How to speed up the treatment of colds. How to speed up the healing of bruises and abrasions and speed up the healing process

Getting sick is always unpleasant. And not everyone knows how many days this or that disease lasts. This also applies to the flu. To estimate the approximate duration of the disease, it is necessary to take into account many different, both external and internal factors. Antiviral medications used during the disease process also affect the duration of the disease.

Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection. Based on this definition, many mistakenly equate this disease with a common cold, which can be treated without much difficulty, and sometimes goes away without any treatment. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach.

Influenza is a very complex viral disease with symptoms similar to those of a cold. Despite the similarity of symptoms, influenza viruses successfully mutate, leading to new yet unknown epidemics. Also, a disease left to chance can lead to serious complications, often these complications are incompatible with life.

If we evaluate the rating of ARVI, then influenza ranks among the first in terms of mortality from complications, especially in childhood.
In most cases, the flu, unlike a cold, begins spontaneously. A few hours ago the person felt fine, but now it’s hard for him to get up from the couch, and his body temperature is rapidly creeping up.

We should not forget about epidemic activity. If there is an outbreak of the disease in the city, if even the slightest symptoms appear, you should visit a specialist urgently. Timely taken medications for colds and flu will minimize all possible complications. As a rule, antiviral medications are used.

Important to remember! Antiviral agents are widely used and each of them has its own rating based on user reviews. But you should not make a choice based only on the rating, as its indicators may be completely incorrect. Only specialists have the right to prescribe medications, and a sick person can only suggest a medication based on how high its rating is on the Internet.

The flu has several varieties and each has its own symptoms. Despite this, a number of manifestations can be identified that occur in each type of disease:

  1. Increased body temperature. During illness, a person may experience a fever. The temperature rises rapidly, without stopping at intermediate levels. With minor manifestations of the disease, the thermometer shows a temperature of up to 38 degrees; in acute form, the temperature can exceed 40 degrees. Influenza is characterized by elevated body temperature, which is difficult to correct with medications.
  2. Painful sensations throughout the body. Muscles, skin and all other parts of the body are covered with an uncomfortable sensation and aching pain. The pain syndrome has no specific source; pain affects every cell of the body.
  3. Feeling of general weakness. It becomes problematic for a person to carry out everyday activities, and even an ordinary trip to the toilet becomes something prohibitive. The whole body is covered with heaviness, adding additional stress to the muscles.
  4. Increased blood flow to the skin and eyeballs. As a result of this phenomenon, redness of the skin and eyes occurs. As a rule, this phenomenon affects only the skin of the face. The redness is similar in appearance to an allergic reaction.
  5. Nonproductive cough. Coughing attacks are not associated with pain or discomfort in the throat.
  6. Discharge of mucus from the nasal cavity. A runny nose is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes. At the height of the flu, nasal breathing is completely absent, and medications do not have the necessary effect.
  7. Intoxication. During the disease, toxic substances are released into the blood, which lead to damage to the central nervous system. This is expressed in the form of vomiting, moderate nosebleeds, hallucinations and convulsions. In severe forms of the disease, even more severe symptoms may occur.
  8. Headache. Pain in the head and the occurrence of extraneous noises do not have a clear localization. The head can hurt either completely or in parts. Pain sensations can move from one part of the head to another.

If at least one of the above symptoms occurs, you should immediately visit a specialist. This urgency is due to the fact that the most effective treatment for influenza is carried out in the first two days from the onset of the disease.

Duration of influenza illness

It is not possible to accurately determine how many days someone has been sick with the flu. This is due to the fact that the duration of the flu depends on many, both internal and external factors:

  • on the type of virus;
  • from the stability of the immune system;
  • on the presence or absence of chronic diseases, etc.

Complications also affect the duration of the disease. If they occur, the duration of the flu increases. But doctors have an idea of ​​how long the disease lasts without complications.

In most cases, the flu lasts one to two weeks. Half of this period of time is occupied by the acute phase, with high fever and poor health. With timely treatment, the manifestations of the disease either gradually fade away or disappear almost immediately.

Once the body temperature has returned to normal, the flu does not return and the body returns to normal. If on the road to recovery the symptoms return with renewed vigor, most likely a new infectious disease is developing in the body. In some cases, after the flu is practically cured, a cold develops against the background of a weakened immune system.

Influenza is characterized by a phenomenon called post-infectious asthenia. This phenomenon is characterized by poor health after an infection. After the flu, this period can last up to half a month.

It is important to know! You should not start active activities immediately after recovery. You should wait out the period of post-infectious illness and only then return to everyday life.

The duration of the disease also depends on compliance with all the specialist’s instructions. During the period of illness it is necessary:

  • maintain bed rest;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory medications, as well as anti-flu medications (which medications to take for the flu are determined by a specialist);
  • carrying out symptomatic therapy.

It is forbidden to subject a sick body to physical stress. Sports, exercises and other activities must be abandoned.

How long does a patient remain contagious with the flu?

Flu is an insidious and highly contagious disease. The most dangerous period for others is the first day. But there is an opinion that a person becomes contagious even before the first symptoms of the disease appear. Based on this, you should remember that if you feel unwell, you need to visit a specialist. This will not only contribute to the timely start of therapy, but will also prevent mass infection of work partners.

The body stops producing viral agents into the environment immediately after the body begins to produce antibodies. In most cases, this occurs a week after the first symptoms appear. But if you don’t help the body, this process can drag on. A specialist should tell you what pills to take to speed up the production of antibodies, but in 90% of cases antiviral drugs are prescribed.

For your information! To choose the best antiviral drugs, you should pay attention to the rating of the drugs. You can also study the top medications, which includes the most modern and effective antiviral medications.

In addition, if a person has diseases that affect the functioning of the immune system, chronic pathologies, or if the patient has recently undergone surgery, the disease may remain contagious for a longer time, since the immune system cannot give a timely response.

How to speed up recovery from the flu

In adults, the flu lasts less than in small children. In order to speed up the healing process, the body needs help, which manifests itself in the form.

  1. Wet cleaning of the premises. During the period of illness, the diseased body releases a colossal amount of viral agents into the environment. In order to prevent infection of family members and reduce the burden on the body, wet cleaning should be done daily.
  2. Use of vitamin complexes. During illness, the body becomes exhausted. In order to support it, it is necessary to ensure that a person receives the full range of essential vitamins with food. If it is not possible to achieve this through food, you should resort to the use of medications containing vitamin complexes.
  3. Absorption of large volumes of liquid. Fluid supports the body, prevents dehydration, and also helps flush out toxic substances produced by the body. When absorbing the optimal volume of liquid, the manifestation of intoxication is significantly reduced.
  4. Ventilation of the room. In order to reduce the concentration of the virus in the air, you should regularly ventilate the room at least twice a day.
  5. Air humidification. When the air is dry, mucus dries out in the respiratory tract, which is an ideal environment for the development of pathological microorganisms. Humidified air reduces the likelihood of a secondary infection.

Few respiratory illnesses are as acute as the flu. Recovery, how long this process will take depends on the measures taken.

We all at least sometimes get sick with various colds, sometimes it’s a slight increase in temperature and a day off from work, and this option is often more or less acceptable for many people, since it’s an opportunity to take a little break. But it’s another matter when the temperature rises to 40 degrees, and there is an unpleasant lump in the throat. This kind of time off cannot be called a vacation - in order to improve your condition, considerable effort is required. At such a moment, many people want to be cured as quickly as possible and often buy all sorts of medications that do not always bring positive results. Fortunately, there is another way that does not require financial costs. In this article we will try to analyze and learn how to use this “folk” method.

So, lately we have increasingly heard about the enormous influence of our brain on our body: “As are the thoughts in his soul, so is he.” There are many examples of people being cured of fatal diseases when doctors gave up on them. One American managed to cure cancer by watching funny cartoons. All day long he watched such cartoons and at this time, as he himself said, he laughed and completely forgot about his illness. Soon after he began to lead this lifestyle, his condition began to improve. This is one of the ways to quickly get rid of the disease. Of course, there are very few people who have cured cancer in this way, but in this article we are talking about a common cold and it will be much easier for a patient who simply has a fever or a runny nose to believe in his speedy recovery. The most important thing is to distract yourself from unpleasant feelings and focus on something positive, this could be some funny movie, some interesting book, or just a sincere conversation with a loved one. If the patient manages to do this, his condition will quickly begin to improve.

The second method will require the patient to put in a little more effort and desire. The point is to focus on your health and see and feel healthy. The fact is that when a person is sick, he most often complains about his health and tells everyone how and what hurts him, but does not try to feel better. When a person gets tired of feeling unwell, he begins to little by little make efforts to feel better. But under no circumstances should you blame yourself or someone else for not being able to pull yourself together. The truth is that the more severe the disease, the more difficult it is for us to focus on the image of a healthy person. Therefore, curing a cold is much easier than curing such terrible diseases as cancer or AIDS. However, there are cases where people mustered all their will and defeated such deadly viruses. This requires a great desire to be healthy and willpower. So if a person is sick, then he should try to feel healthy, and the more often and more he does this, the easier it will be for him to return to this feeling. By the way, this includes not only thinking, there are a lot of well-known folk methods of treating colds that are known to everyone. The main thing is that when using these methods, the person has a goal in mind to become healthy.

To summarize, it must be said that it is better to try to avoid conditions and circumstances in which you can catch a cold, dress warmly and plan your activities taking into account weather conditions.

© Gogulan M., 2012

© Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2012

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From the author

The first thing I will tell you: your health depends only on you! Of course, you can rely on the fact that health, well-being, and happiness will be provided to you by others - parents, the state, a doctor, a teacher, a psychic. Many people resort to this - they take the advice of others, swallow medicine and continue to live as before. It happens that they achieve success, but only for a while. Fundamental well-being and healing are becoming increasingly impossible for them. Modern medicine quickly tries to treat a person, and we have no reason to dispute its merits. It fully meets its purpose and satisfies undemanding demand.

However, the best way out is to eliminate the causes of illness and misfortune, uproot evil, and change the soil on which they can develop.

Anyone who wants to follow this path, to become completely healthy, and therefore to get a chance for complete well-being, must obviously get down to business with energy and firmness, be ready to change the way they think and live. This way and only this way can he become his own doctor and adviser. He just needs to show the way.

“The human body is a highly self-regulating system, directing, maintaining, restoring and even improving itself.”

(I. M. Pavlov)

“Wise enough Nature endows every man with the potential ability to put in order any troubles that may occur in his system.”

(K. Nishi)

“Disease is nothing more than a manifestation of the work of the Healing Forces inherent in the body, and not a dysfunction.”

(K. Nishi)

“If you increase the volume of breathing, the flow of oxygen to the brain, the flow of oxygen to all organs, if you open the lumens of tens of thousands of closed capillaries with a regimen (and not drugs, acupuncture, hypnosis, radiation, surgical methods, g-MT.), then you will not you will not encounter a single disease that will not be eliminated by your treatment.”

(A. S. Zalmanov)

If you delve into the deep meaning of these words, you can draw conclusions:

1. There are no separate diseases. The body as a whole is always sick. This means that treating individual diseases is pointless and even stupid; it is necessary to heal the body as a whole.

2. There are no medicines that cure.

Like any product, the medicine is absorbed into the blood, with its current passing through the entire blood circulation, leaving its ions in every cell - both sick and healthy - thus poisoning healthy cells as well.

3. There is no food that heals.

“Everything that enters our body (water, air, food) is either food or poison,” said Herbert Shelton.

4. Healing is possible thanks to the body’s ability to self-heal, which is inherent already at the moment of its inception and is its integral part. This ability of the body can and should be strengthened, developed, and increased every day, just like muscle strength, will, knowledge, and experience.

Three trials in my life

First and second miracle

I am not a doctor, not a psychic, not a shaman, not a clairvoyant. My experience is rather similar to that of the frog from the famous fairy tale. Remember? Two frogs fell into a jar of milk. One got scared, choked and sank to the bottom, and the second desperately kicked its paws and by the next morning, knocked down a piece of butter in a jar of milk, leaned on it and jumped out of the trap. Isn't it a wise fairy tale? She teaches in any situation not to fold your paws, not to give in to fear, but to act.

There have been plenty of such “little jars” in my life. Scrofula, lymphadenitis, diseases of the ear, nose and throat, rheumatism, heart disease, malaria, tumors, anemia - it was all there. No matter how hard my grandmothers, aunties and parents tried! No matter how many luminaries of medicine they showed me, no matter how they treated me, nothing helped. But it so happened that my father was transferred to work in Crimea, and as soon as we moved there, I turned into a healthy child. It was as if all illnesses had vanished. I didn’t even have a single childhood illness. I spent whole days running in my panties in the open air, swimming in the sea, eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. With my whole being I felt my merging with Nature.

But war broke out. My father went to the front, and my mother and I were evacuated from Crimea to the Urals. It was there that I caught malaria. There were no medicines. Cold and hunger complicated the course of the disease. I felt feverish every other day, and after the attack, like a wrung out rag, I slowly regained my strength. This went on for almost a year.

One day, by chance, I heard adults crying while discussing my condition: they believed that it was impossible to help me and that I must certainly die. I was 9 years old then. This really surprised me. “Do adults, big smart people, really not know how to help me, a child?! – I thought. – Why do I trust them so much? Why don’t I seek salvation myself?”

And I started looking. First of all, I wanted to know where this nasty thing begins.

I noticed that the attack came every other day and began with cold, ice-cold feet touching each other and instantly such a shaking set in throughout my body that it was impossible to stop, no matter how many heating pads were placed on my feet and no matter how many no blankets were thrown over me. The attack ended only after 2-3, or even 4 hours with cold sweat and terrible weakness, I fell into the black abyss of oblivion.

"All! – I decided to myself. “I won’t let this happen again.”

And then the first miracle happened. On the day when the attack was supposed to come again, I decided to try to prevent it: I joined my knees together, and, on the contrary, placed my feet far to the sides, and joined the palms of my hands. I concentrated all my attention on ensuring that my feet did not touch in any way. I lay there like that all day. And that day there was no attack! He didn’t come the next time either - the attacks stopped completely! No matter how many times I told adults and doctors about this, I saw that they doubted it and considered it a child’s fantasy. But then I learned a big lesson in life! It was a victory! She gave me Faith that I had some strength within me that could overcome the disease! Faith accompanies me all my life.

I realized: contrary to the knowledge of adults, the knowledge of doctors, there are certain forces within me that can suppress the disease. Then I naively believed that only I had these powers, that I was special. But now I can tell you for sure: these forces are inherent in each of you! And these forces must be mastered, they must be developed.

Many years later, when I was 34 years old, I was diagnosed with a huge tumor. This tumor threatened that I would never have children. When this was announced to me, my childhood experience helped me disagree with the doctors. I thought: “Why should I believe them? After all, if I had believed then, I would have died. I have to look for a way out! If God made me a woman, Nature will be on my side.” And a fantastic thought came to me: try to get pregnant with the tumor and give birth to a child. And then who will win: either the child and I are a tumor, or Nature and we are a tumor. At that time, I was already a literate person, worked as an editor at a research institute, studied medical literature and understood that to implement my plan, I needed a like-minded person - a doctor who would observe this pregnancy, who, in case of failure, could perform a caesarean section and save the child . I started looking for such a doctor and heard that at the Vishnevsky Institute they were doing experiments on cows and rabbits. Doctors took an organ affected by cancer, cut out the tumor, sutured healthy tissue, as is still done, and inserted a Teflon mesh into the cut out part, which served as a basis for darning, and healthy tissue grew through this mesh. The uterus was used as an experimental organ. By that time, three cows had completed the experiment. One died, and two gave birth to healthy calves. I was so happy! If calves were born, will I, a man, not give birth to a man? And she rushed to the Vishnevsky Institute. Very good doctors worked there. They believed me when I began to convince them that it was better to conduct the experiment on a person - after all, cows will not tell anything about how they feel when plastic surgery is sewn into them. In 1966, such an operation was performed on a human for the first time. And that person was me. The operation went great. I began to quickly recover and look prettier, the doctors followed me and were surprised.

When a person recovers, his consciousness changes. And I immediately forgot that I wanted to have a child. I was in my third year at university, studying journalism, and decided: I should finish my studies, put my diploma in my pocket and then I would give birth. I knew that everything would be fine, because all the physiological cycles were going great, as they were supposed to. And after graduating from university, 4 years later, I decided to conceive a child. And this miracle happened! A healthy, beautiful girl was born, to the delight of her parents and to the delight of the doctors. We rejoiced. Medicine rejoiced. Vishnevsky traveled to all countries, to all congresses, showing photographs of the baby.

The most terrible test

But the most difficult test lay ahead of me. 12 years after the operation, disaster struck. I was diagnosed with a tumor again, almost in the same place. Professor A.L. Vishnevsky was no longer alive. I was 47 years old. It was too late to think about a second child. I agreed to a new operation. But this time it ended almost tragically. After the operation I did not get up. I began to gain weight catastrophically. Blood clots formed on my arms and legs, and blood vessels began to burst. All this caused terrible pain, I just turned into a ball of pain. After four months of unsuccessful treatment, I was offered to go on disability.

The doctors gave all their knowledge, all their skills to raise me. Nothing worked. And finally, one of them admitted that this is a vascular disease, thrombophlebitis, and it cannot be treated anywhere in the world. I went on disability because blood clots spread throughout my body. I was handed over to my parents and I confined everyone to my bed.

So I was left alone with my illness. The pain was unbearable and could not be relieved by any medications; blood vessels in the arms and legs burst, spreading under the skin into bruises at the slightest touch. There seemed to be a bomb or mine lying inside, ready to explode. The most painful thing was to see the eyes of my loved ones caring for me, and to hear the cry of my eight-year-old daughter: “Mom, mommy! Get up! Get up!” Something had to be done to get out of this situation. Oddly enough, I believed that there were hidden forces in my body that were capable, despite the knowledge of doctors, of defeating my illness and restoring my health. And I started collecting information, reading, thinking, trying.

What led to the disaster

I decided to myself: I need to move! Either forward or backward - there are always two options. In the intervals between painkillers, I read, collected information, tried various nutritional and breathing systems. Gradually, I came to the conclusion that we ourselves provoke and cause various diseases in ourselves through our unhealthy diet.

Poor nutrition

Subsequently, my thoughts about poor nutrition, which has a detrimental effect on the human body, were completely confirmed by the research of the amazing person Nishi Katsudzo.

Is boiled food healthy?

Nishi studied what happens in the body with any product that we absorb. And he discovered an amazing thing - a law of nature that almost no one takes into account. In all textbooks you will find that food is converted first into glucose, then into acetic acid, then into formic acid and, in the presence of oxygen, into carbon dioxide and water. And Nishi asks the question: what will happen without oxygen? And this question is quite appropriate. After all, modern man lives without oxygen. We wear clothes, but nature created us naked. For what? The skin has the most important function: respiratory. Man was created when the planet was tropical; he did not need to dress. And the skin became his main respiratory organ. Through the skin we receive oxygen and remove toxins - this is how metabolism occurs. The skin is also an organ of the nervous system that exchanges information with the external environment, sends and receives signals. Nishi opens: without oxygen, food does not turn into carbon dioxide and water, which are simply exhaled and excreted through sweat and urine. Instead, oxalic acid is formed.

Oxalic acid comes in two types. This is very important to remember, my dears. If you eat something cooked or cooked, you get inorganic oxalic acid. If you eat something raw, then without oxygen they will also turn into oxalic acid, but organic. These two acids - organic and inorganic - have different properties. The inorganic acid instantly combines with free calcium in the blood and forms a salt of oxalic acid, which does not dissolve in anything and is not excreted from the body. This salt is a terrible scammer. It slowly but surely accumulates in cells, bones, and muscles. It ends with something: some with arthrosis, some with arthritis, some with rheumatism, some with impotence, some with kidney stones, some with stones in the liver, some with a cancerous tumor. In addition, boiled food produces mucus, which clogs the intestinal walls and accumulates in it, preventing nutrients from being absorbed into the blood. As a result, you eat all the time, but continue to feel hungry.

In fact, Nishi discovers the root cause of disease: boiled food!

What happens when we eat a living product that Nature has assigned us? It will turn into organic oxalic acid, which does not combine with free calcium and does not form an oxalic acid salt. Not only that: it dissolves the salt formed from the cooked product!

Is bread a deadly product?!

Bread is baked from flour. Flour is a powder that is obtained by grinding wheat, barley, buckwheat, oats, corn and other grains. This powder consists of starch - a very nutritious substance that is easily absorbed by the body, husks separated from grains, and bran. Bran contains few calories. Most of them are not digested. For this reason, in the last century, doctors recommended “tender bread made from white flour”, free of bran, to patients.

However, all mineral salts and most of the vitamins are removed with bran. Thus, beautiful white flour is deprived of the most important components - microelements and vitamins, without which our life, health, and longevity are impossible. In addition, white flour is much more expensive than bran! After all, removing bran takes time and work.

Any indigestion and stomach diseases, constipation, volvulus are a consequence of excessive consumption of white bread, pastries, and confectionery products made from white flour.

Why does a person eat white bread?

Firstly, they put sugar, fats, salt, and sometimes spices in the bread - it’s delicious.

Secondly, earlier the consumption of white bread was associated with prestige, and it was already a question of a person’s social status in society. This is how white bread turned into a favorite food product.

Demand develops industry and engineering. The flour milling industry, in the process of competition, began to invent more and more new, more and more advanced methods for producing more and more white flour. Finally, flour lost its valuable properties - chemicals were added to it to create impeccable whiteness. Now it is no longer subject to damage by bugs. The bugs are “smart enough” to smell what kind of poison this premium flour contains, and they don’t touch it. But our enlightened contemporaries continue to prefer bread made from white flour. What can you say to this?

To eat or not to eat meat?

Meat is not a necessary product either physiologically or psychologically. The main value of any food is the energy it gives us. Meat food does not provide us with either fuel or energy. We get fuel from carbohydrates, which are not found in meat.

Fats can provide energy, but they are more difficult and take longer to digest and, moreover, can only be converted into fuel if the body's carbohydrate reserves are depleted. When fats are present in small quantities in our diet, the body makes do with carbohydrates, the excess of which is always converted into fats. Fat reserves can be thought of as a “carbohydrate bank” into which deposits are made and withdrawn as needed. Therefore, let us remember: healthy fat is formed in our body not from the consumption of vegetable or animal fats, but from the consumption of carbohydrates contained in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

There is no fiber in meat! But it contains from 51 to 200 thousand amino acids - very fragile chemical compounds. Heat treatment destroys many amino acids. These unused amino acids become toxic, increase the amount of waste in the body, mucus in the blood, take energy, and lead to obesity.

Meat contains a lot of saturated fat, but not the kind that can be used to gain vitality, but the kind that clogs blood vessels with cholesterol, causing blood clots and heart attacks. Therefore, you should know: meat is not suitable for human nutrition either physiologically or psychologically.

There is scientific evidence that the human body is not adapted to processing meat food.

Man is a “frugivore” (from “fruit”), and not a “carnivorous” (from “flesh”) living organism. Look how physiologically humans differ from carnivores (predators)!

The teeth of carnivores are long and pointed, but our molars are adapted for crushing and grinding fruits, but not flesh.

The saliva of carnivores is acidic and is adapted for digesting animal protein: it does not contain substances for digesting carbohydrates. And our saliva is alkaline and contains a substance for digesting starches.

The stomach of carnivores produces 10 times more ideochloric acid than the stomach of frugivores and humans.

The intestines of a carnivore are 3 times longer than its body and are adapted for the rapid expulsion of rotting food. The length of the human intestine is 12 times greater than the body, and it is designed to hold food in itself for the entire time that is necessary for the absorption of nutrients.

The liver of a carnivore can remove 10–15 times more uric acid than the liver of a human frugivore or herbivore. Our liver can only remove small amounts of uric acid. And those who are familiar with my book “Say Goodbye to Disease” probably remember that, according to Rubner’s research, animal proteins, once in the blood, are quickly broken down into two parts – nitrogen-containing and nitrogen-free. The nitrogen-containing part of protein is generally unsuitable for supplying the body with energy. It disintegrates with the direct formation of heat in the urine, forming substances and is excreted from the body, and the second part - nitrogen-free - delivers to the body the entire amount of protein productive energy, but this amount is only half of the beneficial effect (52–56%). Moreover, this nitrogen-free residue is nothing more than a carbohydrate contained in protein!

Thus, to create the vital energy of our body, what is most needed is not protein or fat, but carbohydrates, even those synthesized from protein.

Unfortunately, neither orthodox medicine, nor nutritionists, nor especially the food industry want to know about all this and assure everyone that a person can only get real proteins from meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, milk, sausages, ham, steak, cheese . Nevertheless, Rubner's research has shown that with the enormous expenditure of energy our body receives from all this, only 52-56%, and, moreover, carbohydrates, while in honey, sweet fruits, vegetables and nuts this carbohydrate is present in a form that is easily digestible for us and in the best combinations.

Rubner's research also suggests that animal and culinary, as well as artificial proteins, are the least suitable for supplying the body with the required amount of energy.

Uric acid is a particularly dangerous toxic substance that can destroy the body. And as a result of digesting meat, a large amount of this acid is released in the body.

We must always remember that, unlike carnivores and omnivores, humans do not have an enzymatic urine bag to break down uric acid. The urine of carnivores is acidic, while ours is alkaline. Thus, a person is neither physiologically nor anatomically adapted to eat meat.

Maybe a person is psychologically prepared to kill, skin, drain blood, cut up carcasses, and eat the entrails of defenseless animals? Try giving your child chicken and banana. He will put a banana in his mouth and play with the chicken. He is an instinctive, genetically fruit-eater (a "fruit-eating" creature).

Why should you give up milk?

There are as many conflicting opinions about milk as there are about meat and eggs. However, a huge amount of information has now been collected that the consumption of dairy products is associated with the accumulation of mucus in the body, with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, headaches, and colds.

The fact is that the chemical composition of cow's milk differs from human milk. Cow's milk is necessary for feeding calves, and only until the calf learns to nibble grass, after which it will no longer need milk, its body will require other “building materials”.

It is known that children who are fed cow's milk then have to be treated for diathesis and allergies, and often for pernicious anemia - a blood disease.

To break down and assimilate each product, appropriate enzymes are required. For the digestion of milk, such enzymes are renin and lactose. By the age of 3, most children do not have these enzymes in their blood. Casein, which is found in cow's milk 300 times more than human milk, is used by the body to develop large bones. But when the human skeleton is formed, milk is no longer required, since it forms compounds in the stomach that are very difficult to digest. These harmful compounds settle in the intestines and interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. The breakdown products released after digestion of milk form a lot of mucus in the body. To cleanse itself of it, the body has to spend a huge amount of energy.

Milk is the food of the young. Not adults! An adult requires relatively less protein and carbohydrates. Moreover, note: not a single mammal, except humans, drinks someone else's milk.

Heating milk above 75°C turns it into a deadly poison. Boiled milk is digested with great difficulty; it contains neither the energy of Life, nor amino acids, nor a sufficient quantity and quality of vitamins, nor microelements. You can drink it only if it contains bacilli that produce nitrogenous compounds. But these nitrogenous compounds must be one-day-old.

What is the insidiousness of grains?

Grains are by far better sources of protein than meat and eggs. Therefore, they have become almost the basis of nutrition for all humanity. However, my dears, do not forget that we usually consume grains in boiled form - in the form of porridges, breads, puddings. And any boiled food, as we already know, as a result of biochemical processes is converted in the human body into a salt of oxalic acid, which, gradually deposited in the vessels, joints, and cells of the body, becomes the basis of various diseases.

Cereals cannot provide a person with healthy, nutritious food. By their nature, they are created to feed birds. Therefore, birds do not have a stomach, but have a goiter, which grinds the “living grain” and does not cook it, therefore birds have a very short large intestine so that the mucus formed during the digestion of ground grain does not linger in the body for a long time and does not poison it.

Physiologically, the human body is not adapted to digest grain foods.

The main disadvantage of grains is the imbalance of amino acids: there are too few essential (lysine, tryptophan) in grains, and the replaceable ones are contained in excess, but they do not play any role, since full, healthy blood (and therefore cells) even without one missing component impossible to create.

The insidiousness of grain foods is that due to an insufficient balance of amino acids, the body experiences an increased need for protein foods. This is how overeating occurs, followed by looseness, bulkiness of the body, craving for stimulants (animal products, alcohol), after which a bunch of diseases appear.

Therefore, my advice: do not use grain diets for a long time, even very fashionable ones (like Ozawa), without greens and vegetables.

A long-term grain diet without greens and vegetables guarantees the development of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, etc.

Which fats are dangerous?

It is known that fats are divided into solid (“saturated” fats) and liquid (“unsaturated”).

“Saturated” fats solidify at room temperature. These are mainly fats of animal origin: butter, egg yolk, beef fat (red meat), lamb, pork, as well as coconut and palm fat. The main component of “saturated” fats is cholesterol. Based on this, they were considered dangerous. In addition, the adipose tissue of animals, like humans, is a kind of septic tank: in it the body deposits and accumulates toxic substances. First of all, chemicals that are used in agriculture. These chemicals, accumulated in animal fat, enter the human body along with food.

In addition to solid, “saturated” fats, there are fats that remain liquid at room temperature. These are margarine, corn oil, cottonseed oil and other low cholesterol oils. For a long time they were considered less dangerous. However, it is not. It all depends on how much, how, when, with what, and in what form we use them.

There are also monounsaturated fats: olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed and other vegetable oils, in which there is no cholesterol effect. We need these fats!

Solid, “saturated” fats, in addition to cholesterol, contain so-called stearic acids. There are a lot of stearic acids in red meat, chocolate and cocoa. These acids envelop red blood cells, red blood globules, which carry oxygen throughout the body, and thereby impair the supply of oxygen to the brain, heart and other vital organs, and block capillaries. This leads to blood clotting, strokes, and heart attacks. Stearic acids hinder the digestive tract. Sticky, greasy stools that smear the toilet indicate a high concentration of stearic acids in the intestines.

Is porridge poison for children?!

The fact is that among all the usual sources of starch, cereals (except beans and peas) are the most difficult to digest. They are difficult for infants and adolescents and easily cause fermentation and gas formation, as well as intoxication. It takes the body 8–12 times longer to process grain starch than it does to process potato starch.

It takes 2 hours to digest the same amount of starch from wheat, corn and rice, 1.5 hours from oats, and 10 minutes from potato starch (according to Dr. Gerson). All infant feedings start with grains, although Dr. Densmore warns: “Cereals, grains and all starchy foods are not healthy for humans, especially for children, and especially for infants. Until a child is one year old, the intestinal enzymes necessary for processing starch are not secreted, and over the next few years these enzymes are not as strong as in adults. The digestion of starchy foods depends on these enzymes in the intestines, while dates, figs, prunes and other fruits, as nutritious as bread and other grains, are easily digested, with most of the nutrients in these fruits ready to be absorbed and assimilated immediately after reception."

Until the age of two, a child should not be given starch, much less cereal starch! Until the age of two, a person is just adapting to a new life on Earth.

Why is salt harmful?

With a healthy heart and kidneys, the human body can excrete 25 g of salt per day - mostly in urine, partly in feces and sweat. If a person consumes more than 25 g of table salt (sodium chloride) per day, its remnants will accumulate in the body.

The urine of a healthy person contains no more than 9 g of sodium chloride in 1 liter. If a person with healthy kidneys receives 12 g of salt per day, but excretes no more than a liter of urine, 3 g of salt is retained in his body daily. If this process continues for many years, the body becomes a warehouse of salted cells. The balance between potassium and sodium is disrupted. Swelling appears. The skin and subcutaneous tissues, lungs, bones, and muscles are saturated with sodium chloride, so at the same time the content of other important mineral salts in the tissues, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron salts, decreases. This naturally leads to illness.

What's wrong with sugar and sweets?

Firstly, refined sugar promotes the formation of refractory fats and leads to fat deposits in the body.

Secondly, a huge amount of calcium and B vitamins are spent on the absorption of refined sugar. Sugar is the main reason for the burning of calcium. This causes tooth decay and brittle bones. When consuming sugar and sweets, acid is produced in the mouth, under the influence of which pathogenic bacteria quickly develop, damaging tooth enamel. The destructive effect of these microbes begins 20 minutes after consuming refined sugar. Therefore, it is useless to brush your teeth after eating, since meals usually last longer than 20 minutes. A lack of B vitamins leads to polyneuritis and mental illness.

Thirdly, during the refining process, all mineral salts are removed from sugar, just as it happens when refining other products - flour, rice, cereals. This results in a lack of mineral salts and an imbalance of amino acids in the diet. This leads to an imbalance not only of calcium, but also of other microelements in the body, without which vitamins cannot be absorbed, which causes a general metabolic disorder. Hence - obesity, diabetes and many other equally serious diseases (blood, skin, blood vessels, brain, endocrine glands).

Jennifer Boydy is a registered nurse from Maryland. She received her degree in nursing from Carroll County Community College in 2012.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

The common cold, or acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), is a highly contagious viral disease that affects the nose and throat. Children especially often get colds. If a child attends kindergarten or school, he can catch a cold up to 10 times a year. Adults usually get colds 2 to 4 times a year. While the common cold is generally fairly harmless, it can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, headache, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nasal congestion and cough. There are no effective cures for ARVI (it cannot be treated with antibiotics). Typically, a cold goes away within 1-2 weeks. However, it is possible to alleviate symptoms and help the body fight infection with certain measures, such as staying in bed and drinking plenty of fluids.


Part 1

Cold treatment

    Drink more fluids. This will help restore fluid loss in the body, which is caused by excess mucus secretion and elevated temperature. Drinking plenty of fluids will make you feel better and speed up your recovery.

    Eat chicken soup. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of chicken soup can reduce inflammation and alleviate cold symptoms, especially nasal congestion. Chicken soup helps you recover from a cold faster.

    Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can make cold symptoms worse. If you abstain from these harmful substances when you are sick, it will improve your well-being and speed up your recovery.

    Gargle with saline solution. Gargling with salted water will help relieve pain and irritation. Although it only provides temporary relief, you can gargle as often as you like.

    • Prepare a saline solution: dilute 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon (2-4 grams) of salt in 1/2-1 cup (120-240 milliliters) of warm water.
    • Gargle with saline solution. Be careful not to swallow the liquid.
  1. Relieve sore throat with tablets or sprays. Throat tablets and sprays contain mild painkillers that can help relieve a sore throat. Preparations with eucalyptus and camphor also help relieve nasal congestion.

    Use a saline nasal spray. Nasal congestion is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Saline nasal spray thins mucus and relieves nasal congestion. It is safe for children and can usually be used as often as desired.

    Treat pain with over-the-counter medications. A cold may be accompanied by muscle pain and headache. To relieve pain and discomfort, take over-the-counter medications (decongestants, nasal sprays, and antihistamines). Be careful to follow the recommended dosage and remember that these medications are for temporary use.

    • To relieve pain, take paracetamol or ibuprofen.
    • Do not give aspirin to children or teenagers because it can cause Reye's syndrome.
    • Before giving any medicine to your child, be sure to consult your doctor.
  2. Get as much rest as possible. This will help relieve symptoms. Avoid going to work or school if possible, especially if you have a fever or are taking medications that make you drowsy. In addition, this way you will not infect other people.

    Make sure you have a suitable sleeping environment. The bedroom should be cozy and warm. Also make sure that the air is sufficiently humid. To relieve cold symptoms, you should pay attention to factors such as temperature and humidity, bed comfort and access to fresh air.

    Consider taking concomitant medications. Many people use vitamins, dietary supplements and traditional medicine to prevent colds and relieve symptoms, but studies have not given a clear answer as to whether products such as vitamin C, echinacea and zinc are really effective in combating ARVI. Use these remedies if you feel they are helping you and improving your condition.

  3. Visit your doctor. Typically, colds go away on their own and do not require seeing a doctor. However, in some cases you should seek medical help. Consult your doctor in the following cases:

    • If your condition has not improved after 10 days.
    • If you have a sore throat and fever without any cold symptoms. This may indicate a bacterial (streptococcal) infection that requires antibiotics to treat.
    • If you experience any of the following symptoms: high fever (over 38.5°C in adults), severe or worsening symptoms, severe headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, chest pain, wheezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. These symptoms indicate the development of an infection or complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis, or an ear infection.
    • If a child under 3 months of age has a cold or fever, consult a doctor.

The respiratory system (also called the external respiration system) has a complex structure; it is necessary for gas exchange between inhaled air and blood circulating in the circulatory circle, which begins in the right ventricle of the heart and ends in the middle sections of the left atrium. The main organs of the respiratory system are the nasal cavity (nasolacrimal duct), tracheal tube, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and diaphragm. If the mucous membranes or parenchyma of the respiratory organs become inflamed, the patient experiences symptoms of intoxication, the temperature rises and signs characteristic of respiratory diseases appear.

The pathology of the respiratory system with the most favorable prognosis for recovery is ARVI. Acute viral infections can go away on their own within 5-7 days, but if the patient does not take any measures to combat the pathogen, complications may begin due to the primary infection, for example, bronchitis or pneumonia. Some go to the other extreme: they try to cure ARVI in 1 day, starting to take all the drugs in a row, which only leads to the subsidence of the infection, but does not contribute to the development of immunity. Patients should know that Even the most effective medications will not help cope with a viral infection in 1 day Therefore, it is necessary to approach treatment wisely.

ARVI can be caused by various groups of viruses, but the most common are parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses and adenoviruses. In 90% of cases, infection occurs through airborne droplets during communication, but there are cases where the virus was transmitted to a healthy person through physical contact, such as a handshake. The main risk group for the occurrence of ARVI includes preschool children of the younger age category - from 2 to 5 years. This is due to the fact that viruses spread very quickly in groups and are able to maintain their viability outside the human body from 16 to 72 hours.

Once in the body, the virus begins to actively multiply. At an early stage, this occurs in the nasopharynx or larynx. This period lasts 1-2 days and is manifested by moderate sneezing, a slight sore throat and coughing. Hyperthermia is usually absent at this stage, so it is almost impossible to recognize the onset of the disease and take the necessary measures in time.

From the nasopharynx or larynx, the pathogen enters the systemic bloodstream and causes acute intoxication and characteristic symptoms, which include:

  • temperature rise to 38-38.5°C;
  • headache;
  • compression in the temporal zone (sometimes the pain spreads to the back of the head);
  • rhinitis (nasal runny, sneezing, congestion);
  • cough (dry at the initial stage);
  • chills.

Muscle pain and joint aches are characteristic of influenza, but if ARVI is caused by parainfluenza viruses, a similar symptom may well be present in the general clinical picture of the disease.

Important! The formation of an immune response occurs on the 4th-5th day of illness, so it is not possible to cure ARVI in 1 day, but you can significantly improve the patient’s condition and maintain working capacity if there is an urgent need for it.

Antiviral drugs

Medicines in this group are active against most strains of viruses and help cope with pathogens by destroying the protein membrane and stopping their vital activity. A significant disadvantage can be considered the weak activity of one’s own immune cells and insufficient production of immunoglobulins, which form immunity and prevent re-infection. For this reason, many countries have abandoned the use of these drugs and consider their use inappropriate, but if it is necessary to quickly improve the patient’s condition, they should form the basis of treatment. Listed below are the most popular antiviral medications, as well as how to use them for ARVI.

A fairly effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases of various etiologies, which includes umifenovir. The product is available in the form of tablets, capsules and powder, suitable for treating children from the age of three. It is also effective in the treatment of rotavirus infection, herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

The product should be taken before meals with boiled water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and can range from 1 to 4 tablets, which should be taken 4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days, but in some cases longer treatment may be required - up to 10 days. Pregnant women can be prescribed Arbidol treatment from the 16th week of gestation. The average cost is 135-170 rubles.

A fairly expensive drug (the cost of a package can reach up to 1,490 rubles) from the group of homeopathic remedies. It has a targeted effect against influenza viruses and other respiratory infections. Can be used to treat children (including infants of the first year of life), as well as pregnant and lactating women without dosage adjustment.

The standard dosage is 1 dose once daily sublingually. The drug must be placed under the tongue and wait until the tube is completely dissolved. This should be done 15 minutes before meals. For children, the contents of the tube are diluted with water or formula.

On a note! To quickly achieve a therapeutic effect in the first three days, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 2 doses per day (morning and evening).

These medications are considered the most gentle. They promote the development of your own immunity and help cope with the symptoms of ARVI in 2-3 days. If treatment is started early, positive dynamics will be noticeable after the first day of treatment.

Drugs in this group include:

  • "Genferon";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Gerpferon";

These medications come in the form of rectal suppositories, tablets, and ointments for topical and nasal use.

Table. Cost of antiviral drugs.

Drinking regime: what to drink to recover quickly?

Drinking during ARVI should be plentiful– this will help restore a sufficient level of hydration of the mucous membranes, accelerate the removal of toxins from the systemic bloodstream and reduce the manifestations of intoxication. For a sore throat, it is better to give the patient a warm drink. It is strictly forbidden to give hot drinks, as they can lead to injury to the inflamed mucous membrane and increased pain.

Drinks that will help you quickly cope with the signs of ARVI and improve the patient’s well-being are listed below.

  1. . Soothes and disinfects mucous membranes, reduces inflammation, relieves sore throat.
  2. Tea with lemon. Enriches the body with ascorbic acid, necessary for the activity of immune cells.
  3. . Contains the maximum amount of vitamin C and other beneficial substances that help a weakened body fight viruses.
  4. Warm mineral water. Reduces cough, soothes the throat and facilitates the removal of phlegm.
  5. Cranberry or lingonberry juice. One of the best folk remedies for treating colds. You need to drink it every 1.5-2 hours (at least 8 cups per day). The next day the patient's condition improves significantly.
  6. . Contains a natural anesthetic and antibiotic. Reduces temperature and eliminates inflammation even at an advanced stage. Contraindicated in pregnant women due to possible stimulation of labor.

For early symptoms of ARVI, it is also useful to drink warm milk with the addition of a small amount of butter and a spoon of honey. This drink helps relieve inflammation, relieve pain and improve sputum discharge. If the patient does not have diseases of the digestive tract or a history of internal bleeding, treatment can be supplemented with ginger tea, as it is rightfully considered the best folk remedy for viral diseases of the respiratory system.

Get cured in 1 day: scheme for rapid treatment of ARVI

Below is an approximate treatment regimen that will help significantly improve well-being and reduce the severity of cold symptoms in just one day, allowing the patient to go to work or continue important activities.

Antiviral therapy

From the very beginning of the disease, it is necessary to start taking drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, for example, Anaferon or Ergoferon. On the first day of illness, they must be taken according to the following scheme:

  • 4 tablets with an interval of 30 minutes;
  • 3 tablets with an interval of 2 hours.

The tablets should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. In total, on the first day of treatment you need to take 7 tablets. Lubricate the nasal passages three times a day with the nasal ointment “Oxolinic ointment” or instill drops of “Grippferon”.

Bed rest

In order to feel well on the second day of illness and be able to do the necessary things, you must observe strict bed rest. The patient needs to stay in bed, sleep more, and limit TV viewing. This will help restore strength to fight the disease.

Drink plenty of fluids

You need to drink a lot and often. Abundant fluid intake has a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery and the general well-being of the patient. It is best to combine berry fruit drinks and herbal teas. The total volume of fortified drinks per day should be at least 2-2.5 liters. Additionally, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid - 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.


Ventilation is necessary to purify the air and destroy viruses that the patient releases into the surrounding space. You need to ventilate the room often - approximately every 2 hours. If the air humidity does not correspond to the norm (a level of 45-60% is considered normal), measures should be taken for additional humidification: turn off the heating devices, turn on the humidifier or spray the air with a spray bottle. Twice a day, wet cleaning should be done using disinfectants - this will help destroy most of the pathogens in the room and speed up recovery.

Nasal rinsing

Flushing the nasal passages is the most important procedure for a quick recovery, especially if the infection is at an early stage. If the patient rinses his nose at least 6-10 times a day, there is a chance that the viruses will not have time to enter the bloodstream and the patient will recover in 1-3 days. You can rinse your nose with saline solution (sodium chloride 9%), as well as with ready-made saline solutions that can be bought at the pharmacy. It can be:

  • "Aquamaris";
  • "Afrin";
  • "Aqualor".

It is recommended to apply nasal ointment or drops into the nasal passages only after preliminary rinsing.

Important! If the patient wants to recover as quickly as possible, it is not recommended to reduce the high temperature (up to 38.6°C). Most viruses die at such rates, so you need to endure the first 24 hours - this will speed up recovery and help develop lasting immunity.

The listed methods are quite effective in the complex treatment of ARVI, but you should not hope for recovery in 1 day. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve a significant improvement in your well-being during this period, but you need to continue treatment for another 5-7 days to prevent relapses and complications.

Video - Cure acute respiratory infections and colds without pills