The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. Professional qualification requirements for the training of qualified workers (specialists)

Profession (from Latin professio - officially specified occupation) - type labor activity a person who has a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result special training n work experience. The name of the profession is determined by the content and nature of the work or official functions, the tools or means of labor used. Many professions are divided into specialties. A profession as a group of related specialties (profession - doctor, specialty - general practitioner, surgeon, ophthalmologist; profession - teacher, specialty - teacher of geography, history, mathematics) can be represented in six main aspects of social relations, its six main components: 1) area of ​​application of human forces as a subject of labor, limited type of labor activity; 2) a community of people performing certain labor functions that are of a socially useful nature; 3) preparedness (knowledge, abilities, skills, qualifications) of a person, thanks to which he is able to perform relevant labor functions; 4) the activity of a professional as a process of implementing labor functions performed professionally; 5) activities performed for a certain remuneration; 6) activities that give a person a certain social and public status.

Specialty (from the Latin species - genus, kind) - a type of occupation within one profession, based on a related type of discipline (for example, profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, pediatrician; profession - teacher, specialty - mathematics, physics); necessary for society and limited due to the division of labor, the area of ​​application of human forces, allowing him, on the one hand, to embody his professional potential, on the other hand, to receive necessary funds existence and development opportunities.

Qualification is the level of development of special abilities of a subject (employee), allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a certain professional work. Qualification is determined by the amount of theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, skills, abilities that an employee possesses and which are his most important socio-economic characteristic. Qualification is a reflection of the level professional excellence subject. There are formal qualifications, expressed in officially fixed ranks, classes, titles, categories, etc., and real qualifications - the level of skill that a person can actually demonstrate.

Position is the least objectively and documented manifestation of the profession. The position can be identified with a qualification (“junior researcher”), with temporary duties (acting manager, project manager), with the profession as a whole (psychologist in an organization).

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In the English-speaking environment, the concepts of “profession” and “occupation” are distinguished. The term profession applies only to a small range of high-status professional activities. All other types of professional activities relate to specialties or types of work or occupations.

In domestic professional studies, the concepts of “profession” and “specialty” are distinguished. Profession is a broader concept than a specialty, its distinctive features in addition to professional competence, there are also socio-professional competence, professional autonomy, self-control, group norms and values. A profession, as a rule, unites a group of related specialties.

A specialty is a complex of acquired special knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform certain type activities within a particular profession, through vocational education, preparation and in the process of work. Thus, a specialty is one of the types of professional activity within a profession, aimed at achieving more specific or intermediate results or at achieving overall results by specific means.

For example: profession - doctor, specialties - therapist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, urologist, etc.; profession – engineer, specialties – designer, technologist, metallurgist, etc.; profession – mechanic, specialties – plumber, electrician, toolmaker, etc.

Specialization is an even greater detail of the specialty.

For example: profession – psychologist; specialty – developmental psychologist; Specialization: developmental psychologist working with older people.

Qualification is a level of professional skill. There are two main types:

Formal (reflected in titles, salary categories, etc.)

Real (how a person actually works)

There is often a discrepancy between formal and actual qualifications, which gives rise to industrial conflicts.

IN recent years The concept of “qualification” has been significantly enriched. In addition to knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific specialty, an employee’s qualifications include professionally important personal qualities necessary for a wide range of professions.

Professionally important qualities include: responsibility, reliability, communication, ability to cooperate, creativity, ability to make independent decisions, etc. Productive implementation of specific professional activities requires, as a rule, the implementation of 5-7 professionally important qualities.

Position – usually used in 2 senses:

Position as a type of leadership work

Position – any officially recorded work.

For example: school director - both position and profession (manager in the education system); Chemistry teacher – both a position (there is a job description), and a specialty, and a profession.

A labor post is not a specific place. There are components of a job position (the structure of a good job description):

Fixed goal of work;

Fixed labor result;

Fixed working conditions;

Fixed subject of labor;

Fixed means of labor;

Fixed responsibilities (area of ​​responsibility);

Fixed employee rights.

This is all psychological understanding. And there is a bureaucratic understanding. Which is essentially illiterate, but no one wants to fight the bureaucracy.

For example: Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, when issuing diplomas they write: specialty - psychology; qualification – psychology teacher.

Question 3 Dynamics of the world of professions.

Division of labor into professional types activity was observed already before our era in Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and other ancient states. Significant differentiation of labor occurred during the era of the industrial revolution and subsequent technological progress led to a significant increase in the range of professions. In 1965, the official US directory listed the characteristics of 21,741 professions and about 40,000 specialties. IN International standard classification of professions in 1988, 9333 professions were included. The unified tariff and qualification directory in our country unites about 7,000 professions and specialties. These special documents reflect the situation that existed at the time of their preparation, but at the time of publication they already need to be adjusted, because The world of professions is very dynamic.

There is a need to revise the established names of professions, the content of which has expanded significantly (cleaner - “cleaning machine operator” or “interior technician”; conductor passenger carriage; clerk)

There is a group of “dying” professions that will exist for a long time in small handicraft enterprises; the names of these professions reflect the craft forms of labor, its guild division - prospector, furrier, saddler. These professions can be combined into groups of craft types of labor and folk craft professions.

IN last decades The equipment and production technology have been radically updated:

Intellectualization of labor and production in general through the integration of science, technology and production;

Complication of technology and technology due to knowledge-intensive technical systems: electronics, pneumatic engineering, chromotronics, etc.;

Development of technical and technological basis modern production and a change in labor, which leads to the blurring of the boundaries of professions and the formation of integrative modes of activity that go beyond the boundaries of one profession;

Universalization technical devices based on latest technologies, increasing the versatility and multi-purpose compatibility of tools.

New professions are constantly emerging, the labor content of existing professions is being updated, low-skilled professions are dying off, combined and integrated professions and specialties are appearing, there is a need to introduce the names of new professions and determine their characteristics, labor content, skill levels, contraindications, etc. The range of new professions is emerging spontaneously; they enter the workforce with great delay. official directories– manager, promoter, supervisor, merchandiser, etc.

Overcoming the listed shortcomings in the world of professions is possible if there are specialists - profession designers - they could solve the problems of designing new professions, determining the purpose and content of work, educational requirements, skill level, working conditions and contraindications, designing professionograms, qualification characteristics, job responsibilities .

Security questions

1. Define the concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, “qualification”, “job position”?

2. Describe the relationship between the concepts: “profession”, “specialty”, “qualification”.

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  • Profession is a historically established type of labor activity that requires certain skills acquired as a result of special (professional) education, vocational training and work experience. There are 3 types of professions: universal, partially specialized, highly specialized. Modern professions qualified by object or subject of labor, by means of labor, by working conditions, by industry. According to object of labor five types of professions are distinguished: man-living, nature (agronomist, veterinarian), man-technology (assembler, mechanic technician), man-man (salesman, hairdresser, doctor, teacher), man-sign system (programmer, linguist , mathematician), artistic person (actor, artist, musician). By working conditions E. A. Klimov divides professions into 4 groups: 1-Work in microclimate conditions close to household, “room” ones (b): laboratory assistants, accountants, computer operators. 2-Work related to being outdoors in any weather (o): agronomist, installer of steel and reinforced concrete structures, inspector of the State Traffic Inspectorate. 3-Work in unusual conditions at heights, under water, underground, at elevated and low temperatures etc. (n): antenna mast operator, diver, mining machine operator, firefighter. 4-Work in high-pressure conditions moral responsibility for life, health of people (adults or children), great material assets(m)teacher kindergarten, teacher, investigator.

    Speciality- type of activity within the framework of a profession, a complex of acquired knowledge, creating the possibility of certain activities in any branch of production, services, culture, education. Qualification- the degree and type of professional preparedness of a specialist, the presence of knowledge and skills necessary for him to perform work of a certain level of complexity and quality. Professional qualifications - stages and levels of professional preparedness of a specialist to perform one or another type of work of a certain quality and complexity (category). Qualification level - This is a stage of personnel training in the system of continuous professional education, characterized by a certain volume and ratio of general and vocational education required to master a profession (specialty). In secondary vocational lyceums there is basic, advanced secondary vocational education, level 5 - secondary and general education-Higher professional education, bachelor's degree, master's degree, postgraduate). Specialization- part of the specialty within which it is created. Specialization involves obtaining more in-depth and expanded knowledge in various areas activities in this specialty.

    Professionogram - This is a descriptive model of the professional activity of a specialist. It includes a description of the characteristics of the profession, working conditions, required training standards, professionally important qualities, rights and responsibilities. Professional characteristics of the profession- this is a descriptive model of the profession, which determines the goals of the graduate’s professional training, the general requirements for the results of training graduates in specialties without relative categories and ranks. The professional characteristics reflect the training parameters of the profession and are reflected in the standards for the profession. Prof. characteristics include: name of the profession, code according to the classifier, purpose of the profession; qualifications, contents of professional activities, list of educational elements of the federal content component.

    Vocational education- socially and pedagogically organized process labor socialization of the individual, providing orientation in the world of professions, mastery of a specific specialty and skill level, continuous growth of competence, skill and development of abilities in various fields human activity.

    Contents of vocational education - totality of achievements in various fields life activities of society, which must be learned and which include professionally and pedagogically adapted fundamentals of science (experience cognitive activity person); a set of knowledge (practical experience in certain areas of activity); professionally and pedagogically adapted social experience, identical to the structure of human culture; experience creative activity, experience in the field of emotional-value relations (morality, aesthetics, law). The experience of cognitive activity is recorded in the form of its results, which are knowledge. Practical experience is recorded in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of professional activity, in the form of methods of professional activity. Learning content is an integral component of the process vocational training, answers the question “What is to be learned.”

    In the content of training includes the following components: scientific knowledge about nature, society, technology, thinking and methods of activity; experience in implementing methods of activity that include, along with knowledge, intellectual and practical skills; experience in creative and exploratory activities. The content of the training is determined by the following regulatory documents: State educational standard, basic curriculum of the educational institution, training programs, textbooks and teaching aids.

    There can be many options for the content of training, but the content of education is always “standard”. Principles for constructing the content of the free software: compliance of the content of the free software with the goals and values ​​of the free software; content compliance the latest achievements engineering and technology; structural unity of the content of vocational education at the level of discipline cycles; unity of content with the process of theoretical and industrial training(the content must be unified not only with the goals of education, but also with the methods of educational and professional actions, which are one of the components of the content); unity of content with the process of assimilation. Content requirements: scientific content - formation of an accurate picture of the world, disclosure of real connections and relationships, correct explanation of phenomena and processes, familiarization with basic ideas scientific theories, underlying the description of labor processes. That. science is the source of educational content; compliance with the prospects of scientific and technical progress - this is expressed in the advanced nature of training, in the implementation of a level above the qualification level. Conclusion: So content requirements are determined by three factors: scientific and technical, technical and technological, production and economic. On this basis the model of a skilled worker is built.

    The content of secondary education is divided into compulsory (general education and professional) and optional. Vocational training is divided into 3 cycles of disciplines: General technical (subjects that provide the study scientific foundations techniques and technologies of an intersectoral nature), general professional (focused on a specific type of activity of an intersectoral nature), professional (subjects that provide training directly in a specialized profession). The professional cycle is divided into 2 parts: basic disciplines (developed on the basis of the federal component of the standard) and special courses (real regional component and a continuation of the basic course).

    To build successful career, school graduates must understand that in our time there is no way to do without higher education, which is truly a ticket to adulthood.

    Mastering a prestigious profession at a higher educational institution will help you find a prestigious, interesting and high paying job, as well as realize your plans and dreams.

    In 2003 Russian Federation ratified the Bologna Convention, according to which the European Area of ​​Common Higher Education was created. After this, a diploma received at any Russian university will be officially recognized in each of the 48 European countries who signed the declaration. However, with entry into this space, some confusion in terminology arose. Let's try to figure out what qualification with a diploma means.

    Profession and specialty

    The result of training is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in some area of ​​application of labor resources. The concept of profession includes activities in the following situations:

    • some area within which a person’s resources, skills and qualifications are invested;
    • joint work of a group of employees who are united by certain complementary functions;
    • performing tasks for a reward;
    • social status acquired in the process of performing work.

    It is worth understanding that the concepts of qualification by diploma and profession are not exactly the same thing. This is a profession practical application previously acquired knowledge, mastery of any type of activity.

    Diploma qualification is the level of acquired knowledge that is necessary for its application at work.

    Specialty is more certain concept, it is considered some part of the profession. For example, in the profession of a lawyer, a person may have the specialty of a lawyer, notary, prosecutor, or judge. That is, a specialty is a narrow application of a person’s skills, some specialized use of his strengths.


    This definition itself has a somewhat vague meaning, since its acquisition can be both theoretical and practical. Diploma qualification reflects the level of training of a person after graduation educational institution. And the formulation may differ from the quality and degree of preparation received during the training process.

    Ratification of the Bologna Convention led to reforms in Russian system education, which became three-stage. Graduates can now have one of three levels of training:

    1. Bachelor (at least 4 years of study). A basic form of student training that is complete (and not truncated, as is popularly believed). In the diploma in in this case indicates in which industry the bachelor's education was received and in what direction. That is, the qualification for such a diploma coincides with the specialty (for example, “Bachelor of Economics”).
    2. Specialist (training for at least 5 years). Upon completion of the specialty, the qualification is written in the diploma, for example, “engineer” and specialty – “Electronic engineering”. Applied to education and public relations the first definition is a narrower concept.
    3. Master (at least 6 years of study). After completing a bachelor's degree, you can receive a diploma, complete your studies and go to work, or you can go to a master's program and continue gaining knowledge. However, in a master's diploma, as in a bachelor's degree, the definition will coincide with the specialty.

    The concept of qualification in labor relations has a completely different meaning, as it implies the acquisition of experience, increasing the level of knowledge and skills. Thus, theoretical knowledge is tried on in practice, which is reflected in the implementation of work activities.

    It is not without reason that they say that work ennobles a person, especially if the work brings pleasure and prosperity. The material side of a profession is determined by such concepts as specialty and qualifications. How are they different from each other and how can you tell the difference? Let's try to understand this issue using reliable information.


    Speciality– a set of knowledge obtained as a result of targeted training and confirmed by the relevant document. Skills and abilities are necessary in order to successfully cope with the range of responsibilities performed by him.

    Qualification– level of training assigned based on the results of an assessment of a specialist’s skills by an independent commission and confirmed by documents. The mastery scale is represented by levels (categories), movement along which occurs in the vertical direction.


    Thus, a specialty is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, and qualification is a level of skill. The scope of concepts varies significantly. Specialty is an extremely broad term, which also includes qualifications. A person can have several professions, and each of them has its own level of skill.

    The process for assigning them is slightly different. So, to obtain a specialty, you need to undergo training, and then pass an exam in practice. After it starts professional activity, we can talk about having qualifications. First it's the most low level(rank), and then, as skills improve, it begins to grow.

    To summarize, we note: a specialty is a profession, and a qualification is a level of skill. How to prove that the applicant is really able to cope with the assigned tasks? A specialty can be confirmed by a diploma, qualifications can only be confirmed by practice.

    Conclusions website

    1. Scope of concepts. Specialty is a broader concept, which also includes the level of qualifications.
    2. Receipt. A specialty is assigned to a person after he has successfully completed training and passed exams. Qualifications are assigned upon receipt of a profession.
    3. Dynamics. The specialty obtained after training remains forever. The level of qualifications may change: for the better or for the worse.