What is selective reading? Selective reading

There are many ways to read - from skimming to deep study with note-taking. Which one is better to use in each case?

It all depends on the task you set for yourself. When picking up any printed publication, it is useful to know in advance what we want. For example, the following task options are possible:

  • familiarization with a specific publication;
  • familiarization with a specific author (using the foreword, afterword, comments in the book);
  • initial acquaintance with the topic, problem;
  • searching for an answer to a specific question.

To solve various problems, we will choose the most appropriate reading method, criteria for assessing what has been read, methods of processing and recording information. Sometimes this choice occurs on an intuitive level. But, of course, it won’t hurt anyone to either comprehend their own reading experience or get acquainted with the generalized experience of other people.

Let us list the main modes (or methods) used for familiarizing yourself with a printed source.

In-depth reading. This method involves careful (sometimes repeated) reading of the material. It is used when the task is to understand the essence of what is being presented, understand the author’s point of view, and understand the cause-and-effect relationships of the described events or phenomena. Mastering information using this mode often occurs simultaneously with evaluation and comparison, which contribute to deeper understanding and productive memorization.

Parallel reading. With this method, several publications on one topic or problem are studied. It is especially interesting when their authors adhere to different points vision. It is necessary to analyze different views, evaluate the persuasiveness of the argument, choose the most preferable position and justify your choice. This reading method is best used when preparing reports and abstracts.

Selective reading involves selective familiarization with individual sections of the text, selected when studying its content, familiarizing with available auxiliary indexes and dictionaries, or when viewing the text.

Read-View used to preview a book or article. This method allows, with proper attention and concentration, to decide in a short period of time whether this book (article) is worth studying in more detail or whether it is better to immediately select the necessary material.

Scanning. This is the name for quickly scanning printed material in order to search for names, dates, statistics, facts. Developed visual memory makes it possible to instantly find the necessary information when looking at a page: last name, quote, title, etc.

Particular mention should be made of the methods of reading texts on the Internet and on electronic media. After all, the choice of one or another reading method is influenced not only by the purpose, not only by the reading experience, but also by the type of text.

IN lately They talk about two general models of reading, linear and nonlinear reading. The linear reading model applies to traditional printed texts. Nonlinear reading is required by hypertext, which is created and supported using new computer technologies.

New technologies are not only new media, wider access to textual, auditory and visual information, completely different time modes, but also new ways of interacting with text.

We can talk about the following features of interaction with hypertext:

  • wide, even limitless opportunities to double-check, supplement, clarify, compare any information, not only using existing hyperlinks, but also on the basis own experience Internet user; form your attitude towards any issue by finding out how it is covered on different portals and websites;
  • the ability to intervene in many cases in different texts, both online and on CD, editing them for your own purposes. This is a change in the relationship between author and reader;
  • on the Internet sometimes the active participation of users-readers in the creation of literary works, that is, the Internet offers the reader a completely different way of reading. (You can read about this, for example, in the article by Chemodanova E.A. “On the wings”... of the web. Features of nonlinear reading // Library Science, 2004, pp. 6-8).

But the way of reading works of art, no matter what medium they physically exist on, remains “grandfathered”. This is a slow reading-empathy, with reflections, associations, memories...

From the correspondence: ... the wise Solomon said: “What has been is what will be; and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. There is something about which they say: “Look, this is new”; but this was already in the centuries that were before us." (Ecclesiastes 1:9,10)

What is selective reading? This is when you don’t read everything, but only what you need. Having learned to read quickly, you will be able to receive only the information that you need and not discard what you need.

We are all surrounded by texts: we read books, forums, online newsletters, magazines... We need to know everything, we need to delve into everything. But thoughtful reading is not quick reading.

No matter how perfectly you practice your skill, it will still take you up to 10 minutes of time, and sometimes more, to write an interesting paragraph.

Reading notes for students of selective reading

Each array of information requires a certain reading speed, its own strategy for processing information in accordance with the past experience of the reading person. It is important to remember that the speed of thinking determines the pace of reading comprehension.

Basic principles of dynamic reading:

  • Formulate questions for the author of the text. Write and discuss the information received with friends or on forums.
  • Set Clear Goals before reading. Decide what you plan to do with the text. What method of reading the text will you use? view, memorize, find a fact, read carefully, ...
  • Mentally connect the acquired knowledge and information about previously acquired knowledge. Organize your knowledge into sections. I read it, thought it over, and decided what to do in the future. I thought about it and decided for myself how to use it.
  • Think about what you read. Read with a notebook.
  • If there is no implementation of what you read- means he was wasting his time.
  • Read it several times important points text until they become completely understandable.
  • Tired? - Take a break. Change types of work periodically.
  • Flexibly change the speed of information perception. Filter the garbage.
  • Work at the peak of interest. You won't be able to read uninteresting texts.

There are 6 paragraphs per page. Page - hour. A thin book of 240 pages will then take you 10 full days without sleep. If you read continuously for 8 hours a day - a month...

And there are thousands of books you need.

Useful information on the site about how to learn to read faster and remember more

What to do? Learn to read quickly? It’s possible, it’s a useful skill, but it’s not a solution yet. Imagine, you spent six months mastering speed reading, learned to read quickly and began to read what you didn’t need, then you spent time mastering speed reading and then you simply continue to overload yourself with unnecessary information at a faster rate.

Speed ​​is not the answer. If a person has learned to run fast, but runs along the wrong road, he will come home later than a calm pedestrian who knows the right path.

Master selective reading.

Reading discipline

In reading, as in life, you need discipline: the habit of doing not everything you suddenly want, but what is important now. See→

So, don't read books you don't need. But this is just the beginning. Concentrate on what you really need. See→

Should I read it? literary texts? An interesting question: a literary text, when read correctly, becomes a good training for personal development. Remember how beautiful and light images, how we begin to imitate them in life, how we learn to be kinder, more honest, wiser... On the other hand, many avid readers run away from real life into the world of literary text...

Selective Reading Instructions

There are many books, but you have one life...

So, maintain a reading discipline, don’t read books you don’t need. But this is just the beginning.

When you pick up a book, be careful and prepare yourself. Without opening the book, ask yourself: what are my goals for today, for the month and for the year, does this book contain what in the best possible way meets my goals. Try to literally see what what you want to find in the book should look like. Is it really there? Maybe this book should be put aside after all?

Let reading a book be as responsible for you as buying a car. We are building a house. We are having a baby. Although you can still read books - more often...

Therefore, they picked up the book, opened the table of contents, and found the chapter they needed. They opened this one and didn’t read the rest.

Spent 2 minutes, save up to ten hours.

Skip pages you don't need.

Slide through the pages with a free glance - that’s enough, you’ll be able to get your bearings: this one is not needed, this one is also about something else... Don’t waste time, look only for what you need.

Skip past paragraphs that are unnecessary for you.

Analyzing every paragraph in a book is like going into every store you meet along the road: they beckon, but you go your own way.

But don’t waste your time on the paragraphs you need, which really contain what you picked up the book for. 10 minutes per paragraph is not much at all if, as a result of thoughtful reading, you will actually become richer.

Concentrate on what you really need.

PARADOXES OF MEMORY L. Khromov The paradoxes begin with the definition of what memory is. Scientists have no unity here, there are dozens of definitions, and at representative philosophical seminars there are heated debates: everyone (for themselves) has a perfect idea of ​​what we're talking about, but to define... Let's say, anyone knows what a saucepan is, but try to define a saucepan - and you will see that it is not easy to formulate it so that there is no ladle, no frying pan, no tank. The diversity of shape, material, color and, most importantly, purpose becomes a difficult barrier. What can we say about memory! Are potholes on the road and a scar on your arm equally imprinted in your memory? The first is purely speculative, the second is much stronger in sensation (body memory). But where is the limit of interpenetration and mutual influence of the mental and somatic (roughly translated - bodily)? And in particular: are our memory-dependent reactions connected only to the brain? The discrepancy in the definition of memory leads us to assume that scientists are studying various types memory. This is already happening within one scientific discipline. And it is absolutely impossible to list the branches of science involved in the study of memory. In almost every popular book on memory one can find lengthy lists of sciences that are somehow focused on memory. Almost half of the scientists studying the functions human body, deals with memory, or at least has a professional interest in it. Psychologists, for example, use the methods of physiology, while continuing to consider themselves pure psychologists. Physiologists rightly believe that mental functions Human beings are the subject of research in the science of physiology. And they study the same characteristics of memory that psychologists do. Both may believe that they are exploring the only true, real memory. Perhaps the time has come to clarify (and specify) the classification of scientific disciplines? This is a delicate matter, since both psychology and physiology have been sufficiently penetrated by natural and technical sciences. To complete the conversation about the definition of memory, without imposing our own definition, let us agree that the reader will scientific definition understands what we are talking about. For reference, let us refer to the Encyclopedic Dictionary, which says that memory is “the ability to reproduce past experience, one of the main properties nervous system, expressed in the ability to long-term store information about events in the external world and the body’s reactions and repeatedly introduce it into the sphere of consciousness and behavior.” What's happened good memory? And what is bad? People often complain about memory, but no one complains about intelligence (at least, that there is little of it left). Memory is often lacking precisely because we rarely connect our minds to work. If we talk about good and bad memory, then it seems to the authors that, depending on the characteristics of individual memory, it makes sense to talk about it as good when the memory does not interfere with us. So, oh good heart They say: “I don’t feel it.” But this is approximately. Memory exists precisely in the manifestation of itself, in the reproduction of its traces, although a person very often reproduces material without realizing that he is accessing memory. So, when memory is convenient, like a well-fitted burden, when it is ready to offer everything you need, without missing anything or adding anything superfluous, then you can talk about memory as good. Or even as very good. We do not require memory to store everything, but we want it not to lose what it needs. Deviations in both the direction of increased and difficult forgetting indicate imperfection of memory. Gifted with a phenomenal memory, S.V. Shereshevsky (Luria A.R. A little book about big memory) at the top of his mnemonic career was more concerned not about how to remember, but about how to forget! He invented techniques for forgetting. His unique memory did not allow him to free himself from mnemonics. He wrote down what was to be forgotten, and remembered that this information should be forgotten! In principle, this is what is required of all of us in everyday life, only we need to learn to remember that this information needs to be remembered. This, in general, is the beginning of mnemonics. Many, however, treat mnemonics ironically and claim that they do not use it, but nevertheless live and work without much hassle. Meanwhile these people telephone number dialed as 35-35-130, not as 3535130 (three million five hundred thirty-five thousand one hundred thirty). And this is already mnemonics, since the information is organized. In principle, the very comprehension and understanding of the way to obtain any trigonometric formula is a mnemonic technique. Question: why did these arguments end up in the article “Paradoxes of Memory”? What is the connection between Shereshevsky’s phenomenal memory and our ordinary one? The truth is that we all seem to suffer in some way from the same vice. Perhaps, to the same extent as Shereshevsky, we remember everything forever, without noticing it ourselves. We remember, but we can’t remember how Shereshevsky did it - such an offensive difference. Formally, the possibilities of our memory are almost limitless. You can read about this in almost every popular book about memory. It is known that the information capacity of memory is enormous. Researchers give various figures for memory capacity up to a maximum of 1023 bits of information, but even average figures indicate our memory capacity is about 1015 bits. We will not go into the meaning of the concept of “bit of information”, since it seems to us that this will not help much in understanding the volume of our memory. Let us simply note that the multiplication table contains only one and a half thousand bits of information, and the volume of human memory is several orders of magnitude greater than the memory capacity of modern computers and, apparently, exceeds the information volume of the State Library of the USSR named after Lenin... But it is impossible to reproduce such an amount of information, he believes Canadian scientist Penfield, possible only under special conditions. But where does this wealth go in real life? Why do we forget, for example, to fulfill a basic request - to buy butter or bread in the store? Paradox... Don't you think it's a paradoxical situation when a weightlifter can't handle less weight because he can lift more? Meanwhile, a similar thing happened on Olympic Games in Tokyo with one of the outstanding Soviet weightlifters. The reason for the athlete’s failure was not an excess of force - the failure was caused by its incorrect use. The force was directed to a different, smaller weight. This, by the way, is the very psychological barrier that prevents you from breaking the record. So it is with memory. For some reason, when we absorb certain types of information, we do not remember them and ignore them. Our memorization activity is like an imitation of memorization. There can be many reasons: subjective rejection of information (it is indifferent or causes a negative attitude), the overlap of one information with another, more important, which sometimes leads to so-called absent-mindedness. Memorizing, therefore, requires a certain mindset. And, in addition, some predisposition to this species information, since a ruthless, impersonal attitude towards one’s memory will definitely affect the results in the end. By analogy with the same sport, we can say that perfection of memory must be achieved not just by exercise, but by exercise that matches your inclinations and abilities. What are your memory abilities? Take a closer look, listen to yourself. Memory has many faces. “As many heads, so many minds.” This also applies to memory. The history of the study of memory goes back centuries. Science has accumulated a huge and varied material. Leaving aside special data for now, let’s touch on simple, almost everyday observations. A person may have a phenomenal musical memory and be unable to remember a friend's phone number. Interestingly, musical memory is perhaps one of the most common types of distinctly good memory. Here one might exclaim: “Why? Paradox...” Speaking about musical memory, one cannot help but say that the weakness of musical memory is widespread, incorrect, also wider than any other memory defects. A person has a good, obedient memory, but cannot reproduce the verse of a hackneyed song that visits him every day, or even several times a day, from every window... Can’t hear? Yes, this often coincides, but isn’t such an interpretation too simple? What if there is no hearing about numbers and their connections - then you won’t finish high school? And if there is no hearing to native language? Then the simplest dictation is an insurmountable barrier. Necessity often forces us to do what, it would seem, nature itself ordered us to do. There are barriers that cannot be overcome, and we overcome them. No hearing... No, it's still too simple. What if we remember everything correctly, but when playing (remembering) the melody something happens, because of which one thing not only turns into another, but loses exactly what is important and special? What if, when playing back information, it passes through some kind of filter and the quality of playback depends on the settings of this filter? We'll talk about this later. For now, let’s return to examples that are probably familiar to the reader from our own experience. So, you obviously noticed that a person is better at only one type of memory. People with well-developed visual memory memorize written texts better than those perceived by ear. The memory emerges in them in the form of a visual image. To a person with motor type To improve memory, you need to write down the text yourself. A master about whom they say “golden hands”, a famous athlete, are people with developed motor memory. A ballet dancer must have both motor and musical memory. Different types memories usually cancel each other out. Blind people tend to have good tactile memory. Why does the strengthening of one type of memory coincide with the weakening of another? Are these specialists in remembering different information working in our brain competing? If so, then it means that we process information through several channels and these channels are unevenly wide. If we consider a single channel, we will easily find that its work also contains some internal contradictions. We sometimes cannot remember what we know absolutely for sure. Moreover, the more you try to grasp the forgotten thing that was just literally on the tip of your tongue, the further it hides, only to then suddenly appear from somewhere in a hidden corner. The emotional coloring of the material contributes to its memorization. We remember grievances for a long time. Since childhood we have cherished unique moments of joy. We are on for many years we remember city streets or forest paths if something significant for our heart was connected with them. Uninteresting and seemingly unnecessary material can be very difficult to remember. An attentive student, for example, may notice that a difficult, intractable exam course is mastered precisely when a person develops an attitude towards it. In any case, there is no doubt that emotions are needed for remembering. Experiments on animals have also proven that the emotional coloring of learning a skill by stimulating areas of the brain associated with emotions significantly speeds up memorization and makes it more durable. But the information is recorded. Now, if at the moment when it needs to be remembered, emotionally significant stimuli appear, their impact may be different. Recall of information can improve (everyone knows how sharply and clearly memory sometimes works in critical situations), but it can also simply be suppressed (“knocked out,” as they say). For now, within the limits of this article, we can say that the optimal one, apparently, is emotional background, similar in nature to the information being remembered. But there are, however, people for whom it is precisely the contrast of the general background and the memorized information that helps them remember better. There is nothing paradoxical in this, because the electrical stimulation of brain zones that we have already mentioned, as well as the general purpose of the experiment emotional coloring, causes, according to modern data, precisely the contrast of the stimuli that we register. It is time to remind you that this article is not called “Memory Paradoxes” by chance. Isn’t it strange that the same article contains both the assumption (almost a statement) that we remember everything or almost everything we encounter in life, and discussions about what contributes to memorization and what hinders it. What's the matter? How do these provisions fit together? This is a separate topic, for now we will limit ourselves to the fact that memorization itself, if it is passive, if our “I” does not participate in it, is the accumulation of wealth in a labyrinth, the keys to the treasuries of which are in one tangled bundle. And these keys are faceless. Now let's touch on several more factors affecting memory functions. Such factors include, for example, sleep. Everyone knows that a thought that flashed before falling asleep is remembered the next morning with extreme difficulty or is not remembered at all. Something was undoubtedly important, but what? How interesting they always are, these thoughts are half asleep - isn’t it because we are powerless to restore them exactly and work, so to speak, with the image of thought? So a poet, who did not promptly write down the lines that flashed somewhere on the outskirts of consciousness, then struggles, remembering them and rejecting everything that comes to mind (everything is wrong, not right, weak), including rejecting the very desired, only , great line. It turns out that sleep interferes with memorization. There is even an assumption, which, however, is very difficult to verify, that of all our countless dreams, we remember only those that immediately preceded waking up or even caused it. All this is probably true. Numerous animal experiments have shown, however, that sleep plays a role important role in the retrieval of the memory trace and perhaps even in the memorization itself. Scientists describe two stages of sleep - “fast” and “slow”. In any case, if in an experiment the animal is woken up every time in the phase REM sleep, which is accompanied by dreams (eye movements, the so-called activated encephalogram) - so, if the animal is deprived of this type of sleep, leaving him with only “ slow sleep"(when there are no external manifestations activity), then the next day it cannot reproduce what it was taught yesterday, or does it with great difficulty. It is assumed that it is in a dream that the information accumulated during the day is sorted and, so to speak, put on shelves. Only this should be a healthy, full sleep. Summarizing everything we touched on in this article, we can say that for successful memorization and subsequent reproduction of information, an attitude towards memorization and even the duration of storage of the memorized material is necessary. If we study material for an exam, we will forget it much more quickly than when we study it with a “forever” mindset. An attitude towards the material being memorized is required. Experiments show that out of the amount of information offered for memorization, a person remembers only 16% of information that is indifferent to him, 80% of emotionally charged information, and 4% of that to which he could not characterize his attitude. Finally, you need to organize the material. Meaningful material is remembered nine times better than a set of words, and material retold in one’s own words is remembered more firmly than material taken in the form of ready-made phrases. And you also need a memorization technique.

The concept of “selective reading” is used in cases where the reader concentrates his attention on selected aspects of the text. The art of selective reading is that the reader discovers information through skimming; the reader must connect the subject he has in his mind with the set of words he recognizes in the text. This allows him to say “this is here” or “this is not here.”

The reader can narrow their search if they have a clear idea of ​​where the information is likely to be; Preliminary skimming sometimes helps him understand how the text is organized.

3. Organization of material

Organizational issues are discussed in more detail in Chapter Eight. We will see that written material is sometimes organized in such a way that it is easy to locate; if the organization is of the usual type, a quick reading will reveal this.

4. Posting special information

To find such information, the same methods are used as for selective reading. Skim Reading facilitated if the information is closely tied to the corresponding words, and their general organization can be easily recognized. However, this operation is not complete until the reader is fully confident that he has received the RIGHT information by carefully reading it.

5. Immediate check

Let's say the reader wanted to remember some facts when he finished reading, or wanted to return to a difficult point. This method works well: first, questions are formulated, and then, keeping them in mind, the text is read fluently.

6. Memorization on for a long time

This is discussed in detail in Chapter Ten.



We will consider prediction as component reading: how the reader predicts content when he reads, and how he can predict content even before he begins to read; in other words, how he uses the knowledge he has.


Anticipation means that the reader's mind anticipates his reading of the text, preparing the ground for reading. The ability of the mind to look ahead is highly characteristic of mental activity in general. Let's take an interview as an example. As it develops, the interviewee can sense the general direction of the questions and make reliable predictions with which he prepares his answers in advance. The reader is in the same position: he gradually tunes in to the wave of the topic and begins to actively engage in prediction. This helps him prepare the ground and apply his knowledge.

Thinking and Foresight

If a person has limited ideas, then his ability to predict is limited. A reader who understands the content too narrowly limits his ability to predict and therefore does not make enough use of his existing knowledge.

There is a minimum level of anticipation even among slow readers, otherwise the reader would continually stop to decide in what sense a particular word is used. Each of us increases our reading speed as we encounter familiar phrases and expressions, the meaning of which can be predicted by the slightest sign; however, even this speed gain can be lost during unproductive reading.

People have been reading for hundreds of centuries, but only in our time has the issue of increasing reading speed become so acute. The main reason is the increase in volumes of information as a result of the development of science, its integrativeness and the need to significantly accelerate the development of information. Organize daily training for your brain and the results will not take long to arrive.

In Russian, reading is interpreted in several meanings:

1. reading as a process of perception of formed in various ways texts:

2. reading as pronunciation, recitation of texts, including for educational purposes;

3. reading as an oral presentation in front of an audience of educational (lecture) or scientific material (report).

4. reading as a process of perception, processing, recoding, understanding and memorization various characters and texts using a visual analyzer.

Figure 1. Text processing model

What kind of reading is there?

In-depth- this is a way of reading in which the reader pays attention to details, analyzes and evaluates them. It is also called analytical or critical.

For example, This method of reading is best used when studying academic disciplines.

Quick reading - continuous reading of the text, in which the process of analyzing facts and synthesizing individual concepts quickly occurs.

For example, This reading method is suitable for reading scientific, technical, economic, etc. literature.

Selective reading- this is a reading method in which individual sections of the text are read selectively.

For example, This method is used during the secondary reading of an information source after its preliminary viewing.

Read-View- this is a method of reading in which there is a preliminary familiarization with the source of information.

For example, We pick up a book, quickly look through the preface, use the table of contents to find the most important provisions of the author, by which we can presumably judge the main content of the source, look at the conclusion and draw a conclusion about the usefulness and value of the text.

Read-scan- this is a way of reading a source in which only factual information is found (numbers, words, names, etc.).

For example, To prove his point of view, the reader looks for this or that statistical information in books.

Thus, the considered reading methods show the need not only to master them, but also the ability to choose the appropriate method each time depending on the nature of the text and the time budget.

To master the methods and techniques of fast reading, you need to understand the reasons for slow reading:

Regression- involuntary, mechanical, repeated fixations with the eyes of the same section of text (phrases, words, sentences). With this reading, the eyes move backward, but not to the starting point of reading, but limiting themselves to the near zone.

Pronunciation- this is the movement of the lips, tongue and other organs of speech when reading silently. When reading slowly, internal speaking occurs, proceeding at the same speed as we read the text out loud.

Small field of view- coverage of the text by the eye with one fixation of the gaze. A person perceives letters, words, best case scenario several words, therefore, the eyes make several fixations, which is called fragmentation of the gaze.

Lack of reading strategy- lack of purpose, task and theme that moves the reader.

Lack of attention- switching thoughts to extraneous sounds, thoughts, objects reduces interest in reading and inhibits the perception of text.

Reading Standards

Reading methods differ in the speed of their implementation, which is defined as the number of characters read per unit of time. What is important is not only the speed of reading the text, but also the comprehension rate and reading productivity.

IN different countries Both the names and meanings of reading standards differ between languages ​​(see table).

Reading speed standards in different countries

In our country there are also reading speed standards for adults (see table).

Reading speed standards in Russia

Certainly, Each person's reading speed is different and depends on many factors: the activity of neuropsychic processes, characteristics of thinking, attention, genetic predisposition. But every person, by training daily, can change their own performance.

Speed ​​Reading Techniques

Technique 1. Disable regression.

You need to force yourself not to return to a previously read text. To do this, you can wear headphones when reading or use a special reading algorithm. This algorithm involves sequential extraction of information on key issues.

Special reading algorithm

Technique 2. Turn off internal articulation(pronunciation).

Since our speech is a rhythmic pattern, to increase reading speed it is necessary to use the technique of arrhythmic tapping.

Arrhythmic tapping technique

While reading to himself, a person taps out a rhythm with his hand that does not correspond to the rhythm of Russian speech. For example: one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight. This rhythm breaks the usual mechanism of speech movements when reading a Russian text, that is, it interferes with internal pronunciation.

Technique 3. Expanding the field of view.

An untrained eye is forced to make 12-16 stops while reading, which takes time and tires the eye muscles.

Technique for teaching reading vertically

The table contains numbers from 1 to 25. Look at the center of the table from a distance of 30-40 cm, trying to see the entire table. You must find all the numbers in ascending order from 1 to 25 in 25 seconds. If you have lost something clear, then look for it by moving your eye only vertically. Using the same model, you can make tables for yourself with a large number numbers. Exercise 3-5 minutes daily.

Table for teaching reading vertically

Technique 3. Improving attention.

In psychology it is common to distinguish the following qualities of attention: concentration, volume, switching, distribution and stability. Fluent reading skills require the development of all qualities.

To improve all qualities, you need to perform a series of exercises daily.

Example of exercises.

You have two tasks ahead of you. Each of which you must cover with a piece of paper immediately after reading. You need to read the assignments very quickly. Then you should answer the questions.

Task 1. The wife asked her husband to buy butter, soap, meat, and cabbage. My husband bought: cabbage, soap, butter, lard. What did your husband forget to buy? What did he buy extra?

Task 2. In room 235, in the right drawer of the closet, which stands next to the desk, there is the book “One Hundred Pages an Hour” by Wormsberekh and Kabin. Bring it. Where exactly is the book? Have you been asked to enter room 325, 235, 435? Where is the closet? Where is the book? Who are the authors of the book?

You can also use mobile applications to develop attention and memory:

Schulte table online is one of the most effective simulators for developing attention, memory and speed reading skills.

Lumosity- online version has more than 40 games to train attention, multitasking, short-term and long-term memory, focus (concentration), stress management, etc.

PEAK - contains 25 puzzles divided into several categories. Focus– a series of exercises on interacting with figures: sorting, matching and isolating them. Dexterity– puzzles that require quick decision making and cause a certain amount of brain confusion. Problem Solving– a series of puzzles in which a special emphasis was placed on working with numbers and geometric shapes. Memory– 7 exercises for memory training and working with cards. Language– provides for the development of skills in quickly selecting words, making pairs, searching for words among a letter grid (support for English only).

"B-trainika" - daily selects 5 exercises for you, aimed at comprehensive improvement of the basic cognitive functions brain Total time classes are 15-20 minutes a day. All simulators are designed in the form of games, so training on them is exciting and interesting.

Thus, with the proper dedication, diligence and desire, success is guaranteed to you.