Is it possible to eat before a general blood test? Patient preparation. Nutrition before donating blood

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood? This is the question asked by the vast majority of citizens who are about to take this test. At the same time, objective and reliable information Only a few know about preparing for a blood test, and the information received from the attending physician is too general.

Preparing for the test

This type of test involves taking a limited amount of blood for chemical analysis its composition. Depending on the purpose of the study, blood tests are of the following types:

  • biochemical research(for biochemistry) – allows you to evaluate the work internal organs human, metabolic state;
  • general blood analysis;
  • sugar test - allows you to determine the level of glucose in the blood, which is a decisive indicator in diagnosis and treatment diabetes mellitus. Check out the current regulations. If you suspect you have diabetes, we recommend studying the main signs and symptoms of the disease.

General rule, which every attending physician is obliged to convey to the patient before issuing a referral, states that it is necessary to take tests on an empty stomach. This means that no food should be consumed before the blood test, so as not to cause chemical reaction metabolism, affecting chemical composition blood.

To comply with the rule of taking tests on an empty stomach, the attending physician will always clarify how long before you can’t eat and what you can do in preparation for blood sampling. Questions “why not” and whether it is possible to drink water, as a rule, are not asked.

Let's define the basic rules before donating blood from a vein and from a finger. It is strictly forbidden to consume any kind of food products, and the last meal should be no later than 8-12 hours before blood sampling. It is this period of time that takes the complete process of assimilation of food, after which the chemical composition of the blood returns to the normal state for the body.

Biochemical blood test is also covered this rule, and the minimum period of time after eating cannot be less than 8 hours.

In practice, the attending physician recommends limiting food intake the evening before the test. This period of time will be at least 8 hours, and ideally 12 hours. This time is quite enough to bring the blood to a state that allows for an objective assessment of the functional state of the body and metabolism.

To prepare for a general blood test, relaxation regarding the time of food intake is allowed - the minimum period of time should not be more than 1-2 hours, and the composition of the products must also correspond to the instructions of the attending physician.

When preparing for blood collection, any food products containing nutrients. Such products even include fruit juices, tea and coffee, so you should forget about doubts “whether you can drink tea or coffee” once and for all. Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited 1-2 days before the expected blood test, since the residual alcohol content in the blood lasts longer than the nutrients in food products.

Is it possible to drink water before taking blood?

One question remains - is it possible to drink regular drinking water when donating blood? Medicine does not contain any prohibitions regarding the use clean water, since its chemical composition is not able to directly affect the blood test.

We are talking about the usual drinking water, not enriched with additional ingredients (artificial sweeteners, dyes, etc.).

Moreover, some doctors even recommend taking a limited amount of water with you to the laboratory, since drinking it before drawing blood can calm the patient’s condition and relieve unnecessary nervousness. In the instructions that patients receive before being sent for tests, they usually do not write about drinking water, limiting themselves to the list of foods and drinks whose consumption is strictly prohibited.

However, there are certain types blood tests during which it is forbidden to drink even plain water. Such analyzes include:

  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • blood test for AIDS or HIV infection.

This requirement is due to the inadmissibility of even the slightest influence of extraneous factors on the state of the blood for these tests. Water consists of chemical elements, which means, theoretically, can create an error in the study of biochemical or hormonal parameters.

Since blood chemical indicators directly depend on factors external environment and a person’s lifestyle, before taking any type of blood test, you must be in a calm state and completely eliminate physical exercise or stressful situation. Also, for blood sampling, only the morning time of day is established, when the composition of the blood is in its original state and the best way suitable for research.

For clinical trial blood, there is a ban on the use of medications, except in cases where the attending physician prescribes a blood test to determine the effect of the drug on the condition of the patient’s body.

Thus, instead of following myths and speculation, preparation for blood sampling should be carried out taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. If questions arise, they should be asked to the doctor when issuing a referral, and not to the laboratory assistant when taking the test. In addition, each specific type of blood test has its own special restrictions on the permissible consumption of foods and drinks.

Today, few people have enough time to thoroughly monitor their health. And that's not good. It is advisable to go to a qualified specialist at least once every six months for a routine check of your own condition. Not all people know whether it is possible to eat before general analysis blood. This question is very important, because if the doctor receives incorrect results, he will not be able to accurately determine the disease and select the appropriate treatment program. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail, and also talk about how to prepare your body so that the results are reliable.

general information

This type of laboratory test is the most informative for many doctors. It is he who is prescribed to the patient first when going to the hospital. This clinical analysis has been performed for quite some time and is very labor-intensive, but it provides an opportunity for doctors to get a similar picture of the health of their patients.

So is it possible to eat before a general blood test and why? The answer is clear - no! The thing is that in order to obtain a correct interpretation of the test results, it is necessary that blood with a natural chemical composition be taken. And if you eat any food, it will be disrupted, which, in turn, will affect the results.

What information does a blood test provide?

If you do not know whether you can have breakfast before a general blood test, it is best to first consult a doctor about this.

This type of laboratory research allows doctors to:

  1. Correctly assess the patient's health status.
  2. Correctly identify the disease.
  3. Identify the presence of a disease that occurs secretly.
  4. Monitor treatment and make necessary adjustments to therapy.

The results of the analysis make it possible to determine whether the indicators correspond to the norm or how much they deviate from it. If deviations are detected and any indicators are underestimated or overestimated, this is evidence of the presence of any diseases.

Is it possible to eat before a general blood test? The answer to this question should be clear to everyone, because when eating any food, they enter the bloodstream. various substances and macroelements, as a result of which their quantity increases and the indicators deviate from the norm. In addition, after eating, the number of leukocytes increases. This is quite normal, but the doctor may regard this as the presence of some kind of disease.

Why is it critical to avoid eating before the test?

Here we come to the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat before a general blood test. All doctors immediately warn their patients that this is not allowed. This is important nuance, since this is the only way the results will be accurate and the doctor will be able to get a real picture of the patient’s health condition. In addition, it is not recommended to have dinner too late before the analysis, as this can also negatively affect the results. After eating food, at least 8 hours must pass.

If you have to donate blood for tests, then a few days before going to the hospital you should:

  • give up fatty, spicy and fried foods;
  • do not eat sweets;
  • drink only plain water;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not take a steam bath or sauna;
  • try not to take any medications or notify your doctor if you are taking them.

Many people are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to smoke before a general blood test. If you are a heavy smoker, then it is not recommended to smoke in the morning, since harmful tars, acids and nicotine can affect the reliability of the tests.

How to behave on the day of going to the hospital?

On the day of delivery, it is better not to have breakfast at all and not to drink juice or compote. Only non-carbonated water is allowed. It will not only quench your thirst, but also increase blood flow. Is it possible to drink tea or coffee before a general blood test? The answer is no! Any drinks should be avoided.

Violation of the following rules is also prohibited:

  • if you are on any diet, then shortly before going to the hospital you need to give it up;
  • at least one day before the analysis, it is prohibited to undergo an x-ray examination;
  • Before the analysis, it is necessary to cancel any physiotherapeutic procedures.

It is worth noting that the rules for preparing the body for blood donation may be different. It all depends on what exactly interests the doctor. Therefore, it is recommended to consult your doctor first. In some cases, breakfast may be mandatory, for example, if you need to determine the level of insulin in the blood.

Is it possible to feed children before donating blood for laboratory tests?

Every parent is interested in the question of whether the child can eat before a general blood test. Children should prepare for the test in the same way as adults. Therefore, if your child is sick and the doctor needs laboratory blood tests to correctly determine the disease, then you should not feed him for at least 8 hours before them. Some doctors say that it is better not to eat for at least 12 hours before going to the hospital to donate blood.

What is allowed to be eaten?

People suffering from certain diseases should eat much more often than usual and completely healthy man. For example, if the patient has problems with the pancreas or endocrine system, then a person should eat often, but in small portions. Therefore, they simply cannot go without food. Allowed to use light food. It could be small portion porridge cooked in water, without using any seasonings. You can also eat a sandwich with cheese, crackers or fresh vegetables.

Meat, fish, sausages and canned food are strictly prohibited. This also applies to any treats and marinades.

Preparing the body for tests

So, we figured out whether it is possible to eat before a general blood test. Let's now talk about preparing for tests. Any strict rules not here, but for everything to go as it should, it is advisable to follow some tips.

Most often, blood sampling for tests is carried out early in the morning. At the hospital, a small cut is made on the patient's finger using a scarifier and a few drops of blood are taken. If the finger is injured, then in this case blood is drawn from the earlobe. In young children, blood may be drawn from a toe or heel. In some cases, blood may be taken from a vein for a general analysis.

A few days before the test, you should completely abstain from alcohol, as it contributes to the disorder. normal composition blood, as a result of which the results will be incorrect. This also applies to diet. It is best to eat “light” foods, steamed or boiled. In this case, you should avoid using salt, sugar and any spices during the cooking process.

If you play sports and go to the gym, then shortly before going to the hospital to donate blood for laboratory tests, you must stop training. This also applies to work that requires heavy physical exertion. If possible, it is best to postpone it.


You need to take your health very seriously. If you are sick, you need to go to the hospital to see a specialized specialist for therapy. But so that the doctor can determine the disease and select effective program treatment, he needs to have an idea of ​​the chemical composition of the blood, namely, the compliance of all indicators with the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for analyzes with all seriousness.

If you don’t know whether you can have breakfast before going to the hospital to donate blood for laboratory tests or not, then consult your doctor on this issue and he will tell you in detail about everything. In this case, your health condition will be determined correctly.

Donating blood for donation is a serious procedure, and in order for it to be done safely, a person must complete a number of measures. Besides general recommendations Doctors advise the donor to adhere to a certain diet immediately before the procedure. A person who has decided to do a noble deed and donate his blood must accumulate strength and saturate the body with useful microelements as much as possible. It is recommended to begin preparing the body for the procedure a couple of days in advance, and it is during this period that, in addition to diet, you should completely abstain from alcohol and certain medications.


When donating blood, the donor loses about four hundred milliliters of blood. This is a significant loss for the body, which will have to work at its limit for some time after the procedure. During this procedure, the donor's body releases about 72 grams of protein, up to 0.3 grams of iron and up to 4 grams of various mineral salts. In addition, the person donating blood loses up to 2 grams of fat and up to 350 milliliters of water. All these losses should be painless for a person, so it is important to saturate the body as much as possible before donation.

People who donate frequently are less likely to suffer from various diseases of cardio-vascular system. Statistics show that the average donor lives five years longer.

In addition, the quality of the blood must be high, and therefore some groups of foods that can negatively affect its main indicators should be excluded from the diet a couple of days before the procedure. On the day you donate blood, you must have a hearty breakfast and saturate your body with useful microelements. All restrictions that exist in the donor’s diet are short-term in nature and are aimed mainly at increasing the quality of blood parameters.

A few days before donating blood, it is advisable to include foods containing a large number of carbohydrates. It is recommended to consume almost all fruits, with the exception of bananas, as well as vegetables. A person can eat bread, crackers, and cookies without restrictions, giving preference to those products that are made from wholemeal flour. There are no restrictions on boiled cereals, but it is better if they are cooked in water without adding fat, butter, or milk.

The donor's body will be favorably affected by fish served in boiled or steamed, as well as white meat such as turkey. It is allowed to use various types of jams and preserves. For drinks, it is better to drink mineral water, as well as all kinds of juices, fruit drinks, compotes, and, of course, sweet tea. The donor's diet should be varied and rich in vitamins.

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Food restrictions

Before donating blood, a person must exclude fatty and smoked, as well as spicy and fried foods from his diet. On the eve of the procedure, restrictions are introduced on the consumption of dairy and fermented milk products. In addition, you should completely avoid butter and eggs, chocolate and nuts. Bananas, avocados and all types of citrus fruits are prohibited.

It is highly undesirable to drink sweet carbonated water, especially on the day of the procedure.. It is recommended to give up sausages and sausages, all kinds of semi-finished products. A complete ban is imposed on all types alcoholic drinks. In addition, doctors recommend giving up smoking for a while. All these recommendations should be followed when donating blood for plasma.

Photos of products that are best avoided

On the day of blood donation

A person should not donate blood on an empty stomach, on the contrary prerequisite on the day of the procedure there is a light breakfast. Before going to the transfusion station, you can eat sweet porridge cooked in water, such as buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. It is recommended to add honey to it. In addition, the donor can be given fruits or dried fruits. It is also recommended to eat inedible dryers or crackers. Immediately before donating blood, you should drink a glass of sweet tea.

After the procedure

If a person is completely healthy, then after donating blood, his body is fully restored within a few hours. However, it is recommended to spend the whole day in a gentle restorative mode. You should eat tightly and regularly for two days after donation. It is advisable to include more fruits and vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates in your diet.

Studies have shown that no more than 15% of the population in the world can be blood donors, however real people, who became donors are tens of times less.

In the first hours after donation, you should drink as much fluid as possible. Pomegranate or cherry juices, sweet tea, as well as mineral water. Food should be rich in protein and iron, as well as calcium, which will help cover the body's plasma losses. Doctors advise eating chocolate and taking Hematogen within two days after donating blood.

Donating blood for donation is a complex procedure, but if you follow all the above recommendations, it will pass without a trace for the body. Correct and balanced diet will help the donor quickly regain his strength and minimize all possible risks.

Blood tests are the most commonly ordered laboratory research. With their help, the doctor can evaluate general state patient, diagnose the onset of the disease at an early stage, monitor the effectiveness of the therapy used. In many cases correct behavior before taking a blood test, have great importance. Failure to comply with the basic rules of preparation for research can lead to incorrect results, which, of course, will affect the diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment. Let's look at what you can and cannot do before a blood test, what foods you can eat before a blood test, and which ones you should avoid. To do this, we present the basic rules for preparing for the tests that are prescribed most often.

How to properly prepare for a general blood test?

Using a general blood test, the doctor determines cellular composition blood, hemoglobin level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Based on deviations in the values ​​of general (clinical) blood test indicators, a specialist can identify the presence of inflammation in the body, determine the nature (bacterial or viral) of the disease, determine the development of anemia and other pathological conditions. Sometimes changes in indicators clinical analysis blood are the first to signal the onset of the development of severe blood diseases.

A general blood test is taken when routine examinations, to monitor the condition of pregnant women and patients who have chronic diseases.

So how to properly prepare for this study, what can you eat before the blood test?

There is no consensus among experts regarding whether to take a general blood test strictly on an empty stomach or whether you can still eat before a blood test. Some doctors recommend donating blood for clinical research strictly on an empty stomach, that is, at least 10-12 hours should pass from the time of the last meal. Other doctors say that it is enough for 2-3 hours to pass before taking a blood test. It is important to exclude fatty, spicy, sweet, and fried foods from the diet on the eve of the analysis. A light breakfast is allowed, which should not contain dairy products, butter, or sausages.

You are allowed to drink water immediately before the blood test. Only it should be clean, still water without dyes or flavors.

On the eve of blood sampling for research, excessive physical activity and psycho-emotional stress are not recommended. You cannot visit a bathhouse or sauna before a blood test.

If the patient takes any medications, he must warn the doctor who prescribes this blood test about this.

A biochemical blood test (blood biochemistry) is a laboratory research method that can be used to determine functional state main human organs and systems. It is used in the diagnosis of liver, kidney, rheumatic processes, disorders water-salt metabolism, deficiency of essential microelements.

Before taking a blood test for biochemistry, proper preparation is necessary.

Firstly, at least three days before blood sampling, exclude physical activity and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Secondly, blood must be donated on an empty stomach; you can eat before the blood test no later than 10-12 hours before the test.

Thirdly, blood is donated for biochemical testing before diagnostic and physical procedures or taking medications.

Fourthly, best time for blood collection - from 8 to 10 am.

Fifthly, on the day of donating blood for testing, you should not smoke, you must maintain physical and psychological rest.

Sixth, immediately before donating blood, it is recommended to sit quietly for 20 minutes.

In the case where biochemistry is carried out to determine cholesterol, you can eat before the blood test no later than 12-14 hours before the test.

When donating blood biochemistry to determine the level uric acid must be observed special diet. Foods rich in purines are excluded from the diet - offal (kidneys, liver), meat, fish, tea, coffee.

If the goal biochemical analysis blood is to determine the iron content, it is best to donate blood no later than 10 am.

Proper preparation before blood tests for sugar and hormones

A blood sugar test is performed to diagnose diabetes mellitus, control sugar levels in patients, and the effectiveness of therapy.

Blood for this study may occur either on an empty stomach or after eating. Whether or not you can eat before a blood test will be determined by the doctor referring you for the test.

If you need to donate blood on an empty stomach, it is important that at least eight hours have passed since your last meal. The juice or tea you drink is also taken into account.

If you need to donate blood after a meal, you need to eat 60-90 minutes before taking blood.

In addition, there are special techniques taking blood tests for sugar. In each specific case, the doctor determines how to properly prepare for the test.

A blood test for hormones is almost always done on an empty stomach. It is advisable that 10-12 hours pass after the last meal before taking blood. You cannot drink tea, juice, coffee. You can drink water before the blood test.

An exception may be tests for the hormones insulin and C-peptide. Typically, blood for such studies is donated two hours after eating. But the doctor will definitely warn the patient about this.

If you need to take a blood test for hormones thyroid gland, it is necessary to exclude iodine-containing foods from the diet for several days - fish, seafood, iodized salt.

Blood sampling for the hormone prolactin should be carried out no later than two hours after waking up.

When a specialist sends a patient for blood biochemistry, he especially emphasizes that this procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Sometimes you can drink just a little water, but it depends on what exactly the doctor wants to check. Why is it forbidden to eat and drink before taking a biochemical blood test? Are there any other prohibitions, and what are they related to? You will find complete answers to these questions below.

General concept

Biochemical screening is one of the most effective techniques diagnostics human body. It contains about two hundred indicators, but in practice, experts use only 30 every day.

Biochemistry makes it possible to check:

  1. Liver function (analysis for total and direct bilirubin, GGT).
  2. Kidney function (checking levels of urea, uric acid and creatinine).
  3. State of the pancreas (determination of glucose, C-peptide, alpha-amylase concentrations).

The main advantage of blood biochemistry is the ability to determine early stages development of diseases based on changes in the concentration of chemical components of plasma.

Blood chemistry

Is it possible to eat before a blood chemistry test?

Thanks to this study, the doctor will be able to assess the patient’s health by analyzing the main indicators. This procedure requires preparation from the person being studied, one of the most important aspects which is the issue of nutrition.

Taking material for the LHC is done only on an empty stomach, while coffee and tea are strictly prohibited.

Foods that should not be eaten before donating blood for biochemistry include:

  • Fat.

Fatty food
  • Roast.
  • Smoked.
  • Alcohol in any form.
  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Kidneys.
  • Liver.

Important! To increase the accuracy of the results, the doctor has the right to put the patient on a strict diet for 3-4 days before the test. This decision cannot be ignored, otherwise the patient will have to undergo biochemistry again and undergo additional tests.

Is it possible to eat before donating blood for a biochemical sugar test?

Glucose is a criterion carbohydrate metabolism in organism. Testing its concentration does not require such rigorous preparation from the person being tested. Some experts even rule out abstaining from food for twelve hours before taking blood, but most doctors still ask patients to prepare for this.

What can you eat before a biochemical blood test? Scroll acceptable products contains everything except:

  • Spicy.
  • Sweet.
  • Fat.
  • Bananas.
  • Avocado.

  • Citrus fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Sausages.
  • Meat.

The first part of foods should be removed from the diet 36 hours before the event. The second part – 6 hours before visiting the laboratory.

  • The consumed portion does not exceed 150 grams.
  • You are allowed to eat a maximum of half the standard daily food allowance.

Acceptable single serving

Despite the absence of prohibitions, it is better to test plasma for fasting glucose concentration, since this will give the most accurate result. If a morning fast causes severe discomfort to the patient, it is allowed to drink no more than 350 ml of clean water.

Is it possible to drink water before a biochemical blood test?

The concentration of some chemical elements in the blood is highly dependent on the level of water in the body. These include:

  • Leukocytes.
  • Uric acid.
  • Glucose.

Because of this, people who need to test the concentration of these compounds should not only avoid food, but also water.

In the same time a small amount of clean water will be useful before taking blood from a vein, as this will make the procedure easier and faster. This is especially important for expectant mothers, since pregnancy provokes female body development of new uteroplacental circulation, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Important! At low rates A person’s blood pressure narrows, so it is not always convenient for a laboratory technician to take blood. Such patients are allowed to drink a small amount of water.

Some patients are too sensitive to venous blood sampling, and against the background of fasting this feeling intensifies. To avoid loss of consciousness, such people are even recommended to drink 150-200 ml of water right 10 minutes before the procedure. This dilates the vein, blood is drawn easier, and the procedure itself takes less time.

This ambivalent attitude of specialists towards taking water before blood biochemistry is noted all over the world. For example, in foreign countries Doctors allow water and various drinks to be taken directly on the day of the procedure. Our doctors are not only adamantly opposed to any liquids, but also veto the use of chewing gum and brushing teeth before drawing blood.

Why you shouldn't brush your teeth

Many people find the ban on brushing their teeth on the morning of the test unreasonable. However, it has strong supporting arguments.

One of the components of most toothpastes is chlorhexidine and triclosan - synthetic substances antibacterial properties. When cleaning, they mix with saliva and first enter the stomach, and then into the blood, where they affect its chemical composition. Compared to natural antibiotics, synthetic antibiotics are not characterized by the division of microflora into harmful and beneficial, so they destroy all microorganisms in their path.

You can't brush your teeth

Sometimes paste manufacturers add sweeteners to their product to improve it taste qualities. When they enter the blood, they increase the concentration of glucose, so the analysis for this substance will no longer be reliable.

An essential component of toothpastes and other products household chemicals is sodium lauryl sulfate. the main task This substance creates a foam that improves teeth cleaning by breaking down enamel plaque.

In addition to its advantages, lauryl sulfate also has a negative effect on the human body:

  1. Changes the protein concentration in cells.
  2. In combination with other care products oral cavity creates nitrate compounds that accumulate in the body and slowly leave it.

There is an analogue of lauryl sulfate - sodium loreth sulfate, which, in addition to the above negative action on the body, provokes the formation and accumulation of toxic dioxins in it.

Therefore, doctors prohibit some study subjects from brushing their teeth before undergoing biochemical blood screening. No matter how carefully a person performs this procedure, the constituent elements of the paste will still enter the blood with saliva and change its chemical composition for some time.

Based on these arguments, it is prohibited to use and chewing gum for fresh breath. Some patients experience severe discomfort because of this, but it is better to “suffer” for a while from lack of hygiene than to retake the test later.

However, in addition to asking what you can eat before donating blood for biochemistry, and whether you can eat at all before a biochemical blood test, it wouldn’t hurt to learn about other useful recommendations.

Proper preparation for the procedure

Blood biochemistry is laboratory method examination, which allows you to monitor the work of vital important organs human body. It is used to check:

  1. Liver.
  2. Kidneys.
  3. Rheumatic processes.
  4. Correctness of metabolic processes.
  5. Shortage useful substances and microelements.

Because of this wide range possibilities, biochemistry requires the patient to strictly adhere to the following restrictions:

  • Five days before the test, avoid physical exercise.
  • Ten days before the event, stop drinking alcohol.
  • Get tested before your appointment medical procedures, injections and pills.
  • Complete the event before eleven o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Do not smoke 2.5 hours before taking blood from a vein.
  • Minimize any stress (especially emotional).
  • Sit quietly for half an hour before visiting the laboratory assistant.
  • If an adult patient is scheduled for a cholesterol test, they should not eat for fourteen hours beforehand.
  • An adult, teenager and even a child should not consume any types of meat and fish, liver, tea and coffee within 9 hours to determine the concentration of uric acid.
  • It is better to take a blood sample to check your iron level before ten in the morning.

The first four points can also be useful before taking blood from a finger.

Avoidance of emotional stress

Is it possible to eat before taking blood biochemistry tests to check blood sugar and hormone levels?

A study of sugar levels is indicated if the development of diabetes mellitus is suspected, in order to monitor already sick people and check the correctness of the selected therapy.

The collection of material for this analysis is carried out on an empty stomach or after a snack. Only solves this issue qualified specialist, based on individual characteristics patient. If he insists on the first preparation option, the subject must eat eight hours before visiting the laboratory. The “allowed” snack includes juice, tea and coffee. If biochemistry is prescribed after a meal, the person must eat an hour and a half before the test.

Note! Blood biochemistry for the concentration of hormones and glucose requires special training, all the nuances of which the doctor is obliged to convey to the patient.

Blood sampling to check hormones is always done on an empty stomach. It is strongly recommended not to eat fourteen hours before the event. All drinks except pure still water are prohibited.

The exception is checking insulin and C-reactive protein. Blood is donated for these indicators strictly after two hours after eating food. An experienced specialist will always tell you about this fact.

When checking the concentration of thyroid hormones three days before the procedure, daily diet All iodine-containing products must be excluded.