How to find out if a passenger has flown away. How to find out if a person took off on an airplane: available methods

Before a flight, many people think about their upcoming flight - they are interested in the conditions on the plane, food issues, and they always want to know who their neighbors will be on board. Typically, such data in aviation is closed due to current legislation. However, situations are different, and sometimes the question arises - how to find a passenger on an airplane who plans, for example, to land in Nizhnevartovsk, or find out information about a person who checked in for a certain flight. No airline will respond to such a request, but there are several exceptions that require disclosure of a list of all transit passengers.

Is it possible to find out the list of passengers?

Information about the number of passengers and their personal data, no matter whether it is Vnukovo or Domodedovo airport in Russia, or Macedonia in Greece, is confidential. Personal data refers to the last name, first name, patronymic of the transit traveler, residence permit, passport data, and not a single airline, neither Aeroflot, nor AzurAir will allow an outsider to see information about a passenger who is going to fly with their airline.

Moreover, it does not matter where the plane will land, on what flights the flights are carried out - international or domestic, the plane is flying to the Turkish region or the Ural region, a flight to Ufa is planned, an expedition to Surgut or a business trip to SNPKh in the Sakhalin region. This is explained by the requirements of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and ensuring flight safety - thus preventing terrorist attacks.

Flight passengers

In a normal situation, no one would share data about future passengers on a flight with a stranger. There is no need to bother airport staff with this question again. If a transit passenger suddenly liked someone on the flight - 1% out of 100, that they will be able to find out something and get information about a certain beautiful passenger located in the next row. By answering the question, the employee will break the law and will have many problems. However, if there are convincing arguments and there is no probable threat to flight passengers, they may, as an exception, disclose a certain part of the information.

the federal law

Note! Airline employees are not obliged to disclose confidential data and have the right to refuse. No need to be offended - it's part of their job.

Under no circumstances should you trust online services that promise to show a list of passengers on any flight. Such sites are false, as is the information provided on them. In addition, scammers can find out the personal data of the applicant, which threatens the loss Money or other unpleasant consequences.

Online fraud

In what cases is the passenger list disclosed?

There are only a few situations when access to information is made available.

A plane crash is the worst reason to open a passenger list. Accidents in the air do not happen very often, but if a crash occurs, the actions should be as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to go to the official website of the company whose services the person you are interested in used.
  2. You need to find on the site contact number customer support center.
  3. Next, you need to call the number you found and wait for a specialist to answer.
  4. Afterwards you need to clearly define the situation and, if necessary, answer everything possible questions company representative.

On hotline will provide information only about the person of interest. To get a list of all passengers, you need to wait for an urgent news release or look for their list on the Internet.

An emergency landing is also an unusual situation in which information of interest may be provided. In the event of an unexpected landing at a location other than the destination, you can find out about the passenger through the airline's hotline.

A law enforcement request is a valid reason for providing data. If there are grounds to suspect one of the possible transit passengers of a flight has committed a crime, they have the right to make an official request to the airline. In this case, company employees are obliged to provide the authorities with all the requested information.

Important! No other situations imply official disclosure of personal data of passengers.

Other ways to obtain passenger information

And yet, there are times in life when you urgently need a list of passengers for an airplane flight: how can you find out this information quickly and efficiently? There are several legal and not so legal ways:

  • Remember your friends. Perhaps someone works for airlines, police, customs or other government agencies Oh. They will be able to make a request through their connections and answer their question.
  • Convince the airport employee that the information is absolutely necessary and that there is no malicious intent. There is a possibility that one of the staff will understand the reasons and provide the necessary information.
  • Hire a private detective. When choosing this option, you should make sure that the detective has a license. They have the ability to make official requests and obtain confidential information, e.g. the exact date when a particular passenger’s air ticket was purchased, the ticket number, in addition, they can easily determine where the departure is planned from, the flight time and where a certain plane should arrive and land. Naturally, you will have to pay for such a service, since the specialist will initially have to find out practically secret data, and after that he will have to check it more than once.

A private detective can help in the search

Hire a hacker. This method is recommended to many, but it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • the services of a hacker are illegal and can cause many problems, not only for him, but also for the person making the request;
  • likelihood of deception: no one can guarantee the veracity of the information provided, and a hacker may simply disappear after receiving payment, without even providing a certain minimum list of information about the passenger.

Important! It is highly undesirable to seek help from suspicious persons.

You should not risk your wallet and freedom for the sake of obtaining classified information. IN in case of emergency everyone involved will definitely be notified and provided with the necessary details, and taking risks for the sake of momentary interest is dangerous and unjustified. You need to trust only the airline's hotline and official news sites, and it is better to look for the person you like through social networks.

There are situations when a person is interested in the question of how to find out the list of passengers for a flight. But you need to understand that airline employees can give out such information only in extreme cases, otherwise it is punishable by law.

Even if your intentions are honest and harmless, for example, there is a need to choose a seat on the plane away from mothers with children or not to meet friends on a particular flight, such a list is almost impossible to obtain. There are strict restrictions and rules according to which it is prohibited to disclose information about third parties.

Why and who needs passenger lists?

If recently it was possible to call an airline representative, explain a personal situation and get information about a specific person traveling on an airplane, today it has become much more difficult. After all, the rights of clients are protected federal law“About personal data.”

This is because disclosing such information is fraught with serious consequences. You can find out the list of passengers for the following purposes:

  1. Fraud, for example, impersonating another person.
  2. Robberies of empty houses when the owners are on vacation or on a business trip.
  3. Attacks on passengers, knowing where and when they can be found.
  4. Find out information about the contacts and movements of competitors.
  5. Establish the fact of treason, etc.

Therefore, such secrecy after several incidents became an important guarantee of flight safety. And today, no airline or airport employee has the right to disclose lists of registered passengers for a flight, except extreme cases. Otherwise, it threatens with dismissal, and sometimes legal proceedings and imprisonment.

David McKelvey /

If desired, do to a loved one surprise, checking and monitoring the movement of a relative or friend, and under other personal circumstances, finding out lists of tourists or even anything about a specific passenger is almost impossible.

When does a company share data about third parties?

The law provides for certain situations when the disclosure of such lists is permissible:

  • in case of an official request from the police, FSB, tax, fiscal service;
  • in case of an airplane accident;
  • when an emergency landing is made due to technical or weather problems.

A separate situation An airliner crashes in the air, during landing or takeoff. In this case, an operational headquarters is created that manages all actions:

  1. They collect information about passengers who have checked in for a specific flight and check whether they have boarded.
  2. They check everyone’s condition after the accident and provide information about this to their closest relatives and the media.
  3. Organize a hotline where you can contact and receive necessary information.
  4. Close contact with funds mass media and provide access to cover news from the scene.

How can you tell if a person was on a particular plane?

If the situation is an emergency, then you can look at the list of passengers on the Internet, on news resources, or find out on TV. After checking all the data, the airline is obliged to publish a list of people on board on the official website.

Also, in such cases, there is a hotline; after finding out the phone number, you can call and find out whether your relative or friend was among the victims. It is possible to contact directly the employees of the operational headquarters who own complete information about the victims.

In all other situations, it is almost impossible to obtain the necessary information. Sometimes used following methods:

  • Contact a travel agency if a person ordered a ticket with their help. Then, by establishing personal contact with the operator, you can find out details about your relative’s flight. But this situation is also unacceptable by law, so employees can only make concessions in private, jeopardizing their place of work.
  • If you call the airline office and explain your personal situation, you can also try to convince the operator to give you the information you need. But this usually only happens if the mental or physical health passenger threatens the safety of the flight. However, such information must be documented. But airline employees usually sign a separate document on non-disclosure of information about third parties when hiring. Therefore, according to the law, they do not have the right to discuss such things.
  • Today there are many options on the Internet where, using any mobile application, program or website is available to obtain necessary information about passengers on a specific flight. In most cases, this is fraud, since they cannot obtain such information on their own, but they are able to find out from the client his passport details, number credit card etc. Sometimes such a request openly demands monetary payment, after which no one provides the information. Please note that you will not be able to complain about such manipulations to the police, since a person who tries to obtain confidential information about third parties is considered an accomplice to the crime.

Such secrecy guarantees you, as an airplane passenger, complete security of your personal data. Without special need or an official order, no one will know whether you were checked in for the flight, what seat you sat in, who you traveled with, what you ate, drank, and other information.

If your loved ones need to know when the plane arrives, whether they need to meet you, how much luggage you are carrying, all this should be discussed in person. telephone conversation.

Video: what do you need to know before boarding a plane?

Airline and airport employees who disclose data may not only lose their jobs, but also face legal action. Criminal or administrative liability, dismissal and fines most contribute to what employees most often adhere to similar rules and keep information about third parties secret.

Of course, situations are different, but scammers are also able to come up with any emotional story in order to find out the necessary information. Therefore, experienced operators are trained to keep passenger data strictly confidential and not disclose it to outsiders.

Today, airplanes are one of the most popular modes of transport, and this is not surprising, because they allow you to quickly get to the place you need. Moreover, with the help of airplanes you can simultaneously transport a large number of of people. Sometimes in life there are situations in which people need to obtain a list of passengers on a flight. We will talk about in what cases this information can be obtained and who provides it in this article.

Is it possible to find out the list of passengers on the plane?

Answering this question, first of all, it is necessary to answer that information about persons flying on one or another flight is strictly classified. This is due to the fact that such information falls under the law “On Personal Data”. According to Article 7 of this law, the operator or other persons who have access to personal data are prohibited from transferring this data to third parties.

Thus, airlines are prohibited from disclosing information about passengers, flying on their flights. Therefore, if you want to obtain information about the passengers with whom you will be traveling, only out of fear of ending up on the same plane with a person you dislike, then you will be denied a list of passengers. At the same time, there is no need to be offended by airline employees for this, since for disclosing such information, the person who committed this act faces punishment in the form of dismissal from work.

It is worth noting that there are many services and applications on the Internet that promise their users to find out who is flying on the flight they are interested in. If you believe the experts, then these services cannot obtain such information, so you should never trust them. You will receive false information, and in the worst case, information about your bank card, passport data and other information that they can use for their own purposes.

Thus, information about passenger lists is strictly confidential, which means only airline employees have access to it. Such information is not provided to third parties. However, in a number of exceptional circumstances it is still possible to obtain this information.

In what cases do airlines provide flight passenger lists?

As mentioned above, it is impossible to obtain information about flight passengers without a compelling reason. However, there are a number of cases when this information becomes available to third parties. Typically, a flight passenger list is provided under the following circumstances:

  • in response to an official request from law enforcement agencies;
  • in case of emergency landing, accident, etc.

In the first case, government employees make an official request to the airline. Typically, this happens if they have concerns that a wanted criminal might be on board the plane. In this case, the airline is obliged to inform all interested law enforcement agencies intelligence.

Despite all the safety of this type of transport, accidents and accidents on board aircraft still happen. In this case, information about the lists becomes publicly available. If you learned about the plane crash where your relative or someone close to you could be involved, you must:

  1. Go to the official website of the airline.
  2. Find hotline numbers.
  3. Call the call center using the numbers provided.
  4. Provide the operator with the information that is required from you.

Call center workers will provide you with information about whether the person you are interested in was on board the crashed plane. In addition, the names of those who flew on this plane announced on TV or radio. The names of the victims of the plane crash are also published on the Internet. You can also obtain information about passengers if the plane made an emergency landing. In this case, you need to contact the airline by calling the hotline.

Is it possible to find out passenger lists before departure?

If, before boarding a plane, you need to find out the lists of people flying on the same aircraft as you, then you can still try to get such information. In this case, you need to contact airline representatives and describe the current situation in detail. However, such information is provided only if the information you provide the arguments will be quite convincing. But here it is important to remember that company employees are not obliged to provide you with such information without a good reason.

Other ways to get information

There is another way to find out who will be flying on the flight you are interested in. However, it is only available to those who have money. You'll have to hire a private detective, which has a license to carry out such activities. A person authorized to engage in private investigation will make a formal request to the airline. As a rule, in this case, airlines also provide travel lists.

Thus, it is almost impossible to obtain information about who will fly on the flight you are interested in. The airline will not provide such information to third parties without good reason. But if the plane was involved in a plane crash or made an emergency landing, you can find out whether the person you are interested in was on that flight by contacting the airline. In the case of a plane crash, lists of those killed by name are published online.

Checking against the database is not as easy as it seems. Find a person among millions who are on the passenger lists of planes and trains is quite difficult. This will require not only special skills, but also a certain skill and serious acquaintances.

Often this check leads to problems, for example, such a check is a violation of the law on the confidentiality of personal data

But what to do if your loved one left and the connection was lost?

It is necessary to know where a person has gone; sometimes a city is enough to find him. It is almost impossible to obtain information directly. But we do not recommend falling into despair and panic, because there is always a way out of even the most difficult situation.

Get the necessary information You can do it completely legally if you contact a detective agency directly.

Detectives have all the powers, so they will get to the information you need without any problems.

Specialists provide materials confirming or refuting the transport movements of the object of interest. Even if the chances of a search are minimal in your opinion, private detectives. will cope with the task 100%.

Database of purchased tickets and border crossings Magistral

In the ticket database information is stored about all tickets purchased in Russia where a passport was needed to purchase a ticket. The Highway also stores information about all border crossings of the Russian Federation.


The director of a large financial company has doubts about the integrity of one of his employees. He does not show up at work for a week, citing illness. He submits a certificate stating that he has received ambulatory treatment. BUT! On these same days, another employee goes on a business trip to sunny Crimea (their relationship is quite warm). It is impossible to expose a man based on his tan and other signs due to the fact that he is naturally dark-skinned.

The head of the company needs to catch him in a lie or refute suspicions; in addition, there are doubts about the validity of the certificate. This case is processed by private detectives, and upon completion of the investigation, the manager receives a report.

There are more such cases than you can imagine, so person verification service using the Magistral database does not lose its relevance.

How to find out the list of passengers on an airplane

List of passengers on the flight– also applies to information contained in the Magistral search database.

People often contact us, wanting to find a person who was driving in the next place, because they met but did not have time to exchange phone numbers

Or in a situation where a loved one was supposed to fly on a plane, but communication with him was lost - find out whether a certain person boarded the plane.

Sometimes they called us wanting to know the exact flight number of their beloved girl because they “forgot” when to meet her, and it was not convenient to call and ask again

In the arsenal detective agency employees only legal and most modern methods collecting information. Each of your requests is immediately assessed and you are offered the simplest and cheapest way to resolve difficulties. This path may change due to new circumstances and your wishes. This is also related to the difference in prices for detective services: each client pays for the agency’s services depending on the complexity of the task we perform.

flights of an airplane, train, bus - detective help

IN modern world flying is becoming an increasingly popular mode of transportation. They allow you to travel around the world and erase the concept of distance, because in a couple of hours you can find yourself in another country, and in a few - on another continent. Companies are offering more and more profitable and attractively priced offers, and the myth that only wealthy people can afford a plane ticket and that it costs a fortune is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Now there are more and more promotions on low-cost flights. However, there is an opinion that is still of interest to many no less than prices. It concerns safety and comfort. On the one hand, you always want to know who will be with you in the sky for several hours of your life. On the other hand, when buying an expensive ticket, you want to get maximum peace of mind.

By various reasons people are wondering if it is possible to find out the list of passengers on the plane? There is one very sad reason - an accident and any problems. IN emergency situations Any person wants to quickly find out whether his relative or close friend flew on this plane, is everything okay with him? Therefore, it is important to consider this issue in more detail. In this regard, it would be useful to find out which places in the cabin are considered the safest.

Unfortunately, almost no company will tell you how to find out the list of passengers on an airplane flight.

If she does this, she will be breaking the law. No matter how much you would like to know for safety reasons who will be sitting next to you, or to avoid an unpleasant meeting with friends, this is impossible. You can minimize risks by purchasing a business class ticket, where less people in the cabin, but no more. You need to understand the following:

  1. It is impossible to find out the list of passengers on the plane, because this information is subject to the law on confidential personal data.
  2. Company employees can disclose personal information only if it is required by law enforcement agencies for a compelling reason.
  3. Information is given to everyone only in emergency cases: an accident, a sudden unscheduled landing, and so on.

With the latter option, if you are thinking about how to find out the list of passengers on a flight, you need to call the company’s hotline (such information is available on the websites). there in mandatory must provide information in real time. Another option is to follow the news on TV, radio, or the Internet. Very in rare cases a private individual will be given the names of passengers without force majeure. You must have very compelling reasons for this, for example, if your relative has health problems, including mental health, and may pose a threat to other people on the plane.

Experts insist that in this case third parties cannot be trusted. For example, you can come across various applications and programs that promise to provide flight data at lightning speed. They cannot take them from anywhere - this is a violation of the law. Instead, the entered details are stolen - your passport data, accounts, card information. And if the sites also ask for money, then this is 100% fraud.

Names and personal information of flight passengers - confidential information

The safest seats on a plane

If you are interested in the issue of safety and everything related to passengers and their position on the plane, then it would be useful to find out which seat to choose for yourself. Many people are afraid of flying, so taking a comfortable position can help relieve some of the anxiety.

Of course, the most comfortable seats are in the front. This part of the cabin is often reserved for business class. There is more free space here and it is more comfortable to sit. However, the statistics are inexorable - this is one of the most dangerous places in the cabin. People who sit here suffer more injuries and risk to their lives. It is worth considering these factors:

  • the most dangerous places– in the middle of the cabin;
  • here in the risk zone are seats by the windows, next to the wing of the plane;
  • It is this area that can catch fire in the event of an accident, because the engines are located under the wings.

You might be surprised to learn that the safest seats are in the back. Even according to the laws of logic, this is justified. The aircraft is at risk during landing and descent. When falling, it is the front part that comes into contact with the ground, the tail almost always remains unaffected. It can also be said that it is beneficial to sit next to the emergency exit. Even if the plane was not badly damaged in an accident, a fire may occur. In this situation, it is important to leave the salon as quickly as possible.

How to book your chosen seat?

So, most likely, you will not be able to find out the list of people on the plane, but understanding which seat is right for you, it is also important to book it. To get a reservation, you need to buy a ticket. You can do this online or use the cashier. Lately It is online purchasing that is gaining popularity, because you don’t have to leave your home and only spend a few minutes on the entire operation. In addition, search aggregators offer favorable promotions and prices. In addition, with such a reservation there is often the opportunity to choose the desired seat.

We are all accustomed to the fact that when ordering a ticket for a bus or train, you can more or less independently choose a seat for yourself. With airplanes the situation is somewhat different. You don’t have a choice in this situation – only rare companies provide such an opportunity. As a result, the seat is selected directly upon check-in for the flight. In this case, it is important to ask the operator to reserve a specific area. If you don't do this, you will be given a random place.

Consider some points:

  • the seat at the emergency exit does not recline;
  • if you are flying for the first time or do not tolerate flying well, then sit away from the window to eliminate the feeling of weightlessness and pitching;
  • if you are sitting at the emergency exit, the implication is that you are the person who will overcome the panic and open it.

If it happens that the seat you wanted is already taken, you can ask the person to change with you before takeoff. Of course, if the question is a personal factor, all people are different and react differently to such requests. But if you say that you can’t stand the flight well or suffer from panic, there is a high probability that the person will agree, especially if we're talking about about one class.

Flying is safe!

How to overcome the fear of flying?

All these actions, including clarifying the names of passengers and choosing a seat, are often dictated by one feeling - fear. Flying can be unpleasant and scary, because there is simply no way out; you literally trust yourself to the professionalism of the pilots. However, statistics show that serious accidents resulting in deaths are very rare. If you compare cars and planes, millions more people die on the roads.

Try to choose seats in the middle of the cabin; if that doesn’t work, close the window. Also, don’t be shy about talking about your fears to a flight attendant or a neighbor - conversation is distracting, plus the staff can serve you water and give you advice. Do not refuse the lollipops that are given before takeoff - they will reduce the strain on your ears and relieve stuffiness.

Passengers often take sedatives to sleep through the entire flight. But if you are flying for the first time, be careful so that you don’t get seasick. Try to breathe deeply, especially during turbulence. It is very important to comply with all requests of the flight attendant. And, of course, it would be a good idea to take a book or magazine with you to distract yourself.

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