Cat smells of acetone on her breath. Why does a cat's breath stink?

When caring for their furry pet, owners often notice an unpleasant odor. There are several reasons why a cat’s breath smells, and, as a rule, they all indicate some kind of disorder in the animal’s health. A timely visit to a veterinary institution will allow you to identify pathology and begin treatment of the underlying disease.

According to veterinary experts, even a healthy cat’s breath should normally smell. This phenomenon (medically referred to as halitosis) is primarily due to the fact that animals, being predators, consume a lot of protein foods. Residues of food remain in the interdental space, undergo rotting processes and cause a specific odor from the pet’s mouth.

Experienced breeders believe that cats of brachycephalic breeds are susceptible to halitosis. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the skull bones, owners of breeds such as British, Persian, and Exotic Shorthair often encounter this problem. Halitosis is common in Sphynx cats.

In young pets, odor from the mouth may be due to changing teeth or the formation of an incorrect bite. In older animals, the cause is most often associated with disruption of the internal organs.

However, a strong, putrid stench is not a physiological norm and can be caused by a number of diseases.

Causes depending on age

Halitosis is the scientific name for an unpleasant odor from the mouth, a fairly common reason for visiting a veterinarian. Typically, the symptom is associated with health problems. Some brachycephalic cat breeds (Persian, British, exotic) are more susceptible to this problem due to the anatomical features of the structure of the muzzle.

The sign can be observed in both young and older cats.

In small kittens and animals under 1 year of age, most often The causes of strong bad breath are the following:

  • problems with timely replacement of baby teeth;
  • improper bite formation;
  • damage to the oral mucosa by foreign objects, dry food;
  • diseases of viral etiology (calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis). Infections are often accompanied by ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa.


Incorrect bite, sharp food particles, and foreign objects injure the delicate mucous membrane of the pet’s oral cavity and contribute to the formation of wounds and damage. Food particles get into the space between the teeth and rot, which is accompanied by the phenomenon of halitosis.

In adult animals from 1 year to 8 - 9 years old, the main causes of repulsive bad breath may be the following disorders:

  • Plaque deposits on teeth and stone formation. These phenomena are accompanied by a strong inflammatory process in the cervical part of the tooth and are often the reason why a cat’s breath stinks. Tartar provokes the development of caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and pulpitis. Diseases of the teeth and gums are accompanied by a bacterial infection, which leads to an unpleasant odor from the pet's mouth.
  • Stomatitis. The causes of inflammation of the oral cavity can be very diverse. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi developing on the mucous membrane lead to tissue death and the appearance of halitosis in the animal. Often the cause of stomatitis is diseases of the salivary glands.
  • Injuries to the oral mucosa foreign objects, roughage, bones. Cats often get damaged when fighting over territory.

In older animals over 8-9 years old, bad breath is most often a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Neoplasms. The reason that your pet's mouth smells bad may be tumors of the internal organs. With malignant neoplasms, severe intoxication of the body occurs, which is accompanied by halitosis.
  • Systemic diseases. The reasons why a cat’s breath stinks of rotten meat are often diseases of the digestive organs, nephrological pathologies, etc.

What does the smell tell you?

Having discovered that a pet has a foul odor from the pet's mouth, the owner can also pay attention to its character. Often, “aromatic” nuances can suggest where exactly the main problem lies:

  • , diseases of the esophagus can signal themselves with a putrid odor.

Organs of the digestive system in cats
  • A sweetish odor is observed in liver diseases.
  • A pungent ammonia odor is observed in cases of kidney problems: renal failure, nephritis, which are often accompanied by halitosis in the pet.
  • The smell of acetone or overripe apples is characteristic of a systemic disease such as diabetes.
  • If your cat's breath smells rotten, there is a high probability that the cause is dental problems or digestive diseases.

Of course, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based solely on the specifics of the stench. The owner needs to look for other symptoms besides bad breath and conduct a clinical examination at a veterinary clinic.

Watch this video about the causes of bad breath in cats:

Why does my cat's breath smell like rotten meat, a putrid odor has appeared?

If a cat’s breath smells like rotten meat or a putrid odor appears, then in most cases the causes are diseases of the digestive system. With gastritis, stomach ulcers, diseases of the duodenum, due to impaired fermentation of protein products, fermentation and putrefaction processes develop, which cause halitosis. With liver disease, the owner often detects a putrid odor with a sweetish tint from the pet.

Along with halitosis, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the animal experiences diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, etc.

What does the smell of acetone tell you?

If your pet smells of acetone, then it is necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test and rule out diabetes mellitus. With this pathology, a metabolic disorder occurs, ketone bodies enter the blood, which causes the specific smell of overripe apples.

The mechanism of acetone formation in diabetes

What causes a cat's breath to smell like fish?

If your cat's breath smells like fish, then food may be the cause. If the basis of the animal’s diet is fish products, then the smell will be appropriate. Some mass-market ready-made dry foods containing low-quality proteins also lead to an unpleasant odor.

The cat's breath smells like urine: what caused the odor?

If your cat's breath smells like urine , then it is necessary to exclude danger to the life of the animal. The development of uremia due to kidney failure leads to the smell of urine coming from the animal’s mouth and fur. If a symptom is detected, the animal should be immediately shown to a veterinarian.

Why does my cat's breath smell like garbage?

Your cat's breath may smell like garbage due to the condition of its teeth. With tartar and caries, a large amount of pathogenic microflora accumulates in the oral cavity, which actively multiplies on food debris. The inflammatory process is accompanied by the appearance of a stench in the cat.

What causes a cat's breath to smell of ammonia and sweet aromas?

Having discovered that a cat's breath smells of ammonia, the owner should be aware that the cause of this phenomenon may be problems with the kidneys and liver. In case of renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, the filtration of primary urine occurs, and the products of nitrogen metabolism enter the blood.

A) Normal kidney; B) the initial stage of polycystic kidney disease with minimal changes in the parenchyma in the form of small cavities; B) the final stage of PKP, when the parenchyma is completely replaced by cystic cavities

The cat's smell may change due to the presence of a neoplasm. Tumors, especially of a malignant nature, are characterized by changes in metabolism, the entry of toxins and tissue breakdown products into the bloodstream. These processes are often accompanied by halitosis in animals.

In some cases, diseases of the respiratory system - pharyngitis - can also be accompanied by bad breath as a result of the inflammatory process.

What causes a cat's mouth to run and stink?

Often a cat's mouth runs and stinks due to inflammation or swelling of the salivary glands. Increased salivation along with stench often accompanies pathologies such as periodontal disease and pulpitis. If a symptom is detected, the owner should inspect the cat's mouth for foreign objects.

The cat has pus flowing from his mouth

In addition to stomatitis and gingivitis, the cause of the smell and the fact that the cat has pus flowing from the mouth A, often an abscess. Inflammation usually occurs when the mucous membrane is injured by hard objects, dry food, or caries. Due to the inflammatory reaction, not only a putrid odor is observed, but also purulent discharge from the mouth when the abscess spontaneously opens.

Periodontal disease

Cat has brown discharge from mouth

There may be several reasons why a cat has brown discharge from its mouth:

  • it is necessary to exclude injuries to the oral mucosa - a broken tooth, damage from sharp objects lead to bleeding, which is accompanied by brown discharge;
  • Often, ulceration of the oral mucosa occurs with such a serious disease as calcivirosis, while the virus settles in the pet’s mouth and leads to the development of ulcerative stomatitis, accompanied by putrid breath and brown discharge.

A cat has worms: will there be stink from the mouth?

According to experienced breeders, worms in cats can lead to halitosis. As a result of their vital activity, helminths release toxic substances into the blood. In addition, under the influence of worms, food digestion is disrupted, fermentation and putrefactive processes develop, which aggravates the situation. In addition to halitosis, when an animal is infected with worms, the pet experiences diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, dull fur, and loss of appetite.

Additional symptoms to contact your veterinarian

Often, halitosis is not the only symptom that worries the owner. The animal's appetite may worsen. Often this phenomenon is associated with discomfort when eating food, especially if it is rough. A pet may approach a bowl of food and try to take food into its mouth if there are ulcers, stomatitis, periodontal disease, advanced caries and pulpitis.

If, in addition to bad breath, there are problems with digestion (,), then we may be talking about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Increased thirst, changes in the animal's weight (obesity or emaciation), lethargy, apathy of the animal, along with the smell of acetone from the mouth, may indicate diabetes mellitus.

The animal may also experience frequent urination and pain when going to the toilet, which may indicate diseases of the excretory system.

Cat pose when urinating for diseases of the urinary system

An increase in temperature, fever, along with bad breath, can be the cause of an infectious disease, for example, calcivirosis, or signal inflammatory kidney disease.

Getting rid of unpleasant odor

Having discovered that your pet has bad breath, what to do to solve the problem is an important question for every owner. You should not self-medicate. The best thing an owner can do is take the animal to a veterinary clinic. The specialist will carefully examine the cat’s mouth for ulcers, foreign bodies, caries, etc.

If necessary, he will inject a sedative and clean the teeth of tartar with ultrasound. This manipulation will help eliminate bad breath if its cause is the formation of tartar.

If the cause of halitosis is improper replacement of baby teeth, then they are removed from the young cat, providing space for the growth of permanent ones.

If the doctor suspects a more serious pathology in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, pulpitis) or disease of the salivary glands, an X-ray examination may be prescribed.

If systemic diseases are suspected, the specialist will prescribe a general and biochemical blood and urine test. In the event that the cause of halitosis is diseases of the internal organs, then after establishing the final diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe treatment for the pet depending on the disease.

The owner must understand that if a pet’s breath smells bad, they should not mask the stench with special chews, sprays, or pet treats. It is necessary to understand that such a symptom is not harmless and is most often associated with health problems.

Your cat has bad breath: what to do on your own

If a cat has bad breath, first the pet needs to have its teeth hygienically brushed. The procedure is performed using a special toothpaste for animals and a small brush. You can clean your teeth from soft and small deposits using a finger wrapped in gauze. Regular oral care will help you avoid many dental problems, including reducing bad breath from your pet’s mouth.

However, if the cause of halitosis is a disease, then you will not be able to get rid of the problem on your own.

How to treat an unpleasant odor will your doctor tell you?

Treatment for bad odor in a cat depends on what is causing the symptom:

Long-term treatment will require such causes of bad breath in an animal as gastritis, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, and diabetes.

For neoplasms in the area of ​​the salivary glands, treatment is only possible through surgery.

Remedies for cat bad breath

The most commonly used remedies for cat bad breath are:

  • Special gels and pastes for hygienic teeth cleaning will help reduce this unpleasant phenomenon;
  • easy-to-use liquid or spray for cleaning animals' teeth from Cliny;
  • For capricious pets, Dental Powder or Fresh Breath Tablets are suitable.

Specially developed oral care products for your four-legged friends do not cause allergies. They contain algae extracts that neutralize bad breath.

Disinfectants such as Chlorhexidine solution, chamomile and horsetail decoction have a good effect. Regular hygiene care for your pet's oral cavity will not only reduce the stench, but also keep the teeth healthy.

Kitten has bad breath: what to do

The cause of unpleasant odor in kittens is most often slow teeth change or an incorrect bite. A veterinarian can correct the problem by removing baby teeth.

Prevention of pathology development

It is not difficult to prevent halitosis associated with the condition of your pet’s teeth. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

The owner should understand that if a pet’s mouth stinks, then this phenomenon cannot be left to chance. Bad breath in a cat is most often a symptom of some disease. In young animals, halitosis can be caused by a delay in changing teeth or malocclusion. A putrid odor is usually caused by dental problems and stomach diseases.

With diabetes, the owner may notice the smell of acetone from the cat's mouth. Kidney pathology is often accompanied by an ammonia stench. Treatment of the problem depends on the underlying cause and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Regular hygienic cleaning at home and professional cleaning in a clinic will not only prevent bad breath, but also help maintain dental health.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to brush your cat's teeth:

Cat owners should understand that the oral cavity of their pets is structured somewhat differently than that of humans. And unlike a person who observes daily oral hygiene, an animal is deprived of this opportunity. Normally, a neutral odor should come from your pet’s mouth, which intensifies after eating a particular food. However, the occurrence of a strong bad breath in a cat indicates a serious imbalance in the body.

Causes of bad breath

If your cat has bad breath, a visit to the veterinarian is the ideal solution. In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called halitosis., which implies not only infections in the oral cavity, but also pathologies of internal organs. The causes of a strong odor from the mouth may vary depending on the age group of the animal.

Young animals

  • untimely loss of baby teeth;
  • malocclusion;
  • gaps in teeth;
  • trauma in the oral cavity as a result of games;
  • entry of a foreign body or food that gets stuck between the teeth and creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Middle aged animals

In an adult cat, the cause of the odor may be a gastrointestinal disease.

Middle age includes cats from 1 year to 9 years inclusive. Common causes of foul odor during this period of life are:

  • Tartar, which causes the gums to recede from the tooth. As a result, a certain gap is formed into which food debris gets clogged. They begin to rot and emit a putrid odor. If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the animal may lose a tooth.
  • Plaque, stomatitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs.
  • Respiratory tract infections (rhinotracheitis, bronchitis, etc.) and dermatological infections.
  • Various injuries leading to gum inflammation.
  • Improper nutrition: overfeeding with soft food, food from the table, excess protein components in the feed.

Old animals

  • existing neoplasms;
  • diseases of internal organs, including digestive disorders;

What can smell tell you?

The smell can also appear in an animal with healthy teeth.

Based on the nature of the smell, the owner can independently determine the probable causes of its occurrence:

If you notice some symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Among them:

  • tartar, dark plaque, red and inflamed gums, oral swelling;

Attention. A large amount of brown tartar in a cat, accompanied by difficulty eating, increased drooling and bad breath, can signal serious dental problems.

  • yellowing of the gums and corneas of the eyes;
  • the cat scratches its mouth and perioral area with its paws;
  • the cat does not eat, and there is bad breath and periodic vomiting;
  • the pet chews with caution, eats more slowly than usual, chews on one side; rubs one side of his muzzle against the furniture, holds his head at an angle;
  • the animal screams sharply, does not close its mouth, drools and does not allow itself to be stroked on the head.

Getting rid of unpleasant odor

Treatment of the disease causing halitosis will eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Before helping an animal get rid of bad breath, the veterinarian will conduct diagnostic tests to identify the cause of the disease. Often the animal is sedated with medications, and in some cases it is necessary to resort to general anesthesia.

Important. It is very important to monitor the hygienic condition of the cat's oral cavity. From early childhood, a kitten should be taught to regularly brush its teeth, as well as treat wounds and ulcers on the tongue and the inner mucous surface of the cheeks with special antiseptic solutions (for example, Chlorhexidine).

In advanced cases, when caries, periodontitis or tumors are added to normal dental plaque, the help of a qualified veterinarian cannot be avoided. Under anesthesia, the doctor will remove significantly overgrown tartar, cure caries and carry out other necessary medical procedures. At the end of the therapeutic measures, not a trace will remain of the foul odor.

Prevention of pathology development

Brushing your cat's teeth helps prevent gum disease.

You can prevent your pet's bad breath by following certain care rules:

The video discusses the main causes of unpleasant odor from a cat's mouth:

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A cat's breath odor is a vital indicator of its health and should not be overlooked. Normally, the oral cavity of animals does not have any odors, while the presence of stench is a consequence of a certain imbalance in the pet’s body. The reasons may lie both in an incorrect diet and in more global disorders in the functioning of organs. There is no universal way to get rid of a pungent odor, so you must first go through all the tests with your cat that the veterinarian will prescribe. The outcome of further treatment will depend on them. Read on to learn about the causes of bad breath and what types there are.

Veterinarians have a special name for bad breath in cats (and other pets) called halitosis. It should be immediately noted that this term applies only to those cases when the bad breath hides some pathology that threatens the health of the animal and requires treatment.

Halitosis is typical for cats of any age, but it is usually less common among young cats. In older cats, in most cases, a specific pungent odor from the mouth is explained by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs or problems with dental health and oral hygiene. With age, the amount of dental plaque only increases, becoming an additional stimulus for the proliferation of pathogenic flora, which contributes to the spread of a strange odor.

Causes of bad breath in cats

In simple terms, an animal’s mouth can contain both beneficial and harmful microflora. The appearance of bad breath indicates that at the moment it is the second variant of microflora that dominates.

If we look at the reasons superficially, we can see that most of them can be divided into two large groups:

  • pathologies affecting internal organs;
  • pathologies localized in the oral cavity.

The exception is brachycephalic breeds, which are generally predisposed to developing halitosis due to the specific structure of the skull. In such breeds, a similar odor may be present without visible pathologies.

Pathologies of the oral cavity

The most common pathologies of the oral cavity that cause halitosis include:

  • Pharyngitis;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Glossitis;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Tartar;
  • Malocclusion.

We will talk about each of these ailments in subsequent chapters.


Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane of an animal’s pharynx, which can manifest itself in both acute and chronic forms. Pharyngitis develops due to the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which can be triggered by the entry of foreign objects into the animal’s mouth or even too hot or cold food. Sometimes pharyngitis is recognized precisely by its unpleasant smell, since its other manifestations are not obvious and can be overlooked even by an attentive owner.


With stomatitis, a cat's gums become inflamed, and along with them the palate, tongue and even areas of the cheeks. An unpleasant odor accompanies stomatitis, regardless of what type it is. The most dangerous and smelly are ulcerative and gangrenous types of stomatitis. With gangrenous stomatitis, the smell from the animal's mouth is associated with the smell of a decomposing corpse and cannot be confused with anything else. In addition to bad breath, stomatitis can be recognized by the following signs:

  • profuse salivation
  • redness and swelling of mucous membranes
  • the appearance of plaque on the tongue, cheeks, palate, etc.


Glossitis involves inflammation of the tongue, which can be caused either by pathogenic bacteria entering the oral cavity or by infection of the animal with a virus. Tartar can also cause inflammation of the tongue. The symptoms of glossitis are in many ways similar to those in the case of stomatitis - an unnaturally large amount of saliva, redness and swelling of the tongue, as well as some areas of the oral cavity. It becomes painful for the animal to swallow, and as a result, he may lose interest in food.


Gingivitis, like pharyngitis, is accompanied by inflammation of the gums, but unlike pharyngitis, gingivitis is more locally expressed. For example, the gums of only one or several teeth may become inflamed. The danger of gingivitis is that it progresses quickly, taking over the bones that support the teeth and leading to periodontal disease, which is much more difficult to cure. The disease is recognized precisely by its unpleasant odor, since the rare owner periodically looks into the animal’s mouth to monitor the condition of the gums.


Stones that appear as a result of the accumulation of dental plaque are not a disease as such, but they can lead to quite serious consequences. The formation of stones is common to all breeds without exception; only preventive cleaning of dental plaque at the veterinarian or constant cleaning of the animal’s teeth at home can save you from them, which will not allow the situation to worsen.

You can suspect the formation of dental stones in a cat if the following manifestations are present:

  • bleeding and inflammation of the gums;
  • excessive salivation (not in all cases);
  • bad breath;
  • the animal’s attempts to scratch its jaw due to itching in the gum area;
  • tooth loss, characteristic of an advanced stage.

“Ripe” tartar, especially supragingival variants, are visible to the naked eye.


Malocclusion manifests itself even in kittens, becoming the main cause of halitosis at such an early age. Most often, kittens have an overbite, in which the lower jaw protrudes a little further than the upper, making the pet's chin seem more expressive (which is a plus in some breeds). Less commonly, kittens suffer from underbite, in which the upper jaw dominates, and the lower jaw develops more slowly. Often, malocclusion goes away on its own when baby teeth are replaced.

Other reasons

In addition to the indicated diseases, bad breath is caused by:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • cysts;
  • other neoplasms located in the oral cavity.

Various caries, pulpitis and periodontitis can also be accompanied by bad breath, but in fewer cases. As a rule, dental diseases in cats and dogs do not have pronounced symptoms. Also, in rare cases, halitosis accompanies the change of baby teeth in kittens.

Pathologies of internal organs

Sometimes in animals with halitosis no ailments associated with the oral cavity are found that could give a similar effect. In this case, the reasons for the repulsive odor begin to be sought deeper, moving to the animal’s body.

Diabetes mellitus

This pathology is a serious disease that appears as a result of malfunctions of the endocrine system. Diabetes can lead to damage to a variety of organs - from the muscles of the limbs to the eyes, and also contribute to the development of cystitis due to an enlarged liver. In diabetes mellitus, the odor from the mouth has a specific taste of acetone, characteristic of this particular pathology.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of diabetes mellitus can vary significantly, there are several main manifestations:

  • constant need for water and frequent urination;
  • increased appetite not accompanied by weight gain;
  • general depressed state;
  • deterioration in wool quality.

Kidney failure

In most cases, the onset of kidney failure comes as a complete surprise to the pet owner. This disease can be caused by both an incorrect diet, a single hypothermia, or an infection that has entered the pet’s body. Unfortunately, the initial signs of renal failure often go unnoticed, and the disease becomes apparent at a fairly advanced stage.

Most symptoms of kidney failure are not specific and may refer to several possible diagnoses. Such manifestations include:

  • constant need for water against the background of frequent urination;
  • causeless emaciation of the pet;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • hair loss.


The following painful manifestations indicate helminthiasis:

  • perversion of appetite (appearance of interest in inedible objects, even one’s own bowel movements);
  • increased appetite, not accompanied by weight gain (sometimes there is also a lack of appetite due to nausea);
  • bloating;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • periodic bouts of vomiting;
  • signs of intestinal obstruction that appear in later stages of the disease.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines

The group of these diseases includes a large number of diseases from chronic constipation to enteritis and all kinds of malignant tumors. The most dangerous diseases that threaten the life of an animal are intestinal obstruction, coronavirus enteritis and stomach ulcers. Any disease that is somehow related to digestion can lead to bad breath that smells like rot.

Diseases related to the digestive tract are characterized by some of the following symptoms:

  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • pain in the abdomen and aggression when the owner tries to probe the corresponding area;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea/vomiting;
  • diarrhea/diarrhea;
  • lack of interest in food.

Video - Why does my cat's breath smell?

Types of bad breath

Establishing the causes of halitosis is largely facilitated by determining the type of unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. Of course, the nature of the smell cannot clearly make the correct diagnosis, but its specificity will help guide the veterinarian on the right path.

Treatment of bad breath

Since bad breath is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of a more global illness, any treatment must begin with a thorough diagnosis of the animal. Only after a pathology is detected is the cat given adequate treatment. If we are talking about such serious chronic diseases as kidney failure or diabetes, then a permanent treatment regimen will be developed for the animal, which will need to be strictly adhered to in order to avoid relapses.

The most important thing in getting rid of an unpleasant odor is to find its real source.

If problems associated with the oral cavity are detected, the cat is sent to a dentist, who performs cleaning (mechanical or ultrasonic) in the case of stones, or treats teeth in the presence of caries or pulpitis. Pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory diseases require the use of antibiotics, which alleviate the symptoms and lead to their disappearance.

You can find out more details about it in a separate article on our portal.

How to get rid of bad breath

It also happens that a cat develops bad breath in the absence of any diseases. The reason for this phenomenon is a certain food (for example, canned fish). Halitosis caused by specific foods is not permanent and goes away quite quickly when changing foods.

However, if the pet owner is very bothered by this pungent “aroma”, he can use breath lightening products that are designed specifically for animals. Some of these products will be listed in the table below.

Table 2. Remedies for halitosis


This product achieves its effect due to the presence of chlorophyll in the composition, which neutralizes strong odors. Chlorophyll also helps disinfect the oral mucosa, preventing the proliferation of bacteria. It is most convenient to give the tablets along with food twice a day.490 rubles

A powder containing crushed algae, which helps neutralize any unpleasant odors. Thanks to natural ingredients, the product is suitable even for pets with allergies. Cats need no more than half a scoop of the substance per day620 rubles

The product not only eliminates unpleasant odor, but also removes its causes, removing accumulated plaque from the teeth. Excellent for preventing the formation of tartar. Components such as silver ions and chlorine dioxide contribute to the destruction of deposits. Kittens can be accustomed to this liquid from an early age, since it is not dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract. To use the product, it is mixed with water in a drinking bowl.260 rubles

The spray allows you to achieve the fastest effect, since it immediately settles in the animal’s mouth. However, this effect also passes quickly, which necessitates frequent use of the spray can. Like the oral fluid from the same manufacturer, the spray dissolves plaque and prevents the appearance of tartar. Safe for cats of all ages170 rubles

It should be noted that cat owners rarely turn to breath-illuminating products. The exception is animals intended for exhibitions, which are brought into proper shape before the show. In domestic conditions, the use of such products is ineffective and uneconomical. In addition, some of these sprays can cause allergies in cats. As for the means that prevent the formation of stones, they can be replaced with a brush and paste for cats, which are no less effective.

Preventive measures

Since bad breath is very rare in healthy animals, its occurrence can only be prevented by constant care of your cat. Measures that will help maintain the animal’s well-being include the following:

  • regular trips with your pet to the veterinarian. Many diseases may be completely unobvious; only a specialist can detect their presence. Taking an animal to a doctor only when the owner sees obvious deviations from the norm is not enough;

  • preventive teeth cleaning. Periodic cleaning of your cat's teeth can help prevent most oral diseases. It is advisable to accustom her to this procedure almost from infancy in order to encounter less resistance in the future. For such purposes, there are special kits for cleaning animal teeth, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies;
  • controlling your cat's diet. As already mentioned, proper nutrition allows you to protect your cat not only from halitosis, but also from various digestive problems. When developing a diet, it is important to take into account the age, physiological state of the animal, as well as its breed;

You should figure out why your cat's breath smells; this could be a sign of serious health problems. If bad breath appears once, then there is no need to worry, but if it appears with enviable frequency, then you should consult a specialist.

Many different bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity, some of them are useful, and some can be harmful. A kitten is the same living creature, and various pathogenic processes can occur in its body. One of these processes is bad breath.


The causes of stench are most often bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as diseases of the internal organs. If this problem appeared after another snack and went away on its own, then there is no need to worry. But if the smell contains notes of acetone or rot, then this may become one of the symptoms of the disease.

Reasons why a cat has bad breath:

  1. Stomatitis– inflammatory processes are observed in the pet’s mouth.
  2. Gingivitis– the inner surface of the cat’s mouth becomes inflamed. If left untreated, it can develop into an infection that destroys bone tissue and causes serious damage to the mouth. The kitten may lose its teeth, resulting in rapid exhaustion and death.
  3. Abscess– most often observed in cats. The reason for this is the entry of a foreign body into the tooth, as a result of which inflammation develops and many harmful bacteria appear.
  4. Changing teeth– Kittens’ teeth begin to change at 3-4 months. This may cause an unpleasant odor.
  5. Polyps– a benign tumor, the location of which is the nasal passages or larynx of the cat.
  6. Diabetes– observed in old cats. At the same time, the animal develops a fruity odor from its mouth.
  7. Reflux- in other words, heartburn.
  8. Lung diseases– the inflammatory processes that occur there can also be the cause of the cat’s bad breath.
  9. Liver diseases– characterized by the smell of ammonia.
  10. Benign and malignant tumors.
  11. Gastrointestinal diseases– oncology, indigestion, etc.

If your cat has bad breath due to problems in the oral cavity, then you can solve them on your own. Ointments, compresses, special foods and brushing your teeth will help cope with the disease. Usually these are problems with teeth or gums. But if the kitten chews slowly, finds this process difficult, scratches its mouth with its paw, or tilts its head to the side, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Perhaps your pet has developed one of the above diseases.

If a bad smell has become a symptom of a disease of the internal organs, then you cannot do without qualified help. The owner of the animal himself will not be able to determine anything.

If a cat eats only soft food, then it begins to accumulate between the teeth, and therefore, tartar can form on the teeth.

The causes of odor can be divided by age category

Kittens will most likely have:

  • Untimely replacement of teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Wounds, ulcers in the mouth.
  • Remains of food, a foreign body in the tooth, due to which bacteria begin to develop.

Middle aged cats:

  • Tartar on teeth, in which the gum moves away from the tooth itself. Harmful bacteria begin to colonize it, which leads to infections and inflammation.
  • Injury to the gums, causing them to become inflamed. For this reason, the cat's breath stinks of rotten meat.

Adult cats:

  • Malignant tumors.
  • Diseases of the kitten's internal organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus.

We distinguish diseases by smell

Bad breath from a cat can make it clear to its owner what needs to be addressed. Gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the esophagus give off a putrid odor. Liver diseases are characterized by a sweetish odor. The smell of ammonia signals kidney disease. The smell of acetone or overripe apples indicates the development of diabetes. If it smells like rotten meat, then most likely there is a problem in the animal’s oral cavity.

Associated symptoms

Halitosis (stinky odor) is not the only symptom that may concern the owner. In addition, your pet’s appetite may decrease and it becomes difficult for him to chew food, especially hard food.

A cat's bad breath may be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. In this case, the cause is diseases of the digestive tract.

If strong thirst, changes in weight up or down, weakness, indifference to everything, the smell of acetone from the mouth are added to the stench of the mouth, then this indicates diabetes mellitus.

In combination with the stench, frequent urination and pain when going to the toilet can be observed, all this indicates diseases of the urethra.

If accompanied by increased salivation

This is one of the signs of stomatitis. In this case, the cat’s breath smells like rotten meat. In addition to stomatitis, the smell of rotten meat may indicate infectious processes in the body, the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity, or kidney failure.

Accompanying tooth loss

Some cat breeds are highly prone to oral diseases, especially Persians and Abyssinians. An owner who does not monitor his pet’s nutrition, as well as the condition of his oral cavity, leads to the fact that his ward loses his teeth early.

If the following symptoms appear, you need to visit a veterinarian:

  • putrid smell.
  • swollen gums.
  • strong salivation.
  • loss of appetite or complete refusal of food.

If such signs are present, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. No one can make a diagnosis on their own. The doctor will examine the animal, take the necessary tests, and determine the causes of the cat’s strong breath.

During the examination, an x-ray is used, which allows you to identify diseases of the bones or teeth, and will also show a tumor, if any. An ultrasound will determine the condition of the internal organs and their size.

If it is difficult to determine the cause of the stench, your doctor may recommend an endoscopy. This procedure is carried out using a thin tube that is placed in the digestive tract. At its end there is a camera that will show the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Typically, diagnosis of the disease consists of urine, feces and blood tests, x-rays, ultrasound and a swab from the kitten's mouth.


To determine the source of the kitten’s bad breath, you need to contact the appropriate specialists; only they, based on the examination, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If the problem is in the mouth, then most likely brushing your cat's teeth will help deal with the situation, but this is only when yellow plaque appears.

For prevention purposes, pets need to be given special food that reduces plaque. Solid foods help cleanse teeth of dirt and remove tartar..

Only a veterinarian can determine the treatment for bad breath in a cat. It all depends on the disease.

  • If the kitten eats only soft food, then it should be replaced with harder food. And cheap food, balanced and full of vitamins and minerals.
  • If the cat is found to have helminths, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic drugs.
  • For kidney diseases, drugs are prescribed that restore this organ.
  • For dental diseases, procedures are carried out to remove caries and plaque.
  • If a cat develops diabetes mellitus and a foul smell appears as a result, then it is prescribed therapy that helps get rid of it. However, she cannot cope with the disease.

If your pet's gums are in poor condition, there are dental problems, as well as gingivitis, then, under anesthesia, they can remove the stone, remove the tooth or the resulting polyps. If a tumor is found, surgical intervention is possible.

If your pet’s mouth smells bad due to stomatitis, the doctor prescribes ointments, antibiotics, or, in the final stages, all teeth are removed. If there is an abscess, the tooth is opened and cleaned, and antibiotics are prescribed. In advanced stages, the diseased tooth may be removed.

If a cat’s breath stinks due to diseases of the internal organs, then a balanced diet is prescribed, and the necessary medications are also prescribed.

How to get rid of the stench

If the cause of the stench is not a disease, then special powders that are sold at the pet store will help get rid of it. They can be added to your pet's food or water. This method can only help if the stench appears occasionally and the cause is the pet’s food.


To prevent your cat from having bad breath or prevent a recurrence, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian more often. He will assess your health and prevent unpleasant consequences.
  • From a very early age, you need to teach a kitten to brush its teeth and treat cuts in the mouth. This way, in the future, he will not be afraid of this procedure, which will make caring for him easier.
  • The pet must eat a healthy and balanced diet. The diet should include soft and hard foods.
  • It is necessary to purchase a special toy for animals that will help relieve them of some problems. By gnawing on it, the gums will be cleared of stuck food, the toy will prevent the formation of plaque, caries and tartar on the teeth.

Every owner should know that an unpleasant odor signals a serious illness in their pet, which can result in death. The most common cause of stinky odor is oral problems. However, halitosis may indicate more serious diseases of the internal organs that cannot be cured at home. All these troubles can be avoided, you just need to monitor your pet’s oral hygiene and promptly seek help from a specialist.