is similar to chevron surgery. Here a bone cut is also made and the bone parts are connected in the correct direction. However, in this case the dissection is Z-shaped. After separating the beginning of the bone from the base, it is moved to the articular surface of the phalanx of the finger, connected, fixed with sutures and screws, and the middle tissue is removed.


To prevent the development of bunions, follow these guidelines:

  1. Buy the right shoes - with a round toe, made of soft materials, wide in diameter, with a heel up to 4 cm.
  2. If you prefer heels, insert a special insole with a transverse corrector to support your foot.
  3. When running or jumping, wear special sneakers and sneakers with thick soles so as not to overload the front arch of the foot.
  4. Periodically massage the soles of your feet and walk barefoot around the apartment.
  5. Normalize your diet, do morning exercises and include elements of squats, heel-to-toe rolls, and walking on your toes.

For more information about the bunion, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. A bunion on the big toe appears due to excess weight, hereditary causes, flat feet, infectious and hormonal pathologies, and due to professions that involve standing on your feet for a long time.
  2. In the first stage, you notice that the structure of your foot has changed and you feel pain and fatigue from walking for a long time. At the third and fourth stages of the disease, it is no longer possible to walk in ordinary shoes; you have to change them to soft slippers. The bone grows, neighboring fingers become deformed.
  3. Conservative treatment of bunions includes ointments, creams, gels, self-massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, wearing orthopedic splints, braces, ties, insoles and shoes, as well as folk remedies.
  4. In severe cases of the disease, surgery is prescribed—chevron, wedge, or Scharf osteotomy.

Unsightly, disfiguring bumps in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint often cause a lot of problems. Most often, women suffer from this disease due to the fact that they sacrifice their health in the name of beauty, preferring narrow, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

A bunion on the big toe causes severe discomfort and pain; if you do not start the disease, then at the initial stage, treating bunions on the feet with folk remedies can help.

Hallux valgus refers to a change in the shape of the foot at the level of the joint connecting the proximal phalanx of the toe and the metatarsal bone.

The deformation of the joint occurs towards the outside with deviation of the first finger. A bunion on the big toe, treatment with folk remedies for this unpleasant phenomenon is the topic of our article.

Causes of bunions

Among the main reasons are:

  • flat feet - long-term disruption of the biomechanics of the foot;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • gout is a metabolic disorder;
  • increase in body weight.

Flatfoot Most often in the human population, transverse flatfoot occurs, in which the arch of the foot is flattened. When walking, body weight is transferred to the articular heads of all metatarsal bones, as a result of which the distance between these bones increases and the first toe deviates outward. There is also weakness of the ligamentous apparatus and neurological disorders. Congenital anomalies in the structure of the bones of the feet play an important role.

Uncomfortable shoes This unfavorable factor affects women more often. Starting from adolescence, girls wear beautiful shoes, which causes a lot of health problems.

There are three forms of shoes that provoke pathology:

  1. The heel height is more than 7 cm. High-heeled shoes significantly increase the pressure on the toes. Promotes the development of flat feet.
  2. The toe of the shoe is unnaturally narrow. The toes are in an awkward position, resulting in deformation of not only the toes, but also the ankles.
  3. Short shoes cause chronic nonspecific inflammation of the big toe joint of the lower limb.

Gout is a chronic disease that is associated with a violation of purine bases, as a result of which the content of uric acid in the blood increases and salt crystals are deposited in the soft tissues. The clinical process is manifested by acute inflammation of the joints and the formation of gouty lesions.

A distinctive feature of this disease from true hallux valgus is the wavy course of the disease, accompanied by severe pain and redness of the skin in the joint area. Similar changes in joints can occur not only in the metatarsophalangeal joint, but also in other groups of joints.

Weight gain Large body weight puts a very large load on the arch of the foot. Depletion of the ligamentous apparatus of the leg can lead to flat feet and deformation of the joint apparatus of the foot.

It cannot be assumed that these reasons can cause the appearance of painful bunions in the legs in isolation from each other. Most often, these reasons are related to each other. Girls with flat feet wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, and those with gout may simultaneously suffer from flat feet.

Causes of pain in the bones of the legs

With gout, the first symptom may be pain. The mechanism of intense pain is inflammation of the joints. The joint capsule becomes inflamed due to tissue infiltration by metabolic products. The disease is chronic in nature with periods of remission and exacerbations.

Unlike gout, with hallux valgus pain occurs due to excessive stress on the metatarsal bones. If traumatic factors continue to act, the pain intensifies and inflammation develops. The skin around the joint turns slightly red.

As the deformation of the joint increases, the entire foot changes. As a result of improper loading and changes in biomechanics, calluses and corns may develop when walking, which further increases pain.

Depending on how much the big toe is deviated relative to the metatarsal bone, there are several degrees of the disease:

  1. The angle between the metatarsal bones is no more than 15 degrees, and the first toe deviates less than 20 degrees.
  2. The angle between the metatarsal bones is no more than 17 degrees, and the first toe deviates less than 30 degrees.
  3. The angle between the metatarsals is 17 degrees or more, and the first toe deviates less than 35 degrees.

Treatment of a bunion on the big toe

There are several options for getting rid of bunion deformation on the big toe. Conservative treatment consists of following recommendations to reduce pain and inflammation:

  • Reduce the load on the affected joint by losing body weight;
  • change uncomfortable high-heeled shoes;
  • massage;
  • therapeutic exercises designed to treat flat feet;
  • wearing specialized shoes and orthopedic insoles.
  • The use of special inserts between the fingers.

Surgical method of treatment, consists of surgically correcting deviations of the metatarsal bone and big toe. This type of therapy radically solves the problem of pain in the big toe and restores the aesthetic appearance of the foot. But you should remember that, as with any operation, there is a high risk of complications.

Wearing a special finger bandage. If the degree of damage corresponds to the first and second degrees, mechanical devices can be used. Some are worn all day, others are designed to be worn at night. The essence of the method is to fix the big toe and foot, maintaining the correct position. With regular use, the increase in hallux valgus deformity decreases.

Before resorting to radical methods of treatment, you should turn to the centuries-old experience of our grandmothers and try traditional treatment for bunions on the toes.

The problem of pain in the lower extremities, forcing people to change their usual lifestyle and endure suffering, has always been relevant for humanity. Bunions on the feet: can it be prevented?

Before the advent of modern medicine and the developed surgical industry, people tried to fight pain with the means that nature generously provided us with. Medicinal plants were used as raw materials to relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. Biologically active products were also used, such as honey, fish, essential oils.

Separately, it is necessary to mention such an indispensable means of treating many joint pathologies as turpentine. At its core, turpentine is a technically obtained solution of essential oils of coniferous trees, mainly mountain pine and juniper.

Turpentine is widely used as a solvent for oil paints, so the use of this chemical compound may cause confusion among some people. However, in medical practice, only purified gum turpentine is used as a component of ointments for the treatment of bruises, sprains, and rheumatic diseases.

But you should remember about the toxic effect of turpentine on the human body. For symptoms of poisoning to occur, a sufficiently large amount of the substance and a long period of contact are required.

Folk remedies for the treatment of bunions

Treatment of bumps on the legs with folk remedies is used when the disease is at the initial stage, in this case achieving a positive result will be much faster.

Egg ointment

Egg ointment - 250 ml. acetic acid at a concentration of 7%, dissolve one whole egg. Leave for 2 weeks. After 14-15 days, the shell should dissolve. Grind the egg, add 25 grams of melted lard and 10 grams of turpentine. Use the ointment for 20 weeks. Apply ointment to the bone every other day for pain. On the first day we apply the prepared ointment, on the second day we apply iodine in the form of a grid.

Fresh fish compress

Take fresh river fish, any kind. Remove seeds. A piece of fish meat is applied to the sore spot overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage from your finger and rinse with warm water. Repeat the compress for 12 days.

Medical bile compress

A popular remedy is a compress of medical bile. Steam your feet for half an hour in hot water. Soft tissue or gauze is generously moistened with bile. The affected limb is wrapped in cling film and goes to bed. Repeat the procedure for 10-15 days.

Treatment of bunions on toes with honey

Honey and bee products work well to treat the problem of bunions on the big toe. These products are used as lotions or compresses. Honey is applied to the skin on the inflamed limb; for the best effect, the leg should be steamed before application.

Burdock compresses with turpentine

Treatment of bumps on the legs with turpentine and burdock has proven itself in practice. Take a burdock leaf that grows in garden plots. The leaf must be large and healthy. Apply turpentine to the greener side of the burdock. Apply a sheet of turpentine to the bone of the big toes, put on a warm wool sock and a plastic bag on top.

This is necessary to prevent moisture from evaporating. Harvesting burdock is impractical, so this type of treatment is typical only in the summer.

Dandelion and iodine

In early spring, when all the fields are dotted with bright yellow dandelion flowers, you must take the time and use this medicinal plant to treat the bunion of the big toe. Collect fresh flowers and dry them. Pour 120 grams of dried flowers with vodka and pharmaceutical iodine.

The flowers should be covered with liquid. Leave in the basement for 14 days. Before the procedure, steam your feet in warm water. Apply the composition to dry skin in the form of a grid. Treatment should be used for at least a month.

Lemon and iodine

Two aspirin tablets, crushed in a mortar. One ripe lemon is crushed. Pour this mixture into a bottle of pharmaceutical iodine. Apply according to the following scheme. Apply the composition to the leg bone, cover with a plastic bag and put on a warm sock. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night.

Repeat this for three nights, then take a break for a week. To achieve results, such interval cycles are repeated three times.

Bodyagi ointment with red pepper

Warming ointment with red pepper and bodyaga.

Bodyaga is a substance of animal origin based on silicon sponges and has local irritant properties.

To prepare the ointment, take 50 grams of ammonia and 210 grams of ethyl alcohol, 50 grams of camphor, 50 grams of dry red pepper and 15 grams of bodyaga. Mix all components until smooth, without lumps. This composition should be applied very carefully, as this mixture is very hot and is intended for topical use only. Gently lubricate just the pit. Wrap your foot in gauze and put on a sock.

It is best to do the procedure before bed. The course of treatment depends on the degree of damage and intensity of pain in the big toe bone.

Onion compresses

To get rid of painful bumps on your legs, take a blue onion and grate it. Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze and place the compress on the sore limb. Place a waterproof cloth and a layer of cotton wool on top of the gauze with onions. The therapeutic effect of the compress lasts six hours, so after this time, remove the compress, wash your feet, and apply an iodine mesh to the skin in the area. Use for at least a month.

Lilac infusion

To eliminate the inflammatory effect, use the following composition. In the spring, when the lilac blooms, collect the inflorescences. Dry in the shade under running air. Then pour one part of the flowers with cold water at a ratio of 1:10. Leave closed for no more than two weeks. Use the resulting infusion to lubricate the bumps on your feet at night or make compresses.

Nutrition and cleansing of the body

Diet is an important component in treating bunions. Give preference to plant foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Reducing the concentration of urea in the blood will significantly reduce pain and swelling of the skin. The procedure of cleansing the body and ridding it of toxins is also considered a very effective measure.

Cleansing with rice

  1. The night before, soak a glass of rice in cold water.
  2. In the morning, rinse this rice in plenty of water.
  3. Boil the cereal in two glasses of water.
  4. When the rice is ready, wash it of mucus. Divide the prepared porridge into four portions and eat it during the day before drinking a glass of water. N
  5. and the next day eat 500 grams of apples and boiled beets.
  6. This cleansing must be repeated every 3-4 days.
  7. The course of treatment is from a month to half a year.

This composition helps to effectively get rid of accumulated salts. However, it should be remembered that potassium leaves the body along with salts, so the method should be used carefully in patients with chronic cardiac pathology. All other people, after cleansing, need to eat foods rich in potassium (dried apricots, raisins and bananas).


During our lives, our legs travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers. We put our feet to the test with excessive stress, excess body weight or tight, uncomfortable shoes. In response to this, the bones of the feet become deformed, the joints become inflamed and cause unbearable pain and discomfort.

Leading specialist in training professional personnel at Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification as a pedagogical psychologist.

Bumps, bunions - this is what people call hallux valgus. The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of a tubercle on the leg. The lump gradually increases in size, grows and causes pain. This makes it very difficult to find comfortable shoes. In advanced cases, the bone causes difficulty walking.

If a bunion grows on your big toe, then you definitely need to pay attention to this problem. A visit to the doctor is necessary. The sooner you can visit a specialist, the faster you will be able to get rid of the problem. In the initial stages, treatment of the disease is simple, as orthopedic drugs are used. But in advanced cases, only surgery can help.

What are bumps on your feet? Not all people suffering from hallux valgus know the answer to this question. To find it, let's remember anatomy.

The big toe of the human foot is formed by the phalanges and metatarsal bone. When the disease occurs, changes occur in the leg. In sick people, the phalanges of the big toe take a position at an angle to the metatarsal bone. This is why the protrusion on the leg becomes clearly visible. It is a protrusion of the head of the metatarsal bone.

With pathological displacement, a person experiences pain. The appearance of this symptom is due to the fact that the synovial bursa becomes inflamed (it is located between the phalanges of the fingers and the head of the metatarsal bone and is a sac filled with a special liquid, which reduces friction over the surface of the joint). The reasons for an enlarged bunion on the big toe vary. Let's talk about them.

Why does a bone grow on my foot?

An enlarged bump is a sign that the foot is becoming more and more deformed, and the big toe is deviating more and more from its normal position. The bone may seem enlarged, because a swelling forms in this area with valgus deformity. The reasons for the enlargement of the lump include:

  • ill-chosen shoes: long-term wearing of narrow shoes with high heels becomes a prerequisite for the development of the disease;
  • hereditary factors: very often the bunion on the foot begins to grow in those people whose close relatives suffer from hallux valgus and complain of the growth of the bunion on the foot;
  • flat feet, with this disease the weight on the foot is distributed unevenly, and as a result of this, the big toe is displaced and protrudes outward;
  • injuries, for example, as a result of a heavy object falling on the foot, the foot may be damaged, which will provoke the growth of a bone in the big toe area.

Other reasons for the appearance of a protruding bunion include foot diseases, congenital bone abnormalities, excess weight, and severe stress on the feet.

Due to the changes occurring in the foot, the structure of the bone tissue of the head of the metatarsal bone begins to slightly thicken. Then the articular surface is flattened. The head is covered with additional layers of bone tissue. In this regard, the size of the lump on the sore leg increases.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the bumps on your legs increase, then you can try proven traditional medicine. However, it is worth remembering that in the later stages the deformation cannot be eliminated using grandma’s recipes. You will need qualified medical assistance.

It is possible to stop the growth of bones at the initial stage through the use of red clay compresses, salt baths, and decoctions of various medicinal plants. Before treating a bulging bone on your foot, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules that must be followed when using folk remedies:

  • wear special insoles, use special orthopedic correctors that fix the metatarsal bone in the correct position;
  • do therapeutic exercises daily (exercises can relieve pain, strengthen muscles and ligaments);
  • change your diet and lose excess weight - by reducing the load on the legs, deformation processes are suspended and bone growth stops;
  • do therapeutic massage (its goal is to return normal foot biomechanics).

The results from using folk remedies will be good if they are used in combination with other procedures prescribed by the attending physician. Before using this or that recipe, you should consult a specialist. He will tell you which means are truly effective and which do not bring the desired result.

Which specialist should I contact?

If a protruding lump appears in the area of ​​the big toe, you should immediately go to the doctor. You should first visit a therapist. He is a general practitioner. The therapist will examine the big toe bone, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist of the appropriate profile - an orthopedist, surgeon or traumatologist.

A professional will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests (visual examination, x-ray). In some cases, it turns out that bunions are a concomitant ailment of diseases such as arthritis or gout. It is important to make a correct diagnosis and distinguish hallux valgus from other diseases. Only then can you choose the most suitable method for treating bunions and eliminating their growth.

Non-surgical methods for bunion correction

If hallux valgus is detected at the initial stage, the specialist will choose non-surgical correction methods. Thanks to them, you can both remove the protruding bone and stop its further growth.

Non-surgical correction methods include the following.

  1. Use of orthopedic shoes. Professionals advise wearing special wide models made of soft materials and equipped with special pads.
  2. Use of special tires. These orthopedic devices hold the human foot in an anatomically correct position and fix the big toe.
  3. Physiotherapy: ultrasound, electrophoresis, mud therapy, therapeutic baths, magnetic therapy.

A growing bunion at the base of the big toe can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. They should be used only as prescribed by your doctor. Medicines relieve swelling and relieve pain. The inflammatory process gradually goes away thanks to the use of creams, ointments, tablets and injections.

Surgical treatment of the disease

Many people who have a bunion decide not to visit the clinic. For a long time they endure discomfort and pain and do not try to fight them, but in vain. Currently, there are a number of effective surgical methods for treating the disease.

The goal of any operation performed for hallux valgus is to correct the position of the bones, restore foot function, eliminate existing symptoms and improve quality of life. During surgery, doctors perform the following actions:

  • remove excess bone;
  • fix the big toe in the correct position;
  • carry out reconstruction and stabilization of the joint.

The most popular surgical treatment for a bulging bunion is osteotomy. During the operation, doctors make a Z-shaped cut in the bone that supports the big toe. This treatment method allows you to return the head of the bone to its anatomically correct position.

Thus, only a doctor can tell you how to remove a bump on your leg after making an accurate diagnosis and determining the stage of the disease. Self-medication is undesirable, as the disease progresses quickly. Even the use of folk remedies should be coordinated with your doctor.

A disease with a history

Bumps in the thumb area are an unpleasant problem that humanity has been familiar with for a long time. The first mention of this disease dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. The symptoms of the disease were first described by Hippocrates. The famous ancient Greek doctor found that the bone on the big toe mainly begins to grow in women during menopause. Men have previously encountered this problem after reaching puberty. It has been noted that the growth of cones at the base of the thumbs is influenced by heredity.