The influence of hypokinesia on the human body. Hypokinesia is a special condition of the body caused by a lack of physical activity.

Some researchers argue that in our time, physical activity has decreased by 50-100 times - compared to previous centuries, although human nature has not essentially changed. The share of muscle effort in all energy produced on Earth over the past 100 years has decreased from 94% to 1%.

In the middle of the 19th century, when physical labor was the main source of all benefits, work required from a person not only great physical exertion, but also developed motor skills. The aristocracy despised physical labor, but made up for the lack of physical activity by horse riding, cycling and skating, fencing, and dancing. Nikolai Raevsky in the biography of A.S. Pushkina provides information about 15 balls that took place between January 11 and February 16, 1830. At one of the balls, 21 dances were danced. Only well-trained people could withstand such a load.

In the past, the energy expenditure of, for example, a peasant and an artisan was 5-6 thousand kilocalories per day; today, as a rule, they do not exceed 2.5 thousand kcal, which is clearly below the optimal level. At the same time, it is believed that the average modern person “does not receive” an additional level of energy expenditure of about 300 kcal per day. Currently, insufficient muscle activity has become common among people in many professions. Physical activity decreases not only among middle-aged and elderly people, but also among children and adolescents, who spend a significant part of their time sitting at a desk or near a computer.

Let's consider two important concepts that are used to characterize motor activity: hypokinesia and physical inactivity. Hypodynamia (from the Greek hypo - low and dynamis - strength) is a weakening of muscle activity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and limited physical activity.

Hypokinesia(Greek kinesis - movement) - a special state of the body caused by a lack of motor activity. Hypokinesia is a limitation in the range of voluntary movements. Usually hypokinesia is combined with physical inactivity.

Hypokinesia(inactivity) today seems to be an environmental and social factor - an inevitable companion of scientific and technological progress, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in the share of physical labor in material production. There are 3 main types of hypokinesia: 1. professional. 2. On an individual level, hypokinesia can be a lifestyle. The third type of hypokinesia, let's call it forced, is a long-known and well-known therapeutic technique (bed rest), used to treat or alleviate many serious diseases.

Hypoxia(ancient Greek ὑπό - under, below + Greek οξογόνο - oxygen) - a state of oxygen starvation of both the entire body as a whole and individual organs and tissues, caused by various factors: breath holding, painful conditions, low oxygen content in the atmosphere . Due to hypoxia, irreversible changes develop in vital organs. The most sensitive to oxygen deficiency are the central nervous system, heart muscle, kidney tissue, and liver. It can cause an inexplicable feeling of euphoria, leading to dizziness and low muscle tone.

This disease occurs due to the following factors:

Reloading- due to excessive functional load on an organ or tissue (in muscles during hard work, in nervous tissue during an epileptic attack);

Mixed- any severe/prolonged hypoxia acquires a tissue component (hypoxia → acidosis → blockade of glycolysis → lack of substrate for oxidation → blockade of oxidation → tissue hypoxia).

Technogenic- occurs when constantly living in an environment with a high content of harmful emissions

In general, hypoxia can be defined as a discrepancy between energy production and the energy needs of the cell. The main link in pathogenesis is a violation of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, which has 2 consequences:

Violation of ATP formation → energy deficiency → disruption of energy-dependent processes, namely:

contractions - contracture of all contractile structures,

synthesis - proteins, lipids, nucleic acids,

active transport - loss of resting potential, entry of calcium ions and water into the cell.

Accumulation of lactic acid and Krebs cycle acids → acidosis causing:

blockade of glycolysis, the only way to produce ATP without oxygen;

increased permeability of the plasma membrane;

activation of lysosomal enzymes in the cytoplasm followed by cell autolysis.

Clinic[edit | edit source text]

Manifestations of hypoxia depend on the specific cause (example: skin color in case of carbon monoxide poisoning is bright pink, with oxidizing agents - earthy, in case of respiratory failure - bluish) and age (example: hypoxia in a fetus and an adult).

The most common signs are the following:

In acute hypoxia:

An increase in the frequency and depth of breathing, the occurrence of shortness of breath;

Increased heart rate;

For chronic hypoxia:

Stimulation of erythropoiesis with the development of erythrocytosis;

Dysfunction of organs and systems.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of sufficient physical activity cause atrophy of muscle and bone tissue, a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs, and most importantly, disruption of the cardiovascular system. At some point a person loses freedom of movement. Freedom of movement is determined by the range of motion in the joints and the functional state of the muscles. And here a vicious circle closes: the fewer movements are made, the more difficult they are; the more difficult they are, the less a person moves; the less a person moves, the less he needs to move.


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5. Verkhoshansky Yu.V. Programming and organization of the training process. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1985. - 176 p.

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8. Kaptelin A.F. Rehabilitation treatment (physical therapy, massage and occupational therapy) for injuries and deformations of the musculoskeletal system, M., 1969;

9. Kutsenko G.I., Novikov Yu.V. Book about a healthy lifestyle, M.: Children's literature, 1987;

10. Minkh A.A. Essays on the hygiene of physical exercises and sports, M.: Education, 2000.

11. Book about health, ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna, M., 1988.

12. Therapeutic physical culture, ed. V.A. Epifanova, M., 1987;

13. Methodological foundations and forms of therapeutic physical culture. Physiological problems of detraining, ed. A.V. Korobkova, M., 1970

14. Human Physiology, ed. N.V. Zimkina, M., 1975.

15. Student’s physical culture. Textbook for university students./ Ed. V.I. Ilyinich. - M.: Gardariki, 1999.

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Hypokinesia - what is it? You can find out the answer to this question from this article. In addition, we will tell you in detail about the reasons for which this pathological condition occurs, describe its types and present treatment methods.

General information

Hypokinesia is a special condition of the body caused by insufficient It should be noted that such a deviation does not pose a danger to the patient’s life. However, in some cases, when the patient experiences severe immobility, it can lead to quite serious complications (pulmonary embolism, sepsis, etc.).

Despite the fact that this condition does not occur very often, hypokinesia still requires special attention, as it leads the patient to significant social and functional limitations.


Hypokinesia is a limitation of human mobility that can arise due to various reasons. Let's look at some of them in more detail:

Other reasons

Hypokinesia is a complex of movement disorders that can occur against the background of a person’s psychiatric instability.

  1. Depression. This condition quite quickly and easily leads to psychomotor retardation. Thus, due to prolonged depression, the spontaneous movements of a completely healthy person can become limited and slow.
  2. Catatonia. This deviation is accompanied by a pronounced limitation of spontaneous movements. As a rule, this occurs due to the fact that a person is stationary for quite a long time. Outwardly, such people look like they have just woken up. Informally, this phenomenon is called “wax flexibility.”

Among other things, the development of hypokinesia can also be caused by metabolic disorders, including hypothyroidism. Typically, such deviations are accompanied by a general slowdown of all motor functions. In addition, the mentioned condition often occurs against the background of neuromuscular disorders. This pathological condition is characterized by pronounced rigidity of muscle tissue, slowing down the pace of movements, especially in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Types of hypokinesia

Now you know what hypokinesia is. It should be noted that in medical practice there are several types of this pathological condition. Let's look at them in more detail.

Hypokinesia and physical inactivity

As you can see, hypokinesia can develop against the background of various mental and neurological disorders. In addition, this condition is often caused by the sedentary nature of a person’s work activity or his lifestyle in general. In such cases, this deviation can lead to physical inactivity.

Hypokinesia - what is it? We answered this question a little higher. Now we should talk about what physical inactivity is. This word is derived from Greek and literally means reduced mobility.

This deviation is accompanied by disturbances in body functions (circulation, musculoskeletal system, digestion and breathing) with a noticeable limitation of a person’s motor activity, as well as a decrease in the strength of muscle contraction. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasingly increasing due to urbanization, mechanization and automation of labor.

According to experts, physical inactivity is a consequence of people being freed from physical labor. Very often, such a deviation is unofficially called a “disease of civilization.”

Why is it dangerous?

Physical inactivity has a particularly strong effect on the cardiovascular system. Indeed, as a result of such a deviation, a person’s ability to work decreases, the force of heart contractions weakens, and vascular tone also decreases. The detrimental effect also affects the metabolism of energy and substances. The results of physical inactivity can be atherosclerosis and obesity.

Other deviations

When talking about hypokinesia, we almost always mean a condition of the human body that is accompanied by decreased motor activity. However, this medical term is often used to refer to diseases of internal organs. Thus, patients often experience hypokinesia of the gallbladder. This deviation is characterized by delayed emptying of the organ represented. As a rule, this disease leads to digestive disorders in children and adults. Moreover, if a person has a hereditary predisposition, the disease can easily cause gallstone disease. To treat this pathology, patients are recommended to take choleretic agents or herbal decoctions that have the same healing properties.

Among other things, people may experience hypokinesia of the heart, esophagus, stomach, intestines, etc.


The main prevention of such a deviation is the constant movement of a person, physical activity, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Patients who are predisposed to hypokinesia or physical inactivity are advised to give up smoking and other bad habits, since they can only aggravate the patient’s already difficult condition.

It should also be noted that a reasonable person must be combined with a balanced diet, regular walking and morning exercises.


Hypokinesia and physical inactivity caused by any chronic or acute disease require mandatory medical examination. After identifying the causes of this deviation, doctors begin to eliminate it.

It should be noted that in clinics of orthopedics and nervous diseases, effective comprehensive restoration of the human body is carried out after a period of physical inactivity. As a rule, neurologists, orthopedists, nutritionists, massage therapists and physical therapy instructors are present during such procedures. Individual classes are conducted in combination with massage and hardware physiotherapy, which helps restore. In addition, for such patients a separate nutrition program is provided that helps normalize body weight and stabilize the functions of internal organs. The developed motor stereotypes maintain effectiveness for a long time.

Currently, the problem of limiting the physical activity of a person and, first of all, a healthy person is attracting increasing interest. And this is quite understandable. All types of work associated with the application of significant force and requiring endurance due to prolonged muscle tension gradually disappear. The proliferation of public and private transportation continually reduces the total amount of muscular effort. All this deprives the body of muscle effort. Limitation of muscle function is becoming, to a certain extent, a typical feature of the lifestyle of modern people in developed countries. It appeared relatively recently, but its importance is growing extremely quickly. Academician A.I. Berg cited the following figures back in 1969: in all generated energy, the share of muscle effort over the past 100 years has decreased from 94% to 1%.

A typical change in the nature of modern work is also the use of relatively small muscle groups during physical work. The replacement of heavy muscular efforts with light ones or their limitation applies not only to the sphere of production, but also to the everyday life of modern man. The modern trend of progress leads to a sharp increase in the volume of systematic muscle activity and a decrease in the intensity of muscle function. Thus, a serious and widespread development problem arises hypokinesia decreased physical activity and physical inactivity- reduction of muscle effort.

Why was it necessary to differentiate these concepts? For example, the physical activity of a housewife is very high, but a medical examination of such persons shows that their physical development and functional condition are more than mediocre. It turns out that with insufficient muscle tension, the flow of tonic impulses from them to the internal organs and the central nervous system decreases. According to experts, this is the trigger for all pathological changes due to insufficient muscle activity. In addition, working with a small range of motion and weak muscle contraction does not provide a healing effect, because is performed with a heart rate of no more than 90-100 beats per minute, and the recognized training threshold exceeds 115-120 beats per minute. In this case, only a small part of the muscle fibers participates in movements, and those that do not work are detrained.

And finally, during monotonous work, a feeling of fatigue appears long before true muscle fatigue, which is associated with the development of inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. You can verify the imaginary nature of such fatigue by doing exercises.

Species hypokinesia and the reasons for its occurrence are different. The classification is of interest hypokinesia according to etiological factors, because it makes it possible to outline ways to prevent these conditions.

Table 1

Species hypokinesia and the reasons for its occurrence.

due to production needs


Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, illnesses and injuries requiring prolonged bed rest


Incorrect organization of the educational process: overload with training sessions, ignoring physical and labor education, lack of free time.

Climatogeo graphic

Unfavorable climatic or geographical conditions that limit physical activity


Modeling of reduced DA for biomedical research

Warning problem hypokinesia is of great importance for health. Hypokinesia causes a deep restructuring of the micro- and macrofunctional structures of the human body as a biological system. Low levels of nutritional activity have complex effects on the human body. The variety of causes of movement deficiency, the degree of its severity and duration create a very wide range of changes in the body - from adaptive-physiological to pathological.

In everyday life, the lack of optimal motor activity initially causes only the plantation of the body and its restructuring to a new level of functioning. Such physiological changes do not seem to affect the state of the body. However, in

extreme conditions, when the need arises to mobilize the body’s reserve capabilities, the consequences hypokinesia becomes obvious. Further restriction of activity contributes to the emergence of a prepathological state.

Deepening the signs hypokinesia accompanied by pathological changes in the activity of the central nervous system, autonomic functions and metabolic processes in the body. Pathophysiological mechanisms hypokinesia most deeply and comprehensively studied under experimental conditions in preparing humans for space flights. Despite its hypothetical nature, the studies make it possible to present a logical chain of pathophysiological mechanisms hypokinesia. This knowledge is necessary for the development of preventive measures.

With a decrease in motor activity, deep disorders develop primarily in the muscular system, and they already entail a chain of changes in other organs and systems. In poorly functioning muscles, the amount of contractile protein decreases, it breaks down. The body’s energy resources and reserves of myoglobin, an oxygen reserve, also decrease. Similar changes occur in the heart muscle. Its blood supply deteriorates, which means oxygen consumption decreases, energy reserves decrease, protein metabolism becomes defective, and the heart does not work economically.

Negative changes also occur in the bones. Many researchers note their depletion of calcium salts and the death of osteoblasts - the young initial cells from which bone tissue is formed. And the accumulation of destructive cells - osteoclasts. All this contributes to the morphological restructuring of bones, accompanied by rarefaction of bone matter, which naturally reduces its strength. Degenerative changes also occur in the joints: salts are deposited, stiffness and arthritis occur.

Pathological conditions can arise due to disturbances in water-salt metabolism that occur with inactivity. The release of calcium in large quantities into the blood promotes calcification of blood vessels and leads to the development of atherosclerosis. When calcium is released through the urinary system and deposited in the kidneys, it significantly increases the risk of urolithiasis. Increased release of calcium from the body reduces the strength of the skeleton, promotes the development of dental caries, and reduces the strength of muscle contraction, including the heart. Changes in the calcium balance of the blood disrupt its coagulation system.

The nervous system is also involved in the destructive process. The mobility of nervous processes is transformed, memory and coordination of movements deteriorate, adaptation-trophic function decreases. The ongoing disturbance of lipid metabolism contributes to the deposition of fat in tissues, the growth of passive body weight, and the development of obesity. Due to limited mobility of the chest and weakened respiratory muscles, gas exchange in the lungs and pulmonary ventilation suffer.

This is not a complete list of changes that occur in the human body system during hypokinesia And physical inactivity, which can cause a whole range of diseases. Among them are ischemia, stroke, obesity, urinary and cholelithiasis, intestinal diseases, etc.

A sedentary lifestyle is an unnatural state for a person who has a biological need for movement. This need is defined by the term kinesophilia.

HYPOKINESIA (hypokinesia; Greek, hypo- + kinesis movement) is a term used in two meanings: 1) a symptom of movement disorders, expressed in a decrease in motor activity and speed of movement with some lesions of the extrapyramidal system; 2) limitation of mobility due to lifestyle, characteristics of the profession. activity, bed rest during illness, mechanical fixation of joints (plaster casts, skeletal traction) and, in some cases, accompanied by a lack of muscle load. Limitation of mobility due to the action of overloads or increased gravity is not accompanied by the phenomena of physical inactivity (see).

G. occurs in clinical settings in patients who have been on bed rest for a long time, for various reasons have lost the ability to move due to damage to the articular-ligamentous apparatus (arthritis, periarthritis) and muscles (myositis), as well as in patients with paresis and paralysis, parkinsonism (see Paralysis, paresis, Parkinsonism).

The widespread introduction of mechanization and automation of labor in production and in everyday life leads to a decrease in physical activity and, in connection with this, to the spread of hypertension in combination with physical inactivity in modern society. G. leads to detraining of homeostatic mechanisms, to a decrease in adaptive and compensatory reactions, to premature aging, and predisposes to a number of diseases. The specific consequences of G. are changes in the functional and structural basis of locomotion (stiffness of joints, incoordination of movements, disorder of motor skills). Various adverse consequences of a sedentary lifestyle served as the basis for some authors to identify a new nosological form - hypokinetic disease [Kraus, Raab (N. Kraus, W. Raab), 1961; A.V. Korobkov et al., 1968, etc.].

The main pathogenetic factor of G., accompanied by physical inactivity, is a decrease in the weight load on supporting structures, a weakening of intero- and proprioceptive afferentation and the associated detraining of statotonic anti-gravity regulatory mechanisms.

G.'s problem has also become important in space medicine, since being in the limited space of a spacecraft cabin in an unsupported position significantly changes the stereotype of motor activity and coordination of movements. In addition, in a state of weightlessness, the cosmonaut's load on the musculoskeletal system is significantly reduced, due to which G. is supplemented by a state of physical inactivity. The development of astronautics required an experimental study of the influence of gas on the body.

Long-term (up to 70 days) restriction of motor activity with the switching off of statokinetic reflexes (strict bed rest) in healthy young people was a model of the combined effects of G. and physical inactivity. It turned out that it causes a complex of polymorphic disorders. Energy metabolism decreases with a tendency to negative nitrogen balance, basal metabolism and oxygen consumption; oxygen debt increases with little change in external respiration. The excretion of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and especially calcium in the urine increases, which is combined with osteoporosis. Certain changes occur in the processes of exchange of electrolytes, water, trace elements, corticosteroids, enzymes, and vitamins. Appetite is lost, intestinal motor function decreases. Body weight decreases due to muscle atrophy with a certain increase in the fat component. There is a restructuring of neurohormonal regulation of autonomic visceral functions, especially the cardiovascular system: inertia of vascular reactions, orthostatic hypotension with fainting states. The ECG reveals signs of impaired myocardial trophism with phenomena of conduction slowing and shifts in the phase structure of the cardiac cycle. The reactivity of the cardiovascular system to pharmacol changes. Due to the suppression of immunoreactivity, conditionally pathogenic flora is activated. Some of the subjects experience acute or aggravated chronic infectious processes.

Neuropsychiatric disorders manifest themselves in emotional lability, increasing to neurotic breakdowns. The circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disrupted. Often there is a headache, a feeling of heaviness in the head, pain in the muscles. From 2-4 weeks. hypotension, malnutrition and weakness, especially of the leg muscles, are determined. EM G (see Electromyography) reveals a decrease in bioelectrical activity. Symptoms of oral automatism, hand tremors, and lack of coordination are often detected.

The most characteristic EEG changes (see Electroencephalography) are expressed in dysrhythmia, stagnant exaltation of the alpha rhythm, and a shift in cortical rhythms towards slow waves.

Prevention consists in eliminating a sedentary lifestyle (doing physical exercise at home, introducing physical therapy complexes into the work regime). For patients with limited movement, classes with a methodologist are recommended, as well as constant movement of healthy limbs. In patients with paralysis or paresis, classes should be treated. physical education should be combined with drug treatment (prescription of drugs that improve neuromuscular conduction and regulate muscle tone).

Bibliography: Fundamentals of space biology and medicine, ed. O. G. Gazenko and M. Calvin, vol. 2-3, M., 1975, bibliogr.; P a n o v A. G., L o b z i n V. S. 1v M i-khailenkoA. A. Neurological syndromes of hypokinetic disease, in the book: Human adaptation systems and the external environment, ed. V. G. Artamonova et al., p. 124, L., 1975; P a n o v A. G. et al. Autogenic training, p. 180, JI., 1973; Parin V.V. and Fedorov B.M. On the mechanisms of changes in the reactivity of the body during hypokinesia, in the book: Aviation* and Cosmic. med., ed. V.V. Parina, vol. 2, p. 116, M., 1969; Kraus H. a. Raab W. Hypokinetic disease, Springfield,

Scientific and technological progress has brought many useful things into our lives and has largely freed us from hard physical labor. But he also awarded the person with many serious problems. These are hypokinesia, physical inactivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress. According to experts, insufficient physical activity today has become the scourge of civilization and a factor contributing to general degradation. The statistics are inexorable: physical inactivity and hypokinesia take leading positions in the ranking of causes that cause obesity, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis.

Life on the move

Between 25 and 40 percent of our body weight is muscle. And the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates called physical activity “food for life.” The key to the normal functioning of all organs and systems of our body is the active work of all muscles. Man as a biological system is created for active activity.

But our age of rapid technology and information space increasingly takes up our time and leaves no opportunity for the development of muscle activity. The concept of “hypodynamia” (from the Greek words hypo - “below”, “under” and dynamikos - “strong”) is known to everyone today. It means a decrease in physical activity. Along with it, a term is often used that characterizes a general decrease in the tempo and range of movements. This is hypokinesia (from the Greek words hypo - “from below” and kinesis - “movement”). And if the first concept refers to a general decrease in activity, then hypokinesia is characterized by a decrease in the amplitude and strength of movements.

Thus, hypokinesia, like physical inactivity, has a complex effect on our body, leading to decreased performance, fatigue, nervousness, headaches and insomnia.

Disappointing statistics

According to information from the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture, about 70% of adult Russians do not engage in physical education. Signs of hypokinesia are observed in 50-80% of schoolchildren. Approximately 90% of Russian students are characterized by low physical activity, and every fifth student has signs of deep hypokinesia.

General indicators of physical performance of the Russian population are declining. And this indicates the prevalence of the main diseases of modern civilization in the country.

Physiological reasons for the development of hypokinesia

This condition, which is characterized by a decrease in strength and range of motion, can be both physiological and behavioral.

Physiological reasons may be related to:

  • genetic factors and developmental abnormalities;
  • neurological or mental disorders;
  • parkinsonism;
  • extrapyramidal syndrome.

Often physiological hypokinesia occurs against the background of depressive, catatonic or apathetic stupor.

Other reasons

Among the behavioral factors, the following types of hypokinesia are distinguished:

  • Habitual everyday hypokinesia. This is a type of disorder that is caused by addiction to a sedentary lifestyle, reduced motor initiative and neglect of physical education.
  • Occupational hypokinesia is typical for workers whose specific activities are associated with the restriction or monotony of work. Programmers, accountants, and economists are at risk.
  • School hypokinesia is caused by improper organization of the educational process (overload with homework, ignoring physical education). This type of movement disorder is becoming increasingly widespread.
  • Climatogeographic hypokinesia is associated with climatic or geographical conditions that limit physical activity.
  • The clinical type is associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, illnesses, injuries, in which the patient remains in bed for a long time.

Hypokinesis of individual organs

In addition, a decrease in strength and range of motion can also be observed with hypokinesia of individual organs, the normal functioning of which is associated with muscle activity.

Everyone knows that the myocardium is the thickest muscular layer of the heart, which contracts in a strictly prescribed rhythm. If myocardial cells receive insufficient nutrition, they lose the ability to contract in the same way as neighboring areas. If these cells still contract somehow, then experts talk, for example, about hypokinesia of the left ventricle or interventricular septum. However, if this part of the heart does not contract at all, then they speak of myocardial akinesia.

Another example: hypokinesia of the gallbladder. In this case, disturbances in the activity of this organ are associated with the work and tone of the sphincters, which are relaxed, so bile either slowly flows out of the ducts (hypotonic type) or does not enter the duodenum at all (hypertonic type).

What does hypokinesia lead to?

Whatever the reasons, such a movement disorder leads to the following polymorphic conditions:

  • Fat metabolism is disrupted, which leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Hypokinesia is accompanied by a decrease in protein synthesis, while their breakdown increases.
  • Atherosclerosis develops.
  • Muscles atrophy and bones decalcify (so-called calcium leaching occurs).
  • The water-electrolyte balance of biological fluids is disrupted.
  • Endocrine disorders occur.
  • Hypokinesia is accompanied by a decrease in the overall immunity of the body.
  • Libido is impaired (potency in men, anorgasmia in women).
  • The overall tone of the cerebral cortex decreases.
  • Hypokinesia is accompanied by an increase in appetite, which leads to overweight and obesity.
  • Sleep is disturbed, the emotional state becomes unstable.
  • Asthenic syndrome and neurasthenia develop.

The degree of such a disorder is determined based on a person’s energy expenditure and muscle activity in a certain period of time. The degree of hypokinesia varies - from slight to complete loss of motor activity. Based on the form of the disorders, akinesia (limitation of amplitude and range of movements) and bradykinesia (predominance of slow movements) are distinguished.

The effect of hypokinesia on the body

Of course, not all symptoms appear immediately, but the negative impact affects the functions of all internal organs.

The consequences of hypokinesia include:

  • general deterioration of human health;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • decreased ventilation;
  • stagnation of blood in blood vessels.

Outwardly, all this manifests itself in swelling of various parts of the body, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The amount of joint fluid decreases, and the joints themselves lose their mobility, muscle mass decreases, and bones become brittle.

Just six weeks of bed rest in well-trained and healthy student volunteers resulted in:

  • decreased myocardial strength;
  • reduction in muscle mass;
  • weakening of sexual desire and memory;
  • decreased amount of calcium in bones;
  • decreased blood volume;
  • slowing down reactions;
  • lethargy and apathy.

The treatment is complex but simple

If the degree of development of hypokinetic manifestations is low, it is usually sufficient to increase the level of physical activity. In severe cases, it is first necessary to eliminate the causes that led to the appearance of hypokinesia.

Some cases require drug therapy. Administration of neurotransmitters that improve neuromuscular transmission will help improve muscle tone.

Patients with Parkinson's disease in the early stages are prescribed dopaminergic drugs.

Treatment of conditions such as hypokinesia is possible only with complex therapy, which includes physical therapy and pharmacological drugs.

Preventing the development of the disorder

Preventive measures are based on following the rules of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. It is recommended to take walks and engage in acceptable sports. You don’t have to use an elevator, get to work on foot, etc. All this will have a beneficial effect on the body.

It is important for people with sedentary jobs to take breaks and do at least a minimal warm-up. You should carefully consider improving your workplace, for example, purchasing a chair with a fixed back.

And a few more facts

Numerous studies in this area have confirmed the following data:

  • With 49-day hypokinesia in people, there is a significant increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the body tissues and blood.
  • After 40 days of limited mobility, athletes experience disturbances in atrioventricular conduction of the heart, shifts in left ventricular systole and a drop in stroke volume.
  • With prolonged hypokinesia, the human heart decreases in size, especially its left ventricle.

Thus, maintaining an active lifestyle is essential to maintain health.