How many liters of blood are there in the human body? How many liters of blood are in the body of an adult and a child? Safe volume for life.

Blood is a liquid tissue consisting of plasma and formed elements. In plasma, which is colorless liquid, the cells in suspension are: leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes. The latter give it its characteristic red color. The state of health depends not only on the composition of the blood, but also on how much of it is contained in the human body.

Plasma makes up about 60% of the total volume. If you separate the formed elements from it, then 90% of it will consist of water, the remaining 10% are salts, carbohydrates, proteins, carbon dioxide, oxygen, bio active substances. Men always have more plasma than the fairer sex.


Blood performs essential functions in the human body. It constantly circulates in a system consisting of large and small blood vessels, which penetrate all organs and tissues, with the exception of the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes, articular cartilage, cornea of ​​the eyes, hair and nails.

Red cells deliver oxygen to tissues due to the ability of hemoglobin to reversibly bind to its molecules. Platelets are directly involved in coagulation during bleeding: they rush to the site of vessel damage and form a blood clot at this site. Leukocytes are the body's main defenders from internal and external harmful agents.

Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to tissue cells, and carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs, carries metabolic products, nutrients, hormones, enzymes, biologically active substances, and is also responsible for the delivery of metabolic end products to organs excretory system. It regulates temperature and maintains water-electrolyte and acid balance in the body.

How much blood does a person have?

U different people its volume is not the same. It depends on gender, age, weight and individual characteristics. The norm is taken to be from 5 to 9% of body weight. On average, an adult circulates approximately 5-6 liters of blood, and a child, accordingly, has less. Its quantity is maintained by the body at the same level. If there are deviations in one direction or another, health problems arise.

With a sharp decrease in blood volume, it falls blood pressure, anemia, necrosis may develop, and brain activity may be disrupted. Losing two to three liters in a short period of time can result in the death of a person. As a rule, if half the volume is lost, 98% of people die.

If the system circulates increased amount, nosebleeds may occur. Cuts and other injuries in this case take longer to heal, which is due to the greater pressure under which blood flows out of the wound. As a rule, when excess blood forms in the body, it is redistributed. She enters muscle tissue, skin, processed by the kidneys and excreted naturally.

In men, about 5-6 liters constantly circulate in the body, in women - about 4-5 liters. In a child’s body, its volume is significantly less than in an adult, and depends on weight and age. Its amount may change periodically, which is associated with bleeding, significant physical activity, injuries, menstruation, consumption large quantity liquids. Women tolerate blood loss much easier than men.

How to determine a person's blood volume?

For this purpose, a certain amount is injected into the blood contrast agent, as a rule, a harmless dye. After it is distributed throughout the riverbed, a fence is made to determine its concentration.

Another way is to inject radioactive isotopes and count the number of red blood cells that contain them. The amount of blood is determined by the level of its radioactivity.

Blood transfusion is used to normalize blood volume in the body.

How to make up for the loss?

Today this problem is solved with the help of transfusion donated blood. This procedure is necessary for severe injuries, surgical operations, childbirth Most often, plasma is transfused, which makes up about 60% of the total volume. The donor's blood must match the patient's group and Rh factor.

According to the existing law, you can donate no more than 450 ml of blood (or 600 ml of plasma) at a time. In addition, there are restrictions on the frequency of donation and the weight of the donor (4 times a year for women, 5 times for men, the interval between donations is at least 60 days, the donor’s weight is at least 50 kg). This order is due to the fact that the loss of 10% of blood can lead to a deterioration in health and the development of anemia.


Human health depends not only on the composition of the blood, but also on its volume. A significant decrease in its amount in the body can cause illness and even death.

Blood is the most important fluid in the human body. People's lives depend on this fluid, and its deficiency can lead to loss of consciousness and even death. Therefore, people often want to know: how many liters of blood are in a person, what is the minimum amount necessary for life?

Before calculating the amount, it is worth finding out what components it consists of and where it is located in the body. It's not just a liquid, it's special kind connective tissue, which circulates throughout the body, delivering nutrients to different parts of the body and removing waste products from the body. It consists of two main components:

  • plasma (liquid part);
  • formed elements (erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes).

The volume of plasma in the body of an adult healthy person is 50-60% of the bcc (circulating blood volume), formed elements - 40-50%. But these figures are approximate - the exact ratio of plasma to the rest is determined individually.

Formed elements consist of three types of bodies:

  • red blood cells (red);
  • leukocytes (white);
  • platelets (platelets).

The first ones do transport function– they combine with oxygen and deliver it from the lungs to all organs and tissues. While giving off oxygen, red blood cells simultaneously add carbon dioxide, transferring it back to the lungs. White blood cells- This protective system body, they destroy bacteria and other foreign bodies. Platelets are “plasters”, blood platelets that clog human wounds and cuts. A lack of platelets can lead to bleeding disorders.

Blood is distributed unevenly throughout the body, located in two different systems. About half circulates throughout the body from arterial vessels into the venous (and so on in a circle). Its second half is contained in one of the storage organs - the blood depot - the spleen, liver or skin.

Important! Blood is also distributed unevenly throughout the vessels. Approximately 73-75% of it is contained in the veins (which is why damage to these vessels is so dangerous), about 20% is in the arteries, and only 5-7% is in the capillaries.

How much blood is in the human body

Approximate blood volume is a rather imprecise figure and may fluctuate depending on various factors. Gender, age, physical training, nutrition, pregnancy (in expectant mothers the volume is higher due to the common circulatory system with the child) greatly influence the average.

Exactly total quantity measured by introducing radioactive isotopes into the body and counting red blood cells. According to research, the average numbers are:

  • for men – 5-6 l;
  • for a woman – 4-4.5 l;
  • in children (8-10) years old – 2-2.5 l;
  • in older people – 4-5.5 liters.

Important! The higher the indicator physical activity, the greater the volume of circulating blood. In people with bed rest, the number of red blood cells decreases by 10-15 percent over two weeks.

How to calculate blood volume yourself

But still, these figures are very approximate. After all, the volume of blood in the body depends mainly on a person’s weight, and these calculations are made on the basis of average data. How to find out your number yourself? To do this, you don’t have to go to the clinic - just know your weight and make simple calculations.

So, let's say the weight is 60 kg. Normal percentage the ratio of blood volume to body weight is from 6 to 9. First, we calculate it using extreme indicators. At 6% it is 3.6 liters, and at 8% it is 5.4 liters. We add up the resulting values ​​and divide by 2 - we get 4.5 liters. This is the average blood volume, which can fluctuate depending on various factors.

You can go another way. The average blood content per kg of weight is 70-75 ml/kg for men, 60-65 ml/kg for women. We multiply this figure by our weight, we get the volume in ml, which must be divided by 1000. But the method does not have special significance– the numbers will be approximately equal.

Important! In pregnant women, the value of volume per unit of mass increases greatly - 75 ml/kg. This is due to the common circulatory system of the child and mother.

Safe volume for life

Ordinary cuts or scratches are not dangerous to human life. Only damaged small vessels– capillaries, violations of the integrity of which quickly eliminate platelets. The only threat is blood loss from large vessels - arteries and veins.

Since almost half of the blood is in reserve, a loss of up to 30% of the total circulating blood volume is not considered life-threatening. Losing a third of your blood volume can cause sweating, nausea, dizziness, and others. unpleasant symptoms- but the person will remain alive. IN similar situation It is recommended to drink a lot to replenish the volume of circulating blood - a transfusion from a donor is usually not required.

We must remember! Donation does not pose a health risk - about 400 ml of blood is donated. Healthy man will easily compensate for such blood loss due to the release of blood into the bloodstream from the depot. The maximum that can be felt is a slight dizziness.

Massive blood loss

When a person loses from 30 to 50% of his blood volume, this is more serious. A person's skin turns pale, the body becomes cold, and the limbs become bluish from lack of oxygen. In such a situation, an urgent blood transfusion is necessary - otherwise loss of consciousness or falling into a coma is possible. Losing 50% of volume is already fatal; few people experience this. Survival under such circumstances is possible only if emergency assistance is provided. medical care. Death occurs if more than 4 liters (60%) were lost during bleeding.

Important! Women experience blood loss much more better than men, they can survive the loss of even 50% of the bodies. This is due to childbirth, during which they lose up to several hundred milliliters of blood.

A person's blood volume is an important indicator affecting health. Severe bleeding is extremely dangerous, especially if major arteries or veins are damaged. Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to stop the loss of blood with a tourniquet and call a doctor. Be sure to look at the instructions on how to help people with heavy bleeding. Later, such skills can save someone's life.

When asked how many liters of blood are in a person, any schoolchild who is familiar with biology will answer: “5–6 liters.” And this will not be a complete answer. The numbers given are the average. This volume is theoretically observed in a man of average build and weight. In fact, the volume of blood depends on how old a person is, what weight he has, and what gender he belongs to. Let's look at the issue in more detail.

How many liters of blood are there in an average person?

The answer to the question of how much blood a person has is based on the assumption that the blood volume of an adult is 5–9% of his total body weight. Thus, the student’s answer should be clarified. An adult man has an average of 5–6 liters of blood in his body, while a woman has approximately 4–5 liters.

Moreover, blood is unevenly distributed in the body. So, 50% of its volume falls on the muscles and kidneys, 13% on the lungs, 10% on the liver, 8% on the brain, and the rest on the heart and intestinal vessels.

Doctors know more accurate ways to determine the volume of blood in each individual body. The two most common are:

  • A harmless dye is injected into the blood.

Thanks to circulatory system it spreads throughout the body.

After this, blood is taken for analysis and the concentration of the dye is determined.

Based on the data obtained, the blood volume of a given person is calculated.

  • A radioactive substance is injected into the blood.

Then, based on tests, they look at how much of this substance is in red blood cells. Next, they create a proportion that shows how much blood is in the body.

Knowing what the volume of blood is is not necessary to satisfy abstract curiosity. Eat a whole series diseases in which blood volume and the number of red blood cells decrease or increase. Besides, this information necessary during surgical operations.

Human blood: composition

Blood is a liquid that is vital to the body.

Thanks to blood, tissues and cells receive oxygen, and the lungs and kidneys remove unnecessary substances from the body.

It connects various organs and systems with each other and protects against infections.

Body temperature and how the genitals work depend on it.

Not every student can answer the question of what blood consists of. 60% from plasma. This substance is 99% water, but without it the formation of blood in the body is impossible.

Plasma contains:

  • Erythorocytes.

These are 99% red cells that color the blood and carry oxygen to vital important bodies. One drop contains 300 thousand red cells.

  • Leukocytes.

Only 1% of all blood cells. They are called white cells, and they are responsible for our immunity.

  • Platelets.

Substances that cause blood to clot. If a person is deficient in these substances, he may experience bleeding from the nose, gums, or even skin.

Doctors distinguish about 12 diseases and more than 8 pathological conditions related to blood problems.

There are four main blood groups:

  1. A group conventionally called “Hunters”. People with this blood type are born leaders. They are self-confident and do not take criticism well.
  2. “Farmers” are individuals who are able to adapt to any life situation.
  3. “Nomads” are those who do not want to commit themselves and are ready for any changes.
  4. “Riddles” are people who are characterized by free-thinking and the ability to accept everything new. Scientists suggest that people with this blood type appeared on Earth only a thousand years ago as a result of a mixture of “Hunters” and “Nomads”.

Blood is a substance that many cultures consider sacred. The well-being and health of a person depends on its volume. Therefore, it is so important to know about its composition and volume.

The blood that circulates through the circulatory system of the entire human body is a liquid; it contains platelets, plasma, as well as erythrocytes - red blood cells and leukocytes - white blood cells. Blood plays one of the most important roles in the body, as it provides an inextricable and constant connection between all organs and, at the same time, by how much its composition changes, the state of human health can be determined. The amount of blood in the already formed adult body remains almost unchanged.

Functions of the circulatory system

Blood carries oxygen and various nutrients between organs, and also transports various metabolic residues and carbonic acid to those organs that help remove waste products: lungs, skin, kidneys and intestines. She also has very important protective functions- White blood cells and proteins from the plasma help neutralize toxins and absorb microbes that enter the body. With blood endocrine system regulates everything vitally important processes and function, since the bloodstream carries hormones produced by the endocrine glands throughout the body.

Tissue fluid, blood and lymph are internal environment body, its composition and physico-chemical data are supported by regulatory mechanisms and therefore are one of the most important indicators of human health. If any inflammatory or, for example, pathological processes related to various diseases, then the composition of the blood changes and to make a diagnosis, the doctor first needs a blood test. Blood is liquid medium, consisting of a certain amount enzymes, therefore the analysis of the ratio of the elements contained in it is done using a method such as centrifugation. About 55 - 58% of the blood is plasma, and the remaining 42 - 45% are formed elements; it has been found that women have slightly less of them than men.

How much blood is contained in the human body

On at the moment, by using various methods It is possible to accurately determine the amount of blood in the human body. The first popular method of determination is the introduction of a dosed amount of one of the permissible substances into the blood; it is retained in it for a short time. After waiting some time for the uniform distribution of such a substance throughout the circulatory system, a sample is taken to determine its concentration in the blood. For this, colloidal dye is most often used, since it is completely harmless to the body, for example, such as Congo - mouth. The second method of determining the amount of blood is the introduction of artificial radioactive isotopes into it. After carrying out several manipulations with blood in the laboratory, it is possible to calculate the number of red blood cells where the isotopes entered, and by the number of radioactivity in the blood, determine its quantity.

Thanks to modern technologies It was found that blood makes up approximately 7% of a person’s body weight, so with a weight of 60 kg the blood volume will be 4.2 liters, and, for example, with a weight of 71.5 kg - 5 liters. The amount of blood can sometimes be 5 - 9% of a person’s weight, most often this is due to various bleeding, loss of fluid or, on the contrary, adding it to the blood; such fluctuations are always not long-term. There are regulatory mechanisms in the human body that keep the total amount of blood constant.

How many liters of blood are in a person you are unlikely to be interested in unless necessary. However, this indicator is very important in conditions of blood loss for any reason. We seem to understand that blood plays important role that there is no life without her. And to what extent is its loss acceptable?

The amount of blood in the body of an adult is, on average, from four to six liters. The volume of circulating blood depends on age, gender, body weight, height and volume muscle mass(the blood volume of a person actively involved in sports is greater than that of someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle).

The amount of blood in the body in women is slightly less than in men and usually ranges from 3.5 to 4.5 liters. However, during pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in women increases significantly.

Blood in the human body performs essential functions. It provides:

  • transport of gases (O2, CO2), nutrients, hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamins, enzymes, electrolytes, etc.;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen (oxygen transfer is ensured by hemoglobin found in red blood cells);
  • saturation of all cells and tissues with essential nutrients;
  • delivery of metabolic end products to the place of their disposal (kidneys, sweat glands, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract);
  • protection of the body from infectious agents due to the presence of bactericidal factors, antibodies in the blood, immune complexes etc.;
  • maintaining thermoregulation and blood pressure;
  • regulation of the functioning of organs and glands through the transport of biologically active substances.

Blood volume varies slightly from person to person. However, it is possible to approximately calculate how many liters of blood a person has by knowing his weight.

How many liters of blood does an adult have?

The volume of blood in the human body ranges from 6 to 8 percent of body weight. In newborns, the blood volume is slightly larger than in an adult and amounts to approximately fifteen percent of body weight.

By the first year of life, the amount of blood in a person is approximately 1% of the total body weight.

Calculation example

  • 70*0.06 (six percent of 70 kg) = 4.2 liters;
  • 70*0.08 (eight percent of 70 kg) = 5.6 liters.

Therefore, a person weighing 70 kg has an average blood volume of 4.2 to 5.6 liters.

However, this calculation allows only approximately to calculate how many liters of blood are in a person. For more accurate calculations, you should focus on the formulas used in intensive care.

How much blood is in a person in liters - exact calculation using the formula

The volume of circulating blood in women is calculated using the formula:

60 milliliters * per body weight in kilograms.

How many liters of blood in male patients is determined by the formula:
70 milliliters * per body weight in kilograms.